They think this hour with interesting revelations about our hero and his past, two related things are packaged would come in a packaged deal, but just dont-at least not in this case study. It makes for a compelling mystery, as we delve deeper and deeper into that Jae-yeol is real, especially if the show just enough hints strikes us to keep on our toes. I must say it is both fun and unnerving to have a show as flexing some muscle when it comes to our collective headspace to disorder because while many dramas have characters with oblique perception of reality, It's alright it's love goes a step further by to evaluate our new our notion of what is real versus what is not. Like I said, fun, but also a little irritating
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Jae-yeol keeps the kiss short and sweet, and grins Hae-soo after he pulls away before he turns his head ever so slightly to one side, be beaten to be expected. Hah.
Hae-soo not take the bait, and playing it cool, rather than with the question of how often Jaeger yeol has been defeated in his life "I never counted, but maybe thirty times?" he all but shrugs Hae-soo slaps him ... "now it's thirty-one"
When they tried to storm Jae-yeol restrains and pushes her against the wall before they hit the light switch. off. a. He takes a step back, while still keeping between his body and the wall easily caught, but it is worth mentioning that Hae-soo is not totally freaked out. And he tries anything funny.
Instead he her a strange kind of folk tale about a dark cave where the light told had not shone in a thousand years, and how the villagers near the cave feared it: ". Just like you " from
He goes on to say how the villagers thought that it would take a thousand years to rid the cave of darkness." But it only takes a moment to shine the light in the cave, like this ... "
[1945011On]. Besides, it is not turning on the light this time, but a slight Jae-yeol ignites near her face to show that his only inches from her is. Omo. Whoa. proved Okay, point.
clenches As Hae-soo her fist and her lips closed, Jae -yeol laughs as he removed the steps of her. off. "Even if you have not been able to love the last thirty years ..." A. "And love you. effort into for 3-100 days has ended ... It's okay " off.
" Love again feel ", he continues as he draws closer to her," You can only take a moment, friend . " A. Again, it is so close to her that she feel his breath. I love that their reaction is easier to blow when she snorts at his use of the word" friend ".
Surprisingly, they feel much more seems it down at his coffee plops to take a sip of her drink. you are still sitting closer together, as he jokes how wet her lips, but he did not miss the chance to go home to drive to his point, she should love only feeling when it comes, instead of planning and agonizing over it.
he takes her cell phone a picture of her with not find PD Choi, and she pulls her back while he explains that "he is my husband." Jae-yeol can not get any further explanation of her when she feels ill suddenly, and it's funny how it runs by clamping his hand over her mouth by vomiting his bath to stop. "Not here! Swallow it!" HAHA.
Jae-yeol them down trails in the lobby to use their Bad, but there at the sight of Kang-woo are all stopped smashed bloody and barefoot. Hae-soo seems confused when he asks Kang-woo, what happened to him what to Jae-yeol remind them that he does not speak it.
"Noona, you're beautiful!" Kang-woo says with a smile. "I am by this author friend." Hae-soo do not pay attention to him (or see it), because it is too busy trying not to vomit on the rush to the toilet Jae-yeol hurry when he throws that he would take over the shoulder Kang woo after.
Back in Jae-yeol apartment, Hae-soo drunkenly tried to get together, so that they can go to his place to crash at home, she is afraid for this kiss. Her solution? To set up take her cell phone video while she sleeps so they can be sure nothing happens untoward with her.
Jae-yeol meets Kang-woo outside only mad to throw money at him and around him to go the hospital. "I told you to run away. I told you to run away if your father ever tried to beat you again!"
When Kang-woo protested meekly that he can not because his mother yeol, Jaeger its stance not change added that Kang-woo to take with him his mother away.
he has little patience when Kang-woo tries the theme of his new novel broaching, because he knows that it 'll about him to kill Kang-woo or Kang-woo to either kill him. Kang-woo tries out to eke it like that not to worry as Jae-yeol storms, but he at least called Tae-yong of the child
when Jae-yeol versa Hae find home. - Soo sleep on the floor, goes Tae-yong, where Jae-yeol ordered him, but can not always find Kang-woo.
the next morning, Hae -Soo it beelines from his home with rumpled clothes while Jae-yeol watches out the window, "she cuter get through the day." He ends finds its battery dead phone anywhere they leave
soo kwang. the only concern is that Hae-soo and Jae-yeol seems, did not come home last night, while her unni and Sunbae Jo would be happy if something happened between them.
He confronts Jae-yeol, the second shows that he in the on Cafe, only for Jae-yeol to surprise him with the honest truth regarding Hae-soo: "We drank together and kissed Then got. I suggested. "Sunbae Jo reaction is over Soo-Kwang, because he wants to hear all the details for dinner. Ha.
Over the phone, Tae-yong says Jae-yeol about how he could find, not whoever-it-was yesterday evening and expressed his suspicions about what Kang-woo really wants from him. How does Jae-yeol knows that he is not above his family situation
He almost loses it when Jae-yeol claimed that Kang-woo just friendship wants, as he rails against Jae-yeol credulity " He is using only because a soft heart "Jae-yeol:" have !? How do you " burn
Jae-yeol next talking to Mama Ok-ja, worried about visit their Jae. -bum in jail because it could mean she likes his hyung more than he. Of course, not going to play favorites it is, and says only that Jae-Bum nobody else but you has.
At the hospital Hae-soo and Lee Doctor visiting a patient who she holds her baby thinks if everything keeps air. All doctors who welcome invisible child that one of the residents leaves confused why would they claim so? This is chastised him by his friend, the TSKS , that he does not know anything about psychiatry.
Jae-yeol versa home to find House PD Choi wait outside because he wants to get his stuff from Hae-soo room. Just to make sure, Jae-yeol is a picture of everything he take later for Hae-soo and Choi PD dogs snapped at each step to the house.
He questions why PD Choi Hae-soo takes clothes to growl only for Choi to be are . That makes it funny when he starts to throw some of their bras in the bag, only for Jae-yeol to remark: ". Oh, I think you'd fit must've Underwear" HAH.
PD Choi Jae are -yeol the evil eye when he picks up a call from Hae-soo and confidential calls them "Hae-soo-ya" only further enraged when Jae-yeol stated that he and Hae-soo banmal use because they donggap (same age friends).
Although Jae-yeol tone is friendly, it is short and sweet when she tells him to send their phone to the hospital stat. Jae-yeol pretends like he still talking to her, even after she hangs up, all " I will bring your cell phone!"
PD Choi finally snaps when Jae-yeol asks him about the panties he takes, though Jae-yeol confusion Chois sudden onset makes it seem like it is another important social cue is missed. Was he not try to make him jealous? Or is he just pretending ignorance this time?
Regardless of Jae-yeol refuses to take over all PD Choi Soapbox crap how he did not let Jae-yeol use and dispose Hae-soo as he does well with all its women with the question: "What are you going to do when I last time for a ? for a very, very long time?"
Finally, he simply disappears into the house shut out PD Choi incessant explanations about as he does not go things with Hae-soo in the end be as follows, no matter what Jae-yeol says or does.
Soo-Kwang spied a high school student to be in the house as she has it, and we know that they know each other, when she asks snippy when she's angry ignored his calls. (It is also the student to buy Jae-yeol asked cigarettes for them.) Whatever their binding to the house, we will as OH SO-nyeo ( Lee Sung-Kyung ) to come know.
to speak during his next therapy session with Sunbae Jo, Jae-bum his odd trend to continue over the laws of gravity and physics, which seems to be to avoid its way to something more serious.
least Sunbae Jo him this time engages with the question of whether he dyes his hair, to which Jae-bum replies that his hair turned white after he was detained. Their conversation then turns into a prisoner, Jae-Bum claims lied about schizophrenia to win by gentleness, what to ask him if all psychiatrists are hacks.
is read Sunbae Jo situation of prisoners in a second for Jae-Bum surprise, and points out the proof that he is lying to Jae-bum. Moreover, he adds that while prisoners deceptive psychiatrist for reduced sentences dream can, it is impossible for them when sodium to be administered amytal ( "truth serum").
Jae-Bum makes sure the name to remember the substance, and musing about how he wants to inject his mother and his little brother, with him ... against counterfeiting, as he right in the neck would sting. Great job, Sunbae Jo.
Outside the prison, Mama Ok-ja thanks Sunbae Jo for all his help with her son before the inside once TAE- rushing yong tells her that Jaeger bum actually wants to see her this time. It is not to her, but Mama Ok-ja, it does not matter, she's just grateful to be able to see his face.
After consulting the genitals drawing patients speak mother now that her son is released Hae-soo calms the nervous son of the woman, that he not incurable as long as it determine the better has become. He also has a psychiatrist as on his side.
Hae-soo then gets a call from Jae-yeol (on one of the residents phones) that they may get their telephone from the broadcasting station, after asking the residents if the both an element are.
While Jae-bum starts in jail extra work to do to secure an early release, Hae-soo works with a patient so afraid of germs that he him touching garbage by.
When he expresses his fear, Hae-soo urges him gloves and wash the skin of the hands contributes to try it easy ... easy. She begins to use the same words that Jae-yeol told her before the kiss, and even uses the same logic and tactics Jae-yeol use it with their patients to help. (Minus the romantic aspect, of course.)
Hae-soo their first chance gets on her cell phone to the radio station to go later in the night to find surrounded by adoring fangirls only Jae-yeol of the DJ booth. She scoffs when speaking voice about "true love" in his oh so soothing radio when she wonders if a player like him knows even what love is.
He has sent her phone out to her where to ask some of their time will find a text by PD Choi. But she can not help but smile when Jae-yeol a few crowd-pleasing makes gestures, nor can it stop being rigid. Who can blame her?
Just then, Sunbae Jo calls them talk about how he heard that she and Jae-yeol kissed and as with desensitization methods like them makes Jae-yeol almost as good as a doctor.
Although he thinks it is a good thing it is for Hae-soo (kissing) to hold until they no longer scared Hae-soo expression dark. She is not happy that Jae-yeol kissed and told and texts him so much: "Is my anxiety disorder funny for you life Do not you touch me again like you did last night, and you're dead?.!"
"Still, my heart fluttered when you sleep last night ... Got", the cheeky bastard texts back. It reads and mutters to himself that he beat a be itching needs when she locked eyes with Jae-yeol through the glass.
He seems a little surprised when the man of Hae-soo mobile background shows up to collect, Yoon-Chul of whom she described as "her husband." as she leaves with him, Jae-yeol muses that she quite the interesting life with PD Choi and has "her husband".
by Yoon-chul Hae-soo off at her parents' restaurant falls, they with curious questions about her love life-after all, her unni it faces, she said and Jae-yeol a couple were. It denies flatly any romantic relationship with him.
You can tell Hae-soo is unpleasant when mom on her affected father dotes so loving, but it gets worse for her if she has questions about their intimacy phobia field.
This is obviously the first time Mama hears about it, and they seem really worried that her daughter is still a virgin when she urges her to just do it with anyone. For that kind of advice is that los never backwards.
While home Busing, Hae-soo watches the recording of last night, wondering how she started on the ground, but woke up the bed. Then she Jae-yeol does enter the room while she fainted ...
... only to watch as he cleaned her up, she wore to bed, covered her in and kept at her bedside clock while their dreams DJ-ing. She seems almost disappointed when it disappear into the bathroom watching to spend the night there. (He spend Or every night there?)
Hae-soo comes home Sunbae Jo, Soo-Kwang, and to find the high school students who went straight to her house and pilfered Hae -Soo bracelet earlier, so-nyeo. Apparently it has got a bit of a social disorder and is a consulting patient of Sunbae Jo, and if one thing is clear, it is that Soo-Kwang not you like a bit.
But if Hae-soo asks how so-nyeo came to her house, she replied that the door was open ... and then claimed it was because Jae-yeol told her she was pretty and invited them.
I love how it looks legitimate confused when they all turn on him, but answers honestly that yes, he did call her pretty. Hae-soo orders So-nyeo to stay while they are not in front of the him for hitting gives him a dressing down, but Soo-Kwang tears on a smaller. Jae-yeol is not to be taken in the mood to be crap today.
"I told her she was pretty, because she was," Jae-yeol says Hae-soo. "I asked her never to come, and you have returned your bracelet." He does not see what problem-they can send her on her way?
"You are the problem," stressed Hae-soo. They injected the same point, Soo-Kwang did about So-nyeo a is low, and asks if he a rock hits and kisses whoever he wants on anything.
"You hit me for this one in the face, so that we can," he argued against. But he will not take her accusation that he treats minors as far as minors and proves it to call the police to report a bracelet thief in her house.
He grabs Hae-soo on the wrist when she tried to stop him, and is not gentle when he lets go, either: "People think that if they try to say something Relieves now! that they picked up away from the cops? "" I am "Hae-soo replies defiantly.
After calling the police to say that the last call was a prank call, Hae-soo guess what Sunbae Jo before he says it and pre-answers will say, "No ! " do not want a doctor to play So-nyeo it, she wants her only Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang go to Yoon-chul concert tomorrow and have a good time.
While Sunbae Jo jail heads in an emergency (ish) call on Jae-bum's emotional state, Hae-soo watches as Jae -yeol screws out of the house, as if there was a fire, but he did not get the same reputation as Sunbae Jo. It was Kang-woo, who is called.
Kang-woo knuckles are bloody, though his smile could not be greater, as he tells Jae-yeol, that he finally met his father, his mother protect. "As a man without fear. My father was so shocked he left the house ... because his nose is bleeding began."
This last bit gets rid Kang-woo his smile, so Jae-yeol him in a hug pulls and pats him on the back. "Now he will not be able to look down on me," Kang-woo says in his shoulder. "I've done it ... without fear ... Father."
Jae-yeol eyes well with tears as he holds Kang-woo before he can finish his sentence: "You are not your father attack. they defended themselves. they only defended themselves from his attack. "
Sunbae Jo and Jae-Bum set for their meeting, as it usually do, even if it is the dead of night. "My dreams are reality ..." Jae-Bum begins as a hazy flashback shows a little boy holding something sharp, like a man falling on them and him.
But we find out who it was, as Jae -bum says. "My dongsaeng killed our stepfather Even my mother saw it, you saw it in any case.." In a flashback we see the unintentional murder scene play, and then a court scene in which a young Jae-Bum was in court for murder of his stepfather.
He had told the prosecutor that Mama Ok-ja saw Jae-yeol stab her stepfather, but in court, Mama Ok-ja pleaded ignorance even when she looked at Jae-bum in tears. She knew what she was doing, but why?
Back to the present, Jae-Bum continues: "Even after I wake up, I go back to bed and dreaming about the same thing My dongsaeng killed him My killed dongsaeng our stepfather" He turns..! only a little more desperate as he Sunbae Jo asks his mother and brother to give that truth serum he said. "Promise me! Promise me! "
Jae-yeol tried to lend a hand Kang-woo, when it comes to the girl he wants, because he too afraid, everything is still to say, although they followed her all the way home. Kang-woo knows enough about the timing of the girl to know when to turn on the lights when he can see its shadow, as she changes clothes ...
the two laugh about it, at least until Jae-yeol throws a rock at the house to get the girl to open the window. "His name is Kang-woo, and he said that he likes you!" Jae-yeol calls . "Make sure hello next time to say that you can see it!" on
Kang-woo runs in embarrassment from and Jae-yeol follows , all the while laughing like a student. He and Kang-woo are on a high after that as they run through the streets, with Jae-yeol exclaimed excitedly that she knows who Kang-woo is now.
While Hae-soo watches the video of her drunken night with a smile on her face, Jae-yeol further and smiling running ... only Kang-woo is not there. There is no one with him.
SO CREEPY. Oh, so scary. Although I can not determine exactly when I was sure that Kang-woo was a figment of Jae-yeol imagination, I did not think we would as soon get the big reveal. And the sequence of events that led to it were so perfect that they could no longer have been worrying if they wanted. I thought I was prepared for, but I'm still cringing in my seat.
The thing is not so much that we found Kang-woo is not real because it was quite clear from the beginning that something is not quite right there on Jae-yeol. But since most drama hero seems to be a little crazy, at least, I took it with a grain of salt, which could Jae-yeol legitimate be in the center, because the world show is populated by mentally confused. So, even if he had an imaginary friend in Kang-woo, I really thought it could not be all bad when Kang-woo was just a hallucination, appeared now and again-except that no hallucination is really harmless, anyway. But Kang-woo is not only an imaginary friend, is he? He was the personification of Jae-yeol guilt, be the spirit of himself, his alter ego, maybe even a mixture of all or may not have any.
What the line blurs with what he is to Jae-yeol is the fact that he clearly separate life that lives by extension, means that Jae-yeol not is aware that he spends as Kang-woo some of his time. From what we got ,, which is unreliable at best, Kang-woo is not just some harmless, ghostly illusion. Not if Jae-yeol, lives as Kang-woo, a girl was following (perhaps not even the first) at home so often that he knows their schedule down to the second.
So ... that's terrible, is not it? Even if it is later some magical reversal, or maybe even show some that this would undo a, that the idea of a part of Jae-yeol there are girl home follows is to be considered truly awful , It would be different, but not necessarily better if the scene to the fashion Jae-yeol thinks really played that it did, except with the additional effect that he is really alone. But because Kang-woo's all in his head, the information that he only knows would come from Jae-yeol-meaning knew Jae-yeol that girl schedule because he not Kang-woo, been there was before. It adds a different color all the fuss that was made about congratulating So-nyeo about him, even if it necessarily Hae-soo not excuse the tendency to fly the handle.
But here's something I never thought I would find me to say: There is only one silver lining to Jae-yeol could be stalking. Not only because he or because he is an unreliable narrator crazy and do not know what he is doing, but because there are two versions of the girl in this house. In one shot she is a young student, and in the other it is a young woman. It is so low that I have reluctantly to the Director of the hand, but it's definitely enough to keep us guessing, even if the result is not changed so much. Or is it? I admit until next week. Your guys fun hashing this out
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