Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 24

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 24 -

Other threats are issued more theoretical wars are fought, and additional scenes for the following not-so-vital pieces of dedicated information around than you ever thought possible. I honestly I want better news had, as we head towards the final week, but I've actually becoming more convinced that Triangle is less about the reunion of three brothers, as there are only about to show how information is methodically and laboriously, even passed at the present time, if it means that we not progressed much in the efficiency of the days minstrels, telegrams or the Pony Express. After this episode, I would take the minstrel.

As for ratings, Triangle retained its leadership in a solid 10.0%. Temptation lost some steam by falling to 8.3%, while Trot Lovers 7.6% in the rear.


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Apart from the fact, that the car Soo-chang plans with Young-dal about is encouraged to run, we watch as he puts the pedal to the metal, as it accelerates to its target ...

And for the first time in maybe ever , the heroine sees what and what does not happen in front of the oncoming car throw to save the hero instead it does what a normal person would, and shouts: [1945009"Young-dalMOVE"]

dodging get the hell both out while the car turn away. only that they find out, it is then, that none of them texts take on the behind the casino sent another, and the (apparent) someone meant Young do -dal damage.

Jung-hee becomes even more cool points by claiming that they saved the car plate number, though Young-dal thinks it will not help-if this was all planned, the plates were probably a fake. What none of them know that Yang ha observed from afar.

Director Hyun slams his fists into the desk when he learns that his senseless plan Young-dal failed to kill. (Woof!) He then orders whichever Minion he used for Elder Ahn accident to be brought permanently silenced, because he knows the police are on his involvement.

Young-dal seems shocked when Jung-hee tells him that Yang ha was the one who warned them to be on him in danger, as he issues it is to guess which of his many enemies would be responsible for almost hit-and-run.

His buddies understandably concerned for the safety of the Young-dal, suggest his Hyung or the police about this, but go Young-dal will not Dong-soo to worry. He also wants to make sure whether it was Chairman Yoon or chairman to go behind him.

Young-dal has then confronted Yang-ha about whether he anything to give him time, without actually saying anything to say. "I do not know if what you hold on so hard and try also worth protection, it is," Young-dal said, added before adding that he hopes that whatever it means something to Yang, if it is not ha-da, what does that say about him?

he leaves Yang-ha to tears proceed Jung-hee home, complacent, as they see it Oma now insists that she knows that he Dong-chul. And grandmother, of course, fawns over Young-dal, until he agrees to bring Dong-soo, to meet them, being rather her than her youngest brother to remember.

granny knows that they touch on a sore subject when it brings the mother of the boy, and as she knows she must resent Young-dal for what she has done. For their part, tried to explain to them that his mother at the time was going through a lot, especially with Papa Jang insistence on striking and postpartum depression from Yang-ha birth.

Whatever the case, the grandmother expresses her hope that Young-dal not so annoying in the direction of his mother to feel good and that he try to understand it, without knowing that Young-dal them has already been found.

proves Hearing about near-death experience of the Young-dal her boss Mins last straw be brought jobs, Chair Go, so that they can handle a once and for all with him. (Again).

After switching Manager Bae against Yang-ha and in a spy for him director Hyun is arrested for the attempted murder of Elder Ahn. The Minion he ordered to be silenced before he has it all been able to speak.

news of the arrest reached Chairman Yoon Kim Jin-soo, the talk about frets, what could this mean for his beloved chairman when Director Hyun had. Chairman Yoon no worries still and calls his lawyer.

Since we have to follow every major piece of news as it has reached everyone who counts, we find Manager Bae on the latest big event Yang-ha to say before we find Dong-soo Young-dal the same thing to say.

However, they know that director Hyun acted command under Chairman Yoon, and hope to develop a way to confess him. Meanwhile, Dong-soo notified Young-dal, that he would leave with Shin-hye to the States to start a new life, but only after they save Yang-ha. (He will not make it to the United States, he is.)

While Top Dog and a smattering of Boss Min minions Chairman Go kidnap, Yang-ha confronted his father about arrest Director Hyun because he that his worried father go with him pulled down. "I can not take the case for you on this," Yang-ha stressed.

Again though, Chairman Yoon he is not nearly as concerned- know Director Hyun take care of things, because director Hyun knows he'll die if he does not. What really bothers him is that he now no longer have to worry Young-dal and Dong-soo remain assume to be desired.

At least Yang-ha finally gets his father to the ridiculous methods he used to treat his problems. "What should I do in order for you to understand me and agree?" Chairman Yoon bellows back. I do not know, maybe stop trying to kill people? Just a guess.

Detective Tak hits Dong-soo, after attempts to confess Director Hyun, signed himself in the face of his Minion affidavit have failed to. Since the favorite no evidence other than his word, while director Hyun has an army of lawyers, is worried Detective Tak that Hyun go free soon.

He is shocked when Dong-soo tells him only director Hyun let he is now, as it ensures that, if they impose Chairman Yoon and Chairman Go, Hyun will go with them.

Dong-soo then gets a call, he was definitely not expected. Mom passed away

get Manbong out Young-dal, to tell him that Boss Min Chairman has caught they go, which means that now his chance is with all its promises finally followed by the elimination of stray Chairman ...

... Only, Young-dal she wants to let him because to go with some vague reason stated with him want to do with his own hands to take chairmen go down. ARE YOU kidding me.

Boss Min respected Young-dal decision and decides to have Manbong Chairman give a go flicks before it to send home. Chairman Go, but says Manbong that he him when better not kill, he will massacre the lot of them later.

Dong-soo goes to his mother's funeral, the store empty for its other benign for-nothing son. This son says Dong-soo, that her death was not as suddenly as she had pancreatic cancer, and shrinks away when Dong-soo him screaming not call for him before Mom passed.

"You are really heartless," Dong-soo weeps as he looks at Mamas Monument image. "If you just leave so again ... What do you expect from me?" He sits as he adds that they Yang-ha, or to apologize at least to see Young-dal should have stayed. "Mother ... Mother!" He again and again Sobs.

Only then will Dong-soo called Young-dal to tell the news. Even with tears from his eyes, Young-dal reacts with anger. "You did not even know ... I had not told her that I was Jang Dong-Chul She did not even recognize me, so how can this happen? "

the two brothers at the futility of crying all-evil is now not changing the fact that Mama, without knowing the truth died.

Messenger Dove Jun-ho says Jung-hee, who died Young-dal Mom, whereupon they rush after him, while Young-dal quiet in the car crying carry him to the funeral.

Young-dal finds Dong-soo, the position of chief mourner Mom took the eldest son, but stops briefly his greetings to his hyung when he turns his attention to mums image.

"Have you forgotten me?" Young-dal, his eyes red with grief asks. "I did not even have to say that I am Dong-Chul. You did not even know who I was. How can one again like to leave this? It is something that I really needed to tell you ... I really needed to have something to say, but who should I speak now? "

Jang-soo Boss min she calls to tell about the funeral, and what is more important to ask for their help, as a lack of mourners are. Boss Min, Young-dal to be the surrogate mother completes her men to see it that Young-dal real mother gets a proper sendoff.

Jung-hee and Jun-ho come at the funeral Young-dal completely devastated and nearly doubled over ~~ POS = TRUNC to find in mourning. Her eyes fill with tears in the eyes of the Young-dal so broken, so all they can do is to pull him into a hug.

Even then, Young-dal can not fully go-his tears are stoic and reserved, even if the pain he feels written all over his face is.

As expected, is Director Hyun is released and received due to a lack of evidence explains warmly by Chairman Yoon, who is in his hands now Daejung future. All he has to do, the Young-dal's care. Anew. ( Again? )

Annndd we watch as Manager Bae literally gets a call with the news about Director Hyun release, which he then relays Yang ha standing beside him. Then Yang-ha gets a call from Shin-hye to meet, they do four seconds later. Am I dreaming or is it all just one long advertisement for mobile phones?

Shin-hye is a Yang-ha to say that his birth mother has passed away, and his brothers are at the funeral as they speak. She thinks it would be best for him to pay his respects, although Yang-ha claims that he has no feelings for a woman he can not remember and have never met.

Young-dal is to welcome all their friends and acquaintances who are already set for the funeral thanks Boss Min to turn up the word with Dong-soo and other Mom son. thought Although each (as Boss Yang, Madame Jang, etc.) Young-dal was an orphan, they still show to do their part.

While more things they did not know about the Young-dal past-including the fact that Yang-ha is his youngest brother-Shin-hye says Dong-soo that Yang-ha will not come. She tries to comfort Dong-soo, when it comes to its littlest bro, she says that changes will not happen overnight, the Dong-soo replies: "I can wait."

His concern is that the chairman Yoon is corrupt Yang-ha to the point where there may be no relationship in the future between them. Shin-hye is not so calm at this point, since it tells him that the chairman Yoon does not have the kind of impact Dong-soo thinks he can do to change not only for Yang-ha, the decision for the better or not ,

It is touching how Jung-hee for Young-dal care during the burial process, and even how Young-dal bonds with his half brother Yong-ho by Yong-ho called it correctly as "Hyungnim".

he trusts to Yong-ho that he has a younger brother that he has not yet met, but sighs that he not think he will ever Yang ha not think him anyway listen, call " Hyungnim ".

Yang-ha thinks back to his conversation with Young-dal, and Shin-hye as he drives to the funeral. First, he can not bring himself to go inside, but after wrestling with his emotions, he finally crossed the threshold.

Inside everyone has fallen asleep on the ground, including Young-dal and Dong-soo. Yang-ha goes between them before he Portrait falls to his knees in front of his mother and begins to sob miserably. Poor thing.

Jung-hee spots him as he leaves, but Yang-ha won (Will his brothers to sleep by his visit and never know he was?)

't stay long enough to talk to her. She goes into the room Young-dal find asleep, and kneels beside him. At first it seems as if she is to wake him, but then she decides against it, the choice of waking only about him, instead.

The question of why they did not wake later comes when Jung-hee Dong-soo and Young-dal closes for Shin-hye informal farewell party. You do not even know Yang ha attended the funeral before Jung-hee tells her, and when she says, do not wake them, because they wanted to give Yang-ha some time, the omniscient Shin-hye Chimes to say that they made the right decision.

What counts most, Shin-hye asserted is that Yang-ha a change of heart at all-and the best thing they can do is to leave him to work things out on his own, rather unnecessary pressure to the addition of

Dong-soo sees Young-dal :. "As long as you and I do not give up, Dong -Woo will come to realize how much we really care for him one day." Shin-hye then changes the subject by Young-dal and Jung-hee when planning to marry, responds to the Young-dal that Shin-hye and Dong-soo should go first.

Shin-hye jokes that they would have to talk to Dong-soo, also because it has not even proposed. After some ribs from the younger couple agrees Dong-soo in marriage, because to assert only Shin-hye, that it is not, if they had to turn to them counts his arm.

Believe it or not, meets Chairman Go with Director Hyun to talk about how he needs to gather his men to get rid of Young- dal. (Again). But Director Hyun makes an argument for "Watching" Yang-ha first since he and that somehow means Young-dal and Dong-soo youngest brother that he has to go first.

Whatever the flimsy argument, Chairman Go buy it and told top favorite Soo-chang that their top priority now takes care of Yang-ha quietly, without drawn too much attention. the only person in this room seriously, who has done something director Hyun, so why miracles Outsourcing keep their dirty work on most ineffective Hitman ever?



Chairman Yoon takes Yang-ha about task not Hanchang-Anderson Investment Deal still busting and usher exact same warnings and threats, we (and yang ha) have heard about, and over again.

It is no different this time: he is he should disinherit Yang ha fail to break the deal, and everything is instead about Director Hyun hand. (Again). To which I wish Yang-ha would tell him only to already do .

Boss Min worried about the rest of the team Young-dal, chairman of Go will lead Full- war with them, especially after the recent kidnapping incident. She is confused, as Young-dal asks that the war at all costs be avoided, since he been working on a way to take quietly chairman go down. He has, he has a more down card by Elder Ahn has not yet used.

We do not find out, what it's about whatever-it-is just, but Young-dal mates are pretty excited too. Leaving Young-dal with Yang-ha to meet alone, after telling him that Chairman Yoon plans to replace his son and heir with Director Hyun.

Yang-ha remains quite still, as Young-dal tells him that he knows he came to her mother's funeral, but more importantly, that he and Dong-soo will be there to Yang-ha obtained by this latest issue with the Chairman Yoon. As long as Yang-ha changes his mind, there is no reason for them to fight.

Director Hyun boasts the female casino manager that Yang-ha as well as in Chairman Yoon eyes away, and he is all set Daejung latest CEO to be.

But that alone is not good enough for him, because it means getting rid of Yang-ha for good and told me so much about you-for there is no secret plan is when it loud enough to hear someone nearby, talking.

And of course, if only literally Director Hyun says that there is no one to watch them, Jun-ho is revealed they are being watched. Fortunately, he is going to report directly to Young-dal that director Hyun means killing Yang-ha.

While Soo-chang makes the attempt deal with a designated assassins, Young-dal calls Dong-soo in panic to tell him that Yang-ha in danger.

We find the assassin stalking Yang-ha at the casino, but he did not follow him as Yang-ha meets his two brothers on the roof.

"What is this all about?" Yang-ha asks. Cue Merry-go-round of stares.


If it be taken a positive point of all this is that we can expect at least payout next week, since the time idle threats placeholder for the production will be triangle be is to provide start one or the other. If the remains of what was once an exciting story are still there somewhere, we can only hope that they have during this busy central portion of the extension of the Bank warmed so that they are prepared and ready for a late backlash. Because if not, what it was all about?

While I liked how this episode focuses on Yang-ha slow shift toward personhood, I could no longer any checks from the legacy of conflict, which has become an integral part of his character tries when I. Why is someone him especially, still are two chips on everything Chairman Yoon has to say? This man is a crazy person, and he does not need to Shin-hye to tell him to define that, or Einstein insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. He is crazy and the act of listening to him exactly the same threats over and over discharge and repeatedly enough to drive anyone absolutely bonkers.

And I would like to believe that Yang-ha began to realize that when he told his father that murder not always, even if he made the solution these hopes dashed when he do on the hold decided ... whatever it is that he does it. What not he do, anyway? He could not answer Young-dal, when faced with the same question, and he was such a impregnable fortress lately that it is impossible to read, what he really wants. The question is whether what he does not want a father or a family, it's really Daejung?

If is , the company we have observed Yang-ha to try his best to participate from a few sessions with Papa Dearest, and to give a gift to Yoo-jin? It would make kind of sense that he can hold this position not for more than a day, if that's the case, even if it is hard to believe that Yang-ha really and truly cares about his future in the company that, if he was ready and willing to give it before all the above, and for good reasons.

The thing is, since then, has not changed, as far as its internal logic goes ... orrrr it? I mean it rhetorically not, I understand rightly not Yang-ha ever. Or his adoptive father. Or Director Hyun. Or someone at Daejung. Actually make that anybody but Young-dal and Jung-hee.

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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