Oh, this is funny be! I had high hopes (but very little information) about Modern Farmer all the way up to the pilot episode, and I'm glad to say that it met all my expectations so far. The story is simple, but ripe for wacky hijinks, the characters are interesting and beautiful three-dimensional, and the humor is silly without being ridiculous. I do not think that we no gears with this show are reinventing, but we are in for some great fun and the potential for a lot of laughs, but also a lot of heart.
"thinking it away because it is better than burn fade." -Kurt Cobain
The show throws us right into the action, as we three young men in the stage makeup and Rockstar see clothes, running and giddily through a pedestrian tunnel pertussis. They are pushing a cart, a fourth man with apparently as a skunk and surrounded by empty liquor bottles is drunk. Meet "Exo", a rock band consisting of four good friends who are, at this moment, too late for her concert.
keyboardist KANG HYUK ( Park Min-woo ) accepts a call from her angry manager and assured him that they would be there in five minutes. Hyuk told the dreadlocks bassist YOO HAN-Chul ( Lee Shi-on ) to step on the accelerator ... namely maknae drummer HAN KI JOON ( Kwak Dong-Yoon ), who gasping on the ground for air.
fly run through crowded streets and accidentally bump, sending the car and its occupants through the air. Lead singer Lee Min-KI ( Lee Hong-ki ) takes an air flight graceful slow-mo, before it crashes to the ground, which manages finally to wake him. celebrate he and his bandmates how cool he looked until a muscular man coming after them for his girlfriend to knock on the floor. Min-ki goes back into the car, the rest of the guys grab it, and they flee.
The audience in the concert hall is always restless, but the band shows up just in time to avoid a mutiny. They literally keep a still mostly unconscious Min-ki - but if he braces his eyes open enough to see that he on the stage, he suddenly comes to life and shakes it off. They give a fantastic performance as Min-ki tells us in voice-over, that at this time, he was not afraid and believed that he could achieve anything he desired. He tells us that they were not superstars, but could have been an amazing band.
Seven years later
Min-ki sings his heart on the outdoor stage, but his voice said that now only, he is an amazing ... losers. We see that he sings on stage, on a small group of unimpressed elderly alone. A trio of teenage girl, cranky, to see that. Only Min-ki of dissolved band Exo, and not the current kpop boy band EXO
you complain about the buddy their EXO oppas impersonation and Min-ki takes offense and tells them to stop "growl" (so punny) to educate them that it was 7 years ago in a band that the name was "Exo" and calls EXO imitators. She's fightin words, and the girls take him down matrix style.
Min-ki moves later home to the squeal scratches delivered the girls from the huge bag of peppers and he received sneezing as payment. HAHA. The peppers spilling all over his car, and he gets to try to clean it almost in a frontal collision. He lands his car buried halfway in a pile of dirt, and a single tear falls as he wonders what kind of life he lives.
We catch up with bassist Han Chul, to see that he is now a weasel for a boss, and that he will get an office paper pusher since stress often abdominal pain. He is far from the hardcore punk he used, to avoid swallowing his pride conflict with his power tripping Supervisor. He can not even find the enthusiasm for music when he and his staff go to the Noraebang after work.
Ki-joon is back in these days in the school, but is obviously struggling because he, a 5:00 shadow and slams energy drinks in an effort to stay awake in class sport. He tanks a test and go for a beer with Min-ki and Han Chul, depressed all three of them feel and tearful.
Ki-joon laments that his father (ankle pork) working to provide dining him in his jokbal if he fails another test, and Min-ki admonished him he at least be grateful to inherit a restaurant Has. Han Chul asks how long they go live so, and Min-ki scoffs that he has yet to sell out, playing guitar Noraebang also for music from swearing.
Min-ki and starts to get the band back together, but Han Chul brings him back to earth to fantasize by him to remember that they get older have become, and even Ki-joon says that each agency would sign rather young handsome idols as a has-been rock band.
Min-ki is not ready to give up and says she'll only do it themselves, but Han Chul tells him only get and make a living for a job. Min-ki swears that he never give up music, and that he would one day at Carnegie Hall playing. ~ ~ CRICKETS
Han Chul gets another stomachache and Ki-joon urges him for a checkup a doctor, but Han-chul was to see the hospital. He tells the boys that he saw Hyuk there, and that he was like a dressed internally. For some reason this Min-ki sends in anger, and he cries that Hyuk is the reason why they all like this are now. Innnnteresting.
Suddenly Ki-joon the boys carefully articulated on the TV, and Min-ki face freezes when Han Chul comments that one of the girls dancing the screen, Yoo-na ( HAN BO REUM ), still looks really pretty. He noted Min-ki grim expression and asks if he's still hung up on her, to tell him that Yoo-na as for people now out of reach.
Min-ki only collects softly his guitar up and walks away, and Ki-joon told Han Chul that it was too hard. Han Chul hollers by Min-ki, that he forgot to pay for his drinks, but Min-ki just sighs and begins to run. Han Chul turns back to the table to see that Ki-joon advantage of the distraction took and has high tailed it in the other direction to get stuck him with the bill. HAHA.
Min-ki stops home on his way to rest, but if he sees with Yoo-nas looks upward face a giant billboard fifty meters high plastered , The poor guy must be difficult to get a girl over when her picture on any TV and street corner.
Min-ki comes home and his door with communications from creditors plastered to find, and there is surrounded by a group of thugs. The next thing he knows he is tied up and hanging from the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse, repeated in a barrel of water is dipped.
The leader of the racket informed Min-ki in a soft, sweet voice that he hates long talks and that all his answers must be five syllables or less. He calls Min-ki not paying an idiot for him and escape just in the house next door. Min-ki Blabbers that he was forced to move, that he is not on his guilt was almost always self dipped again for more than five syllables.
Min-ki says the leader who pay him, he has to find the "crooks" and runs to tell from words - but the leader knows he said the agency owner who ran money with the band. He says Min-ki, that the agency owner has certainly spent from the money now, but a panic Min-ki asks him for a year to pay it back.
The thug leader told his buddies, then they just need to work on Min-ki, the freak Min-ki causes and shouting that he will soon be a new contract have, between punishment dunks. Then place the leader of his guitar, and something about them grabs his announcement. He orders his men to stop, wanted to know where he got the guitar. Min-ki answers (even in only five syllables) that he got it when he was small, and the club leader shouts at him to use so many words, how he wants, but to tell him the story.
Min-ki starts again desperately word vomit and said that he found the guitar on a mountain after a man left it there. He stated that he did not know the man, and asks again for a year to pay the loan back - no, he can pay it back in six months. Still the guitar stroking, the club says Min-ki he has three months to pay it back. Freed, Min-ki is on the hall floor and screams his frustration until he gets a call that makes him sit in shock.
A few women sitting at a funeral, and note that the few people here are those who come because the deceased had a nasty temper. The next-of-kin has not yet arrived, but a woman is certain that he soon here. The other woman says that he does not, else would he have not given his grandmother first, after her son died and the old woman abused her daughter-in-law so awful - I suppose they talk Min-ki parents and his grandmother.
Out off trying to go down the hall a few men from another memorial announcement of their flower arrangements, and one of them grabs a woman hiding to find behind it. It is KANG YOON-HEE ( Honey Lee ), who is complaining for laying a hand on a lady at the man and insists she was not the arrangement to steal, only to have them since the memorial they borrow is not participating does not have all the flowers. Awww and HAHA.
you actually manages to sweet-talk the guy her a flower arrangement lending (and folded the banner to hide the name up, hee). She gets a call that is bothering them, and runs in the women say that they have to go now, because their cows are having a baby.
She runs and falls directly into Min-ki, to break his expensive sunglasses and sending him into a rage. He demands that they pay for them, but sobered to hear what they cost. Suddenly she asks him what is his 100-meter dash time, and if he answers that it 14 seconds she gets a glint in her eyes and tells him their time is 12 seconds. She's gonna run, it is not
Yep, it runs - all the way from the hospital, it is made finish with a vault on their four-wheel like an Olympic gymnast. She runs a fast "Sorry!" Over Shoulder, so Min-ki fall out and flail after they cry when she is away. OMG I love her already.
Min-ki itself collects and cocky strolls in the memorial room to pay his relationship to the deceased. He says that his grandmother, who had the most generous face, also had the most mischievous and hard remarks. Despite his hard thoughts, he says loudly with a sad voice that she no longer has to be criticized now, and that it is so bad, she could no longer live.
Min-ki zones, as it waits for mourners who are not likely to come, and is witless surprised when he came from a man who was previously existed from drunk. The man knows him obviously and says that he grew up a lot and imagines how Sang-Deuk, who lives and used him as a child know near Min-ki grandmother.
Sang-deuk came to Min-ki with his inheritance to speak, the Min-ki much friendlier alert and can be. It's not much, about 8 acres of land, but to Min-ki, which sounds like enough to sell to pay off his loans. Excited, he goes a little crying overboard and admired for his grandmother wailing and the chattering women turn love for his grandmother as Min-ki's whining about gleeful laughter.
Min-ki and Sang-deuk visit his new country, which at this point is quite a large area of dirt. Min-ki snapped at by air, how big it is, completely ignoring Sang-deuk receivables how good is the soil for carbon. Sang-deuk roles in horror as Min-ki him he sold the land told, so Min-ki takes on a big show, lament and weep about how the country reminded him too much of his grandmother. And by the way, how much is it worth?
crash big plans for him to hear that the country is only worth a tiny fraction of what he thought, and would not even come close to its debt Min-ki paid. He falls to the ground and cries out for real, and Sang-deuk hilarious he accepts his grandmother mourns.
For his part time job back in Seoul, Min-ki to laugh at themselves and calls is for Kimchi cleaning coal to work. He clapped again for wasting, and his boss yells, that each head of cabbage they cost three dollars. She complains that the price keeps going up, and Min-ki suddenly puts the pieces together - his country is good for growing cabbage. Bingo!
Min-ki passes to an internet cafe to research carbon agriculture, and discovered that the price of carbon rises and falls in a two-year cycle, and in this year is rising year. He has some quick math and found out that he. Not only by the cultivation of cabbage harvest, repay his loan, but also to make a large profit There is only one problem - he can do everything that carbon not plant by himself. He needs help.
Han Chul for the work is finished, and loses a button under his bed, and makes sad when he sees the old guitar he stashed under there. He joins his parents for breakfast and we see a picture of them when they were young - apparently they were musicians, too. His mother puts down a bowl of what looks like pepper soup (ugh) and are known to eat from now on only peppers because home Han Chul brought the huge bag of them that leaving Min-ki.
The mention of Min-ki sets of Han-chul mother, and she yells at him for some still hang that jerk who ruined his life. She calls Han Chul's younger brother for breakfast, whacking him when she catches him play guitar.
Han Chul goes out for a follow-up to his medical tests, where he finds his stomach pain, have the last stages of liver cancer has been signaled. Oh no. His doctor has also not recommend surgery because it far too late, and is callously told Han Chul that he got anywhere from one day up to one year to live. On the way to work, holding Han Chul on an overpass and shaking begins, looking as if he considering jumping, but mixes it to work slowly.
Weasel boss berates Han Chul for being late to come back to work, and Han Chul it only takes and apologized as usual. He did not get a moment on a call, where he yells at the person on the line its annual survey on time to ask what they would do if they got cancer. He screams clear to yourself, and it's hard to see.
Han Chul takes a phone call and meets with an excited Min-ki, but he is too depressed and even shocked by the Agriculture carbon think of all the crazy things. Min-ki sees this as a way to raise money to produce their own music album, but Han Chul hollers at him that it is too late. Min-ki counters that Han Chul always the band put last, and that he never put everything on the line for the music. This seems for a moment to get through, but then Han Chul leaves with Min-ki yelling after him.
Min-ki Ki-joon tries next, allowing that the idea might have some value. He pointed out that the market price is much higher than what the farmers actually, but Min-ki has thought. He figures it can cut out the middle man and sell the coal in the city itself, so that, even if it at the lowest price they sell to make a large profit.
Ki-joon is skeptical, because if it was so easy all agriculture would. Min-ki has no good answer and just screams that Ki-joon has no vision, and swears that he not live without a dream. He stomps in a snit from (he spends much of his time in a snit) with Ki-joon after him grumbling.
Han-chul and his staff go back out on the norebang where it even less enthusiastic as before, if that's possible. All he can think about his cancer diagnosis is, until he cries on the inside. Weasel Boss calls an optimistic song and mocked him when he increased, so Han Chul narrowed his eyes and agrees to sing.
He turns the unit on and start a rock song, and suddenly his inner rock star bubbles to the surface. Awesome . His boss called him crazy and asks if he wants to die at the Han-Chul retorts, "I'm not crazy, because I want to die, I'm crazy because I do not want to die, you bastard!" He Weasel Boss begins things shattered with his guitar, while all flees the room, but he manages to grab before it can escape and drags him back into the room.
Min-ki at home sitting rejection 'of his friends braising his big plans, she twitches without loyalty calls. He answers a knock at the door Han Chul find, beaten looking, but strapped with his old guitar on the back that says grimly that he is ready to grow cabbage to go. But he does it for the album and threatens Min-ki to kill, if it does not happen.
When they are in the head, Ki-joon shows with his drums, but he has got a state - he wants to change the band's name. I'd say that's a good idea, my friend. Min-ki reluctantly agrees, and celebrate, as Han-Chul looks uncomfortable.
The next day Yoo-na is pulled outward by their bandmates, a gigantic message written on a wall to see who says, "Yoo-na I'm going with a 100 carat diamond ring to confess again. So do not look at someone else and wait for me! from MK. "asks her friend, the MK, but she just smiles to himself, as min-ki from his hiding observed.
Min-ki comes home Ki-joon only his car refinement to find store with all their belongings, and they wait for Han-Chul. Ki-joon asks nervously if they do not Hyuk on their plan, and Min-ki barking that it makes no sense to ask a rich man to go work in the countryside. And besides, even if Hyuk wanted, Min-ki do not want him there.
We agree with a nurse and a patient in mortal combat in the hospital struggling through Dr. Kang, who comes from them. Hyuk, in a coat of white doctor, crouching behind the station nurse and tried to sneak away, but he is caught by another doctor and abused so much trouble caused.
He flashes a huge grin and dimples-stimuli the other doctor in settling, in the room telling everyone that his father owns in the hospital and so the other physicians him kiss, although it is an internship. Wow, he's kind of a jerk. His father chooses this moment to come around the corner, but completely ignored Hyuk cheerful greeting.
Han-chul is the same hospital a recipe collection and Hyuk spots him and literally jumps him, but he refuses Hyuk to say what he's up to. Hyuk assumes correctly it has something to do with Min-ki and wheedles information from Han-Chul, it decides fun sounds, and ditches his white coat right there and invites the carbon farming adventure.
The four boys together again, to drive together on the court. Hyuk loud singing and merry whooping infuriate Min-ki, and he tries to kill Hyuk right there in the car when they drive on the highway.
Well, I just love. Modern Farmer is crazy and over-the-top and ridiculous, and it's great. As I mentioned, I went into this show purposely to know very little, but the most basic plot outline and the casting, but with very high expectations of what I wanted to be the show. And so far, it is exactly what I want, this is a drama with an incredibly stupid history and wonderful characters that hits just the right humorous notes. I suspect that it's the kind of show that some may find a bit silly ... but as far as I'm concerned, the characters are (so far) been so endearing that I can no longer see to wait.
I'm a pretty big fan of most of the cast, as I was a fan of Lee Hong-ki since You're beautiful , and I am thrilled to see glimpses of Jeremy in his portrayal of min-ki. I think he is very talented as an actor, and capable of much subtlety and nuance. But he also infused a great sense of comic timing and a wonderful way emotion in his characters of. I also love Park Min-woo (and his dimples!) And can not wait to see what he does with the character of Hyuk, which I suspect a lot of behind the Cheshire Cat grin los has. I am less familiar with Lee Shi-un and Kwak Dong-Yeon, but so far I find both their characters very interesting, and I can not wait to see. And Honey Lee, although she had only one scene, surprised me with her humor and wonderfully hilarious facial expressions.
Not that the show is all goofy situations and pratfalls because there are moments that I'm sure will contact later affair for some dark object on. Han Chul cancer for which I do not even find an exaggerated trope in this case to be since there. For wanting his whole swing is an insane thing to pretend to finish its work and grow go carbon He left only a short time to make a mark on the world, and this is his last chance. He has nothing to lose, and everything he ever had has wanted to make music. I kind of love that at least one of the guys has a real, serious, grounded reason to the country is to play in the dirt.
And although we are not much of Hyuk history get in this first episode, I die to know what happened between him and the rest of the band, the Min-ki let him blame for their separation and him so much to hate. I wonder if his father and the hospital have something to do with it, or if this is just another reason the other guys seem to take it badly because it does not fight for the last seven years had to survive, how they did it. I can see this is a big stumbling block is how the story moves forward, and I am eager to learn more.
It seems like this year gave us a spring fun rom-coms, with a summer serious romantic dramas. I do not know about you guys, but I'm ready for some fun and craziness, and that seems to us exactly that to adjust, and we did not even get to the farm yet. Bring on the crazy hijinks guys, I'm ready!
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