Recap And Reviews Kdrama Trot Lovers: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Trot Lovers: Episode 2 -

The show continues on Zippy pace as both Chun-hee and Joon-hyun reluctantly recognize how important it is to cooperate, to make Chun-hee a singer. But while Joon-hyun focused on his bank account, Chun-hee's focus on her family. Hilarious hijinks occur when Geon-woo and Soo-in finally meet, or at least hilarious for him, shame on them. But at least they seem to have enough chemistry to make a second guide pairing credible. What our lines, well, of course they're going to end up together, because no matter how much they bicker, then there is still a glimmer of affection between them. Or maybe I'm blinded only by all sequins.


by Joon-hyun at the "Medal Meddler" outburst of ruining his reputation and career for, everything he want with a hilariously awkward crow sound and a confused Byul know this "ahjussi" is is satisfied. He responded to by putting sunglasses on his trademark and flashing a radiant smile. Oh, the ego.

There is ego, the storm him like the Diva he does is, he cries, he can not, no he not train Chun-hee. She just sees him, wondering what it emerge out of the blue.

Joon-hyun stands forlornly outside with his suitcase and guitar, wondering where to go now that he has been his fancy apartment sacked. He is (his own pair of sunglasses and big smile, ha Sport) startled by the sudden appearance of President Jo, offer him a ride.

While driving Joon-hyun tries to explain that it is not possible simply to him, Chun-hee to train. President Jo asks sarcastically whether the Joon-hyun talent means can only go so far, and Joon-hyun tried to explain quickly that it is not about talent, exactly - or at least to not be talent. It's about the bad relationship between him and Chun-hee. There is simply no way that can work two of them.

President Jo seems to accept this, but orders his driver out of the car Joon-hyun and his luggage to haul. Joon-hyun coddled his precious guitar, confused as to why they stopped outside a courthouse - until President Jo the amount of damages from rattling (billion won, as millions of dollars) accrued gloss rating for Joon-hyun scandal. They are on trial because President Jo goes to sue for breach of contract Joon-hyun.

Joon-hyun is his best pouty face when he asks on his knees for a last chance, but President Jo reminds him he him another chance already gave ,

Which Joon-hyun sad drags his suitcase and guitar Chun-hee home, nearly doubling means back, as he says himself, there is no way he can do this. But he enters her house anyway, muttering to himself that these "evil fate" not to get angry.

except possibly could, because right now there are two loan sharks in their living room, demanding to know where her father is so he can repay its debts. Chun-hee is less than thrilled Joon-hyun, but the loan sharks at the chance are pleased to see, to get their money back.

Because it looks to go for a while to hang around, they could also get proper names: Loan Shark # 1 LEE CHUL-MAN ( Jang Won -Young ) and loan shark # 2 LEE YOO-shik ( Yoon Bong-gil ). To motivate him with a real terror to bury them Joon-hyun in the ground up to his neck. Chun-hee is desperately trying to get the loan sharks promising to stop, that they'll have a ton of part-time jobs work and pay it back, piece by piece.

When he on his face, Joon-hyun blurts out that they actually make money quickly because they signed a contract with Lucifer. Shoveled dirt to get further The loan sharks are surprised that she can sing, and if they deny it (despite Joon-hyun her desperate glances shoot), they continue to bury him.

The phone rings, and from this end, it sounds like they have Chun-hee's father found. Yoo-Shik orders who is on the other line to "plant" it because someone needs to die unless the debt is repaid. In desperation, says Joon-hyun she can sing, and fight back years, as it relies on the now-familiar "With You".

Yoo-Shik of Chun-hee, the performance is very enthusiastic, and Chul-man is amused at supportive fan Joon-hyun chants, emerging from under the paper bag over his head. Soothes, leaving the men shine Star to check out, and Chun-hee left is to dig Joon-hyun.

Geon-woo plays Go with his father and President Jo would be if he wins the game. For its price, he asks Geon-woo for one year on the company to take over, and after that he will be handed over to a professional manager.

he did not have very high expectations for his son, but asks that he make at least a small fraction of the training he received as a chaebol son. Geon-woo-flops back with a sigh in his chair, not pleased.

Chun-hee has managed to free Joon-hyun to the shoulders. I do not know if I would give her grief about singing trot when she is the one that holds the device for your freedom (and the ability to use these oh so scary to keep worms away), but it does not matter if they gets a call from the morgue say they have identified their father. She throws the shovel and runs away.

Fortunately, the man turns out not to be her father. But Joon-hyun is completely forgotten, and as the night descends, he freaks out about scary animal eyes and movement in the bushes. Which turn out to be ... a cute little bunny. HA. But he manages to free one arm and grabs the shovel.

to facilitate their stress and anxiety, Chun-hee runs laps around the track field. Your old coach watching them for a moment before it with a teasing greeting "Have you is finished warming up?"

Chun-hee explains how relieved she was to discover it in the morgue not her father. But then she suddenly became angry when she knew he was still alive. Tears stream down her face as she wonders how her father could leave her and her sister, so they left without a word.

My old coach tells about a time when Chun-hee's father visited the school after she fainted. As Chun-hee, the stubborn kind to run and never give up, he asked the coach in his daughter curb before she was injured. The trainer points out that Chun-hee's father loved his children more than anything else, so if he is gone, it's probably for a good reason

At home Byul opens the door, Chun-hee expected -. And is surprised to see an exhausted and grimy Joon-hyun. Her sister told her never to open the door to suspicious persons, but as Joon-hyun collapses on the floor, he tells her that he is not tired a suspicious person; He is a well-known celebrity.

you think his explanation (or at least pity on him) to accept. He complains that he is hungry, so Byul shows him the rows of prepackaged triangle kimbap in the refrigerator. He is delighted at the sight of food, but Byul stops him, warning him that he has to eat on the bottom row, first, because they are older. Once it is clear that he was the expiry date of latest kimbap in April back, he drops it in horror disgust.

When she leaves the Shine-star building, trainee Soo-in flags on what she thinks, a company car is sent it to a sudden dinner with the new president Shine Stern take. She is on the phone with her mother, YANG Hoo-JEE ( Yoon Joo-sang ) asks irritably, if they just eat and run down at a beautiful face.

you pretties also in the back seat up on socks and makeup. As she watched the driver she realizes she is creeped - but the driver is nothing but Geon-woo amused when he overhears their conversation on

When they arrive at the hotel restaurant, he leaves. Car with valet and follows her course inside. Soo-in he accepts following her because she forgot to tip him so that she gives him a few bills. At first, he seems offended, but he takes the money anyway. And continue to follow in her.

It is to call on him for his game, when her mother's new president Shine Stern welcomes curious why the two came together.

Soo-in is stunned but recovers quickly and tried to appear as modest as possible, while her mother asks him if he the company in operation will be like his father. Yang Hoo-jee is politely deferential Geun-woo wishes, since he is their superior at work, but still manages to get him to order some terms of his assessment of the shine Star Castings (and of course, it to remember that her daughter an intern, also).

Chun-hee finally comes home, surprised to discover Joon-hyun will be auditioning. She asks him why he considers to be a singer talking about President Jo and education, and he admits that he does not understand either

He reminds her that she has her father to repay debt -. Does she have a better idea? Oh, and also a hair dryer? She kicks him, and he grumbles when he front of their home nestled on the platform itself.

Byul and Chun-hee cuddling in their blankets, but Byul is sleeping too excited, as she babbles on about her sister a singer, wearing a shiny sequins to be -dress like her mother. She is thrilled that Chun-hee could appear on television, and that her father could see them and come home early. Chun-hee smiles only on enthusiasm of her sister, and falls asleep as Byul, Chun-hee clutching CD to her chest as a safety net to her mother.

A sudden downpour bothers Joon-hyun, who is uncomfortable trying to sleep on the outside platform. Fortunately for him, Byul takes him out of the rain in. You pass a sleeping Chun-hee and Byul can tiptoe him her father's room to sleep in (where there is a towel and a hair dryer left, aw). But Chun-hee eyes open -., So I think they decided to let him stay

The next morning, Yang Hoo-jee is busy, sure the audition judges to vote for her daughter while Soo-in attempts, their own quirks to work by finding out what Geon-woo settings are, especially his taste in women. You could just ask him, he just comes in time to overhear the last question. Busted.

When they ride the elevator together, Soo-in apologized for thinking he was just a driver. He shrugs it off and said he never intended to correct disturbed. They tried to make light of the situation, to ask if he would buy her dinner when she won the audition.

He answers cool they one who should be treated, if it wins. Oh, and about the money they gave him as a "peak" - she holds her hands and thought, he goes back there - he says he does spend wisely. He goes smoothly the elevator to leave her in stunned silence.

Chun-hee and Joon-hyun wait outside the president's office, but no one is there. Joon-hyun goes to investigate, and Chun-hee puts in a call to the center of child care, to ask if they will fall Byul.

Geon -Woo tried in the door code to punch in the president's office, but with problems entering the correct code (well, it is its first day of work). He hands his sports drink for keeping Chun-hee, and she suddenly realizes where she saw in front of him -. He's this crazy guy to give from the sports club

When his failed attempts the president's office sets off the alarm, it picks up the phone to call security - but realizes that he has left his phone somewhere else. He reaches for Chun-hee phone, which then chases after him to get it back.

yelled at him for a kleptomaniac to be, she snatches back her cell phone and realizes too late that they are locked in the stairwell. Geon-woo amazed just to the security features of the building. is

Joon-hyun busy to ask for the president, but no one takes him seriously. He holds in his tracks when he sees Soo-in, and take the chance to give her the song he wrote for her back. It takes some convincing, but she accepted it eventually. It points out, his phone rings and he answers hesitantly -. It is Chun-hee

as they wait in the stairwell, she goes full throttle with their accusations, ask what he's doing and he had the law try to open the President of the door, reminding him of his actions at the sports center , He's just surprised pleasantly, how quickly can they speak

Joon-hyun suddenly opens the door, already her forever in trouble chiding -., Until he sees courting Geon-. He asks Chun-hee, the "this guy" is how he sliiiiides on his trademark sunglasses. Hee.

They soon discover that he is the new president, and Joon-hyun relaxes confidently in the office, when he informed Geon-woo that President Jo really wanted to bring them here, to sign a contract. He hands over the documents, but Geon-woo they are again - Joon-hyun surprised to discover that there is no audition contract but an invitation for Shine Star talent search program. It will be televised, and there is a prize of one hundred million won ($ 100,000) prize.

Chun-hee and Joon-hyun are discouraged at this discovery, and they find a quiet corner in the Shine Star offices to find out what's next to do. You decide soon because the audition is tomorrow.

He is up for it, but Chun-hee, she never says wanted to be a singer. Since there is no guaranteed contract as originally thought, they do not want to do it. Your priority is to find a job, taking care of Byul and her father's debt. She apologizes that he has buried in her name, and says goodbye.

But Yoo-Shik and Chul-man waiting for her when she leaves the shine Star building. They tried to convince them that they can find a job, pay back the money, but once they see the amount of the prize, they decide to take matters into their own hands.

In one of her nightclub dressing rooms are coveted a trot singer all shiny sequined costumes. Chun-hee is the over-the-top options that they present to their horror, but the two men are adorably excited when they try to select the perfect dress.

When his card at the ATM refused, Joon-hyun discovered the hard way that it is totally broken - he has Ramyun not even have enough money for a cup. President Jo finally returns his call, asks Joon-hyun as the training goes. After reminding him, as the president always (and willing to take him to court, to sue him for billion won) observed Joon-hyun rumbles that it for the audition tomorrow are well prepared.

Joon-hyun ex manager Tae-Song tries to become a singer in his own right, and meets with a super shady Executive entertainment agency that recommends some fairly drastic plastic surgery. (Is it really trendy as the Joker to look?) But the creepy, run-down surgery clinic is just too much for him, and he scurries away.

When he sighs in relief at his escape from what would be certainly was a cosmetic surgery disaster, his phone rings: it's Joon-hyun rival SHIN Hyo-yeol ( Lee Yi Kyung ), and it turns out Tae-song is now his new manager.

Joon-hyun's home when Chun-hee comes and takes her to audition agreed as he holds the shiny red sequined dress in her arms. She wants to know why he invested so to do with her audition, but he evades the question on preparing for tomorrow to focus. First they need to decide on a song.

Chun-hee, a variety of different types attempts of nice ballads to hip-hop, but Joon-hyun diengs! every time they made National Vocal Competition style, as it grows more and more depressed, how terrible it is. Then she begins her favorite trot song to sing, and he admits defeat: you can only sing trot. You work through the night, as he. Their coaches on pronunciation, rhythm and posture

to take the morning foreplay, Soo-in decides easily accessible by elevator wait Geon-woo. But the hopes are dashed private conversation, when the elevator doors open on another floor, revealing Joon-hyun and Chun-hee -. In its red sequined glory

brought you out with the distinctive costume embarrassed, and is made even more uncertain than Geon-woo reminds Joon-hyun, which was only Chun-hee invited to listen. He forced out of the elevator to step so that Chun-hee back.

The audition waiting room is filled to practice with trainees, and Chun-hee finds a corner to go nervously through her routine. But it is immediately detected by NA PIL nyeo ( Gag Concert s Shin Bora ), which uses its position as a top trainee to harass the new kid in the water dispenser refilling.

Soo-in help explain steps to Chun-hee how the hierarchy works in the trainee world, and the two girls, what appears to be a real moment of bonding seems like they laugh at Pil-nyeo ego (and equipment). But Pil-nyeo haughty attitude lasts only so long, because although good start in their auditions (Singing 2NE1 "Lonely"), she falters quickly and forgets a few lines. Sobbing, she returns to the waiting room, which was cut.

Next, Soo-in, the "stolen the heart has Tears" Ailee leads (from the secret OST). Her voice fits sweet gentle ballad, and everyone is excited at the Auditorium -. In particular, a besotted Joon-hyun, and a very happy mother on television in her office

Meanwhile, Chun-hee is left the last in the waiting room and Joon-hyun sent a number of texts reminding them to stand upright - otherwise this no a fight between her and judge. You pictures to tell him the words, and returned only for a brief moment her confidence as she stands up straight. But she's right back in nervous anxiety to sagging.

Finally, it is Chun-hee's turn. Located clumsy the judges, and they are curious about their choice of a trot song. When she, her mother explains uses trot singing when she was growing up, President Jo slips into the back of the auditorium. The song she chose is actually a song that made her mother as a remake.

One of the judges is surprised that Chun-hee has no stage experience and never sang in public, and seems about to disqualify them then and there, but Geon-woo overrides his concerns when he Chun-hee encouraged to start.

as the opening strains of "Hot Pepper" (originally by Yoo Ji-na) blaring from the speakers, stage fright she overcomes and Chun-hee turns to the audience and judges them back. Her voice trembles as she sings, but she feels the small hands of Byul around her waist. Imagining the encouraging face her sister, Chun-hee is to be turned back into position.

But instead of the audience, she sees her parents and Byul, happily dancing and cheering for her. Breaking out in a big smile is, forget her nervousness, and thrown himself heart and soul into their performance.

Soon, she got all ahjummas and ahjussis clapping and dancing together, including the loan shark duo who have quickly become their biggest fans. Joon-hyun looks at the extremely positive response to their music in astonishment to (his finger tapping to the beat, ha!). Geon-woo and his father are also pleased at the reaction.

Most important is the broad smile Chun-hee wearing when she once sang the song her mother leads.


What a fun ride! So far I'm loving everything about this show. True; it is not the original scripts, but the plot is very satisfying for what it tries to do - a sweet rom-com to be an underdog who can pursue their passion. I'm mostly surprised how fast everything moves. Normally for a story like this, I would expect all still there, figure out is, is a competition. If nothing else, I expected that we would get more than just a few minutes of installation Chun-hee practicing and training for the audition.

This is not a complaint, necessarily. I have no problems, we have pretty much jumped headfirst wait in the story instead of the background structure for a few episode. But that means I'm a little concerned that this fleet pace will not be sustainable, and about halfway through everything and bring burn to crash, and it will be nothing but fear and anxiety to the end. I am glad that we managed to cram together at one time quite a few drama tropes, like the forced cohabitation (which I adore). How gorgeous house they are, now that Joon-hyun burst into Chun-hee's house and the life!

Hopefully it will not be to afraid. I mean, how can it be when we are surrounded by shiny sequins of trot, and it's sweeping a two-beat. I admit, I'm a secret fan of trotting (he, not so secret anymore!), So I'm pretty happy that we unabashedly love trot Flat'll still spend fourteen episodes on Chun-hee. If they can make a convert from Joon-hyun, I'm pretty sure that they can convince almost everyone believes that trot barrels fun (because it is total!).

thank God, but we were given another trot song other than Nam Jin "With You". it's a beautiful song, but by the end of the first episode, I was a little tired of it. I hope we will get more and more of a classic trot line-up, as the show goes on. (There is also a small part of me that make this a little trendy trot hopes, but I'm not holding my breath.)

As much as I enjoy everyone in the show, I admit I'm a little confused about the side characters. Geon-woo amaze me - I, that he was a kleptomaniac Airborne, who does not want the company to run, but I also feel there has to be something more to it. I just have not figured out what yet. Perhaps it is still too early to complain that I have not been a character in the position to take yet, but it's still a little annoying that I'm not sure what his motives are, or even what he really cares about. I mean, why he so much takes care of Chun-hee going forward in the audio sample, except that he seems amused by her vague (and because his father told him)?

Also, I think I like Soo-in, but her character confuses me too. I do not mind that she has moved on from Joon-hyun to shift their attention to Geon-woo, because it is less about romance cares as promote about their careers. And that's kind of a welcome change from the norm of the second guide, which so often of the "How can you dare try to steal my husband" is ilk. I was pleasantly surprised how nice it was to Chun-hee, but I'm not sure if that's just because they prefer a threat to his not Chun-hee into consideration. Not yet.

But how beautiful is Jung Eun-ji as Chun-hee? I love her. They make it really shine and convince me that their toes touching her down deep in their souls, because it reminds them of their family. I was figuring the trot was just a fun, smooth to give what the drama a purpose and there is different from the other gazillion rom-coms, but it actually has a deep-rooted purpose - the memory of her mother. And she gets this memory of her mother when to use their tools to save her family by her father's guilt destroyed. I think that's nice.

I also think Ji Hyun-woo's face is pretty nice, especially if it will make these ridiculous expressions. I can not his character too seriously right now, but I guess the show to convince us, it has the potential for him than just the selfish jerk, to be more, is back desperately to its former glory. I also have great respect for the fact that it looked as if he really in these scenes took some dirt on the face, as was buried.

But I would be remiss if I did not at least one squee- not filled giving shout-out to Son Ho-joon, who will be an adorable sidekick (I assume - I mean, he can not continue for Joon to work -hyun rival, is not it?). I hope that his dreams means of a singer, he is adorned get ala in a shiny sequined suit Secret Garden . I think I'm trouble differentiating him Tae-song of his character in Answer Me 1994 , because they seem so similar (especially since it will use its satoori) - but that's not really appeal , either because I was the self-proclaimed captain of the team Haitai.

Overall, I am very happy and excited, as this show managed to please me and entertained them. There are a few minor flaws, sure; but I hope that this drama will remain secured in the time-honored plot of underdog making good (during the jerk with Heart of Gold to recognize always, he loves them). And ridiculous have fun soundtrack.

And many, many sequins.

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