Recap And Reviews Kdrama You're all surrounded: Episode 11

Recap and reviews korean drama You're all surrounded: Episode 11 -

Yay, our heroes back, his real life injury is blank (complete with hospital rest) written in a seamless manner and the secret identity cat out of the bag is in the story eventually. Not a moment soon, either, because the cat was getting restless. Or was that me? Once in a while, it's nice to have a rampaging killer at large, because it forces people to obtain truthful, and fast. I like where we are halfway in; Let us continue this momentum, we will?


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Episode 11: "bastard Catch"

Dae-gu steadies himself, reaching for his baseball bat with both hands as combat Boots inch closer to him in the dark, just on the other side of his bedroom door. they attack at the same time, and Dae-gu comes swinging wildly, and the fight spills out into the living room.

that is, when Dae-gu half of his attacker's face gets in the light completely visible with behind-the-ear scar, and confirmed that he is Combat Boots. But it's really his voice that Dae-gu remembers so vividly, and he knows it once a syllable is pronounced. "you killed my mother"

Combat Boots smiles and brings him right where it hurts .. "you've grown a lot, child you hid again under the bed pathetic and saw your mother die, she was to save her life around you, and you ... just ... observed. "

It works, and Dae-gu comes roaring blinded him with rage. They tear the house apart, but he is no match for the rest assassin, Dae-gu has the floor in no time. Combat Boots kneels over him and takes his knife ...

downstairs, Pan-seok fiiiiiinally comes outside the apartment building, but he is stopped by a call. Damn! It is Gook, who arrives just behind him with Tae-il and Soo-sun. Pan-seok heads within the first, and the children turn around now get more chicken to go, that here is the boss.

upstairs, Combat Boots Dae-gu has nailed and asks: "you do not want to see your mother? "Yeesh, I'm sure it goes without saying that a killer-for-hire is a terrible man, but this guy is dedicated to the emotional torture.

He stabs full force, but Dae-gu creates out of the way back and roll to fight, and the blade lands on the ground. Phew. but Combat Boots just kicks him repeatedly, and then a final blow to the head slaps him.

Meanwhile, Pan-seok is the staircase in the world slowest feet take up for what seems like thousands of years.

Boots drags the unconscious Dae-gu on the ground and raises his knife again. But as he does, Pan-seok him coming out of his way to contact. Woohoo! he is about to go for another attack when they close their eyes, and Pan-seok blood runs cold.

The ex-partners recognize immediately, and Pan-seok stammers: "Jo Hyung-Chul? What are you doing here? "Before he can get closer, Hyung-Chul breaks a potted plant on Pan-seok face and manages to make off unrecognizable.

The arm of the murderer is injured, but he has got a head start and it clips past the rest of the gang as they arrive outside the building. Pan-seok comes later a second ambling out, and tells them to Dae-gu tend to go because he had been stabbed. he tries to hunt boots, without success.

the children run upstairs and freak out when they Dae-gu see bleeding on the floor. Tae-il tried the bleeding and Gook calls to slow down for help, while Soo-sun calls him over and over again. He finally opens his eyes for a few seconds and see it, but then it goes out of focus and he is off again.

they rush him to the hospital and stay by his side when he gets into the surgery on wheels. as they wait, asks Pan-seok, if for some reason. why Dae-gu would be attacked, but they are unaware The doctor says Dae-gu's fine and just need a rest of the week, and they all breathe

Eung-do comes and starts to ask the right questions. Has Pan-seok see the attacker's face? Who would break abounds in an apartment building with cops? This has personally. Soo-Sun responds first, and leaves: "Then he knew Ji-Yong" slip before it catches up. No one noticed, except for Pan-seok

Pan-seok shocks them all when he says he already has a suspect profile :. Jo Hyung-Chul, fortysomething male, emigrated to Indonesia a decade ago, lost his family, recently returned to Korea.

"Twelve years ago, he was a detective, and my partner." All slackjawed stare, not knowing what to say. Pan-seok vows: "But he's the bastard who stabbed my child I'm going to catch him.." Awww, you just called Dae-gu your baby. Why is not he awake to hear it?

He and Eung-do head to work out of the case, and Eung-do told the children to watch over Dae-gu 'around the clock, if the killer tries again. Soo-sun asks the boys Dae-gu keep you safe, because they can not let the man who these go freely to her partner.

She hunts for Pan-seok, asking to join the event. It allows and encourages Eung-do to be a real partner for them.

Pan-seok tells Dae-gu attack on the police station, and chief Kang is heard particularly disturbed that Hyung-chul is the suspect. Sa-Kyung know that Pan-seok plate has full, and asks if she should work on her disappearance crossdressing groom case with another team. He tells her he will send Tae-il, to help her. That should be interesting.

Soo-Sun and Eung-do comb through CCTV footage for a clear shot of Combat Boots, and if Eung-do shows you the best angle they have so far, she wonders why this silhouette looks so familiar , She can not remember exactly, but says she is mulling'll hold on.

When Dae-gu finally wakes up, Pan-seok is sitting on his bed. He does not mince words and asks why Hyung-Chul stabbed him. Dae-gu eyes grow wide, and he asks if this is Boots' names.

Pan-seok wants to know why he would attack Dae-gu, and Dae-gu spits back only that Pan-seok better than any others should know: "Are you now put on a show? "Pan-seok, says he does not even have to ask why Dae-gu is in his own apartment spied on him, but he needs a clear answer about the stabbing, when he goes to catch the guy.

Finally Dae-gu says before it-that Hyung-chul is the person Pan-seok, the pendant to eleven years ranged come before school to kill him. Dae-gu is still convinced that Pan-seok puts on a show, but the shock is written all over the face and it dawns on him as Dae-gu tells him that Hyung-Chul his mother's murderer .. . the to Dae gu, the fact is that an accomplice of the murderer.

The pieces finally fit, and it sounds almost relieved him so much, to find out why Dae-gu hates, and that there be a logical explanation for why he had spied on him. He lets out a long shaky sigh and says he understands it all now, and gets up to leave.

Dae-gu screams for him that he heard and saw everything clearly -combating Boots with the trailer and its mention of Detective Seo. Pan-seok turns to say that all the more reason why he catch Hyung-Chul himself, he may be wondering what the hell all this is.

you leave it at that for now determined, with Dae-gu confused but still angry, and Pan-seok to solve the case. Hey, it's miles of progress, even with the serious shortage of hugs. Pan-seok told Gook, vigilantly standing guard to be hospitalized, and passes out.

Sa-Kyung and Tae-il head from the neighborhood to the canvas, where her missing groom was last spotted, and when the local grocer is the bridegroom not recognize his photo, Sa-Kyung tries to one of pull him in. Sure enough, the shopkeeper recognizes them immediately and to consider their apartment. So it was not a disguise, after all, and he left his fiancée to live as a woman.

you pursue her, and she sheepishly explains that it was out of the way of the coward, but by every pain did not want her family to go, also. In this way, the person she was, could disappear, and they could get a second chance to live as their true selves have. Sa-Kyung says she can not lie to find about it, but they can protect their whereabouts.

Tae-il seems particularly back in thought, and on the way, he wonders if the confidentiality of the family was better at the end. Sa-Kyung argues that the way of the coward out is pathetic because it is not motivated by concern for others-it is selfish. It is particularly sad for the fiancee who still has hung pictures of her ex in her house.

Sa-Kyung assessment appears to be declining because Tae-il goes straight to his parents' house and tells them he does not intend to return to the hospital. He says he never told them so in simple terms, it is now honestly.

Dad is also disappointed him as his Hyung only call trash. Ouuuch. Now I know why it took him this long only the words to say. Despite Papas tough response sees Tae-il relieved when he goes.

Pan-seok gathers the team at the station, and confronted Soo-sun above call Dae-gu "Ji-yong" in hospital. You freeze, not knowing how to answer, and then he asks how long it is known that Dae-gu Kim Ji-yong, and when she knew that Pan-seok was the detective, Ji-yong mother pressed in a case to testify eleven years ago.

that they did not clear, and the rest of the team just looks back and forth between them with an open mouth. Pan-seok deals with the entire team and says he to tell about it, the story of an unsolved case of eleven years.

We fade back in after she began speed, and he says he them all this because of the suspect in this first murder (Mom) again surfaced-it has now told Jo Hyung-chul is. Because they have Ji-yong the eyewitness account, there is no other choice than to track him down. Go Team!

He shows them a picture of Hyung-Chul of eleven years ago, and the best CCTV shot from last night. He mentions the scar behind the ear, and that's when Soo-Sun brings together why he looked familiar, this is the man she saw eleven years ago in school. It keeps the revelation in itself for the moment.

Pan-seok tasks the boys safe while getting the rest of them a guide to work with keeping Dae-gu, where Combat Boots went.

Gook and Tae-il find return to the hospital Dae-gu tried his arm to unsling stubbornly and escape. They argue that it is not in a position to return service, but Dae-gu screams that he can not give free rein to the suspect.

He thinks that they do not understand how serious it is, but she tells him that they know everything now-Pan-seok tells about his identity, and to convince about his own role, to testify Mom. Dae-gu asks how they can expect him to sit still, if they know that he has waited eleven years to catch this bastard.

Even Tae-il says it's too early, pointing out that he had already blown his stitches. Gook vows: "We will catch you Jo Hyung-Chul Tae-il and Soo-Sun and I'll chase him to the ends of hell if we have to, and I'll catch him for you." AWW. Tae-il asks him waiting for three days when he can not wait a week, and Dae-gu finally relents.

Soo-Sun and Eung-do spend all night going through CCTV footage, and they catch a break when they discovered Combat Boots walking on the street. She rides in the neighborhood covered as deliverer while Eung-do sells watermelons on the corner and Pan-seok hiding out in the car.

Soo-Sun crosses paths with him and manages to warn the others, without giving away, but Boots takes the suspicious van and darts into the street in front of the Pan-seok down can get too close. He loses it for a second until Combat Boots come in a car hurtling towards him.

Pan-seok takes his gun and boots floors it ...

At the last second, Pan-seok lowers his weapon and the way jumps out, which is not fast enough. He is approached by car and goes over the top of it tumbling into the street to land. Soo-sun comes and tries to chase the car in her scooter, but they lose him again.

She washes in the bathroom her face and looks at her reflection in disappointment, to abuse for granting the killer a schedule that night at school Ji-yong, and losing him again, if they get a chance had to catch him.

texts Dae-gu to ask how he is doing, and apologizes for not see him being able to come. Oh, stay away, because you feel guilty? Do not do that.

He disappointed and replies huffily that he come never asked. If she says she'll stop tomorrow, he says not to bother her and his phone shoves, ha removed.

Tae-il comes from the station to pick something up, and asked if Soo-sun not to come to the hospital. She admits that they can not bring themselves because they earlier today unfortunately for loss Combat Boots. You can not lie about it, but knows that Dae-gu will be fired only up when he hears that they have lost him again.

asks you how he does, and when Tae-il says he having trouble sleeping, she tells him that Dae-gu sleep well. She rattles a surprising amount of knowledge on the subject of how the fact that Dae-gu hates the dark, so they should keep a light, and play video on his phone. She asks that they take good care of him, and is back to work.

Eung-do it either hunker down all for their third night in a row, the agreement that they are not forced to get some rest, but have the right to rest when they let Combat Boots slip through his fingers.

Soo-Sun enters her dressing room to get something, and sees Pan-seok wince in his back and shoulder in bandages wrapping and pain. She says nothing and turns before he noticed her.

At the hospital Gook and Tae-il PM Dae-gu sleep and realize that it makes sense now why he always had such trouble sleeping. They sigh and talk about him like he's a little kid, angry at all hard things he had at such a young age to live by.

In the morning, Gook spoon feeds him like a little baby, also attack him with vegetable sneak. It's the sweetest thing ever. Tae-il help him to brush his teeth, and it is then a team effort to check it to attract.

you return to the ground, and everyone greets Dae-gu with a warm smile. Eung-do is a bracelet has taken him from a tree by lightning, and says that his mother gave him his first knife fight on the job, and he has never been stabbed since. Dae-gu she gratefully accepts.

Pan-seok arranges them into the room to join the case, and he and Dae-gu exchange a silent glance. It is the first of hateful eyes daggers is not full, as perhaps Dae-gu warmed to the idea, which is not Pan-seok, the devil, and maybe, just maybe, he had it all wrong.

they are interrupted when Pan-seok is called to a department head meeting, where Chef Kang announces that they have been entrusted with a new case an attack to participation political delegates. While the other team leaders jump voluntarily in case it assigns it Pan-seok.

This brings the entire room to a halt, and he reminds them that he is in a very important and personal case is to catch the man who stabbed one of his own teammates. However, it will not hear of it, and insists that they need their Ace Detective in this politically unstable case. So Pan-seok told the whole room, Hyung-Chul not just a random guy who stabbed Dae-gu, but the prime suspect in the unsolved murder Masan. It is safe because Dae-gu Kim Ji-yong is the experienced 11 years ago by the crime. Each roles in the news, but Sa-Kyung most.

He argues that he has to take this case personally and even Chief Toad agrees. But Chef Kang puts her foot down and tells him it is a command. If they save evil and makes her own ass, it's pretty bold.

Pan-seok is stunned and goes after her and Eung-do to make sure that he does not not explode follows. But of course it will explode, and he cries out that if they do not withdraw their mission, he will resign. He has to finish this case himself, and he thought, Chef Kang all people would understand why. She asks why he is so short-sighted, and argues that Dae-gu can this case does not take, no matter what, he's a hothead and boot an immature child, causing him to prevent a loose cannon kill over and their suspects in revenge?

, it points out how many times they saw before him the victims, the perpetrators, and what happens when Dae-gu squeezes a stray. "He is a child who lived in pain for eleven years. Do you want him to live in prison for the rest of his life?" It is a valid point, but it has to underestimate Pan-seok and Dae-gu. This is all secondary, of course, to the probability that it is a dirty cop who wants to keep buried their skeletons.

In the very least, as a chief of police, it makes it like the cold logical decision sound. She argues that surgeons do not work on their own family members, and the conflict of interest is not lost on Pan-seok. Eung-do says she has a point, and that he would be full of murderous rage when someone killed his mother, and Pan-seok leaves only an angry scream as he storms out.

But once they leave, they called Assemblyman Yoo and reported that they as I said, and Pan-seok will not touch did Hyung-chul case for the moment. Assemblyman Yoo then calls someone else and says that things become more complicated, and they need to move quickly.

Sa-Kyung surprised Pan-seok of her team provides will investigate probably not stop Dae-gu case deal to help with the delegates case, he is to know. He takes grateful to them, and she starts to say something, but decides against it.

Pan-seok, the team and the first thing he does when he enters the room is enhanced Frisk Dae-gu. It's not as sexy as it sounds. Pan-seok is relieved that he is not armed, and warns the others that they are not to let Dae-gu near the guns.

He beats them to talk Dae-gu alone says and that he knows what Dae-gu thinks now. "But you can not always kill Jo Hyung-Chul. The moment you do, all the reasons disappear, and only the result." Hey, I've heard before.

He advises Dae-gu his mother to think if he can not deal with his anger: "The moment you believe that the victim go the offender, your admirable mother Schön is the mother of a criminal. "played.

Dae-gu looks surprised that the advice of Pan-seok to hear, and he seems sincere to hear, although I doubt sinks in really strong.

Pan-seok goes to his desk and fish from an old photo of him and Hyung-chul, and remembers how grateful he was when his partner risked his neck to save him all those years ago. He stares at the picture forlornly and putting it away again.

Sa-Kyung gets a call from her mother in LA, asking if she had seaweed soup for her birthday. Sa-Kyung, she says that too is busy, but promises to have something later, to feel better mom. Mama asks if she is in Gangnam for Pan-seok, and Sa-Kyung says no. (I do not belieeeeeve ~!)

close, Pan-seok told Eung-do to Dae-gu, to talk about staying away from the guns ( "He listens to you more than me!") And semen Kyung rethinks the birthday dinner. She catches him in text to ask if it is free, but in the end it does not send it.

Pan-seok is doing every detective to track down in the town run, the ever knew Combat Boots while Eung-do and the boys stake out the neighborhood where they last saw. Soo-Sun plays Dae-gu shadow to follow him around so obvious that he on the go get they when it follows him almost in the men's room.

He mocks find her napping when it's supposed to be his minders, and goes to the blinds to try and the sun out of the eyes to get. If that does not work, he raises his hand to protect her face, and then is to give in the sun their shadow. She falls asleep happy, and he smiles when he sees her sleep. It is so sweet.

Dae-gu phone rings, and oh crap-it combat boots. He mocked him, still calls him a child, and suggests they handle things on your own. Dae-gu asks where he is, and shrugs of the sling from the arm as he climbs into the car and drives off, decided grimly. Nooooo.

Soo-Sun awakens a little later on and get a bad feeling, and open the case to find weapons one of the weapons missing. Seriously, after the lecture, did not you might be thinking that it or deny anything?

She reports to Pan-seok immediately, and he. Races to his car Man, I really hope you guys slipped a tracker in his pants, or at least his car. SOMETHING.

Dae-gu does crazy stupid thing, and goes alone, pulled gun in the garage where Combat Boots waiting for him.

Boots' voice rings out, something like a speaker sounds, and he calls the child brave for coming out. He says he likes Dae-gu, but it can not be helped-Dae-gu to die has to live for Boots, and life just sucks in this way. Well, it does if you kill people for hire. Only sayin'-coulda been a florist.

Dae-gu works through the garage and then finally gets close to the voice ... that comes from a cell phone. The second he looks down, crumpled boots whacks him from behind with a two-by-four in his injured arm and Dae-gu to the ground and drops the gun.

The boots up the gun Dae-gu takes creeps to hide. Hurry! Boots go through the garage with the sinister smile on his face as he mocked, "Kid, Where are you hiding? Child ~ where are you?"

He a car hidden (Aack, as well as under the bed hidden?) And boots spotted a pool of blood near a truck. He grins and steps closer, gun at the ready. Dae-gu trembles in fear as a familiar pair of boots away just arrives inches. He closes his eyes, prepared for the worst.

Boots begins to duck under the truck to look for, when suddenly the car behind him revved up and running straight into him. Y ... ay?

But it's not a good guy. A man in a black suit gets out of the car and starts choking Combat Boots. Yipes, a second Hitman?

Boots fights against his attacker, but begins to suffocate. And as this happens, boot switches to Dae-gu and reaches his hand for help. Eeeeek. Dae-gu is there back under the truck, until the moment flashes when his mother died in almost the same way, frozen in fear.


Someone is trying to kill the murderer? I do not even know what Dae-gu should do. Should he go out and try to save him? But that seems crazy, because he would then have two killers on his ass. But he can not just let it die the man. Ack. It's a great position to enable him dramatically, because now he is suddenly found to save between them and getting no answers, or save the man who killed his mother and tried to kill him a few moments ago. It is doubly cruel as it is staged to be as similar to the death of Mama. Karma-wise, get boots a taste of his own medicine, but maybe Dae-gu gets a chance to overcome their trauma and to do the right, against all his instincts. I really do not know if that's possible because hiding seems like a great plan, where I am.

I like the persistent thread that everyone Dae-gu sees as a child, because in many ways it is still very childish, even though it is very different effect based on each person. His friends see him as someone who needs to be taken care of, and even Chef Kang, angry or not, sees him as a teenager hothead who does not know better than the first thing to do that pops into his head. Nor is it wrong because he chases after the killer immediately after the Pan-seok is the great speech it with a gun. But Boots sees him as a child in a frightening way-it gives him strength, and I swear I feel Dae-gu in that exact tone every time Boot calls him a child shrinks, that he. Eleven years ago Dae-gu seems so helpless when it comes to this man, and though he starts running through your head every encounter with a gun in his hand and murderous revenge, he always ends on defending and hunted within an inch of its life. Boots never seemed honest as dangerous as he was in this episode, as he still saw and enjoyed taunting his prey Dae-gu as the 15-year-old child.

I'm really happy with where we are in history, as we could have the safe boring thing and took off Dae-gu secret identity done much longer, or found ways him and Pan-seok to keep the discussion. I hate it when dramas to milk their conflict until no one cares, and this show has not been on the fastest end of the spectrum when it comes to reveal his secrets in a reasonable manner (which by Soo - have achieved could sun faster on the uptake). []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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