Recap And Reviews Kdrama It's okay, it's love: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama It's okay, it's love: Episode 9 -

It is a series of breakthroughs for all apart from our hero, the difficulty is even with demanding from the actual reality of his reality. Our new pair learns that a relationship as Kisses is much more, check with each other about the occasional one-minute phone calls, and is cool with the ex-boyfriend who depend repeatedly around the square. With different opinions about how lingering relationships can influence those present, these two a long way to go, if they are going to lead them to the end.


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Jae-yeol the tears and sweat of Hae-soo face wipes away until she stirred awake. There are because she cried to tears in his eyes, which he explains in his sleep. See how they are both attracted, one wonders if they put together after everyone was asleep.

as she lay there, Hae-soo examines the numerous scars on his body. he does not know where they come from, and she tells him not to hurt. he confirmed that he loves her, words that Hae-soo does not believe. Moreover, it is not at this point yet.

He says that's okay, because they love him in the end. when asked why she was crying, Hae-soo in his chest hugs and said that she thought of something. But she will tell him, what it was much later, "If I love really come, I'll tell you then. What I thought today. and I will also tell you how selfish and horrible a person I really am."

If he says he loves you then she will believe that he loves her. Jae-yeol plants a kiss on his head-he still loves her, regardless. We then get the answer to our question if Hae-soo says confuse himself not to think that he has all of it, just because they slept together once.

Jae-yeol he answers would not think. Satisfied with this answer, Hae-soo rolls a few winks to catch closer to him. Jae-yeol writes quietly while she sleeps, the shushing near Crab.

Shortly before dawn, Jae-yeol with the launch awakens imaginary, having been in a car accident Kang-woo. But he is not fully awake either, as by big bro Jae-Bum Dreams stabs him repeatedly in the gut. Good God, do not tell me you stabbing even this time, Jae-yeol!

dream Jae-Bum says Mama Ok-ja would be saddened by Jae-yeol death. We see a further insight into the past, where Mama Ok-ja something rolled paper had lighted. In the presence of Jae-yeol struggles against the pain until he wakes up on the beach, but he still looks the bleeding wound. I can not imagine that there is something sharp to hurt near for Jae-yeol itself, but the risk of self-injury is seriously alarming.

But Hae-soo wakes up in time for see Jae-yeol eke "My ... stomach. It bleeds." She grabs his face and asked if he had a nightmare. It's because she does not see what he sees-the bleeding, the later of the eyes moments disappear.

He is still gripped with terror, although, as he says haltingly that Kang-woo was in an accident and that Jae-bum stabbed him. Hae-soo pulls him into a hug, profusely apologizing that they forget that it can just peacefully sleeping in a bathtub.

you help him regulate his breathing, and it takes him a minute to get even his breath. Once he does, he insists that he is now fine, but Hae-soo that they wait until he calms down.

And while Jae-yeol would love to do that, but he says there are people coming. She says there is no one around, but there are voices in the vicinity, and they make a hurry, but to spend quiet holiday.

Back at the hotel, Hae-soo bath prepares Jae-yeol to sleep. He jokes that it is probably not it is attractive perched in a pan to see, and when, because to break it, then so be it.

they put him in and says they are now much rest they got to the series is to get him to sleep. Drowsy, Jae-yeol mutters that he thinks he should not break with her because he finds them so comfortable to be around. He takes her hand, which she places and knocking him soothingly until he falls asleep.

Hae-soo unni worry whether Jae-yeol someone they can trust alone with her sister, let alone to be a romantic weekend. She is afraid that Hae-soo end up hurting perhaps, but Sunbae Jo assured her that in Hae-soo case of love is either to celebrate about creating memories or something.

Sunbae Jo finally gets to his ex-wife Doctor Lee by saying he their own counter problem was right about her sister marriage situation. Sunbae Jo it does not rub against and asks instead of following the course of action. Her sister and her husband received couple therapy, and if Sunbae Jo suggests they meet, Doctor Lee takes a Rain Check.

The ongoing argument behind Sunbae Jo has reached levels now mostly screaming on so nyeo the part. heard enough of this petty bickering to have Sunbae Jo tells Soo-Kwang, to buy her everything she wants, so that he even going to get his lingering feelings and for all. Soo-Kwang are after.

as they walk along the beach, Hae-soo suggests that Jae-yeol treatment for his OCD symptoms to follow. Conflict of interest preventing him from the treatment he. Jokes, if that means that they can not be objective because they are so very like him

your hand pulls out of his in a huff, then asks why he does not get upset when she calls him a player. She scoffs when he says that it is entitled to their own expression as he is saying that he is not an if attached to him the day looking for stylist chest, they saw for the first time hit or sneak glances at the pretty Women here?

to do to her surprise, Jae-yeol is so in his usual matter-of-fact tone, added that he thought as Hae-soo much better than all these women. Though amused, she asks if he compare with other women. He does not see anything wrong with it, and he hopes that she does the same with him. Because then they will see how great he is.

Again Hae-soo asks if he loves her, and if he says yes, she wonders if he says these words too early and throwing too easily from them. So Jae-yeol asked when they would be an appropriate time thinking for him these three words, when to say it does not say it is okay for him to say that he loves her after each kiss and slept together, then when ?

She says only, it is all too quickly, and Jae-yeol accepted that ". Well, I do not love you now," Hilariously, Hae-soo finds the idea that he not love now repulsive. You can not have both, my dear.

Jae-yeol rejects the proposal to seek psychological treatment and says Kang-woo meet her at the airport. Hae-soo declares that it again goes to come to Okinawa and go around the world in the next year on a trip.

She asks if he is going to determine whether to go or not, just because they are a member, but Jae-yeol promotes the idea. He likes the idea to go to different places and meet all kinds of people to help her patients, but she refuses the idea, they go together. He spends too much money, she says. Amused, he planted a kiss on her lips, their displeasure.

Soo-Kwang buys so-nyeo a new pair of kicks and is on the idea of ​​dating is not sharp, when they see another guy. It runs by mistake in a ajusshi wearing cardboard, holding his head down and the So-nyeo frowns on. Oh, he is their father?

Soo-Kwang tells her that she should not look at her father down, lifted a hand, as her why she asks shouldn 't. When motorcycle guy comes just then, Soo-Kwang told So-nyeo that his feelings in the past year were sincere for her. He knew he should not be a little like, so it from other women to try and forget it.

But that is where it ends, says Soo-Kwang, and he gives her the money in his wallet, which represent what leave his feelings. So-nyeo snapped at him as he goes-what makes them worry when he leaves? Her mother did the same to her anyway.

Now back in Korea, Jae-yeol sighs that he did not get much progress in his work on the plane. Hae-soo, he says have an off-day, but it can seem more like Jae-yeol is a few off- with months .

Hae-soo gapes when told to go home alone. It's because Jae-yeol is concerned that Kang-woo is not answering his calls (... because it is not real), and she says, if it is because of this dream. Can not Kang-woo call him earlier today?

He leaves them there, while it is running in the road and almost hit by oncoming traffic. Now I think he goes to land in this car accident. He finds Kang-woo in the parking lot, where the latter huffs that it has been serviced.

Kang-woo is surprised to hear that Hae-soo left already, although it stands to reason that it's because Jae-yeol wanted to check on him. "You're the only person I have in this world," Kang-woo says. Oh, how true that is.

Kang-woo hands on his latest manuscript (entitled "A Youth Rainshower"), added that the content is not as sappy as the title. Jae-yeol asks Kang-woo mother, but Kang-woo is interested in whether Jae-yeol sleeping place with his girlfriend or not.

Hae-soo and Jae-yeol come home a tear-filled to see Soo-Kwang sings from his broken heart. But the mood quickly turns tense when Hae-soo So-nyeo refused to be the therapist and teach them about sex education. She tells Jo Sunbae it to do instead, but he argues that he has no relationship with the young delinquents.

When Hae-soo says Jae-yeol can do it, instead hollers Sunbae Jo, as he would not work. Soo-Kwang finally speaks up and said that, while he broke with so nyeo, he could not help a twinge of pain at hearing the feeling as her mother left.

He wants to ensure that the so nyeo woman has to speak, but Hae-soo argues that you can find anything on the Internet. Sunbae Jo scolds sure to remind them of their own words, when they moved into this house. "We would create a world where people can trust and learn each other to lean. We agreed that most mental illnesses are due to an inability of effective communication, so that we have an open communication!"

Jae-yeol rises to Hae-soo defense, but she says there is no need to take sides. You will agree that it leaves cold and ruthless, then. Sunbae Jo laughs when Jae-yeol holds on their behalf to speak, and ensures Soo-Kwang, that they need to get only Hae-soo little more they prod aboard.

"Just like how she fell for this one," he says, when Jae-yeol nod. Once Sunbae Jo leaves, Soo-Kwang asks if Jae-yeol and Hae-soo actually slept together what Jae-yeol needs to leave as his cue.

on the way Jae-bum, Tae-yong takes another call from the police about Jae-yeol to visit. He tells Mama Ok-ja, who do not really know why Jae-yeol hung around his old neighborhood, but he lost his wallet there.

Even stranger still, check the police officers to see the CCTV recordings Jae -yeol fight with anyone but himself.

Jae-yeol is still suffering from writer's block at home, so he takes the manuscript a glance at Kang-woo is. Hae-soo calls only wonder why it has not been tested. He explains that he prefers not to call while he works, and took them had wanted the same.

Jae-yeol goes down the door during this call to answer, then said pointedly named before as PD Choi hang walk through the door. PD Choi says he is ready to wrap only Sunbae Jo his therapy session, and Jae-yeol has the urge to fight, to beat him.

While PD Choi has an Internet search on Jae-yeol and read an article about Jae-bum with interest, Mom Ok-ja and Tae-yong said that Jae-bum want to see anyone except Sunbae Jo. You are the officer another book to provide her son

It is one of Mama Ok-ja poems reads Jae-bum in his cell. : could have

I lived in a beautiful world
so why do I have to take the path that can not be found on a map?
How long should I continue to live in this misery?
There was in my mind one thought only?
What can I do so that I can lead a normal life?

We are then at night withdrawn Jae-bum and Jae-yeol stepfather was killed: Mama Ok-ja Jae-bum had from the man's chest to remove the knife seen. When she clasped her unconscious younger son in her arms, she looked back in horror at Jae-Bum. "Jae-yeol ... stabbed him" Jae-Bum said apprehensively.

In the presence of Mama Ok-ja a note of Jae-Bum in the discovered book she has received. "Why did not you believe me?" Jae-bum wrote. "Jae-yeol was the one who killed him. Wait and see what the son leave with the son do, you will love."

When Mama Ok-ja tries breath Jae -Bum builds on its Rose catch made from his diet, then frustrated the chuck book. She answers a call from Jae-yeol, who says he just wanted to hear her this song

Over at the hospital, Doctor Lee and Hae-soo through their latest case, drill the residents: a. Couple in their fifties years shared psychotic disorder, to believe that their home has a cockroach infestation for months. Doctor Lee Hae-soo is a heads-up that the man might be schizophrenic.

Hae-soo apologizes to Dr. Lee about her behavior towards her to Sunbae Jo the other day. But Dr. Lee has made some self-reflection over the weekend and realized that she felt that was more to blame than the love for her ex-husband.

Sunbae Jo had once desired a child, and she had gone secretly to birth control agree despite the idea. She believed that a child would have a negative impact on her career, but she was found, feigning ignorance. But even if Sunbae Jo was smart enough to realize that he was not after that talk to her.

"I think I should also apologize to him," Doctor Lee says. They recognize that it is their fault that their marriage fell apart, and it will remain as his friend.

Now that they share secrets, Hae-soo has one of their own to say: "I .. with Jang Jae-yeol slept" Instead Hae-soo anxiety symptoms, Dr. Lee is more interested in whether Hae-soo thought of her mother when she Jae-yeol kissed

Hae-soo begins well with tears now. Oh, they did? Doctor Lee is sympathetic tears, and Hae-soo admits that yes, she thought of her mother and Ajusshi Kim. But these thoughts in disgust at her mother, who she thought looked hideous looked really nice to her that night in Okinawa.

In a breaking voice, Hae-soo says it noticed that only her mother consolation from the care of a disabled husband and children was her relationship with Ajusshi Kim. "I could not help thinking how lonely she must have felt."

Doctor Lee celebrates this emotional breakthrough, and says that everyone her life living for the first time, so it is something there

Hae-soo says look certain social roles to be restricted should, otherwise error has to do, rather than what how.

to confess, but it has to be to Jae-yeol. When asked whether she thinks Jae-yeol is her soulmate, Hae-soo laughs. "Probably" Doctor Lee jokes that Hae-soo could marry at this rate, and Hae-soo smiles that they want to live alone.

Hae-soo calls So-nyeo after another nudging text of Soo-Kwang, very to receive his joy. The ladies meet in Hae-soo family restaurant where So-nyeo remarks that her family do for themselves well should.

Hae-soo immediately corrected that to start notion- her family in debt thanks to their teaching and the loan of this business deeply. Her family used crazy trying to work hours to make ends meet if they are all still working hard. Including her disabled father who cares for them in his own way.

So-nyeo is straight to the point, why they speak, then explains that they all they need to know about sex ed thanks to the learned has Internet. It turns out, So-nyeo is quite knowledgeable, as it has a great interest in this topic, and thanks Hae-soo for the food before leaving.

Mom hilarious picture of Hae-soo of Okinawa holds (sent by Jae-yeol, presumably) to show her husband, not knowing that inside her daughter. Hae-soo begins her mother but does not get angry; Instead, it expresses as not that Mom does not like and Jae-yeol have behind her back in contact.

PD Choi still hanging around the house when Hae-soo comes home that evening, much to her annoyance. She bursts into Jae-yeol room while he writes to ask how he feels upon her ex-boyfriends to the house. But Jae-yeol not in the mood to have this conversation now that he is working, and Hae-soo slams the door behind her.

Meanwhile Sunbae Jo Jae-Bum includes case for PD Choi show why would they need an adult if they are focused on young offenders back into society dismissed to be? Sunbae Jo sharpens the idea that PD Choi is interested because Jae-yeol and Jae-Bum are siblings, not deny something PD Choi.

Sunbae Jo called the prison looking for a sodium amytal interview to administer Jae-bum, says only that it has been done before.

Hae-soo is further annoyed when her roommate a problem have not hang much on PD Choi around either, so by the time they Jae-yeol for a chat approaches, she says to go to him and to write. "How can I write in this mood?" Jae-yeol roars back. Whoa.

asks you how they then must feel right now, unhappy with his short "I have to write" statement. To conclude that they know too little about each other, she wonders if she should be together at all.

Sunbae Jo and Soo-kwang the lovebirds say to take their argument elsewhere, including Hae-soo clarifies that it is currently fighting with all three men in this house. Sunbae Jo does not see what is so wrong when Hae-soo not love her ex-boyfriend, anyway.

Soo-Kwang jumping on this train, and notes that Hae-soo used her ex-boyfriend to keep him because of their fear problems at bay. At the mention of an amicable separation, Hae-soo asks if that's what happened between Sunbae Jo and his ex-wife.

It is to be cursed to later do not worry, because it would cut off all remaining bonds rather than someone they later mislead and injured. She tells Soo-Kwang, that they will not see so-nyeo more either.

Sunbae Jo takes his frustrations and anger towards Hae-soo on Jae-yeol before storming out. Soo-Kwang moseys into the kitchen over and promotes Jae-yeol in him from the year entrust Hae-soo hard, is not it? "It is," Jae-yeol admits.

When Jae-yeol heads upwards, Hae-soo parrots his motto back that he is getting as good as he. They should accept it if one of his exes dropped by the house? to hear them PD Choi call a good person Jae-yeol replies that he retained his jealousy, because he wanted to.

Hae-soo, it is quite clear that it is not to be so beautiful ex girlfriends, and Jae-yeol it intersects with a kiss from. None of them are angry with each other more, and Hae-soo suggests that he hang a sign outside his room when he is working-so, it will not interrupt him.

"I'm moving out soon enough," Jae-yeol answers, and added that the construction of its old course is almost completed. Hae-soo: "What are you moving" Jae-yeol: ". Yes, I am moved"


Strangely, I had to Jae-yeol presence so used in this house that I remember that this was a temporary living situation for him. We know that he was having trouble with writing lately, what with being in a new relationship and all the drama that takes place both inside and outside the home. It is interesting that his creative juices have been flowing not so good for him, as of late, and not guess why, I will show to his time have an answer at the appropriate time to explain.

Speaking I'll answer, admit that I was a little surprised by how Hae-soo managed to keep her fear and previously mentioned fear of physical intimacy at bay during sexy times with Jae-yeol. All series long we said, as her anxiety problems were a major obstacle that hinders their love life for years, so it felt like pretty fast character development are seen their defensive walls, as quickly brought within a few weeks a new relationship and a few days in Okinawa. Could we hope that the show more than the constant emphasis of various sexual topics has to speak that come in every episode in and out like a revolving door?

Furthermore Hae-soo been estranged relationship with her mother is a continuing conflict in this show. Your emotional trauma planted by her mother witnesses kissing another man, that seed of anxiety and fear, and while I all for Hae-soo'm bringing with her mother in line, their own emotional breakthrough came as a result of her own sexual awakening. In this sense I wish that Hae-soo been able to get a little better apart from a sensuous experience to understand her mother. I hope that the reconciliation between mother and daughter is an ongoing journey, one that. With Jae-yeol

Now Hae-soo and her mother more than the influence of Hae-soo includes relationship that we at the half, we are over to see even more cracks in Jae-yeol mental instability. His psychological state has always been a concern from the beginning, but it tipped the terrifying point, if we that Jae-yeol found people other might imagine, as Kang-woo and injure themselves. Simply put, the insights into Jae-yeol nightmares are alarming, and now we know that his subconscious dreams to short-conscious hallucinations can cross. And while we are talking about hallucinations, I think only wonder how Jae-yeol holds manuscripts from a person who is not exist . At this point, there is hardly any clues that give us a solid leadership, and right now, Jae-yeol is more concerned about Kang-woo wellbeing than his writing.

We are slowly gathering clues to what we have Mama Ok-ja perspective has happened, now on that fateful night of death of the stepfather. Unfortunately, it does not have to tell us much more than we already know so much, and now I'm excited about what information that previous truth serum will hold interview. Someone has to tell the truth somewhere, so it is only a matter of time until we find out who is.

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tags: featured, Gong Hyo-jin, it's okay, it's love, Jo In-sung

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