Recap And Reviews Kdrama It's okay, it's love: Episode 3

Recap and reviews korean drama It's okay, it's love: Episode 3 -

Since it is under the same roof turns out, living with three roommates a haven of inspiration for our author, who learns that the best way these strangers with them is not to get to know a lot of time, but by the right questions filters, instead of writing about it. It's amazing what can you do to break a small gesture to the ice or how to make a few words again good, and to connect even more remarkable that an unlikely group of persons can have a few drinks and more than a flatmate together begin to be.


Davichi - "괜찮아 사랑 이야 (it's okay, it's love) " from the OST [ Download ]

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Despite Jae-yeol is that teasing about another drink Hae-soo, then he is the one to fall over in this round, a wine-soaked Hae-soo smoking in her room. the next thing we know, leave it ringing from a bell that sets an alarm throughout the building and Soo-Kwang ticks. (Do they have Café life?)

Interestingly, bursting the corner of Jae-yeol mouth twitches asking moments later, what is his cause to the devil at the stimulation noise and Hae-soo in his room. It is not always mind interested to know him, and by the time their other roommate in file, it states that Jae-yeol disengage.

It is now that Sunbae Jo Hae-soo inside-out shorts and Jae noticed -yeol wine-stained shirt, which has thus to put him to bark at them, since both the circumstances are not even permanently anyway. When Soo-Kwang contact the idea to promote their latest roomie agrees explains Hae-soo, the motion passed, the only rule in this house is that the majority rules

Jae-yeol will not let this go without an explanation. he commands Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang out of the room, hilarious just for them plop on Jae-yeol bed instead, much to his annoyance.

Yet it looks as audiences, stuck to this argument, and they agree that they do not particularly care for him. He notes that neither thanked him or apologized after the anger problems incident, and sent him a measly text on compensation instead. She says that people usually that take as a sign of never seeing each other again, but he's not normal, right?

"You are like a hunter to hunt its prey. Once you fixed on a woman in your head, you've somehow lie down on the bed of you to see the end of it, right?" Hae soo counters: "an egocentric narcissist like yourself ..."

Jae-yeol cuts her off: "so you're saying ... that They are fixed in my mind? you think you're so attractive? "snerk. I love that Sunbae Jo wears the same expression as I do now. * Packt Popcorn *

Hae-soo laughs and says that a hunter only interested in the finding out their prey in food if it is not attractive or not. Jae-yeol says that he is not that hungry. Haha. When Hae-soo audience asked whether this qualifies as sexual harassment, Chimes Sunbae Jo in "She started it." Soo-Kwang: "Sounds right."

Hae-soo firmly stated that they not forming in his bed, he can out of this house. "Do not lie therein," Jae-Suk retorts. "Even if I try, just do not get in." Then he looked her up and down and asks, "What Fearing that you could crawl by itself because"

Jae-yeol apologizes sincerely to be the instigator of their recent separation, but it was a genuine mistake and he did not know. She scoffs that wonder how he could have been such a know-it-all is in their debate at the time that he close?

You can not believe it, because it does not look like the type, he answers, but it is really slow on the uptake. Therefore his girlfriend plagiarized his book and was Jae-yeol betrayed by his best friend, surfaces.

given its idea board, Hae-soo changes the subject when he enjoys asked to quote other people pain with them as for his book. "I have to sell my pain for profit, so what does it matter if it's someone else?" He fires back, then writes down the words she spoke in front moments, arguing that he likes this line.

Jae-yeol is true according to their wishes to move, but that means everyone else is also sold ... because he bought the entire building and now owns everything in the ground floor café included.

Of course, the news Penner all roommates except Jae-yeol, and there is a hilarious Beat when Jae-yeol accurately predicts an oncoming storm, Sunbae Jo to ponder leave, that he is a shaman.

Sunbae Jo wastes no time to assess the situation on Hae-soo blame temperament to defend their new building owner. To make matters worse, they have less than a week got to their current lease, so what's Hae-soo going to do about it?

Call Sunbae Jo rich brother ends only in him always screamed and hung up on, and Sunbae Jo explains that he lost his share of his family heritage, as he chose to pursue psychiatry over surgery.

Both Hae-soo and Jo Sunbae eyes light up when Soo-Kwang, he says some money has saved, but it is not much. So Hae-soo she beats her head set ( joongji ) together, the Soo-Kwang interpreted literally and flips them the bird. Ha.

After by buying them milk (instead of cigarettes they wanted) some pretty helping out high-schoolers, Jae-yeol comes home Hae-soo debating whether to see the gate for her ex-boyfriend Choi PD standing in the pouring rain to open.

Finally, says Sunbae Jo not to let him, but the constant banging annoys Jae-yeol (of his latest manuscript aptly writes up entitled "psychiatrist", or in his words, "head physicians") if enough to look at, to knock on Hae-soo door to decide only against them.

Hae-soo leaves seconds later, however, and his curiosity leads him to eavesdrop outside on the former couple's conversation. Jae-yeol raises his eyebrows at PD Choi claims that it was a drunken mistake once, and it was Mi-jung, who occasionally put the moves on him even though he said he loved only Hae-soo.

he is not ready to end things here, but Hae-soo, and when PD Choi kisses violently, he gets on his face suggested. She loses her umbrella in the ensuing scuffle, and asks her ex-boyfriend, if any other guy would put so long with not having sex with his girlfriend, as he did. But he did it because he loved

"every man is to ask if who is the normal: me or you." Hae-soo throws her umbrella to the to cry that they both know that they which are abnormal here. He knows how much her mother decades affair with another man affected her, and how it led them to believe that sex was a strange and terrible thing.

While other people love the exciting parts, they can not find anything more disgusting. She had to convince himself dozens of times that it would be to kiss in order before she did it, but the mere thought of sex still scares them.

"So I asked you to accept me, to help me, even if it 'd be hard;! I wanted to free myself from this terrible disease," Did he not remember how they him in tears that demand? PD Choi gets on her knees in apology, and Jae-yeol closes its curtains.

It turns out Sunbae Jo and Soo-Kwang listen in, too (the latter is in Sunbae Jo room because thunderstorms scare him aw) and in a broken voice, Hae soo says it with PD Choi to be hoping wanted them to understand patients, as it was when she saw, "she faces light once overcame the years of hardship in their lives.

Cheating on her may have been a one time thing for him, but she will always be remembered when she kisses him, like how she thinks of her kissing mother that ajusshi whenever she sees Mom your tears with mixed rain. now , Hae-soo is ready, "It feels like 300 days wasted? I've waited my whole life for this day. It's over. "

Hae-soo in her room, soaking wet, and sees her ex leave. The door knocks only and it opens them a stack (especially can be found) colored towels. Oh, they're Jae-yeol.

they caught off guard and travel when they are on their morning jog crosses unexpected ways with Jae-yeol. Ha, this is the second Jae-yeol related travel and fall into this hour (the first, as she soaked in her room wine).

Hae-soo begins Soo-bin helping to electroconvulsive therapy to treat severe depression, although bin Soo mother informed that moral support is still necessary. Soo-bin of the will is also an important factor in this process, but the blame is on her mother still present, so must that documents wait and see.

While Jae-yeol, a manuscript and some encouraging words of Kang-woo, Hae-soo do not with this sexy artist patient receives much progress.

any ~~ POS = TRUNC time at night, Jae-yeol peeks outside to see thanks beeps, Hae-soo light a candle and raise a prayer. He makes breakfast for all this morning, also Hae-soo gave a little water, to her surprise.

Sunbae Jo tries at the table to make nice, referring to "our Jae -yeol" as such a generous person and wonder if this gesture the whole idea before a off few days negated. He snaps at both Hae-soo and Soo-Kwang, if they protest and Jae-yeol shocks everyone say that breakfast is his farewell breakfast eat that way.

Hae-soo all Sunbae Jo screams takes about how they are to-with their father hospital bills and school loans never find a place big enough for them and his private practice with your current funds and their idea let is impossible, which is a loan laughed literally.

it shall propose them to play rock-paper-scissors, which will the chaebol ask remain left in the lurch. She loses.

standing outside Jae-yeol door Hae-soo asks if Sunbae Jo can not do it instead. You will be laughed at if they claimed that they quite the flirt (Sunbae Jo: "What can you say as someone who has not even sleep with the husband she dated 300 days") and Sunbae Jo hilarious skedaddles when Jae-yeol suddenly opens the door.

Although distracted, Jae-yeol she invites into it while he receives a call. It's Kang-woo, asking if Jae-yeol not read his manuscript. "What is your intention when you wrote this novel?" Jae-yeol asks annoyed.

"Was that the reason why me have all the time to the hunt? To show that I was the culprit? That was me, not Hyung? Is the all you could come up with after six months? "It is uncreative, based on earlier articles about him, and the only difference is that the perpetrator is written as Jang Jae-yeol, he barks.

(I've seen the theories of Kang-woo in the comment threads, which makes the use of "Hyung" Jae-yeol, much more interesting, it surprised only makes who Jae-yeol speech : when Jae-bum, then you could translate the words as "... not true, hyung?" or actually Kang-woo, or someone else entirely, I'm sure we learn the answer in due course, though) [

Hae-soo asks what that was about, responds to the Jae-yeol, that it is of some novel of a main character that shares its name. When he asks why she is here, Hae-soo comes with the excuse that she has a question about his novel.

you tried a different approach when it falls flat and shows a hypothetical woman about her age her patient to describe the genitals loves to draw. She asks if it's funny, but Jae-yeol does not believe they are just drawings, after all.

His answer has Hae-soo come to the realization that these drawings can not be bad, because it hurt anyone anyway. She is impressed, but then another question follows: What is a young girl whose mother would a fly not hurt? "They think, a kind and sincere person is unable to hurt her own child?" He replied dryly. "My mother is an angel and sometimes they hurt me."

Hae-soo precedes the erotic drawings to plan patient (Hwan-hee) before you get to work, while Jae-yeol a call from Kang ignored -Woo and pinching off the manuscript. Kang-woo looks crushed when Jae-yeol not choose not to.

While some PPL java record, Jae-yeol learns that Hae-soo is a former fan of his work back when he wrote about love, not impale , He says Hae-soo unni Soo-Kwang fire.

Jae-yeol answers tried Tae-yong is chatting with his right hook, then says his ex-girlfriend that Pul-ip was just with him. As he drives off, Tae-yong exclaims that he will often visit Mama Ok-ja, as Jae-yeol is too busy writing.

In the car, Sunbae Jo admits that Jae-Bum is a hard case, but Tae-yong dispute quickly inkling that Jae-bum and Jae-yeol are related. He is discouraged to hear that Jae-yeol is the type who is always on his word followed by what means he must think of some other way will cope with their living situation.

Hae-soo finally seems to get through to Hwan-hee when together his artistic abilities at its meeting compliments. She apologizes for not earlier sympathize with him and asks why he sniffed glue with the children who were not even his friends.

He starts to say that was so he would not pull genitals, and Hae -Soo the sympathetic response, he explained: ". Because ... it makes my mother cry" they used words Jae-yeol that even nice people can hurt others, and Hwan-hee admits tearfully that he came in and her boyfriend having sex on his mother. This is an experience, Hae-soo can relate, but you hear how scared he was that his mother might leave him for her lover.

Meanwhile Sunbae Jo has another therapy session with Jae-Bum in the prison yard. Jae-Bum keeps questions on the orbit and seasons throw out: "Why is it always summer in Bali and the Maldives and always winter in Greenland?"

Jae-Bum asks whether the extent of his general knowledge surprised him. Sunbae Jo nods. He read about all this while behind bars, and insists that he's really curious about these issues.

If Sunbae Jo silent, Jae-Bum end this session sets and calls him in favor of the argument that as the Shrink she said clearly how should talk friends. "So, why did not you answer me?" Sunbae Jo tries to make amends, but is rejected.

Hae-soo hears Jae-yeol evening radio show on the bus ride home song his listeners have just heard is from the "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" soundtrack. Jae-yeol closer to the main character "Mac" McMurphy experience in a mental institution, where he firmly believed that he was different from the psychiatric patients.

"We as viewers of these thoughts are not free," Jae-yeol says. "We always think" We are different from the people "," You are crazy, and I'm normal. "" But the same patient who thought spectators were strange were later than sweet, perceived helpless and adorable in the movie, words that leave impressed Hae-soo.

As mental health professionals say, everyone is a patient, and so: ".. We all need to realize and understand that every pain of others then this world a little more beautiful than it already is"

Thanks to another memory, Hae-soo texts Jae-yeol to meet for drinks. He wraps his radio program and sends a teasing reply back that they occupied should be house-hunting, but whatever, sure. Heh.

Ha, Jae-yeol seems disappointed when he sees that Sunbae Jo is they will join (and the doc indicates how much). But when Jae-yeol called his lawyer, dangling a carrot in front of them suit, Sunbae Jo apologizes.

Jae-yeol, it is hard to believe when he a short get "Sorry" by Hae-soo, but they used the words from his radio to transmit back to him, he said no one should think that someone another is different, but they are two different people and their excuse is the best thing they can do.

Hae-soo message sends him and flings her arm through his for good measure, and that is actually to smile Jae-yeol. I love how Sunbae Jo quietly pumped behind them his arms in victory.

The four already set for beverages, where they all agreed that Soo-Kwang isn 't a pervert for wanting sex with his ex-girlfriend in to have a car when they were together. Speaking of perversion, Hae-soo, she says, "this movie" today observed bondage play in the bedroom with like, while the woman about her sex life is unvarying over a man. This is a different patient, is not it?

While psychiatrists S & M considered as a form of sexual expression, if it is not someone hurts, and Hae-soo thinks there is something wrong with the woman, Jaeger yeol disagrees. The point is whether the man obtained the consent of the woman and if he uses these elements without their consent, is , which makes him a pervert.

Sure enough, Hae-soo apologized to check up on the patient, and learns that none of the husband does not ask for approval before they engage in bondage play. She asks that they come in together next time.

While Soo-Kwang tries a girl points outside number, the conversation Hae-soo turns recent separation and how they do not sleep with the guy. Sunbae Jo mocks them for hard to get to play by teasing with a cracker. Jae-yeol chokes on his drink.

It turns out that girls Soo-Kwang has flirted with an angry oppa got. He is not very pleased that someone hit on his sister, and a further blow to the head sends Soo-Kwang in another episode.

he will have to be carried away, but the two boys guffaw when Sunbae Jo rarin is' to fight. Before the situation continues to escalate any but Jae-yeol kicks off the muscular arm of the Dude. "My leg is longer than my arm."

Jae-yeol is the girl and her oppa just got on their ignorance of his friend Tourette. And if the muscular guy posing with a bottle, Jae-yeol does and to propose steps so charming song that starts when. A fight on this show

It's a little weird, like everyone except Soo-Kwang gets in the ensuing brawl involved that breaks when they hear come the police. Thinking quickly, Jae-yeol drops a few notes, grabs Hae-soo's hand and running.

Jae-yeol and Hae-soo break away from the pack, and they wonder why they are running, if the other party instigated the fight. He asks if she is not injured, then explains that the other party is injured, and he is a celebrity-he had hit the headlines.

When Hae-soo runs in front of him, Jae-yeol catches up and grabs her hand again before they take off again. They lose their tail at an intersection hold but runs over their faces with this big smile.

Elsewhere someone else decreases shrinkage is Kang-woo, the bleeding and barefoot.

In the elevator, Jae-yeol shrugs from the pain in his arm. It promises to have only two beers and leave. However, before inward steps to pay them, that he was probably not a weirdo because he is a celebrity, then realizes that his old apartment looks almost exactly like his room in Hongdae.

Jae-yeol recognizes as much to agree that he probably has OCD. He then asks about their aversion to sex, adding that he heard her talking to her ex-boyfriend. "Did you find it difficult?" He asks, genuinely curious.

She says a man about town would like him never understand, but opens him about how it is used to be so bad that her heart would start pounding and she was short of breath at the mere thought of physical intimacy , That was ten years ago, she says, and she took medication for it then, but it is now much better.

years of self-regulation has also helped, she adds. She had imagined a situation countless times over with a lover, to say that physical intimacy is a beautiful thing. "Who knows," she says. "Maybe if I really hit someone I love, I could experience an unbelieveable love that."

Jae-yeol asks what the point to jump through all these hoops if they just continue and do it can go. Casual.

she wonders how it is possible for someone like her, and he throws back: "Why can not you?" And then he closes them, and plants a kiss.


now. We will see how Hae-soo that responds, but if that is the kind of therapy technique Jae-yeol has planned for it, then by all means; You will see me say no to kissing.

It was quite large watch Jae-yeol and Hae-soo relationship development in this episode of their bickering at the beginning that to an honest conversation led by the hour end. Your openness is another, which made their case for an enjoyable watch, even if their point and counterpoint were from the base first impressions of each other. She minced no words with each other, and I liked that Hae-soo recognized as he was revealing, whenever they talked about the movies, er, I mean the patients she has seen. Or maybe it's that Jae-yeol calls it as he sees it.

Anyway, I was impressed with how Hae-soo felt safe enough to put her personal story open with Jae-yeol. Granted, Jae-yeol and everything overheard her roommate after her resolution convo with her ex-boyfriend, but it says definitely something about a person who can recognize a both vulnerability and take ownership of it by working with selected people to share. Although Hae-soo has not overcome their phobia for physical intimacy, she has made some active steps to make it manageable in their lives, and while she knows that it is still very much a paralyzing fear, she has a wish to overcome it and experience a love is worth.

in this sense, I wonder if Hae-soo is aware that their aversion to sex, they both empathize better with patients, which can sometimes withstand a blind spot in her also similar experiences and psychological View. That's not to say Hae-soo not familiar with their territory, but that someone, their insight is also limited. What I like about their approach is that they get a new perspective, and checking the validity of this insight is open, even if it is of a know-it-all author is supposed that someone can break down the psyche in a few words , To an extent, I think it's great that Hae-soo has words in their therapeutic process Jae-yeol adoptive and received a positive response so far, what I hope they adapt to their existing skills and build on as we move forward.

Speaking Jae-yeol, he continues to be an interesting puzzle, I want to stay to know more. He is remarkably clever about his own shortcomings and how they have influenced his own life, even when he realized two steps too late. I'm not sure if it plenty of the words from his own radio shows or not, but believes to see him interact with our pseudo family, makes me confident that he will begin about the people in this house to care. I enjoyed to make watching the small and simple gestures towards Hae-soo, they know that he cared, and as he himself referred to Soo-Kwang as his friend. But what made me the happiest in this hour just saw, he was as happy , a free hand in hand with the biggest smile on his face. Indeed, the world is now a little more beautiful.

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