Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 3 -

Joseon Gunman continue to deliver only what I want. That's an interesting thing, because one would think that to get exactly what you want might be something for a disappointment if you know what will happen-we are still conflicts and establishing price revenge motivation. But in the way that a good romantic comedy still be quite satisfactory, despite the fact that you know the end from the beginning (you know, the part where the couple ends together), this drama hits all the right Ton for me.

In addition, the arrival of a charismatic second guide adds a nice dose of cute (for us) and anxiety (for our hero), as well as the romance really gets spark for our couple.


Bubble Sisters - "달픈" from the [1945015JoseonGunman] OST. There is no perfect translation of the title, but there is such a thing as causing "sad longing," a sense of heartbreak. [ Download ]

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We take at edge of the cliff again, where Yoon-kang and Soo-in through the gun, the driven Enge. bomber toting, also known as dealer Choi Won-shin she handed the book to save their lives, and Yoon-kang insists that they have nothing to do with the content ;. playing their only role courier, Choi was Won-shin pockets there, but pointing his gun it in any event no need to keep them alive.

Perhaps it is naive to think it would handing spare them, but realistically they have no choice. it would be to keep as stupid out to obtain principle and shot, with the book in the end one way or stolen.

Yoon-kang jumping for Soo-in as well as an arrow flies in a nearby tree. Phew! Dad has arrived, and Choi Won-shin revolves around a small army at his back. Yoon-kang lights to see his father, who commands Choi, put to find his gun.

Choi Won-shin assesses the situation and the eyes of the steep drop off down to the water. Pretending to be fulfilled, he slowly lowers his weapon and then pauses for the Sims.

Park Jin-Han are to fire the command, but their arrows whistling through the air, as Choi Won-shin jumping into the water. Park thinks fast and jumping on the cliff in pursuit.

Both men survive the fall and swim to the shore, where they go on the hunt on foot. Choi Won-shin has to take enough of an advantage a clear shot at the park, but his chance by Waterlogged shell ruined, thank goodness, and finally Park Jin-Han catches him in the woods. They freeze as they come face to face, then reached slooooowly for their weapons, old-fashioned duel style.

They act simultaneously: Park Jin-Han uses his sword, while Choi Won-shin recharges quickly as lightning and fire. The bullet hit the park in the arm, but he is able to throw his sword to get Choi in be arm. But Choi fled, while he has the opening.

As Park Jin-Han, who is treated, he hears the story of Yoon-kang and Soo-in. He does not want Yoon-kang declaration in question, but that (s) he is a drinking buddy of his who earned him a glare from her seems the least suspicious way to answer this question.

Once Yoon Kang's out of earshot, but she speaks Park as Soo-in and giggles that they braver than she looks. He advises in clothes lady to change before going home, where their parents will be worried, and delivers them overnight to explain the absence of even an apology for her: She was asked about teachers Hyun At issue in the office.

She is offended caught in such a blatant lie to be in, but Yoon-kang tells her not to worry about it. He has noticed that, in contrast to his father is to be considerate, but Soo-in chides him not to recognize the character of his father.

As expected, the budget is in turmoil and her mother is ready to deliver a thundering punishment. Soo-in insists on the History Park Jin-Han provided her, and promised that he would vouch for them, and finally her mother notes the statement.

King Gojong gets the bad news that his last Kaehwa is eliminated scholars. Park Jin-Han vows to capture the shooter, which is of paramount importance, because until it is caught, the Enlightenment is fraction when combined with the fear silenced. Exactly what do the Conservatives of Sugu Group.

Choi Won-shin provides book Hyun Am to Sugu manager Mr. Kim Jwa-jung (which, incidentally, is not one of the top government councils is to be confused in Gojong court with Minister Kim Byung-je, who is). Mr. Kim chuckles as he sweeps through it, having regard to the revolutionary ideas that Hyun Am dared argue.

Minister Kim comes Mr. Kim to see, and Choi Won-shin greeted him with immediate Respect these people are far, far beyond its status. He deserves a lot of credit to Mr. Kim for from the mission successfully getting through, although Minister Kim less than pleased-Chois success underscores its own failure.

Minister Kim reported that Gojong ad seems unlikely; in fact, he has given Park Jin-Han more soldiers command. Gojong sets to get to the bottom of these murders, which makes him the great thorn in their side all his hopes in the park. Mr. Kim is Choi Won-shin kill the sequence park next, then throws the book into the fire. discuss

Park and his second-in-command, as the assassins knew where the scholar to murder, and conclude that they have a mole in their ranks. Phew, at least they are known.

Two young scientists meet in a quiet pavilion, but there is little for them to do. This used to be the meeting grounds for dozens of them before recent terrorist, but now everyone has been afraid holed up at home. Since the two scientists decide to leave, another comes and says: ". Then, is that the end of Joseon be"

This is KIM KYUNG-HO ( Han Joo-wan ), which is warmly welcomed by his friends. He has been living in Japan, but is part of Hyun on murder and rushed back home. Ho Kyung is unfazed by the threat and declared that they would need to keep meeting, and told his friends to spread the word that it if they do not come back threaten ", and that I drink on an open tab in her name! "Ha.

Ho Kyung arrival (and his aura of confidence and command) breathes new life into his friends, agree that the round and along the message through.

Soo-in is lost in thought, all those moments of deliberation Yoon-kang showed her on her two-day adventure remember. She finds him outside her quarters loitering, and he is embarrassed that he wanted to check that she was all right, because they lost the book. She replies that it annoying, but their teacher will understand that their lives are important.

Soo-in is much warmer to him today, and also playful as she teases him for an excuse to get back to their quarters lurking. Instant Yoon-kang apologizes and turns so quickly to leave, that she calls him back. She invites him look like the world and telescopic parked in the yard in the oddity.

Soo-in, thanks to Yoon-kang for his help, which puts an adorable smile on his face. He assures her that she does not need him to repay, but then adds that it might be a way, if she insists ...

But that proposal by the maid Excitement briefly at arrival guest and walks cut Ho-Kyung, who their welcomes familiar and has Soo-in with a happy whitening "Oraboni!"

Suddenly Yoon-kang we find the frown third wheel, catch behind ~~ POS = TRUNC behind as the two friends. Her parents Ho Kyung invited to live here, as he once used. With Yoon-kang with his old room, Soo-in suggests that he use the old staff room. Ho-Kyung was his best student, after all.

Ho Kyung extending a friendly hand to Yoon-kang, who shakes with a forced smile. Oh, that should be fun.

Soo-in leads Ho-Kyung in his new room, and as the door closes behind them, Yoon-kang gets antsy. He snorts at indecency, and especially not rub against their liberal use of the word "oraboni."

This evening, Park Jin-Han meditates on his second in command (fine, we give it a name, Officer moon) that they end the sword usefulness approach to safely take with the advancement in firepower. "Either we leave the sword," he says, "or we die by the sword."

Over the Choi budget, Hye-won asks her father, not too late to go out at night, running out of fear for his safety with the Armed loose. Choi Won-shin feigns ignorance as the latest news and calls the Armed Forces incompetent for letting the shooter Slip explained by the finger.

to pass the morning Ho Kyung heads out early and asks Yoon-kang along the word to Soo-in. Yoon-kang's true, but murmurs jealous about the free use of their name guy. So if Soo-in runs maid and asks for is "young master", Yoon-kang likely that he just left. The girl clarifies that Soo-in want to see him , and he breaks into a smile. So nice.

Soo-in was to come up with an idea to pay him, and looks mighty pleased with herself when she tells him of the eclipse tonight. "I'll show you something really wonderful then," she promises. Why did I feel they think two different things?

Then she explains that the night sky will be dark and their fireworks will be amazing and his face falls a little. Haha. It invites his sister Yeon-ha along, but he invents to make of it a disease, looking forward to the tour is only between the two of them.

when it is of course time to set, he finds grumpy Yeon-ha with him glaring for trying to leave them out. Off they go on their trip Soo in cranky cheerful, Yeon-ha, and Yoon-kang tries to smooth ruffled feathers.

When she's house, Choi Won-shin bombers leave watches attentively. Ruh-ROH.

The drawing of the dead assassin (who was murdered in jail) brings a man who recognizes him as a traveling peddler named Jong-tae. Ah, well peddling would explain his connection to merchant Choi. However, the informant Jong-tae know died five years ago, after he punished brawls. Park sends officer moon to confirm the story.

The fireworks excursion hikes to their target upwards, and Yoon-kang has Soo-in one hand the tendency. I am pretty sure it's accidental that it lands in his lap, although I'm not sure he would have not planned it, if he had thought.

They make it a temple and offering prayers, then by a creek sit from afar about the prospect to look at the city. Yoon-kang amazed how small the town itself, and Soo-in adds that Joseon in its entirety is also small. Not that she has traveled around the country, but she has seen the world and knows that the world is much larger. She was shocked when her teacher showed the world first, and that's when they conceived the desire she was praying in the temple on all the way to travel to the end of the sea.

Yoon-kang listens attentively as she explained that Joseon women hardly dare even outside the city. She says: "Instead of this kind of world, but one where a person can do everything-live in a world like this is my dream."

Then she asks what is his dream, and he does not really have an answer to never have thought it. They encouraged him by a thinking, now, and he takes a moment ... to think, and then looked at her with a shy smile. But his answer is cut short by his sister, who engages him in a water fight.

The siblings splash each other a little before Yoon-kang Yeon-ha persuaded to make this a family affair, and they turn on Soo-in.

And on the side of the shooter watches. His gaze settles on Yeon-ha.

Park Jin-Han drops in asking to Choi Won-shin, about the peddlers Jong-tae. Choi pretends to search his memory for the name, and says that he heard the man died. Park Jin-Han suggests that the man could have been saved, but Choi Recalls that would interfere with a criminal penalty that rescuers at risk. No one would dare to do it.

Park expresses that when someone Jong-tae who were saved, well, loyalty Jong-tae of the immortal deserved it, would not it?

night falls, and Soo-in collects supplies to start the fireworks. She waves Yoon-kang join her to see a game in which it is in such a surprising sight to fall back into alarm. The ladies laugh, then he watched as she lit the wick ... then fizzles out. In disappointment, fusses Soo-in over the fireworks, while the darkness comes to an end, disappointed that it did not work.

Yeon-ah, the couple has noticed the burgeoning interest in each other, and decided to step aside her brother have some time to let alone what is lovable. Deceives a cough and goes back to the temple with the maid. Yoon-kang can see that she behaves in his favor and smiles at her.

Yoon-kang suggests perhaps that the gunpowder wet, and they draw the damp out items to try him again. This time, the wick powder, spark ignited in the air to send upwards.

They sit side by side at the display to watch, and he catches her stealing a glance at him. So when she looks away in embarrassment, he leans in drops a sudden kiss on the cheek. They look at each other, surprised and running up him in anticipation of her answer ...

But then the girl comes to say that Yeon-ha has disappeared. She was faster than the maid toward the temple down, but never made there.

They tear through the forest for Yeon-ha desperately looking, and that's when Yoon-kang a necklace found trapped in some leaves. It is the owl he had carved for her, and he urges Soo-in to return home while he studied. She insists to stay, but her maid she says will slow it down, and they soften reluctant.

Yeon-ha is still alive, kidnapped by the gunman and the the "murderers in this cave deep in the mountains. Choi Won-shin jobs she held alive until Park Jin-Han detected-she 'll bait be.

Soo-in says appeals to Hye-won to help and asked her out a search party to send in the forest. Practical Hye-won that it up to the sunlight and sends them home to wait, to assure her that everything will be good.

Yoon-kang desperately through the night, without success. He finally returns home in the morning, exhausted and devastated, and Soo-in urging his father to tell them, do not think it is simply a matter of Yeon-ha lost.

But Park Jin-han already known, the abductor's message has received he is given an order. Only tonight Come out, or his daughter dies

He hides the note when Yoon-kang to see him comes but knocks him over. to ask the face in anger, what the hell had he done, while his sister disappeared. Yoon-kang hangs his head, plagued with guilt, as his father says that this is why he hid his children away, for fear that it would harm come.

The realization that this is the work of people after his father taps into this long-cherished stream of bitterness in Yoon-kang, who asks: "Are you that time to do it again? are you acting like you did with the mother? "Ooh. So that's the unspoken conflict between them.

Yoon-kang knowing, insists on which the meeting is determined to go himself, instead of letting his father: " I will save her!"

Instead, Park Jin-Han orders his son locked up until tomorrow, and Yoon-kang is dragged screaming that he can not let Yeon-ha as it turned out his mother. Soo-in can only watch, helpless, blocked her way by a soldier.

Looking back 13 years ago filled the gaps for us. A village is ransacked by intruders, and Yoon-kang mother hid him away in the crawl space under the house to warn him to keep Baby Yeon-ha quiet. It stands on the bandits if they break through the house gate and is kidnapped while Yoon-kang in horror watches.

word his wife kidnapping reached Park Jin-Han while he is out of preparing for the fight. The message is clear: Stop his troops continued to spare his wife's life. Young Yoon-kang asks him to meet, but to Park Jin-Han, duty first.

Yoon-kang Bitten now with those of his childhood overlap itself, begging his father to stop what he plans to primarily think about his family.

But Park Jin-Han continued his strategizing, determined by the gunman to capture a once and for all. Yoon-kang sitting in his prison cell, lost in memories of the day thinking of his mother's body was returned, and he had to kill his father accused her. For what it's worth, his father from the devastated loss, but even so, I believe that he believes he did the right thing. Hence the family plan.

Yoon-kang hears nearby officer moon, asking him to let him go, demanding, "Do you want to see this happen again?" pleads officer moon breaks in his tracks and Yoon-kang: "Please, no longer let my father do not hate I hate I can not stand it..!"

officer moon is not immune. He lets him out and apprises him of the situation: Yoon-kang father left alone for fear of Yeon-ha security and was not surrounded and the mountain until calculate later executed for his officers. Therefore officer moon can free Yoon-kang, and he urges him safely to hasten his father and keep until they arrive to secure it.

Soo in is waiting at the gate and asks worried about what's going on. Yoon-kang tells her that he and his father go Yeon-ha save and she grabs his sleeve, not sure what his safety to say, but worried. He promises to come with his family.

Park Jin-Han makes the hike up the mountain, where a passing traveler has a message for him: The meeting place was changed. Ack! So this is the case.

Yoon-kang brings to his father on his way back down the mountain, and refuses to dismiss. Park tells him to go on again and again, and finally draws his sword against him.

Uncowed, Yoon-kang asks to beat him:

Yoon-kang: "If I has also this time remain hidden, I'll knock yourself! I watched removed mother, hidden under the floorboards. Fearing everything I did was to see, afraid of being caught! I cried without making a noise. once upon a time distressing enough. If I have to go through it again, I do not think I can bear it. I'll go! this is the sword that I was handed Yeon-ha-have to protect you forget? "

Park Jin-Han sword cuts. "Good," he yields. "Let's go."

At the new meeting, told the shooter a gagged and bound Yeon-ha to observe how her father die charging are shot him just from another armed , That will be up to Choi Won-shin, squatting at a distance in a tree, his shot is ready.

Meanwhile, father and son recharge on the mountain, straight into the trap.


Ahh, good stuff. I have almost everything in this episode of the new arrival in the backstory to the growing understanding of the development between father and son. Perhaps understanding, especially on the side of the son, because he was not quite his father's care under the stern, principled to see outside. It's easy enough to see it for ourselves, and-for Soo-in-but Yoon-kang painful memories are understandably strong enough to make the sign of fatherly love in the shadows.

I had some emotional expected in their past to explain why Yoon-kang both respect seems and take his father ill, and why he lives so frivolous, but even so I did not expect it quite as much to be a doozy. Let your wife die for the sake of your cause, perhaps the kind of mentality that makes him a great military leader and thus the largest King's officer, but Yeesh. It is one thing to be a victim of a terrible injustice, but knowing that there must be a choice a devastating thing for a young boy struggling powerless or protect anyone was involved.

I guess that's why he takes so an empty life, drink and flirt and not a single time in the world to large or things like dreams think. Sure, it's the part where he is a handsome young man who enjoys having fun, but I bet it is a healthy (er, unhealthy) provoking dose of stick-it-to-him mentality his actions, be like father disappointing is his method of rebellion.

So I can love seeing Yoon-kang admit that his father be more thoughtful, only his budding respect of this kidnapping business once again questioned to have. And this time he is not a scared little boy too young to do something about it-he will go and the man his father will not be.

Therefore, it is perhaps time Park Jin-Han is also reclaim that old wrong. I he believe that the decision made in full knowledge of what he did, and maybe it is justified as necessary for the well. Not negotiate with terrorists, do not give up extortion in, the good fight, blah. But maybe this time it's place for him a father and a commander to be, and he goes on to make the noble sacrifice.

I'm so on board this romance (they are together to win so, and despite the string of criticism in the comments, I love Nam Sang-mi in this character) that it's almost a shame that Mr. second line makes a relatively late appearance. It is not too early, that his presence shaking things not for Yoon-kang (which I love), the being of the oraboni outshined to bristle at. It's basically, Whaddaya mean, I'm not the prettiest more? Okay, maybe Han Joo-wan is not beautiful as Lee Jun-ki, but given his charm, intelligence, and familiarity with Soo-in-not to mention sharing, the strips of idealism and teachers worship it is certainly enough to put our heroes on the edge. But Ho-Kyung does not really have a shot with Soo-in more, so he is gone, sentenced to second line Pining to failure. There There. Let me comfort you

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Tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi

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