Recap And Reviews Kdrama A new leaf: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama A new leaf: Episode 14 -

The wild war begins with Seok-ju and Ji-won to draw matching wits and strings inside and outside the courtroom. Sometimes it seems like Seok-ju and his endearing team of cronies are never stacked the odds against them, can in order to win, but they fight independently. The sweetness of this episode comes from the observation Seok-ju allies closer together in response to the strength of their opposition. Attorney Lee was for me, the star of the episode offers Seok-ju some valuable advice and persevering, even if political machinations threaten their jobs. There are also some nice moments amidst the bustle of mudslinging trial, including some further development in the saga of Seok-ju-watch. The only thing you will not find this episode, is a trace of Jung-Seon - it is the elephant not in the room, if you follow me. Please come back, non-Hateful seconds ahead! Drama Country Needs You!


CEO Cha surprised Ji-won with his recklessness in the board meeting and declared his intention to get rid of the current chief prosecutor. It reshuffle time in court, and the CEO will bring its influence to bear to ensure that the new boss DA will be more friendly to the banks.

At a meeting with a senior judge, CEO Cha puts his plan into action. He floats the idea that the current chief DA should be promoted to the post of chief librarian, while suggesting the replacement he knows he can control. The judge he seems the meeting to understand what is not said, and is ready to pull a few strings for the Cha Yeong Woo law firm.

Back in the company, everything is in chaos because of the huge case. Commented Ji-Yoon Seok-ju employees leave right before it all began, and always get famous pass for his injunction application. Ji-Yoon is surprised to learn that Seok-ju's not really a break, he said. Sang-tae pretends that he is surprised and hurries away.

Seok-ju for his father in his house looks, but he is not there. He sees a document his father worked, which show that the case is still causing considerable stress father, at a time when he should be concentrating on recovery.

CEO Cha and Ji-won get together for one of their strategy sessions (twice as exposure fests), where the strategy behind explain their approach. There are so many individual cases with such an amount of financial data involved, that most judges will not be able to pay any event, the attention it deserves. They will just follow the precedent of the main thing that influences due to the forthcoming court redeployment of CEO Cha is even more critical. At this point, CEO Cha need to see the result of the first major case before you know how it goes.

Seok-ju's father is with some of the small business, which is a bad idea for everyone involved. They are piling stress on a sick person, and he is not likely to be able to give them the kind of help they need. As he staggers clearly, (finally) they help him to sit down and call Seok-ju.

Seok-ju is still on the phone comes with the business owner, when his father home. Seok-ju scolds him alone to go out, and tears, saying how worried he was that his father could have collapsed.

you sit at the table, and Seok-ju's father explains why he felt the need to go and to his opinion. Banks retaliated by putting the leader of the small business associations and the independent expert on the tax investigation.

Seok-ju is tired of his father's tribe of vision, and has the case to worry about in his father's stead. Dad does not want to take his son to see this case, out of concern, but because it is doing the right thing. Seok-ju not quite that share selflessness, but he says that this case is to take better than watching suffering to death worries his father. He goes for the night, determined by to see the rest of the case.

in the Registry, Ji-won is surprised to find out how far CEO Cha's ready to go, and how far extends its reach. The current challenge is to find a new candidate for the chief prosecutor position, one that will see the position as an opportunity rather than degradation. The CEO promised the Minister of Justice to obtain the authorization. After the boss leaves, sees Ji-won, a little shaken. He admits, CEO Cha's second-in-command that he was surprised by the amount of influence to bring the company can carry

A short time leap shows that CEO Cha was successful -. Han Sang-wook is now the chief prosecutor after the court redeployment. Attorney Lee meets to discuss their upcoming briefing with the new DA with her boss. She is said to be particularly careful, responsible because of the importance of this Bank case and the new man.

During the meeting, it is clear that Attorney Lee have no friend in Attorney Han. He dismisses their research and opinions of American experts drawn and expresses an interest of the entire department to hear. Attorney Lee colleague says that because this is a criminal case, should the prosecutor present the information. But our newly promoted boss DA says attorney Lee is biased believes and pulls it from the entire department to hear.

attorney Lee is furious after the meeting to recognize that the Cha Yeong Woo firm begins to flex its muscles. The only thing to do, according to their supervisor is to follow quickly on the decision comes to the main case. Meanwhile Sang-tae comes at Seok-ju apartment and learns that his friend is to accept the case for his father, who is in poor health. Sang-tae approved and said that he has never been a good son, so it's time he started.

It's time for an underdog strategy session, as Sang-tae sets out a list of ace lawyers, judges, and several other people, the connections to the CEO Cha. It is likely to affect all of the people CEO Cha be able and Seok-ju said that when the new Chief Justice comes from this list, then the company is making a big step.

The conversation more turns personal, but no less important concern when Sang-tae shows that Ji-Yoon Seok-ju lined Khan while his father was in the hospital. This reminds Seok-ju Watch Ji-Yoon gave him, and he asks Sang-tae, what is its meaning. Sang-tae, he says, a commitment was present, but refused to elaborate on his connection to Ji-Yoon. He says Seok-ju should Ji-Yoon directly ask, even if Seok-ju pulls the "How can you do this with amnesia to your friend?" Map.

Seok-ju wasted no time to Ji-Yoon apartment in go. He wants to know why, if it was to present a commitment, Sang-tae told him to ask Ji-Yoon thereafter. Ji-Yoon looks a stammers to be something about the clock and the hard drive in the same box. Seok-ju looks through their pitiful attempt misdirection, and his answer is the same manipulative, persuasive and cunning.

He says Ji-Yoon on his father's illness, and how it eats at him that he can not do it right with his father reconciled before his memory comes back. "It's not easy," he says pointedly, "with all of these disorders." Ji-Yoon crumbling, confess that Seok-ju, the clock left in her bathroom one night, before he lost his memory.

comes out the whole story, noble of Ji-Yoon decision, a friend to help CCTV gimmicks, they later went to start in an action. Seok-ju thinks based on Ji-Yoon memory of his words, that nothing has happened, but none of them can be assured. Unfortunately, Ji-Yoon had her headphones in back when Pre-Amnesia Seok-ju told her nothing happened. Seok-ju can not fast enough rushing out of the apartment, although Ji-Yoon wants to know about the financial case more. "Ask Attorney Park. Good luck with the train!", When he made the Dormouse deadbolt.

Seok-ju braces against Ji-Yoon door for a moment in the hallway, wondering what happened. But the work waits for no one, and soon Seok-ju is looking on the phone for an expert who that banks can witness knowingly committed fraud.

The professor he contacts admits that he has been approached by the Cha Yeong Woo company with the offer of an expensive apartment. Although he refused, he does not, it would be right to offer his opinion on both sides. He needs to think of his students who may not be hired by the big banks, if their professor testified against them.

Seok-ju gets a visit from his father, who has brought two old acquaintances. Dad leads them and said that they will work with Seok-ju on the case. Score one for Papa's old connections, as the underdog team grows by two!

Seok-ju and Ji-won meet privately with a judge who makes it clear that the workload involved in this series of cases enormously. All the small to medium sized businesses independently filed, and judges and recorders are exhausted.

The judge wants to reduce the workload, by a resolution of the conflict is likely to reach a compromise. This will take the cost and complexity of the whole thing to avoid to the Supreme Court.

If you remember, that was exactly Ji-won strategy for entrepreneurs "defense at the knees cut off, and he smiles the judge clearly leaned his way to see. Seok-ju is not happy, but he will need more research and support, in order to prove that additional time, effort and money required for these cases.

Seok ju and attorney Lee meet, neither satisfied with how things are going. lawyer Lee shares the new decision Chef DA from the entire department to hear, instead of the prosecutor that Seok-ju as trick recognizes advances the criminal case to keep. both understand the main strategy of defense that is and use that. as a precedent and a way to stop the criminal. If the verdict goes against the entrepreneur, lawyer Lee is not the pursuit of the banks may continue to operate for criminal acts to wait for the decision on the civil action

Bad news comes for entrepreneurs in the form of a reduced settlement offer. The CEO in question is only 10% of its annual losses guaranteed what $ 60,000 is - peanuts compared to the millions of dollars that he had to pay. He decides that he has to go to court now that he left nothing to lose.

Cut to irate CEO Baekdu Soju, which is on the losing side of the recent decision. He is to go to court determines say that it is impossible, his prosperous company might have been paralyzed so neat, unless maneuvered the Cha Yeong Woo company secretly. He wants to look for a lawyer about the company to take, and one of his assistants proposes Lawyer Kim Seok-ju, so recently left the company. The CEO scoffs, telling his aide to find someone else. And yet, my finely tuned senses are tingling anticipation ...

A soft-spoken professor comes to Seok-ju modest office has to send his opinion on Banks "Actions. he seems to be serious, he does this from a scholar conscience say. with some luck, the expert Seok-ju so desperately needs.

as might be expected, but Ji-won is already known, that he has a potential financial expert found. Ji-Yoon she overheard the solution in the expert opinions and to consider the level of authority, no doubt, to see whether it can be pushed to the side, bribed or persuaded otherwise be silent.

you if they should share this with Seok-ju asks Sang-tae in a whisper, (I love this little mutiny, which, incidentally, form the heart of the company). Sang-tae to worry, says; Seok-ju will be ready for it. I think it is good to have a lawyer who knows all the dirty tricks from experience!

Both teams arrive at court for the first of the major cases. It is a tense, silent moment on the stairs, as Ji-won team recognizes her old boss, and Seok-ju nods back. Ji-Yoon gives him a worried look, and Ji-won expression sets in a firm determination.

The study progresses, as Seok-ju and Ji-won start witnesses to the stand to call. First, the seller is scummy to just asked for days attorney Lee in question, and Seok-ju gives him a thorough grilling. But Ji-won reacts accused in style, one of the plaintiffs in negligence, though her head was Bookkeeping and they should stand the risk of their company have been aware.

The great witness Seok-ju's financial expert who testified that the banks maneuvered, so were they with much less risk than the smaller companies charged. Seok-ju finished his questioning by noting that every company faced an enormous hidden costs that discriminate against them.

Then Ji-won begins his cross-examination and the ominous music starts. When Ji-won of the mitigating circumstances that begins that banks justify the actions, agrees with the expert only with him. He changes his statement, and it is clear from Seok-ju expressed that he never expected to happen. It is a heavy blow, and the judge ends the session immediately after.

As each of the courtroom files, the expert can not even bring himself Seok-ju to look into the eyes. So much for the scholars conscience ... not cool, man! leave Ji-won and his team, flushed with victory, with the exception of Ji-Yoon, who on the way Seok-ju outputs a sad look.

Seok-ju remains shocked the courtroom with attorney Lee, who managed to find the silver lining. It points out, with an amused but friendly smile, that this is exactly what he did to her before. "It feels terrible, is not it?" She asks. "But from now on, you will be more careful ... and you will burn with justice." Seok-ju shakes from the disappointment to find the solution to another expert.

Ji-Yoon Seok-ju for waiting in the hallway, in a beautiful echo of her earlier actions related to Jung Hye-ryeong case. She feels terrible, as the company has acted, but Seok-ju assures her that as an intern, she should perform their duties well with a clean conscience. They should be firm and do not feel sorry. He goes away, and we see that Attorney Lee has witnessed this exchange between Seok-ju and his former intern.

Ji-won and the Law Department for Ji-Yoon waiting at the foot of the stairs. Ji-Yoon sunbae she grumbles, but Ji-won cuts, to say that it is natural, it should respect their former boss. He approves of their loyalty. Leaving back the court.

The company, Sang-tae hear what has happened, and shares an uneasy glance with Ji-Yoon. He comments, perhaps with some hidden worry that Seok-ju is nothing without the company. Ji-Yoon sunbae says with great enthusiasm that Seok-ju was naive than he expected. Just wait, dude - he is not ready yet

Seok-ju sitting in his apartment, but with the exception of Khan, in deep contemplation after the disastrous turn of events on this day! , He gets a call from Sang-tae, but he does not respond.

section to Sang-tae and Ji-Yoon for a drink together from muses that Seok-ju should join them have come out. Ji-Yoon is to make their place in the company in question, but knows that the smart choice is to stay there. Her aunt lost money and her father may lose his job, and their position in the company means they might be able to support it, if the worst happens. But at the same time, it is clear from the way they Seok-ju's new practice mentioned that she wants to work in an environment where they can follow their principles.

Sang-tae is both cynical and practical. He tells her to stay for three years, and then decide again afterwards. If it is leaving hardly be better as a bum, do not receive their salary in a position and probably still helpless against the companies and large institutions such as banks. He has come a point, but his willingness to sneakily hours Seok-ju to help, makes me think it happy dude is still hope for our dance.

The Chief DA meets with Prosecutor Lee's boss, and puts pressure on him attorney Lee have reassigned. Your boss insists that she is more passion and ability as anyone, but the boss DA sure she's just biased. It is to be placed with the criminal cases department.

attorney Lee is just beginning to ask someone if their boss is. He does not want them to take over from the case, but his hands are tied. He apologizes, but can not change their displacement.

attorney Lee packs her bags and says goodbye to her team. They are discouraged because they do not believe the Department attorney Lee would take out of the case, unless they have not really a study want. They are certainly right, but attorney Lee recalled that the victims have otherwise to trust anyone, they should help the new prosecutor to the best of its ability. You leave the building with their belongings.

Seok-ju goes to work, run in Ji-Yoon on the way. She wants to talk to him, but he falls into the elevator with a curt "I'm busy." He employs his can, but I think he still rocked over the whole clock Affair.

lawyer Lee Seok-ju chilling in office, to read a newspaper. He tells her if she is not busy, then it can help. That's all the invitation she needs, and next thing you know she volunteered to find a foreign financial expert, the German precedents to translate, and to send important documents.

Sang-tae arrives with lunch. Attorney Lee: "Where's mine?" Sang-tae turns, sees them and falls a lunch break in shock. Add another bad-ass prosecutor Seok-ju to team!

is before lunch to end, has Prosecutor Lee a few options for their foreign financial expert in studying thanks to their two experiences abroad. Your best option, even won a Nobel Prize. Seok-ju begins immediately write an email to ask for help. Attorney Lee says she is glad to have been helpful, and it is the next day to come back

Sang-tae stands up as she goes, and Seok-ju says :. "What are you doing? Go for it." Sang-tae replies that she already rejected him. But he promises to come back tomorrow and start the door of heads by lawyer Lee while I cheer. If there is someone who can motivate Sang-tae to be his best self, then it is the principled and attorney Lee driven. In addition, they would be so cute together!

Then CEO Cha ruined the good mood by showing that he keep tabs on Seok-ju team. He knows what Seok-ju is up and is determined to hinder his efforts, even if he can not just intimidate a Nobel laureate. "So they have found a professional player abroad," he says with his best evil face. If he had a cat, he would be threatening strokes.

Seok-ju's father wants to visit the experiment on that day, but Seok-ju urges him to stay at home to avoid the risk of further shocks , He promises that after that they will go fishing. "Fishing?" Father says, leaves after Seok-ju, totally confused. "He goes fishing?"

It's time for the overseas professional to show his stuff in court. It calls on the authority of his Nobel Prize, a pretty graphical display and an even more beautiful accent to convince the judge that the banks committed fraud. He is cross-examined by Ji-won, and this time Seok-ju verifier does not flip-flop.

Next Seok-ju, the German case that he asked Attorney Lee to find someone to translate. Ji-won says that different countries have different laws, but Seok-ju countered that South Korea, as of yet not in place is to protect companies from this type of predatory act. The German case will hopefully act as a precedent for the future. From the mood of the room, so it seems that Seok-ju won this round.

Seok-ju and Professor Awesome leave the court. A reporter approaches and asks a few questions, so that the professor to make a strong statement against the backup banking practices. He can make the situation by a former student learned, but he may not be a defective product, as they allow the banks to remain sold.

Soju chairman sees the news of Seok-ju victory, in which the court ruled that the small companies are entitled to 70% compensation. He decides Seok-ju to get help with his own case, even to the extent of him to come and see.

Seok-ju customers have a little celebration, and thank Seok-ju for all his efforts. It's just a victory and the battle is not over yet, but it means a lot for the business that they receive most of the losses as a reward. Seok-ju's father leaves to make a call, and when he turns his back on his face lights up in a heartwarming smile.

CEO Cha, his second-in-command, and Ji-won will gather to discuss the loss. It was just a decision of the High Court, this loss is only a temporary setback. The latest battlefield, says the CEO, will be the one case among hundreds that makes it to the Supreme Court. This is the case which is placed the key precedent for the rest.

, it can not in the grand scheme of things that have been a minor setback, but Ji-won it that way at all. His face is made in a specific form without a trace of hesitation, he displayed earlier.

Ji-won: "I'll definitely turn the tables"


One of my favorite scenes in this episode, maybe even the series was ready to drink Sang-tae with Ji-Yoon. They are both honest about their hope that Seok-ju will win, but they have very different ideas about what to do. Ji-Yoon is a subtle and remarkably powerful dilemma: fight to support the family, the clear choice with the company is to stay. You will earn money that they urgently need, because her aunt was betrayed and her father might lose his job. But it stick for several years, so Sang-tae says, would mean going along with the same people who helped create the situation in the first place.

Ji-Yoon Seok-ju wistfully mention of really tugged at my heartstrings small company, because it is so clear that they want to follow their principles and work with Seok-ju. However, nothing could help by their code of ethics. That is certainly what Sang-tae believes he is ready to help Seok-ju after hours, but do not think for one second that he or Ji-Yoon should their place within the company give to Seok-ju on his crusade participate. But he really is solved as it seems, as he gives her this advice? It seems that Ji-Yoon idealism a little rubs off on him, or perhaps it is his loyalty to Seok-ju asserts itself. And when the show decides to pursue the Sang-tae / Lawyer Lee angle, there is an even greater chance that Sang-tae is to become a better person. I am sending this pair wholeheartedly, and hope that more of them to see!

Jung-Seon, again, was totally absent in this episode, and it hurts me. The show has to pack loose two episodes ends earlier than planned, unfortunate, but inevitable, and the result is a spotlight on Seok-ju and the case to rule them all at the expense of some of the women in the show. In fairness role attorney Lee this episode was fantastic, and Ji-Yoon few scenes more development offered as in previous episodes, but she was still a small player and Young-Seon was downright benched.

I am no longer complain about the emphasis on the development of law, because things quite tense and exciting now always that the final showdown draws near. The back-and-forth lawyering is more exciting than I thought, and it does an excellent job of radio character development as Ji-won goes completely to the dark side after the settlement to Seok-ju to lose.

There is not show what that does, makes me sad; that's what the show not to do at the time. The show is trying to wrap his final case as seamlessly as possible (and the authors really build a good job to do voltage), but this episode ignored nor Jung Seon just as blatantly as Seok-ju ignored Ji-Yoon after hearing about their supposed status for one night.

A New Leaf deserves for his deft plotting, attention to detail and a lot of credit subtle emotional beats. Now I hope you find the show time in the last week to take some of the characters, which unfortunately have been pushed to the side and bring them into the limelight. To achieve Character After seeing what the show was able in just one hour with attorney Lee, however, I feel cautiously optimistic. Let's finish strong, New Leaf

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tags: A new leaf characterized Kim Myung-min, Kim Sang-joong, park min-young

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