pain go paaain, come back another day! It turned out yesterday consequence not the worst of sorrow, has not been through a long shot. Our hero decides that he is not happy to be earning more and seems determined to spread the pain around while he is at it. This plan is for no good , I want to tell him, but he is dead-set on the things that distinguished idiotic way to do, because he is a drama hero and it's a day that in ends "y".
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Episode 12: "The Magic Flute"
The clock winds News hour down and both networks begin their program with Hyung sitting at MSC and for his interview below Dal-po to report in a recording studio in YGN bracing. Yoo-rae Peeks in the room and sulk how unfair it is that Dal-po gets the big story for his first official on-camera, and although it is also tonight on the news lineup, she appreciates her mother will be asleep before its segment ever aired.
Opa with the remote fumbles the message just in case in-ha for and record a hurry or Dal-po debut, and Dad does not tell him to bother-they can do this up every night to do the cows come home, but the children do not show on that TV on.
in YGN, editor Jo thinks Gyo-dong was pretty cruel Dal-po break the story about his own brother to have, but Gyo-dong says stoically, that is what Dal-po wanted. Although he seems to be worried.
We switch MSC, where In-ha nervous sees itself as Hyung at Newsdesk for his live interview to Mom next sits. Mom puts him as a national hero and also brings the fact that they have, taken before thirteen years ago when he came to do an interview about his father to her.
She plays the interview the good parts this time and Hyung not miss the chance to show live on television, that they very different then and can now edit. He tells literally what it thirteen years ago, said of his entire cut my-father-is-a-hero plea for the story they wanted to tell. Mom gets confused and tries to move to the next question, and Hyung noted bitterly: ". It's funny how the devil can be editing a person, and the other a hero"
can not decide to admit that she was wrong or apologize, even if they are confronted so bluntly with their errors, and only says that all networks been misinformed. But she assures him that she and MSC are more mature now, and they are the ones, corrects the mistakes of the past and reported his heroism after all.
But he does not agree and says that she does exactly the same thing today, only in reverse thirteen years ago she turned a hero in the devil, and now she has the devil turned into a hero, because he a murderer is. He then turns the camera toward the face and says that he is a murderer, and that they can be found out on YGN. Ha, not okay funny, but kind of funny.
With impeccable timing YGN breaks the story that "national hero" to murder Ki Jae-Myung been three people. As the story airs, watches Chan-soo, the mission and flashes back to the moment, Dal-po gave him the position of the shaft. He said Chan-soo, the truth, the Ki Jae-Myung confessed his crime to him because Dal-po is his brother.
Dal-po The press report includes an interview with Hyung, he must have done right after, as Informant trip. He admits all three factory workers and provides Dal-po kill with the evidence, and Dal-po reported that Hyung could live as a hero not the public image of himself and decided to ask for.
in-ha observed the YGN consignment with bated breath, and at the end of his report, Dal-po characters from "Ki ha-myung, YGN News".
Oh noooo, Dad and Grandpa! Ugh, I can not believe they made it this way. They gape at the TV and Granddad mumbles stunned: "What he says Why is not he Choi Dal-po, but Ki Ha-myung?"
Mama is sitting in the dark at the MSC news desk in anger stewing, and flinging her script in the air. Outside stands Dal-po at MSC door waiting for Hyung come out to. A number of police cars lurking him away to take, and Dal-po runs on one last week.
Hyung asks if he has done well on his report, and Dal-po nods. Agh, his puppy eyes are stinging me, the heart even now. Hyung says he put it in the Song Cha-ok, and Dal-po can no longer hold in his tears, as they wait for the officials to arrest him look over.
Hyung regrets that their time together was so short, after being so long apart. That's what I say! ' We could not have waited two weeks or just a pizza before the big confession?
Dal-po shouts that he does not find, it is formerly sad and Hyung Dal weighing -po face in his hands when he says this for him only now is the beginning, and he has to fight song Cha-ok on your own. "Show Song Cha-ok, and I what a real reporter."
Dal-po sobs now and Hyung holds it together long enough in a little finger get to swear, just like the one they shared it, saw the last time today as children and rumples hair Dal-po. Dal-po clutches Hyung and wails in the chest, not to let them go, and Hyung leaves crying eventually, as he hugged him.
At home, Dal-po bows before grandpa who asks quietly if he is found a place to live (he moved to Hyung old apartment), and when to leave, really. Grandpa says he does not care what his circumstances are, because to him, only his son Choi Dal-po, and he asks if living here was so hard for him.
Dal-po chokes back tears as he says yes. What. Why would you break Opas heart so ?? He lies that he had a hard time living here all the time to think the opposite to himself:
"No, I was happy, happy enough that I feel sorry for my brother." Opas heart sinks when he realizes how much Dal-po must have suffered, but he is even more heart than Dal-po says he wants to recover his real name ... and asks Grandpa to disinherit him. I hate to make you scream for Opa. Take both tears, but Dal-po remains firm in his decision and is thinking: ".. I'm sorry father I do not think that I should not be happy"
Dal-po packs his suitcase and Dad strolls in, looks pretty chipper about their own room for the first time in his life now. He asks casually, what is happening now between Dal-po and In-ha and Dal-po assured him that he no longer-they care about.
Suddenly Dad says, "Do not go." Omg, I did not know that I had no more tears. He apologizes for the things he said that Dal-po could hurt feelings have, and asks him not to go. But Dal-po says he is sad and resolutely goes out the door and leans farewell to Dad to say.
It is then that Grandpa breaks into sobs wailing alone in his room down, and that's when I lose it. Dad calls both Grandpa and to come In-ha and to adopt, but they refuse to come out of their rooms, and In-ha screaming against her door as Dal-po leaves.
She finds her family photo left Dal-po desk behind and in his new home, Dal-po unpacks a recent photo of him and Hyung, and places them next to their old family photo with Firefighter Dad. In Hyung desk will Dal-po a pen with the inscription: "To my little brother, Ki Ha-myung."
Dal-po goes to visit Hyung in prison, and Hyung holding a bright face for Dal-po benefit and ensures that he will be at the scene reenactment because it will be the last time they will see each other on the outside.
Chan-soo leader detective team calls Dal-po cruel to his brother in an exclusive rotating and Chan-soo suddenly the rumors he is reminded started in high school about Dal-po. This time he rises to the occasion in Dal-po defense, and assured him that he would look at the scene for Hyung.
The square teeming with reporters and the MSC team looks Dal-po behind the mass hanging and turn their camera on him. But the YGN team plays interference to protect their rookie, which is sweet.
Dal-po has observed obtain a hard time Hyung of reporters swarmed, and they remember both about what it was like to be hunted by cameras prior to their home as children.
But Hyung is comforted by the sight of Dal-po in the background, and gives a little reassuring nod, and Chan-soo tells him that he does not have to answer the questions of the reporter to ushering him past the Amount.
Dal-po he can stand by the time hardly returns to the station, and in-ha finds him in this shaky state. He heads to the elevator to avoid them, and she runs to reassure him on his feet and to ask if he's okay.
He pushes her away and tells her that he is doing well, and when they tried to stop him and called his name, he asks: " do not make me call it that. I'm fine, so not worry about me and not comfort me. do not do anything. so that I do not fall apart, so I'm not shocked, nothing to do. "All In-ha do stand, is go back and watch him.
It runs in Mom in the MSC Bad, and Mama asks if In-ha knew her uncle was a killer brother to think it frightening. In-ha sees only with an ice-cold look on her back and retorts, "Why I am the daughter of the murderer. You killed someone with your words." Dayum.
Song Cha-ok name synonym is "made news", and netizens go to town parody poster of her with movie title puns make. Yoo-rae sets her skills sasaeng in creating an anti-fan club to use, and invites snarky video of Mom lecture at the MSC, which is seen in retrospect only Mom dig their own grave.
Yoo-rae does so mainly because she feels bad that they know with Dal-po about his hyung history without, fought his connection to it , and says that she learned that what you just is a message of life and death to someone else.
Mom does not try to make all bad press about her, but she is in so many headlines as Hyung, and they can not help on the edge, but his. They discovered Dal-po on the way to work and keeps in the street to confront him, act as above, it is everything and absolutely not curled.
But it's Dal-po who has the upper hand, and he notes that they must be feeling desperate, because it is the answer he never asked questions, plus a shaky voice. "Are you afraid of me now?" She denies it, and he says to be still not say it if it is, or easy to fall apart:
grows on citizens protest outside the MSC and a third network reported the story of a man that his bus ride claims failed because the Song Cha-ok, who falsely reported that one of its driver committed suicide because of him.
Mom apologizes to her director and admits to report the case as a suicide, the medical reports without checking, and he is shocked at the extent of their temerity. He tells her she'll have to give the anchor spot when this story proves true. You would think that he would definitely consider it from the desk because how bad things look, but whatever.
She says softly Il-joo that investigate suicide cases and report them to her directly, but Princess calls her out on the head come to an end when he Cap is near here. He says that there is only one way to prove that the truth is the truth, and arranges in-ha and Beom-jo on the case. Mom looks worried, but that is exactly what Princess wants-for them to find out what really happened, whether she wants it or not.
Over at YGN, they discuss after the bus driver story goes, and Gyo-dong sets Dal-po on them (he him Ha-myung now I'll look-swap names, but I like just calling him Dal- po calls). Yoo-rae are pouting her best puppy, so Cap belatedly added to her on the team.
Dal-po out Hyung and told him about the bus driver case, and as it is a chance to bring Song Cha-ok once and for all to the bottom. She won an award for this story, so that when there are misreported it turns out, it's over for them.
The case concerns a 40-bit driver, a whopping ₩ 0 for misappropriation was fired (Can it really be called embezzlement if it is fifty cents?) and reportedly committed suicide to depression by losing to his job. Dal-po says Hyung that when the true story is different, it will be sufficiently well to knock Song Cha-ok for out of the news business.
Hyung says he is looking forward to it, and Dal-po asks for his lawyer. They only met once, but Hyung seems a little uncertain, and says that the lawyer seemed a little off. Dal-po do not like the sound of this and asks for the name and number. Is it a public defender? Please, who I think it is.
Beom-jo calls Mama to tell her about his latest case, although it completely when he emptied tones admits that he tries his feelings to get through and make a clean break from In make-ha because it is too difficult, is in this struggle that he has no chance of winning. He intends the truth about the text messages to say in hopes of In-ha, that if she hates him, it will make things easier.
Mama suggests that he give up to be a reporter, because he alone is the closest to In-ha, started and it is not an object much of a fight. He turns down an offer for a blind date say it is too early, but Mom insists anyway an image on sending, and he rails until he checked his phone and takes a picture of Susi. HA. He considers it totally for half a second, but says, it is too early.
He takes a deep breath and holding a hand to his cheek, as he in-ha Work looks on and says that it okay- he will take the hits when she meets him, and the swears when she swears him. He sits next to her and the truth bursts out, and they beat him so hard that it leaves a world on his face and knocking him jaw first into the wall.
The turns out to be his fearful imagination, but it's scary enough for him to confess to reconsider, and instead he asks meekly when In-ha on the person is still mad that since thirteen years her text messages steel since things might otherwise not too bad, to be between her and mom.
But In-ha thinks it is the reverse when Mom got these texts, they would probably her called have said cold trap. They used to be angry at the text thief, but it is not, because this person was like their own personal forest, and her diary for 13 years.
Beom-jo rays to hear, but then it dawns on him that this was not the reaction he was looking for, if he wanted to cut relations with her. He mutters to himself that he can not clean his feelings if they be so, but it is clear from the look on his face that he really was not to like them even to stop when she left on his face welts would have.
In-ha and Beom-jo to ask head down to the bus company's CEO for an interview, and first it is resistant to talk to someone at the MSC, but agrees when In-ha explains that it is a Pinocchio. Dal-po and Yoo-rae come and ask to join the interview, and Dal-po and In-ha realize that they are on the same story.
He pulls her aside and tells her to let the case drop, which seems to be a little presumptuous. But luckily In-ha says as much, telling him to mind his own beeswax. He argues that he is going to knock down the story of her mother, but because it makes it difficult for him, and he hesitates for fear. See how top not really break the nugget of the problem to solve, you two? Afraid if you do, angst, if you do not
But they. Not back down "Do not deal with me. Fight correctly, and do not hesitate." She says that they are the same that her mother does not think fit to a reporter and plans to expand in the world.
She adds: "I know how hard it is for you, you are wrong, you cry yourself to sleep every night and you miss Grandpa every second But because your brother you pretend in order... to be. I know better than anyone that you are not in order, but I will not have to worry, and I am not to comfort go! Because more than anything else, I do not want you to fall apart. "I love it when she's right.
Il-joo tells Mom that the bus driver did die of a heart condition and not suicide, and that the family members six years ago lied because they get angry for his unfair firing at the bus company.
In the coffee shop, Beom-jo comes to Dal-po and tells him that he is on his side, and offers up Mama power in the event that they get displaced song Cha-ok can help. Dal-po gives him a strange look and Beom-jo asks confidently when that sounded like he was chaebol Swagger, and he swears he hates something, but wanted to make clear whose side he is on. That is so sweet.
The four of them split the family of the victim and his staff to interview, and Dal-po decides to go see Song Cha-ok to ask directly about the history. Beom-jo hands Dal-po his ID tag, so he can get within MSC, and then stops to point out, as clearly proves that he is on Dal-po side, heh.
Dal-po finds mom in the cafeteria and rather enjoys asking if they now have a hard time made, and added that he understands what it is, be suppressed by false rumors. You are free to go on away and he follows to ask why they are not sued for libel because it would be so easy to clear her name.
She acts as if it is not necessary to interfere with every little false rumor out there, but Dal-po asks: "You can prove that they are false rumors" It is exactly what they asked Hyung 13 years, outside their house before. Mom finally loses her cool and shouts defensively that they can prove it, and Dal-po bait it. The question of whether they checked the medical report before they report a suicide
She says that it was much reason a suicide, as his will and his family to believe statements that it was. Dal-po holds only a question repeated, and it breaks out, "I did not need to check it!" He smiles and thanks her to answer the question, and goes from MSC with a smile, as the word of Mama gets her boss to step down from the news desk for the moment.
Yay, Hyung lawyer turns from Cha Kwan-woo (Cameo of Yoon Sang hyun to be), who complains that Dal-po came to see him and gave the comments about him to act spacey. He then opens his file and curves to see that he has brought the wrong, HA. But he promises Hyung that he saved the event details already, and he made sure to give even his dog to his little brother.
I'm so mad at Dal-po Opa lie and to make him cry. Go sit for a week in the corner! I do not even want to look at you! Guh, I can not believe this is the best thing that he thought that he could do for the family, loved him all these years and still loves him even after his true story out the. What hurts me is that Dal-po thinks it must be a family or the other, as he can not be Dal-po and Ha-myung simultaneously, or Hyung he betrayed. He cut to think bonds that it does not have the right to be loved by both families, but that's just wrong, it is already both Ha-myung and Dal-po, and he already loves both families. This is not cheating; that's just lucky.
With all the pain he has suffered, he should be every ounce of familial love shoveling, the world has to offer, not to deny yourself lucky. Atonement does not work in this way. Not to mention that it totally not even your fault that killed Hyung people! The only reason why I am not a table is now mirrors, because I know that eventually he trust this will find out and come back to the family who loves him and realize that he did not lose Hyung in the process. It's just frustrating to see how it unfolds, because until the last episode, In-ha and Dal-po were doing so well sticking to each other and the standard-your-mother-killed-my-mother (indirectly) to defy fear ,
But now they are denying their own happiness for each other in the name of revenge that is noble, sure, but provocatively that it does not really does not change the fact, that they mutually and have the same concerns love before. I understand the symbolic gesture today to get rid of everything except their family responsibilities, but ultimately changes very little in a concrete way that we see today when Dal-po still tells In-ha to drop the story. I much rather accurately In-ha approach in this episode of say Dal-po as: You are wrong, are liars, but okay, I will not comfort you, doofus I can to paraphrase a bit. If it were not for their moments of immediacy, I'd probably blow a gasket. I know Separation anxiety has had, are bla bla. The cosmos would not grant them happiness, if they do not sacrifice their love with a pure heart, blah, blah. Yes, but what about Grandpa ?? What did he always do to earn, right? * Pout *
The fact that Dal-po and In-ha probably start apart the future will be more interesting if they end up on opposite sides of the story and In-ha will defend with their mother against their own wishes. It would be too easy if Dal-po he got everything in the bus driver case wanted, all neatly tied with a bow; He will probably have some ethical dilemmas of his own face and have to be put to the test to see whether he would bend the truth to get what he wants, or stay on the straight and narrow, even if it means that Song Cha-ok survived the news on another day to deliver. I just hope there are more twists and turns along the way, because the carry-Mom-down conflict not hold a candle to Hyung history and the way it guts Dal-po. Fortunately, I do not think we see it, will just stop, because he is in prison now maybe Yoon Sang-hyun Cameo (wheeee!) Will bring the focus on his studies, us the opportunity for another bro-hug ?
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