Gun must all to be the detective if he does not want anyone else wants to control the idea of his persistent feelings for the woman, as soon as he turned away. Now that he is clued in the concept, the Mi-young is no longer the same woman who had fallen in love with him three years ago, Gun caught between their luck or to his own heart to preserve. But no matter where he currently stands on this battlefield, it
Update reviews .: Joseon Gunman is not an easy fight to be
came to 11.1% at the tip upward Fated to love You , followed by 10.6% and it's okay, it's love came at 9.7%.
young Joon-young - "Hold On" [ Download ]
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When Daniel proposal by Mi-young to be his real family, Mi-young takes a blow out before her answer. Because Daniel in its time was the emergency at her side after she arrived in Paris, she thought she should be good to the man, the bear with her in her suffering.
None of them close to hear the door behind them, like Gun leaves before to hear the rest of her answer Mi-young continues. "I thought that if I were to again be a part of one's family, be it with this person should. But ... I really do not know if my heart is to you gratitude or love yet. I should not be insecure. They asked me sincerely [this question], and I want to give you an honest answer ... "
Daniel cut her off only in rejecting a brave face. He asks that they give him a chance to really convey his feelings for her. For realzies this time, each. If her feelings are unchanged by then, he will remain as her good friend
Our love triangle broods separated that night, and as Daniel clears the sand drawing, he reflected on more words he tells Mi-young . "My heart to you is constantly changing just at your side, was a good man enough, but now I want you to keep at my side for a long time.."
After Gun the breakfast table in a irritable mood leaves the next morning, Yong his grandmother informed that he recently met Mi-young-which incidentally is still single. The next thing we know, Grandma Wang sits with Mi-young down, and it is sweet, as they are both so happy and sad to meet each other now.
Gun observed Mi-Young interview in his office, and can be heard on her answer about her love life when he is interrupted by Manager Tak. He praises his personal secretary on narrowing the remaining candidates of artists down to work with, although he murmurs, as Manager Tak did to good of a job as he does not see Elle Kim / Mi-young on the list.
He says their time to make a decision before they'll take that recently work of Mi-young, when the painting Gun bought Manager Tak asking prompts. Manager Tak does not seem to be chief defensive response to buy, he has just like the picture, and asks if he can not only try to Mi-young to win back if he has not forgotten about them years, after all the tell her that he thought wrong and that they are destined for each other.
It's not his medical condition as after all has deteriorated, adds Manager Tak. Is what I say. But Gun says Mi-jung is quite happy now live and will continue to do so, especially because she has someone at her side. "Do I ... I have no reason to make them waver. I should not [rock that boat] not."
Gun is running annoyed on its way through every little detail about his schedule, and shoos his secretary away. There is a reason why today is so important, but :. It is the anniversary was lost as Keddongie, and Manager Tak wonders if Gun just sitting "there" again
Speaking of which, we see Mi-young session through the intersection, where took place the accident three years ago , It conveys its belated greetings to Keddongie, and her eyes well with tears when she says she has never forgotten about Keddongie because he lives in their hearts.
After resting the memorial flowers on the sidewalk, and when she sees Gun approaching the same intersection, she tells him that he no longer need come here. You will remember Keddongie for the rest of their lives, so Gun everything and move on with his life forget.
Gun that laughs, it is ridiculous as thinking it's okay to forget for him, but you do not? Mi-young: "Because Keddongie is my child." Gun: "He's my child."
But Mi-young suggests that Gun was on Keddongie reminded (made) to the divorce agreement and Gun wants to renounce his parental rights. Hurts when these words come back to bite, right, Gun?
Call Mi-young of its new name, argued Gun that their name change signifies a new beginning, that is Keddongie now the past, they would laugh at the education , He tried to laugh it, but that just grates further Mi-young, if she does, or a new person, or often they repeatedly lives her life, she would never forget Keddongie although Gun is not obligated a new start, the same do.
goes to Mi-young off, Gun sits by the road to share with Keddongie cake, posing another excuse to his unborn child. "I'm sorry today Keddong-ah."
Mi-young lyrics Young-ja / Gun later in the evening, another one of those wonderful speeches text conversations between them spores. Gun apologized that something always comes when he has to return the image to the Mi-young answers sweet that the image will stay with him, must.
She invites him her name (Ellie) call and tells him that she is postponed their trip to France. Curious, Gun begins to wonder if it is because of the proposal, only to process themselves and to ask how long it takes staying. In the answer "about six months," Gun wonders: "Should I, to be happy or have a hard time about it have"
your split screen CONVO continue in their respective beds, and he asks her what she is so late up there. After hearing that something is on her mind because, he encourages them to trust in him, because it is not good to worry bottle. "If you do that, your heart will get bruised and you will age faster."
"I thought that it was a happy moment, but now that I came face to ask him, I think I lived my life putting effort in only it than luck wrapping" says Mi-young. He says it must've a very painful reminder been, and Mi-young admits it was, but it was also a very happy time.
Gun offers her a few words of wisdom (as Young-ja): "Very painful memories are not meant to be forgotten, but will be accepted with an empty heart. "Mi-young that do, would love", even if it is for that person who is waiting for me. "
Gun swallows hard at these words and gives her some words of encouragement before her a good offer night. "Sleep well, Kim Mi-jung.": "Sleep well, Ellie" speak Gun lyrics, then speaks loudly
peruses Daniel a new apartment, and crosses paths with Se-ra in the hallway. Both parties recognize each other, and since Daniel is a new tenant here today, exchange them chuckling about how this makes them neighbors now. He stops to ask her if she and Gun are still together, but Se-ra believes does not believe that a reasonable neighborly chitchat.
Meanwhile Se -ra mother pays a surprise visit Gun at work, but where it says that during Gun may have moved on, thinking that he with his ex good friends is, she has her daughter return seen in tears back home every time they have hung together.
is a message to Gun, who believes that he and Se-ra all talked out, but Se-ra mother is not for her daughter standing like a fool is played, especially by the man, the Se effectively ended -ra prima ballerina career.
in other countries, Mi-young is presented with her new studio and her upcoming projects during their long stay in Korea. She is surprised, prospectively attached to a joint project with Jangin chemicals to see, and ask for time to verify the offer.
She takes the contract to their former chief lawyer Hong, who believes this would be a great career opportunity. He reminds them that they have alimony to her name when she needs a business capital, but that's wants Mi-jung no longer pursue a topic.
Gun is still weighing on Se-ra mother words, when Manager Tak Yong and bearings are sweets. It's nice of them to try and raise Gun mood, but I would not be surprised if he actually had a regular Happy Time planned in its working. Should we be worried that gun could die earlier of type 2 diabetes as a genetic disease of his family?
But then Gun breaks into sobs fake to say in front of them to take it all away. He craves something else to eat now. Could it be Mom's cooking?
Oh, it's 'because we see Gun unexpectedly at Mamas emerge Restaurant, forcing her to hurriedly hanging on Mi-young. He whines for food like a little child, stubbornly refuse to leave until it has been fed.
Mom wonders if something the matter for Gun of not to arrive at his usual time, and Gun says he was just hungry. She tells him his food to chew slowly then, and the two bicker back and forth as usual. Then Gun Mama takes her hand and starts asking, "By any chance ... did Mi ... Mi ..."
But then Gun backs out calling Mama beauty ( mini- een instead). Mom seems almost disappointed, as if she hoped he would finally would ask of Mi-young. Gun called crazy, and heh, I do not think anyone is really to argue against going.
Mom smiles as he eats, but her expression turns into surprise as Mi-young shows how she said she would. They tried to hide their best Gun face (and tells him to run in a whisper, ha), but he is caught red-handed anyway. So he blurts out: "So I came to eat!"
Gun and Mi-young wearing on their conversation outside where Gun is on the defensive over his visits to Mom over the years. He went to eat there-it's something so wrong with that? He does not know why he needs to see her mother Mi-young permission, but Mi-young returns that her mother really liked him.
It will be hard just to her mother when it goes on that, but Gun argues that is between mother and himself argued for this, Mi-young. "You should not your heart away so carelessly, if you can not take responsibility for it. "
Gun is surprised by these words, but he remains in the defensive. he did everything had come to eat, and he has no feelings for her. She asks if that means that he is not at all uncomfortable when he sees it. He fires back that he does not, and something wrong with not see an offer extends to work together either.
asks why it had to be you who has to laugh at him if she's acting like a hotshot artist now. It was chosen because it is the best for this project how he might as CEO, may let personal feelings affect his business decisions
She calls asking if that's really all about the business ?; he has no other motives? He answers, of course not, although he looks away. And when she walks away from the deal? Well, that is to decide up to her.
But when Mi-young that accepts and goes away, showing out gun, that if they do not have very good reason, the company will have to assume that she was afraid and went away.
"Why should I run away?" Mi-young returns. "What would I be afraid?" You have to love a resolute Mi-young. But later with this bold front, Mi-young ruminating about words Gun.
In his office, Gun reviews excited the contract before Mi-young arrival, and I have his hand gestures are present endearing to addressing with two thumbs up, and Mi-young with the trademark worm hands. He is assuming that he does get to Mi-young to order (as in, for dinner), once signed, but Mi-young is not the same meek woman more.
In fact, Mi-young wasted no time to do the work, and Gun bursts into hearty laughter when they signed the contract. They announced that they can start immediately, and points out that it will only be with Manager Tak contacted.
This is not really as Gun would imagine this meeting, and he tells her that people usually go out to eat and yunno, watch a movie or do something-to a business agreement. She says she is not hungry.
Thus Gun start in his speech about the nature of their contractual relationship, but Mi-young draws a clear boundary between them, it is not so easy to find someone of her caliber. "Our worm has become really cool" Gun smiles, impressed. "Makes me they do not want to send away."
Mi-young busy working into the night and let go ignored their calls. It is not until the next morning she has seen an email from Manager-Tak. It's cute how he writes of his eternal devotion to her and she can call him when she has need. AWW.
Daniel comes to the studio a worried yet unsurprised expression on his face. This is not the first time he has seen Mi-young litter before in their work, so he sits her down on the couch and asks when she slept and ate last.
He gets scared-mad that she is overwork again and jobs that take them out of the afternoon. They also state that they remain still while he sets their new monitor. She asks that he. A few packs of Post-its placed in the pockets
Daniel takes Mi-jung on the outdoor picnic area, complete with a homemade lunch. It seeks to come to the studio, but only said that it is not good to be penned for them inside all day.
He is honestly not thrilled about how it works with Jangin Chemicals either, on the Mi-young, she says, the project will fall at his word. But Daniel will have none of it, and says they must instead do a good job. As the workaholic is, Mi-young sends sneakily manager Tak another email.
After Gun with the groundsman checks in, he takes a walk through the gardens. It happens Mi-young labor to recognize, so it keeps its distance. She's here in person to study the flora of their joint project, and Gun forms a picture frame with your fingers and snaps his own photos of his subject.
Gun duck when Mi-jung looks around, and he grows concerned when they grow giddy with exhaustion. It collects continued to work, but do not realize that gun hidden behind some reeds, followed her to have.
When a sketch picaresque through the wind blows, while her back is turned, Gun running over to retrieve it. He gives it to the other on her clipboard, but cracking catches her attention. Mi-young whirls around, and Gun makes a run for it.
He makes bird as cover sounds, but the back only intrigue Mi-jung, who doubled for her camera. They responded in style to lure the bird, so Gun makes another bird call, thoroughly amused. Pffft, is that Woody Woodpecker laugh?
Mi-young to the strange calls that were captured by now, but playing together. Gun rises from his hiding place and turns to find face with Mi-young face. She asks what he is doing hiding here and Gun denies doing anything of the sort. These gardens belong to his company, and he was here because of work.
She asks why he. Bird calls then, and do not buy the answer that he was with the nature of binding He followed her, right? Gun flat denies out that well, and turns the tables on them. How strange of they to be here when they should be in Seoul.
Mi-young answers that she's here to work, you deserve a round of applause from Gun. He grumbles alone on the terrain for hiking, but it is this conversation Mi-jung not let Wiesel that easily. She noted that he has not changed a bit inexcusable of her for scaring her, and he, in turn, points out that it has changed much.
It requires that they hold their meetings in the office, which is something wrong Gun. She hopes that he will keep to a level of dignity in the future, and he laughs that she made bird calls to.
There suddenly only raining, so hurry Gun covers them with his coat. She refuses at first, but they both recognize that there should be no problem, since they are romantically not involved, and so Gun shields them from the rain again.
This leads to a reminiscence of the film The Classic as Gun and Mi-young running through the grounds in step with each other trying to find cover. Unfortunately, it appears that downpour in a heavy storm at nightfall, and told them that they'll Evening stranded here today.
Ha, Gun sends the manager hand encouraging and satisfactory instructed the man so that gestures as he, feed, like all roads blocked and flooded? Gun makes a big deal out of how they have no choice but to stay the night, and looks disappointment when Mi-young, she says something should occur.
After the manager takes his leave, Gun cracks a smile about how this rain does not stop. He asks whether everything is Mi-jung in order and tells her to wash thoroughly, so that it does not catch a cold. He is concerned simply for its contracter, he says, then he falls in Mi-young's lap when the power suddenly goes. Ha.
Gun lit a couple candles and hums to the sound of rain. "What do you think of this music?" He asks. It is not quite its meaning, and he points out the rain. He shall notify the sound of rain liked, since he was young; he would make a wish in the night and sleep on the soothing sound of falling.
He tells her to hear, then jokes that it sounds like grilling pork. He asks if she is hungry, but again Mi-young, she does not say. But at the sound of a growling stomach, Gun notes that her hunger cues have not changed. "That was not me," she replies.
But the growl makes happy memories for Mi-young trigger, and Gun sighs that Yong praise about a particular fisheye would Ramyun sing. She replies that Gun had eaten it rice with his face.
Gun recalls the homemade lunch now prefers to say how he wants to eat well now. He calls them by Mi-jung for the first time in this episode, before he caught himself, then said that he would only call them tonight that.
He delighted them with how rain drops beat on the roof sounds finally makes it sound like a soothing voice and said. "It's okay, it's okay, it's not your fault, it is now in order. "and a reassuring pat on the back.
Although Mi-young has tears in her eyes, she says she has no idea what he's talking. She wants her exhausted body to go, but then slips and flicks off Gun Hand. She insists that she is fine to ignore the words that the roads are blocked.
Gun it sits so tightly that they listen to him, and that's when he realizes that she is running a fever. He puts his hands on her cheeks instinctively, his face filled with concern. But Mi-young pulls his hands away from her, to tell him not to worry.
But Gun grabs her wrist and refused to let a sick person, wander out on their own. "I would really sink your worry about me as now, Lee Gun-sshi. We do not mean something to another more" says Mi-young. "Let me go."
Thus Gun go can, but Mi-young takes two steps before he holds them back. "You stupid woman," he says. They hold each other's gaze for a few moments, and Gun leans in as if to kiss her ...
of price would cut us off there, Fated . Oh Gun, I know how much you want to give to your feelings for Mi-young, but she is also now sick! Admittedly, Mi-young again and again proves that it to be trifled not someone with more that got me to thinking that Gun is that to work much harder for a kiss, let alone regain her heart.
If I'm not mistaken, Gun still believes that she and Daniel are together, perhaps even engaged. He stick around long enough to hear the rest of their kind-hearted rejection, and we did not see that someone or something Gun thoughts for the rest of the episode to disperse. So while I would love for Gun and Mi-jung to be back together, I doubt that would Gun his emotions trump his morale can keep track taken over a woman. Then again, his lips are only inches from Mi-Young now.
So it looks more like he Mi-young you lose between conservation luck against his continued feelings towards his inner conflict. What's more is that the people around him shows how Gun more reason to go to Mi-young has, as not, despite his insistence that he not about feelings for Mi-young longer. As he clearly still does. Speaking of emotions and relationships lingering, I found myself with Mi-young Agreement and Se-ra controlling mother arguments about how Gun either has or very good unintentionally could still attached relationships injured he believes are harmless. I can not think Gun fault that he had spoken and Se-ra things, and I would also say that Se-ra is partially responsible for keeping bonds, still cause her emotional pain.
and that's the tricky thing about the concept of jeong (affection or plant), because these feelings, make these bonds to break it much more difficult and painful, if they are broken. So in the case of Mom, Mi-young knows how much her mother take care of him and vice versa. While he may assert that he only cook visit Mom, Mi-young is to protect their mother and to keep him from the dangers of having a relationship he warns not to take responsibility for the end.
So "We are already seeing Mi-young guard her heart more than ever, especially in their interactions with Gun. I admit that it was quite enjoyable, a confident Mi-young stand for itself to be observed so that Gun to stutter in their wake. in addition, they must be given since Gun, which he by 3 years was relieved of him from any obligations to her or Keddongie. you will not have to Gun flimsy answers either, but as it does not present his motives in question (such as the cooperation project), it gives him the opportunity to give something more.
There is something that Gun wants because he always returned to their contractor / client relationship as an excuse to fall to Mi-young in this hour to take care of. And the thing is that Mi-young, a good job has done so from apart from Gun noting that it will keep, insist that she is doing well, pushing despite her body over his own limits. But not every screw stay forever in his own shell, and we know that this Mi-young has nothing of be afraid of. , Apart from their own hearts, that is
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