Recap And Reviews Kdrama Discovery of Romance: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama Discovery of Romance: Episode 3 -

There is a sequence chock -full of flashbacks as we like Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum learn love, and why ha-jin is possessed by a girl to find a certain stigma. It is a little clearer, go why Tae-ha can not have been able, and has why Ha-jin opened a hard time. Yeo-Reum has to take the whole decision, the lucky girl.


After Yeo-Reum denied his offer Tae-ha pulls her chair close it scatters with his arms, and says: "Han Yeo-Reum, if I ask you to break with the guy and come to me, would you, if you come back to me, that? I promise I will not make you cry. "he says that he has never forgotten a single thing, from the time they met at the time they broke up, all located in Jinju.

We flash back to the day they met, how they introduce to their schedule. It's nice as they both are reluctant to walk, and finally Tae-ha go, but stops to look back and again waving. Joon-ho and Sol found Yeo-Reum, and they aegyos Joon-ho in them tickets to Yeonhwa island to buy, where she knows Tae-ha going next.

Sol is still in a bad mood and flat refuses to board the ferry, as they would rather go to see her boyfriend before he joins the army, so Yeo-Reum swipes their ticket and without it proceeds. Joon-ho tries Sol draw on the boat, but she bites him and runs away, and he followed her in spite of knowing that Yeo-Reum has no money to buy a ticket back.

Yeo-Reum finds Tae-ha on the ferry and tried the old "what a coincidence" line, but it's all I told you that I would Yeonhwa island off . Hee. She waxes poetic about their meeting each other the hand of fate, but Tae-ha is pragmatic (though amused), as he says that it depends on how you look at it.

Yeo-Reum not recognize their friends the ferry missed until they arrive on the island, and Tae-ha, it proposes climb up the mountain and so long to see the sunset as it is here. She drags behind him like a child, and asks him to borrow some money, because that's the last ferry was, and she has no money somewhere to sleep or take morning ferry home.

Tae-ha is suspicious and asks her if she told him to get out of it she falls on the train with him some money. Yeo-Reum insists that is not the case, but now he's not they believe. Optionless, she follows him when he takes pictures of the stunning scenery, cursing the following to stop him if he borrows money. He says with a mischievous grin that he can not borrow their money because then they would leave. Cheeky boy.

Yeo-Reum clings to the railing of a narrow bridge, nor Tae-ha asked them to help. He starts to ask personal questions such as their age and type of school they attended, much more to learn their disadvantage over them. He even plays with her a bit by jumping on the bridge and shake to make and freaking them out. He's like a little boy, the braids of the girl he pulls like.

you finally reach the top of the mountain directly at sunset and wow, the view is amazing. Yeo-Reum says she learned a valuable lesson today: Do not trust a man you love with at first sight. HA. Tae-ha laughs that to say such things aloud gives him an advantage, but Yeo-Reum nods sagely and asking for money now that they looked at the damned nature as he wanted. Tae-ha deadpans that the ATM at the bottom of the mountain, and Yeo-Reum yells at him for making her walk all the way.

When they again get down the hill, the ATM is out of service and not be repaired until the next afternoon. Well, crap. Yeo-Reum buys some Ramyun but she's won a few short, and it's funny, so generous fronts you won as Tae-ha ah the 100th Sharing the Ramyun and a local tells them where to find a school, so they can sleep inside.

They put beds in a classroom (I love how Tae-ha gets the pink blanket and flowery cushions), the exposure to each other warning on their side stay out of the room. Yeo-Reum freaks out when she hears noises that sound like mice, and asks if she can her bed closer to Tae-ha Scoot, promising not to try on him. I love his shocked-not-interested expression. He asks if she is not afraid of men, and they are representing him their best martial arts when he leans teasingly around her face.

can hear you again Mice and asks to hold his hand while they sleep and where a wise man who knows a good thing when he sees it, he obliged. A bit overwhelmed, Yeo-Reum asks Tae-ha, when he feels the same thing she feels - something electrifying, but also warm and blooming.

Yeo-Reum blames the Ramyun but Tae-ha says it's not that ... it's the start of something new. She asks what catches, and he says it's something that people call love. He gives her a wide grin, and she tried her hand away, but it takes it and says that he keep it happy. Long after he sleeps, Yeo-Reum lies awake processing of their new feelings. So cute, these two.

Back to the present, Tae-ha says Yeo-Reum that, all his memories of the good times they are contrary to their split. With a faraway expression, he remembers things like honesty and easy smile. He stares at her lips as he says he remembers how they feel, and good lord, this woman must have nerves of steel, because I do not know how it resists its intensity.

Then Tae-ha teases her nervous and says he knows that it does not intend to come back has to him. He points out that she has a boyfriend and obviously are not affected by it, it has no reason to reject its Job Offer. He breezes, that to be honest, he does not really back, want to get with her, and warns them their feelings are not in the way to let the matter come ... wait now I see how they resist him. Jerk

After Tae-ha music, Yeo-Reum complains interview style, Tae-ha as it was always -. He loves to play with people. We go back ten years ago, when they met, when he finally gets some money from the ATM repaired and pulls them with him. He refuses to give her any, because then they will leave, and he runs from her when she is hunting.

In the present again, Tae-ha tells us that the only way he can think of to get reum Yeo- is back to sting her pride. Just like when they first met, they'll chase him if he runs away from her.

Ten years ago on the island (ouch, I'm getting whiplash), Tae-ha buys a big meal and are finally Yeo-Reum some money. He ignores them whine and invites them to spend the day with him, deflating their anger by he said do not want to separate from her.

go on a boat ride and photograph, and Tae-ha is not the advantages of the waves taking Yeo-Reum catch when she loses her balance. Later they walk hand in hand (as sweet as Tae-ha noting that it keeps the hands of the hand holding) and he gives her a pretty shaped rocks like a heart. He steals a kiss on the forehead when Yeo-Reum is not looking to make them shy.

There are a couple of trees that have grown together, and smile that they are together, just like the trees. Yeo-Reum says to stay the tree where it is, because it makes people comfortable and safe, and it promises to always treat wood respectful when making furniture.

in the presence of (the last time), Joon-ho brings Ha-jin, a drink that he ordered and confirmed that the juice delivery named girl Ahn ah-rim. He asks what is Ha-jin relationship with her, but they are interrupted when Yeo-Reum comes to visit. They jokingly asks if they look to improve her face as Kim Tae-hee and Joon-ho's all No, could not be helped. Ha-jin is a good friend and says she is already beautiful than Kim TAE hee.

goes Joon-ho back to work, to have a serious conversation, Ha-jin sitting Yeo-Reum down. He asks whether it would not be nice to have a friend always at home waiting for you at work after a long day to have - this friend would never go home, and no one would think it was strange all night long for them to stay. Instead of thinking that it was strange to be together for you and your friend all the time, people would think it was normal and even be jealous. He says that's how he thinks of marriage as he gets on one knee and offers her a ring.

A scream echoes through the clinic (and deters a patient ha), brings Joon-ho runs. Yeo-Reum tells him that Ha-jin suggested but Ha-jin is still waiting for an answer. Unfortunately Yeo-Reum closes the ring box and says that it is not a rejection, it's just a bad time. Aww, poor Ha-jin puppies.

Later Yeo-Reum, Sol and Joon-ho things to discuss and Joon-ho recalls that when she married under the thumb out Ha-jin would her mother. Yeo-Reum says that it is not so simple - it would hurt their pride, and Ha-jin mother is still against them. Sol only the entrance is how much she misses to moon over her ex-boyfriend Eun Kyu-and him. Well, as helpful.

The set three of them with Yeo-Reum mother who discovered how much they owe you start the furniture business from a loan, including their rent for living in the house. can Yeo-Reum owes so much they will never catch up, and not even her friends nudging in to speak Mom stinginess soften heart. If the subject of the rent comes, says Mom they Yeo-Reum is sleeping in Ha-jin knows and warns them about birth control to be cautious. Sol, also. Huch, Mom!

Yeo-Reum says her mother that Ha-jin suggested, but she refused because she has no money. Mom does not move still wondering how it just tells him to confess that they signed bankrupt and go papers, no wedding necessary. Yeo-Reum eyes well up when she asks why her mother is so meeean to wipe them away with a sigh, as their crocodile tears fail. HA.

guess your friends right that Mama Yeo-Reum she said was on her own, and Sol explains that she knows the answer to Yeo-Reum money problem: Kang Tae-ha. Or more specifically, Tae-ha job offer. Under the job their debt would be paid, and besides, it's not like she still has feelings for him, right? Sol says, there is even a bonus that they he could get by marrying revenge on Tae-ha, they paid with the money.

The next day, Tae-ha lyrics Yeo-Reum go to the bar a look they want to set up, and prepare a design presentation. Yeo-Reum says that they do not go, but Sol creepy face changes her mind. The building turns out to be beautiful, and the girls can not help but get excited about the possibility of designing furniture for them. That night Yeo-Reum Ha-jin tells about the exciting business opportunity, and he gives her his support.

Hard at work, Yeo-Reum mother talks back in a drama about characters, they dumb to them the frustration her assistant Gi-eun, who pointed out that call wrote , ha. Producer Bae can be in and Gi-eun, she tells him sorry, but mom is more interested in discussing whether they should kiss their figures again (in my opinion, the answer is always yes).

Ha-jin finds Ah-rim at one of their jobs and at a time thinks back when he was a child, hiding with his little sister in the woods. They were orphans and his sister would be accepted, he had run away with her. He promises that if they go back, they will stay together.

Ah-edge starts from hunger and Ha-jin carries all night to find help, but he stumbles and rolls it down and into a hill a chain link fence. The fence cuts her arm badly, but Ha-jin creates Ah-rim to the orphanage to lead back (where, interestingly, the nuns refer to him as Jin-soo). Ha-jin protects fiercely his sister to tell the nuns that he knows when he giving them adopted, would ... but even if they appear to be moving, they take him anyway.

Yeo-Reum watching Ha-jin from his nightmare about his sister, and he feels bad for them to wake up, but she says that they get through this together. You go in their pajamas out to play their insomnia and run away, and when they have exhausted Yeo-Reum asks Ha-jin nightmares. He swears there is nothing but she does not believe him.

Ha-jin to her enough fans to say that when he was young he has done something wrong, someone, and he dreams of them sometimes. Yeo-Reum says she heard that someone who often has nightmares, a good man, and he promises that he will tell them about the nightmares soon.

The next morning, Joon-ho Comments on Yeo-Reum sneaks in early morning, and tells her that Sol was drinking all night and cry about her ex. You pity what a lost cause Sol is about this guy until she comes into the room and they clam up, afraid of her. Oh man, Sol has lost it - it creeps up Yeo-Reum and Joon-ho under the heading of "Gangnam Style" and grumbling: "Where there is a woman like that?" Fearing for his life, Joon-ho her at agrees that men are all bastards.

Sol lives of their own small theater scene, as it does all the things they used to do with Eun-kyu, which would be fine if they text not the poor guy a play-by-play of the whole thing. Later she accuses Yeo-Reum and Joon-ho missed him, and says to them, they figured out why Eun-Kyu never slept with her - her breasts are too small. HAHAHA. Joon-ho provides implants for them to do, but Sol says she would rather Ha-jin did it (what to do Yeo-Reum spit-take).

Tae-ha visited Yeo-Reum and Sol at work and invites them for a drink, and Sol reductions at the word "bar", so off you go. He takes them to a place with a similar concept to the wine bar he build, and they settle in to hear the band.

The singer says that it's time to an audience to pick out a member to come and sing, and of course he takes Yeo-Reum, who bravely singing on stage Toy goes "Everytime you do that." Sol your phone responds when ha-jin called, and she is reluctant to tell him where they are, as Tae-ha with them, but they eventually caves. You are Tae-ha, a heads-up that is Ha-jin on the way, and tells him to keep it secret that he and Yeo-Reum used previously.

Yeo-Reum sings like Tae-ha watches, do not even try to hide the admiring expression on his face. He thinks back to their dating days and realizes that he knows why he had not been able to forget them ... just because she herself was, Han Yeo-Reum.

Ha-jin enters the bar, and is close to Tae-ha when he Yeo-Reum watches on his face to sing with a big grin. Tae-ha sees him and thinks that this man has Yeo-Reum and while he is not jealous, he is curious, if this man knows what. For a big woman he has

When Tae-ha watches Ha-jin Yeo-Reum observed, he realizes that he does not know how special it is. At this moment, Ha-jin vorbeischaut, and the smile leaves his face as he recognizes from that night Tae-ha at the hotel when Yeo-Reum crashed his blind date. He remembers Yeo-Reum confess that this is the man in whose house they spent the night.

Faced with their competition for the first time, the two men glare at each other as Yeo-Reum looks up and notices the look-off.


I really enjoyed that we got so many questions answered more in this episode, as what we wait a few weeks hanging out with secrets over our heads. It is good to know that Ha-jin looking for a girl with a scar on his sister and not some long-lost first love. I want him to be a stand-up guy, and I was worried it some dark secret that had to hide could, Yeo-Reum injured. Knowing that he he has ever known for the only family only is the search, is a relief not to mention heartbreaking, and it explains a lot about how he open reluctant people that it allows a person in his life lost, which he loved.

I was thrilled to see how Tae-ha and Yeo-Reum fell for each other, and watched her that whole level minefield first attraction was fun. Thanks to Eric and Jung Yumi for their young carefree themselves from their current adults with adult problems themselves differentiation ... you can really feel how they grew and matured over the years since they met. The whole back on their island the first day was so nice, and it's interesting how, although Yeo-Reum confessed first, Tae-ha was not far behind her. He had their number from the start, and knew the way, she was not going to get to give her what she wanted, but to come to her him.

It says a lot that Tae-ha has known how to Yeo-Reum to be from the beginning, unlike Ha-jin, who is still trying to out to figure after a year of dating. It is also interesting to see that their relationship was controversial from the start - Tae-ha has at Yeo-Reum pride and Yeo-Reum has always responded with love frustration ever met. When they broke up, she had not really changed, how they related to each other, it's just that for some reason Yeo-Reum his teasing as signs began to take which was Tae-ha no longer interested. I wonder what happened to change it to make him their reactions, if he never treated differently.

The main thing I took away from this episode is the difference in Yeo-Reum relations with the two men in her life. Your relationship with Ha-jin is so sweet and supportive, and I have no doubt that he loves her, but I sometimes feel that Yeo-Reum feels more friendly to him than anything else. Attraction It is definitely, but it's more the kind of attraction you feel about yourself may be someone around, as the kind of sizzling magnetism, what happens if you with that a man your whole world from the inside rotates outward.

Speaking of which, is exactly the Attraction type I think Yeo-Reum and Tae-ha still to today feel, although Yeo- tried reum to deny it. You may not along a lot of time, but it is undeniable that their chemistry is off the charts. Even while she herself says that she ever in Tae-ha not interested more, Yeo-Reum can not help but be influenced by him, when he does that thing where he leans in close and use these gorgeous eyes as deadly seductive weapon , And he knows it too, the bastard, and has no qualms about getting her attraction to him what he wants - namely her. Thank God that he wants them for the right reasons (because he is wonderful, thinks), or I would worry.

There is an interesting puzzle that Yeo-Reum has to be clarified. You can select Ha-jin and live a happy, comfortable life with a man with whom she is very compatible, but most likely mutate into a comradely coexistence. Or they can choose Tae-ha and live a life of bickering, frustration and emotional battlefield, but also to experience a once-in-a-lifetime passionate love story. I do not envy the choice, but I think I know what choice I would make.

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