Recap And Reviews Kdrama Fated To Love You: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Fated To Love You: Episode 14 -

This episode takes not-so-remote gimmicks to a whole new level as our hero jumps through to catch on and under different tires even a section of the call from his favorite worm disappears before / go abroad forever. (The same thing, is not it?) I'd be lying if I said it was not funny now watching squirm Gun that he finds himself behind the Mi-young fighter, and while the events that they are torn still fresh in memory and never lost in her, going this week to prove that while Fated to Love You has the power to break the heart, it can only power they have to repair.

Reviews have, Fated slipped 10.7% to second place while Joseon Gunman returned 11.0% on first. Competitors It's okay, it's love followed close behind with 10.2%. It is closely this cycle, it is not


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fall unexpectedly After Mi-Jung and Gun in the arms of the other, Gun reacts with laughing his trademark to see Mi-young, but he thinks that this is all a dream.

Mi-young-expression is quite different, and if Gun reached eagerly for what he thinks is dream Mi-young, real Mi-young eyes fill with tears ... right in front gun over, drunk falls.

pull him into her room, Mi-young sitting at his side for a while, whether debate touching him as she wants. in the end, they do not, and Gun wakes up the next morning alone with regard to declare her what happened last night, should together with the polite reminder that he return to his room before she comes back. "it would be nice if we did not see each other again," the note ended

Gun is flabbergasted when he reads it. " ? last night was not a dream "Then he sighs that mi-jung does not even want to see his face. But then he noticed to himself that it really is not a post-it-girl more, it is superglue.

Mi-young can not help but think back to Gun is so happy, "to see dream" in his last night and thinks that, unlike him, she does not always have him in her dreams to see.

After he accidentally leaves witness Gun Mi-young-room, Daniel has not to point directly when he sees Mi-young. She feels committed on Gun unexpected visit last night openly be only for Daniel to stop them: "is the person you met by chance yesterday so important that you need to tell me about him"

Do not shaking his head after realizing that Daniel about Gun already knew and Daniels more than happy themes that change the person who bought Mi-young-prized paintings.

But it is clear that he is hiding how he feels about Gun from her, not only because of serious he sees creeps when they do not pay attention, but because he literally faced Gun as checking out , Ha, they did from a cafe scene just go to another to go?

They share pleasantries fogged as they talk about "Ellie" (as Daniel calls only them), even if Daniel feels the need to assert its dominance when it comes to the gun to say of him that he would the hotel incident let time slide, but never again. "I no longer play this role. Do it comforting when you hurt ... I have played this role enough."

Gun is not interested although Weenie sizes to compare, but rises to his feet to give Daniel a respectful bow: "Then you have it better the person who tends to rule in this role to make it better ... Thank you for... watching over Mi-young as well. " Daniels in a fightin mood and gives his gesture him with the question whether he has the right to say that

"is let something just received. I 'm not on looking for her I at its page bin, because she is someone who I like and who is valuable to me. "Daniel added. Gun, again, do not take the bait confrontation, but to settle down with Daniel said that, because he claims that he can read people very, very good.

Gun observed only from his car as Mi-young people greeted outside the art gallery, and you desire a sincere congratulations they will never hear. It sounds more like a final farewell when he says aloud his hope that they will move in the world talking.

"But for me ... I see you happy," he added, just before he makes screw hands. D'aww.

Mama Yong another melody to Mi-young sings now that she's in the news and fame led to the artist, but it is still cute as Yong still supports his sister-in is - law.

He even displays news articles Mi-young grandmother Wang, who can not contain her excitement when she realizes that Mi-young in officially back is Korea, but they could do nothing Gun is to tell about it either he is still thinking in the dark

Daniel gets some good news over the phone and unexpectedly backhugs Mi-young in joy. He thinks he finally found his sister. Mi-young is overjoyed at the news and hugs him in return gladly accept his offer for her to go with him to meet his future sister in Seoul.

Mi-young is thrilled to get a text from Young- yes / Gun, and I their text exchange they handle are really through with Mi-young and Gun as the way to speak their written words. The split screen is made so that it looks like they're sleeping in the same bed, and it's especially nice how they react, how they are in the same room. (And the gun is wearing his pair of pajamas, aw.)

Gun shy when Mi-jung asks her if she can meet him in relation to the painting, an apology form that it can not apply to the face, because his "woman skin" all broken and unsightly, ha. Mi-young, as always, is understanding her face.

But she still hopes the image that he promises with a bought deal it from the ground up to make new, and to move in an effort to him, she asks if he has a child from all -Since paintings, he have chosen a child as a subject.

"I Do" Gun answered her question with a faraway look in his eyes. "A very nice kid." Oof , my heart. It is even worse when Mi-young, she says his child would take to answer only for Gun with a faraway look and a sigh that it would be surprising if they could. This is so, so sad. Beautiful, but sad.

Since the text conversation ends, Gun in his bed rotates as he sees them and wishes her goodnight. The sad reality is that they alone on the same side of the bed they sleep used to occupy both when they sleep together, bravely with Mi-young fighting the urge to cry back.

Manager Tak Gun is a good scolding for a "business trip", without him, only for tables go off when he smells something rotten acting in the manner Gun. Ah, so he one who tells about Gun Mi-Young's exhibition, and when he asks Gun if he went, Gun tries hiding under his desk. Hah.

Mi-young's Daniel moral support as he fidgets in nervousness while waiting to meet his sister. The private detective brings a girl through the door, which immediately throws himself into Daniel's arms and cried, "Oppa" Daniel's eyes fill with tears when he returns her embrace provisionally. Did he finally found?

leaves the private investigator when he is satisfied that he has united the right pair again this time everything seems to fit the DNA, and she has a scar on his back the description of Daniels sister match. But the "sister" in question seems mightily discomfited by Mi-young presence ... something tells me that she's got a hidden agenda.

When her students complain about too tired to keep practicing, Se-ra proves that they are not the hard-nosed teacher would think it by would be for the ice the girls out. She gets the way she once got with gun, and groans over a picture of them and wished he would again. In a while in connection

drinking from a baby from a coffee cup brings back painful memories of the moment pulled when Keddongie Cup destroyed forever. Fortunately Daniels arrival shakes Mi-jung made her sad reverie, and his attention to drawing of a mother and child, she marked for Young-ja / Gun is to make it so that they can get their original back in return.

Like Daniel, he is just happy again to have his sister. Mi-young accepts his invitation for the three of them to go tomorrow eat before lightly to protest when Daniel, it is his right to set to watch her draw. She folds and plays together-after all, he is their teacher.

The painting is delivered to Gun, who is amazed, he says that this is what Keddongie would have looked like if she / he had ever was born. "Hello, Keddongie" he speaks for. So sad.

Mi-young then texts to tell him that she would soon return to France, which is used to make only upset Gun, since he wanted to stay longer. He does not return her text so that Mi-young ask if he / Young-ja is excited. But when she gives up her seat in a new mother on the bus, she receives a call for an important meeting in the company


section :. Gun with an important company meeting with Manager Tak Yong and about how to improve their image to increase sales in younger women.

They propose to give an outstanding artist with her brand a conversion, but Yong push for Ellie Kim / Mi-young is shot down immediately by Gun basis that it is not as popular in Germany as internationally. Manager Tak was prepared and provides research on the contrary, so Gun with a puzzle-he knows that it is not to make again, even if he wants to ...

After mi-Young family tried everything they can to convince them to stay in Korea and to work, instead of returning to France, she is away for a meeting with Yong. He makes it seem as if they would catch just after a long separation, until he initiates someone else over. Gun

Gun is as surprised as Mi-young's matchmaking by Yong, although Yong defended his actions as for his company-it is not right for Gun Mi-jung only reject as an artist because of their personal issues. He has no shame, two of them to leave alone with no other way , but to talk to.

She does not seem sharp has a long talk with rifle, since it cuts him off mid Declaration on the "misunderstanding" from the other night, saying that it no misunderstanding was. He was drunk and banging on the door, and while they might have acted as they did not know him, she did not. End of the story.

Gun tried small talk, just to get concise answers in return. When Mi-young asks if he has done well, he replies that he, what doth it polite to say that it is easier before it is to leave. But Gun keeps them in an effort to have him listen to their possible cooperation.

you tried using the excuse that it is too expensive (which is obviously not to him does not matter) before deciding on honesty: "And I think it's best, we today do not in any way to see. I'm not the Kim Mi-young man knew at the time. Just like how you're not Gunnie you were me at that time. even if we do nothing about the past, do not let us make things uncomfortable for us both from here. "

Gun response is quick to withdraw. "You must be mistaken, Kim Mi-young. I'm not interested in you. When all . Now, at a time ... at a time, I had hoped we could live happily together. But cross the thought of ways and to start all over again? Do not ... do not worry about it! "Well, he's a CEO and not an actor, because he does not" is no foolin.

he looks uncomfortable and more than a little sad, after they leave, even if it finds itself, that it has changed a lot. Then his face was distorted when the coffee he drinks not sweet, harkening back to Mi-Young proverb about how people who are sweet things are like the people who want to be happy tries as Mi-young, to convince them that what they did and said was right.

Mi-young overheard Daniels 'sister' plans with the private detective to make that found them-it turns out, it is a fake, and has Daniel to tap deceiving works with the private detective in his considerable wealth.

It must be difficult for her when she shares a meal with Daniel and not Mi-young, because Daniel does not talk about how happy to stop it is with the two Mi-young, he loves the most.

Although Daniel buys Non Mi-young story about how she wants to marry, but no money has (a trick to pay him anything), Mi-young face she lies on her when Daniel the table leaves. Non Mi-young is put in a bind, gently when Mi-young, but firmly asks her if she would be willing to do the DNA test again, because both of them know, they would fail.

Mi-young tries with the explanation, reason to speak to the girl, how long Daniel has been looking for his sister, and he is not the kind of person, they will be so easily deceived or hurt.

Unless Mi-young struggles with excuses back, Mi-young tells her mugging better at knifepoint Daniel would be. "Do you know what is the worst thing in the world? Manipulating someone sincerity. This is something that a person should never do to another person."

Daniel ends the truth overheard with wide, unbelieving eyes as non Mi-young is forced to turn and run tail. Needless to say, he is devastated when he says Mi-jung in the playground he visits when he is thinking of his sister. It was the last time they saw each other as children, and all because a young Daniel his sister to get ice left.

He is to blame for this day firmly believing that he had not lost his sister when he had then they do not leave. Mi-young comforts him put on his, as she stressed that it was not his fault with her hand. "They were at an age where you deserve someone you love and care The child, who thought everything was his fault .. . ask him now forgiven. "

Daniel thanked her warmly with tears in his eyes, but not cheer when Mi-Young has his sister for the day to be, because he is ready for it-he search wants to stop, she lives somewhere to believe and to live his own life. But he looks pointedly at Mi-young when he says: "I have a real family of my own want to do."

Gun lyrics Mi-young (as Young-yes, of course), when she was still a GOTs much on her head-Daniel wants to talk to her about something, and she seems to know what it is. Gun encourages them to open the excuse with that he / she is the number one fan and that they are both women. Haha. had

Mi-young, which is reflected in text form, joins in his house Gun when she worries admits that someone confess his feelings soon as he already told her he wanted to make a family. Gun is taken completely by surprise, but she keeps all in itself, as he pelted with questions: Does this "this person" will propose? As she feels it?

He's fuh-reaking about it, and it's funny, when Mi-young to answer his question, saying: "In the past three years, I thought that if I make another family with someone, it would be with this person. "Gun loses air.

But if she says that she is now filled with conflicting thoughts , Gun pumping his fists in relief and happiness. "The thing about decisions is, you have to spend a lot of time, and think it is over or else you will be seen as a simple woman," Gun advises her by text. He goes on to say how the marriage is not a joke, and they can not rush into things, so they do not see as a simple almost woman-would you think gun she tried to talk it out.

It is really nice as it is to move to Mi-young, while he is in this long, drawn-out explanation about decisions because they both talk to each other without actually seeing each other. He's hanging on every second, waiting to know what they decided ... shut down the topic just for them.

At least they agree to be more familiar terms as Gun called her sunbae and Mi-young asks if she Young-ja to the informal can call "unni." Ha, and is that a Chuno respect when he ponders the word "unni?" (He and his gang, even though they were men, would say, "unni" instead of the more modern "hyung.")

Yong comes Gun ask to reconsider cooperation with Mi-young, but Gun chases him back inside with his magical powers freezing while Yong again struggling with his magical fire forces. I love how Gun total Yong fire forces because is "yong" translated "dragon."

While Mi-jung keeps their options when Daniel her sending a text reminder of their date tonight, trying Gun itself he behaved with her from the way to talk while staring at her picture. He knows he should not speak at all it, and he knows should only wish for her happiness ... but when he could not be mobile access faster him text.

In her text, Mi -Young tells him that she is leaving Korea tomorrow and not be able to meet him before she goes, but she hopes that he will take for painting. Gun can not just let them leave, and gets them their current location with the promise to disclose that he would return her painting.

It accelerates the theater with the image on the front passenger seat, while Mi-young goes in Daniel to be taken. Gun stops for a moment to think before they jump out of the car ...

... While inside, Mi-young sitting in empty theater as Daniel lights of the projector. He starts making an image from scratch using only sand, showing a man and a woman holding hands on a hill. When he and the image changes to tell their story morphs, we hear in voiceover:

"A lone man holding his little sister lost met a lonely woman who lost her baby this. two people decided to work together to share in this solitude. Amazingly, even if it was hard to bear alone, it was not hard, ever wear together. Thus, these two people are not tired by the end. you are a strong home build and live happily. "

Mi-young eyes fill with unshed tears as she smiles. Daniel pulls a bunch of flowers on the podium when he approaches her, both of them unaware of Gun has been to the theater to watch everything

Daniel kneels before Mi-young, as he has the flowers. "Mi -Young ... you are my real family?"


There is time! Not that I would be crazy enough to anchor for the second guide in a show, if the result is literally written in the title, but Daniel is already sitting on ice long enough. His time to shine is long overdue, not necessarily because he deserves it (he is great on paper, do not get me wrong), but because he himself admitted that his role has shifted in Mi-young life. He no longer has to protect or so to save from the gun as a sign more than one person, he had to adapt to survive.

as friendly neighborhood Oppa, Daniel simply was already somehow there, and apart from wiping Mi-jung away to France, help to start their new lives, I'm pretty convinced have Mi-young weathered could all the pain that came their way without him, just because they are so ingenious. But I admit to be a little confused when it came before the accident to Daniel, because he had said he would be brave when it came to his feelings for Mi-young ... and then he was not. Which is fine, since we hated when he forced his feelings on Mi-young, when she was not in the position to accept all of it. And even now, after moving time and get to know Daniel has had more, her hesitation says a lot about how she feels. Oooorrr is not it? We will find out next week, that's for sure.

What is now interesting changed dynamic when it comes to gun and Mi-jung is not-a-relationship is that even though Mi-young himself had been questioned after he Gun she wanted him never again to see, and even if she has lingering feelings for him, then it is the one that has evolved at least on paper. Gun has to keep one been tabs on her over the years, he has been the one following to be able to speak to only use a false identity in the city and works with her mother chummy, and now he has reached , their. I wonder if Mi-young had much feel anything to France and all possible lines of communication with gun again separating. Then again, what did he give you any other options?

In this sense, I am not sure what has changed in these three years Gun bring back from the brink, although I'm happy as a clam to see him back to his old antics. If the change only a question to him his thoughts about death, it's kind of the whole rigmarole from him pushing her away moot, right? There is always the possibility of the Gun, the whole of hypochondria has proved, convinced that he had full-blown genetic disease of his family, even though he was not sure. But if that is the case and he can choose only to take things day by day, then nothing is as far as the possibility of changing it to succumb to the disease in the future. In comparison, Daniels is third wheel nothing-we saw disorder, which may Gun do when he sets his mind to something.

But of course there is the flip side of that, there Gun does not seem to be able to control even if it comes in the same city as his to be ex (?) - Woman. I love that about him, even though I still make peace with his actions to perform and that after the loss of Keddongie. The ball is firmly in his court now, and since then he has pushed away Mi-young. Once he realizes that life does not have to be filled with miserably cold showers and self-induced solitude, the world will be his escargot. Go get 'er, Gun-or at least hurry up and get back in line.

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tags: Choi Jin-Hyuk, Fated To Love You, in Jang Hyuk Jang Nara

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