Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 3 -

Large steps for all three brothers are waiting for us in this episode where big bro detective Dong-soo its first step toward breakthrough takes while Young-dal recognizes that not everything a bed of roses when it comes to a nouveau riche lifestyle. Yet we learn more about our mysterious maknae Yang-ha, though, these answers are accompanied by many more questions about his character to give us a complete and solid hour.


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When Young-dal sleeping with his millions that night, a mysterious man trudges up the stairs and enters the hiding place . his eyes fly to find open, from the spirit Do strangled Ki-chan and Young-dal struggles awake in a cold sweat to want.

Haunted by the nightmare, Young-dal tells his buddy that they have to move, so that the two routes their millions to a safer place. Jang-soo takes offense when told that their prey is safe as long as he would not-squeak not he betrayed her blood brother trust like that?

but Young-dal, it does not clarify his buddy is, but the money he can not trust. Keep Young-dal to the same oath of fidelity, it is the duo head into town to live tonight.

on a luxury suite for the two of them, and TSKS called Young-dal splurges on his country ignorance bumpkin friend on the magic genie Room service. He ordered a sumptuous selection, and although Jang-soo know that they now have to burn money, he increased still live in the sky-high price of such a luxurious lifestyle.

you will be able to carry everything be set fast enough, Young-dal assured him-they'll to pay for life once they win it all. But they have until then to keep a low profile about their small fortune, and Jang-soo all but rolls his eyes that say that is something Young-dal should worry about.

He advises his pal off the hiding place, that the spirit of their prison hyung to pursue it further.

We removed an illegal dog fighting ring where Dong-soo and his team are busy preparing the area for the top dog Scheuer (I know, it's horrible of me), to show his face. Unfortunately for them, their presence familiar to throw the place in a mess.

Dong-soo decreases after the man, the other detectives left to deal with the public. He holds top dog from escaping and gets a few good punches in front of the guy blacks out. It's just me or does anyone else fear that Dong-soo is not punching anyone stop once it starts?

Back in the interrogation room, Top Dog insists that he is an innocent little time the boss and the cops can question it Ki-chan in jail, if they want answers. He is distressed to learn that the arrested man is now dead, and Dong-soo asks if he got an idea is, who might have been behind it.

Now Top Dog reveals that he thinks that it is the men in the Philippines (whom Ki-chan stole the money) was, and it is likely that she would do anything to get their recovered receive five billion, barred entry to Korea or not.

[1945010nocheinDetektivmitsechsVerdächtigen] on their list, asking what they should do about their informants, Young-dal, because he's got the story about the dead man. Young-dal answered the phone in a groggy voice, and it takes a full minute to register for him, that he talks so early Dong-soo, said only that it noon already.

He takes to haul his ass to Seoul not like to be ordered, and his attitude riles Dong-soo temperament. "You are my lackey!" He roars. But Young-dal, he tells her informant is done (mutters to himself that he too fat now anyway) -if Dong-soo wants something he can come in Sabuk to him.

With that, Dong-soo is hung on. He keeps his surging anger long enough contained story, to place an order to dig up Young-dal and Do Ki-chan together.

Young-dal and his buddy left the hotel, such as Yang-ha comes, he down to name flags for a re-match. Yang ha flatly declines and stomps on Young-dal pride that he is someone who played with the pros in Vegas, and Young-dal is the guy who will never win a game in a million years. In short, they are on completely different levels.

to go as Yang-ha off turns, he withdrew and agitated Young-dal further by moving immature call. However, he agrees to another game, if only to Young-dal, how pathetic to prove his skills. And though Jang-soo not the boyish chaebol do not like, he can not help but agree that Young-dal, the playing skills are terrible.

Yang-ha stops in his tracks and smiles as he sees Jung-hee at the same hotel. He oh so casually waiting for them to go through, and in spite of their attempts to ignore him, he engages in conversation anyway.

He invites him to join for a drink in his suite, where he wait 'll, added that he would blow up of this small underground casino the lid off it operates. Your friend acknowledges that Jung-hee admirers might be nuts, but calls Jung-hee crazier for working illegally under the table. then asks if the VIP Admirer handsome, the Jung-hee has scowling.

Madame Jang Lackey takes pity on a surprisingly well-dressed beggar and tells her behind the old man ruin the sob story: the once prosperous man his money (and family) lost because of gambling and now is deeply in debt. The last tidbit piques interest Madame Jang, and although she now goes away, I wonder if their business is other people to buy debt in exchange for debt bondage.

Biting his nails, Jang-soo a hypothetical poses to his father, has What would he do if he had five billion at his disposal? After the quick answer is "it after tax would not matter too much," Boss Yang laughs that he would be to collect the money as a loan to its rich customers later double that amount.

When Jang-soo wonders if this means that he can play with the big shots, wonders Boss Yang if his son is not up to good, and raps his son for his smart mouth.

Jang-soo finds Young -dal petting with a girl to find a new place to live at the swimming pool and the two head out Young-dal. Few people know that they have a police tail, but the police report that their dead and Young-dal knew each other before they were in the same band. Even if Young-dal not of Sabuk hail.

The broker is skeptical that Young-dal has the money for a new place, but the bundle to see bills on Young-dal person, has him singing another tune. Jung-hee grandmother falls to only rent a room here in their home.

in relation to Jung-hee Raise, Young-dal his buddy nudges outside and declares that he is going to move in that space. It does him no matter if it is a little run down and he denies that this decision has nothing to do with Jung-hee.

Speaking of which, it seems that Jung-hee has lowered Yang-ha covered, as we see it take up an elevator. She presses the bell to his suite and Yang-ha invites them inside. But before she enters, she makes him promise a secret to keep their night work. He agrees.

He pours some wine her and she downs it in one shot. Damn it. She does the same with the next glass and Yang-ha breaks into a smile, amused: ". This is not funny"

Jung-hee, the glass pops down and drops the polite act, to ask if he finds it fun toying with human weaknesses. After another strong glass swallows down, she suggests that they ante and by convincing the game of kings to play where the loser drinks and a clothing strip. His expression remains the same, but agree that it sounds like fun.

your idea comes back to bite them because Yang-ha to win in the first round, the flashing King card in hand. (He also mark only the King card with your fingernail?) That is, she has to drink, and his face darkened for a moment when she actually does. He asks for the piece of garment, and if it takes off her sweater, he questions whether they should stop here.

But Jung-hee insists itself. On playing and polished from the bottle, as Yang-ha with a look to pout You lose the next round, too. They test their tenacity to tell her to stop when they are not sure. He raises an eyebrow and is even a little surprised when she met and rolled one of her stockings.

They are interrupted by the door only, and the girl at the door welcomed Yang-ha with a hug. It represents Jung-hee to his guest as "a drinking buddy", and it assumes transferring their vacation. And if Jung-hee thought his guest was his girlfriend, I would say they probably his sister, because when they asked when he is coming to Seoul, Yang-ha answers that he was banished (or more like ran away from home).

Jung-hee spotted a strange man lurking when she comes home, so she sneaks up to him and kills the intruder with a broom. It is none other than Young-dal, which is of course taken the rented room.

It rejects the money he paid already and said that they find a way to repay their debts and to kick him, but Grandma says it's too late now. He seems like a nice guy. Aw.

Jung-hee thinks back to the warning about her friend Young-dal, who might be about his new living quarters not happier. He begins the song that first started the series "Broken Promises", and the scene buzzes intercut with Dong-soo, sing the drunken facilities smarmy ajumma Restaurant.

When asked how Dong-soo as an old timey classic white, he replies that his father always used to sing this song when drunk was. It is the first time he has brought his father, he had come early in a mine accident responses.

The restaurant ajumma notices it particularly difficult to have been on his mother has, and the mention has him laughing dry what it takes have left him to have to take over his mother.

Dong-soo wakes up the next morning by Detective Kang Jin, of him smiling mockingly in bed naked to see (almost) in the. She takes it upon herself to clean his place and prepare breakfast. It asks for Shin-hye, and when Dong-soo remains tight-lipped, she says she did some digging and found out that she's married. Hm, someone has to keep an eye on their team leader?

Shin-hye rushes in to this cozy breakfast to hear from her father that Dong-soo still refuse treatment. Dong-soo go after it, and when he asks if this Retrieve about psychological treatment, Shin-hye says it's because they have to be about his problems aggressively.

assured him that it isn 't hard all he has to do is find his inner pain. He reluctantly agrees to thinking about it and invites them inside. Kang Jin is over this turn of events is not happy, but the nerve is working to Shin-hye about her relationship with Dong-soo to ask.

Shin-hye answered honestly that they lived together before. Kang Jin asks if she means as roommates, and taken amazed by their confirmation. Elsewhere, Young-dal and Jang-soo happy to welcome an old friend after his release from prison.

Yang-ha pulls a company building, where he is greeted by familiar director Hyun, who informed him that the President is waiting. But on the way up, Yang-ha stops and makes a detour to the bathroom to take his medication.

The Daejung chairman is none other than Yang-ha Father who is with Assemblyman Kim in a meeting. The politician wants the National Assembly on the amendment of foreigners Casino investment to support report, propose a free economic zone in Korea. From the looks of it, it seems like an idea approved the chairman, but not the assemblyman. hard to find

call of the chairman, is an understatement, as Yang-ha report away food, it subpar appearance. He raises a hand when Yang-ha talks back to him, and you can hurt expression clearly written on Yang-ha face to see if he has told to relearn the operation of a casino.

Young-dal and his friends take it by a Noraebang with drinks and girls, literally anyone with cold hard cash showers. Thereafter, both Young-dal and Jang-soo ears perk up to hear that Do Ki-chan was actually murdered and his death look like a suicide.

your prison thinking friend that it was the men in the Philippines, a theory that we have heard twice in this hour. Nevertheless, the idea can be unnerved them and Jang-soo panics-what if the men after them next? He suggests they leave their recently found happiness, but Young-dal does not intend to abandon its newly rich status. He says Jang-soo to worry and trust him.

Young-dal playing heads to Madame Jang Casino, Poker, although he says he does not seek to win tonight, just let off some steam. He sits down at Jung-hee table and it must be really depressed because he keeps his eyes focused on the cards and not on her.

Dong-soo Shin-hye examined in her office who decided psychological treatment after track all. She is relieved to hear that, and he jokes, he can not drink their sessions together. Shin-hye encouraged him to talk about his life before moving with her family, because he was not spoken once about his past

Dong-soo takes a deep breath and begins with his family. As his father was a miner and he had two younger brothers-Dong-chul and Dong-woo. He and his brothers were twelve, seven and one year old, respectively, when her father died; her mother left soon after.

Back at the casino is Madame Jang informed that the police are out there so that they calm the first alarm. She's more upset than anything else, and told Jung-hee pipe down when she comes running in panic.

And then Young-dal suddenly appears and takes Jung-hee hand the hell out of dodge to get.


Never has one of the seven deadly sins-Yaw has been so scary as if it literally sleep haunts someone in. It's good to see that Young-dal knows he easily has to tread his luck on spending, especially if the other end of the rainbow could be death and not a pot of gold.

With a main character who actually terrible at the thing he wants to be the best, set it as viewers in prime area for us. Not only does this mean that we would get Young-dal grow to see a card player (and I hope we actually get see this vs. about skipping) when he learns the tricks of the trade, we can also witnessed his journey of rising through the ranks to fight all while trying to guilt and death. And boy I love stories of origin, even if it is, where he stumbles on a mountain of money, and he tries to figure out what to do with him.

Moving on, I'm so proud of Dong-soo to seek the first bold step for receiving psychological help. Sure, I do not think it's a great idea, the deepest secrets of the tragic past of your first love in a professional environment to spread, but the important thing is that Dong-soo is willing to put his questions and turn to someone about themselves. We have to leave him out his anger often seen to learn to a dangerous degree, and I look forward so what happened between those years, when the brothers lost both parents, and then, as all in life it passed lead today.

, and then we have the youngest, Yang-ha, and even though we got to shed his character something spotlight, it does not make it no less disturbing and creepy in my head. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that his interest in Jung-hee is genuine, but now he seems to be fascinated by Jung-hee, both in their words and actions. His unreadable expressions make it difficult for me to get a good read on him, we thank a layered performance can In Shi-wan for. It's the way he occasionally pouting cracks that stoic facade with a smile or a that keeps him interesting.

Yang-ha also the only brother we've seen with a legal parent, he clearly has viewfinder with. We do not know what was this report for his father exactly the point, but I have an inkling that. A tie-in to his gambling trips from Vegas to the underground circuit Moreover, we have a little insight into Viewed as Yang-ha plays the game as the minute mark he is in the King card when he played against Jung-hee. The asked me whether Yang ha discreet cheating in his other games, also, and perhaps our hotshot player not to be as good as he toots. Or fraud successfully per game make him an even better player and sneakier than we thought? Well, I suppose he was pouting an adorable he may have recourse if he ever caught.

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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