If you thought , This episode yesterday was brutal, then gird your loins for what comes next, which are best described as , a lot of . A lot of pain, a lot of debt, and a lot of noble idiocy and when you might think that in itself this particular brand of noble idiocy will be different, you are right: There is so much worse. Edler idiocy has been responsible for some of drama country deepest lows, but never has wreaked quite as much chaos and tragedy. But hey, that's what is communal commiseration for, right? * Hands of tissue boxes *
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Gun to have regained his memories, stops in front of Mama's Restaurant Micro- to see young with a young child in her arms. Rest assured, we have not experienced amnesia and a time skip-it newborn baby is her unni.
Instead it turned out, he goes straight to doctor asking moon if his impotence and memory loss means that he is his family genetic disease with long-running contract. doctor moon sighs that it is possible, because the symptoms Gun is now experiencing, like his father suffered for his age.
with tears in his eyes, recognize Gun that he will not be any different than his father, his grandfather, his great-grandfather, and so on die in the thirties in. he rails on doctor moon when it urging him not to worry, "How can I not worry my grandmother, our Mi-young and Keddongie ... My family, the people I have to protect:. How can I not be worried? "
While with Mi-young meeting finally, to give her the cup they made for Gun asks Daniel what if Gun will do memory does not come back. Mi -jung, optimistic as always, she says does not want to think the worst: ". I will trust him and wait "
But if Realtors knock, Mi-young asks Daniel if he sold the cafe. He says he is and that he for France to leave next month. Also Mi-young recognizes how suddenly it's what I think that means Daniel that friend zoning business was pretty hard. (However, you do not explain how and try not . Come on, Daniel!)
Mi-young takes part in the next and last prenatal class alone that brings to read the writing a letter for the baby when he is old enough. It is sad and cute as Mi-young spares a glance at the door, as if hoping that Gun would magically appear, as he always used to do.
So Mi-young Keddongie decides to write a letter of Gun, and has a little fun trying Gun low voice ...
... But then the sound of mad cackling coming from the door to imitate. It is Gun !! I never thought I would be so happy to hear that crazy laugh, and even Mi-young. He laughs all the way to his seat next to his wife, where he says that-in spite of his brain Thematic he would begin his letter the way it wrote. Hah.
I'm not quite sure if he completely back, or if they are both only about amnesia episode palliation, but he tells her to write his letter to Keddongie while he dictates ,
First he starts talking about how beautiful and wonderful life is, but then derails to a more realistic approach. What should a light letter to be transformed to be in a survival guide, the Gun defended as necessary when Mi-young noted that he could take this a little too seriously.
When she pungent fish to eat snack stop Mi-young favorite, it like Gun is seems does not work remember everything (? ) because Mi-young reminded him that he had to cram his nose to avoid the smell of fabric for the first time, he came with her.
he does not believe her, but Mi-young insists that he did all sorts of things, he would not have imagined to do even if it is run by a dog as a crazy man or for their rapping mother. "They were so a fun person ... and a very good man," she adds. "You've always made me laugh."
"I have you never caused sorrow or crying ... not even?" He asks incredulously. Mi-young: "No, you're not Not even once.." Gun shakes his head when he says that it nice sometimes admit to only for Mi-young with a small smile that he did not always a saint was.
But thanks to him, she says she was a post-it-girl of his to superglue, like a princess in a fairy tale. "But Kim Mi-young-sshi, I can not be always at your side. At the end we will have to part ways," he says.
He has his death point, I do not think so, Mi-young, catches on, even if it says that it is difficult to be for him a source of strength work. "I want you to be able to rely on me, the way I could on you in case you leave your memory back, so that we can be together."
She finally gets him to the birthday to hand gift he wanted: his Gunnie Cup. Gun has the tears to fight that immediately jumps to the eyes, because he does not want, Mi-young to know why he is fighting.
Manager Tak hits Gun with a plan lift Mi-young spirits to help while Gun is still amnesia ... just for him that Gun back memories, all of them are to be realized.
But Gun stops him before he can call Mi-young with the good news, because he does not want to know. He tried to avoid the pain they will suffer because of genetic disease. Pooh. I get it, but still. Edler idiocy to Amnesia is what Denny's to La Quinta
Gun meets with Se-ra for one reason: ".. Let's break" immediately blamed on Mi-young pins on Gun to say that he was going to make things with their end. When he stunned apologized to Se-ra for wasting precious six years they had in common, she bursts into tears.
"It all because Kim Mi -Young. If it was not for them, nothing happened about it. I hate it. I never thought ... I would without seeing you live, "Se-ra crying. Gun face remains motionless.
During his DJ job for his upcoming trip to France to leave, Daniel recognizes Se-ra drink at the bar. He advises her not to do things that other people will only hurt because it is already injured and while she thanked him for the advice, they will not take it. She has lost everything, which means there is only one thing for which they leave
We find out at last what gun was made in the second divorce agreement when he visited Lawyer Hong, actually more like a love pact: this Gun gave all the power to Mi-young to decide when and if they ever divorce, that he must take care of them, would, if they did, and that they would together raise the baby.
Gun both to invalidate decides original divorce agreement and which are more recent-now its conditions that Mi-young will have parental rights, when it comes to the baby, and that it is offset by the divorce.
But here's the kicker, and the whole reason Gun is to do all this: in the case he would die, all he has to would Mi-young and the baby go. Lawyer Hong notes that this sounds like a will as a divorce settlement, and Gun does not contradict.
Se-ra calls Mi-young for a meeting, which we know is not going to end well. Se-ra acts like she is in the know when Mi-young is not, and asks if she knew Gun plans to end things with her. Mi-young, she does not say, but can not see how he would say such a thing ...
"Why do you think that he can not remember his own marriage ? "Se-ra fire back. "It's because he wants to forget it. He wants to delete it from his memory." She also claims that he changed the divorce settlement, and pushes the new document to her. Se-ra what dafaq's wrong with you?
Of course, the divorce settlement Se-ra hands to her is completely prepared, and notes that Mi-young compensation will be given after the divorce, not tell the media, and the baby to Gun. "He wants you to hand over the baby, and to end it," Se-ra adds cold.
Mi-young to leave the café in utter disbelief, and only more worried when Gun calls to make, because he has something to say to him. Oh no. This is bad. This is baaad.
Gun finds Mi-young troubled expression, but they do not pay much attention when he is on a box. It opens Keddongie Cup inside to find, ouch . Gun says she has to give, because it does not fit the decor at home. What's going on, seriously?
"Your role as a daughter-in-law of my household and my wife starts today," Gun says. "Exit. If you are not sure because of the baby, I will give up my parental rights." It ends with the placing on the table his wedding band.
Well, the words Se-ra said that Mi-young didn 't they hunt to believe, want to come back. She tells him that she did not think it was possible, when she heard that he lost his memory, because he wanted to forget her marriage.
mi-young: "I must have made a serious misunderstanding as I heard that the reason why you lost your memory. was because you wanted to delete me from your subconscious, I thought this would never be the case. Even if you forget your memories of me, I believed that you do not forget how valuable a person you are for the baby . I thought you would never do that. It is always so. Imagining things on my own like a fool to trust people like a fool, depending on people ... like a fool. It would like this to be the end . "
as it flashes to the moments back where Gun literally swept her off her feet, she says, how stupid she had ever expected have something. But Gun interrupts cold to ask if it would be accepted to be understood, because she seems so innocent.
"Did I not say no before say that regardless of who it is, there is no one to stay with you forever?" Asks he. "This is a world in which you live alone and fight." He then asks how they all going to its own administration to fight when they go to the three months meager remains they were together and having a child, no less.
least Mi-young for yourself is on, but gentle, him, when she says that it so hard not to be. (. For REAL He is the perfect worst .): "I have already decided," she says with unshed tears in his eyes: "Let us leave."
I can not even be happy that Gun at least has the decency to go out, because his words seem empty when he tells her that he hopes that they will be happy wherever she goes. Although she smiles, her words are heartbreaking as she wonders if fortunate for they left there when she already has it out all the luck maybe could have dreamed.
"The things that I could never imagine in this world, came true after I met you. Bad things were good things, and I was a family with someone I love. "rifle is still determined and unmoved, as he did not look back to tell what happened, only forward.
You put a smile as she says she is not his take-it advice, as they will see each other again anyway, right? After they leave, turns gun after you call with a final piece beratungs it has the same advice he gave her in Macau as they parted on not to be to beautiful and confident.
as Mi-young crossed the road, their steps slower than anything beats them all at once. But then she remembers Gun in prenatal class and said he wants to do his job as a father, but also when he said these exact same words to her in Macau ... and realizes that he has his memory back ,
She turns back and calling his name again and again, and while Gun you hear, he is not convinced to look back. "Gun!" Walking it behind him. "Gun"
Then behind him, a car slams on the brakes ...
... Just before it in Mi-young collided. The Keddongie Cup smashed on the floor, as they fall, and Gun slowly turns around, incredulous ... Oh God. Oh God, oh God oh God. Oh God, no no no.
Gun is a mess is brought as Mi-young to the hospital because he asks the doctors to save her with tears in his eyes. "Is that your wife?" One of the doctors asked. "Yes, she's my wife!" Gun crying. "She is my wife!"
Mi-young comes, but her first thought is for her baby, as her hand clutches her stomach: "What ... what about my baby My Baby ... it's okay? Our Keddongie "she sobs. "Save my baby! Also my baby ... please ... please ..."
Gun tries to comfort her, but she went hysterical, and can barely mumble is his name and Keddongie before it suddenly falls unconscious. The doctors swarm and peel off a frantic crying weapon. (I already have too many tissue had to take breaks. No more, please.)
Doctor Moon says Gun that Mi-young will need surgery to live in order , but the operation will endanger the child. In this case, he can only choose one or the other: Will there Mi-young or Keddongie be
sinks After gun in despair, we find Mi-young in surgery, means the gun has its election. He holds outside the operating vigil as he thinks back to her said that she was not sure if it was left a fortune for them. As the largest source of happiness turned his back in her life-you, Gun are. I hope you realize that.
Mi-young wakes up in a hospital room with a gun at her bedside sat. "What's our baby?" The first question she whispers. Gun does not answer how he helps her to sit up. "Our baby ... is good, is not it?" Silence. "Why do not you answer our baby's fine, right?"
Gun lets out a long sound, halfway between a sigh and a cry: " Keddongie ... Keddongie is not here. "
Mi-young can not believe it, not believe. "Keddongie is gone," Gun reiterated: "I told him to go." (Which means that he chose Mi-young about him.) Mi-young hectic grows when she asks him why, why, if they told him Keddongie-why save when she told him she did not care what happened to her.
"How can I live now that Keddongie is dead?" She whines. "Please bring him back ... please bring back Keddongie! Bring him back! " you revert in incoherent sobs as she tries to hold Gun and comfort her, but it's nothing.
Mom and Grandma Wang come in just then, only for Micro- young to eke out between her sobs that Keddongie has disappeared. He is gone. God, this scene is terrible to see. It's just awful.
After Grandma Wang admitted that it his fault outside, Gun returns to Mi-young room was to find them asleep. He can only hold her hand when he apologized with trembling shoulders before it collapses completely.
Gun pays a visit to the remains of his parents, addressing his mother first, when he talks about the strange woman he came as strange as his mother to DC was , "I do not know how she can bear this with a so frail and petite body. I will hold, but I do not think I should. You know, do not you, Mama?"
He is much more formally when his father addressing when he asks if he was afraid, and that he had lost his memory. He told his father that he likes a girl he found really and wants to be with, but he is afraid that he would lose, and can not bring her to ask to stay. Okay, but why ?
Daniel visited Mi-jung in the hospital, even though he is not sure how to comfort her. It ends comforting him instead of saying: there is no need to comfort-that was all her fault.
If he says it was just an accident, Mi-Young explains why this is only one excuse, and why will they not use now. "It's my fault that I lost the baby." At least Daniel raises her mood when he gives her a box full of art supplies, because he knows painting and drawing makes them happy.
While Mi-young sleeping inside next to a drawing of Keddongie with angel wings, Gun hangs her heart shaped lollipops on the doorknob doorknob ~~ POS = HEADCOMP. "You said that people who sweet things will be as happy. If it is left a bit of luck in my life, I will give it all to you. You have lucky to be Mi-young." And then he goes ,
to be after unloading and moving in ex-roomie Ji-yeon, Mi-young will pay a visit Gun in his office. It cuts the small talk and is brought to the point: "Why did you lie you had told me, you have your memories War I of a burden too much for you, that even do?.?"
Although reaction Gun is still cold and not really much of an explanation, micro-young says this is the last time that she asks him a stupid question would be: "is it possible to forget everything and start from scratch? the time was short, but still ... you can not stay at my side? "
Gun really looks her in the eye when he rejects they with an "I'm sorry." seriously, Gun? In earnest.
she goes over the divorce papers Se-ra gave her, along with her ring. He tried to blame himself, to reply only for Mi-young, that there is no one fault she had were false from the beginning.
Mi-young packs her bags of Lee Manor, but disintegrates into pitiful sobs when she finds Keddongie diary. "I'm sorry", she exclaims.
After a silent farewell embrace with grandma, Mi-young attacks Daniels cafe on the way out and looked particularly distressed when he says that he will leave for France the day after tomorrow. He tried to lighten the mood by asking if they oppa with the best area to break always sad. (Kiind of feeling like you have not the best neighborhood oppa lately however been.)
But he gives her a brochure for an art school in Paris, and you say, seriously consider it. He will do everything he can to help, but it forces the chance to take to make a change in their lives.
take after a long look at his now sparse bedroom, Gun unlocked the door to his man cave where he kept Keddongie the crib and toys and sits for a while next to them.
Mom's Gun the money he gave them for the restaurant now that they sold, which effectively ends the relationships between them. But Mama still comforts him, as she calls him "Gun-ah" and says that he and Mi-young all they did was, it just was not meant to be.
Although Gun the "mother" more used formal instead of "Mom" when he asks if he can Mi-jung see the last time that Mi-young falls his face when Mom tells him in left to start overseas again. She says Gun, to do the same.
The Mi-young walks through the airport with Daniel, she flashes back all her memories with gun when she thinks: "There was a time when I was greedy about something that might never happen: I wanted to be a kind woman jacket would take off and hang it, make a delicious dinner while you were resting, and talk about our day at the table with you. I wanted to put my head on his arm and wish you a good night . It would be nice if you and I were fated ... but you said this once. that when we met in better circumstances, we would have to be us together determined "
She is unaware that Gun running through the airport desperately looking for her and called her name. My inner monologue continued: ". If it hurts so much, it's meant that we were not as granted when we happened to meet again today, let's do so, as they do not know each other."
Gun is just a few steps too late and missed Mi-young as she disappears through customs. Mi-young: ".. Gunnie-sshi, take care" Gun just screams: "Dalpeng-ah !!"
Three years later
A much different, modern styled Mi-young walks through the airport Seoul. You are Gun (also a new "do sports), without recognizing him, but he turns around. Something came over her him familiar ...
But he is greeted by Manager Tak Mi-young Daniel with a broad smile.
I never thought that I would say, but I liked it better when Gun had amnesia. even if that does not really excuse his hardness to Mi-young, it at least part of the burden of responsibility from him lifted, because he was not fully even . it was easier to forgive him and to wait, but only the way Mi-young, has for him around back to get it / we trusted him.
but if he did his memories he so brutally betrayed trust Mi-young, I'm still left reeling, with all other events from this (admittedly very dense) sequence. It all started from this betrayal, and during accidents are accidents and there is nothing Gun could have physically done to prevent what happened to Mi-young, from every play the blame game, Gun actually won. Because I lost my ability to understand him this episode
When I got the basic core right, that is perhaps the only thing I feel remotely confident Gun thought process went as such: 1.) He knew that there he would like any son die young in his family is a high chance that he would again lose his memories, 2) he knew that it was a high probability, therefore 3) the only way to Mi-young of the irrevocable pain to save about losing him later was everything irrevocably pain on her to heap now .
I do not understand. I really, really do not. I tried. Although I vaguely understood the basic idea Gun noble idiocy driving (saving Mi-young), I have not seen how it works in practice. More than that, I do not see how Gun thought his tactics worked when he had an ample opportunity to see how much he was hurt Mi-young. Even if it be his coldest on it, it did not even go his head that the pain inflicting on them intentionally her to spare the pain he cause later, had unintentionally was not only catchy but incredibly cruel?
but good, they can tell us that he did enough mental gymnastics to convince himself that what he was doing right and that it would take real emotional jolt to bring him back to his senses. Lost Keddongie not enough? The do not deserve Mi-young even one ounce of pity him when he came to them out of his life like a barnacle to peeling? Granted, we can argue how much we know Gun inside was hurt, and he was even more determined to try to save after losing Keddongie. But it's not like Mi-young misunderstood him or even blamed him for her about choosing baby she went to him, without further ado, and asked if she could start fresh. And he said no.
So when his wife over who had just lost her baby who clearly loved him and wanted to be with him, he thought it would somehow think its better for you to live, that he never loved her? I just do not understand. My heart broke for Mi-young over a million times, because it was surrounded by the people alone in their suffering. But be abandoned by Gun when she needed him the most was just so over my level of understanding that now on, it reaches Holiness and deserves the best in life. Gun, on the other hand, a miracle and a week will have to figure out in time.
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