Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Away: Episode 17

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Away: Episode 17 -

There are more of the what the doctor did in this hour by a surgical contest, which will never end, injecting the show with even more moments of medical incompetence not to, as I thought could handle it. On the other hand there are some emotional blows that should stir your heart unless that heart of stone is. But I am sure that if there were two patients who shared the same condition, Chairman Oh would create another round just to have, Hoon and Jae-joon compete again. As a bonus round

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Not a moment soon Hoon comes in the operating room and takes the lead in the pre final-final . -Art-of-last-surgery It is actually amusing as an observer (because everyone is busy watching, instead of doing their work) asks: "Where he was so far" your guess is as good as mine .

Everyone sits a little straighter in their seats as Hoon repaired the tear-critical, and Chairman Oh calls in and orders doctor Yang to make sure that Hoon loses in this round by any means. Were not the .. . It handles a table death not just five minutes to

doctor Yang agrees, albeit reluctantly, and then goes Hoon to impede progress. His attempts do not go unnoticed by Hoon, the Yang at once from surgery ordered. But team-Hoon isn 't out of the woods just yet, because their patient vitals go haywire-they are in need of a specialized anesthesiologist.

Enter Seung-hee, who had heard about earlier Hoon return of Jae-joon. It stabilizes the patient and Hoon can not help but steal glances at her as he continued. He is unaware that Soo-hyun watched him outside the operating room and they not aware that Jae-joon watched until they leave, rotates.

After surgery Seung-hee Hoon pulls out lecture to return him to the hospital to when she told him not, although she said Soo-hyun that Hoon would come back definitely. I also do not really understand, but the person in the universe seem to forget what they have said or just happened five minutes before anyway.

Hoon says he can 't, alone send no not they in the President of the surgery, she was told it behind to stop more to leave. He hated in Budapest on the bridge dropped his hand and not fall for the after her in, so this time they will not damage together.

He'll make sure to win this competition no matter what, so that they can meet the president, without pulling down a decent doctor as Jae-joon down with them their original plan to perform. The agreement that he got much going to worry about how it is, Hoon asks her to relieve him of a concern., Where his mother is

to inquire

Nightshade, calls such Hoon return changes their plans , Seung-hee affirmed that it does not, she and Jae-joon is working on the President and Hoon from it will remain.

it looks like Seung-hee disclosed to Hoon Mom hiding after all, as we see him in Chang-yi, is seat of the a telltale sign showing teddy, that he is the right place got. He passes on within and immediately choked on her sight. "Mama," he says finally.

Mom gets up the doll to take out of his arms and said to him, as if it Hoon himself. Clutching it to her, she says, "I sought you. I'm sorry, Hoon-ah. It does sorry "with tears in his eyes, Hoon replied:" No, I was wrong "

When Mom looks at his face, to ask who he is, Hoon identified to her:" I .. am, Hoon. "Hoon sincerely apologizes to his mother and said that he took it for years evil, because he thought that they left him and he did not even know what they had been through.

"I'm sorry, Mom," he repeated, then gently pulls in a hug, let the tears fall where they may.

Chairman Oh goes straight to the Prime Minister Jang of holding to complain about the flip-flop, is to operate on his heart surgery as on. It is only when it threatens to pull the plug on Myungwoo participation, Prime Minister Jang show that there will be heart is on the line is not , but the president of the.

Nothing good is it come out when word comes too early, but if the patient can be successfully treated at Myungwoo, then much good press would mean for the hospital.

Doctor Yang manages to push aside the question of why he had been thrown when the surgical competition is bound from the operating room twice with the question remains. Doctor Moon says it is, and even asks Jae-joon for confirmation, much to his annoyance.

of his conversation with the Prime Minister Rejuvenated, Chairman Oh presented the two similar patients for their real final tie-breaking round. The heart valve procedures should be easy enough for both surgeons, and the winner will be who finishes the fastest.

doctor moon gripes about how Jae-joon has an advantage because his patient is a young woman, but Chairman Oh argues that it is this surgical contest always with the prime minister can not keep waiting (orrrr they can ? * cries *). If Doctor Moon does not like it, he can cause the win Jae-joon.

Hoon, on the other hand, agrees to the terms and assured doctor moon that he'll win this thing. But first thing's first. He surgical team some spring cleaning need

So Hoon goes in the middle of the nurse Min her husband questioned why he keeps trying to sabotage their operations. At Doctor Yang denial, to do such a thing, Hoon makes the decision of the executive and bars Yang from his operating theater

Before Hoon can leave, Doctor Yang finally admits why he got his hands dirty. It was not just for the money, but because he hates arrogant people like Hoon, the money can easily spend and do not understand that ordinary people like him to have the bone, to work or to do dishonest acts recourse.

but dirtying the hand is something Hoon all know too well; he also knows the pain guilt that comes with it, and that's why he remove Yang from his team. Moreover, Doctor Yang not just an ordinary person-the privilege of wearing a doctor's coat means that patients their lives trust him. "Let's not they do not disappoint, Doctor Yang," Hoon said.

Nurse Min agrees with Hoon, her husband said that he would lose everything if he continues on this path.

Chairman Oh whispers Jae-joon, that all he needs is complete to do this operation because it. Anyway a shoe-in to win will be And once addressed Jae-joon for the surgical team, he has to be the representative of the chairman, the details of which will become clear once the contest is over.

Chairman Oh rubbing his chest as he says all this as if it hurts him. Looks like he's having heart problems is not the only order here. It does not go unnoticed by Jae-joon, contemplating and says loudly that he is almost there on his revenge in his office.

Hoon strolls into the office and playing with the wooden knight, but he cuts and calls on the hunt that Jae-joon withdraw from the competition. Jae-joon denied, and he is not the least of Hoon concern hovered around him.

Instead Jae-joon asks if Hoon adamance to related his father, a question that Hoon arouses curiosity. Come to think of it, Hoon wonders how Jae-joon knew Dad was sent to the North because he never told about Jae-joon.

So Jae-joon explains how he, as he knows about himself in the third person, referring to his Lee Seung-hoon identity as "a friend of Harvard." Throw the suit documents down for Hoon to see, says Jae-joon per his friend request to take action to find out what happened to this doctor that abandoned case his family to seek fame by the use on the North Korean leader.

Hoon clarifies that Dad Prime Minister Jang and Oh Chair was deceived by false pretenses, to stop a war. Jae-joon calls that are a flat-out, and perhaps too much begins protests, saying: "his friend" not accept that excuse. If Hoon Lee to talk provides Seung-hoon itself, Jae-joon, he says has not really kept in contact lately.

Hoon calls Soo-hyun for him in the hallway to avoid over text, which leads to a certain PPL bickering until Hoon finally catches up to her. He speaks for the first time since he was a few things have to say, including how sorry he is that what President Oh is not their fault, and tops it again with push down onto her hair.

He pouts childishly with her when she gets all upset, claiming that he wants to get along with her. He then pokes and teases Soo-hyun, an increase of her to get what Jae-joon looks.

Soo-hyun can not help but grin thinking of playful exchange, but then finds himself alone with Jae -joon in the elevator. Jae-joon can to see his jealousy flare at her joke with Hoon earlier, but she claims she tried her feelings for Hoon to get through as it is.

Soo-hyun finally gets its discovery about Seung-hee true identity as Jae-hee to discuss. Soo-hyun asks if she really came from the north and if she has to want to be an ulterior motive for the Prime Minister of the team. If so, they can better Hoon out of it. (For purposes of this discussion, I'll call Jae-hee.)

Jae-hee confirmed that they meet Hoon in the DPRK, but it is in fact a second-generation North Korean-Japanese , She received medical treatment in Japan and ended there medical school. They pretended not to know who Hoon was because they had not the courage to him.

with the statement that the roll CT scan Soo-hyun saw was a kidney, Jae-hee reveals that the kidney came from her father. Hoon performed the kidney transplant, and while she knows that he tried to save her, which meant that Hoon killed her father. now that to know the truth, she was not sure if she could love him as she did once more.

Soo-hyun insured Jae-hee, the Hoon loves her, no doubt. Jae-hee had for even hoped, but they can not help but think that Hoon had feelings for her from a bad conscience or irritation. They stated that they would soon return to Japan, and then claimed that Hoon likes Soo-hyun, especially distancing itself from him by calling him "Doctor Park."

Jae-hee is sure Hoon would 've chosen Soo-hyun, if they exclude both their father tarnished pasts, but Soo-hyun reiterated that Hoon has eyes only for Jae-hee. But Jae-hee smiles and asks Soo-hyun to wait after leaving Japan if it remains of Hoon page, they will see how Hoon really feels.

Hoon falls in bags of groceries bear to use the help in the intention Chang-yi, to whip up a homemade meal for Mama, though he is grumbling left, if it is charged residues instead again. Hoon: "I thought you before worked in a restaurant." Chang-yi, "I was the delivery girl." Ha

Mom stares only the table, and it is only when Hoon and Chang-yi Start. Eating she is doing her chopsticks to pick up to connect to them. Then Mom does the maternal gesture and lays quietly on banchan Hoon spoon that accepts Hoon happy.

it does over and over again, waiting for Hoon his spoon to empty, so they can put it more food above. There is a small but loving gesture that has Hoon hit back tears of gratitude. Mom cracks a tiny smile. Awwww.

Soo-hyun to Hoon's still awkward feeling as he strolls about with his usual friendly gentleman greeting at the nurses' station. The nurses ask them if they've been to fight again, and Soo-hyun asks that he, so their patients can no longer get their "Quack" the wrong idea to call.

But Hoon notes that he does not break the habit that easily, and excuse the sisters themselves, trying to stifle her laughter. Soo-hyun asks that he with her to stop having fun, and when Hoon says he only attempted to play comfortably at the things she asks if that can be done overnight.

Hoon has hardly time for the sink to be in when a patient asks after him if he likes the unni. It's Chi-Gyu sister we saw in the previous episode, and she gets a few playful jabs in front Hoon sends them on their way.

Chi-Gyu and his sister argument quickly develops into an all-out in her hospital room brawl back. her stiletto heel swinging against him, she pins him to the ground. This is how Jae-joon finds, and it presents itself as a Chi-Gyu sister. Ohh, it's Jae-joon of the patient?

It turns out that Chi Gyu sister Ah-young, knows about her own heart condition quite well. Your shortness of breath and dizziness are the first signs of heart failure, which means that it is surgery to have, whether she likes it or not.

It seems that Ah-jung their condition has kept a secret from her brother and has been tried on nearly a dozen hospitals, to get a second opinion.

Ah-jung catches the tail end of Hoon explaining the method to his own patients and then pulls him aside for a chat.

it is not the second opinion she seeks from Hoon, however, although it has comforted when he says Jae-joon can be trusted as their doctor. You can hear a discouraged sigh, that there is no other option than surgery.

My main concern is that she married her soulmate next month and even giggles that they share similar heartbeats. Hoon can not help but giggle. Showing some wedding photos, Ah-jung says she wants to marry and have children, but that an operation that put an end to this dream.

Hoon that it reaffirms' ll have trouble getting pregnant later, but promotes anyway surgery. is Ah-jung in a huff, but then turns to ask to see their own ultrasound, so that they can curse their lives the heart valve for ruin.

But Hoon sees that something is going on when he finally sees that ultrasound for themselves, and Ah-jung curses scan her, none the wiser. Hoon beelines Jae-joon about his condition of the patient to confront that surgery still arguing is not necessary.

In addition, the drugs they have to take after surgery will reduce their chances of getting pregnant, and she wants to have children in the future. Jae-joon asks if Hoon to throw in the towel for competition and refused to listen to logical reason that the patient can give birth and still a decade wait before surgery is necessary.

there is a chance, could change their life for the better by then, and Jae-joon also knows Hoon argued. A physician should consider his patient interests, but Jae-joon these words, determined to get back to him for the operation.

If Hoon says she can only call it a tie again in this round, Jae-joon growls that this has to be the last round. If he wants to act Hoon as the self-righteous doctor, then they can only switch patients. But Jae-joon knows that Hoon would not agree, because not means losing conducting operations, and Jae-joon growls that he will change at any time.

Chi Gyu overheard their exchange, surprised to hear what he just learned. He asks if it is true, and then passes through Jae-joon for his medical opinion to ask. He believes Jae-joon, that his sister needs surgery, and then whispers that Hoon had a different opinion.

Jae-joon this statement turns into a teaching point about mitral stenosis (when the mitral valve is not fully opened), the collection of all the major symptoms. Chi Gyu indicates that it is not so bad, but Jae-joon argues that she can not wait for his sister state deteriorate, so that this operation is a precaution.

Chi-Gyu is still hesitant, however, and asks Jae-joon, if so. On competition Jae-joon replies that he is with the same medical diagnosis, the other hospitals made in accordance. He adds that the children is still a real possibility for Chi Gyu sister after surgery, and says Chi Gyu take serious thought, in their professional opinion he trusted. Jae-joon or Hoon

Doctor Moon has heard through the grapevine that Jae-joon of the patient does not require surgery. If Hoon says nothing to say because it is still under Jae-joon care, says Dr. Moon did it already, practically at the thought dizzy. Sigh of course you did.

Ah-jung bursts within moments later, and breaking her voice, she asks if it's true. Hoon says he thinks they can ward in the operation, but that if Chi Gyu barges in his discredit words why should a North Korean doctor believe when the renowned Harvard doc and all other hospitals argue otherwise?

But Ah-young to not care Prestige or background in the least, as they are all the same type of doctor. She has done her homework and she knows that it is difficult enough to get pregnant and even if they did, there is a chance of a miscarriage.

Chi Gyu she says can try harder, but Ah-jung refuses to ask why they have to work harder for something that for other people so comes naturally. She wants to lead a normal life, and leaves the decision up to her brother.

When Chi Gyu conflict expression, Ah-jung demands an answer from him, also calls him "oppa" in desperation. In the softest whisper, Chi Gyu tells her to have the surgery, and he can hardly handle the sight of his sister sobs.

surgery day. The President asks what will happen if this round in another end in a draw (oh God, please say no) and Prime Minister Jang says the decision of the Chairman Oh go. Hoon is surprised to hear that Jae-hee will join Jae-joon team.

In fact, more Hoon still thrown by her cold attitude towards him because she has suddenly decided to kill him her father bitterly. It does not say that completely, but I'm kinda sure what she means by "to think about what you did to me." Or something.

Why Jae-hee selects now ever hold that against him just about me, if I would not be surprised if there is an attempt Hoon to push away, so it interfering with Soo-hyun at the end then or Hoon. She says she'll talk about it later, but I'd bet not on it.

Whatever its intention, it does the trick Hoon throwing for a loop and let him distracted before surgery. Jae-joon excuses Chi Gyu from the operating room, and the Chi-Gyu outside waiting, he receives a text from Ah-young fiancee on her phone to say that he canceled the wedding hall reservation.

tears in Chi Gyu eyes as he his sister's wedding on her phone and pictorial images of baby clothes flips through. Both teams are ready to begin, when Chi-Gyu in rushes Hoon OP and asks him to switch patients with Jae-joon.

This would thus mean Hoon would follow his own medical judgment and not on Ah-jung work with, so the competition to lose. His voice desperate Chi Gyu asks Hoon help like a real oppa once to act and keeps pleading with him when he is dragged out of the operating room.

to make ready in the adjacent room, Jae-joon's first section. Hoon stands but to his father's last words to think back, never forgetting that he was a doctor and his earlier promise, no matter to win what.

But the next thing we know, we see Hoon Handstop Jae-joon is from cutting into his patients. Jae-joon asks what he is doing, and Hoon back: "What do you think?"


I do not know what I think, Hoon. I really do not know it. I just want this stupid competition surgical / merry go 'round and be done with this. It is never a good sign when the villains as possible were the competition for so many laps in one stretch to say that this will be the final tie-breaking round while your hero is ready to go for a new round. But really-what makes a number matter if the bad guys are too busy trying to sabotage Hoon anyway to be ensured that he will lose?

so you can imagine my confusion, decided as chairman Oh, that he would table risking death anyway once Hoon appeared to save the day (again). Is it because he does not, if he on his hands has a medical malpractice suit cares only for as long as he can shift the responsibility to a physician if they have their own hospital occurs in ? He cared enough to want to save the other patients when Jae-joon held the scalpel or have Doctor Yang do everything he can to help Doctor moon, but changed once appeared everything Hoon.

Among the few medical dramas I've seen over the years, I do not think I've ever seen a show whose medical incompetence builds itself with each episode. Virtually everyone on Myungwoo the payroll has taken some deliberately stupid / coldhearted / incompetent medical decision, and respond to possible cases of medical malpractice with one of two extremes: the overthrow of the hospital or as if they occur just missed on the sidewalk in a puddle. I could not possible to name all in this show, let alone though Jae-joon seems the coldness of heart to follow surgery to stand in one hour, this episode out.

While I would not be able to tell you if Jae-joon medical judgment was correct, it would not even matter if the show anyway prefers Hoon opinion. And while everyone insisted that an operation was necessary, I could not understand why Jae-joon insisted on performing surgery on a patient who does not necessarily need it to gain a competitive when seemingly another tie would Chairman Oh would decide the winner. And he would choose Jae-joon. Because I think that's what's still the plan, and perhaps Jae-joon has seen definitely gain what is in this envelope. Or maybe that's just the fever I run speak.

But no one is quite a mystery in this show than the elusive Jae-hee (since they that apparently back now), not only wanted to protect Hoon and his mother (and at one time, itself ) take by Hoon's the plan, but now seems to Soo-hyun, even though Soo-hyun keeps insisting that they are not the subject of affection Hoon Hoon want to be happy. Also Jae-hee statement (?) Is more confusing than informative, because while it is not certain claims if she could love Hoon or do not know that he killed her father to save her (I do not have the faintest idea as they that out) found so we have seen many episodes of Jae-hee not let that fact stand in their way until they hold these truths to Hoon, never decided for whatever reason, we fully can understand.

at least the tiny thing I is from the show to understand Hoon reunion with his mother. At this moment, as it is placed food on the spoon a beat, never matter, fails to stir my heart, what they show appears in. And as this is the only true moment when I have someone love seen Hoon, not to strings attached, in the longest time.

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tags: doctor stranger in Jin Se-yeon Lee Jong-seok

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