Recap And Reviews Kdrama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 15

Recap and reviews korean drama Kill Me, Heal Me: Episode 15 -

Welcome the episode in which no one happy. How, literally nobody. In the midst of all this misery, Ri-on finally lays his cards on the table and Do-hyun is struggling with the question of how best to protect the people he loves. But there are good options if you want your own family to destroy everything you hold dear?


with blood, a cheek, tears ran smudging on the other, after all Do-hyun remembers that Ri-jin was with him in the basement. He struggles to remain conscious while his memories-not Mom Bat Attack to mention him, finally he remembers the promise Ri-jin made as a child: ".. Remember 10:00 pm-the time we promised to meet" Overwhelmed, he drops to his knees and then breaks on the ground.

Ri-jin is trapped inside the building, tormented by their own memories. Outside Do-hyun forced himself to his feet, pushing himself beyond the borders of his battered body. He stumbles on the club, but to fight his attempts are easily repulsed. The bad guys are going to beat the crap out of him. Again.

Mom hears from her racket on the man who followed, without knowing that it is their precious son. She tells them, now withdraw, to avoid being caught by the police. The leader transmits orders to his followers, who are busy again enter prone Do-hyun in the ribs. Ouch.

Ri-jin struggling with the locked door, caught memories which dissolves in the basement. She begins to hyperventilate and Browsed through the shelves for a plastic bag, showing great presence of mind in the middle of her panic attack.

The door opens, and Ri-jin mind jumps immediately when Do-hyun father would enter the cellar. It runs on a stack of boxes and nestles behind them and buried her head in her arms. In voice-over we hear Do-hyun as a child to be apologetic late.

Ri-jin turns to watch, and sure enough it is Cha Do-hyun who comes into the kitchen and saw that he had been through a war zone is. Ri-jin rushes to him to ask his injuries. "I'm sorry ... I'm late," Do-hyun says, echoing the words he spoke as a child. He breaks once more (which is three times in eight minutes? The poor guy).

Ri-one and Chief Ahn in hiding at the same time arrive. Chef Ahn grabs Ri-on collar, knowing ask who he really is, but their confrontation of Ri-jin distressed cries is interrupted. They rush inside, where Ri-jin tells them to call an ambulance.

Ri-jin remains rush him to the emergency room of Do-hyun page as a medic, also give orders to the other doctor. He's all like, "Wait ... are you not at Johns Hopkins are you doing?" But Ri-jin is not in the mood for chitchat.

Ri-on finds his sister waiting in the hall for messages from Do-hyun state. He gives her a strengthening drink and tries to get her home to rest, but Ri-jin does not move until Do-hyun regains his senses. Ri-one is angry because Ri-jin to ignore only worry about Do-hyun, for them his concern. He feed his drink out in the garbage and storms.

In the hallway learns Chef Ahn that the Villa was taken in the Ri-jin is registered under "this person" Name and orders his informants the guide to find the kidnappers. Ri-on overheard the conversation and wants to know who owns the villa, but chief Ahn says he can not exchange information that is not confirmed.

"Then I'll confirm for me," Ri -one answers. "But if it's who I think it is, I do not know what I ended up doing." He leaves Chef Ahn with this warning and calls his friend to the police, asking him to investigate. waiting

Ri-jin of Do-hyun hospital bed, looking if Dr. Seok comes for them. He reminds them of their promise to have a consultation with him, and accepts Ri-jin away while Do-hyun asleep. But Do-hyun wakes seconds after they leave the room.

Ri-jin relates their sense of deja vu while trapped in the villa. It is now certain that it plays a role in the Do-hyun repressed memories, and she is determined her own past forgotten again to help cure him.

Dr. Seok confirmed that Ri-jin is this really do for Do-hyun's sake, and they do not even, and the camera pans to show us Do-hyun to listen outside the office door. He hears Ri-jin say how they promised to fight together from now on, there is a fear of basements or anything else was.

Do-hyun goes to the roof of the hospital and looks out over the city from around clutching the picture of Ri-jin as a child in his hand. Ri-jin sees him and assumes it's Yo-sub even try to kill again, so she pulls him away from the edge and scolds him for breaking the promise he made to her.

"If you want, then die die" Ri-jin says. "But to die tomorrow." And if he still wants to die tomorrow, she says, then push it to the next day, and the next and the next. A day will come when he pleased that he will be kept on. Do-hyun promises her that he will not die, because it is something that he he has first to do someone has to protect.

Ri-jin hugs Do-hyun finds sobbing that this is the first time she realized how reassuring the words "I can not die" actually are. With the image of the child Ri-jin still in his hand, Do-hyun can not bring back Ri-jin hug.

Walking through the hospital lobby, Do hyun asks Ri-jin try to stop to recover their memories. It is good to be alive and has many people who are her-Do-hyun love does not want only to suffer, to help him.

Ri-jin reminds him that it is likely she was Se-gi first love, which means that they could be Do-hyun. It could be wonderful memories, would that Ri-jin recover with the bad along, and Do-hyun should not give up just because he is afraid.

But Do-hyun knows exactly how not-wonderful Ri-jin would memories, and he can not hold back his tears. He pulls Ri-jin exactly so much affected him in a hug, to leave them confused about what she said.

Ri-jin mother visited a Buddhist temple, the final resting place of her old friend Min Seo-yeon (Ri-jin biological mother). A flashback shows Seo-yeon before Mom 21 years call, asked her to save her daughter. She promised to bring Ri-jin in a few days, but must have died in the car accident before she could. In the present, Mama Seo-yeon scolds keep gently for forwarding without her promise. She tears up as she says how good Ri-jin has grown up.

In front of the temple entrance is a thug in a suit, the Ki-joon father calls to confirm that he is discovered the identity of the person who raised Seo-yeon of the child. Dad reminds him gently to move, and Ki-joon finds that something big has to happen if Dad mobilized his troops. Dad says that he is simply seeks weakness of his opponent, he must take before his own benefit is suspended.

Ki-joon mother takes Chae-yeon out lunch her (politely, of course) to grumble in public with Cha Do-hyun is seen drunk. She has not a big deal to do with it, saying that they trusted not to make Chae-yeon again an error like this. "How can you trust me if I do not trust?" Chae-yeon asks. She gets up, she pays respects and apologized like a boss.

Chae-yeon mother gets a call from Ki-joon nut not happy about what went down easy. But Chae-yeon Mom fires back, saying her daughter is just as great as Ki-joon, and they should only cancel the engagement.

Chae-yeon returns her engagement ring to Ki-joon. She says it's someone else wants them, and it is wrong to play with Ki-joon's heart like this. He wants to know why it began for him cause for concern now and Chae-yeon only apologizes and says goodbye. Ki-joon feed off the ring, swearing Do-hyun.

Ri-on brings some things to Ri-jin at the hospital, but it is something to do on the way home hyun. Then Ri-one gets a call from his detective friend who has discovered the owner of the villa, in the Ri-jin went kidnappers.

Do-hyun hears from chief Ahn, of that it has confirmed without doubt, Do-hyun was mother who orchestrated the kidnapping. He wants to confront it immediately, but to check on the way out of the hospital, he gets a call from Ri-on.

meet in the hallway, and Ri-on gain Do-hyun of the federal government and slams him against the wall. Ri-one is near the limits of his self-control, screaming that Do-hyun should never have created more connections with Ri-jin. Do-hyun, remembers what Ri-on said Se-gi, as no right to have with Ri-jin, because he is a son group Seungjin. do tears to my eyes-hyun. "Why did you ignore my warning?" Ri-on border. "Why? Why WHY? ?"

Ri-jin stop by Do-hyun home of some of his clothes to bring , She finds the box of toys, bought the Se-gi for their date, including the pop-up clown and the bad dancing monkeys. She smiles when she remembers how Se-gi trying so hard to impress her.

The toy train sparks another set of memories-Ri-jin hears a child's voice much they promising at the same time to meet every day. Ri-jin staring at the empty space and provides a child with a toy train to play, although it is still not clear to her that there was an actual memory.

A call from Papa comes, the Ri-jin wants to stop the restaurant Mom to check. It revises the weekend, but you do not want to go to the hospital, so Dad asks Ri-jin to swing by and give her an IV. Ri-jin leaves immediately.

Ri-one meets with Do-hyun and explains everything about his past with Ri-jin. He always tried to allay their fears and to explain, to see off her nightmares, but now Ri-jin flashes of her past often after a meeting with Do-hyun.

Ri-jin in danger. Of people to be who they are afraid existence, and their memories will make them unhappy when they discovered they For these reasons, Ri-on asks Do-hyun Ri-jin to send away. You will no longer listen to her brother, but she could hear Do-hyun.

Head down, Ri-on asks Do-hyun to help. Do-hyun agrees, but asks back to a single favor.

Ri-jin hooked an IV in for her mother and not scold her the care itself. Ri-jin boasts that it does not make home visits for just anyone, so Mom had better listen. Mom jokes back and wondered where Ri-jin inherited their looks and attitude, but the oblique reference to Ri-jin real parents turn the mood somber.

"Are not you curious about your real family?" Ri Jin's mother asks. But Ri-jin says she is content to read later. Ri-on overheard by the door, and in voice-over he asks Do-hyun not to take Ri-jin or his family fortune.

Speaking to take away happiness arrives Do-hyun mother in his apartment. Asks Chef Ahn why Do-hyun they called from, and the boss replied that it was probably for the exact reason why she is afraid.

Mama Do-hyun apologized and said that she has gone too far. She insists that she was not really to investigate kidnapping Ri-jin, to find out why they approached Do-hyun.

Do-hyun shows that Ri-jin has no memories of her past, so Mom attempts to find out how much they know are useless. Mom is relieved immediately what further Do-hyun disgusted. "Are you human?" he demands. He asks if she has the right to the mother to call somebody after this manner to act.

Oma Seo sitting next Joon-Pyo bed and scolds him for six years for the operation off, then in a coma for the next twenty stay. She thinks back to twenty years ago, when Joon-Pyo finally back into the house with Do-hyun in tow.

In the past, grandmother Seo welcomes Joon- pyo as a happy mother with her son to be united (and we are not the mistress of evil they know to be), but they when Joon-pyo requirements will deter that are added to his son to the family book. Then Seo-yeon will appear, with a daughter that Joon-Pyo does not recognize. The adults are tense and cautious, but the children shy sharing smile.

Back to the present, grandmother Seo reflects that if only her husband Seo-yeon had not brought into the house, even if only "the child" had really been Joon-pyo, this whole tragedy would never have happened. Now she does not know where to begin, things start straightening (unplugging Joon-pyo of the ventilator could be a good start, honestly).

Have hyun gives his mother one last chance for their greed to atone: you leave pack and all of America with him. Mom is not even willing to consider now to look, when they are so close to the finish line.

Do-hyun stated that he never Seungjin group successor because he has D.I.D. He tried to get his mother to understand how their greed, their sins and her husband, made him this way. Mom only thought is that he can not let anyone know, or he will lose his chance Seungjin group to own.

"I have finally figured out how to finish your insatiable greed," Do-hyun says. He will reveal his illness to Seungjin group, so any chance to win the end of Mom prestige by her son in the whole world. Do-hyun Mom asks again if she is ready to leave for America with him.

Ri-Ri-jin drives to Do-hyun apartment. He suggests that moms disease is due to their shock that Ri-jin know she was adopted, and asks why Ri-jin is suddenly so determined to recover their memories.

Ri-jin says that she thinks that's the right time, and it is strong enough to look at their past back without crumbling. Ri-one wants to know whether their new destination for the Do-hyun, and Ri-jin says it's possible, but you will say not sure.

you see Do-hyun is waiting in front of his apartment, sitting in a deck chair and looking grumpy. Ri-jin wonders what he's doing here, he should still be in the hospital.

Ri-jin asks Do-hyun, he waited for her, laughing that their dog Ri-na is doing the same. She holds her hand as she would head for their dog and pets Do-hyun. He plays along, but he looks like he is on the verge of tears.

We see a flashback of Do-hyun talks with Ri-on when he promised to send off Ri-jin. His condition was that he one last day to spend with her-Do-hyun wants to make Ri-jin smiles brightly once, because he has always been one of her vocation.

Do-hyun asks Ri-jin, if they go with him to the Snowflake train because he wants to make up for their journey, before it is abandoned. Ri-jin agrees immediately and begins to dance with joy, seemingly unaware Do-hyun restlessness.

Once again, we cut back on Do-hyun and crying Ri on the conversation, with both men bucket. "Far in the future," Do-hyun says Ri-on "when Ri-jin something not feel, even if they think of me, and if it happens to hurt from their past, tell her this: It is not because you did something wrong, or because you do not have the right to be loved, that you were abused. "

Ri-jin has the right to be loved, do-hyun is. So they should forget the past that never did her any good, and live their life while being loved. happy in the presence of radiation Ri-jin at Do-hyun, and he smiles sadly back.


I feel like I'm a completely different drama than that observed that all was more as my expectations for the last two months, and I want it back to trade. Much of what I love Kill Me, Heal Me is its ability to find humor especially itself or during moments that are supposed to be serious. This episode was nothing like that, it was just pure undiminished misery. For each. And during this unrelenting misery certainly makes sense in light of recent events, it is not always make for a pleasant viewing experience.

Do-hyun used spin-offs, to allow the show to mine comedy out of any situation, without losing sight of the emotional trauma suffered our hero. Now we have the suffering everything you could a stick at, and shake instead of Yo-na or Perry Park lighten the mood, we get flashbacks to flashbacks.

Intellectually, I think I understand why the opening scene presented over six minutes flashbacks interspersed with Do-hyun a losing battle against Mom minions fight. At this moment, the culmination of the Do-hyun had nightmares-21 years of confusion were dispelled in an instant, and the truth was just as bad as he had feared.

In this sense, added the flashbacks the weight or perhaps density of the moment, going through Do-hyun and mind into a single, terrible eureka moment is crystallized. The problem is that for us, the recurrence observed after repeat, these memories streeeetch out until it difficult for us fully Do-hyun inhabit emotions to feel how he feels.

On a positive note, I would like to applaud both Chae-yeon and her mother, who even supported this episode with some serious class. Chae-yeon finally acted on their feelings, mustering the courage, Ki-joon admit that he does not does not have her heart, and that to string him along his wrong. Chae-yeon the scene mother was perhaps my favorite of the episodes she is a minor figure, but it was still a nice moment to have to get up to Ki-joon Mom when she was Chae-yeon badmouthing. Chae-yeon happiness comes first for Mum, before the wealth and prestige of Seungjin Group. I think Do-hyun mother and grandmother should be taking notes.

The most important reason why I came so very frequent flashbacks like that they take time, as these scenes could be more dedicated to a scenes, the characters flesh out who are rarely in the spotlight , Chae-yeon in particular benefited from a few more scenes in the last four or so could have consequences, which would improve overall the show again.

I am to him to clearly tell-hyun seriously pissed dosing. The way he acted this episode made me put his intelligence into question his judgment, and his love even for Ri-jin. Basically, I believe that he accept the Nobel Idiocy train to Asshole City, and the reasons he gives for pushing Ri-jin off water not keep

Here are Do-hyun two objectives: 1) To keep Ri -jin to remember from a past that she would make her unhappy; keeping and 2) Ri-jin safely fight by all groups for the control of Seungjin group. Send Ri-jin does away not make them safer, not in any rational universe. Whether Ri-jin recovered her memory or not, they are always a threat to the Ki-joon and his father, grandmother Seo, and Do-hyun mother. All of them are threatened by their existence and Do-hyun has been how to deal with threats seen. The kidnapping attempt alone should have been enough, Do-hyun that his mother is not convincing in her right eye, and the attempt is to give an ultimatum like a rabid dog in a corner back: Someone will be bitten.

All Do-hyun is accessed remotely by sending Ri-jin prone to making their enemies without warning them that they will be a target. If he really Ri-jin, want to be safe, he should offer to America to escape with they not his bat-shit crazy mother.

What want to be happy, apparently in Do-hyun spirit means to keep from her the truth Ri-jin. That, excuse my French, is bullshit. When Ri-jin is strong enough to be do-hyun Fan, doctor and ally, then it is strong enough to decide for themselves whether they want to learn about their past. From price their memories not be pleasant, and it is presumed to be an insult to Ri-jin that she thinks they will be. Children not supplant years of memories or a paralyzing fear of basements develop because they well done experiences . As a psychiatrist Ri-jin has treated definitely with patients who are victims of abuse were, and now that Ri-jin who know their own memories has been suppressed, that the possibility she was abused, is on their list of statements -everything above his otherwise would be absurd. would honor

Da Ri-jin often is their desire, the truth in spite of their fear, the Do-hyun, I had thought developed in the last fourteen episodes to find its promise risk jin the way it has to support him always supported. What he does instead of cowardice to me seems; and worse, it seems as if he as a fragile doll treatment that can not be trusted to make their own decisions. Ri-jin I can only hope that if Do-hyun tries to send her away, Ri-jin tell him his head out of his ass to get and work with forth only is Do-hyun do able. something constructive for a change

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Tags : featured, Hwang Jung-eum, Ji Sung, Kill Me Heal Me, Park Seo-joon

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