Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 14 -

This isn ' t the most eventful episode, although what the show loses in development of the plot, it makes up for with relationship hijinks above. Okay, very nice relationship hijinks-I will give you this. Our rookies learn a hard lesson about the power and the limits of their position as a police officer, but the thing about a good thing is that the non-return oil adds to the fire, and only makes them in their pursuit of justice more tenacious.


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EPISODE 14: to discover "crocodile tears"

On the truth about Dae-gu identity Birkin bitch immediately Papa calls and asks if he knew that "this woman's son" was still alive. they come from his silence suggested that he did.

Dae-gu tries they get to the station again come to but she ignores him and heads over her father's office. Assemblyman Yoo seems that his daughter Ji-yong know to be concerned, while Mrs. Yoo acts away mad that Dad of things do not take care as it should.

now, which means that it is probably in the murder, and now I'm asking if Assemblyman Yoo only was his daughter mess to clean up all the time. It would not surprise me in the least if they actually felt entitled to murder people.

Soo-sun struggles with desire Chef Kang her mother case for the welfare of the police to bury, wondering which choice is the right one. She finds Mom to sit outside, and listens as she talks on a photo of Dad.

Mom sighs that they made a mistake and to be only a burden for their children because of their stupidity, but then says proudly Dad how Soo-Sun jumped to her defense and said she would take care of everything ,

Mom says tearfully that she is truly blessed, and although they have not achieved much, can in life, they have raised a really big daughter. "Thank you for giving me Soo-Sun". From the hallway, Soo-Sun her stifled cries when she hears Mom so proud of her talk.

The next morning, she goes to see Chef Kang immediately. When she is ready, she remembers Dae-gu via a line to call but then the phone facing down when Chef Kang arrives. You do not know that it is received at the other end, which means that he is listening to the entire conversation.

Soo-Sun says she can not boss Kang honor your request, it knows that it must be a very why good reason, they asked them to bury the case, but it has to honor a promise of their own , "I promised my father that I would protect my mother."

Chef Kang reiterated that this says for the good of the police, but Soo-Sun that she believes that those who do wrong should be punished and ask for forgiveness. "And true to this rule is also for the good of the police." Good girl.

She admits that she just a rookie, and she has no idea of ​​the responsibility, the chief Kang must shoulder. "But I know that a police officer allegedly to protect innocent civilians, not assemblymen who want to cover up their crimes." She apologizes for the answer Chef Kang wanted to give.

Dae-gu lowers the phone with an expression beaten, and goes to ask them directly how they could Soo-Sun asking to do something directly to Chief Kang. He says he Chief Kang believed to be more fair and just than any other, and they read the disappointment on his face.

She admits that it was wrong to ask that of Soo-Sun, and that she hates herself for. They rushed to political pressure to protect their police, and asks Dae-gu to forgive her. He calms down and takes her contrite attitude at face value, although what she really intends is anyone's guess.

At the hospital Soo-sun and mum playing tug-of-war with the phone, and Mom plots an attack on their messages not to read only once able. But Soo-Sun refuses to leave her, and gets Doctor Tae-il to secure them.

Later she deletes all articles from Mamas, although they Gook and Tae-il, known her real concern that Mom is finally the video of their incident see online, and they can not stop it. Assemblyman Yoo has all the major news agencies blocked the history of the coverage, but personal blogs the video were spread far and wide.

That night Gook! Comments on each site to leave the video spreads asked sincerely for them to consider that the victim could be her mother, and take it to please down. Tae-il is impressed on its commitment and offers to help, and they remain to comment on the whole night.

Gook is still awake by the time Tae-il wakes up at his desk, and shoveling cereal into his mouth like zombies at the breakfast table. Dae-gu wonders what is wrong with them, but when he hears what they were until yesterday evening, he glides silently his precious banana milk Gook the side of the table. Aw.

Gook is a little loopy from the night is up and asks Dae-gu, if it is because he sees how cool and true is his Hyung. He and Tae-il giggle in unison, and it's ridiculous cute.

But then to her utter surprise, Dae-gu actually answers his wit sincerely: "Yes, you are cool and loyal.." Lol. Gook does take a shock on a spit and Tae-il says their maknae must've really impressed.

Pan-seok sneaks to the detective took over the case 'Combat Boots, and is surprised to hear that they go forward with a trial before even the begin second murderer, or to determine whether someone could be another real puppetmaster. He is not very far, which look with Chief Toad at every turn over his shoulder.

Meanwhile, taking the lady case a hit when their main witness, the employee who made the video, suddenly disappears. She knew that she was a flight risk as Gook she observed, but Birkin Bitch people must've come to her. The team regrouped and begins in any property of this family owned ditch, where they could hide the witness.

As expected, Mrs. Yoo won the girl hiding in one of their family villas, and it gets hand over the phone to the original video on it. Her son found in the middle of the transaction and takes it all as it is a great amusing joke, and added that they should ask more money because his mother is charged.

Pan-seok and Dae-gu hit the pavement, by any hotel combing owned by Chasung group a diligent search for the other. Dae-gu is frustrated and asks if the legendary Pan-seok Seo few tricks not have up his sleeve, because this boring version is things that anyone can do.

Pan-seok argues that a detective is not a fortune teller, and that he, because he has a legend long legs. You mean, for more flooring, as the laborious search do like everyone else? Dae-gu frowns as Pan-seok away with his long legs braces, not thoroughly amused.

hold for lunch, and as a Pan-seok spoon chives in Dae-gu soup he grumbles so much that Pan -seok actually it draws out again. Dae-gu asks what Boots said, and finally share their very similar theories about the whole thing wrong with them-Boots "story sits not add, when it comes to the second murderer, the boss or the secret Detective Seo.

Pan-seok shares boots digging not told him, though he drops the part from above, it is best for the child. Dae-gu says Pan-seok, he is not allowed to the Masan go detective see (the one who testimony Soo-sun took), without him and Pan-seok recalls that sometimes he is considered too confused who the boss is here.

Dae-gu connects to the very fast. I just love how Pan-seok shoves all inserts over Dae-gu of the side of the table and takes away the chives, so that he does not even to look at them has, heh.

After switching from empty in the hotels, the guys a list of all private estates of Chasung possession and sigh that it is only as long as the first list. They are lost, where to start, so Dae-gu scans for clues he picked his brain in Assemblyman Yoo home.

He remembers seeing a picture of Mrs. Yoo through the water by ferry behind her. He sees the name of the ferry, but the circle through the properties not listed it is found.

Strange Woman Yoo Son Ki-jae calls Dae-gu personally to ask if he is arrested his mom. If the child tries to help them, while appearing stupid, or is he just bored? It is a little too convenient to be a coincidence, and if Dae-gu is about the county in question, Ki-jae says that's where his Villa.

He seems to be a fan of Dae-gu, perhaps because he hates enough trying to make his mother for the officer root that they pay for their crimes? Anyway, he is impressed that Dae-gu far before this without help.

Soo-Sun comes to work cheerily, and says that it is a wonder anyone online movement started the lady to record video, so she feels safe leaving Mom now alone. The boys agree only that it is a wonder and is silent about the tireless really worked to achieve that.

it seeks again to jump into the case, so that she and Dae-gu head to try in the Villa and find their eyewitness. They come only when she sneaks with a suitcase out of the house, and she runs back inside at the sight of Dae-gu. He apologizes for the other day on her screams and pleads for a chance to talk to her, but she refuses to open the door.

Soo-Sun takes over and says much that they came here to-the thanking victim is her mother, and if it had not been for the video, they would have never known what terrible injustice their mother suffered. You know it's a lot to ask, and says that if the witness can work the courage to help her, she will not forget for the rest of their lives.

their earnest gratitude goes through, and finally opens the door and asks her to take them to the airport. You are a piece of paper to Soo-sun as payment for the ride, and declares that it is the site and password, where the original video uploaded.

The important part is that it includes photographs of Birkin bitch makes mom to sign the contract before you attack. The girl decided at the end of the money they having been bribed, and do not want to be trapped here longer.

on the ground, the team gathers to watch the full video, and decide they have enough without an eyewitness to continue.

Dae-gu goes to the house in woman Yoo get for questioning, and he runs in place Assemblyman Yoo. He passes on the message that tomorrow morning the last chance they have to come to the station by itself, because after that a warrant for her arrest issued.

Dae-gu makes his point and begins to walk away, but then turns to add that he would appreciate it if the do not call Chef Kang assemblyman about this matter. Yikes, you come into some dangerous waters are. Dae-gu says respectfully that Assemblyman Yoo is known as revered cop and is a living legend to rookies like him. And then he adds partly as a warning, and partly as a sincere plea not disappoint him further.

He leans walk and Assemblyman Yoo grins to himself: "If the blood runs too hot it addition, you will burn."

the next morning, the team was stirred impatiently, waiting for Mrs. Yoo to appear for questioning. They are convinced that it has to show, and even Assemblyman Yoo's two lawyers argue whether come clean now or dig their heels in.

Finally, at the last minute, Assemblyman Yoo stands up. But it is not the police station he passed; it is the hospital where he bows again before Soo-Suns mother, the part of the contrite father act, which is to pay for his daughter wrong. He takes all the blame for his career on his family not braced, and says that his daughter suffers from depression in recent years.

Mom it falls hook, line and sinker, and although Soo -So and the rest of the team rush on the first word, they are too late and she has agreed not to refund. Dammit. Assemblyman Yoo not even tried his big shit-eating grin to hide, and leaves on his high horse.

Soo-sun can not believe would Mom let it go that way, but Mama has fallen for the virtuous officials act and not see how the case of persecution do someone good.

Eung-do heralds the team out and says Soo-Sun that it is unfair, but it has to respect her mother desires, because they could do so also to protect her daughter. It is cold comfort Soo-Sun.

he Dae-gu either can not accept, and goes directly to Mrs. Yoo to ask if it is so guilt-ridden that is so frightening in a police station stepped foot on it. He growls that he will give her warning, as it did to Soo-Sun Mother: "Next time I catch by my own hand Remember my face I'm Gangnam Station Violent Crimes Unit Team 3.. !, Eun Dae-gu "

just laughs:" you really do not know anything, do you? " she giggles as she repeated his name in disbelief and asks whom he resembles. You really have to think that they are untouchable when it has indications as dropping. She says he should really look for yourself if he has experienced, "such things", and can feel smug.

Assemblyman Yoo Kang boss calls them to warn that if Dae-gu seen in his line of sight, a longer time, he is to take matters into their own hands. She apologizes and smoke on their own

Pan-seok sneaks to Sa-Kyung at the station and complains that he could sleep the other night not sleep. "Do not know why I signed divorce papers? They asked me for a divorce before!"

They tried not to smile, and says is correct, they do not know. He can not believe that this is also a question, and swears up and down that he gave her a divorce because she asked him for a divorce, and the they left him ,

she asks whether he will ever know why she handed him divorce papers in the first place, and he says it's because he was in the wrong. She says he is wrong, but refuses the real reason to tell him, thought it equally frustrating that he does not know.

She grins to herself, as she walks away, while he grumbles, all swirled. It is quite endearing that he only ever confused when it comes to her, but I wish they would help him a little.

Tae-il overheard their conversation from the hallway, and Pan-seok joins for a chat. He is the last person to Pan-seok now wants to see, and he tried everything to kick him, but Tae-il remains and asks him to listen.

He says he Sa Kyung met last year while on a trip to London, and although he him the time of day was never for them at first glance they fell, barely treat him like a little brother , He swears that the other night, he asked for a sympathy hug.

Pan-seok all worked up at the mention of the hug, and literally clogged ears like a little boy, not wanting to hear the rest. But Tae-il braces Pan-seok hands apart with violence and explains that he has not done anything worthy of a beating. Ha, that is preventive, lest he later not hit?

Hilariously, Tae-il adds that he is not the type to try a game and play where he knows he will not win, and says: "I'm sorry, but I'm not sad." Pfft, I think you could be hit NOW.

Pan-seok, the words come out of this child's mouth not believe and then Tae-il asks if he really does not know why Sa Kyung gave him the divorce papers, and if he wants to know.

you know Pan-seok only to die out of curiosity, but he would admit that it never Tae-il, and he kicks him out: know "I do not want it," He grumbles in disbelief a wrong to the state of his team with him, the other with his wife Hey, it could've been worse;.. to be I expected Tae-il her London lovers

the team is on a new case, and Pan-seok, the rookies, they are mating are undercover to go on a local gangster hangouts to the most important members of a drug smuggling operation to try and identify.

one might think that meant seedy bars or nightclubs, but apparently Gangster also drink coffee, so Dae-gu and Soo-sun at a café as couple posing ball get go hang out. It's completely out of nowhere, but what also However, I am not about romantic shenanigans about the paucity of pretense to complain.

Pan-seok commented how beautiful Soo-sun looks, and Dae-gu wriggles while she preens at the compliment. They study the photos of the men they were looking for, and how to get out of the car, Dae-gu gets all googly eyes how pretty looks Soo-Sun.

connects the arm in his, and they walk on the outdoor cafe, crawling in fact with gangsters. Dae-gu scans the crowd but not see the man after whom you are looking for. Soo-Sun very loud cries, "Jagi-ya ~ Take my picture!"

His eyes bug out to be called in honey, and he awkwardly takes the camera up. She poses adorably, while he gets pictures of gangster behind her. Your mission seems finished, but then suddenly the waiter begin to arrive with a cake and sing, to congratulate them on their 100th day.

smack and blow out the candles, as ordered, and then one of the scary bat's all, "You should kiss" And then he starts for a kiss that leads crowd in a chant, as they are at a wedding.

They are petrified because when the crowd gets to his feet, and Dae-gu shock, Soo-Sun says she'll kiss him. He can not even move, he's so nervous, and they forward only inches and then leans in for a kiss in.

There is Dae-gu's turn, with wide eyes from kiss-shock. And in the car, by air, the guys grab all.

The crowd cheers and takes them away, but Dae-gu not to take his eyes off her, and is lost in the moment. He pulls her back in a real kiss. Eeeeee!

Both Pan-seok and Gook came audible noise of surprise, and the audience is clapping and cheering Wild. This time, they both have their eyes closed.


It cracks me up that they just an audience of Gangster copy to a café, as if all just normal. It is perhaps the flimsy excuse plot of this drama has come with yet. (If you can see the gangsters out of the car, why not only the images of the van? Why would anyone want a few to be anyway need?) Anyway, I suppose, given the machinations not matter in the end, that they " re getting just excuses fish lips to pucker. What really matters is the kiss them at the end because it is motivated by nothing more than smoochy request the first true. And the timing feels right on the basis of emotional development in the last episode, when their relationship has in my heart for the first time.

I like that awkward maneuvering did the whole team include experienced the kiss, since it means that they do not sweep it under the rug. Poor Gookie will likely have a good reputation about it, and I feel bad for him because he is so sweet and does so well. I really hope this does not put not his friendship in danger with Dae-gu. they are so cute, like two people in a completely different wavelength they could not understand each other jokes, but they bind over banana milk, and I want them to stay a happy little family. Mostly I can not Pan-seok give them a hard time, waiting about to see, as he is caught before smooching and now they seem like liars who can not leave each other their hands.

Outside the relationship developments, it was a frustrating result because we get the bad guys the upper hand hand ~~ POS = had to watch HEADCOMP and people away like garbage with treatment , I am sure it is the stage of Defense to put in the last hour, because if the Yoo family behind Mom's murder, it is hardly satisfied to defeat them for the attack. Nevertheless, it stands Birkin bitch crimes go unpunished, especially if it took all Soo-Suns conviction and the courage to stand up to her boss and track to watch the event. Overall, I just wanted a little more action progress in this episode, whether it was by a deeper distrust of Chef Kang Dae-gu part or a new track in Mamas murder because nobody something new in this hour learning. If Mom murder really is the central mystery of the show, it would be nice to receive incremental development in the case, as we go, because at the moment it feels like we stall until it is time to drop the evidence. When Dae-gu going to be innocent and idealistic, I have Pan-seok more to be somewhat suspicious, or.

I play the same feeling to Sa-Kyung and Pan-seok to relationship, which is advised for no real reason to falter unlike we need to keep on ice for a little longer, so she goes coyly over her divorce. Or you could just say the poor guy, what do you think, because he obviously did not go to this epiphany must, on his own, and he apparently wants to get back together. I just want more, whether it's fighting or happy data because they feel somewhat neglected story wise. And when fueling jealousy the way, to do with Tae-il, I'm good with that too (I never get tired Pan-seok's jealousy), but we can more than two minutes to get them at a time? I know I am greedy. But really, it's wanting so wrong kisses and cuteness and bromance and a murder mystery, which is faster than the speed of molasses moving? Surely leave with six episodes, we will be speeding up, we will not? I'm going to come take the kisses as a good sign of things.

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tags: Cha Seung-won in, Go Ara, Lee Seung-gi , you're all surrounded

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