Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 20

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 20 -

For a show that certainly know sometimes how to take things slow and easy, remember it like an hour to deliver small victories, heartwarming teamwork and staggering shows. Above all, I appreciate how Triangle surprised us with character moments, tropes undermine the conventional drama, while not forgetting that episodic profits are important. Love is a many splendored thing, it is not


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Dong-soo arrival Puts mocks an end to the physical aspect of the Young-dal and Yang-ha argument, but the verbal attack on. Yang-ha that Young-dal provoke a big mistake him for Young-dal that made threat he knows shake as Yang-ha is already working, and he's not afraid.

he foolish for implementing it and Dong-soo behind bars, he does not warn the little prince to do something, so Yang-ha was responsible white over and over again. Because no matter how low Yang-ha goes, can Young-dal always go deeper, and swears that he would repay all affront hundred times.

Dong soo not Young-dal say why he was on his fight with Yang-ha so worried, yet Young-dal pick on them. he believes that his hyung when he says that he came to Sabuk because he about him was worried facing off against Myung-jae, and ensures Dong-soo that he had nothing to fear, since his plan is airtight. to give

Young-dal walks in the Jun-ho Myung-jae the unfortunate news that he can 't be accepted because it does not have enough class as Daejung VIP. But Young-dal plays the good cop Jun-ho bad cop by issuing Myung-jae a VIP card

However, there is a caveat :. Myung-jae can not the VIP room for everyone, as it has already been reserved. Myung-jae does not like this idea to Young-dal tells him that it is an advantage to be able to bet on the ceiling with other people how to play, for example.

Once they are out, soothes Young-dal Jun-ho frazzled nerves and gets it ready for the next phase of the plan. will join Boss Min Myung-jae in the VIP room.

Jung-hee and a few other distributors are called to work in the VIP room after Hyun-mi of their new promotional uses annoying sunbae trio put in place. Its leader swears Hyun-mi to get back to get their fix.

Dong-soo thinks back to Kim Jin-soo told him to give up his revenge against President Yoon when he cares before meeting Young-dal for his little brother.

He kiiind tests abandon the water around their revenge when he remembers Young-dal about his dreams of marrying the girl he loved and to find his two brothers, but hardly gets in talking about how "the past in the past" before Young-dal catches, all but for thinking to give up on his hyung scolding.

are those men killed the her father, Young-dal reminds him. "And you'll only those bastards with that leave out? I will never forgive what they have done."

Chairman Yoon tears in Yang-ha when he and Jung-hee as the reason why Jiyeon father cut off its partnership with Daejung makes his affair responsible. However, when he Yang ha ordered things with Jung-hee to break and apologize to Jiyeon, Yang-ha answers with a quiet but firm. "I can not do that"

he gets a hard slap in the face for his father tells him that if Yang-ha can not end he wants . But Yang ha strikes back, that he would leave Daejung when Jung-hee is fired, on which his father asked incredulously when Yang-ha would give up everything he has given him.

"None of that counts for me Chairman Yoon," Yang-ha retorts what his threat finally make good disinheriting Yang-ha. Ugh, finally . Is it a good time? I doubt it.

Before Jung-hee and her fellow traders go in the VIP room, they are warned with her gangster client on their toes to be. The last thing they need to do is make any mistakes.

Jung-hee welcomed Myung-jae if he enters, only a shock of surprise hit both as they recognize the entire kidnapping incident. Myung-jae is faster than they, as Jung-hee doing, although props to do it for her fear to swallow their work.

Boss also min before a little Myung-jae in VIP nervously room although Manbong declared that they will so long to be sure, as he is with her. AWW. After some last minute pointers from Jang-soo, they march into battle.

Young-dal flashes back to Dong-soo to remind him that he had revenge free dreams once, and Jung-hee confrontation to know with him, that he did not mean about the harsh words he said when she was abducted.

His reverie is interrupted, informed as Jun-ho him that the game has started so that Young-dal can see it live from his office.

Myung-jae thinks it is just a coincidence when Boss Min kicks him to the table, and listen when they offer to let this game, decide the outcome of their personal battle. Whoever loses the winner has to fulfill a wish.

The big scary mafia boss mocks whether they will be able to hold their own rules, if he wins he that they as cash on Young-dal will ask. Eek! Boss Min, now you really can not lose!

She swallows her nervousness when she stated that it does not matter what Myung-jae wants, but if she wins , he and his gang Sabuk to leave forever. Myung-jae agrees to the terms, and the game begins.

Jun-ho says Team Young-dal wagered on bets Jang-soo and Jailbreak to fear what what will happen to Young-dal, when Boss Min were losing.

But Young-dal tried to look at it positively, because they will win everything they wanted, when Myung-jae loses and leaves Sabuk.

Yang-ha lists, reluctant to discuss Jiyeon from what much they made with Young-dal. She says that Young-dal told her he was just a bat, no better than trash on the street, but then eyes Yang-ha when she adds that the real Thug someone else, even known as him.

But she soon shows that their real reason for taking her by he was going to get after wounding her pride Young-dal Deal back to Yang-ha, when he was already in his heart a low had given dealer .

he takes offense at the way they suggest that word spits, but Jiyeon on to say that he should have dealt with the same way Jung-hee Young-dal-treated as a curiosity. Since he did not, it promises that it'll get more episodes for insulting their dignity. You can have a mean grudge hold just as well as he can.

When Myung-jae starts to lose the game, forced his minions, borrow more from Boss Yang to play for Myung-jae. He Madame Jang has to go to get the money to loan and assures them that they set a return on their investment with the Securities Myung-jae are obtained.

While Young-dal hear happy that Myung-jae his own grave digging through more and more money in the game to lose Myung-jae wises up Young-dal plan as chairman Go tell him that the game set up by Young-dal.

to thus help win Myung-jae, chairman Go adds about three million US dollars, in the hope of a blow Boss Min takedown. At least Boss Min does not immediately fall for the trap of Myung-jae matches enormous bet, and takes a break Young-dal to ask what they should do.

And aw, I love Boss Min-they fear of losing is not because of money, but because it would mean the fight with Myung-jae to lose. with each Young-dal advice to make course backtracked because they will have more chances to win, if they have patience, we know that he did not.

Boss Min back to the table and takes Myung-jae bet. (Bad Young-dal, bad! * Hits with newspaper *) Everyone is waiting with bated breath, as the cards are dealt ... and Boss Min hand proves to be a dud. Uh oh.

However, Team Young-dal, thanks to their lucky stars when Myung-jae hand turns out also to be a bust. Phew. But the money is still on the table, which means they have to play another hand.

Boss Min was two, leaving the Myung-jae hand. If it has a higher number, they are in need ...

... he did not aaand. He does not ?! Wow, I was sure that this would blow up in Young-dal face, but he won! Yaaay, he won!

Chairman Go gets the message that all the money that he borrowed Myung-jae lost. Not only that, but he did not even Young-dal out of the deal. Hah, that's what you get.

For a lot of money lost, Myung-jae is actually in good spirits as he admits his defeat by Young-dal such a good sport. He knows that he is well out of the game, and that alone will leave Young-dal.

And in another display of sportsmanship, Young-dal said Boss Min the building Myung-jae return set as collateral him if he sticks to his word and stays away far, far.

Although Shin-hye is the one who was to be about Yang-ha Dong-woo positive, they seem surprised when it Dong-soo confirmed. They then turned to urge him transitions to tell the truth now Young-dal, so that way he can stop Yang ha fight before the two injured today on.

But Dong-soo is uncertain about the right approach-what if Yang ha / Dong-woo is happy? Would not it be Dong-soo and Young-dal render him a greater service if they just left him, to live his life in peace?

Shin-hye disagrees strongly all recite the Declaration, origin story of Yang-ha, what we could now from memory. Because she knows Yang ha existence, is a wretch, Shin-hye is convinced that he would be much happier life than her little brother than as unloved heritage Daejung Group.

Jung-hee find comes home late only a drunken Yang-ha found nearby. "I have given up everything. You're all I have now left," he admits.

When she asks with right to clarify, Yang-ha continued as she did not: "But if you throw me aside now, then I really ..." he chokes back tears. "I'm sorry. I'll go." He stumbles out, so Jung-hee looking confused in its wake.

After Chairman Yoon leaning Yang-ha to show any leniency him disinherited and burning Jung-hee, Jung-hee from the casino manager hears that she has let go. Yikes.

She is in total shock, since she has no idea what she might have done wrong, but her manager keeps a secret from her (but not any other) that she thinks that a connection between Yang -ha there will be ordered to leave and Jung-hee fired.

Jun-ho supplies the Yang-ha news about Young-dal, the celebrations do not like his friends, because he knows that they do not have to take down President Yoon got ,

But he reacted very differently when he finds out that Jung-hee been fired, and hurries do something about it to probably.

Everyone in the seedy underground is happy with their last victory, because have brought Boss Min and Madame Jang their differences in accordance enough together to celebrate and share the profits.

Young -dal confronted Director Hyun fired over Jung-hee, said only that he Chairman Yoon decision was as if he wants to do something about it, he with the big guy needs to take.

Kim Jin-soo actually calls Shin-hye for a talk time (rather than vice versa) to tell her that he is concerned about Yang-ha now that the Chairman Yoon could also go as far as officially it to disinherit.

Apparently, the reason Yang-ha first went Shin-hye, because he had tried to commit suicide after he found out, was adopted. Kim Jin-soo is concerned that these recent events put Yang-ha again at risk for self-harm and asks Shin-hye to help him.

Manager Bae finds yang ha consisted of all the heavy drinking he the night before and tried him make his head in the game-especially considering again that Manager Bae everything jeopardize believe that Yang-ha would prevail.

But Yang-ha only claims that he is tired of all this. No matter how Manager Bae pleaded with him to reconsider, ensure that no father would actually left , his son in this way, Yang-ha spirit rather seems from.

While Shin-hye Dong-soo says Yang-ha could be jeopardized considering for the suicide of his current situation, we find our disinherited heir a sponsored walk take to sort his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Jung-hee also spends some time brooding. Does this show think we are goldfish, the flashbacks of need to remember twenty minutes ago, why these characters are sad, or are the flashbacks is used as a filler?

by another small scene where Hyun-mi rumors Fields fired from about Jung-hee among other dealers, Jung-hee Director Hyun goes directly to say that they are not without listening accept their resignations for them, a clear reason. (For you!)

He comes right out and tells her that he can not do anything to help her, as Chairman Yoon they fired about her relationship with Yang-ha, the frustration only Jung-hee more ,

They claimed that they has no relationship with Yang-ha and that the chairman Yoon misunderstood. "Why should I be treated unjustly so because of Yoon Yang ha own personal feelings?" In addition, when Director Hyun can you fired a real reason for her not to give, it is ready to bring this to court. (Again, go Jung-hee!)

Young-dal confronted Yang-ha about causes Jung-hee so much suffering, if he can not even take care of their , "Become a dealer was her dream," from Young-dal grits. "Do you know how precious this task to you and how much it needs it? Who do you think you are to destroy their dreams?"

Yang-ha is not about how Young-dal of someone take, and tells him how much he the only reason, says he was interested in Jung-hee was because he could not understand how it could be a piece of junk like Young-dal like.

"Because I could not stand and watch them as you a criminal her heart give" Yang ha skewers. "Who else in the world can insult me, but not you, you bastard."

As you can imagine, Yang-ha is punched for this one. When he gets back up, Young-dal to send him beats again Yang ha spreading on the ground.

"That's enough!", Gets one vote to put the fight stop, Jung-hee -es. She says Young-dal, that they do not just simply go on to give quietly to their dreams, and begs him to stop after feeling excited.

And Yang-ha, she says she is not him. The blame for what has happened "So please, do not make things more difficult for themselves, because from me." Finally, a drama heroine who does more than as a mute fish gawk when two men fighting over her.

Jung-hee comes home late after a few drinks, and shares a nice backhug with grandma. She apologizes for all the suffering she thinks she has brought to grandma, just to get for Grandma all choked when she tells Jung-hee, that her the one to bear the weight of her and her two had brothers has support alone.

If anything, Grandma is the one who feels sad. AWW. But I can not shake this eerie feeling when Jung-hee grandma promises that they make enough money, they'll beautiful things to buy and soon send them on vacation because the promises seem ever to come true in drama country.

But as soon as she is alone in her room, Jung-hee leaves out all their frustration bottles in tears, her fingers at the Necklace Young-dal Reaching gave her still hanging around his neck.

It is not expects Young-dal reputation by announcing that he is in front of her house, and running to meet him. You may not see it at first, and annoyed that he is gone, only to hear how he quietly give her name behind her.

go silently at each other, an unspoken agreement that as Young- dal draws between them in an embrace. He retires to look into her eyes ...

... Before he leans in and kisses her. Omo Omo. A tear falls Jung-hee cheek take the second her lips, and if you can believe it, they actually Kiss . Maybe my 12 year old self is talking, but her lips move and the Action reciprocal . (Mind = blown)

After Director Hyun Chairman Go support for his bid Yang-ha obtained to replace and assume Daejung, we find our repressed heritage with (who else but) Shin-hye.

he admits that he is not sure what his next move will be: either he will try to regain his father acceptance or to accept his own shortcomings and give all on. Shin-hye trying to get him to see that it is his father, who has flaws, it does not ". Do not let them weaken and stay strong"

"The reason why I do not want anyone should be at my side in the world mean that I live my life wrong, is not it?" Yang-ha asks ruefully. But Shin-hye shakes his head and says that he is wrong, he can not know who they are, but he has the people on his side

cut to .: Young-dal and Dong-soo as the previous updates his hyung on how well go his plans, and also wants to Dong-soo to meet young-hee, because he live his dream after all goes to. Awww.

But now that he's all checked out his list, except for the Chairman Yoon and Chairman Go "We just need to find Dong-woo."

"I found Dong-woo" Dong-soo sighs. Young-dal asks excitedly the usual questions-how? From where? He is even more confused when Dong-soo tells him that Dong-woo is in his life already ...

"Yoon Yang-ha Dong-woo," Dong-soo finally says. "Chairman Yoon Dong-woo adopted and raised him as his own."


Dun dun dun!

While I am glad that Dong-soo got to deliver as relevant information, we have in circulation, spent only with him enough episodes now is as good a time as any to say the person needs that a man job .

I had high hopes when he first left the police to pursue his revenge, but always took, because he is a back seat to Young-dal master plan, all he gets to do in a particular scene concerned to be. It does not help that the only person he has to talk to Informative Machine Shin-hye during the day, is what's probably because every other character spends these hours do you think I do not know jobs . He is a perfectly good sign that could not be more of a free agent now-they need to find a better use for him other than to be male counterpart Shin-Hye.

There was seen a pleasant surprise Young -dal of risky plan to get rid of Myung-jae work, and was actually twice as nice as there is a real character emerges from the show delivered before Myung-jae really a chance, welcome to wear his. The victory in this show may be small, but as Young-dal pointed end out start to add it. I have a feeling that Young-dal reaching the boss level not quite as close as he thinks he is, but, at least as long as Director Hyun is around.

[1945010Jung-heeübersichselbstundseinErbe] Yang-ha should theoretically have the choice as much more weight than it did, and I'm honestly a little confused as to why it not. Perhaps fatalistic approach to it was Yang-ha to everything, but Young-dal was definitely a point in berating Yang-ha for participation Jung-hee, if he did not have to fight for it intend. And it's true, I have no doubt that Yang ha twisted feelings are sincere for her, but I could not get to read what he thought to do nothing, as Jung-hee, was fired regardless of the amount he tried make to the good old father.

At least he has points wins ever being the politest stalker because he had not even expected something for his great gesture of Jung-hee in return. But come on, at least talk to the girl. Also were not always they friendly to each other than the kidnapping incident? It's not like we are in the dark ages, where Jung-hee would not even Yang-ha the time of day ... unless I missed the decisive moment when we switched back. (Seriously, I did?)

But as far as post-noble-idiocy meeting go-a term I promise I'm slightly as we Myung-jae's departure removes know Young-dal reason pushing for Jung-hee-off the kiss scene was really aces. They earned at this moment. And I want also, we have to think

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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