Recap And Reviews Kdrama Ho-gu Love: Episode 2

Recap and reviews korean drama Ho-gu Love: Episode 2 -

The second Episode this delightful show is just as sweet and bubbly as the first, and there is also an additional underlying serious topics such as friendship and major life decisions that keep this to be of total cotton candy fluff. Not that I would worry a little fuzz when it is as sweet as Ho-gu, which is eventually to spend an evening with the girl of his dreams.

Second fool Errand of: Let's give our seat to the pregnant women and nursing mothers

Ho-gu rushes back-hee do to in the middle of the crosswalk to tell her: "Let's go to the ocean." In the meantime, back on the Kang family home, Mama Chung-jae says it total green light to the ocean going - it's how she and Ho-gu father came along. Ha, and it was mother who took the initiative to make sure it was the last boat home. According to Mama, just go to the beach, that is not along the off -. The key that you all night stay outside

Ho Kyung receives a phone call (and Chung-jae is amazed that her ringtone is daring "Shower Later" Kang Gary), and it is from her so have behaved that they can spit hardly what it was about, only stumble over the words "Ho-gu ... My oldest son ..." jump Mom, Dad, and Chung-jae, he thought to get into an accident needs and are ready to come to the door when Ho Kyung finally blurts out that he is not coming home tonight.

[1945010AmBusbahnhof], Ho-gu is for the last bus to Yeosu cards so that he and Do-hee can go to sea. He offers to buy her some water and heads of the convenience store. But instead of returning immediately to the waiting area, ducks it to have in the men's room of a mini-panic attack.

He tries to win his courage with some mind games to repeat over and over again: "I can do, I can do it." What he gets only a business card to a urologist by another man in the toilet passed. Pffft. Ho-gu phone rings, and it is Ho-Kyung (with an interception Chung-jae), wanted to know where he is.

Ho-gu says he is still with his old high school friends, but Ho Kyung is not falling for his lies, and asks whether he there with a girl. She warns him not to do anything, but if he is going to do something, make sure to spend a lot of money. Chung-jae shocked at her advice, but she reminds him that Ho-gu will be happy to get to first base when he is not completely not hit in the first place.

At the ATM, Ho gu empties his bank account - all 300,000 won - and boards the bus then sit next to Do-hee. He noticed that her seat belt is not buckled, and to tell her, but remembers Ho Kyung-list of things not to do if you're going to spend the night with a girl. The first is to close your mouth. If he wants to do something for a girl, he should do it, and do not speak off the head.

So he tried to buckle the seat belt for Do-hee, but it will not stretch. It moves the jacket in his lap to show that she is strapped in already, and that safety is his. Ha!

Ho Kyung second rule is not to be bored his day. To ensure that they have fun, he asks Do-hee, if they want to listen to some music. If she agrees, he pulls out his MP3 player and tells her his earphones. Aw, the route he chooses Busker Busker "Yeosu Night Sea." Do-hee, sighs and says it's beautiful, relaxing a little as they watch the world go outside the bus window looks. Ho-gu smiles enchantingly to himself.

dancing at home, mom and dad together, and he wonders if Ho-gu is doing all right. Mom assured him that Ho-gu after she takes, but then Dad worry whether he'll overdo it and be "animal-like," but Mama reminded him that Ho-gu takes him to, so will he be properly restrained.

On the roof, Chung-jae shouts his envy out that Ho-gu is to spend the night with a girl, but the practical Ho Kyung scoffs, saying it will be a surprise when Ho gu doesn 't slept fall first. But the only person who sleep on Do-hee shoulder is the mother with a small child, the Ho-gu had given his place. When Ho-gu dozing and fighting for his balance in the uncomfortable seat center to keep Do-hee is to look at him, to say to himself: "His name Ho-gu Kang Ho-gu.."

Once they reach Yeosu, get a taxi to go to the beach. Do-hee is happier than we've ever seen, as she leans out of the window, her hoy screaming. The ingenious taxi driver teases the "young lovers" for the thinking of the winter air is like a warm summer evening. Ho-gu says coyly him, they are not dated, but the driver is excited to try it and help the young lady to win hearts.

Do-hee enjoys the scenery pass in the observation, but increase Ho-gu watches the meter quickly and tried furtively to reach for his wallet. Except he can not find it. Do-hee has quickly realized (too sweet, naive Ho-gu surprise) that the mother Ho-gu exchanged seats with stolen his wallet.

He protested when Do-hee reached for her bag, to tell her that should pay the man. Do-hee: "Who cares should pay the person with money?." Unless it turns out her wallet was stolen, too. Oh no!

The reunion has Tae-hee, the class bully, and a few others in various stages of drunkenness shrank down. Demanding to know why President of her class did not show up for the reunion, the bully calls him - just to get a sleepy secretary in a law firm. Oh, hey - it's the same law firm, attended the Do-hee in the first episode. Composing himself, pound the secretary on the office door of the lawyer to play through the stereo of Tchaikovsky full volume to hear about are.

She finally gets the attention of Byun KANG-Chul ( In Seul-Ong ), and does her best, her frustration as she with him stifle it received the messages she has he. color codes as "red" or "green" in their meaning depending She asks what his "ex-girlfriend" number should be classified, and he replies coolly: "Red".

Tae-hee is not surprising to learn that Kang-chul is now a very successful lawyer, because he was always at the forefront in the school. The rest of the classmates ask if Do-hee and Kang-chul still dating, as they did at school, and Tae-hee is suddenly realized that Ho-gu is not near.


is because to make it and Do-hee slow their migration across the bridge, now that the taxi driver they for not kicked in a position their tariff numbers. If Do-hee clutches at her belly, Ho-gu worry if she has to go to the bathroom. She is upset that he is she recalls with constipation problems from high school plagued already, and then he blames for getting her purse stolen

to excite A high school couple walking through their attention - , It's Answer Me 1994 . Dohee and C-CLOWN of Kangjun

Do-hee watched them go, they have to think adorable - but then again, everything what you did at that age was enchanting. Ho-gu is true to say that no matter what do-hee did, she was always right.

in their schooling retrospect, during physical education as all the guys gawk at the beautiful Do-hee. But once the game of kick starts their athletic side comes enriches and makes catches of each ball jump, easily, the other team always off, while her team in amazement staring at her.

Back to the present, Kang-chul secretary tells him that she is leaving for the day. She added then that she thought that his ex-girlfriend was very nice - so why did they break

to shout back at Do-hee in her team, to run and then frightening, the other team with their powerful kicks. When she starts another home run, they celebrated by their training jacket unzipping as it passes over the bases, scoffing at each stared at her. What, as they have never seen a sports bra? Watch her when he walks by student Kang-chul and current attorney Kang Chul blatant pragmatism his secretary says that the reason why he broke up with his girlfriend because "it's scary."

Do-hee and Ho-gu to go further, because they have no choice, but once they reach the top of a hill, they look back at the city lights. Ho-gu wonders how beautiful it is, something that he did not notice when they were through it on foot. Do-hee agrees, adding that people make a point to go out of their way to see something that is beautiful from a distance, but close up is so dirty

Typical case :. The high school couple sitting on a bench near, Soju and smoking cigarettes to drink. Do-hee marched on, so they chastise for smoking and drinking while wearing their uniforms. But the friend gets up and tells her that she is not his mother, so she should not tell you what to do or he will break the arm to him.

But Do-hee is not a gentle flower, and calls him back to curse him out. Ho-gu tried to intervene, but the girlfriend shoves him aside to confront Do-hee. every other word just to the women scream at each other is a dirty word (and the ineffective Ho-gu is constantly urged aside) until the friend recognizes Do-hee, like the athletes of the nation.

Ho-gu tries to escape with Do-hee by the high schoolers distracting and shouted, "It's show Seo Taiji!" Hahaha! Everyone turns to see, and Ho-gu packs Do-hee arm and runs away. He also takes their cigarettes, Soju and snacks, behind the only money he relies on it has - a 500 won coin. The girlfriend turns back to her friend to ask: "Who is Seo Taiji is?" It is especially hilarious because the actress a character with Seo Taiji in their Answer Me 1994 role. played

obsessed How do they make sandcastles on the beach, Do-hee teases Ho-gu for than the celebrity Seo Taiji selecting the children would know. (Perhaps in 1994, but not anymore.) He thinks it's great that they recognized them, though, and he says he'll be more attentive when he says that they are friends, because he realizes how famous she is really. [1945009[

to cancel the pilfered Soju, and a Ho-gu asks how well it holds its fleet, Do-hee says she does not know - it is never drunk alcohol before. He is surprised, because it is only natural to have a beer or two, when you meet with friends. Do-hee: ". I have no friends who"

It turns out, two sips is enough to get them completely devastated, and Ho-gu chasing after her when she drunk around on the beach runs. She asks him what is harmful to the body - ". This thing go away in their" Soju or cigarettes, then commands him to light a cigarette for them, so it could "harm their body" and make

Confused but compliant, Ho-gu starts to light the cigarette, but then Do-hee smacks him on the head, wanted to know why he would smoke in front of her, if it would harm her body.

she begins to cry, and Ho-gu gently pulls batting on her cheek and told her to make a wish - but the lashes flies before them off their to make request. She breaks into sobs down, crying for batting to "take this thing out of my body, because I'm afraid." Ho-gu keeps them and tried to comfort her as she weeps, and thinks that their chronic constipation must be really painful. Oh, you naive boy.

After she finally stops sobbing, he cups to ask her face in his hands, whether it is in order. They stare at each other for a long moment, and he goes in for the kiss! She grabs him and kisses him back. Sunrise on the beach makes for a perfect romantic setting.

Am Bahnhof, Do-hee won hands over the 300,000 that her coach wired her and told him that he need not be returned to the payment to worry about - her coach has made enough money over the years from her. She gives him a ticket back to Seoul. It remains behind for an operation.

She shows him the medical certificate for hemorrhoid removal. But the nervous way she says it's how to remove a small cyst, and it needs to get better soon, so that they can start training again, raises some flags. Ho-gu is not aware, however, and grabs her hand to tell her it will be all right, that everything will be better (or "clean") after surgery. Do-hee wonders if that's really true.

When she leaves him to his train, she gives her silver medal and told him that he can return it to her at Christmas, which is when they the return books she is also rented. He is wearing her medal when he returns to Seoul, barely able to contain his excitement that he has an appointment for Christmas.

Do-hee sees pickpockets mother from the time before and waits until they are alone in the toilet to confront them. Warns the pick-pocket if they do not want to be reported to the police, they will pay 300,000 won on the account number Do-hee gives her.

Angry shouts the pick-pocketed parent to Do-hee, they have at least they do not say, let their child down. You can not just law-abiding, but it is for her family. Then she stops, recognizing Do-hee. Do-hee: "Do you want an autograph?"

Ho-gu tries to sneak into the workplace, to apologize for being late, and his friends completely freeze it - until he admits that he was up all night with a girl, and suddenly they are friends again, wanting all the details. He refuses to tell them who he was with, but he admits bashfully they kissed, and dreamy stated that it felt like bees buzzing in his ears. That's sweet, but absolutely not looking for the details of his friends.

When he finally returns home, he is a banner hanging outside his door looks to congratulate him on his first night.

Do-hee arrives at the hospital, a break before entering when she sees "Seo Tae-ji" on the nameplate. The doctor takes an ultrasound, to let them know that it is composed 13 weeks. If she wants an abortion, it will have to happen soon. But Do-hee looks the ultrasound screen, marveling at how small it looks - like a piece of chocolate. The doctor turns it off, brusquely to say, it is better not to watch it.

She asks him if he knows that he has the same name as a famous singer, but the doctor is surprised that there is someone out there with his name. He has not paid attention to popular culture that the reason is probably called him - and he holds a Post-it with its information upwards. Ooooo, the Post-it is from Kang-chul of the law firm. So, when is they want the surgery?

Months pass, and Ho-gu wonders how Do-hee went surgery. He sends her several text messages, but it does not respond. Though he clings to the promise that they will meet again on Christmas Day, he's worried that the surgery was more dangerous than he thought.

One day, when he would take the newspaper skimming, he sees an article about Do-hee a break from the training for health reasons. He asks, Ho Kyung, what are hemorrhoids, and as soon as he realizes that it is not something that requires a lengthy operation, he feels asking Do-hee coach, whether he knows where she is.

But Coach is in the same boat as Ho-gu - he does not know where Do-hee is gone, or why did they have to go to a specialist removed to have hemorrhoids. All he knows is that she promised to come back the day after Christmas.

Ho-gu has another reason for visiting coach, however, and hands over an envelope of cash, the amount Do-hee borrowed to pay off on its behalf. Coach asks if there is something going on between him and Do-hee, to remind him that Do-hee is a celebrity and a national treasure, and he is mistaken if he believes he can have with it a relationship.

Ho-gu runs the subway to Seoul back at Do-hee silver medal in his hand, staring as he remembers when his sister him in the stomach elbow would, and he had no other choice than to be suddenly awakened from his dream. That's what it feels like now - is awakened rudely and painfully from a beautiful dream.

If a very pregnant woman standing in front of him, he immediately jumps on her to leave his place. Ho-gu tried to be grateful that at least he is awakened from his dream, but admits to himself that he can not wake up from it. Not being able to wake up from a dream, no matter how hard you try - that's not really a nightmare

As the pregnant woman spilled the bag's contents, he bends to help itself down to pick up her things. But he stops when he sees the comic book that fell out of her purse. He looks at the woman, and it is Do-hee. He completed his internal narrative with what its slogan is always: "My name is Ho-gu Kang Ho-gu.."


I love it. I love all . There is a delicate balance Crazy liveliness mixed with a serious undertone that capture my heart and mind in just a few episodes has managed and I am looking forward to seeing how you before, now accepts that the story really begins. It helps that all actors have completely sold me on their characters, especially UEE and Choi Woo-Shik, which are absolutely perfect. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which to see the face, because they are both so in the moment that I want to see what is going on with the two signs in front of him, how they react to the situation. (The solution is therefore to watch every episode twice, amirite?)

Although half the time I feel like I go, "Oh, you poor naive child," I really respect Ho-Gu Ernst and as it feels so real. He is often ineffective, but he is not helpless. He is sincere and wants the best for all, even if it is at his own expense. It may be a broken heart sometimes nurse, but he never blames someone else for his mistakes. He's a nice guy, but he is not a nice guy.

which is probably why Do-hee feels comfortable enough with him to let him into her life, it is however short may seem to you. She has no friends, but Ho-gu is a good friend, no matter who you are. He's the kind of guy you can lean on and trust, and while the have used it in the past potential relationships before, Do-hee not seem the type to use it.

fondness for Ho gu, whatever it may be, seems sincere enough. Although she knows that he in high school had an eye, they do not use that to get to it their way - it is to manipulate matter-of-fact person. While there are some sparks were definitely during this sunrise flying kiss, I feel that Do-hee just really wants someone and rely on trust can -. Friend

, again much as I want a romance between these two (there because it's definitely chemistry - hello, Sunrise kiss - and mutual respect, the hotter it all makes so much), I look me much they on-hee learn how to be a friend. In return, perhaps could do-hee teach Ho-gu, how to stand on their own. Or at least he was able to learn a few new curse words.

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tags: Choi get woody Shik in Ho Gu love, UEE

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