Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 11 -

More good stuff! It is quite enjoyable to go in every episode hoping for the best and be rewarded, because so often we are instead met with disappointment. This episode makes some big steps forward taken with connections and continue to be shifts in the relationship, some unexpected (but totally welcome) alliances produces, hinting at broken ones to come while.

Also a quick reminder: We are a staunchly spoiler-free zone here, so be careful not to follow Posted 12 details in this thread while waiting for recap the new. I know waiting is hard, but spoilers are evil


Ben (BeBe Mignon) - "You" from the Healer OST [ Download ]

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Moon-ho home his chest of memorabilia returns open in plain sight to see, putting him on alert a call from an unknown number is received, the voice altered digitally: .. the healer

moon-ho Missed calls the healer, but the healer says he is to make an exception to ask a pressing question, "if I can see your face like that." Yikes, shaking.

flick off the lights and a shadowy figure steps into view. in his normal voice, Jung-hoo asks for the photo of the five friends, and what happened in February 1992. what payment he responds from the healer in exchange for this information

moon-ho: "will you show me your ? face "Healer begins by rejecting that request, but moon-ho holds Young-shin busted phone and says:" Park Bong-Soo. "OMG He explains, to find the phone in the Bong-Soo coat, and connects it to the elevator accident. If the device to the top?

Moon-ho now calls him Bong-Soo and wishes his face at see that his condition is to answer the question.

So Healer sighs, steps into the open, and turns on the light. He goes to the moon-ho, takes off his glasses and looks him straight in the eye . Aieeeeeee.

moon-ho holds the photo and asks what friend he's interested in. When Jung-Hoo indication, moon-ho's friend seems an idea and name to confirm as Seo Joon-seok. Then he asks if Jung-hoo knows what "Morumoru island" is so called because no one knows where it is ( mo-reu = unknown).

Itching for information, Jung-hoo answered impatiently that he is quite serious, as a memory hits him. he stopped asking children and a little girl's voice, giggling, "Do you know what is Morumoru Iceland? "But he does not quite know what to do with the memory, and calls for moon-ho in conversation continue.

Moon-ho explains tells his noona him by an intruder, whose face was strikingly similar to an old friend recently. Now Moon-ho sees the similarity, and has derived why healers whose existence requires such secrecy could show up to know this information.

"You, with eyes so much like his," he notes. "Are you Jung-hoo?"

Oof, so many emotions. process Jung-hoo fights and then the voice called girl's rings again in his ear: "Jung-hoo-ya Play with me" The memory is visual time: Ji-in chases Jung-hoo, a room while Teenager moon-ho build a fort with furniture. explains Ji-on: "There is Morumoru island!"

Moon-ho leaves the kiddos inside, telling them quietly or risk pirate attack (ha, wise) to play.

In the presence of Jung-Hoos chills Calls Moon-ho to sigh: "You guys used to me be very close." Jung-hoo receives the plural and asks what happened to the girl. Moon-ho answers, "She died in 1992.".

Jung-hoo recalled just now Ji-in, but it can be heard a shock of her death. He turns to the question of his father back, and the person he killed. Moon-ho identified Gil-han-the man who. Beside him on the photo

Jung-hoo roles, stuttering, "H-he ... killed his f-friend?"


But Moon-ho tells him that he asked the wrong question: "Your father is a murder was suspect , not a murderer. " He died before he could erase his name and Moon-ho asks if Jung-hoo came to him, because he wants to prove his innocence.

So Moon-ho proposes work toward that goal, and further facilitate its Bong-Soo action one day contact. later this hearing repeated Ajumma their opposition: it is not moon-ho not like it because he is a liar easily. ? Also why Jung-hoo want to clear the name of his father now, at this late date

His response makes them gape: ".. Because I should tell her Chae Young-shin" He is willing to share his thieving Healer obligations to present, but not as comfortable with the my-dad-was-a-killer part.

Jung-hoo assumes that Young-shin probably want to first beat him up to lie, "But they'll get over immediately about it because it is this type of person. "

he suspects ajumma finished the healer is to be replaced now, but she asks until he can delete Papas name ward. He has a bad feeling, and asks her to have her back, for just a while longer. Ajumma just stares at her computer screen and the new e-mail that has arrived from Young-shin. To say or not say?

Young-shin is a busy office in the morning, working in the wake of President Hwang suicide. Moon-ho directed his staff, reporters on behalf and to send the handling of server problems; they will have to move rock disorders overseas.

Young-shin asks Jung-hoo for the thin, but strangely he simply ignores it hangs. Aw, he plays the role of the spurned admirer? When Moon-ho Young-shin sends on assignment, it automatically calls for help for Bong-Soo, but he ignores them again. To their confusion, he then jumps with Moon-ho today to mark, together, so that they ask for the sudden shift in the dynamics.

Young-shin asks Bong-Soo, if he is prevented their conversation because of their roof. He says evasively, "Um ... you can ... step aside?" When she asked bluntly whether he talk to her dislikes, he answers: "Yes." HAHA. She is so confused and disappointed at the sight of Bong-Soo foot sociable best friends have become with Moon-ho, as the two overnight. This is so great.

But the air is tense, when they are alone, as Moon-ho reminisces and Jung-hoo listen in trouble. Moon-ho, he says, his identity had should guessed earlier, snapped at the Jung-hoo, "That would be never happened." He bristles at the Moon-ho familiarity and asks: "Will you keep making the Acting friendly?"

Moon-ho eyes him with sympathy when he asks how he ended up as a healer, but Jung-hoo remains distances and calls him demonstratively Boss. Moon-ho reminds him that he used to call him Uncle.

come at Moon-ho family junkyard, which he describes as a home base activities for the friends and their pirate radio. We see the flashback by his perspective, to play near his father, while the friends worked together and goofed off. Moon-ho recalls: "The scenes in my memory are all so-they are laughing, caring and warm."

Jung-hoo short cuts it every time, Moon-ho nostalgia is too lengthy for him, and when Moon-ho feeling mentioned happy to reunite with an old acquaintance, Jung-hoo says brusquely that he does not need this feeling to know.

Moon-ho asks kindly, "Do you have any friends and you have to ask someone if you friends?"

Jung-hoo can not meet his eye and wriggles uncomfortably before his bravado again up and said that he does not trust Boss yet. He points out, Moon-ho extensive investigation of Young-shin, while not wiser to affect her face. He advises Moon-ho interest in him to fall.

Moon-ho returns to his retelling, on that day in 1992. Flashback see arrival we Gil-han and Joon-seok arrival along to see Moon Shik. Established as a hit reporter photographer duo, they are working on a new story and ask Moon Shik, to borrow a car. Slush funds are transferred tomorrow, and they want to follow; they even Moon Shik win as a driver, as in ancient times, so it can be in on the action.

Moon-ho recalls how the three friends the next morning went out ... and then Gil-han was dead, and arrested for killing him Joon-seok. And Moon Shik was the witness

Moon-ho comes to the point at hand. You need to get records from Joon-seok interrogation the police when he was arrested. Moon-ho was blocked at every opportunity, and he is a package all of his research includes. He admits that he could trust neither the healer, and that he tipped the police that the healer would lurk near Young-shin.

Annoyed Jung-hoo excuses away and the heads. Watching his output, Moon-ho sees Joon-seok walking beside Jung-hoo, as father and son with the exact same mannerisms display. It brings a tear to the eye.

Detective Yoon and his partner find it suspicious how quickly Hwang wrapped suicide. Hwang farewell letter is awfully convenient and informative to designate several names of important politicians as bribe-takers.

So Detective Yoon concludes that the healer has aligned itself with powerful people, because they made it very easy to free him from suspicion of murder. Ack, a wise conclusion unless it is wrong! Detective Yoon is only smart enough to a royal pain in his ass he knows enough to make trouble, but not to solve them.

Luckily, ajumma faster than Detective Yoon and hacks into the database Bong-Soo license for the doctor. An officer had previously drawn up when it was the original face, but he had been distracted before it shows to Detective Yoon.

to the media furor Anticipating, arrange to have the CHAES Yeon-hee moved to another location, the family of a former client that Dad defended pro bono. Dad and Young-shin both reject clumsily pulled goodbyes, just ignore Yeon-hee to have them and give their heartfelt thanks anyway.

Detective Yoon falls through the café for Young-shin looking, and looks ahead to her father's office. He asks if her father in the habit begin its consultations, and how it is not an answer, Detective Yoon spots hidden recording device in a planter. And another on the bookshelf. Ack!

Young-shin is numb, but plays it cool, as the detective asks if she knows the healer. He notes the interesting timing of events-Healer steals a video of Hwang that video ends in one day hands upwards, Hwang dies.

Young-shin responds that the healer is known for not killing people, but the detective says only that info out-of-date must be, because it is believed at the time for two murders. It implies that healers Hwang forced to write his resignation letter, or forged it.

Young-shin holds in her shock, pretending indifference to all these messages on a smile slapping.

Jung-hoo sits in his Healer Pad Moon-ho research start reading back while Min-ja is getting ready to open a can of worms. She finally decided to alert him to Young-shin, the e-mail, adding that it took her some time to think about how to treat this.

hearing, with only half his attention, he tells her to read it aloud, but at that moment, she reads the subject line ( "I'm Chae Young-shin"), he jumps up and tells her to stop. Ajumma it passes and then begins hilarious sing along to "Some" -You know that song about the ambiguity of the dating game: It feels like you are, but you're not, but you have are my / It feels like I am, but I am not, but of your way on ...

Jung-hoo read your email, strained. (And stumbles over his own feet.)

Young-shin: "I'm Chae Young-shin I need you, healer. -nim meet. If you do not want me to see you, I will again cover my eyes. If you tell me not to say anything, I will not make a sound ... to meet with me and come and watch from somewhere behind me, that's all what I want. that's enough. and so this is also a request for a date. will you accept? "

at home is Young-shin dressed with anticipation , Jung-hoo heads for his cabinet, apart from the Fort ajumma warnings against it. It proposes, where it hurts, but pointed out that Young-shin has a pretty good life, and expect a respectable young man with a stable career to take, which would give her any security in life. Jung-hoo, on the other hand, has her never his face is shown, you can not even say his name, and has nothing to offer but random talk about an island.

Jung-hoo feels these words, but counter ", then ... I can show them only. My face."

Min-ja replies that reveals you doing Young-shin to be an accomplice accused crime in the eyes of the law. And that makes think Jung-hoo. Min-ja urges him to leave alone Young-shin, and he sighs that he at least answer to her question.

All dolled, Young-shin heads for her date from shortly pause Detective Yoon remember warnings about Healer to be dangerous. She shakes her thoughts away, and stains that monitor their security outside stationed policemen. Good thing for them, they are not too attentive.

When she sneaks out, telling her voice the rest of their e-mail informing the healer how the date should go. First, they would begin by walking together, just talking and laughing. She noted the happy couple only to do that, as it goes on alone, the next day stop arriving, a food stand. She eats alone while wistfully do observe other couples, as she describes bickering about what to order.

Then time for a movie. You go to the movies alone, say that they do not need to sit together, that it is enough that they see both the same thing. She promises to wait for him there, and asks, "How long should I wait"

is waiting in the lobby for hours until they came at closing out. She leaves the building in disappointment, shoulders sagging-until suddenly, begin to rotate the revolving doors, as if to invite them back inside.

She wanders into the lobby until it comes to a hallway, and it is lit by candles. Oh, Young-hoo, you're such a romantic somehow hurts. Heart Lift, Young-shin follow the illuminated path through doors that open automatically for you.

in an empty theater, a place that was prepared for them. She takes a seat as something just recently, and the stuffed rabbit on the table plays a recorded message (in ajumma voice, lol) to ask what kind of movie they like. She decides to go with whichever film, is the longest, and then the sound of footsteps makes them solidify. Omg omg. I can not handle. I need a higher pitch as word squee.

Young-shin tenses in anticipation and Jung-hoo takes place in the back row; his face is uncovered, but she does not turn to look. Then the lights dim.

The film (it is Lee Seung-gi and Moon Chae-won today love) and Jung-hoo spend much time watching only Young-shin. Gradually settle them both and start to enjoy the movie, and then it ends.

The light goes on again. Young-shin stands up to find the theater empty, sinking now their mood with the return of reality. Jung-hoo watches from around the corner, as she slowly heading for the exit, both of them feel a heavy heart.

And then, his hand shoots out and grabs her by the arm.

keeps you there in the doorway, and they stand there have opposite directions, while customs to be apart. Fittingly, it is in the light, as he hangs back in the dark.

His hand reaches for her down, fingers cross each other, tightly. At the moment, extending as they both drink it, and you can read on their faces How Momentous this contact is. Finally, he has to let go, but it is with a smile that they can walk on.

Outside, they found a car waiting for her, its driver holding a matching doll filled to signal that he Healer-sent. Jung-hoo watching with sad eyes blank.

Moon Shik gets an angry visit from Assemblyman Kim, the mastermind accused his downfall Moon Shik. We know that Kim dug his own grave, but it raises Moon Shik to tear this the engineer Kim position as future Seoul mayor se.

Always unflappable, moon-shik has accompanied Kim. He receives the latest message from the healer who has agreed to discard the video (the one that includes the elderly, which he had used to threaten him) now that the Hwang case is no longer a threat. Moon Shik chuckles and decides, "I want to have the healer."

Secretary Oh indicates that it would be difficult, as they tried to bring him for the murder of pin and all, but Moon Shik tells him to go in her usual fashion, either the desired person on board, or get rid of him.

Secretary Oh also worry about Myung-hee trip today because they (mother Jung-hoo) has gone Joon-seok widow to meet. Moon Shik acts like he is calm about it, but for once he is visibly upset.

Myung-hee meets Jung-hoo mother in a cafe, and this also with the past also loaded them into the look eye. Myung-hee assures her that she has never believed Joon-seok was guilty, but Jung-hoo mother says that her husband Myung-hee killed in the eyes of the world, husband.

Myung-hee reaches for her hand, but she pulls back. But Mama finally looks at the mention of the young man Myung-hee recently saw that reminds her of Joon-seok. Myung-hee says she knows why Mom Jung-hoo-to let to protect him from the censure of the world because staying would mean he would be marked by his father stigma.

"I have also lost a child", Myung-hee she recalls. "I wanted to meet you and holding hands. We have to be close."

But Mama contradicts it. Yes, she has not Jung-hoo Listen "son of a murderer" want his life, but she had another reason. She had everything and done everything to try to clear the name of her husband until she was told to leave and stay calm, wanted to make sure if it was safe to Jung-hoo.

Myung-hee sits in the alert, the above-said? Mom she looks in real surprise. "You live with him," she says. "I thought you needed to know." Ooh. This has put a crack in this confidence.

Young-shin dances practically into the office the next morning, feeling great. But "everyone" is gone, and she asks where "they all" went, even though "everyone" it really means, Bong-Soo, who is in the secret order of the Chief out. She stutters in indignation, wondering why the two are suddenly so close: "Why are they so friendly and why?"

They marched to the Moon-ho-window, and he smiles broadly while close the blinds in her face down. HAHA.

It is because he is with Jung-hoo on the phone, informing him of the police files belongs to his father. Jung-hoo is on the way to the station now and Moon-ho suggests that he wait until late at night. But that means more security, so Jung-hoo a different approach, as salaryman dressing while Min-ja her Hacker mojo working.

Jung-hoo enters a restaurant of office workers at lunchtime visits, and the faces scopes until it finds a target. He stumbles strategically near him fall foods on the front of people, and then steals smooth the identity of the man, as he washes in the bathroom. This allows him to pass through the security checkpoint, head down to avoid the cameras.

Once inside, he accidentally-on-purpose fall some files from a file clerk to be transported, and helps pick him them. Strikingly high friendly conversation as they walk to the records room, Jung-hoo is simple keying, and from there he pursued the appropriate section below.

He finds filebox his father ... that is empty, all its replaced by blank sheets pages. Moon-ho is not surprising, but is still troubled, and while a few guesses, has who is responsible, he is not sure.

Jung-hoo only replies that they have to find out then. Next, connect with Min-yes, he tells her about his plan: Direct family members allowed access to these reports. Min-ja Raine: "Are you crazy Yeah, you're crazy?".

Crazy or not, Jung-hoo presents his ID card to the request form at the front desk. This time he's dressed something like a limp / party boy, looking foolish and careless chewing gum.

The writer is the requirement that draws a warning up that the file is limited. Moreover pings this. A warning to Moon Shik, informs him that someone requesting access to the file It is the Son.

Moon Shik delegate the matter to someone else, because he has a different goal today. He comes to the office one day leaving just as Young-shin, and called them by name, presents itself. She is happy to shake hands with the major media mogul.

Looking completely uninvolved, Jung-hoo waiting at the station, where he is being held by the officials. He maintains a cheerful empty facade as he has led to an interrogation room, looking around idle, waiting to see how it is treated.


So many great moments in this episode. I would die to see how Moon-ho would use its information, and I was not disappointed, either in character or in the way these spins our history in the next direction.

I found Moon-ho reaction Jung-hoo really find, move, because it felt so welcoming and genuine. I have not always been sure of the Moon-ho motivations (there is such a complex web of emotions drives him, it seems simple a word to chalk as debt or salvation ), but he was so relieved sincere Jung-hoo here before him, and then there was the extra punch to see if he that Jung-hoo was realized, not live a happy life abroad as his mother, but it was actually pretty lonely and neglected. So here he is, happy to see him, still faced with another life whose sadness he is responsible for, albeit indirectly. It's pretty hard, and fortunate that Yoo Ji-tae is so wonderful with gravity.

I really feel for Moon-ho response to Jung-hoo at the junkyard, where Jung-hoo was snappy and defensive, trying to act like he did not sleep, while obviously taking care nursing. Moon-ho felt like a parent with a lost teenager in this moment as Jung-hoo was lashing out at him, he looked at him with gentleness and acceptance. Everything Jung-hoo could say Moon-ho would take without retorts or counterattack. It may be example of unconditional love Jung-hoo near was demonstrated in age (or at all), and I freaking love that it comes from Moon-ho.

On the other side of this is the reaction of Jung-hoo, all full of bravado and false fronts. He puts on the act as he is just sooooo bored from Moon-ho and his feelings , but it's almost frightening how transparent is the facade, ready too under the breaking weight verification. He has every reason to be wary of Moon-ho, but his sense of nostalgia is palpable, and I wonder if he might of his own request, afraid to trust in him.

God knows it's a long way the two men to travel for the confidence to build, but I want to see it happen. For how hilarious it is all of a sudden to see Healer and Moon-ho his buddy-buddy at One day news? Sure it's just an act for the outside world, but it's so entertaining. And is so big, it's Young-shin and Bong-Soo together, or to see Bong-Soo jealous to see if they get away with Moon-ho, it's even more awesome to see they upset when the odd one out and now the boys are suddenly as thick as thieves. It is unclear whether their complaint is because of Bong-Soo or Moon-ho, and that makes it hilarious.

It may be premature to say that it is closer to someone other than himself is jealous, but I would like he loved to see her unconscious, missing from Bong-Soo, and to see for a while, why. I love how Bong-Soo reaction of very normal thing for a guy who has been rejected, and yet in this case, we know that it completely falsified, and that they fear is unfounded. But it is also satisfactory, in true Healer way, since it is so much fun is the scenario seen playing the obvious way, while knowing that it is a different layer. So it can burn for a little while, and I can sulk enjoy seeing the Bong-soo not on it longer hang every word.

Not that the girl has something about, nothing to complain after their Healer date. I loved everything about this day by the way they made the first step (especially after he tried but failed to a way of thinking, to keep in touch) on the manner in which he carried out the details. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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