Recap And Reviews Kdrama Misaeng: Episode 14

Recap and reviews korean drama Misaeng: Episode 14 -

It's a new year - 2013 in order to be (remember, this show is in the past) precisely - and the One international team prepares for bonuses and promotions. All newcomers have their struggles, it is the fear of not being hired permanently, in the cruel actions of a small and hateful boss or thwarted battle plans against particularly frustrating Assistant Manager. When they look in the new year, sees boss Oh in the past when he tries to make sure history does not repeat itself.


The entire staff of One internationally with awards and recognition for different team members New Year ceremony to sit through. As other teams are awarded for their high performance from last year, realized Geu-rae that despite his high hopes for the Jordan Used car project, most of the teams 3 through guided sales team

Baek-ki -Shows from his German skills, while talking on the phone to a buyer. He seems quite proud of yourself, to assistant manager Kang corrected his pronunciation.

In the resource team, Young-yi will go ahead with a Norwegian minerals project continue and is even assigned to help the rest of the team has already done on their projects by the research. Aw, finally Assistant Manager Ha really satisfied with their work, rather than bitter and envious.

Dong-Shik is on the phone with a potential buyer in Japan to sell rice wine, and Geu-rae listen, although he does not understand Japanese. A fact that in his opinion offers Dong-shik points teasingly out by Geu-rae on Japanese consumer trends, and continues until his mother to a blind date she calls for him is established. He protests that he too busy to think about getting married, but tells her to send him pictures of this marriage prospect anyway.

After Dong-Shik leaves for a meeting, the IT Sales Manager copies comes to receive some documents. Geu-rae is happy to help, and when he gives himself over copies of the documents requested, Director Nam watches it carefully, to ask him whether the Bank used car sale project really takes again idea was his.

Dong-Shik returns only as Manager Nam leaves, and he warns Geu-rae that the Manager Nam probably scout him because his team is understaffed. Everyone knows now that Geu-rae was recognized and complemented by the CEO, and because of its status, it is not too worrying if it becomes unusable.

He begins in this last statement, but it is too late. Despite Geu-rae smile as he offers to take over the coffee Dangerous Preparations duty, he knows that Dong-Shik was referring to the fact only it is a fixed-term contract workers. If Geu-rae returns to the office, Chief Oh is back and ready to give to reprimand him documents so plainly without permission. But he is especially irritated that Manager Nam explored Geu-rae.

boss Oh leaves Manager Nam personally to confront, to tell him that he should let Geu-rae alone. He is protective of his property as he warns the line Nam that if confusion with Geu-rae, it's how he. With head Oh brass When he goes, he is asking an empty desk in the corner, what happened to the man who worked there. It turned out that it is a temporary, whose contract was not renewed.

Manager Ma eating his lunch while Young-yi supplies its coffee (and he finds that she is wearing flats today). When he sees the rest of the resource team by foot, he screams Chef Jung, to ask him about the Tunisia project that was stolen from Samjung. As chief Jung tries to explain ladder Ma only calls him to tell him to get it, no matter what happens.

heads Our freshman quartet HR for a benefit debriefing, and if they meet skills outside the conference room, Young-yi and Seok-yul of trolling, are strong, as "innocent" Geu-rae questions about our favorite kindergarten teacher and when Baek-ki seduces all women while. at the ski resort cause only teasing Duo Geu-rae and Baek-ki's fervent protests burst out laughing.

The manager leads in chief Oh in the lobby, and he congratulated boss Oh for such a discerning eye. But boss Oh reminded him politely that the discerning eye belongs to the CEO, since he was the one who set and assigned Geu-rae to his team in the first place.

As Chief Oh go away, the manager says to make him over chief Park not worry because he did what he had to do in this situation. But could not boss Oh told him before that? He adds that it would have been better in this way.

In its HR meeting that newcomers get a rundown of their advantages for the new year, including mandatory skill classes for such things as data processing and English. Geu-rae blanches at the thought of English is to learn, and Seok-yul reassured they have beginner classes also.

But if the HR representative is the pay arrangements for the new year, there isn 't one of Geu-rae (since he no permanent staff), and he apologizes awkwardly. He moves slowly back to his desk, everyone has to sign to watch his new wage agreements that are based on the department head on the employee's review.

He can not bear to go back quite yet to his desk so that he outside continues to conduct breeding, and bonuses overheard all brag about their increases. When the assistant manager out for a coffee and smoke break step, comparing bonuses and joke about Dong-Shik upcoming Blind Date. Chef Chun seems to watch in envy the only aware Geu-rae.

Geu-rae mopes his way back to his desk, and Chief Oh calls him out on his behavior, telling him snap out of it and back to his normal routine. Geu-rae asks him if he is as he goes to work ever has, then he should be a permanent employee, is not it?

But boss Oh says he realized that Geu-rae not become permanent employees. Data is king when it comes to determine the employment, and there are too many people with better CVs, experience and background as him, who also spent on training do not require as much time and money. There is no way that Geu-rae will be able to force yourself through the impregnable fortress in the company handbook.

When crushed Geu-rae leaves office at the end of the day, he considers where he put his "yes" list on the column. He had thought this pillar symbolizing its infrastructure, but it turns out that he was only to borrow for a short time. Chef Chun finds him there, and he invites Geu-rae with him something to drink

Over shots of soju, Chef Chun admits that what he enjoyed most to drink on the job in the office learned -. It helped him forget the hard times and loneliness, and made it easier to kiss up to the people he hated. But he regrets that's to learn how to drink. He was never to take a break daily life or leisure can enjoy.

He says Geu-rae that drinking, the saying of "keeping up with the life out helps the head cool, but the heart hot." This is to have a saying Geu-rae knows, heard it many times during his baduk days. But Chef Chun surprised if he that from today adds that he will quit drinking.

Thanks Geu-rae, Chef Chun has finally been able to have a "hot heart" and be happy about the work. Geu-rae apologizes about the difficulties it caused in the office, and as Chief Chun recalls what the manager told him about 3 to sales team assigned is, he calms Geu-rae that a lot of work that is not a necessity ,

Back in the office, the boss Sung textile team orders Assistant Manager late working on a report for a morning session to stay. Of course, he goes immediately to Seok-yul, rattling off all the details and specifications that eventually grudgingly added that he is Seok-yul expected it to take responsibility. He also assured the chief that he personally through the material to make sure it'll go exactly once Seok-yul write it down.

But instead of sticking around to Seok-yul is finished, it passes from a friend for a drink to make. Seok-yul's hardly been able to contain his frustration silent through it all, and later Assistant Manager Sung checked in with him. But instead of returning to the office to look through the report, the texts he that he can only go home Seok-yul.

Seok-yul sees this as an opportunity to declare war, and in the morning he grins as he rides the elevator, specifically Assistant Manager Sung ignoring frantic calls. He leaves to hasten his confident swagger in the office, which surprised if the boss tells him that the report is not prepared. It's just a trick to show that Assistant Manager Sung had not read through the report before it, and Seok-yul is pleased with herself permission, as it prints the report, assuming that Assistant Manager Sung in advised difficulties.


But a perplexed Seok-yul soon realizes that his plan as the boss backfired for incoming work a few minutes late.

Young-yi says Manager Ma about the preparations it has made in a country club for its upcoming meeting, but all Manager Ma to be able to concentrate all the little details, such as when his caddy a pretty girl. He suddenly asks her about her past relationship with team leader Shin to have heard it through the grapevine. But Young-yi stands her ground and refused to discuss it, since it does not refer the matter to work.

Referring to the attitude of their sudden change knowledge, an affected Baek-ki she follows out, but she smiles and reassures him She's fine. Manager Ma also happens to take his coffee break, and when he sees it, he immediately calls her back to talk to him, if he acts like a concerned parent, trying to get his daughter to protect reputation.

When she asks why she would be his daughter, he turns to them to dare angry, even to speak to him again. He asks if they report him for sexual harassment is also when he gives her his cup of coffee. But Baek-ki rushes to intercept and is the person in whose breast the scalding liquid gets. That ticks only Manager Ma off even more, and he storms after Baek-ki quiet withstands his insults.

During her lunch break, Young-yi buys a new shirt for Baek-ki, before him to thank for his actions. He is offering to pay up for it, and she replies teasingly, that it is ₩ 50,000,000. My point is that it is a gift, and he was off his wallet.

Even during the lunch break, Geu-rae finds Seok-yul passionate an angry screed against Assistant Manager Sung on an anonymous researcher writing web up Forum. Geu-rae expression seems to show that he thinks that will not end well.

At the weekend as Geu-rae cleans his house, he thinks about what Chef Oh said about how no way for him there as permanent employees set to be , He gets a call from Dong-Shik asked him to be on standby, because today his Blind Date is, and past experience has taught him that he should be cast within one hour to the roadside.

Despite his efforts, his prediction come true as Dong-Shik of Blind Date him dumps, to tell him that he does not seem selfish enough. He tries to console themselves that at least they do not dump him because of his appearance. But this means that Geu-rae is called to fulfill his duty as a consolation point.

If Geu-rae responds immediately ask the phone, which bar Dong-Shik on, he is surprised to discover that it was actually the adorable kindergarten teacher call him instead. She is very happy that he apparently asked her to go to a drink after hard to get to play as long as he just behaved that he now apparently has a date.

they and Dong-Shik are as happy blitzed sue someone when looking to get married on the modern state of dating and difficulties. When she asks pointedly at marriage Geu-rae opinion, it is still so in his work focuses sorry he can blurt only that he is a contract worker.

Seok-yul plans with his family makes for the return home New Year holiday, but as he goes online its bus reserve tickets, he initially chooses about his boss to the employee Internet forum the answer of his check angry tirade. But he soon realizes that one of the written responses is a polite apology from Assistant Manager Sung for no good their freshman training, and the rest are derisive comments from other employees about Seok-yul boldness in making the post in the first place. [1945009[

he sick to his stomach looks as he arrives at work on Monday morning, and if all four newcomers are accessible on the lift, which overhear a few other employees the ridiculous idiocy Seok discuss going -yul posts. He tried his cooperation to preserve dignity, as for once the gossips Seok-yul has hidden in the back, but no words when he bids shut the other newcomers adieu.

Today is the day, the company everyone gives presents its New Year and all permanent employees receive gift bags of spam while contract workers receive edible oil. Geu-rae eyes the edible oil is on his desk as Chief Oh, to remind him not to be greedy.

But Geu-rae asks if he has to ask permission to be greedy. It's not about the permanent job to get, really - he wants to just keep working and stay not react with Sales Team 3. Chef Oh, and the tense silence is broken when boss Oh Dong-Shik spots and asks eagerly, as the blind date went.

he apologizes for a smoke break, and when he broods over Geu-rae words, he remembers when the former contract workers had asked him if they are working, they kept hard, they would be able to remain with the company.

boss Oh gives his staff permission to leave early for the holidays, and it provides an envelope of cash as a New Year bonus round. Chef Oh keeps turned his back when he slipped on his jacket, Geu-rae polite to avoid protests. Chef Chun reminds teasingly Geu-rae that he should only say "thank you" when an older hands to him money.

When he comes home, Geu-rae quiet the shell leaves next to his sleeping mother, but she wakes up enough to note his bonus. He is sitting outside in the night sky to stare, and when he thinks about his earlier conversation with boss Oh, he throws a few tears.

The morning of the New Year, Geu-rae his mother's advice and take it for a long walk with his relatives to avoid that, the were unhappy with his decision to quit playing baduk. He worries how they will deal with them in a position, but calm down, it will be easier for them if he is not there.

Without a place to go (and no one to enjoy it with, anyway), he finds himself back in the office. When he sees some employees a shipment unloading, he offers to help. But they tell him that he need not unnecessarily exercise because it does not exactly is it a permanent staff will help. He goes away sad to be reminded again sighing at its temporary status.

Suddenly realize that it was probably wrong, that he left his mother alone, he hastens back home, gasping for breath as he sprints street on , But he should not have worried, because Mom Court considers the rest of the family, bragging Geu-rae benefits at work.

Geu-rae remains hidden, as he listens to her effusive praise, but she starts crying when she mentioned how much Geu-rae, if his heart is suffering, to smile more. His eyes fill with tears when he goes quietly away from home and puts his rambling. He remembers that he was not an error in his mother's eyes.

Each returns after the holiday to work, and will be settled as Geu-rae in the office, boss Oh meets with the manager for a "friendly" cup of tea. He is an unwilling guest, however, and when the manager tells him to sit down, he chooses the farthest. The manager sips his tea, he says how much Geu-rae him Chief Oh remembers when he and Chief Oh were younger and working in the same department.

During this time he and Chief Oh done all could complete their projects, even if it meant his inconsiderate and what other employees are fired. As head Oh the woman who died dismissed after wrongly mentioned because of their actions, the CEO has nonchalant reminds difficulties and added that chief Oh always did his best to protect the contract workers. So, it is the same plan to do with Geu-rae?

deputy director Sun runs in a wild-eyed boss Oh, as he returns to the office, and she follows him out when he tried to control his overflowing emotions. He tells her that the manager of the temporary workers do not remember who have died, adding that he is a scary man because he conveniently forget things that would harm his career.

Geu-rae is on the roof above them just before to have taken a coffee break outside a few minutes. He listens quietly as chief Oh Endorses passionate responsible for her death, for them not to tell the truth when the CEO was only their empty platitudes. Ohhhh, she was the contract workers who had asked the same thing as Geu-rae that when they held just like this work, it would be permanently hired.

Therefore he said that he would not make it Geu-rae - it is useless to give him false hope. Deputy Director Sun believes that it is frightening to live in a world where knowing where even empty encouragement would not be appreciated -. There are too many who are hungry

Nevertheless boss Oh repeatedly that he can not give Geu-rae, the hope for any kind of hope.


Ooof. I knew I should be suspicious when the show started happily with everyone, but I did not think I punched idiot would be at least once or twice or a dozen times for the rest of the episode.

I can understand where Chef Oh comes from: He does not want Geu-rae want to end up like the former employee. But it is still hard to see how he did not give Geu-rae the certainty that he wants so desperately. It was also difficult rather mope seen Geu-rae by the whole episode, depressed feeling that he is not really one of the team despite his passion and determination. I respect that everyone did around him their best to encourage him (the scene with Chef Chun was particularly heartwarming because - again - we get to find out how Geu-rae has positively impacted the lives of people, even if it is in an unexpected way).

I know Geu-rae has hired to get - he , since it would not make sense for the show continues on a further six Episodes without him, and because it has to be an explanation of how it ends (speaking and English!) a guy in Jordan to chase up.

Nevertheless, there is a knot of fear in my stomach because there is no guarantee that it will remain at 3 sales team, not with the way all these other managers scout him keep. I do not know if I could bear to watch him other work for someone, someone who is even more striking that they use it for its connections with the executive, and who does not necessarily appreciate his unique viewpoints. Mostly I want sales team not only 3 are broken, not when they have finally found their balance and Groove. Not when Dong-Shik refers to himself as "Hyung-nim" and Chief are Chun sage advice on drinks.

But let us not dwell on it, and leave instead think focus the characters we'd most like to get rid of. As Manager Ma. Pooh. During a vile little misogynist. He was quite unbearable throughout the show, and his insinuation that Young-yi holds her "feminine wiles" with her to get away, is unheard of because it could not be further from the truth, but when he threw hot coffee at its (the looked like it was directed at her face), I was like, "Whoa, that is far to ."

I have accepted that the show manages our perception of characters (bit by bit, the resource team seems to come), but there is no way, this kind of change action to redeem. For sure; it gave us a reason for Baek-ki and Young-yi closer to get together, but at what cost? I finally know Young-yi past with team leader Shin will be revealed, but I hope it's on their terms and not something petty Payback of manager Ha. But he seems so without integrity, I would not put past him to spread malicious rumors about them.

Of all the newcomers, but that was really Seok-yul episode. His game plan Assistant Manager Sung makes to attack me cringe in second-hand embarrassment. He should have listened to their recommendations, which he wait before fight, but that's not the kind of man he is. He wears his heart on his sleeve, susceptible than to respond to carefully think. Maybe if he had followed the lead of Geu-rae or Young-yi, and sucked it softly while doing the frustrating Assistant Manager Sung, he had a way to prove found by his work that he is worthy to be noticed.

The only thing Seok-yul's always had, is his pride - something that we have ever seen in his childhood since these flashback when he teased by other children because of his father's job. So it makes sense that the one thing that is most difficult to pass for him in this job that pride is. In this way, it seems like Baek-ki and Seok-yul are more alike than they appear, despite their completely opposite personalities, and maybe this is the bin bromance I develop to see more interesting. Baek-ki had to humble themselves, to learn the basics, and Seok-yul will have to humble themselves to form for his rash actions

Neither are very pleasant options, but that is the way through life to obtain. - Do to the things you do not really want to do another day to survive. And have placed in a by-the-book companies like One International, even the worst people available success they can follow the rules and in the safety of the stay "Company Guide".

But that just reminds me of the fact that Geu-rae preferred to work outside of this manual, and in spite of his achievements in Sales Team 3, his qualifications on paper means he has no chance, permanently employed to become. And I am not going to think about

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan Kang Haneul, Kang So-ra, Lee Sung min, Misaeng

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