Recap And Reviews Kdrama

Recap and reviews korean drama -

The big reveal Episode 11: School King of Savvy is finally here. It's time for Soo-young to face the truth and decide what is important to them. Family? Love? Employment? She takes her time with the betrayal and heartbreak treat, as well as Min-seok. If they were to think only for himself the answer to their dilemma seems pretty obvious, but that is never the case. With the reveal, it's a new game with new players. Time for all our characters, to step up their game.



, the paths cross, as we wait for the big reveal. Min-seok and Soo-jung stare at each other, Duk-hwan and Tae-seok watch the scene, and Yoo-ah in the middle, confused. A tense moment of silence comes as Soo-young, all coincidences recalls. Yoo-ahs Hubby Lee, the manuscript of the work and the hospital

Min-seok, a smile forcing, as he calls to Soo-young: "Secretary young ..." Yoo-ah looks puzzled why Min -seok would that her sister to call, but before they get an explanation, Soo-jung walks away with the realization. Min-seok follows her to draw and his friends Yoo-ah away, which is totally confused by this whole situation. How does Min-seok her sister know?

Min-seok follows Soo-jung in a private taxi, desperate to call her and explain everything. Finally, as he begins to her, Soo-jung tries to ignore him, but he wants an opportunity to explain. You sit on a bench, now with an awkward gap between asking them and Soo-jung, if that's his real name: Lee Min-seok. She even changes to banmal when she speaks to him, now that she, he knows a high schooler.

Soo-young then asks who is the real Lee Hyung-Seok, and Min-seok told her the truth. She shakes her head, unable to comprehend this situation: "Unbelievable ..."

Yoo-ah echoes these words: "I can not believe it." Duk-hwan and Tae-seok try to insist that it is the truth, but Yoo-ahs in denial. "I will not believe it until I see it." She walks away upset. Duk-hwan comments, as they live in a small world; how could Popcorn sister Yoo-ah his actual sister? He is worried about Min-seok, but Tae-seok seems more worried about Yoo-ah.

Walking away alone, Yoo-ah satisfied that everything does not matter. "I was first. I liked Min-Seok first. I'm first ..."

Back in the embarrassing Bank, Soo-young confirmed Min-seok age. Eighteen. She asks why he asked her out, and Min-seok is the simple answer: because he loves her. You sit there with repeated sighs and Aigos, the Min-seok provoked break with his requests. "Sure, everything is fake. My name, my age ... they are all fake. But Secretary Jung, popcorn sister, neighbor, Jung Soo-young, my feelings for you are real. You know, right?"

Soo-jung interrupts him to ask if he knew Yoo-ah was her sister. She sees clearly defensive when you ask about Yoo-ah. He says he had no idea, and continues with his explanation. He wanted to tell her everything, but he just could not find the right time to reveal the truth. He asks again if she knows that he is doing it as it really, but she shakes her head. "No, I do not know. I do not believe anything."

So she goes away. Min-seok routes to her but quickly turns around when he discovered two retail team ladies on them. They try to make Soo-jung attention, but you should be shocked to see them, and takes a look back at Min-seok, the its distance must be kept to maintain his cover upright.

can not wrap them their head around the situation, careless Soo-jung crossed the road with a car race. Luckily, she slid out of the way of Jin-woo that looks really worried. Soo-jung has not before she apologizes to her senses, as Jin-woo, for his big mistake. He notes, embarrassed that he seems to apologize just to Soo-young, but she does not seem to understand something, he says, and goes away.

When she returns to the office, team leader Kim instructs Soo-jung connect it to one of its working partners, but they mindlessly linking him to President Yoo. As a result, scolded without a reason for calling team leader Kim. He calls Soo-jung past, but they do not listen to him, to Assistant Manager Yoon her knock on the shoulder. It receives the scolding and apologizes as Min-seok comes, but it is clearly not out of it.

back to her seat, unless it does not. She lands on Assistant Park lap sitting, leading to strange looks from the whole team. get back to her senses, she apologizes and starts to return to their actual seat until they met eyes with Min-seok. At this time, she runs out of the office like someone who has lost his mind. But I think, to find out that the boss you are dating is actually a high schooler can do that for you.

Min-seok helpless enters his office looking quite depressed. Team leader Kim follows him in and not jump on the couch, nagging him his picking up calls and the delay. But this time it is for him, and Min-seok defended himself, saying that he does what he can. "Am I doing this because I want? What do you want me to do ... hugs" Team Leader Kim a pillow and looks like he is crying.

Min-seok storms out of his office, ignoring Assistant Park. The ladies notice the cold atmosphere of Min-seok come today and fangirl about how it's so fresh and cool as he is different from his usual self. Yoo-ju commented his charisma, but when Ji Dae-han clears his throat, she adds that she kind is now in the nice way. Ha.

hesitates on the roof, Soo-young to name Yoo-ah, and she approached by Assistant Manager Yoon. He asks if she and Min-seok got into a fight and declared that he caught on their relationship. It begins to explain, but you can not the words seem to be. He advises her to make quickly with Min-seok and tells her that he always, to listen to their dilemmas available. But even with its consoling words, Soo-jung still looks clearly upset.

President Yoo calls Director Nam to his office and asks him to look in chauffeur Choi. He also asks him Soo-jung to dismiss from her position when she saw for its comfort just bad luck and too much was. Like father, like son.

Yoon-ju and Dae-han to secretly make plans like all begins to start for the day. Min-seok asks Soo-young, and he has said that she leave sooner. He nods and unfortunately goes out

Soo-young gets a call from Min-seok, but looks at the caller ID -. Chief Director Lee Hyung-Seok - with disbelief. You ignore the call and heads home, where she is forced to confront Yoo-ah. She asks gently Yoo-ah, if she's okay, but it is not natural. Yoo-ah calls her sister shamelessly, and though Soo-jung defended himself that it is so shocked and confused when she, she seems confused that Soo-young to play the victim.

Soo-jung told her that she had no prior idea until a few hours. "I understand you're worried, but I'm the one who is more excited. I've just found out that the person I love, is just a high schooler and her husband Lee."

Yoo ah can not believe her sister. "Do you really think that you and Min-seok well together? He's my age, a high schooler, eighteen! You're a granny compared to him. Unni, you're really the worst." She tells lost her sister to go and she meets with a pillow. Soo-jung grabs a pad itself, and follows a hateful pillow fight, with feathers flying everywhere.

The sisters sitting on the ground covered in feathers post-pillow fight, but you fight not done. They call each other for selfish, and Yoo-ah leaves the house. Soo-jung seems a grandmother named injured from is, but she thinks back to all the intimate moments with Min-seok and crawls back into its hole of shame.

The hours pass, but Yoo-ah home not return. As it later that night, Soo-Young gets custody exceeds their anger, so forwards it is important for her sister. She eventually finds Yoo-ah by two high school boys being molested, and it works to protect them. Soo-young bites a hand of the boy, swinging their arms in a threatening yet hilarious way, so Yoo-ah covered her head and embarrass away on foot.

Min-seok lets his anger on his punching bag and Gramps closes behind him in imitation. When Min-seok collapses, he thinks back to words of Soo-young to him not while Gramps has to believe his award number. Aw, Gramps.

want to resolve the conflict, Min-seok calls Soo-jung of the night. When he tried to approach her, she steps back and tells him to keep his distance. It also promotes the removal of talking to him down and told her age gap, and to ask if he is allowed at this late roaming. Offended, Min-seok told her that the ten-year gap does not matter and that he basically an adult. But Soo-jung can not think in this way. "You probably do not know, because you're young, but the world is not a simple and easy place. I will do as if nothing has happened which, so go home and sleep."

Min-seok engages Soo-young, before they can leave and asks for the truth. She still loves him, right? He seems desperate for Soo-Young-depressant, but there is not for him. She says that her feelings for the 28-year-old Comfo chief director, were not they Min-seok now know.

you from running, but as soon as she turns the corner, it will stop. Min-seok is disbelief behind frozen, and Soo-young stands alone in remorse.

The next morning, Soo-young and Yoo-ah run into each other, while preparing for the day, but they do not recognize each other at all. Soo-jung does not seem ready for work, sitting on the bed with heavy shoulders.

At school, Min-seok rooms as his friends out on him. He does not answer their questions, nor did he respond Yoo-ah, which comes to nothing has happened and falls cheerful food for him from.

When Min-seok arrives at work, Soo-young has come. Facing the retail team members to be late, as it always was, but when Min-seok goes to his office, he finds a letter of resignation from her. He immediately calls Soo-young, but she's long gone on a trip by itself.

On the bus, Soo-young gets Min-seok reputation. She thinks back to yesterday when they dedicated find Yoo-ah Notebook Min-seok "Making Hubby Lee the best athlete project" called. She looks through the photos Health News, a tangible representation of Yoo-ahs care for Min-seok. It was then, as Min-seok them out at night and probably invoked decided if Soo-jung, give her feelings for him.

Back to the present, Soo-young ignored Min-seok of calls and blocked his number. They convinced themselves that they do the right thing. Texts and Yoo-ah, that it's going down home KangChon for a while, and that she is sad. Yoo-ah is still in rampage mode and thinks that her sister should be apologizing one obviously.

When she gets off the bus, Soo-jung her mother sees advertising for the bungee jump, and they led by her mother to give

a big hug. Her mother believes that she was fired, but is Soo-young that she. A few days for a model was added staff

could not get in contact with Soo-young, Min-seok steps in his office. Team leader Kim goes to him about their meeting with the words she took a few days for some business family and Min-seok covers to remember Soo-young absence. Team leader Kim starts to complain, but Min-seok yells at him just to leave it at that. Unaccustomed to Min-seok prickly personality, team leader Kim asks what's going on, but Min-seok goes straight.

At the meeting, the Retail team looks Soo-jung, and team leader Kim tells them that she is from a few days taking. The women suggest that they start with some iced coffee, but Min-seok completes the idea, wanted to bring the meeting over with. Team leader Kim tries to calm him, but Jin-woo and the rest of the team remarkable change of attitude Min-seok is.

Worried, Jin-woo is waiting outside Soo-young house. Yoo-ah recognize him, and they go for burgers. When she eats, Yoo-ah Comments on Jin-woo, the pallor and compares them with rice cakes. She asks if he likes her sister, and Jin-woo asks why he has to answer. Yoo-ah takes that as a yes, and their number is in his cell phone, saves its number as "rice cakes Ajusshi." Ha.

She suggests that they make a pact to share information. She starts to tell him that her sister had some problems with her boyfriend and is currently back home in KangChon. This is his chance! They seal the alliance with a fist bump and before she goes, Yoo-ah asks Jin-woo to fill their bus ticket for 10,000 won, and he gives her the money.

At home looks Dad around the house for Min-seok, but find him without brooding. He wonders if Min-seok has to report any concerns and heads back inside.

Below in KangChon, Soo-young of time takes grandpas in their board game and riding on a swing to relax, to advise. She goes down the lane, and when she is a girl with a coveted popsicles spots, she asks for a bite. The girl refuses, so Soo-jung, it threatens with an old folk tale, saying that if they do not share, they'll grow a large lump on her face. At the end it shares reluctantly her ice cream. Haha.

Soo-young sitting alone on a bench, when we hear clapping the village ajummas about them. They talk about how it is not yet mature for her age and that they have a kind Spacey. You wonder why they sit alone, like someone who has lost his mind, but we see, crying that she sits there. Aw, poor Soo-jung.

Min-seok goes to work in a depressed mood, while team leader Kim a fax freaks out that was sent prematurely. He wants to know who sent it, and Sang-hee raises his hand and explained that it Min-seok approved. Team leader Kim storms into Min-seok office and asks him how he is going to fix this situation. But Min-seok is clearly assuming and claiming something not remember about the fax itself. Team leader Kim tells him to take responsibility, so Min-seok comes with a simple solution: fire him.

They both know that this is not possible and end Yoo office with Director Han in President. After the three of them are reprimanded for their mistakes in the contract, Director Han's team leader Kim outside another scolding. He says to go Min-seok and do absolutely nothing, as they try to fix the situation.

Relais Director Nam this. Good news to Jin-woo, saying that this error for the company is a great loss, but an opportunity for her team Jin-woo gets a text from Yoo-ah are urgently asked if he has gone to KangChon yet to seize the opportunity. He laughs at the text, but his smile quickly disappears when Director Nam asks why President Yoo Soo-jung wants to fire. Apparently it is something they should not seen.

Jin-woo addresses President Yoo with this issue and asks him not Soo-jung to fire, because it is the woman he loves. President Yoo says that is not his concern and not want them not to, but Jin-woo knows weakness of his father. He threatens his identity with his mother revealed along. President Yoo would not want that now, would he?

Jin-woo and Min-seok meet in the elevator and discuss the Soo-young situation. Jin-woo asks if they have run into problems, but Min-seok told him mind his own business. But it is now Jin-woo business, as it decide whether or not to make whether a movement. When he leaves the elevator, making Jin-woo a call to Yoo-ah some information. Ohhh, it's on.

After a busy morning, Director Han and team leader Kim are out drinking for a few days. Team leader Kim notes that there seems to be something about today Min-Seok. It usually comes in a good mood to work, but for some reason he seems to be to be quite volatile lately. To avoid any slip of the tongue, passes Director Han team leader Kim stick of Min-seok side and coax him to do well at work.

And team leader Kim does so immediately. He says Min-seok, who is taken everything is taken care of and that it is nothing to fear. Hearing that Min-seok has not eaten, team leader Kim offers to treat him, but Min-seok denied. He is really not in the mood

But team leader Kim has a last resort. Its USB. He gives it to Min-seok, say that it is a compilation of everything. From the Korea, US, China and Japan Min-seok has no idea what he stupsen with reference to, but team leader Kim gives him the nudge wink wink. Even with the note, Min-seok has no interest and the USB-stores. Finally, team leader Kim Min-seok has the dilemma listen and tells him to talk to him like an uncle comfortable. So Min-seok does: "Uncle, please step out I want to be alone.." So out he goes.

is Soo-jung with the village children playing hopscotch when Jin-woo suddenly appears. She asks how he came here, and he says vaguely that he has a source. He is not sure why he came all the way here, but he wanted them worried. He asks her to be his guide, because it is his first time in KangChon, but they are interrupted by a call.

There is a nurse notified Jin-woo, that his mother slashed her wrists and is in urgent need of attention. It allows the phone in shock and Soo-young hears the situation, if it takes the phone. He sits down to catch his breath before they leave for the hospital.

The retail team feels Soo-Young-empty space, and Yoon-ju keeps her a call type. But Assistant Manager Yoon has so and tell them loud and clear - to hear especially for Min-seok -. That Soo-jung went back home to KangChon to help her mother

[1945010imMoment] However, Soo-jung Jin-woo. They run in the hospital, and Jin-woo falls on his mother's side. He cries of his mother by the bed, and Soo-jung quietly leaves the room. She leaves his car keys with a note, hoping for his mother recovery.

When Min-seok returns home, he is still in a grouchy mood, and he explodes when he sees that Gramps does Eat with Soo-Young moss plant. Dad immediately scolds him for Gramps for yelling, hiding behind Dad in fear. But Min-seok insists that this plant is important to him and runs out of the house with the word of Soo-young whereabouts echoed in his head. He tried to grab a taxi to KangChon on upside down, but of course do not want a taxi down there to go all the way.

Back in KangChon, Soo-young takes out the trash and sees that Jin-woo has come again. She asks about his mother, and he thanks her him to drive. Soo-young tells him again to drive safely, but before he goes, Jin-woo pulls Soo-jung in a hug. He asks her how to stay for a moment, and doing so.

Min-seok comes just in time to see that. Although his immediate reaction is one of anger, he noted, Soo-jung embrace Jin-woo back. He looks at the scene with real pain in his eyes and goes back slowly.

Soo-young pulls out of the embrace, and Jin-woo finally admits his feelings. "I do not know why I'm so. I was okay to be alone until now, but I could feel your empty room when you left. Can you stay by my side?" He makes up for everything that happens is, apologizes and asks for another chance.

But Soo-young not waver. "A person's feelings are pretty smart. A few months ago I had only felt fluttery you to see at a distance, even reasons make for why we are fated to be together. But in this short time I have already become feelings for someone else. "

Jin-woo interrupts to recognize that their timing was not right and again apologizing for everything. He knows he was wrong they mistreated and even missing his chance. But he asks for another chance and argues that they do not push him away at least. Soo-young tries the conversation by telling Jin-woo finish to drive safely, but Min-seok goes back into the picture.

Min-seok grabs talk, but Jin-woo stops him. He says Min-seok that he is nowhere to be pulling Soo-jung. They approach each other and set off, with Soo-jung nervous look at them.


Aw, man. That was much sadder than I expected, and I think the previous cutesy romance makes this even sadder. The whole episode took a melancholy turn as our two most cheerful resulting in a rather depressing way implemented. It is obvious that Min-seok of heartache is to affect more than himself; the entire retail team, team leader Kim and bad Gramps suffer from the side effects of his anger and frustration. And here we see the difference between Min-seok and Soo-jung. Min-seok has always to have been with his love, outwardly while Soo-jung is exactly the opposite. She hides away, runs through itself, and takes the blame.

denial, separation and family all are difficult to Soo-young shoulders, although it was not entirely their fault. I am glad that we had more attention to it than it, which was most of the reveal. Your side of the resolution is much more convincing as she has to think many other factors, the most important family. I, the binding of these two sisters have denied nor Soo-jung. She will play unni to force yourself to keep their distance, with Min-seok. It's sad but touching to see how to make this sacrifice.

The had a significant impact on the Sisterhood reveal, and it is definitely not an easy way to resolve the conflict. In such a situation, more pain and more, it is of course entitled to feel the pain for both sides. They are both mutually hurting the blame for something that is not of their mistakes, and it causes them today. The defenses are popping up, and as we know, it is much easier, closest to violate human to us, because we know where they hurt and take for granted that they understand it.

A silver lining that came out of this cloud of darkness was the new alliance between Jin-woo and Yoo-ah. We know that Yoo-ah just to break the pact in the hope that her husband and sister forever, but I see a lot of good opportunities for shenanigans. Jin-woo is the only one in our complex love square, Missed Min-seok secret, so I'm sure that will help Yoo-ah as his source intensify him his game, as he already has in this episode.

After the previous episode, I was pretty sure that Jin-woo was out of the race, but he made time to a decent comeback. He seems sincere in his apology to Soo-jung, and I can see that he means well. It grows slowly to a significant rival, and I hope that this trend will continue in its upward trend. The only thing is that its growth seems a little ... abrupt. Even until the last episode, he seemed to have no idea how to bring his feelings in a healthy way to express. And now this skill he suddenly learned. Whether there is inconsistency or just the growth, I'm just glad we get a better person from Jin-woo. He deserves some healthier feelings in his life

The heartbreak, fear, and the tears were plentiful necessary and appropriate for this episode, but I hope we return to what this show does best :. The quirky comedy. Soon. It is sad to see our beautiful Soo-young cry lonely tears on a bench. Someone bring pizzazz back! We need them urgently

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tags: featured, high school king of Savvy, Lee Hana, Lee Soo-Hyuk, Seo In - gook

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