Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 8

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 8 -

We are halfway through the show, and our characters around the edges begin to crack eventually. Well, if they themselves have to start edge - I'm pretty sure that Ho-gu is just a huge ball of fluff. This is probably a good thing, because it's hard to get angry with a mushy puppy, even if it is running full steam ahead, trying to right wrongs that seem based on false assumptions.


Eighth Foolish Act: "the voice contained Let physically affectionate in front of the house,"

Kang-chul is surprised Ho-gu barge into his office to see, but it contracts cooly to greet him. In return, Ho-gu is surprised that Kang-chul remembers him, but Kang-chul thinks: "How could I forget you", and then pulls his hand away, as it is on fire when it recognizes, how long he was gripping Ho -gu hand.

Ho-gu has something to tell him "what happened that night", a concerned and Kang-chul beats his staff from his office, so they can talk in private. When Ho-gu staring at him, asking him if he "this night" out of other people who are afraid (he referring to when he heard, Do-hee and Kang-chul in the hospital talking about "that night "that Ho gu interpreted when they had sex), but Kang-chul is really worried about him before" that night "to remember 6 years if they" kissed. "

they cross Speak past each other, and Ho-gu gets angry when a confused Kang-chul refused to take responsibility for his actions, it was not his fault "that night . " - He was not the one who started it. Ho-gu lunges for him, rarin 'for a fight, but Kang Chul-spins out of the way, he tells are not fooled again (worried about another kiss, right?).

Ho-gu fighting abilities seem only office to destroy when. Kang-chul tries Ho-gu to insure that it meant nothing to him (to be kissed by "Ho-gu") - there were no feelings attached, which sounds like Ho-gu as it means sleeping with Do-hee meant nothing Kang-chul. When Ho-gu re crawling on the legs continue his one-man fight, he sees the four-leaf clover, which had fallen to the floor, and stops.

Quietly, he asks Kang-chul, if he this time everything is maintained, and a hectic Kang-chul shouting that it means nothing to him. Frantically he punches Ho-gu in the face, knocking him out and give him a bloody nose.

in a pharmacy, Tae-hee adjusted Kang Chul-bloody nose, asking why this jerk Kang Chul hit him. Ho-gu says it because of the four-leaf clover is.

to high school retrospect, where Ho-gu nervously outside the sports center awaits Do-hee, the infamous cartoon of her hand. She ignored him as he follows like a lost puppy, until she finally turns around to tell him if he apologize for the cartoon, then forget about it.

All they want to do with a man like him to be, forget employ the comic ever happened is not. She orders him to leave her alone. But Ho-gu can not forget about it, and later that night, when he swim she remembers watching, he begins a new drawing. The next morning he waits in nervous to practice, school, whatever he says do-hee, if he gives the sketchbook to her.

That's when he notices her four-leaf clover in the book she slips versa Kang-chul, who promptly falls like Kang-chul goes away. Which is when he runs it back to Kang Chul.

In the presence of Ho-gu slowly back to the hotel, Do-hee baby in his arms. He thinks about the fact that Kang-chul everything Klee held this year -. What must mean that he cares still for Do-hee

When Ho gu are with the baby, requires Do-hee angry knowing where he's been all day because they could not get in touch with him. He smiles a little at the thought that she was worried about him, but she insists she was only concerned about the baby. They noted that project swab from the nose, and he stammers out that he just fell down. But it is not to buy it, and she narrows her eyes as Ho Gul swallows nervously, to tell him that it looks like he actually ... taking his nose? Hahaha!

Gong mi said Ho-gu and Tae-hee must be set to the single parent case Kang-chul in relationship worked (because she had the child with them), and is willing to report it, the police, but Kang-chul you do not say to. In fact, he asks them, they do not ever mention to anyone again. When he dismisses them for the day, she gives him the four-leaf clover, which they found on the floor. He stares at her that day to remember when "Ho-gu" kissed him.

In a flashback, dizziness school student goes home slowly-Kang Chul to be taken only with a slipper on his head as soon as he enters the door. Dad is angry that his son skipped school and smells of alcohol. He is willing to make a beat down, but Mom raises her wine in Kang Chul-face, tell him quietly to go focus on his English studies. Well, that's a way to defuse the situation

For the next month, Kang Chul-Ho-gu tries to avoid because he is studying for his exams, and it works almost -. He almost forgets what happened that night, to Ho-gu him running with the four-leaf clover. In his voiceover, Kang-chul, says he was relieved that he does not respond, and that thereafter, Ho-gu "pretended" He do not know Kang-chul, but he seems a little disappointed that Ho- gu does not recognize him when he passes.

In today's Kang-chul wonders why Ho-gu show now would, all these years later, he urge the responsibility for tonight. Take responsibility for what, he wonders how he throws the four-leaf clover in the trash and leaves his office - just one minute to come back later, stomp his feet in frustration when he brings the four-leaf clover from the trash

on the motel roof, Do-hee remembers Ho-gu that he promised her to return to her silver medal. He digs out of his pocket to hand over it, but she tells him he can keep it - it is their way to him for all he has done redemption for them. Ho-gu insists that he can not keep it, but she assures him that she will instead win a gold medal.

Ho-gu assures her that he does not look down on them, a child, the - how could he, having once seen what it takes to bear takes? He wonder who watch the baby when she swims, though - coach, perhaps. Do-hee tells him that her baby adoptive parents will take care of him. Ho-gu stares in disbelief, but she just smiles, avoided his eyes as she returned to her room.

When Ho-gu and returns, he takes care of all the heavy, greasy foods, the coach has been buying for Do-hee. As a new mother, she has over her stomach to be cautious, and says coach should things like eating seaweed soup. In the bathroom, clutches Do-hee her side in pain. Oh no.

Ho Kyung sitting despondently on her bed in her, reminded her drunken encounter with Do-hee. With her messy hair and in their old tracksuit, she asks Dad if she's pretty, and he answers carefully that they are "comfortable." Looks sad, she says that Do-hee have thought they have a beggar. Dad tries to reassure them that they might just seemed homeless instead. Oh, Papa Kang, I lub you.

Ho-Gu early this morning much to Mom surprise. He tells her he makes breakfast because Dad busy, but Mom finds that he has to make seaweed soup, wondering if someone just had a baby. She points to Ho-gu: "You are with someone, is not it And this woman ...?" Ho-gu trembles to Mom her sentence ended Puh "... birthday today.".

When Ho-Kyung takes her breakfast, she admits that she ran into the last person who should like this (and ew, she admits to not her tracksuit three weeks washing) have seen. Mom thinks it must be a man, like them, but Ho-Kyung says it's even worse - it was the guy's ex-girlfriend. I love that everyone is shocked on their behalf. What a great family.

While hanging his laundry, Ho-gu sighs over the fact that Do-hee puts her baby up for adoption, also recalled that Kang-chul asked him why he had to take responsibility. Ho-Kyung also sighs as she hangs her laundry, recalled that Kang-chul, she said the second most beautiful person he had ever met.

asks Ho-gu, what does it mean when a man who is called right, but only says "second prettiest" and Ho-gu, that the man must mean the prettiest like more. When he finds out, this is about "Blind Date Type", he tells her that she seems to like him, they should call him. She sighs that all their dating books they tell do not seem to care if she wants a second date.

Ho-gu says that they should not hold back. In art school, he would carefully hoarded its color, afraid to use too much - but in the end the track dried and he had to throw it before use it even halfway. So is also the heart - it dry out when it is not used. In a moment a sincere sibling affection, Ho Kyung says he should do the same, but Ho-gu smiles only to tell her that he wanted.

Tae-hee and Chung-jae read through all Netizen comments on its final webtoon Chapter, to all those who frown, who say it is the worst thing that has ever and giddily to laugh at those who say that it is a work of art. Chung-jae tries to assure himself that although their readers leave negative comments, they are still generous with their star ratings -. Besides the ratings dropped to 5.5 out of 10 points Huch

When he melodramatically flops back in his chair, Chung-jae wonders how small time artists can survive in this corporate world as. But as soon as the phone rings, he crawls to answer it - it is her manager, and when he hangs up the phone, he says Tae-hee put his work away. Because they're going to get from a second season in the celebration dinner! Yay!

Elated, they call Ho-gu to tell him the good news, telling him to meet her at Octopus Restaurant. I'm surprised Ho-gu is even allowed to go back there, but he agrees, unless he first has to stop somewhere.

Ho Kyung come to the restaurant, which were invited to celebrate with them because they helped out and motivate them by cursing them. Ha! Tae-hee asks her how her blind date went, and she moans, that they are the perfect way can not figure out it to text. They ignored a slightly envious Chung-jae if Tae-hee her phone records to show her what kind of text would make him happy to get a girl. Ho Kyung mocks, but when Chung-jae her deflects it proposes accidentally "send". Whoops.

You Gong mi immediately calls they receive to delete it, without seeing it, but for once, Gong-mi is not the guardian of the Kang-chul many phones - instead, he is working at home today. If the text goes through, he reads it: "Kang Chul-ssi, I miss you Bbuing bbuing." No time to think about it, but because his housekeeper tells him he has a visitor.

There is nothing but Ho-gu, carrying a huge bundle. He slowly unpacked it, all the time very seriously Kang Chul-to say that the only way for them to be happy when Kang Chul-sacrifice. Kang Chul meets the deck, screaming for his housekeeper to save themselves, to believe that the pot Ho-gu opened contains a bomb. Instead, it is only the seaweed soup for Do-hee.

Ho-gu insists that he take do-hee do the confused total Kang-chul, as it has nothing to do with him. When Kang Chul asks him why he should be excited to see how she and the baby do Ho-gu blurts out that it is because Kang-chul is the father. He begs Kang-chul to take the seaweed soup and form with Do-hee, so they are not available for adoption to the child set.

to leave it on is to admit that this is not really his business, but he had only ask for Kang-chul for this a favor. Ho-gu added that Kang-chul must forget not only do-hee. A thoroughly confused Kang Chul looks after him.

On the bus ride home, Ho-gu, a mother with a small child is to enable its seat. He repeats that Kang Chul-hee Do not forget - after all, it is her first love and her baby-daddy. When he goes sadly back home, he wonders what they However in Kang-chul, looks. In Ho-gu eyes, it is just bad luck.

coach for him waiting with the baby and says Ho-gu that reporters have found out where Do-hee was hidden. He needs the child with Ho-gu to leave for a while, and as a coach is getting ready to leave, he notes that Ho-gu cellar room is nice and cozy - an ideal place to hide. I'm sure Bars on windows help in making this assessment.

When Ho-gu happy babysits, Kang Chul-sitting alone in his huge apartment, along Ho-gu of piecing different visits: the stamp in the elevator; the struggle in his office; Leaving behind the seaweed soup. He wonders if it is all because of Do-hee, and if he remembers with the kiss "Ho-gu" he pops the lid on the pot of soup down and insisted it can not be so.

dosing hee lurking outside Ho-gu House to cower in the corner when she looks up go Ho-Kyung. Ho Kyung is drunk again, and when she stumbles, she sees her old shoes in the trash - ". Ho-gu" the same shoes, the Kang-chul had tied for angry that her father to throw it, was Going out because they are old and worn out, she screams at him, wondering if he would like it if they also cast a memory - like his old love letters or wedding ring. It is alleged by Mom, though - no one pat on their honey speaks while to

Do-hee can find only Ho-gu room after she calls out to him come get, and when she is getting ready to leave with her baby, she resonates Coach words and said that his room is nice and cozy. You and Ho-gu both add at the same time that it is a good place to hide. Methinks Coach planted some seeds because Ho-gu inviting them to stay overnight, say it is too late to find a hotel room.

He gets requires an additional set of blankets Ho Kyung and the bed. If he says he'll sleep space with Tae-hee, Do-hee tells him it's so late, so he should just sleep here. He manages not gorgeous at nonchalance when he tried to protest, but when he sees that Do-hee set for him a place beside the bed, he sits in.

Do-hee gently patting her baby while trying to fall asleep, but Ho-gu can not stand the silence and turns on the radio. Lee itch and Jung-in "Before Sunrise" plays, and just as he is to switch it off, because it applies to a little too close to home, Do-hee overslept thanks him for the night in Yeosu. He also thanks her for the night, because of her, he had fun and was happy.

She asks him if she feels it is right that they said they had dating each other no thought. Ho-gu swallows and quietly admits that this is true. over, half asleep roles, she says, it's a relief is because it feels like it's more of a jerk lately always. Then Ho-gu says that he did not want to date them - because when he was with her, he only wanted to love. That's all he wanted to do.

memories of their happy night in Yeonsu fill Do-hee spirit. She gets out and says Ho-gu she has to use the toilet. After she leaves, Ho-gu proposes for his cheesy words, but when he hears outside the window Do-hee, sobbing, he gets up and goes to her.

Crouching beside the wall, Do-hee crying her eyes out, and Ho-gu asks if she's okay - it is to cry, because they Bad could not find? If she is hurt everywhere - it's her stomach? But she only tells him as they continue to whine to shut up. Ho-gu keeps them gently and she puts her head on his chest, while she sobs.

Kang-chul in this moment with the bunch of seaweed soup Ho-gu comes with it to the left, and when he sees Ho gu keep Do-hee, he drops the pot, soup all over the floor spilling.


Now that we through re halfway, I finally settled in the stimulation and the format of the show , There are layers to all our characters backstories and motivations, and I'm happy the show to let his sweet time in revealing everything. In a way, it almost feels a little more realistic, because when you first meet someone, you do not know immediately about their past and their internal dialogues. So it makes sense that as Ho-gu for someone who would so open and easy-going its history have first revealed. He is not someone who really has no deep dark secrets

Of the rest of the gang, Do-hee backstory is still the mysterious -. But that's how it is. Your personal life is personal and she keeps her cards close to his chest. So even though I'm curious as to why she has no family (except perhaps coach who seems the only parent figure she has to be), or why so long the only thing that is ever important in their lives was winning a gold medal, or who is the father of the child, I'm not upset that the show has all not yet been revealed. The production team seems to have put a lot of thought into how much they shuck at any given time there again and I am happy to trust them, because they show such a pleasant trip was so far.

But I feel like I to have "baby daddy" angle for a brief moment tackle, from the beginning, since I the notes never trusted really the show gave us that pointed to Kang-chul , Oh, sure, I was willing to entertain the idea, because it's obvious what the show wanted us to think - at least at first. But it seemed only too obvious in the beginning, and then it does not seem like it will fit when the show started rolling and we learned more about Kang-chul. Although, can wait until I do not see the look on Ho-gu face when he finally finds out that Kang-chul had nothing to do with Do-hee pregnancy.

Da Kang-chul is not father, and I am 100% sure that he and Do-hee never had sex. What my part led to a lot of confusion, especially when it comes to the show to read all the comments and find out how many people are convinced adamant about it, he is, and they did it. I have translated in a row at least one subbing site since discovered 5 that the hospital scene explicitly saying that Do-hee had Kang Chul asked to use a condom, and he refused because he did not, the use of condoms - never, never. But the reality is that the actual conversation is very, very vague. My bet is that what they really want to talk about something with Do-hee contract with their agency or a legal way to ensure that the child's father is never discovered or something in connection with the do fact he is a lawyer.

Maybe that's why I do not really hate him, despite the shitty remarks he made in previous episodes. In fact, I'm surprised how much I enjoyed the last few episodes in Seul-Ong. I had sold to his acting ability was not until he was able to flex his comedic muscles, and now I can not get enough of his surprise, panicked faces.

This is also why I am still totally onboard Ho Kyung try to mess with it, because while I think their relationship to be a bit of a disaster, I'm curious to know how he will treat discovery that the "Ho-gu" he kissed was actually a girl. I hope that the show "treated OMG! I'm not really gay, thank God!" As the standard in a modern, open-minded fashion freak-out that most of the male leads go through when they boy's, she are recognized in love with is actually a girl. I have too much confidence going into this show, by another manifest like that again. to

Overall, despite the odd misstep or two, this show has made me pleasantly surprised by so be incredibly sexy. I think it is extremely handsome to be - I did not feel that my intelligence insulted; I care about the characters; the humor really makes me laugh; and the heart-warming moments are sincere. While I'm more interested to see everyone live by each other's friends and family happy ending after, the chemistry between the lines met me. I can believe that their slow road to romance is natural and organic, and feel worthy at the end.

Then again, we are only halfway, and who knows what will happen next.

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tags: Choi Woo-Shik in Ho Gu love, UEE

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