Recap And Reviews Kdrama You are surrounded everything: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama You are surrounded everything: Episode 1 -

Awww, I like that. SBS new Wednesday Thursday Drama you're all surrounded came out of the gate with a refreshingly fun, well-paced story and a series of loveable characters, worry me do already. I did not expect such a good first episode, but in an hour that I know my character, the setup and the background story that drives them, and I am confident, handed over the way the history of Being. There is a nice mix of comedy, intrigue and young love, and the cast is just magic.


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EPISODE 1: "Teheran-ro, 114th Street, number 11, Gangnam, Seoul"

In the middle of a normal working day in Gangnam, suddenly a car through an intersection literally flying the air with two thugly tattooed men traveling on a motorcycle.

a few paces behind, a van hunting are trying, through dense traffic to weave to catch up. to the Gangster We know that this is to be our team of police officers in the violent crimes unit, but there is no time for introductions, as and weave through the oncoming traffic bob

Despite their personality emerge. the leader is impatient and might enjoy hunting a little too much ,. the first driver to carefully and nebbishy is to make things right and is in the middle of the street chase

the abandoned boys in the back row are silent and you look immensely peeved for his seat belt to have to achieve, and the girl in the middle looking scared and two seconds away from losing her lunch.

which is the first thing they do when they jump out of the car, hunting on foot, while the silent pretty boy he sees his trench coat to hang on the next pretty lady is no longer running, pfft.

are the only two with their heads in the game, our team leader and the upset upstart, which seem to be today the most races, and only criminals are chasing as an afterthought. No matter, because if they catch up, two of her teammates have messed things to be taken hostage by.

All other freezes, but the brash upstart not even miss a beat when he marches forward, pulled the gun. His teammates yelling to stop him, but he steadies his aim only ... BANG. The screen goes black.

We rewind to eleven years. A circle of young people in a southern coastal town gathered where a girl-the Badass leader takes a boy for ditching her friend for a Seoul transfer student to task.

From the amount, another boy engages in the defense of the pair: "Love changes." But he is ineffective on both sides always back down, and when the Seoul Girl leader called a bumpkin, it starts up in the air for an epic throwdown


the boy with love platitudes is the first to respond, and he jumps in front of the girls Seoul and takes the blow in its place. Cancels all hell broke loose, and soon the entire group of surly teenager is lined up at the police station. The city is Masan, I told our gangster girl know me everything.

The policeman statements asks her name to take, and they tried to give a fake. But the two-timing boyfriend calls them out and makes them give their real names: it is UH SOO-SUN (means "disorderly or neglected", in other words, hot mess, to be played later Go Ara ) ,

their address from rattling when prompted to give the policeman eyebrows upwards. This is the same address as the cheating boyfriend sitting next to her, and his name is Uh Nam-sun. HA, they are brother and sister?

mom and dad Storm Comes to know directly for Soo-Sun that it is the source of the problem in the district and Papa. He turns to her and lets her lying on the floor in her embarrassment stewing while he bows apologetically to the other parent. She frowns at the banality boy suppressed a laugh.

His name is KIM JI-YONG, and it is taken home by his mother, who does not think it's funny to fight school students. Ah, that means that in junior high he is, which explains why he pint-sized and a different uniform. He calls it love, though, he jumped into the fight the Seoul Girl defend because: ". A man to protect the woman he would love" Hee.

When Soo-Suns family goes of them on the street, Mom and Dad call the rumors surrounding Ji-yong is a single parent, that they a had affair with a married man and they ran him out of the marriage, and from home.

It seems that everyone is in our history of Masan, because then we meet a bright eyes eager young detective, SEO PAN SEOK ( Cha Seung-won ), whose name means "flagstone "perhaps to tell us that he as stone is hard and immovable? These character names are hilarious on-the-nose.

He decides that he is going to crack the case of the decade to take cigarette butts collection of DNA samples, the evidence they. To a serial killer to compare He spends the day an entire residential house worth butts to collect, return only to the station, in the already caught the serial killer.

The grandmother of the victim in another case comes from him, anxious for news about the process for the suspects involved to see. He assures her that he has witnessed aligned and they are to put these bastards away for a long time. Her eyes well up in gratitude and she takes his hand.

He gives the witness a call to make sure they will be in court, and it turns out to be Ji-yong mother. She promises him to make the dish.

Ji-yong and his buddy (Hey, it's Ding-dong!) Sneaking into the high school girls, so he going to get a look at his crush.

he finds Soo-Sun dancing in the show instead of space, without getting to the outside world, and he shakes his head before work. In the class of girls television suddenly plays a performance of 1TYM that gets the whole school squeak.

Ji-yong then calls by name over the PA system his noona crush and dedicated S "I Swear" jump to it outside the window on the second floor in order not to be caught. Cutest between proposal ever.

He makes his big exit with the entire student body of girls who cheer him when he again turns to the heart hands and fingers make weapons to his crush. The only person who does not smile is Soo-Sun, which is blamed for the stunt, because they became the only person found in the broadcast studio.

She is later waiting on this day outside the junior high school, when he comes out, and she tells him that it's all his fault, that they have something in difficulties they had not even got to do, and was forced to miss their idol audition.

he does not scare easily, and points out that her face would have kept her anyway from over. Pwahaha. But then she takes it a step too far and calls him a concubine's son, and he falls silent and walks away. She realizes her mistake as soon as she says it, and puts his head.

Ji-yong sitting alone in the schoolyard, Ego still hurt when a classmate trying to get his attention from his son concubine call. This time, he responds with a slap in the face, and Mama is called at school pick him.

When they come home, Mom wait braced at the sight of a man outside. She sends Ji-yong in, and the man squints when the boy passes. He tells Mom that he came through a good look to get face to her son, so if tomorrow they testified against his boss, he'll know exactly how to be repaid in kind. Shaking, she responds by grudgingly, that she will not testify.

Ji-yong asks Mama about the man and distracts them, wanted to know why he got into another fight. He instead asks if Dad really dead, and finally tells her what the other kids call him.

He has no intention of a man looking, does not want to be his father, but he thinks he old enough to know whether his mother was a married man lovers. He points out how strange it is not to have any images of Dad in the house, if he really died, and presses them for a response. If she does, we do not get to hear it.

The next morning, Detective Pan-seok is waiting at her door. She apologizes and tells him that she does not testify, and he asks her to get her only eyewitness and the only way a clear condemnation of the murder trial. He asks if she is threatened already, and Ji-yong overheard her answer yes-they came and threatened her son, so she will not testify, and he can not change their minds. Pan-seok swears that he will protect her, and asks her to testify everything, including threats.

to stop when they see Ji-yong there, and Pan-seok imagines the boy. He leaves the pictures of the victim together with his card and asks Mama again to reconsider.

Later that night, Ji-yong sneaks into Mamas to see rooms at crime scene photos, and they show a young girl, clearly attacked and murdered by brute force. Mom turns the memory in the head, from the day when they saw two men running away from the scene a bloody envelope holds, and found the girl lying wounded and bruised inside.

Ji-yong hems and rose hips while mom offers hot cocoa ( "What I am a child? ... Okay, give it here) to make, and says that witnessing is to her, but he feels bad for the girl who died when nobody speaks on their behalf. Mom decides it's time to tell him about his father, and admits that she was pregnant before they were to marry able and his father died early. she says she tired of his life that he had to grow up without a father, but Ji-yong replies that she had to live without a man. ". I'll hurry and grow up, and protect "Awwwwww

The next morning comes Mom Pan-seok and tells him to see that after all will testify. He lights in gratitude and assured her, over and over again that he would protect them.

Soo-afternoon sun comes home from school and curses the rain as she stands drenched. Suddenly a yellow umbrella comes out of nowhere and it swirls smiling to her to find around Ji-yong back.

she bites her lip and asks if he tries to make them feel bad because they not , not at all, nee to make. he says with a smile that his mother is not a lover, but a single mother, and that he is proud to be her son and is not ashamed of it.

He tried to give her the umbrella, but she turns down and then solves their own laces over and winces in embarrassment. He puts his umbrella in her hand and leans down to her shoelace and said that he knows a way to tie them so that they are not reversed come.

He bends in the rain down and ties her laces so the arch in the middle, and she tries to keep the catches shade over his head so he does not get wet. How could someone not love this boy?

Mom hears the front door open and goes Ji-yong welcomed. But by the look on her face, someone is frightening at the door.

Ji-yong comes home later and eventually takes a shining necklace directly at your doorstep. He puts and forwards inside, but stopped cold when he sees that their house was ransacked. He looks cautiously from room to room, and then he sees Mom do in her room in a pool of blood.

He runs to her and clutches it in his arms, she begged not to die. She opens her eyes, and screams that he will save, and start emergency choose. But he does not have the opportunity to make the call, because the killer comes back, perhaps to look for the trailer.

He turns the house upside down looking for something and then comes into the bedroom, where Ji-yong hiding under the bed. The killer sees them everywhere and then reached to lift the quilt, which is hidden from him to keep ...

Mom sees what happened, and uses her last remaining strength of the killer to grab his feet, shaking his head strict when Ji-yong a train does to help her. He watches helplessly as the killer ensures that the task of this time to finish, and Mama crying when she dies to save her son.

be as Ji-yong suppressed he shouts the murderer a call overheard saying that he still has not found the trailer. He adds that because of Detective Seo he would clean to finish the rest of the work. It is deliberately vague and can be interpreted either to mean the killer will do a good job of Detective Seo keep him sniffing or Detective Seo will help clean up this mess.

After the killer leaves, Ji-yong comes from under the bed and sits down as he reached for moms face.

Soon will crawl the house with the Bulls and Pan-seok comes to Ji-yong to check and offers him to have for the night, over. But Ji-yong turns accusingly to him and asks if he convinced testify mom to change her mind when she was absolutely against it.

"Then you should protect it like you have promised!" It is a crushing blow to Pan-seok, who can not fight or defend himself if the child his own promises spits back at him.

Ji-yong runs away and hides in the school, and then remembers the phone call the killer. He quickly calls Pan-seok and tells him that he knows what is the killer after, and that he can not find the necklace in his pocket back home.

Ji-yong still refuses Pan-seok to say where he is, but the bell rings on the hour and Pan-seok hears it, and tells him to stay in school, set, and he will come for him in half an hour.

It turns out that he is actually happening at the high school for girls and Soo-sun to be there too late. You noticed to get him out of the entire building in the broadcast area and gets on the PA system to its attention.

Ji-yong revolves around when he hears footsteps from the dark corridor approaches, and goes to the sound. But he backs off when he recognizes the combat boots of lace its way-it is the killer.

He takes running, and at the same time, Soo-sun is to start at the microphone on this long-winded in apology to him. It's a hilarious scenes dissonant her strangely out-of-touch apology which falls in trouble, that he does not answer because it is certainly a petty resentment, all while running from a killer for his life.

It will also help the murderer accidentally from his point every movement of her gaze tracking that leads him directly into the science lab where Ji-yong hiding out. As the killer tried the door in Ji-yong busts to smash open the locked cabinet and the man with some douses burning his eyes. Nice

He is about to expire when he discovered on the floor. The trailer. Oh no.

Soo-Sun leaves, not yet aware of what happened at school that night, although it is in black walking on it gently enough of the suspicious man that she hides out of sight as he goes. He is too busy to be burned face she kept noticing, and she sees a pronounced scar behind the ear of the killer.

Ji-yong staggers along the harbor and it goes back into his head. He said Pan-seok on the trailer, and it showed on the Killer possession. Pan-seok knew where he was, and the killer came there looking for him.

And now the rest of the telephone conversation of the killer painted Detective Seo Pan-seok in a different light: a dirty cop.

Ji-yong crumpled map of the Pan-seok in hand mad and goes ahead.

presence. Soo-Sun takes into glittering Gangnam in wide-eyed wonder and then a double take when they reached the Gangnam police station-an old, dirty, ruined hut a government building, which looks like the definition of drab.

Our nebbishy policeman from the opening comes next to her and recognizes her from his police academy class. He is JI Gook ( Park Jung-min ), although it does not remind him, pretends.

She is a little happier to Park Tae-IL ( Ahn Jae-hyun [1945012sehen]) show beside him, although it appears to be largely for aesthetic reasons. He smiles pleasantly.

You do not see that our hero EUN DAE-GU ( Lee Seung-gi ) has arrived on her other side, and they exchange discomfited looks , Its name means "silver cod" as the literal fish, why, I do not know. OH. Puppy is Guppy? I cracked up easily.

The light turns green and Dae-gu leads the way as four Abbey Road crosses to the other side.

hem in police uniform along with the other new recruits, and the entire department is booming. Soo-Sun suspected that the man standing in front of their line, their team leader, because it looks most crime.

Executive Chef LEE Eung-DO ( Sung Ji-ru ) do not line up in front of them, but then comes someone else's room nothing but Detective Seo Pan-seok. Dae-gu sparkles, and the Pan-seok lines before Eung-do up, Dae-gu balls his fists as he is ready for a fight.

One of the other squad heads wondering how they are intended to do the job with so many newcomers in his team, and Eung-do includes him when he says he was assigned FOUR rookies to his team ,

all stand at attention when the police chief Kang enters the room (how much I love that their territory is run by a woman?) And lets them to make the head of the welcoming of the new recruits.

You Pan-seok ask a few words as violent crime unit to tell team leader, so he gets there and says, "Gangnam is now a disaster area." Way to sugarcoat it, Boss. He does not look happy on fresh-faced rookies take to make his life more difficult, and not really trying to hide it.

And then, before the opening speeches come to an end, another person walks through the doors. A well-dressed woman Click-clacks over at the front of the room, in high heels, and presents itself as KIM KYUNG-SA ( Oh Yoon-ah ), the new team leader missing. (Her name means "between life and death.")

Pan-seok looks flabbergasted, Eung-do looks worried, and Section Chief Cha grins at Pan-seok as a happy toad.

Change After out of uniform, Soo-Sun cuts swooning through a crowd of female officers milling about on someone, and opens the door to her three teammates while to change. * Whistles * Thanks for the show, guys.

Her jaw drops and she slams the door, only to come face-to-face with Pan-seok, which can re-open the door for her. Seconds? I do not mind if I do.

Here is where we get the formal introductions to our rookie team. Ji Gook says he always wanted to live in Gangnam, so he created all these from circulation beat and ended up here. Well, that's alarming. He talks too much, and Eung-do cut him off before he can ask his first question.

Soo-sun well as in, and batting Dae-gu eyes when she says she is Masan. You are too much to be honest, that they came to this department because detectives paid the highest salary. More sighs from the two veterans.

Tae-il continues and says softly, that he grew up in Seoul and was a detective, because it seemed fun. Eung-do nods and says, that is a little better.

is load Dae-gu, gets up, says his name (technically the first time that we hear it), and will come back again. Everyone stares. Eung-do tells him to say where he is and how he ended up here, but he responds with a choppy, "I will not." For the first time in the session, Pan-seok rotates to seek the head.

Eung-do defers Pan-seok, it hyungnim call and Pan-seok told them that they could stop now as well. He refers to Soo-Sun and says: ".. Above all, I have never had a long-haired teammate"

They protested that it is discrimination against them, but he says that he was referring to her hair , He tells them that he was seriously this district to be now a disaster area, and asks them to do nothing. "And kill anyone."

Dae-gu stares back defiantly, and the intention is not lost on Pan-seok, the sparkles right back and demands, "What's with your eyes go?" Dae -gu mumbles swear (related to "hell", but more like "screw you" spoken) under his breath, which makes the whole room gasp.

Pan seok two seconds from blowing away his cap when the radio alerted to a case. He turns on a dime, and he is all business and Eung-do has to cry to rise their asses with the rookies.

you strap on weapons and Team strut their way through the pedestrian area behind their leader, swooning to the sound of admirers.

And based on the clothes they wear, their first event ever is the one who opened the episode ... one who might shoot someone ends with Dae-gu. Yipes.


Yay, I was hoping for a competent and was pleasantly surprised at how well-executed premiere episode was. It is the best of economic stories open with a quick cold that no character introductions requires you to put in this world of rookie cops who are in over their heads, a quick background, which does not extend over a sequence, but always still tells a compelling story, and finally character then close introductions from the episode. I liked the backwards setup our main characters the names of the sources to the end, especially since one of them will not give not the answer that we expect.

I do not think it's a leap to believe that Dae gu is Ji-yong, otherwise we have a whole episode on a random dude spent behind. If it is true, and he is harboring revengey thoughts for eleven years and a detective was probably too close to Pan-seok, it adds a great edge to the team-now it's not only four luckless rookies in the labor market, but the beginning a dangerous contentious relationship between team leader and new fish. I'll pretty much fish jokes for the next ten weeks will make if you had not guessed.

was my favorite thing about the back story, as well shifted the tone sweet seriously creepy from funny, without me to break all of the story. The secret to Mama's death and the original murder she witnessed, and Pan-seok may be damaged, possibly misunderstood (perhaps not framed) eager young detective were big bigger questions to propel us into the present storm that between Pan-seok and Dae bridal -gu.

The connection is crucial, while I do not think Soo-sun has to be part of Dae-gu past necessarily. I am glad that it is not a tragedy some great first love torn (only, if at all possible to be different), their interactions made realistic light and sweet, especially because her character so fun. Ji-yong teenage characterization will go a long way to go in the information that is Dae-gu now, especially if he was to be so surly top-Ji-yong unusually mature for his young age, but more importantly he was innocent, and Pan-seok plays an important role in losing his innocence, which sets the stage for major conflict. A matricide is motivate nothing new in a detective hero, but it is a classic for a reason, and the fact that it may be the loss of Pan-seok innocence as idealistic cop who believes he can change the world? Two large character conflicts for the price of one.


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tags: Ahn Jae-hyun Cha Seung-won in, first episodes, Go Ara, Lee Seung-gi, Park Jung-min, you're all surrounded

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