Recap And Reviews Kdrama Punch: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Punch: Episode 13 -

This episode will want to the screen, but can not be beat in the way you probably wanted to harm Drama physically against other characters. It is annoying for all right reasons, a story so full of weaving stress that there is no way without observing feel a righteous wave of anger when Jung-hwan taken to school by human-like monster becomes. It's a battle of wits and will, but if you mind and will be adjusted smoothly with their enemy, no victory is guaranteed.

Reviews have, punch saw some higher numbers and made it to this week with 12.2% to stay. gloss or Go Crazy experienced increase much faster and got close behind with 10.2%, while Healer with 8.9% remained in the third.


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Even in the midst of the whirlwind of media coverage around Minister Yoon on the day before their hearing, they make sure to get that in terms of its search and seizure of all owned by Dr. mechanic all details of Ho-sung. they safely behind with respect to the inclusion of fraud his father wants nothing more to do .

she has to smile and upright act for the cameras, hypocritically promising that they would not hide anything during their hearing. Only when she is safe in her car she does call Ho-sung to tell him with to meet Dr. mechanic personally and bring them something related to the attraction case, if he has it.

when notes Ho-sung, how much she has changed, Minister Yoon replies without her camera-ready smile lose: "I have to change to change the world. "You keep saying, only to find themselves the.

But all of Jung-hwan, as Dr. called Mechanic him to say is not lost that his father, the people who

Jung-hwan darts to get behind a dossier everything he wrote, false diagnoses to the listing they get the conscription. from the door of his shop, but Ho sung beats him to the punch by overheard the telephone conversation. with a threatening air, he asks the Jung-Hwan promised information is given.

ye-rin her mother calls her to say, her dream job by Götze / Ballerina Prosecutor has changed, and that she and her crush to register for a program to "honor" accusers will visit the official website of the establishment.

Ha Kyung implemented late that ye-rin could see news articles there, but not in time from curious blaring to stop a headline ye-rin on her father clicking that her father has two months. to live

"Ye-rin-ah?" Ha-Kyung asks unsure about what has happened when silence at the other end there. Ye-rin slowly sets on the phone when she reads the article, giving its first shock in tears. Oh no.

When Jung-hwan reached the mechanic shop, he finds it looked like it has just been robbed. He calls Dr. mechanic know he is unsurprised to hear with Ho-sung that Ho-Sung offered him to give back his medical license and place it in a well-known hospital for the dossier.

"I have nothing to offer," Jung-hwan says. He does not have the time to outdo Ho-sung's offer, yet he is willing to give his blessing to Dr. mechanic to rescue his sister until now only his own skin.

The only thing that he can respond is to give meaning Dr. mechanics of decency, fighting Ho-sung assertion that the documents of his father behind remained him a new life by asking him if he wants his father disappoint memory ends by just like him. Will he do the right thing, or opt for a secure future?

After a pause Dr. Mechanic Jung-hwan says to a framed poem by Robert Frost on the wall-the data search is under. To Ho-sung explains Dr. mechanic that he would rather spend the rest of his life smelling gasoline as blood in a hospital.

Jung-hwan will find pages and pages of documents in the frames containing incriminating with Lee Sang-Yoon name in the list of persons who receive the wrong diagnoses.

He strives Ha-Kyung to tell what he was, but she calls with some sobering news. Ye-rin found about his tumor and is understandably heartbroken

Tae-joon has does its best the way for Minister Yoon pave confirmation hearing to go without problems, but suggests that he would not exactly compared to , to take its position as the Minister of Justice, when it moves to the Prime Minister upward.

But she's in the mood, it is not after her about the documents tell Jung-hwan got ahold a call from Ho-sung gets. She is worried that all their plans to go to hell in hand basket carefully down when her son enlistment fraud during her hearing tomorrow unveiled.

At least they know enough to realize that Jung-hwan targeting would be useless if he already got one foot in the hereafter, Ho-sung recorded what his family members, all of whom are squeaky clean.

It is when he mentions that Jung-hwan's daughter was accepted to a prestigious international school, the Minister Yoon takes to cling to something. "His daughter was called Ye-rin?" She asks. Uh oh.

Speaking, Jung-Hwan returns home to the sound of Ye-rin sobs. It takes up to him the second she sees him and tearfully asks him to promise her that he will not die, because in this way it is safe to live, he never breaks his promise to her.

He can not make promise that, but he does promise to spend the time he has left with her. He is watching every sunrise and sunset with her and teach her how to ride a bike, that way they will always remember him when she rides a.

The only thing he has one more week to ask him to finish his work, and then he will devote all his time with her. "What if I miss you?" Ye-rin crying. Jung-hwan expression falters when he tries to stay strong for her: "I'll be watching you I will not want you to speak in a position or hold on ... but I will always be my Ye. Watch rin. "Oh God. I can not see through these tears.


Jung-hwan know itself is something sung out of the way to him-Ho grins before his meeting with Minister Yoon, but it does not prevent him from actually made to inform her about the detailed transaction her mother-in-law to get her son from military service.

Minister Yoon noted that Jung-hwan will remain the world and Ye is -rin leave what I guess I is just the beginning, where they go about with this, but Jung-hwan answers " you will look like a princess in the world I acted I live. can not let one become. Queen in the world will my child live "

Although he could only accept the inclusion fraud case to the media and to get rid of her, so he a choice: they can go down alone, or suspend the NIS chip and at least take Tae-joon down with her. Is not that what they always promised to do anyway?

Minister Yoon harm as presented Jung-hwan with another choice. She has proof in his hands that he case of the President of the International Primary School Ye-rin was too short adopted after an embezzlement suspended (despite the fact that Ha-Kyung already decided she was going not there).

at the time, also Ha-Kyung was asked if he made some kind of deal, and now threatened with it, he will. Minister Yoon throws back the same intonation and words Jung-Hwan only used it with a grin threatening to him.

It is to make his choice if he does not go with the enlistment case public, they will not go with the message to the public that his daughter would shake the world. particularly , when he is not protecting them. Ouch.

Minister Yoon confirmation hearing to be able to walk without problems, and Ha-Kyung breaks into his office to find out what has happened. She has her teeth gnashing rage, but Jung-hwan told quietly defer their punishment for later. Right now they have to think Ye-rin.

Fortunately, he already took care of erasing the recording files from school, leaving with proofs Minister Yoon as the only person. As for a way to secure in their home and get rid of to find them, Jung-hwan claimed that he did not leave a plan that he has this world, without ensuring that they have no way to harm his daughter.

his plan includes Tae-joon, since he that he used the one approaches him with the words in the litter, but now carries Minister Yoon. "I will also carry your coffin," Tae-joon replies.

At least he heard from Jung-hwan proposal leash to remove Minister Yoon has on him while together they work down to bring. Although liberation Tae-joon could be bad for him, Jung-hwan is ready for now, that the victims bring, in the service of the single common goal they share.

He enlistment for news of fraud Minister Yoon planned son case is to break as prime minister in the morning after its opening, and must Tae-joon cooperation to organize an immediate search and seizure of their home and office. In this way they will not have time to move the documents he needs to secure her.

When Tae-joon doubt in his ability presses a search and seizure warrant just so, Jung-hwan quiet to get answers that carry it welcome Minister Yoon keep litter for the rest of his life. Because that is not what Tae-joon wants, they agree to join forces. Temporarily.

The next morning, Minister Yoon practically runs into the office, where Jung-hwan and two other prosecutor keep her son on suspicion of fraud enlistment. It is quick to threaten him with his daughter, but is stunned into silence, as Jung-hwan on the TV flips, where news of her son to break this.

This is also how they, the search and seizure finds out, going at her home and at the office, thanks to Tae-joon coercion (to put it mildly) to grant the Chief of Staff in the warrant ,

, the search team, headed by Ha-Kyung and Detective Oh, finds both the NIS chip and the incriminating admission documents with ease. I love the look Ha Kyung-one of the many press cameras with the folder effort in hand, meant to be safe for Jung-hwan that they get what they needed.

Now that he is Minister Yoon barganing chip, their only recourse is taken away from him to try and arouse pity. It is to stop step down, the investigation against her son.

But the room, they are in the exact same, where seven years ago, Minister Yoon cold had thrown him to the police. Standing in the same place they once did, parrots Jung-hwan, the words, they said at the time with a few changes, but part remains the same. "We abide by the law The law is the same to me ... and you. "

Minister Yoon may fall on a chair, when her son escorted out, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

turn tries to help for Tae-joon, only to realize that he had the current situation in her son a hand. While on the fact one already that Jung-hwan in possession of is only evidence against her son, Tae-joon assures her that he will get on the case, the best prosecutor to her son the sure gets harshest punishment possible.

He brings the Opening Ceremony until it a point made not to invite him when they tried appealing it as something-like-but-not-necessarily-a-friend, and is all too happy her say that he would accompany them in the interrogation room when she gets their cargo.

While Minister Yoon of the media for all wrong reasons is now rushed hook Kyung hands on the opening of files they certainly stolen by Yoon. Jung-hwan she tears, sure now that no dirt on Ye-rin is made after he is gone.

Little does he know that Ho-sung who remembers that copying machines are a duplicate of registration documents thing has. Stop tortured, Ho-sung. We all know that you do not take the high road.

Jung-Hwan has a lot to think about as he crawls into bed that night, to wake little Ye-rin. It seems her father racing to feel the spirit and is the one who sing a lullaby, only allowed him to cry when he fell asleep. Awww.

Da Jung-hwan she sat with a sponsor to finance their trip an assembly to be, Yeon-jin back and forth from his internal investigation files to the Chief of Staff to give.

they can not help but worry if it now looks at Jung-hwan and notes that he loses weight. She has bearing clearly their true feelings when she tells him that, although it is always welcome the spring, it is afraid of his arrival this year, because he'll be gone. Jung-hwan remains decidedly off to indulge their feelings of, as usual.

He pays a sneak visit during a pee break for chief of staff to let him know that they are looking forward to the people who used to help her wealth, him. To his political position

you know the guilty guy, he immediately asks Jung-hwan, what he wants, just balk when Jung-hwan suggests that Attorney Jung the vacated Attorney General to fill the seat. But his choice is simple, either Jung gets the job or he is publicly humiliated.

The reason the idea so scandalous because Attorney Jung appointment at his would comparatively early disturb the strict ranking system and age-related hierarchy that exists among prosecutors. Namely, Tae-joon older than him and should first for the spot be , which is exactly why Jung-hwan undermined him.

Even Attorney Jung was shocked, he would hear are also contemplated until Jung-hwan told him that part of his plan is to supplant Tae-joon from office. So, now in his meeting with Tae-joon, Jung refuses to do what he says and say no to the position. I love this ajusshi.

Tae-joon bring his complaint regarding attorney young chief of staff, even if he is not able to argue against Jung characters , since it different from the rest of them is he got a squeaky clean, corruption-free history. His argument is that young too young and inexperienced to take on the position. (Rewarded by Korea standards, age in political circles over merit.)

To his surprise, agrees with the Chief of Staff to him about lawyer Jung appointment, but suggests that "part" of the prosecution wants him there.

Tae-joon to take what he says very quickly, and suspected that Jung-Hwan behind and if they get rid of him, and thus his dirt on the upper staff, then boys support for the position of he will also disappear.

Of course, the second Tae-joon tasks Yeon-jin with figuring out what Jung-hwan threatens the Chief of Staff with, call them immediately to let him know it. Jung-hwan is not affected, suspected has Tae-joon would try something like this before official inauguration lawyer Jung.

Hardly has Yeon-jin say they'll tell Tae-joon there to look no dirt that Ho-sung her way goes to the office of the Attorney General with a Folder. he hesitates only briefly at the door. (Why I Hate You especially Ho-sung?)

Even Tae-joon seems impressed to bring as Ho-sung hands over the registration documents to Ye-rin as a tool down Jung-hwan. Then again, he realizes that he should not be so surprised that Ho-sung sold a friend that he ever sold.

"I do not know how the merchant, but the goods are quite nice" as Tae-joon takes his dislike Ho-sung expressed, that makes me just as him more. He will take the documents, but notes how much changed Ho-sung.

Ho-sung remembers say exactly the same thing to Minister Yoon and replies ". If the world does not change, then I have"

Tae-joon and Jung-hwan meet at its cold spot near the river Han again, and after some small talk, Tae-joon asks him to stop the boss threatened staff. "I can not fall," he says emphatically, in his rags to riches life story and go as each step of the way to fight to get where he is now.

"Are you the only person who ever lived?" Jung-hwan replied sarcastically, comes this close to play the world's smallest violin for him. "It's nice to be alive", Tae-joon Bites Back

But then he softened in an attempt to level with his old pal. Did Jung-hwan really hate the idea of ​​shouldering some blame in the death, as it should not matter? Yes.

He knows that "Park Jung-Hwan Gate" so great a scandal it would would make it into the textbooks of modern history, and that is not the textbook he wants to leave his daughter with. Tae-joon tries again: "Jung-hwan, you must take my position away from me"

On this, Jung-hwan does not move, because it can be seen in a prison cell, Tae-joon determined is before he dies. He leaves after telling Tae-joon his earmuffs are stupid (hah), and that he lied about the weather gets warmer.

Tae-joon apologized after he is gone, but not about the weather as much as the call he publish Places by Ho-sung tomorrow the registration documents. He at least do the small favor face Ye-rin of blurs.

Of course, Ye-rin can recognize their own blurred face when her father's face is crystal clear in the image that the papers the next day makes, though she did not fortunately understands what the article.


Jung-hwan, his credit really shocked by the article he has been so sure he destroyed all the evidence that he has to think anything, as Tae-joon his daughter mentioned the night before.

He calls Tae-joon to call for a meeting, and Tae-joon directs him in a restaurant to a private room. But Tae-joon at his office, so to ask that Yeon-jin, who for Jung-hwan waiting as Jung-hwan, the door opens ...

... Only to find Kang-jae inside. Kang-jae free as man . Holy shit.

Ye-rin does not understand why their friends have suddenly stopped to talk to her, to force Ha-Kyung to gently tell her daughter to spend a few days at home without television.

you receive the call that a search and seizure is executed a warrant at her home, while Kang-jae, not from his prison in the [1945011bleibengedemütigt] at least , teases morbidly Jung-hwan while grins eat carrying his shittiest of shit-.

he told him how Tae-joon manages to clear away its sponsorship fees, and that he works in a law office now. "Should I look into a job for you? The annual salary is ..." He has literally oh wait moment at home on purpose to drive the fact means that an annual salary can not be someone role in a month will be dead. (Grrrrr.)

At least he answers honestly that Ho-sung, as Jung-hwan asks where Tae-joon got the records from what not Kang-jae intention changes the favor Jung return -Hwan gave him force him to waste what is little left of his life pursued by the law.

and if he has not his utter hatred and scorn for Jung-hwan always, Kang jae even taken away his plate, so Jung-hwan can only watch him eat. It is then that he says his opponents that he better help his ex-wife to clean up their house to go ...

The place is already in ruins until it arrives with Ha -kyung told him quietly that she behind the house in Gangnam he found some questionable money gave her, and used that a search and seizure to obtain a warrant.

"It's fine," she said a few times, to force yourself not to blame him if it means that they will lose their position as a prosecutor. You can deal with all that. But the people who messed with her daughter? "Let them. Together."

Ho-sung became the letter of all smear article on Jung-hwan was responsible, and I know that the public has only a tiny push all turn their backs on him. But he will take some of Tae-joon scandals and make Jung-Hwan. "Has 'Park Jung-hwan Gate' started."

Meanwhile, Jung-hwan and Ha-Kyung their way through the media mob make together in silent solidarity. Working on their elevator ride to the top, Jung-hwan takes her hand and squeezes it.

Ha Kyung squeezes back, without a word.


Change recap yesterday: This is really it was not Jung- hwan week was? Literally everything bad that could happen shortly before his death has happen, and if I thought that he is in a corner before had been secured, then the only way to describe his situation, now would if a wall has been erected around the corner he has been saved in. has Of all the worst people, this show has to offer, no less.

What surprised me the most about Jung-hwan his tireless will, his absolute to allow refusal itself to fall into despair, which is all the more commendable when the trials he faced is would break most men like a twig. He is not only to do with a hell of a tough fight against the enemies that are as robust as it is, he has a ticking clock to fight that do not matter stops smashing, how much stronger the opposition is.

and from now on, he is lose , which must be frightening for him on some level. But I have a new respect for him now that we have seen how strong his determination, and how this is a selfish morphed (but completely understandable) to maintain desired, no matter the cost to live something less selfish-but by no means self less -Desire to protect his family and to ensure their future. He made the very adult realization that nothing he is now will be of no help in the afterlife to him, since not even the most industrious men in history could take all their benefits with them when they died.

The only thing that he can leave behind is his legacy, and although it making much too late all the wrongs undone, he has done in his life, the do not want him to take the blame all Tae -joon is heavy baggage even in death? Your riverside meeting was a hotbed of character revelations, especially in relation to Tae-joon inability to understand why Jung-hwan will not just give up and soften. But in Jung-Hwan he had to answer a conscience in the form of Ye-rin darkest hour, and that's exactly who he does not want to let them down. That made Tae-joon press release after the more cruel, knowing that Ye-rin would violate Jung-hwan Achilles heel.

Where there is a little more complicated that neither men are innocent, since this week was a fairly even exchanges both have to tell each other what they value more than anything else, but they were of them either unwilling to these values ​​in another to honor. Jung-Hwan is not one iota for Tae-joon care familial sob story, so Tae-joon was not left with a whole lot of options when he. The position that he wanted to keep working so hard for I both and can not blame him for what he has done.

I bought Tae-joon apology and honestly believed he was truly sorry for what he was going to do to Jung-hwan, but that is good all but disappeared when he tricked his old pal in his most hated rivals meet. Even that would not have been so bad if Jung-hwan had not worked so hard to bring Kang-jae behind bars, and his freedom would not have more of a middle finger to all Jung-hwan center of concerns. He is practically back to square one now, but at least he's back not alone in the battle. I better some scorched earth of the two next week to see. Scorched. , Earth

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tags: featured, Cho Jae-hyun, Kim Ah-Joong Kim Rae-won, Bowle

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