Recap And Reviews Kdrama Spy: Episode 10

Recap and reviews korean drama Spy: Episode 10 -

in memory Our hero for some sobering revelations this hour that will make him reconsider his path he is to be Mom already, and all of it is better at the time, Spy entered into gear. Now that all components are present, and we have a baddie got to make Ki-Chul look sympathetic (what works), there is much more at stake than what a mysteriously convenient hard drive. and to be a spy, comes with some difficult decisions, and we get to see that not only play with Sun-woo, but with Mum and Yunjin. When this hour is a positive sign to come of what to expect in the next few weeks, I'll take it.


Mamamoo - "내 눈 속엔 너 (My Everything)" from the OST [ Download ]

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Sun-woo wastes no time in throwing a pair of handcuffs Ki-Chul, demanding that he laid them at gunpoint on.

Ki-chul, of course, prefer a nice, posh talking about what would happen if he were to spill what he knows about the Sun-woo family. with a former North Korean spy for a mother, a father who worked in the Department of Defense, and now him NIS as an agent, the public would of course all three of them take spies.

Sun-woo always staggers so easily, but holding his gun directly Ki-chul, when the man showed him earlier names and rank his mother says. Sun-woo could not care less, and spits that Ki-chul should tell him something that he does not know.

So he does: he can think Sun-woo about the 1988 explosion in Shenyang know, but he knew Mom threw away their home, their friends and their lovers even (also known as Ki chul) because of him? "Be good to your mother, because they all have to protect you."

Ki-Chul progress advantage of hesitation Sun-woo recording, to pull the trigger until it is directly in front of his gun. He grabs the barrel and pushes it into his own forehead, to shoot daring Sun-woo.

He can kill him now and reveal everything around NIS, even if it would lose his family, mean that would be tried as spies and / or traitor. or , he can come to the North. "What we want is that you are not your mother," known Ki-Chul.

There must come to Sun-woo as a sobering shock when Ki-Chul shows that the whole spy mom it was done to protect because they do not could stand the thought of her son a spy for the north. But Sun-woo may end his family's misery by giving and following Ki-Chul command.

Sun-woo eyes glisten as he crunches that Ki Chul need to know, not very good it, and plus, he knows that this is the type of fraud is the north to pull loves. Ki-Chul, it is not denied, but asks if Sun-woo another way out of this predicament white-Mom is sure to be with the way they arrested now is going on.

While Sun-woo themselves are over, Ki-chul promises to leave his family alone and delete all the data it has collected through the bugs he has planted. As for the handcuffs, Ki-Chul, he does not put to them, because he has had for far too long metaphorical.

it leaves the decision to Sun-woo, who is fighting to keep him there and seem, though his finger shaking on the trigger ...

.. . Until finally threatening, he shoots. There is a moment of silence as we wonder whether Ki-Chul was hit, but he smiles and walks away unscathed. Has Sun-woo intentionally miss

Dad worried about the time gets sick at home mom, although it is nice as they share new Intel between them: Mom told him about the new boss, who Ki- Chul has taken place while Dad told her about Chef song he reveals worked for NIS in an attempt to use its software.

Comrade Oh can not help but maliciously condescending when it comes to rubbing how ineffective Ki-chul has been to blame it on weakness and sentimentality. Did he really the NIS would just go with the hard drive from their headquarters? You will be more inventive when they want to get their hands on them.

Apparently Ki-Chul mission was to capture Sun-woo, who should be a simple task of Comrade Ohs were estimated unless he's too busy with mom was flirting, that is. Ki-Chul tells him that he needs another day to convince Sun-woo, laughing like a maniac Comrade Oh has. (What I'm pretty sure he is.)

Either way, Ki-Chul has twelve hours. Or else.

Yunjin gets a surprise visit from Sun-woo, who calls them in front of their door. He says nothing and looks just as vulnerable as he grabs her hand and asks if he can sleep at home tonight with her.

When she asks if something wrong, Sun-woo says in a lost voice. "I do not know what I do I have nowhere to go. "She pulls him into a comforting embrace, and Sun-woo seems to just melt in her arms. The poor guy.

Meanwhile Comrade Oh trust in his fellow agents, HONG-RAN ( Choi Yoo-ra ) that he does not trust Ki Chul to finish the job. It is to keep an eye on him and report back anything suspicious to Comrade Oh.

Dad sleep Mom no longer takes as Sun-woo has not come home, and tried to allay her fears about her son's whereabouts. Mama asks if he finds her constant anxiety tiring when he shakes his head, he feels bad that she cares about Sun-woo so much that they do not sleep well in a position since the day has he was born.

Mom remains to a note to write, we do not see that she slips into a photo ~~ POS = TRUNC made with pictures of compiled Sun-woo if he continued in utero was.

Yunjin wakes up the next morning and panics when she hears Sun-woo rooting in the bathroom because she hides with her soaps their secret spy phone in the medicine cabinet.

She manages it off and control on the door, no wiser with Sun-woo. He thanks her for not asking him about his emotional rut of the night before, and she replies softly that she knows that he tell her when he is ready.

there is a knock at the door shortly after Sun-woo leaves and Yunjin opens it thinking it is him. But it is Comrade Oh, to tell her that there has been a change in plans.

Sun-woo takes his pent frustrations about Ki-Chul listing on the shooting range and scored perfect scores. He can not help but think about how Ki-Chul offered to spare his family if he gave himself only to ...

head song calls Hyun-tae in his suspicions regarding his activities to address directly, but if he does it show that they have something of the "Supervisor" confiscated (also known as Ki-chul), Hyun-tae loses his temper.

He feels lied because Chef song had tried to convince him the service representative, was probably dead, only to find Song him was around the follow time. Song says it's because Hyun-tae loses his cool every time the supervisor is mentioned, but he will trust him with some information, this time as a test.

He shows that the supervisor is known in South Korea to be now, and while they could not catch him, she was ahold of the hard drive it to crack is missing. According to chief song now the hard drive Intel includes every working North Korean agent, although it is unclear how true that the story we heard last episode draws into consideration.

It is quite possible that he could be to Hyun tae to him, as he claims to help the supervisor has relationships with their higher-ups, enough to get him a new identity, if he wants to. If they made, want him to stop a life of ease (and if Hyun-tae he wants revenge so desperately looking for), they have the information on that drive to crack.

While Sun-woo the van he Ki-chul driving saw feels Eun-ah reported their findings at Mamas pill: it is a sedative. But if the user has developed a kind of immunity to it and a reason to stay strong, then it is possible that they will function fully while taking it.

Mom down follows the same van as her son, but it is much closer than it is. As in they can Comrade Oh and his cronies get into it from their viewpoint.

She is caught spying by Ki-Chul, see who mainly seem to be worried about being caught on them. "You do not want anyone on your side, but to me at this point," he stresses. "Listen not always what someone else says, and just do what I ask. Nothing will happen in this way."

Mom shoots back when he would have died then back as he actually have, then nothing would happen. She peels down the street, so that Ki Chul to stare after her concernedly.

Sun-woo discovers the hidden closet where Mom their drugs, money reserves left, and other remnants of her spying days. But it is there he finds the photo album and the note she wrote, which is her confession. It shows the name of their real and that she was a spy

It tells the story of meeting her husband in 1988 and how they first should be to hand him over to the north, but fled with him to the south of her family to increase.

The commitment is to reveal in part to threats from their old comrades in the north by the truth of her identity to her son, who she has been deceiving his life. As an option, in the turn she saved also photos of all their discussions with their northern comrades on a USB, the Sun-woo finds.

We find Yunjin nervously outside Young-seo High School floats when she flashed to the comrades Oh, to her surprise meeting back. He knew that Sun-woo would not come to their side for no good reason, so he gave Yunjin his sister's mission to provide the kidnapping him.

as Yunjin, what would happen in demand, Young-seo if Sun-woo refused, had said with a smile Comrade Oh, "we need to do, how we do it usually."

While Yunjin finds an excuse for Young-seo just happen so see them, Sun-woo takes an angsty drive to Mom USB hear. Tears his cheeks, as flashes of the conversation he pass him just heard come back, they contain all mums desperate pleas to do anything, just so her precious son would not be jeopardized.

both he and Mom are not aware when they pass each other on the street, lost in their own worlds both. But Mama is looking as she could feel the effects of these tranquilizers ...

Yunjin instructions Young-seo to delay to go home, to their comrades, they can pick up, so she takes her for of desserts. Young-seo thinks their meeting all was a funny coincidence, but trust that she knows her brother, last night in Yunjin slept over.

It makes them do not interfere, but she admits that it disturbed her mother so much she could not sleep. I love how Young's SEO solution is to rush them to get married, because Young-seo's just and Yunjin bought her sweets.

Comrade Oh you call to say, to take outside Young-seo, so Yunjin is that it was her brother who she called exit. Yunjin panic device a short time when Young-seo she says mom for permission first call after school class to skip, but Young-SEO is only too happy to make her brother and Yunjin blame. Hah.

Sun-woo rushes some over on all tails to do that he had put on Mom, and the order is canceled the car to find (?), Before the old photographs of Mama in northern deletes Korean army.

When Hyun-tae suspicious Chief songs desire was and thought that it would go to the Director Jung clear he is in the wrong kind of surprise. Perhaps he suspects there is a chance both to break Song and Jung, as he interrupts their meeting for a sudden bath.

Or maybe not, since the reason Chef Song told him about the disk, was everything to him it'd be later easily with Hyun-tae past bonds may be to blame for the caregivers. Fortunately, Hyun-tae receives, conspired to listen to them, because he. His cell phone in the pocket on the left side Yay, someone does something espionage!

Meanwhile, Sun-woo shred old documents he had with Hyun-tae in connection with the 1988 Shenyang found explosion case, to delete all incriminating connections, it may have to Mama Young-seo with hidden weapons , Ki-chul hesitates to call Mom to bring.

Comrade Oh and his cronies to the place Yunjin's head. At the end he does not, but it means he knows what happened with her daughter about this?

boss Song spots in the hall-Sun woo and asks if he has heard from his father in terms of their meeting tomorrow, added that he almost revealed like an afterthought Sun-woo position in the NIS.

This is a shock to Sun-woo, who knows, for all intents and purposes his father does not know where he works. Chef Song's all trivial, think about it, that he did Sun-woo a favor, now he no longer has to think about his family secrets.

Hyun-tae a look with him afterwards divides, but doesn 't Sun-woo to say that something is rotten in front of him. Hopefully it's only because he did not have the chance.

On the way to the event, Yunjin is barraged with flashbacks and guilt as she thinks, how to do this would impact on Sun-woo, though they do not can think, but help from her family safety.

But it makes the decision to tell her to save Young-seo that their meeting was Young-seo and deleted bailed her brother think sighs exasperatingly.


Mom noticed in her hidden closet is something wrong and finds missing her written confession, while Sun-woo at the meeting point arrives Nord. Oh no. do anything stupid, Sun-woo!

But he does, and calls Ki-Chul from the nearly empty office entered. Ki-Chul usher near him and asked if he is chosen for his answer.

Sun-woo grabs the gun tucked in his waistband, as Ki-Chul turns on the sound ...


There may have finally taken a specially written confession of Mom Sun-woo to believe they had to get a spy, but I'm not going to be picky on this one at least Spy finally roll the ball into, and picked up the slack left by the previous weeks with this. And just in time, too.

One of the prevailing mysteries in this show, and they seem intent on withholding, is why the North wants Sun-woo so damn bad. It's a question of our heads for several episodes hanging over, only now it is an even bigger problem than before because Comrade Oh his hat into the "We need Sun-woo and we need it now!" Thrown has ring. Why? I could somehow when Sun-woo was the only good spy in the NIS or if he had set a capability required by the North urgently, but so far the show has not seen fit to reveal those attributes that make Sun-woo so irresistible to his communist enemies.

If it were not literally the driving force behind the actions of the North, it might be a little easier disregarded, but this task is difficult when Ki chul and Comrade Oh constantly mentioning how much of a priority capture Sun-woo is. And if I would harping only Ki-Chul on this subject to be able to buy it, since Ki-Chul soft bottom shows a lot more lately been, and it would not be a stretch to accept that his lasting affection for Mom have morphed somehow spoiling in the need for their most prized possession. Or that he Sun-woo actual father, an idea that the show made sure to plant in our minds.

I really liked to see Sun-woo through its implementation phases go, when it came to Mom, though I wished he had even a confidante, his feelings to speak the Mean Mom note made it a point to her family from any possible liability to clear so that he does not know that his father already knows everything. How terrible it must be impossible to cope with the weight of the information that he had written learned over the face and the conclusions he came to also clear and have been chosen made by his remarks, although the poor guy was not anything to be able , has to say about the running 18028302 things that his mind.

But what redeems Sun-woo of so much time suspicious to be his own mother, in contrast to his girlfriend was like he did not even falter when it came to do what he he felt to order they had to protect. these documents shredding and deleting photographic evidence connecting them to the north might not he be the wisest as an employee might have done NIS but then again, that is Spy 's version of the NIS. What are his superiors (sans Hyun-tae) going to do trick him? Hah. Tell me another

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tags: Bae Jong-ok, in Go Sung-hee, Jaejoong, Spy

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