Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 6

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 6 -

There is an Kang -chul centric episode as - no, wait, come back! Come back! Yes, he could be a total ass, but everyone has a back story has, and we get an insight into his. If that is not enough, there is the promise of Ho Kyung revenge keep us on our toes. We also learn why Do-hee otherwise the baby and if nothing to keep decided, there is the adorable Ho-gu to do what he does best. We Pelzchen give


Sixth Foolish Act: "Let's not have the past asking "

we pick up where we left off with Kang-chul visit Do-hee in the hospital, and Ho-gu overheard their conversation , with the epic conclusion "to use a condom, you bastard!" in slap in the face. So satisfactory.

Kang Chul-panicked his nosebleed and stumbles to the ground to discover. Ho-gu hiding his face and tried as soon as the elevator doors open, but Kang-chul grabs his legs to run. Before he goes completely away, Ho-gu asks angry when Kang-chul is hungry, and then throws the buns he plans had to give Do-hee at Kang-chul, he took to slip in a last throw of the condoms Ho Kyung before the doors close.

as a nurse and doctor shriek in horror a knocked Kang-chul slumped in the elevator to discover he Voiceover: "My name is Kang-chul Byun Kang-chul.. "

an overtired Tae-hee and Chung-jae are trying to develop a way to get their webtoon alive (they decide they can not Jordan use because their attitude for the second season because the popular "Bisaeng" webtoon it used pffft). Ho-gu finally arrives at the office, and it is a melodramatic reunification as Tae-hee asks him where he's been beating on Ho-gu chest like a forgotten lover.

in Ho-gu silence when he asks if he and Do-hee are over, Tae-hee wonders if he now a baby runner after his life spend a snack runner to be. He has become tried to talk sense into Ho-gu, to ask who is the father, and Ho-gu admits that he knows who it is, but it takes Tae-hee to put a name to a face. Byun Kang-chul

Speak of the devil. It also tries to find out why Ho-gu so familiar to him seem - maybe it's someone he won a lawsuit against the against him has a grudge? When he attempts to place where he has seen before Ho-gu, comes Gong mi to get some documents, and convenient spots Kang Chul-old yearbook. But that spark a sudden connection, and he grabs it from her, to Ho-gu Mirror Image (the change in the lift of him into a snarl image, ha!).

In a high school retrospect, Kang-chul notes that Ho-gu Snack behalf of the school's boy, or "bread-Shuttle, "always to do one of three things: buying bread for someone or buying milk or buying bread and milk at the same time. It is clear, Kang Chul-that it is a case of bullying at school and a violation of his fundamental human rights, but Ho-gu flummoxes him to be so happy to do his daily errands.

He can born only conclude that Ho was -gu, to be a slave to others. Kang Chul-can predict well the exact moment that Tae-hee come running to help his friend. As Tae-hee and Ho-gu are for getting the snack to beat wrong, Kang-chul goes away, she dismissed as inferior beings.

Ho-gu its own yearbook pulled double check that it is the same person, and Tae-hee reminds him that Kang-chul was always a lucky guy in high school.

Another retrospective, and a group of girls all swooning over Kang-chul's good looks (or class president Ranking when Tae-hee assessment go). How Do-hee, returns a book to Kang Chul-Ho-gu wonders if she likes Kang-chul. Given the four-leaf clover in the book left, and the way she smiles as she walks away, I would say that's a safe bet is. Ho-gu sees the clover fall from the book and holds up to pick up, angry cries for Kang-chul: "Hey"

In the presence of Kang Chul wonders why Ho-gu attacked him in the elevator , He rifles through his yearbook until he finds four-leaf clover: "No way ..." Looking back at the High School: Ho-gu is the clover to a confused Kang-chul, put it in his hand and tell him not to throw it away.

today to remind today's Ho-gu and Kang-chul are not satisfied.

suspected Tae-hee that Kang-chul is the father because he assumes that the only reason a celebrity as Do-hee in the high school reunion went, the father of the child was to be found, of a must be a former student. Downing Soju are a few guys who we saw at the reunion, and if one starts crying that he has done bad things in his life, it is shown that they both have the same same anonymous ", you had with your family spend Christmas not? "texts as Kang-chul. Interesting.

There are no messages, the sender is the mysterious, and Kang Chul-pounds his desk in frustration before he returned to his normal self robot-like. When he tried with Ho Kyung, Gong-mi for its Blind Date sets that he looks more like he is going as a romantic date to a business meeting. Which of Kang-chul is fine, because that's exactly how he sees this date.

In Hospital Do-hee voicemails from their manager they ignored warning about reporters, because it is already gossip about her disappearance, and attempts to settle their hospital bill. Because they insurance in an effort to refused to keep her identity secret, she locks the sum of - and then try to negotiate a discount, since they pay in cash. Ha!

Ho-gu tried the urge to fight Do-hee to visit, to say that he only to work, to go home leaves. But when he comes out, he runs in coach, who treated him to lunch as a way to say thank you for paying back to the amount he borrowed in Yeosu (aw, Ho-gu even made sure that for the ATM transaction fee to additionally contain). Coach real purpose is to find out where Do-hee, but, and Ho-gu creates awkward to work around the issue.

But Coach melodramatic worried whether or not Do-hee is sick or kidnapped or killed, and Ho-gu rushes to reassure coach that does it well, uh, that is, it has only believes it must do well. You're a terrible liar, Ho-gu.

Do-hee watches happy families the viewing area of ​​the hospital baby room surrounded, as it waits to be given her alone for her baby. She's a little dazed the nurses the child on the hand, and when she says she'll go home, they assume, it will return to the States.

carefully her cradling newborn, she slowly leaves the room and noticed listen to the nurses that she is the one that never got to try and nurse their Baby, and how much they like the float looks Do Do-hee. One of the nurses wonders why, when they returned Americans to talk to them in saturi while working instead of English. Do-hee turns around, and in hesitant English, adopted.

Ho-gu comes to the hospital, without knowing that coach is hot on his tail. But Do-hee has already been dismissed, so he goes back to the bus stop oppressed. though just across the street, Do-hee is to get in a taxi, and Ho-gu screams and runs after her to try and get their attention - but not so lucky

Dressed to Kill (he, figuratively., but I hope perhaps literally as well), Ho-Kyung makes her way to her blind date with Kang-chul. Gong-mi calls, worried because it is too late for the date. But it's all a part of Ho Kyung plan. It is exactly seven minutes late, so that it build anticipation and let them be in control of the first impression.

There are about half a dozen boys, all looking identical in their suits, all waiting in the hotel lobby. They cheerfully when Ho Kyung walks in and scramble to their phones when she pulls her. But they dig back down in their seats, as Kang Chul answered his phone. Smiling, Ho Kyung walks over to him, apologizing for being late. Inwardly, she says, it is just as bad as it was six years ago -. And just so beautiful

Do-hee arrives in a cheap motel, and it looks like it is here to stay for some time, based on all the personal items scattered around the room. She puts the baby on the bed and slowly grabs him from his blanket. Awww, he's just the sweetest little thing. Your eyes with tears as she gently caressing well his stomach and holding his hand.

After following her to the motel, Ho-gu slowly makes its way through the corridors. He stops at a door, where he hears the sound of a baby crying and gently knocks. Do-hee she replies, surprised to see him. Ho-gu is surprised by coach who pushes aside and barges into the room Ho-gu.

coach breaks down after the baby, cry to see, and to hit the ground. But Do-hee, unimpressed, tells him to be quiet, or he will wake the child. Ho-gu tries to keep the peace as a coach and Do-hee bicker back and forth, and when demands to know coach, who is the father, Do-hee tells him it is not a.

He says that is impossible - what is it, some kind of Virgin Mary? Do-hee is pleased to have an example of another woman who gave birth alone, added that coach should just think it. As a miraculous birth

At dinner, Ho Kyung drilled by Kang-chul of chattering on about his work, even if she is smiling and seems interested. She pours on the flattery of his choice of restaurants and dining choices, and he tells her, proud that not everyone get to this restaurant. Besides it is the twelfth time she has been there this year at an elected date. Pffft.

They are eyes the other couples their blind with dates, as are opponents in table tennis advise exactly the couples are about to start their game and what serve as a smashing finish. After dinner, proposes Kang-chul coffee and Ho Kyung has politely to pay. Kang Chul-course tell her she'll pay - he paid for anything for dinner. Oh, you ass.

They start their own game of table tennis, and cocky Kang Chul-serving first, wanted only the last part of the date to discuss as soon as possible. Pffft, he even has a flow chart as you will notice is a woman is a suitable dating partner and desirable.

He is first, complimented her beauty (the first step in the flow chart), and easily they are to thank him demurely, and then surprise him by pointing out that physical beauty really for stimulating hormone is a natural force. This will match the next criteria ( "Is it cultivated?").

This time it is used Ho-Kyung of, and Kang-chul off telling her that they he has ever seen the second most beautiful person, but denies that the most beautiful is his mother or his first love, as suggested by Ho-Kyung. She does not care, though, because when she goes to him she is not interested in his past - only the present and the future. This applies to the last criteria ( "Did not annoy me?"), And it's game, set, match.

Kang Chul looks like he do not quite know how to deal with this discovery that she has made it easy to be flowchart and Ho Kyung sips her tea nonchalantly.

Ho-gu clears Do-hee room as Coach nap with the baby. Do-hee feels bad for coach, because it is his main source of income and they disappeared for six months a baby to have. Ho-gu asks her why she did it, if they knew it would be a shocking thing -. scream And especially with a guy like Kang Chul

He grabs her shoulders when he is a fool thinks (a "hogu"). Surprised, she says that he is Kang Ho-gu. But he insists that even if he is a fool, they should not be used to take him - why would she flirt with him when Kang-chul of the baby with

Except it's just his imagination, and Do-hee stares at him and asked if he has something to tell her. He pretends to explain the dust brush of the shoulders as a way why he grabbed her, and it's back to Treasure Ho-gu, as he worries whether she is okay.

He sighs as he wonders how it relieves their stress. Coach can scream, cry, drink and sleep - but what Do-hee? He offers her some food to buy, but they just want some fresh air.

coach soon it occurs, where it stands on the roof of the motel. Staring at the cityscape, and asks as a coach, why they decided to have the baby, when it is so determined to succeed in her swimming career, she smiles gently and says it. Because of the Ho-gu

It is also because of ahjumma pickpocket who has their wallets stolen in Yeosu. Looking back at Do-hee confrontation in the bathroom, and after that they signed the baby-carrier to wonder why the decision to have the baby ahjumma, although she has no husband or family to support them. What gave her through the courage to go with it?

The ahjumma pickpocket admits that she had the baby because she did have the courage. She had lived her own will upon completion by then, but while to have an abortion, waited, she realized that she would regret it. She plans to give it to a family for adoption, which is financially stable and to have been able to live a better life than she could give him. Even so, because her baby, she gladly admits much more these days.

On the roof, Do-hee says that she went to the abortion clinic, but just could not go with him. She says coach not to worry - things are not as they have planned begun, but she is determined to see it through to the end. Also it is the baby up for adoption

coach asks concerns about the reporter, they are trying to find, and she says that they are going fine -. You'll make sure. But coach wonders what the deal with her friend, who takes care of her baby without complaint. Do-hee smiles and says that is only Ho-gu.

When Ho-gu looks about the baby, he sighs that he did not ask to be able at the end, Do-hee, what happened between her and Kang-chul, or if its the baby. He tried to tell himself that it better so - to Ho Kyung, just like you do not have an older ask when they die, you can not a girl ask about her past

Kang. -chul drives Ho-Kyung home, and when Gong mi her lyrics, dying to know how to do it, she assures her friend that the game is not over. Ho Kyung apologized sweet to Kang Chul-for SMS, she apologetically as work-related matter. When he pulls away to fall, she smiles brightly, thanking him for the date and tell him the next time it will be her pleasure.

He agrees, but does not seem convinced they will meet again. She tells him coquettishly, if he is not a second date does not agree, then they will find out who was the most beautiful person. As Kang Chul-go their watches, he wonders whether or not, if a past which means that you that you can not talk about good luck or bad luck.

Ho-gu observed the baby to sleep, to satisfy himself that the baby has Kang-chul nose and chin, and tried to warn the baby that he would hate it in the future. But the cute faces of his marks on the baby his words Bely.

Kang-chul decides that he will not be able to Ho-Kyung to say who was the best person - ". That Punk" because of best man is nothing but

A brief flashback shows sudden high school Kang-chul kissed. The face of kisser is covered by a hood and scarf, but Kang-chul tells us, "Because this person Ho-gu Kang Ho-gu.."


Well, that was a twist I did not see coming. You have my attention definitely got, show.

I was not sure what to expect when the expected "My name Ho-gu is. Kang Ho-gu" was replaced by "My name is Kang-chul. Byun Kang-chul" at the beginning episode. It may have been a panic moment, because after the previous episode, I was not too keen on spending an episode centered around Kang-chul. Although I believe that the conversation Ho-gu heard was a red herring, and really about something else than condoms (my favorite theory is it has to do with legal matters, because it is likely to rely on the only Advocate Do-hee could), Kang-chul has definitely been a sympathetic character lately.

But now I am flabbergasted with the realization that he was probably in love with Ho-gu. Sure, the kiss itself was obviously Ho Kyung, but Kang-chul did not know - he probably does not even know Ho-gu a twin. That makes me wonder: Is this the reason why Kang Chul-Blind Dates sees as business proposals? Because he crush unrequited since high school a mystery Ho-gu had? I also wonder if what makes him such a jolt, but the same sex may not magically grant the rights to be a total ass for all.

Which is why I am so glad that Ho Kyung is ruining his life. Obviously, they must have had back in the day one thing for him, and I'm dying of curiosity to see how this whole high school version of Twelfth Night went. But to see in this day and age, I'm so happy, as quiet and safe shakes him. It is so satisfying, tranquility, Robot Kang Chul-collected get her so unnerved observed.

How for Do-hee, I loved her in this episode. I mean, I just love them in general, but this episode was fantastic to let us get another look, she's facade behind. I've been impressed with UEE since the beginning, but this is my favorite episode yet for them. I was particularly moved by their attempt watched to keep away from their child melt away when they brought him home, tears as she held his little hands and looking as much in love with her baby. You may not initially wanted this child, and she can plan, give him to accept, but it is still his mother, and she still loves his sweet little face. And let's face it, the baby is cuuuuuuuuuuuute.

Perhaps Ho-gu will accept it. Despite the fact that he respect Do-hee privacy is terrible and the limits set them (I'm still annoyed by that of the previous episode, and although I know that it will end well, I'm not a fan following him they. to her motel) it is clearly head-over-heels for this little guy Hey, maybe if it is Kang-chul of the baby, he and Kang-chul can take it and raise them together! Whatever progressive

Hey, a girl can dream that drama Country will give you a happy ending where everyone wins - Do-hee gets to keep swimming and win her gold, knowing that her child be taken is supported by the best mom figure; Ho Kyung gets her revenge and can torment for the rest of their lives Kang Chul; Kang-chul gets the most beautiful person he has ever met; and Ho-gu gets to play hero Saver treasure at all and the cutest baby ever increase. Win-win-win-win win .

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tags: Choi Woo-Shik in Ho Gu love, UEE

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