Recap And Reviews Kdrama Gap-dong: Episode 19

Recap and reviews korean drama Gap-dong: Episode 19 -

We are a consequence shy of the finale, which means the loose ends should come together and tightening up, as we answer the last few questions that an even our killer motivations linger. Now, the crucial word here is should , but I can not say that we exactly with this hour there. What it does, as the show has done all along, is heavily loaded in some acting shows that grip me. In a way, that the letter does not secure While I like to develop the performances, I'm still confused


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Mu-Yeom incites Section Chief Cha show its true face and its Gap-dong page reveal. he slowly for the gun him he reached carries and nudges Cha, want to respond. Chef Cha security cameras in the building clocks showing me that he, what does next, is part of his plan and not an uncontrollable impulse. He jumps in Mu-Yeom, grabs the gun, and the height of it


We were holding a gun in her towel tucked officer Young-ae with him to left, and it has to act around the corner, ready to wait. she joins Cha in their sights and shots were fired. Bang!


Both men down. Young-ae has Cha shot in the shoulder while Cha Mu-shot Yeom in his shoulder.

wounds are nonfatal, although painful. To Cha Mu surprise Yeom doesn 't him at this point passed to the police, but has him tied up in the passenger seat of his car and then takes him for a drive. Hyung-Nyun is to leave them reluctant to go alone, but determined Mu Yeom and got a plan in mind. I can not vouch for a appropriate to his plan, but I do not think that someone reasonable around these parts behaves more, if at all.

As he drives, Mu-Yeom declared not to be on the advice of the monk a hero, because in practice there is little difference between a hero and a psychopath. "But I have to want to be a hero," he says. "A hero who catches Gap-dong."

boss Cha is back to his nice attitude and urged Mu Yeom not to be a crazy person, and insist that what he wants, Cha-more undiscovered murders-exist not to confess. Mu-Yeom not even have a specific goal in mind, but determined to get Cha his secrets to divulge, even if he has to them both to the edge to push it.

Mu-Yeom vision begins to blur, and his head is dizzy from the blood loss, but he ignored Cha anxious entreaties cut them and continue. The car starts dangerous break, but even then Mu Yeom not easy, wanted to know where more undiscovered victims are buried. He calls it the four-leaf clover to have seen a pattern in the Eiffel Tower photo, and orders him to lead him there. He suggests the gas, ready to play chicken with their lives until Cha is ready to spill.

Maria and Chul-gon get word of Mu-Yeom Scoundrel activities and Maria decides that she has to do something. Meanwhile, Tae-oh blows methodically up a balloon while waiting for Maria to show. A weepy Ji-wool, tied to a tree, watches anxiously.

Tae-oh lets his balloon and decides that Maria is not yet come, and a dagger takes out. Ji-wool asks if he had planned from the beginning and the weather he agreed their teaching as a trap. He answers yes, boring and expressionless the whole time.

But when Ji-wool, she says together came with him to confirm whether he was able to change its nature to take another look crossed his face. Slightly annoying, intense. He pulls out a new balloon and agrees to wait for Maria just a little longer.

Mu-Yeom faded quickly, within minutes of passing the control from. Nevertheless Cha insists no further murders, and Mu-Yeom drives on, barely registering where they want to go. He loses control of the car and deviates from the road, on a sidewalk, and into a wall. Craaaaash.

Already Mu Yeom remains and talked his way into the afterlife not be lonely, because he would pull Cha with him steely. Chef Cha is severely shaken, on the other side, and the names of his secret tomb.

Tae-oh second chance balloon pops, and he grabs the dagger again ... that when Maria shows up.

Maria tells him to let go of Ji-wool, and Tae-oh agrees: Oh, so this was a case of 'I would be better if I want you to play rock-scissors-paper. " kill two women, then. I can not imagine how Chef Cha convinced him that somehow two women to kill ticket to freedom Tae-oh would that, but I suppose that is not the point to me.

Cha Mu-derived Yeom to a grassy spot in a secluded location, and Mu-Yeom instructs start digging him. The rest of the police arrive at the scene where the remains of a woman's body are exposed.

In a flashback we see a scene from three years ago when Chef Cha the victim had buried here. He had taken pictures of the field, growing on the four-leaf clovers with a focus in the vicinity of the body. We have seen him take photos of foliage in the course of this drama, and now we understand why. (At least in theory. This point is super clear in the execution, and the required amount of rewinding and conclusion-jumping.)

Tae-oh forcing women to kneel to face, outlines the rules of the game are they to play: In the original ninth murder, Maria and her boyfriend had both played the same hand over and over (rock), for fear of breaking the pattern. Maria had unknowingly have their hand on the winning hand (paper) changed, which resulted in her friend's death.

to the past as its template, Tae-oh tells them to act accordingly, eager to see how the game going on here. It grows increasingly worked up, as he calls the game and they keep their fists still, unchanging.

to the police appear, Tae-oh actions of a helicam hover to see through the forest, but they are not yet at the scene. Tae-oh gets the ladies angry not with his re Enaction play together, and proposes a turn in the plan: What if the winner is living?

Ji-wool sobs to stop him. Tae-oh replies, "No. Why should I stop something so much fun.?"

So when he calls the next game, Maria intention to do something, looks, and she changes her hand not on paper, to save himself, but to scissors to sacrifice themselves.

Just at that moment a terrified Ji-wool changes its hand to paper. And the hand that had saved her life now sealed their death.

Tae-oh chuckles amused, but wonders why Mary herself she'd give up for someone is not even used. Ji-wool sobs her apology, but Maria tells her that she understands that Ji-wool does not intend that react Lane finally Maria had reacted the same way. "I felt something had to change," Maria recalls, "because he said he would kill us if we kept doing the same thing to play."

Tae-oh wonder idly why it is so important to explain a is in the face of imminent death reasoning, but Maria emphatically declared: ".. It is important because no one will be time to die"

Then ask Maria a favor by Tae-oh, do so, they lost the game. She urges him to rush the ninth murder and to finish before the police arrive, and that makes Tae-oh balk. He says he needs to rethink this.

Mu-Yeom is treated in the hospital, where he listens to worry about the bullet in his head doctors. The hematoma is worse than last time, makes the surgery risky.

Cha is brought for his injuries. After he sent his wife abroad, he none other than his guarantor has to sign, so Mu Yeom so doing, at his request. Cha tells him that he was deceived by Tae-oh, who had given him the tip, to shoot him in the guise of Gap-dong, and says that he had given a tip called in relation to Tae-oh in return Freedom. Cha also advises Mu Yeom Tae-oh to kill, if he gets the chance, because if the slippery bastard to find a way to live.

Ji-wool urges Tae-oh now to stop, saying that he still has a chance to save themselves. Despite his statement that this is fun, she says it does not seem like he's enjoying himself.

Chul-gon and his team observed these goings on from her camera up, and I can seriously not understand why no one interfere. What are you waiting for? were

Chul-gon speaks with Profiler Han and stated that to think, had murdered Cha ceased to deceive when he had continued in effect. And when Cha was convinced Tae-oh to believe that he himself had ceased, well, this is a misconception, Tae-oh is under operation.

Tae-oh Maria says that he knows why they lost on purpose to make sure he died. He had recognized that the police would come soon after they arrived, and that he might end up shot today. Looks like an injured child, he asks, "But why did not you believed once to me?" Said the proud serial killer.

He asks if Maria has ever felt pity for him, "as the silly girl" and indicates Ji-wool. She apologizes but says. "You are Gap-dong imitators When I felt sorry for you, what happens to the people who died at the hands you have not only killed your victim-also the lives of their families and their loved ones? ruined. If you kill a person to feel suffering of hundreds of others. "

Confused, Tae-oh asks what she thinks, what he should do. What's happened to the girl Jae-hee, who lived at the expense of her friend?

Mary responds that Kim Jae-hee at the moment her friend did died. It would be abnormal for a normal life to be hoped, then, that's what it means to be a victim, and getting hurt. She tells him to cut the ridiculous defensive tactics, and that they will not let him off the hook.

to the helicam from above watching Noting Tae-oh asks Maria for a favor: "If, when I die ..." We do not hear the rest, that [

Mu-Yeom replies his colleagues, watching the camera Tae-oh encounter. He wonders what it meant Cha warn Tae-oh, to kill and what Tae-oh could have thought when he pretended to do Cha behest (to kill Maria) and then acted on his own agenda.

The sound of Gap-dong whistle cuts and Tae-oh guesses Mu Yeom on the way. He tells Maria that there is another reason Gap-dong not neither it before-bit kill her 20 years yet we are aware of. But he will not tell what he knows to leave piqued their curiosity.

When Mu-Yeom arrives, Tae-oh begins to pull Ji-wool away, but will be ordered to stop. He surrenders easily, a big grin on his face.

Chul-gon visits Cha and suspected that he tried to use his imitators to eliminate his only witness. But Tae-oh shot on Cha, who admits that he lost. He asks, "Does it feel good to win?"

Chul-gon asks if he feels something similar conscience. Cha says: "Cha Do-Hyuk me to live as a human being, to try to tell Gap-dong tells me that like an animal life more fun."

While bringing Tae-oh in the station, Mu -Yeom guesses at his reason for not killing today. One more reason to provide for his insanity plea. Tae-oh laughs.

And yes, Tae-oh has more tricks up its sleeve to be the latest a question of nationality. He had kept his dual citizenship (South Korean and American) for his involvement in the family business, but if he gives up his Korean citizenship, he can the nationality question to work in his favor. His lawyers asked for the idea of ​​him deported abroad that something would satisfy the Korean citizens who was dear from him. hear

Ji-wool and Mary mothers that their daughters are safe, much to her relief. Ji-wool mother apologizes to Maria's mother for some of their daughter in the recent events, saying that it is also disturbing. However, her mother Mary comforting and said they should not sacrifice seeks to blame for.

This is the same thing that Mary Ji-wool Recalls tell her because she was in fact running away from home when Gap -dong got it, people used to whisper that they get what they deserve. It makes Ji-wool promise not to blame for a trusting people, and admits that it is still difficult for them.

Later that night, Maria asks to Mu-Yeom what will become of Tae-oh, admitting that it is perhaps concerned about him after all. She begins to say that after all this is over ... and how she was happy, had to have him with her through the ordeal ... But Mu-Yeom not she did not let on and pretends distracted by the baby will.


in a retrospect, we see that the monk had told him that at Mu-Yeom was a teenager and not in his mind, after his father had died , doctors he had just said, had live fifteen years. He has already surpassed that timeline and thus its additional time should consider a gift into consideration and live well. I suspect Mu Yeom not interpret that message when he slide in exactly the same way Mary away because of it.

Chul-gon interviewing Chef Cha passes, and speculates that it about the event that Cha keeps tucked away. burned Referring to the bloodstained jacket Mu Yeom and kept secret, Chul-gon asks, "What is your bloodstained jacket?"

boss Cha says only that he was born a psychopath, and has nothing more to say. "You all have red blood, and I have animal blood that is blue. Think of it in this very simple way."

Chul- Ecks reminds him of Mu-Yeom theory that Cha signature node used to exaggerate his psychopath image and suspicions that there is more to the story of his first victim, Mi-ja and her father. Cha tells him this to end a cops job is easy to find evidence of his case, and now they have it.

Tae-oh brought before the loop to shed trembling and tears in fear. He begins to hyperventilate when the bag placed over his head, and looped the noose around his neck. The floor is covered by the feet, and he shrugs awake. A nightmare. Jogging on the floor of his cell, he crouches in the fetal position and gasps, "Cold ... I'm so cold ..."

He wraps himself in a blanket, but continued to tremble uncontrollably, muttering that he needs to survive. It is an irony of the formulation, as saying. "I have to live, even if it kills me" "I have to live no matter what" is said in literal terms, as

When he meets with his lawyers, he is confident and again assured them shows the fishing blog with the conversation between him and Cha. He says his new approach: He was manipulated from the original Gap-dong. Cha forced him to commit the murder ninth, and Tae-oh had no choice but to comply.

Mu-Yeom out with Tae-oh and starts Maria to mention, but Tae-oh, he does not want their pity. He asks why Mu Yeom pitied him, pointing out that he him astray is always in relation with the look of someone who thinks his little brother gone. He suspects that Mu-Yeom thinks he can be like Tae-oh would himself: "I thought it out with Russian roulette, you had to stay on this page happiness as a person."

Ji -wool ill, and her mother tends to her. She stumbles over the webtoon Ji-wool to have, we contains some of the latest bits have learned. This includes two teenagers to kill a man, suggesting that Cha and his friend Mi-ja had together killed her father.

sitting as Cha in prison, he thinks back to 1993, the date of its first Gap-dong murder. He had been in front of a business stimulation and in his window display was a copy of Crime and Punishment .

comes the day of the Cha-process. Mu-Yeom is early, and approaches when Cha is accompanied to his place. He asks how it feels to sit there, and if Cha says it's uncomfortable, Mu-Yeom replies that it is at least good that Cha feel enough discomfort can feel. Only Cha have to make clear that he means that the seat literally pushes him, not that he feels no sense conscience.

If Cha is given a chance to make his statement, he has only one thing to say: "All who stood by and watched for the last twenty years you have the right to judge me? "He laughed softly to himself.

Tae-oh cowering in his cell and whispered: "If only I could live ..."

a short test-serial killer in history at all, the judgment is made and be announced. Before it can be explained, Cha jumps form in his chair and asks the judge for mercy, blubbering that he wants to live.

Mu-Yeom and Maria in fool-watching what before it?


This is another tactic that I'm sure to elicit sympathy designed. I do not know what cha want to argue in his defense, since at this time the only question may be, what kind of punishment he is given, is not it? It is the same as Tae-oh situation where I can not imagine a scenario where the criminals deserve any kind of real freedom; it must make an offer for a life sentence rather than death.

What I am is unclear what Cha to this point actually inspired because I think we are seeing him meant as have reached this point, by fear of death, or at least the desire, in the way to live, the Tae-oh a few weeks ago. Was it the car accident? That actually seems pretty weak to me, although I think there is a symmetry in the way that it was Mu-Yeom in the driver's seat with two psychopaths. But why should break Cha and agree to show him to the tomb to believe that such disclosure would somehow beat a deal with the cops to drain it easy? If anything, it is the nail in the coffin she needed to secure his conviction, and without it they would have been in a much weaker position. This drama logic, it hurts my head sometimes.

I try it the benefit of doubt in most cases to give, because it is clear that the letter of true crime cases is aware and has especially those examples judiciously used as reference points. Now that we are so close to the end, but I think I can hang hope to stop that it would not deliver this drama a better answer to some of my questions, and includes only that is in some aspects. And the dependence of American serial killer cases begins lazy to feel like you went to Wikipedia and cobbled together a plot based on known cases, but forgot the part where this characters have to have motivations that as read credible. You may need to make no sense in a simple way, that we are dealing with psychopaths, but internal logic is still important, and I'm trying to leave you frustrated to let meet these goals in my head. It's like trying to tie together two ends of the string, only it ends just touch yet and you can actually manage not binding.

I continue to find Tae-oh considerably more interesting than Cha, and while that's good on the one hand, I believe it about the drama is significant, drop the ball have left their titular character. I would even posit that the mystique of the Gap-dong was much more fascinating than the reality of the Gap-dong, and this villain falls rather flat for me. Tae-oh, at least is a character who lives in the present, so that we can come along for the ride, as he struggles with his feelings (or non-emotional, perhaps).

I think doing the drama to a final twist is heading with respect to the first murder, although since I already know in the white night, I do not think there will be much of a surprise. Maybe he and Mi-ja plotted along her terrible father to kill and somehow went wrong and Mi-ja died. Or maybe they knew about it and went to spill, and he had to silence them? Anyway it seems that first case points to a Cha Do-Hyuk, who was a man still before the animal had been stirred, and might, be that the little insight into reclamation we be getting for his character. Redemption is far away, of course, but understanding may be a worthy goal. Let's hope it actually we get to the finals

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tags: featured, Gap-dong, Kim Ji-won, Kim min-jung, Lee Joon, Sung Dong-il, Yoon Sang-hyun

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