Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 20 (Final)

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 20 (Final) -

Get the hankies ready - to figure out what life is like at one internationally without our beloved boss Oh, not only because this is the last episode of what has become one of the best dramas of the year, but also because we (and all other ) have to be. Because life goes on, and everyone rallies around Geu-rae to fight against the corporate machine, so it can be set as full-time employees, on. More importantly, we now discover, lead him what fateful path that in Jordan to take increasing jump.

RECAP final episode

for the boss Oh departure of One international, 3 sales team goes back as usual business. But let him in spite of all the same as always, Geu-rae still feels uncomfortable, find more reasons than with the company stay treat. But the reason why he stays is due Chef Ohs admonishment hang in there and fight to the end.

makes as Geu-rae coffee for his department, the other newcomers peer cautiously around the corner before nervously enter ting. Seok-yul does his best to break the ice and raise Geu-rae mood, but immediately puts his foot in it when he the acquisition transition meeting project mentioned him as a manager and Ma recalls Chief Oh old conflicts. After Geu-rae leaves, sighs Seok-yul that Geu-rae contract end date is closer still, and despite the best efforts of all, there is not anything they can do.

The new Chief Sales Team 3 Department Dong-Shik belittling a whole micro-manager, when he explains to the new boss that she usually left to themselves, to do their jobs. This type of work style is to fly no more, and with a contemptuous look at Geu-rae, the micromanaging boss adds that when they get their new employees, it will be a college graduate to be with good qualifications.

Assistant Manager Sung finds out that Seok-yul not paid Chungsol, the company, which has consistently been late on their deliveries. Seok-yul sticks to his guns and insisted that, because some important quality control documents were missing when the products were not enough, he would end up in charge. Naturally Assistant Manger Sung jumping at this word "responsible", ask what kind of environment Seok-yul was increased to make so distrustful and selfish in him.

Oooo, you do not mess with Seok- yul family, and when he sits down again at his desk, he pulls out the envelope of photos that he took of Assistant Manager Sung - only to have them in his desk back to hard and called them to consider "too dirty". innnnn interesting.

At the transition meeting, the representatives from the textile, resource, steel and sales teams have amicably discuss what superimposed to hand projects. Manager Ma is in the seat of authority, and he opposes the fact everyone wants out together on their own projects only focus instead of working. His refusal to let the resource team projects give away, and his special attention to young boss turns his head in a stuttering mess of nerves.

Young-yi is on the phone with a client, and how they discuss a delivery schedule, it notes that in the next month her second anniversary of work on One is international -., Which is also when Geu -rae contract until

The return resource team of their meeting, chief Jung still unsure of his meeting with Manager Ma. The other assistant manager wishes Manager Ma, a contract was an employee, and as you see Dong-Shik and Chief Chun return to their cabins, the resource team, what will happen to Geu-rae asks.

Young-yi takes a coffee break, and while it is the memory, as they were and Geu-rae interns sitting Assistant Manager Ha down opposite her. He can say that it bothers her that she will soon lose Geu-rae, and she admits that she did not ask, may stop when it is a solution that permanently hired to get him help.

He suggests that they start a "movement" - when they speak enough people about how Geu-rae must remain can get of your company, then maybe the executives could rethink things. She goes on this proposal to Baek-ki and Seok-yul, it is not just present a perfect solution. Baek-ki do not know how it is possible to "save Geu-rae" to launch campaign. After all, it's not like they can do a project presentation at Geu-rae or the CEO go crying like people do in dramas.

But heart-on-his-sleeve Seok-yul refuses to give up without even trying, and he decides to use the format that once made him look like an idiot. On the employee forums, he apologized for his earlier use of the message board, and asks everyone please read his request. As he writes about the importance of Geu-rae has been to him personally, just like the rest of the company, we see a montage of Geu-rae past experience both as a trainee and a contract employee.

Meanwhile Young-yi and Deputy Director Sun go to the personnel department to find a way that a contract worker could be hired as a permanent employee, begging that he with the Executive Director of the Distance a fair, untainted received from his club. For himself, creates Baek-ki, a table, in which all options Geu-rae has helped the steel team.

Assistant Manager Kang realized what he does, and even offers to check it over, if he did, since this type of documentation will be useful for 3 sales team to try and convince the executives believe that Geu is -rae value is stored. Alas, it seems that everyone is on "Team Geu-rae".

Seok-yul enveloped his impassioned plea, the Geu-rae has a permanent staff with hopes are that he Geu-rae promise from the potentially internally fulfilling presentation reviewing where Geu-rae, he said the textiles would sell with Seok-yul. Late at night in a darkened, empty office, Geu-rae reads Seok-yul the post, tears running down his face.

A new generation of interns is ready to be selected and Chef Chun encouraged Geu-rae to go down and represent their team to act like a proper sunbae. But deputy director Sun comes, breathless, to meet with them to ask.

You are stunned that headquarters can be seen, the policy contract workers about changing, and that in the future contract workers will be hired for a performance review. Deputy Director Sun promises everything to help, they can, and Dong-Shik is overjoyed that they have a chance to save Geu-rae.

When Geu-rae dazedly back to his desk, he looks at the empty desk, the boss Ohs earlier if it ask, okay, be ambitious for him. Speaking of boss Oh (because he always boss Oh, whatever), then he is now ...

... provide chicken while dressed in his business suit? I can not decide whether it's funny or just sad. The chicken restaurant ahjumma chides him for late on his deliveries to be, and he apologizes cheerful.

During his lunch break, boss Oh, a few office workers complain overheard about her new intern who call his mother to figure you had to figure out how to make photocopies. Haha! But that reminds him when Intern Geu-rae had begged him for a chance when boss Oh would only teach him what to do.

He pulls his cell phone out and stops Dong-Shik number, but while he was debating whether or not to call, deputy director Sun calls him instead. He greets her cheerfully said if she has of Manager Ma enough to throw her resignation in Manager Ma face and come instead of just working with him.

But it is actually to inform calling him that Geu-rae has passed the initial performance verification, and all that is left between him and a permanent One international staff is always tomorrow's vote of the Board of Directors.

There appears to be higher-ups among the good buzz, that it will keep a majority Geu-rae permanently. Everyone around Geu-rae seems more nervous than he is about his future as he sits quietly on his daily tasks. But as deputy director Sun at his desk going over, needed no words - the look on her face is enough to tell him that he did not make it. Oooof.

Everybody fights tears during Geu-rae a smile forces. Day turns into night, as he stands, motionless, staring at the yard. Alone in the office, he walks slowly back to his desk, remember his first day, when he was so confused by the hum of the office. In the darkness he is Sales Team 3 of the department, these early times recalls when he first worked with Chef Oh and Dong-Shik.

The tears flow now free, and he makes his way to the roof, where he fought with Seok-yul, where he had run laps as punishment, and where Dong-Shik had asked to know him better to learn. He reached the railing of the roof, this is reminiscent was the place where Chef Oh told him that "is sustainable to win", and hanging means that it moves in the direction of full life only there.

Chief Oh is in a new office, and, oh, hey - it's manager Kim! Apparently the chicken product only boss Oh field tests was to export to Vietnam, they are planning a new style of helmet. He has a new company with his old work sunbae actually started, the one who had been so desperate for work, and on Manager Kim presented the CEO of your company to be.

As Chief Oh his new office leaves his son calls to ask that he buy fried chicken. But his wife takes over the phone, muttering that he had promised that this new career would mean that he would spend more time with his family, but he is as busy as ever.

Seok-yul reached annoyance with Assistant Manager Sung petty tyranny of his breaking point when Assistant Manager Sung ordered casually Seok-yul to reschedule his day. Seok-yul reminds Assistant Manager Sung that he so that he could go 60th birthday on holiday with his family to celebrate his father that day months in advance, but Assistant Manager Sung insists that he would have to cancel his plans.

Snatching the envelope of photos from his desk, Seok-yul sitting in the stairwell down and rotates them through. It turns out that Assistant Manager Sung happened to the CEO of Chungsol who always be cozy a married woman. Seok-yul is to open on the incriminating photos in the suggestion list, to ask that Assistant Manager Sung are investigated, but he thinks of himself.

After careful consideration, he decided instead at Chef Moon Desk leaving. But when Seok-yul escapes to the roof to call his mother to apologize that he will not be able to make it to the family vacation, it pulls the envelope of photos and burning them in the trash. Puh; it looks like someone has finally learned to take the high road.

But Karma works for Seok-yul, when the husband of Chungsol CEO (a cameo of Oh Jung-se ) comes with its own set of incriminating photos. The once high-spirited Assistant Manager Sung is frantically apologizing as he takes a literal beating the gifts offers all CEO gave him the Chungsol to pass -. As his watch, his shoes, and the keys to his car

The head of the Steel Division congratulates Baek-ki, how well he has done, and added that he would soon catch up to Assistsant Manager Kang records. Baek-ki accordingly modest, but as an Assistant Manager Kang in an e-mail an error Recalls Baek-ki sent to its German customers, Baek-ki points out that in fact, he was right - as he correctly was as Assistant Manager Kang had tried to correct his German pronunciation. ! Hee

Baek-ki eating lunch with Young-yi - or tried but oxblood stew still makes his stomach turn. Seok-yul it comes his hands to take off, and fills them in how to Assistant Manager Sung has now taken a sick person, but he is sure that the "psychopath" will be back soon, once his pride and his broken nose heals. He asks casually if they saw a movie together (and pffft as "Why would you see a horror movie when there are so many others to choose?"), Adding that she should not leave him out. But that only makes him miss Geu-rae, and he points out how unbalanced they are now, sitting with three people for four at a table.

on his hands and knees, Geu-rae busy cleaning house he practiced while English over audio lessons. Mom mentioned that one of her friends looking to help someone run a restaurant, but Geu-rae, he says for the first time in his ability to work would prefer.

Young-yi calls him for drinks to get along with the rest of the newcomers, and everyone is happy to see him again, especially Seok-yul, the fixed enveloped him in a hug - to avoid the Geu-rae tries per usual. But amid the cheerful chatter (largely fueled by Seok-yul unrequited love for Geu-rae), Baek-ki wonders if boss Oh has asked Geu-rae to join his new company. Young-yi tries to cover the embarrassment when Geu-rae he has not, to the proposal, boss Oh would not want to bring on each new until the company is properly known.

makes as tipsy Geu- rae his way home in order to sing himself, boss Oh wait from his house and calls him and asks if he has done everything settling around him. He points out that Geu-rae got the suit and required for the job tie, so he can only come to the new office whenever. Awwww.

Back to One International, 3 sales team is doing more than ever before, and their new incompetent intern seems only make it worse. Dong-Shik and Chief Chun take a break on the roof, and Dong-Shik laments the fact that the time seems to creep up now - work does not seem more fun. When he at the site, looking down, where he, boss Oh, and Geu-rae had swallowed the tainted milk, he wonders why he feels so lonely.

Yay! Geu-rae is officially boss Oh the new company! When he delivers a report on boss Oh desk down, rotate the photo of Chief Oh family. But as soon as he returns, will head Oh the picture back down. If Geu-rae wonders why he keeps them always face down, he explains that it is because he does not want to hear his wife nagging.

do you have any response to the job posting not heard it put, and are considering to see if they can get an intern when, to everyone's surprise, in breezes Dong-Shik. He makes himself at home to tell them that Geu-rae can record the job announcement. Huzzah the team is together again!

Anything left is Chief Chun, but it looks like he his eyes to a department manager at One International, when he got set is testing in Upper Oh old chair sitting.

Geu-rae new hairstyle lets you know that some time has passed, and Chief Oh gets a call that counterfeit Stag Honey Manager Seo has the cellphone case stolen prototype they were planning on producing and selling us. he is not a child Chief Chun tips them off that he has been pursuing Jordan, and it is endearing as as he prepares to fly it, Geu-rae has to remind him chief Ohs constant barrage of helpful tips to stop more.

When he meets in Jordan with one international representative, Geu-rae finds out that she does not find Manager Seo able either. But had Geu-rae, said General Manager Seo recalls during his con-artist chatter about the fake honey Hirsch mentions that he can find prefer to stay in the cheapest place.

As Chief Oh, he is in the desert of Jordan, and when he around, Geu-rae calls him looks. Geu-rae seems a little upset that Chief Oh is "so far" for their contingency plan, but he says Geu-rae that the Russian Mafia Tattoos get on their knees as a sign that they will kneel for no one. So they will continue to fight, too. After he hangs up, he boisterously belt of his favorite Russian song (he same for Young-yi resulted in 7 sang), then immediately calls Geu-rae to take it to him in Petra, to say back.


Geu-rae walks along the lighted path to Al Khazneh during boss Oh Robert Frost's famous poem, "The Road Not Taken". He meets with head Oh, and is suitably awed by the old structure explained before him as head Oh, that Petra was once the center of the commercial world.

But it was not until he was here, he recalled that, as a child, the third Indiana Jones Watch film reminded Chef Oh, that he wanted a world traveler to be when he grew up. Just because you forget a dream does not mean that it stopped existing. In the same way, just because you can not be seen on the road, does not mean not, the street does not exist

boss Oh quoted the Chinese novelist Lu Xun .:

Hope there can be said, still it can not be said to exist. It's just like roads on the earth. Because actually had to start no roads the earth, but if many people an opportunity to pass, a road is made.

But Geu-rae still confused as to why he called him there despite boss Oh insisting he only told him (and scolds, that he should have brought Young-yi instead, since they would have understood from the beginning). Geu-rae: "So, you want to catch me manager Seo?"

This leads us to the first scene of Episode 1, where Geu-rae manager Seo chases through the streets of Amman and across rooftops before gearing up for its big jump between buildings to ...

... and he does it!

he finally begins to save with Manager Seo upward through his life, when he tried to jump from the roof, which would have had him on the floor below the landing. But instead of being grateful, Manager Seo can complain only about the injuries he has arisen. As is clear that Manager Seo will not tell him where the phone case prototype is hidden, Geu-rae used a cloth a piece Manager Seo head cover.

If Geu-rae later the cloth away Manager Seo he finds a chair has been tied. He tried to escape, only to realize that they are in the middle of the desert in a tent, and there is nowhere to run. Geu-rae asks one more time for the manager Seo to tell him where the phone is the case, but refuses as Manager Seo he calls boss Oh, to see what he should do next.

of One international staff who helped Geu-rae Track Manager Seo downward surprise is when Geu-rae mentioned the Russian mafia, but he plays together as Geu-rae threatens that the Mafia is also interested in finding Manager Seo, and they believe in the "Faust before the law." At the sound of approaching cars and someone in Russian, Manager Seo finally screams cracks, breaking into tears and tell him where he hid the prototype. In awe, says the other employees Geu-rae that he is a true One International employees.

boss Oh slams his head into the tent at that moment wanted to know what he meant. After Geu-rae no longer works for One International - Geu-rae is be employees now. Has he not heard of her company motto: ". We lose, but people do not lose"

As head Oh sees the sweaty and nervous Manager Seo, he shouts the Russian texts of his favorite song. Hahaha! The made-Russian mafia was confessing only know a part of their elaborate contingency plan manager Seo.

Later, as head Oh and Geu-rae drive away, asks Chef Oh if Geu-rae One leave regrets internationally and want to go back. Geu-rae, he does not say is certain, then suddenly asks Chef Oh, to sell so that he would buy. Chef Oh, now in the passenger seat, it is recalled when he met Geu-rae restarted, the unfortunate internally bother him only unused for sale, could offer.

When the men in the sunset drive away, Geu -rae final voice-over is the same as his first:

One way is not only for walking: his purpose is to to move forward and to improve. One way to do this fails, is not no way.

After the credits, we see in a small epilogue that if teenagers Geu-rae stepped outside his father's memorial room, a desperate boss Oh collided with him in the rush to Eun-ji of Memorial. Who knew then that if these two were parting to say of a father figure and a loved contract workers, they would one day to fill those roles for each other in the future.


It's all over. Sniffle, sniffle. How do you say goodbye to your favorite drama of the year? Is it even possible to gracefully go of something you have grown to love so dearly and passionately? I need my own version of the Chief Oh, to come and distract me with poetry and adventure, while I the loss of this beautiful and perfect drama.

already mourn, I'm struggling to develop with words to express how all these characters have wormed their way into my soul and found a home, and how glad I am that they in their own little worlds, be it internationally at the world Group of one, where even simple office tasks will take to continue to live on a great significance, or the daring "people come first" company, in the boss Oh finally all may be that he does not could be -. and where Geu-rae can bloom in trust and excellence

the last half hour seemed almost cinematic first to spend especially after weeks in the muted palette of cabin country. If one of the mundane world of instant coffee, copying machines and endless stacks of files, suddenly end up in the beauty of the desert and Al Khazneh, Petra, well, it was shrill, to say the least. And I admit, I cracked a few totally Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade jokes before boss Oh even mentioned the film.

But it just shows how out-of-place boss Oh, and Geu- rae were really at One International. These are people who can follow the rules - all these fussy procedures in a global company are so important (as we know only too well from when Geu-rae tries Seok-yul chief Ohs worn slippers to to sell). But if there is a choice between procedures or following the heart, wins the heart.

While I is not expected Chef Oh society will always have made on the unknown road, looking for adventure as they try to reclaim what is rightfully theirs I am happy to know that he and Geu-rae (and Dong-Shik!) the freedom to work now their strengths, rather than always try to work it.

Although this show is and will always be thinking about Head Oh and Geu-rae, I can do a final wrap-up, without giving some love to Seok-yul, especially as he finally made it, in fact strategically and be as patient as any advice has to be him. Frankly, each character has gone through some major growth in this show, but Seok-yul is the most memorable to me. Remember when we met him for the first time, and instinctively we retreated from his smarmy greasiness and his "Wall-dog" way? But somehow he is to be my favorite of the newcomers, the glue that holds them together, even if Geu-rae has disappeared. (I will not know how many buckets of tears to admit that I cried when he wrote his petition Geu-rae store.)

so much because as this show about Geu-rae and Chief Oh, it's also about the people around them, the people who had their own stories and life, and were not always what they seemed at first. So often in drama country, what you see is what you get - but here we had to learn that each character was a person with their own secrets, hopes, dreams and quirks. Each had his own path to travel down, and sometimes the streets coincided with other, and sometimes they waved away. The road of office workers is an endless horizon of projects, presentations and promotions. Some may end up taking that road less traveled, but still, the road continues on

At the end (oh, how it kills me to say: - What the rumors of season were "end?"). I do not think I'll ever be able to stop the show to praise. It was one of those rare but perfect combinations of director, screenplay, acting, and general zeitgeist, appearing in a blue moon in drama land once to pop up, and I am forever grateful that my "road" led me to opportunity to recapitulate such a wonderful drama

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan Kang Haneul, Kang solar ra, Lee Sung-min, Misaeng

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