Recap And Reviews Kdrama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 13

Recap and reviews korean drama Plus Nine Boys: Episode 13 -

There is a built entire episode to the Peter Pan complex song (written down), about things, "My Feelings Schwalbe" which have to endure our guys, because they know that a special girl love. The song goes: "Because I love you I have a hard time, / Because I love you I hurt / Because I love you I greedily / Because I I can not express to swallow my feelings." to go with one episode left the final, our boys face major challenges ", their relationships and find that the toughest decisions are still to come.

Song of the Day

Peterpan Complex - "감정 을 삼키고" (Swallow My Feelings) [ Download ]

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Track 13: "Because I love you"

Kwang-soo likes to play with Da-in daughter Eun -seo on the playground and even Da-in looks on with a smile. But when she starts thinking about what Mama that it worried her, and she tried to take Eun-seo home.

the little girls only holding on to Kwang-soo hand, did not stop the fun, so he says that they'll play just a little more. this is certainly true when mom comes out of the building and sees them together, and it

has conniption over

a montage of all our guys brings us to Kwang-soo story:.. "the reason that we can endure the difficult and heartbreaking time, is because we love this person"

Jin-gu goes to work in the morning and the elevator travels with two guys discuss Se-young new hotness on. to ask each egg on them, and Jin-gu stews quietly behind them.

he gets to his desk and exchanges nice smile with Se-young, but he is soon meet with more worries when their employees try to go on a date with a doctor friend of Se-young get his. The garrulous staff rubs it even that the doctor would be a hook, deliberately Jin-gu the pages eye.

tried Se-young to politely refuse, but then decides the employees that they date must be that "dummy" others from their group chat morning. All the time, Jin-gu looks like his pants are on fire, and then the bolt suddenly and says: "I am that dummy!" Pffft. Also d'oh. Se-Young asked you to keep it secret and Go-eun sitting right there, you fool.

He a staircase Beatdown gets for his public statement, and Se Young complained that the rumor mill will rotate about its history and spit them out in no time. Jin-gu thinks that it was necessary, from circles to keep the wolves, and says that he has a sense, announcing an ad in the newspaper shows that they originate.

He knows that she is concerned about office romance rumors dogging them if they break, but assures her that she need not worry because they never break: "You are my last girlfriend" She scoffs, also sour to focus on him and also concerned for Go-eun on their romance.

Jin-gu running in Go-eun of the copying machine and tried to get a cup of coffee with him, but she makes him depressed down , At its staff meeting a little later, Go-eun is so lost in thought that they must be egged on their winter tour to present ideas, and it ends in tears before all burst when a tour is partly for couples.

Se-young cautiously approaches her in the bathroom, but does not know Go-eun to do what, to comfort the sobbing now. Se-Young says she sad, and Go-eun admits that it is more difficult because it Se-Young-if it were someone else, they openly admit that other girls would only hate.

Go-eun recalls Se-young, that she said to her face that she has not Jin-gu dared and Se Young literally nothing to say, and throws a tear knowing that they hurt her friend ,

Su-ah comes from the class and looks around for Min-gu, but he is not here today. She walks down the street dejected on their own, remembered how pissed he got after the cinema incident and how they had called him for his immaturity. Perhaps it was too much to take for him?

But Min-gu finally shows up, and for a while after you start walking. He calls "Bong-sook-ah!" And they can not help but smile to see him here. He says he thought long and hard about the things she said the other day to him, and throws an arm around her. He says that he is going to be the kind of friend that they can lean on, and tells her to henceforth be completely honest with him. Oh, he's up!

as they walk along, he throws them one of his patented cheesy it lines-isn't tired from running around in his dreams all night and they straight-up tells him it's cheesy. He's a little shocked at that, but she reminds him that they agreed to be from now on honestly. Heh.

He takes them to the PC bang to meet his friends, and is drawn into a game Starcraft with them. At first Su-ah sigh at having to wait around, but when one of his friends has a bathroom emergency and asks them only for him to keep his position, begin their finger like a game addict batting, and suddenly they play is as a professional .

your jaw dropping as she wins the game for them, and Min-gu storms in a huff basically. Su-ah suspects that he's crazy again and pretends at first he, that it is only because they high fived his friends, but his real concern is how she got so good at this game. They vowed to be honest, so they say that they learned it from some oppas and Min-gu facial wrinkles on, "Oppas ...?"

he is the one being dishonest now, because he swears that he is doing well and not crazy, and that it does not bother past him. But she's seen this reaction from him enough to know that it really bothers him. She sighs, that's what she was afraid, and why she was so scared all the time, they were-that together, when on the real she found out he would not like.

Su-ah says exactly that is what happened, and if he denies it, then it is the first to say it: "the person you love is not the real me." They ran down the bracelet he gave her unties and puts it in his hand, and goes with her face tears. He calls after her, but do not follow.

The next morning, Kwang-soo looks everywhere for his keys, intercepts Mom when they sneak into the act tries the car seat in the house. Haha, when he asks her what she does, she continues to act as they want it for themselves in her.

She complains that people misunderstand that he is the father, and Kwang-soo says he Eun-seo's his daughter. Mom stands there in shock, but then it only takes a moment to do the math on their fingers, and they tear him to try to fool them. He sighs, as they do not fall for him and says that he thinks of her as his daughter, the same difference.

Mom replies, Da-in does not want the Kwang-soo is realized that see Mom Da-in went to go. He smokes, call their makjang, and asks why she slid an envelope across not money. He tells her to stop interfering in his business and rushes to Da-in apartment.

He is annoyed about what to say about his sister to her, but since -in and Eun-seo only with a smile on their faces, for whose date and ready dressed to go. When he brings Mom visit, Da-in only says pleasant that they brought food, and says she has somewhere they want to go today.

, go to the mall, where Da-in fun out picking has clothes for Kwang-soo. He tried on an outfit and declares that it fits perfectly ... and then the camera pans down to the feet, where the trousers gathered around his ankles in layers.

The whole day he ignored calls and tells Da-in that it is just spam, but while he is playing with Eun-seo, she sees that it calls Mama and it weighs on her.


at the end of their workday, Se-young with a huge stack of things popped will do by her boss, which says disparagingly her to stay late with her boyfriend, because they have dated on company time anyway. No wonder they wanted to keep their relationship secret. My goodness.

Jin-gu tried to brighten her mood with snuggles, how they work late, and at first Se-Young is too upset to return, but their playful Arguing brings them. A few hours later, they cuddle more than to work, and Jin-gu, says they should order chicken. That brings memories of the last time Se-Jung and Jae-Bum brought him chicken when he worked late, and it brings the mood down again. Jin-gu decides only the work done at home on his own, and they eat the head.

go to Han Gu chicken place, but that's where Jae-bum takes to drink himself into a stupor oppressive. Jin-gu is it about to try and rejections to catch stumbling to talk to him cold, but Jae-Bum him a taxi. He stops to see how much fun it was must've for Jin-gu to belittle him while listening to his one-sided crush suffering, and decreases.

Jin-gu tries extra hard to stay hacker as he goes Se-Young home, but you can not hide how she feels, and finally crying. She asks how long it is in this way, they will be feeling so bad to hurt Jae-Bum and Go-eun that she can think of nothing else.

Jin-gu wipe away the tears away (What he is on the way does his finger with his back that makes me swoon?) And decides that he will go after her fall asleep to see. She says she's fine, but he insists that he will not be able to sleep tonight if he sends home like this. So he put her to bed and sitting at her bed until she falls asleep.

Since invites Kwang-soo over to her place for dinner, which it excited, but nervous, has invited as this be his first time. she sees him playing with Eun-seo and like preparing dinner for them, and they share a nice cozy meal.

Kwang-soo is a little too excited when Eun-seo goes to bed and they "all alone again, and as Da-in asks if he is tired, it bursts like a giant spaz" No. , I'm not tired! I am healthy! "They go for a walk suggests, and he drained visibly but agrees with a smile.

Outside Da-in tells him that they have a lot had fun today, and that they will always remember it. Uh-oh, that begins to sound like a farewell. Kwang-soo begins, that something is wrong with her there, and thought that it is because of the, what his sister said. he tells her not to engage with because he will win this fight at the end.

she admits that the more time they spend together, the more she begins greedily to get where he worried and Kwang -Soo is happy to hear that that to think of him, all sound their concerns, only to have it like declarations of love. he takes her hand and says that it took so long her hand again keep, so he will not let go this time.

in his room, Kwang-soo, the pair of rings (engagement rings?) drawn with a long pause, and text to make da in him at the cafe, where they met for the first time, because he has something he want's been giving her for a long time. She buries her head in her knees, and I'm seriously scared for him that he is going to hit and get rejected again.

Min-gu packs his judo uniform that night and tried calling Su-ah. You do not pick up, so he asking her texts, if they'll come to his match tomorrow, a cute "noona" to add his request. At breakfast the next morning, there is still no response from her, and instead, Mom texts him a talisman for good luck.

Kwang-soo complained about their superstitions, but this time Jin-gu asks Mom for a talisman that out additional lucky about now may harm right. Mama says she must take an audition today Dong-gu, so that they'll miss Min-gu competition, and he grabs it's okay. He cares much more about whether Su-ah will show and tell you of the person who fired will love is a real talisman.

have The film audition, Dong-gu and his rival Thu Min-joon acting side-by-side in a scene with Baek-ji, where they with her pleading not to go away. has at first Dong-gu its usual rigid line supply while Min-joon cries easily.

But then Dong-gu starts this situation so real-like to see Ji Baek-him for Min-joon and he leaves suddenly completely sincere and heartbreaking, on his knees to not cry him to leave , Augh if this child is good, then he is really good.

Nevertheless, it is not enough that he get the role, and he watched as Baek-ji and Min-joon go hand in hand, to be happy costars. Dong-gu wails on moms shoulder and said: ". I did not get the leading role, but somehow, I think I get the secret tears now"

min-gu stares at his phone all day with a long face and prepares for his competition. His coach reminds him to concentrate, because this is his last chance to get into college, but he is clearly distracted by the fact that Su-ah is not here.

He tried to calm his nerves, but then his friends notice first as Su-ah their way through the stands makes. She does not look too happy to be there, but flashes Min-gu a supportive smile, and it radiates.

Kwang-soo is waiting in the cafe with rings and a bouquet of flowers and his nervous anticipation makes my stomach, because I am convinced there-in does not appear. Sure enough, she is sitting with her boyfriend at home that decide right now, suddenly is a good time, each to clean her dishes.

My friend points out how stupid it is to be and asks why she has to meet not go Kwang-soo, and there-in is that it with her feels bad to be because, means that Kwang-soo an opportunity missed a better woman-someone who meet never been married. Your friend sees through them and challenges them to be for a noble idiot who only proves to her that Da-in is in love with him.

The friend rightly asks what is so terrible about divorced-it is not a crime, and they leave Kwang-soo down is hurtful than any damage they by it could do with him. Finally someone who speaks sense.

Da-in shrugs and heads of Kwang-soo hit to go, but on the way out of the building, it happens to run into Mom, who greeted pleasantly and reminds them obliquely on their request (Kwang soo) not to see the other day.

Da-in waiting at the bus stop with a heavy heart, and every time a new bus stops in front of her, she can not bring himself to get up. She finally breaks in tears right.

Kwang-soo waits and waits until it gets dark, and he tries to finally calling, but you did not pick up. he gets everything is a text: "I'm sorry, Oppa." Ugh. He grabs the ring box and screws from there.

That night, Se-Young says she has plans with a friend, so Jin-gu leaving work with a pout. He goes from a food stand, which reminds him of a beach date he had with Se Young and decides to get something to eat, to surprise her.

But when he gets to her place, he finds they are outside with Jae-bum. His face falls, especially when he hears Jae-Bum asked to think "it" carefully. But this time he is not going away and approaches not return.

Jae-Bum ignored Jin-gu to speak desire so Jin-gu is gone after him again to apologize. He says he since, over Jae-Bum Crush a hard time ever had, but his feelings for Se-jung were sincere, so that he did not know to do something else.

Jae-Bum says grudgingly for him not to see if Jin-gu stop to ask how much the moment he holds back. Jae-Bum: "I think it is in because of it happens to you I do not know if you like started Se-young, but I was sincere about it for a long time.."

Jin-gu confronted him with incriminating these Se-young, calls Jae-bum less of a man, and at the, Jae-bum pushes him against the wall. Suddenly Se Young calls to stop for them: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault So let's end this, all of us." She goes Finally in, flat left both boys

voiceovers , the guys quote the song "My Feelings Schwalbe" Jin-gu:. ".. we love it so much that we have a hard time." Kwang-soo runs through the streets of Da-in call still cries at the bus stop , Kwang-soo: "We love it so much that we hurt."

Min-gu of his game is finished, and Su-ah sees a conflict expression back to him on her face. Min-gu: "We love it so much that we swallow our feelings."

Jin-gu race to Se Young's door, but she shakes it off and goes inside. The door slams behind her, him standing outside to leave in shock. Jin-gu: "And as our love always flow to an unknowable end ..."


[1945010I] am not a fan of the way Jae-bum Jin-gu and Se-young relationship respond, although I think that he needs to get some time on his own heartache. Jin-gu is not exactly helping matters either because it just being moody, as he should be bending over backwards to his friend to be sensitive. You already have the girl; Their main reaction in this situation is really jealous? I suppose Se-Young the other extreme is, their relationship ends because it is hurting too many people. I am not too concerned for this pair but because we have devoted so much to its development that I feel have a solid foundation. In contrast, Min-gu relationship already Su-ah feels in this episode on, although I count him not until he makes one last great effort to recover.

I'm not sure what I want for Kwang-soo, because I want him not to go out of rejection again catatonic, but I also do not know if is good because-in for him because I her as a person does not understand. Okay, I understand; perhaps I disagree with her. It is basically a noble idiot in all things, and it's so frustrating, they give up watching their own happiness again and again because she thinks they do not deserve it. In the end, what it does, is more cruel than any emergency Kwang-soo of dating could her face. I honestly think that if they do not, that a friend had, I would have given up before their age. For Kwang-soo sake, I hope he can talk sense into her and get it in their lives a little courage to gather again, or at least come to terms with the fact that he gave it his all and that he deserves to be happy.

I was very moved by Dong-gu breakthrough in this episode, despite the fact that he did not get a lot of time on the screen in the series and his character has hitherto been mostly comic relief. But I like that he does not learn how to act by a school, but only experienced his first real hardship in life and finally came to understand that honesty is what moves you to tears. I was surprised by his epiphany, which made more poignant by the fact that he does not get the role or the girl. I know it is possible that we do not get three happy endings for the other boys tomorrow, in the event that I hope that some of them have come to similar conclusions about growing up and to learn something important about himself.

I do not mind really, that we the series with the next episode at the end, because there we have milked all the conflicts feels like. Plus Nine Boys as high-concept show can begin four cursed boy, but it is essentially a one-conflict show in three (and a half small Dong-gu) they way be recovered or expressed 't find a lasting love? In retrospect, I have to show the wish was was more complex, and that our boys in all actually had been unfortunate, because it extend as her curse seemed kind after the setup in the sand.

Obviously, as soon as they are interacting at the center "in the relationship, the couple, but I think the strength of the drama in his yearning-from-afar stage. The feeling of longing is probably what I'll remember the most. that, and the music, of course, the best performance is easily the show. I could only PD picture sitting there, lovingly building this mixtape series of episode, song by song. the show often felt like a music video, in good and bad ways, sometimes it emphasizes humor about history and left a lot unspoken or underdeveloped, but then home each trip by bus, on foot or exchange of glances felt different because the selected song.

And although I do not understand signs, often motivations (cough, da-in, cough), I feel their feelings, because the music took me there. I suppose, be it as a crutch for bad writing could, but in a positive light, it is something that increases a fairly simple show, and left a lasting impression. I think we do not really know who will be unlucky in love until the end, but that makes me excited to conclude, where our boys must finally take action words and show what it is that they are willing to, on behalf love to do

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tags: featured, Kim Young-Kwang, Kyung Su-jin, Oh Jung-se, as well as nine boys

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