Recap And Reviews Kdrama Punch: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama Punch: Episode 1 -

So intense. I think we should have expected nothing less from the writer who brought us The Chaser and Empire of gold , since both were exceptionally well-written character dramas-former elements of the action as the latter, and the latter has pretty much invented his own brand of excitement when the majority of his scenes talk people. Sometimes they would go out in a room talking in another to speak, but that was about all. And it was awesome .

punch , it seems, is ready and willing to be the best of both worlds, with the riveting opening sequences in recent memory Drama. If this first trip is only an indication, which in this arsenal of production, then I would say that we are in pretty good hands. A warning, however: no punches were thrown in this episode. I know that what we all for in mood.


Roh Ji -Hoon - "벌 받나 봐 (punishment)" [ Download ]

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In the middle of the night, Prosecutor PARK Jung-Hwan ( Kim Rae -won ) is awakened by his modest single room from his panicking superior who shows him the latest news: someone who not gave him his candidacy for the office of the attorney General announced and he wants young -Hwan, do something about it.

they both know that the man on the front page, such as the in attorney General candidate LEE TAE JOON ( Jo Jaeger hyun ) vapors that he would leave his job as a prosecutor, if it does not reach this position.

Jung-hwan this in cool all takes and promises dirt on Tae-Joon dig rival and his family. Tae-joon all but begs Jung-hwan climb it to the role of the attorney General, and smiles knowingly when Jung-hwan right.

to help the next morning, harried mother SHIN HA KYUNG ( Kim Ah Joong ) runs with her little daughter to the school bus in the time to make, so the occasional quip about liking her daughter to sleep in.

They are sweet, with daughter PARK YE RIN with her mother through the bus window twisted faces as Ha-Kyung answers a call. We know anger threatens once the slo-mo begins, and Ha-Kyung knows when the bus accelerates suddenly.

First, the children will not understand what is going on, and you will find the high-speed driving exciting. But the driver can not try the bus to control other cars and obstacles, as the brake pedal is not working and the bus stops just accelerated.

ha-Kyung running after the bus as it to a busy intersection careens and attracts half on the sidewalk. While jumping pedestrians out of the way, the city children are like tossed rag dolls as the bus crashes in a line stopped cars go. That's frightening.

When the bus through the traffic continues to plane, we see the terrified child within cry and it is even more chilling that we do not hear crying little Ye-rin for her mother, but only see their words mouthing.

, the bus has a few close calls (too close), but if a brush with another truck the bus causes entirely to tumble out of control, the children are told to brace for impact. Jesus Christ.

With one last cry " Moooom! " Ye-rin, collides the bus at full speed into a parked truck. Ha Kyung-witnesses, the whole thing, and is the first to the crash site.

Meanwhile a gentleman Jung-hwan run reports that he was unable to find a Stained policy on Tae-joon rivals that we just now called Director Jung (proper initiation in preparation). But this is hardly an obstacle to Jung-hwan, he'll change his focus on young families.

Before Tae-joon can even make a comment, how difficult it could be (if you consider that the director Jung son is abroad in the US), Jung-hwan study reported that he already is to it lasted. A brief flash of events shows the states of the DEA the goal Son dormitory Raiding and arrested him on drug charges.

The way Jung-hwan speaks to ruin the lives of the people makes it sound like this is commonplace, which seems to be the idea. Although it involved risk if things go south in the course of Jung-Hwan bold step, Tae-joon, commented wryly that he is prepared for both results. "Whether I get a Prosektor content, or eat beans and rice [in prison], my country will be me one way or the feed."

We finally Tae-joon rival, Director of the Judicial Training JUNG Gook-hyun to meet, at a meeting with Jung-hwan. If he "advised" by Jung-hwan to step out of his candidacy on the grounds that shame could bring this recent news about his son to the prosecutor, Director Jung agrees to hold a press conference immediately.

But he is not the fool Jung-hwan takes him as he is trained enough accuser in his time to know that this was an orchestrated scheme everything. And he will not resign, because only if he is elected he can bring the reform.

Although he obscures all these statements, as if he was dictating for his upcoming press conference, the message to Jung-hwan is clear: he knows exactly what Jung- hwan has done and what he circles running in, and they will show how a proper lawyer lives

"Park Jung-hwan!" Director Jung speaks authoritatively him with a hint of disappointment-father figure thrown in for good measure. "Are you a prosecutor Korea?"

Jung-hwan meets his intense gaze unflinchingly as blatant pragmatism replies that he is, clearly unmoved attempts by Director Jung to appeal his sense of propriety.

to add fuel to the fire, Jung-hwan called add his contact in the United States, the charges against director Jung Son ramp up. He is not intimidated at all, as Director Jung threatens to use its state connections, because he sure Tae-Joon's compounds are much more influential than boys.

Director Jung he would speechless relaxed as Jung-hwan shows him calmly a picture of his son arrested when he mentioned how his wife heart disease preventing from visiting her son for five years in prison -Director would Jung would really want to do with his family? Impressive. This guy is a class act.

The Minister of Justice and the President of Korea's right hand woman, YOON JI SOOK ( Choi Myung-gil ), is the President of their thoughts, the General Prosecutor candidate is best suited to provide for the job. (It is a fixed position, a no elected.)

But in the moments before the meeting, Minister Yoon receives news that director Jung renounced his candidacy. Judging how much she has her subsequent rage bottle, it's safe to say that they bet on him.

We find our mother-daughter duo in the hospital, and fortunately, Ye-rin escaped with only minor bumps and bruises. The same can not be said of the driver, which is in a critical state.

Ha-Kyung, a policeman overhears the driver wife a hard time when he giving all the different ways of running this error could have been her husband. He is initially resistant when Ha Kyung-engages on the driver's name, but changes his attitude, as Ha-Kyung says she's a prosecutor and orders him to refer the case to her.

It's sweet of Ha-Kyung to try and cheer up the driver's young daughter, and when the young girl surprised asks if she really is a prosecutor, Ha Kyung answers. "Yes I punish bad people, and protect hard-working people like your father to be treated from unjust. "

Tae-joon seems to know that he does not have a friend in the Minister Yoon, but tries to smooth things with her now to ensure fruitful cooperation between them in the future. It would be humiliating to be in position at odds for two people, would not it?

She is unafraid to speak openly and says Tae-joon that's what is really demeaning that a man like him Attorney General -one, the studies for the purpose of manipulation (Director Jung) would be produced, and by surrounding himself with lackeys loyal to a crack in the prosecution created him (Jung-hwan).

proves After an exchange of metaphors in Tae-joon, how deep his dark stripe runs, leaving Yoon with a pseudo-declaration of war.

TAE joon familiar Jung-hwan for the forthcoming hearing with the preparation that he received must be appointed will, although his teammate JO KANG-JAE his dissent voices, as Jung-hwan already under suspicion for elimination of the Director Jung.

But when the press waiting outside to the Director Jung posing question, Jung-hwan sends an accusatory glance Kang-jae way. I think we know who leaked this information to the media.

During their investigation into the bus crash, Ha Kyung finds that not only a defective chip in the engine control unit was the cause of the sudden acceleration, the company that produces it knew about the defect and bought it anyway.

, it is only when Ha-Kyung finds , the company was behind these chips in the manufacture using and who was the CEO at the time that her partner has a nervous breakdown. Although the company has been sold since, the CEO was none other than Lee Tae-joon brother.

which gives her partner want to close to make the case, as they "d be crazy to try and a whale with a fishing rod (points for a good idiom) start ... right?

But even without wavering Ha-Kyung in their decision to come Tae -joon brother send a subpoena, although she admits she is not sure whether they can deal with the case. If they backtracked, she wonders what she would tell the driver daughter? that they leave, because the aim of the brother of someone was powerful? you can not, and they will not.

Kang-jae rivalry with Jung-hwan heats up, as this the errand boy denied his former, although Kang-jae advertises his seniority over Jung -Hwan as a way to threaten him, he led by Tae-joon long enough having seen many men who position Jung-hwan is complete is now in. It can be equally well cleared.

I love how Jung-hwan's like: "Oh, okay", before Lands prosecutor CHOI YOON-jin ( Seo Ji-hye ) instructs to promise a promotion of a particular government agents when he supported Tae-joon in the forthcoming consultation. Oh, and he also has an internal audit file on Kang-jae. Hands

Kang-jae balks at the open threat his shady dealings expose both prostitutes and contractors, but it will only get worse if young -Hwan talks about firing him, as he is not even in the room. Needless to say, Kang-jae is acid .

Ha-Kyung has her ex-husband to call to remind him that he is expected at Ye-rin birthday dinner that night, and we see a very different side to Jung-hwan, when he welcomes his daughter. He knows how to smile? Huh.

It is clear that Ye-rin loves her father, and the feeling seems mutual since Jung-hwan seems happy chirping her to hear and on about everything and nothing ,

But it is only when Ye-rin tells him that other fathers their children in hospital visits, which he uses to actually ask his ex-wife what happened. Ha-Kyung tells him blatant pragmatism that it was an accident, she called him even more.

Only then Jung-hwan remember the call that he had sacked during his meet-'n- threat Director Jung, although no longer be made available to him each to Ha-Kyung declaration of its investigation.

He almost dismisses their claim that a faulty chip caused the bus to speed, although Ha-Kyung has ample evidence to the contrary. "I'm CEO Lee Tae-Sub investigate," she informed him

If Ye-rin apologizing to use the girls room, get the two a chance to hash things :. When Ha-Kyung after Lee Tae-joon brother went, it would be bad for his campaign and bad for him.

Ha Kyung not really give a crap about how this might affect his work, nor do they hear when Jung-hwan tells her that her timing could not be worse. She knows exactly how difficult it will be when Tae-joon Attorney General is, but it is not going to shake their resolve.

She admits she is curious about something before Jung-hwan that the driver of the bus is to say in a critical condition because he children spare on waving.

"Thanks to him, Ye-rin could come tonight here. Who would you vote, Jung-Hwan? The one who protected your daughter, or Lee Tae-sub, Lee Tae-joon older brother?" Ha -Kyung asks.

He has no opportunity to respond, before Ye-rin returns when I wonder if the point driven home when Ye-rin her birthday wish used for the driver recovery, as well as for men, consisting of the "bad cars" to be punished to pray.

Although Jung-hwan wants with someone in her team Ha Kyung-chief to replace the kibosh on its investigation to set, kicks Kang-jae to Tae-joon, that Jung-hwan that should go because he [1945011ausdemKreissooo] trustworthy.

There is Kang-jae way Jung-hwan urge, even if Tae-joon just want to send him because he can trust anyone else to do the job. Jung-Hwan has no choice but to do as he says, but makes a plan Kang-jae once to displace and for all with Yunjin on his side.

Detective OH DONG-CHOON, Ha Kyung-partner shows an anonymous research report he dug the Sejin Auto (Lee Tae-company) knew the chips were broken before they prove they bought. If they find the author and to bear witness to him, they would be sure to win.

Ha-Kyung is initially resistant, as Jung-hwan called and asked to come to them in his office, as they to the Seoul Central District Court to travel to is busy. Luckily for them, can they find him now directly across the hall.

Of course, it is not to pass on their case to Yunjin just because Jung-hwan tells her to, and instantly know that all proper is testing her ex-husband is in respect to the case of the order are only ways to bury it.

"Ye-rin was on this bus," Ha-Kyung reminds him. "You're her father." "And you are the mother," Jung-hwan fires back. It is for this reason that they are not at work may occasionally it is a conflict of interest.

Because he has a point, Ha Kyung have no defense ready. Not yet.

Ha Kyung visited the driver in the hospital family to ask why his wife not signed a potentially life-saving operation for him. They are Ha-Kyung a newspaper a headline touting that her husband drove drunk when the bus crashed.

Because Ha-Kyung Jung-hwan overheard someone about drunk driving to speak, the realization dawns her that her ex was househusbands responsible for the implementation of this story except during driver woman, utterly defeated, asks Ha-Kyung, what to-do should it emerge in the operation, as her husband would wake up nothing but debt and shame?

Ha Kyung crying with her because she did not have an answer. But her tears run cold when Detective Oh calls to say that he found the previously anonymous researcher. He is in prison, and Jung-hwan is the one who put him there.

It is strange to find living in his mother's house Jung-hwan, instead of a dark cave, but that's where Ha-Kyung pursued him later to that same Night. Unsurprisingly, things are awkward between her and her former mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Once rooms are in Jung-Hwan, Ha Kyung comments has nothing changed. They also know where to find a birthday card that she gave him once, expressing her hope that she would spend all his remaining birthdays with him. So much for that.

But it is here on the researcher Jung-hwan put in jail to speak, and finally a retort to Jung-hwan give the book to her previous throw. He broke the rules to stop by an investigation where active suspicions remained, and by someone to silence them imprison.

She wants to get him to admit Lee Tae-Sub error for the defective chips, and to compensate for the driver, but Jung-hwan will do no such thing. If they so afraid they can only fall is the case.

"I'm scared," she admits. "When I examine the researchers case, your participation will be suspended." If that should happen, they would arrest him and it would be all over the news and what she would say, her daughter?

Jung-hwan answer is simple: Ha-Kyung, the driver argued case, and how much he sacrificed to do job-he even had to take painkillers just so he could bus on rainy days "do not investigate." drive due to an old accident.

But ... wait. Oh no. You can download the wheels turn in Jung-Hwan see head when he asks:

Cut "How long have you been?": Disciplinary proceedings against Ha- Kyung led by Jung-hwan , which, with its suspension shall end for one month in view of the fact that they hid the drivers physical limitations during the study. IMPRESSIVE. you, sir, are a son of a bitch.

after all the other leaves, Jung-hwan is Ha-Kyung to remember that it does not end after its suspension. you will be able to best return to a desk job. His advice? "Do you spend much time with Ye . -rin "

Ha-Kyung:". I am ashamed ... that I once locked your wife "

from the books, Ha-Kyung and question Detective Oh researcher Jung-hwan, who said that he landed unveiled there, after a pact with the devil by Jung-hwan along with everything else.

refused to part ways with her trusty detective, Ha Kyung visited friend and Minister Yoon to ask a mentor to Lee Tae joon forthcoming hearing.

ministers be chosen as a witness Yoon knows why she wants to take the stand, but also that it would be improper for a prosecutor to the confirmation the attorney General to take the stand.

Ha Kyung knows this, and to use their hands over a letter of resignation to Minister Yoon, if their actions a political burden became too much. "if I can not live as a prosecutor I should leave the prosecution, "she says. "I learned that from you."

During a free review thanks his sister get (who is a hospital technician), Yunjin Jung-hwan with the news, calling testify about Ha-Kyung. He can hardly contain his anger during his MRI, where his sister there noticed something that should not be.

He is in a proper rage, once the media ahold of the information obtained as him in a potentially tough spot with his employer-it's his ex-wife Testify finally puts. Tae-joon can decide whether it is more hassle than it's worth.

So if Tae-joon, invites him to a picturesque place for a drink, Jung-hwan is a bit on the edge. Tae-joon seems relaxed and resigned, as he Jung-hwan told that his parents are buried under the lake facing. It is an artificial lake and Tae-joon used where the money his parents to relocate graves for his and his brother to pay tuition.

It certainly shows how ambitious he is, even if he says he's fine with it can all go now, though he had hoped to become prime minister one day. Ah great. Minister Yoon agreed to cancel the hearing, if he withdraws, thus the case will be deleted.

You stay out when it starts to rain, as Tae-joon explains Jung-hwan: "You are the only one that I brought here my parents . imagine I can not claim victory only at the expense of destroying you. "to save Oh is he sacrifices his candidacy to Jung-hwan?

to know After a long moment of silence, and no way of knowing whether Jung-hwan's solemn not cry (because it has literally rained on his face) he Tae-joon meeting with Minister Yoon cancels.

"Give up everything not," he says. "I'll be the one at this time to lose."

The confirmation hearing starts, but while Ha-Kyung waiting in the designated witness room, Detective Oh some soul-crushing news brings her. does Jung-hwan for sole custody of Ye-rin

It is with shock shaking at Jung-hwan her enters to announce that he is a "witness" certain that will prove ha-Kyung a bad mother to be. She says she understands his position, but go this low ...

"Why only you understand it now?" He barks. ago: "It was not your prayers that saved me seven years It was Lee Tae-joon power If you had then understood me ....." Ha-Kyung: "If you had your fault admitted then- ..."

Huh. So there are some inconsistencies in memory here, but Jung-hwan insists that if a man who commits ten crimes can be pardoned, why should he have to leave his job for a mistake?

He will make sure that it loses Ye-rin, if they go to court, so that the decision is now in the hands: "Just like our divorce Ha Kyung-ah [1945012th] "he ensures that the familiar tone to emphasize how he scornfully how close they once were.

Thereafter Ha Kyung an unexpected phone call from Jae-hwan sister gets, the periods only through her sobs, "Oppa Oppa ... has ..."

section to Ha-Kyung take the stand at the hearing, but looks like it has been stunned into silence. When she is asked what she has to say regarding Tae-joon (this as part of the wedding is where the priest asks for objections, political style), she remembers the rest of the phone call.

"Oppa Oppa ... has a tumor ... In his brain ..." his sister sobbed had before adding that Jung-hwan does not even have left 6 months. to live.

Now Ha Kyung faced with a terrible dilemma, as she struggles to prior articles and to hold back tears every time she looks at Jung-hwan. When she called to finally give her statement, every word coming out as pulling teeth ...

... But her statement is that she has no explanation. She bows her head in shame, while Tae-joon looks at Jung-hwan, all, Have you do that? Jung-hwan nods yes.

He has no idea that it wasn 't his threat that changed Ha Kyung mind, so that when their eyes meet across the room, the bastard smiles actually her how he won.


If he only knew. I'm excited already, this show has provided us with such an unlikable guide to the challenge because it is without a doubt one of the most ruthless cunning and cold-hearted beings ever to slip on our television screens with top to accounting because it of the type behavior you would expect from the villain , not from the H-word. (I can not even bring myself to say it anywhere near a mention of Jung-hwan name.)

And I can not help but absolutely love that about punch directly if only because it comes from the starting gate in many ways against the mold and do it as well . It is impossible not to wonder what might have happened to this man may want to turn it into what it is today, as we prove Ha Kyung that he is a heart at some point in his life had to have. The secret lies in how he lost it, which one is currently helluva question mark.

I can not say enough praise pile actually go on the readiness of the show there, when it came to Jung-Hwan, because every time I thought he was so bad, so bad could get, he itself somehow surpassed. We could not even him pause a wimp for when it came to his daughter, because he not only willing to overlook the negligence, it could have cost them their lives, he was ready to use it as it was only a thing without feelings or his own blood their veins running through. As it was only a means to an end, a way to Ha Kyung-threatening in the silence just so he could keep his job.

Looking back now, the drinking-in-the-rain scene was actually a large and inordinately clever tease that promotes only my faith in the certainty of the storytelling so far. You have one of you be sure to present a character like Jung-hwan as unapologetically as they have created a massive problem basically that requires a massive solution. Only with an incurable disease, it is not would cut, and the show knows it very well. It would have been easier just to give us a moment when Jung-hwan come with him to a halt for us pity, but that would have been negated setup. Dislike to him and failure to understand him is the point for now at least.

But the reason why I the drinking scene is mentioned because it could have gone the easy way out by showing Jung-hwan with a moment of real human emotions, although I'm not sure how much it would have mitigated, which he did immediately after. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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