Recap And Reviews Kdrama Healer: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Healer: Episode 13 -

Big moves ahead! As much fun as it was Bong-Sookie is jealous watch on yourself, it's time for life to step it up and take greater frustrations in the way, which are equally entertaining and anxiety-inducing. Plus, with the trip of some truths come new questions, throw our characters off balance as they try to figure out how to juggle what they want to know with what they can stand to know.


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secure a few moments, again we bring together Jung-hoo mother when she addressed: . she is secretary Oh the restaurant that she has been in a decade from contact with her son, and says she's here to meet a friend. secretary Oh offers to wait with her, and when mom nervously apologizes to to visit toilet, he steals her phone.

Aha, so Mom is not in danger, after all, and slips it from the back. But Jung-hoo does not know that, because her phone to Secretary Oh car pursued is, and he willingly fees in the case. he is fighting against the SS thugs in the parking garage until he met with a stun dart, then goes on the run, to make it up the stairs to the roof.

that is, where it is pushed to the side, his healer trimmings from him in a flash stripped: It is a teacher, and he pulls Jung-hoo cap, goggles, and bloodstained jacket, even his arm cutting the impersonation credible do.

So when Yo-Yo and his posse to Healer to show themselves, teachers fulfilled their incredulous faces with a sheepish grin. He says, "Whoops, I have caught."

Min-ja calls Young-shin and asks her to search the premises for Bong-Soo, who is likely to be injured. Young-shin scours the area and heads down to the parking garage just in the time of the SS-gang shriek to see.

Young-shin overheard on the phone Detective Yoon reported that someone has been caught, then set the drop of blood on the floor. So if Min-ja recall, she tells her desperate that Bong-Soo must have been taken away from the bats.

But Ajumma tells her firmly that Bong-Soo does not move, so he is hiding somewhere on the premises. Young-shin asks suspiciously, as Min-ja know, but time is of the essence and Ajumma she begs to hurry. So Young-shin continues the search, and when she reminds Bong-Soo said he likes heights, forwards it to the top.

makes it on the roof, where traces of blood, they lead to Jung-hoo, settled. In a corner She hurries into his lap to cradle and covers it in her coat. In tears, she called emergency services for help asked them to hurry.

Jung-hoo is brought to the emergency room, where doctors are more concerned with his consciousness as his blood, wondering if he took drugs. While he is being treated, calling Young-shin ajumma number to get only one shot, it does not exist.

sitting at his bedside, Young-shin asks Jung-hoo arouse because it bursts with questions she wants to ask. Jokingly, she floats from his face before and sing-songs, "Bong-sook-ah, wake up ~"

His eyes open to flutter begin and she sits on energized. He looks blurry and murmurs her name out for her hand. She takes it, and immediately he will return to sleep to decline, although his hand tight grip keeps theirs and once again it is recalled to the Healer of its grip.

they recently shook his thoughts away, but today's circumstances have her brain whirling different ... and she thinks about the little details that now fall into place come ... to ask how Healer, how many pills she took her these pills, and Bong-Soo gift.

to fall his hand in shock and rears back to see him with new eyes. She runs to his car and starts looking for clues, and comes in a small case. Inside they star a small folded paper it finds the star, which they made while on the phone with Bong-Soo chatting, do not come sighing through the healer to her. Jung-hoo, you hopeless romantic.

She remembers his confession on the roof, when he told her he had to live in the phenomenon "could want for a long time, to be very careful, next to you. "it sounds different to know the context, is not it?

When they returned to the hospital, Jung-hoo is awake and change into the clothes brought by Dae-yong, who takes the first opportunity to apologize for this unfortunate scenario. Jung-hoo freezes at the sight of Young-shin, knowing he will have to make a convincing explanation, and also that he does not have.

So Jung-hoo says lamely that he took some sleeping pills, which came late. His arm hurt, then "is because I slept ... and ... stumbled." It's super unconvincing, and they both know it.

Young-shin asks how Dae-yong knew he would be here. He has no answer, and after a moment Young-shin offers him the apology and said she got a call from someone who might be his mother, and that she was so busy they forget to call back. His mother must've searched all hospitals in the area.

Jung-hoo asks if this gave her a fright, and apologizes when she says it did.

There certainly how she feels both know that they are lying to each other, acting, this scene, because they do not know how I handle it differently. When he starts to leave, it ceases to ask him that he back in the office tomorrow, as she is afraid he will not be. He signaled yes.

keeps it together until he goes, and then shed through her tears.

In the drive, Jung-hoo heard of Min-ja that his mother is safe at home. That's a relief, but he is upset that teachers have been taken in. A sudden thought made him consider whether the paper star is still in his case, and he is relieved to find it there.

Jung-hoo ignored directive of ajumma to rest and assigns the car to Moon Shik at home. The bastard messed with his mother and Young-Shin: "So I have to make sure that he can not." Ajumma asks if he means to give him a beating, as he did to Hwang, but Jung-hoo growls. "I'm going to kill him"

Ajumma and Dae-yong both refuse him there take, so Jung-hoo forces Dae-yong of the car. It is quite hard and fighting back, but he gets the upper hand and is ready to charge after the baddie.

It is a good thing, Dae-yong is not afraid to challenge him, and she has the key. She shoves the phone in his face so Min-a certain sense, can scream at him, as he can go ahead and kill whom he wants, but it means that he is willing to ever see again Young-shin to renounce? You need to find out why Young-shin aimed, and do not forget that Young-shin mother lives in this house.

Frustrated Jung-hoo strikes the steering wheel. But at least he's stopped.

has at home Young-shin worried strange behavior of her father and ajusshi. She stares blankly for a while, and then they have really distressed tears.

"Dad," she said in a broken voice, "that jerk cheated all the time. Everything only thing he told me was a lie. And I did not know and told him everything. "But she could not confront him," Because if I told him I knew he could just go. I could not see him, I could not say anything. and I can not not see again-I can it not handle it. "

Dad not pressed for an explanation, but he and ajusshi are both curious about the source of her sorrow. Ajusshi knows she has two crushes, but does not think this is about either one. Instead, his mind fixes on Bong-Soo-Young-shin not trust their feelings not even to them, "but it has to this dummy." So he is the one.

Dad you bring a warm drink later and Young-shin asked why he chose them and pointed out: ". I'm hard to love" There were many more lovable children at the orphanage, but she was a difficult child.

Dad laughs as he tells her difficult moves, but says he did not take. "I've just been waiting, and you came," he declares sits quietly because until they first took his hand, and he took her home. He says he is willing to wait longer, but she came to him faster than he thought it should be recalled that it is not very persistent.

She leans her head on Papa's shoulder and assured him that she cries almost finished.

to the feed CCTV Watching, Min-ja sees Moon Shik and his guards arrive at SS headquarters ... and then a short time later pull a few more cars on. She giggles at Detective Yoon to recognize and reach for a mobile phone ...

Moon Shik is led inside the healer to confront who insisted he is an old friend. Moon Shik confirmed this and asks for privacy extends to a hand, rejects the teacher friendly. He adheres to the statement that he has been the healer of all, laughing, that it was quite funny, Money Moon Shik taking. Then he asks pointedly: "Is Myung-hee still asleep she has, how many hours sleep a day??" What an ominous thing to say.

, which in a flashback in the episode sends us to the hospital by Myung-hee accident. Teacher comes out of the blue, a few months out of prison. Moon Shik greeted him warmly, but the teacher full of hostility and says openly that Moon Shik actions are suspect. He outlined the odd sequence of events: Three bears go "hunting" for a story and two dice. The survivor leaves his junkyard and suddenly gaining a high position at a newspaper. Moon Shik asks his friend to hear him, but the teacher has not.

In the presence of Moon Shik says that Jung-hoo came to ask about his father, and that children do not know "what sacrifices we made "to build their world. Teacher laughs in his face, but Moon Shik warns: "..? I will not destroy the peace we tolerate have preserved in this world we call these people outlaw Why do you live as an outlaw" The teacher makes a claw gesture and retorts: "Because I'm a bear."

moon Shik asked whether teacher has teamed with moon-ho, to dig the past. Teacher responds that two Papa died bears and left two mummy bear and two cubs: Then he sings the childhood ditty about a family of three bears, with Mama, Papa and Baby "where three bears have to be to work for the song." ,

Moon Shik warns that he is very angry, and not to make him even angrier. Teacher asks: "Have Gil-han and Joon-Seok, the last people you killed There is more, there is not, but you do not think with the two bear cubs confuse I will protect them, for I am friend Papa?.. Bear ".

Detective Yoon and its partners are surprised when they join the patrol car in front of the building. Hearing that they have a report that an abductee is received within, Detective Yoon charge excited in at the pretext.

Moon Shik is introduced to the rear output, to be seen to avoid, and teachers singing the Three Bears Song back at his departure. Shortly afterwards come the detectives.

Jung-hoo mother secretly photographed when she met Jung-hoo outside her apartment. He is aware that they are being watched and are told his mother quietly on the situation. He asks them to act as it is to see him for the first time in ten years, and she replies that it would be easy to act happy to see him.

you move to a cafe, and he apologizes for her never give his number and just call if he wanted to see it. But he will not be able to do that for his time, he says, keeping Mom safe. She did not protest or ask questions, and if their stalker enters the café both release and is located nearby. He puts his phone casually, her conversation is being recorded.

So if Jung-hoo voice is hard, and he says that today is the last time, he will see his mother, she goes along with him. He tells her to be happy in her new life and forget him, and that they did the task at him him a favor, so he can find his own way.

Although the words for the show are, Mom is still emotional as she apologized. Jung-hoo is a cold farewell, saying that he will be here to pack his business and never come back to Korea, but not crying his mouth on them. Then, after he goes, Mom bursts into heaving sobs.

Review. Mom watching (other) son on a playground play, shocked when a young Jung-hoo comes and says: ". Found You" He eyes. With bitterness, but it is only concerned about his health and tries to give him her coat, he pushes away Mom falls to her knees sobbing, and then his little half brother invites him and biting his leg and told him not to bring his mother cry.

Only now he knows that Mom has a new family, and that hurts. Jung-hoo says accusingly: "Why can not you live with him, but not with me?" Mom only sobs: "I'm sorry", and Jung-hoo crying at her not to cry, because then he can not say anything.

When he goes, chasing a man for him to say that it was his fault, and that he Mom, asked him to marry, and that Mama always speaks of Jung - hoo while crying. Jung-hoo sees his mother watching, to see back and asks every day when screams. The man admits that Mama cries easily, and Jung-hoo tells him to make sure that it no longer does.

He knows that the shell of the man wearing for him, so he just says brusquely that he would take it, and goes to have done what little he could feel better mom. Agh, so a small big man, grew up before his time.

Next Jung-hoo goes to the Moon-ho, of him more so-Moon-shik only tested whether Jung-hoo was the healer assures nobody mess with his mother. He says that his Hyung is not so low that it would go on, that seems like it could be true in this case, but also seems naive of Moon-ho. I hope for his sake he is right.

Jung-hoo reminds him that his brother Mom used as bait and tried to kill Young-shin. His impatience is at odds with Moon-ho infuriating calm, and he wants to know why Young-shin aimed, keen to ensure that they will never be in danger. Moon-ho tells him a man called the Elder is the real mastermind, and that's who they are to go to the next.

Jung-hoo asks who this "we" refers to, and Moon-ho replied. "You and I, and probably Young-shin" Jung-hoo is not very interested, correctly guessing tactics that Moon-ho is to unmask the Elder with the media. Jung-hoo is only interested to find his father's police files and getting rid of the evil giggles to the Moon-ho that Elder will kill only cause another to take his place.

Just then, the doorbell rings, and Moon-ho sends Jung-hoo to answer them, saying only that "the woman, I like . " In irritation Jung-hoo opens the door ... and finds Young-shin. Wait, did Moon-ho just confess his intentions?

freeze each other there to see, stretched the air between them. Then Jong-soo joins them, completes the team, although he remains a leg that is hopelessly out of the loop.

Moon Shik urges Myung-hee to take her pills and go to sleep, but she decides that she wants to spend more time awake. She says it is okay if it is pain, but she wants to do some thinking, as it has been aged, since it has done each. It begins with twenty years ago, asking about their hospital bills, it was placed in a VIP room for a year. How he managed all pay for it?

he has an answer, he sold his junkyard but Myung-hee says with a cold smile that it goes beyond the mathematics. And when he takes her hand, she pulls free.

Moon Shik not understand the sudden change, and it annoys him. The sight of his water glass grabs his attention, and he inches it closer to the edge of the counter, almost in a trance, until he pushes over the edge. It blows up. Foreshadowing?

Young-shin gets their new story-digging work in the background of the next candidate for mayor, also known as Moon Shik and interviews Moon-ho as part of it. She feels Moon Shik trajectory from 1992 to the present to find his big increases in Media Manager, quite unusual.

Moon-ho recalls how in those days, every day, but many visitors had come through, they were not from the media. Jeil newspaper was on the verge of bankruptcy, but an investment company called Omega bought shares and immediately thereafter, Moon Shik became president. "Is not that interesting?" He asks.

Jung-hoo a moment snatches with Min-yes, worrying about teachers being held at the police station to connect. He is ready to release to incriminate the old man, but Min-ja commands him to stay put feeling sure that the teacher will take care of themselves.

It's bad enough that Young-shin is removed with it, but now to see Jung-hoo has her cheerily chatting with the boss and buddy. Moon-ho assigns each a stack of research tomorrow to get through, and ignored Jung-hoo protest that he now busy evening. Jong-soo, on the other hand, is happy together go home with Young-shin to work, and Jung-hoo simmering in the background.

Thus, the three reporters are then the coffee over, and Dad greeted the newcomer. to impress Jong-soo eager Dad to Jung-Hoo's upset, and Papa and ajusshi trying to figure out what brought guy Young-shin cry. She had thought it was Bong-sookie, but as they be kind to the other guy, they are no longer safe.

Jung-hoo shoots drilled Jong-soo (seriously, could kill if looks) when he reads about documents with Young-shin. Finally, he heads in excitement from, looking for a drink, and Young-shin there is a choice to offer it to him: East or West. He takes to the east, and she tells him the result: you are standing next to each other for a minute and talk.

He asks what would get him to the west, and when she says a ten-second hug, he immediately turns to her with outstretched arms and says: "I want to change."

at least making them laugh, and he says that he relieved because he thought that she was mad at him. She replies: "I'm not angry, I'm holding back."

"Holding back?" He asks. "Yes," she replies, "to maintain the desired hands."

He stares down at her, surprised. "I embrace want to, and talk all night," she says. "And to kiss." Omg. He is stunned speechless, and then Young-shin clarifies "I want to do with him, but I'm holding back."

Ah, boo. Note that in Korean, it totally sounded like she meant it. Things with Bong-Soo, wanted to do up to this last part I am sure that ambiguity was intentional, too, it is their small way to express their feelings to express, while to maintain its facade.

When she moved away, Jung-hoo she stops and comes around to her as he goes, to say something ... do something .. . But then he shakes his head, unable to take it further.

"He has not come yet," Young-shin says. Jung-hoo says: "He will have a reason." She agrees, but says the guy still a jerk. And so, even though they'll be waiting for him, "Still, it makes me angry."

He admits that, and for a brief second, Young-shin puts her forehead on his shoulder. He attacks to touch, but she pulls away and moves over, brushing her hands barely. And then Jung-hoo reached frantically grab her back, but gets only empty air. He sees crushed

Morning Min-ja catches a glimpse of suspicious activity on the safety monitor. Secretary Oh meeting someone. We do not see him clearly, but they seem to recognize him.

teacher eats breakfast in custody, and Detective Yoon comes to question him, begin with the name Jo Min-ja. Teacher feigns ignorance but Detective Yoon is not fooled, as Min-ja, his former sunbae, listed as a guest teacher in prison five times. She taught him all about hacking, and yesterday he met a well-known pattern.

teacher smiles and says that he would have to vomit. "I am the healer"

falls outside the station, a police officer may be something in a trash can, and the camera lingers on a small vial. Hm.

Min-ja calls Jung-hoo, once henchmen recognized the man who met Secretary Oh-on of Detective Yoon. Mist says an insider at the station is in league with the bad guys. Then Jung-hoo starts.

teacher gives his statement to give the foundations of his Healer activities, and volunteers with the latest and work to start backwards. He fidgets with his collar and adds: ". I do not have much time" Shit, what was in that bottle? Shit, that was in his breakfast?

Young-shin continues its research and come to a happy photo of Moon Shik and his wife. She lingers on Myung-hee face, although why is not all white.

teachers to provide information easily about his latest work is for Moon Shik that he trusts confirmed cases of Go Sung-Chul Hwang and President.

But suddenly he starts foaming at the mouth, even if it does not wipe the smile from his face. "I told you:" The teacher gargles. "I do not have much time."

His head is lowered to the chest. obtain Detective Yoon tears from the room for help.

Jung-hoo rushed to the police station and see the ambulance at the door. A body is wheeled out on a stretcher, a sheet pulled over his head. An arm falls limp under the sheet, the treacherous wound unveiled on teacher arm.


Noooooo, not you, OG Healer! At first I wondered if he had been poisoned, but upon consideration, I believe it is more likely that the teachers come to recognize the symptoms and decided he would confess, before he died. I was angry at him for the way he left Jung-hoo, but I've really grown fond, and found his combination facade of smiling and bubbling undertone to be truly convincing. This drama has done a fantastic job everyone's past colleagues casting and teachers is one of the highlights, where you can really see how you grew up in the other. His constant smile can be annoying sometimes, when Jung-Hoo's dying to be serious for him especially, but it is entirely consistent with his character and as an added bonus, it is gratifying to see how much it pisses Moon shik ,

This scene with old friends was one of my favorites, and it is because teacher is so smooth that it is powerful, if he let this show steeliness, as he did when he swore the bear cub to protect. He may not know that he went to his death as he took Jung-hoo place, but it was still moving, to see how he already took on his fate. Perhaps it also satisfies him that he died on poison to think that Jung-hoo had withdrawn instead. In this way, Jung-Hoo's two closest relatives have both pushed him to protect him away, and it is particularly poignant (and yes, also frustrating) that they would willingly accept the lesser pain to spare him a larger one. The fact that he will learn as much after the fact, feels like one of those great concerns of growing up-you do not appreciate things until it is too late to take back your reaction. But that's life.

It seems likely that Moon Shik gave the order to kill a teacher after her. Face to face, the other adds to his body number tally Sigh. It is interesting to see that in the flashback scene, Moon Shik may even have had an explanation that some sort of made sense-it does not relieve him of his decision to sell his soul, but I believe that at a time his heart in the right place. And funny enough, I feel like when the five friends had stayed alive, Moon Shik would not go away, have been tried on the dark side, because even if he did not have everything he wanted and remained his thirst for more things in life unfulfilled, so the friendships would be enough. But once that cracked, lost Moon Shik the sign of its influence, and it's been just a bad choice after bad choice.

I find a nice shady character Moon shik who does not strike me as a one-note villain, but admittedly he is eviller and eviller get enough that I have little sympathy for his actions. I got chills at the suggestion that he might be intentional doping Myung-hee, to keep her numb and at his side in the cage. Before this episode I thought that he would take on their condition to keep them housebound, selfish, but with good intentions. It has not hit me that he would medicate so strong that they would most of the time asleep and spend, which is particularly creepy, because it suggests that he wants her as a possession, not a partner. If he really is just trying to keep their pain, then maybe he is not quite the devil incarnate. But now I can not get rid of the idea that he is on unnecessary drugs to keep, so they do not think for themselves, and that makes me shudder

make a difference .: Young-shin knows !!!! I was not sure what I wanted from her response to the discovery, but it was interesting to me that she was betrayed by Bong-Soo more than she was thrilled to know who was their healer. Granted, just the shock reaction could be the first, and they will come in addition to the joy. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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