Recap And Reviews Kdrama Triangle: Episode 12

Recap and reviews korean drama Triangle: Episode 12 -

The history of our three estranged brothers is still tightly wound made as enemies and alliances are formed, in what still proves the best result. It's nice to know that we are on a general trend upwards, although the same can not by Dong-soo and Young-dal assets that are said. But now that Young-dal has a fairy godfather and a new friend in Dong-soo, perhaps it is for them to start up.

Reviews have, Triangle 's figures continue quite low at 6.2%, behind ~~ POS = TRUNC behind Big Man 10.3% and doctor stranger remain at 11.5%. Then again, no one is really pulling in large numbers lately.


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Young-dal finally confronted Manbong about their daily beatings, arguing that he not get his money back by injuring them. so Young-dal has instead another proposal, a luck ~~ POS = TRUNC, with Manbong of ₩ 5000000000 and life Young-dal on the line.

Manbong hyungnim ridicules the bet when he asks if Young-dal life is worth 5000000000 ₩ even. "whether my life is worth ₩ 5000000000 or fifty won, it is still the only life I have," Young-dal counter. "whether you accept it or not is your decision to"

Now that Manbong hears Young-dal are the conditions of the game. as soon as he gets out of prison, he to be the life will return that put him behind bars and a year to pay back Manbong. if he can not pay him, do Manbong can then as he likes with his life.

Manbong calls him on his bet, and adds that if threatening boy -dal not pay him back, he'll chase him no matter where he is, and kill him with his bare hands. Eep.

While Jang-soo and Jailbreak are ecstatic that they no longer daily shocks are obtained, Young-dal is filled with regret when he he Jung-hee remembers desire for him his game lifestyle because ad now no other choice to exactly what return, but she does not want him.

Back in Yang-ha Surprise Couple Retreat, Jung-hee at least give him a chance to explain himself. At least he apologized as he, he's not claiming to be able to bring his feelings properly expressed, but Jung-hee cuts him off: "It's not that you do not know how to express your feelings, it is that you are selfish. They take into account not even know what the other feels. "Go Jung-hee!

Yang-ha tries clearly to be sincere, but it sounds like an excuse, saying that he raised worry about someone else's feelings without. "I never wanted to be with you so," he admits. "But I just can not seem to help me."

Jung-hee is, however, not moved. She has no interest in his feelings, nor did they understand what he hopes to achieve a day at the issues with her. Yang-ha sound is genuine as he tries to explain why he is interested in her, and how when he first met her at the casino, his first thought was that he had to have it.

your eyes rolling on this, but Yang-ha to continue to tell her that it is not , the had to do last night, the cards would be important because it made the same offer would have. He admits that while he never dated women, it is always able to get one when he "used" it.

But Jung-hee was the first woman to turn him getting down. Jung-hee rightly asks if his interest is only from wounded pride, and while he agreed that it was at first, he goes on to say that his interest become sincere to her. Even if it fascinated him to be the only woman who did not want to part of its chaebol world and seemed happy in their own and with Young-dal, especially (although he did not give his name).

as its confusion with it grew his feelings. "I found myself wanting my deepest secrets to share with you. I wanted to tell you what I really felt inside that I've never shared with anyone, because I felt like you would hear whatever I would say and accept me as I am. are you ... listen I want the story to share with you? "

da Jung-hee is not made of stone, and as a plea of ​​Yang-ha was so friendly, they are that it is curious to hear story of a chaebol son who does not care about other people's feelings. He smiles because this means that they give him a chance has to give.

He promises to tell his story slowly to use their whole day together until he gets a sudden call from his father him back to Daejung order. AWW, and I was actually looking forward to the day. Although Yang-ha is drained that he has now lost his chance, Jung-hee assures him that he can tell you another time.

Chairman Yoon told his son about his confrontation with Dong-soo, and as the latter wants Jang death him to come to the public with Papa clean about his involvement. Yang ha echoes viewer sentiment regarding Dong-soo shows all his cards. "It is easier than I thought"

However, to take care of Yang-ha Promise use

Dong-soo of Chairman Go whose favorite has been more than a decade to collect information on the errant former detective. Yang ha voices that they use it to take Dong-soo down.

Yang-ha meets with Dong-soo him in threatening over-it will only hurt himself when he takes it further. Despite Dong-soo to tell him that this is his father and not him, Yang-ha still affects the head honcho as and promises to forget this ever happened now, when Dong-soo stops.

Dong-soo grabs the young man by the lapels, to drive home the point that, while his father and chairman go too far may be gone forever to come back, Yang-ha is too young to live his life with such contempt. (Ah, the life lessons from big bro.)

But Yang-ha scoffs at the Council, as he claims that he defends only his honor before he asked: "Why are you so naive, director Jang?" deserves a blow that sends him sprawling as Dong-soo spits on Yang-ha use of the word "honor" when all he is fighting for money.

"Money is honor," Yang-ha retorts. "Money is proud, and the money is all. You are naive, because you are still unaware of this fact at your age." But Dong-soo just grabs him his growls to the Yang-ha tell his father again and to do, he said, otherwise it will be the end Daejung Group.

We find Young-dal writing letters in the dark of night, as he tells us in voiceover that he missed Jung-hee and hoped that they would visit again. He has to write her letters every night, but none of them sent.

Young-dal thinks he things is to see if he spied a new prisoner ... because the prisoner is Dong-soo. Whoa. OK.

Dong-soo said Young-dal that Yang-ha, who had arrested him, killing with the help of the chairman Yoon and chairman go-the two men responsible for his father. He explains that he tried to bring them to justice, since the law would not, but admits that he did not think money could overturn the law. And that's how Yang-ha put him here.

What does Young-dal until that night is the fact (transmitted by Dong-soo) that Yang-ha, with the Chairman Go Help, responsible for the implementation was him also in prison. I hope this means that they get revenge now together.

Shin-hye visited Dong-soo in prison to tell him that she has her divorce proceedings as well as starting to take her feelings for him. Dong-soo looks to be close to be like himself betrayed curses for not his feelings expressed earlier for them to be a coward, and foolish enough and put in jail on the tears.

He flashes back to the moment, Yang-ha had arrested him with anger and shaking, as he explains: "When I get out of here, I'll sell my soul to the devil, if I have to, it's nothing. I now can not do. "

passes a year. Jung-hee is chosen to represent their casino in a worldwide dealer competition, and returns home to find someone interested in the spare room to rent. She says it is not for rent, because it is still Young-Dal.

The band Young-dal formed (remember?) Eager their hyungnims the second they greet released from prison, and provides the obligatory stay-out-of-jail Tofu ,

But they are also a favorite fantasy in a fancy car, who says Young-dal, an elder named Ahn Chan welcomes -Bong wants to see him. Ohh, it's Mature Inmate 4224, published apparently when everyone else thought he'd just died.

Boss Min is angry to find out that the Chairman Go ye all VIP by betrayed high rollers to Lady Kim and confronted the woman to Mrs. Jang Casino get away backward. Lady Kim is unimpressed by Boss Min threats and dares they bring it. Oh, it's on now.

Young-dal finds Elder Ahn look good and rich, like the kindly old man claimed that he would not even be alive if it weren 't for Young -dal. He wants Young-dal to repay for his kindness, and has a pretty good read on the younger man as he is unable compares him into a moth in the flame of fly trap.

"When the time comes to make the most difficult fight of your life for you, I will become the hidden card that helps this fight to win," Elder says Ahn. "When the time comes that you need me, make sure to find me." Young-dal thinks older speaks only out of kindness, but methinks he should believe him.

forgive his son Young-dal by grudgingly to cause you to go to jail, Boss Yang pours him a drink, so he and the boys celebrate their release. , D'aww

It is there Young-dal find out what has changed in the past year: Lady Kim Sabuk has become the latest success story and currently is rolling in dough while Boss Min has been on their luck down since Chairman Go stung her in the back.

Young-dal a long time spends wistfully that night staring outside Jung-hee home, but leaves before she comes home. If he only knew that they also missed him because it considers longingly staring outside its old door on him, as he hoped would only arise.

Yang-ha chats with Jung-hee about the upcoming Casino competition will participate in, although he insists that they play through the game, the real world experience needed. But as traders are forbidden to play at the casino, he suggests, instead of going to Madame Jang Casino.

Young-dal seems the casino on the way to have Jung-hee, to see, as he put it outside, laughing and smiling with Yang-ha. He looks like the saddest ever kicked puppy when she gets in Yang-ha car, probably mistaking the two as dating. AWW, Young-dal.

Madame Jang a big deal about Yang-ha makes visiting its casino, only to lose the wind in their sails when he says he only there to observe Jung-hee gambling.

You and Lady Kim with interest as see Yang-ha teaches Jung-hee, the rules of baccarat, noting how close the two seem. Madame Jang clucks her tongue when she Jung-hee calls a sly fox, because she thought Jung-hee was Young-dal girlfriend.

Speaking of which, we find Young-dal angsting about Jung-hee, especially her last words to him in prison. I wonder why they never went to visit again.

Shin-hye welcomed Dong-soo on his release from prison with a hug, which he admits, when he holds it. "You will not back away from me more, are you?" She asks.

"No, I do not want," Dong-soo answers with this faraway look. "I'll do anything, I'll be more regret in the end."

section: Shin-hye sleep in bed while Dong-soo staring out the window. (Omo, slept they have together?) He flashes to his sentence back as he Young-dal asked him to teach them all he knew about gambling and casinos, so that Dong-soo a prayer in his fight against President Yoon could have.

Shin-hye calls Dong-soo back to bed and tried to ease his worries mind it by say a problem to take at a time rather than all at once tackle. "Do not be deceived again", she adds, the Dong-soo caused Yang ha to remember to laugh at his naivete when he was arrested.

Yang-ha told him then his prison to spend time for self-reflection, and it looks like that is exactly what Dong-soo did. He does not play so naive.

Jang-soo and Jailbreak approach Jung-hee friendly casino pal, OH JUN HO, since they all know each other from living in the same neighborhood as children.

Jun-ho was clearly the steps to underdog then proves to be the same as Jang-soo in by threatening him them a list of casino but VIPs is illegal may be for Jun-ho. And unfortunately for him, one of the casino manager monitors the exchange.

Boss Min is overjoyed Young-dal seen from prison, even if the two now have a common enemy in Chairman Go, which not only put him behind bars but they also betrayed.

Young-dal promises Chairman go to pay back what he has done, but to do that he needs Boss Min him a list of every give client of hers who lost over ten billion Won (approximately ten million US dollars). But he will not tell you why.

Meanwhile finds out Chairman that Chairman Yoon plans, some of his precious Casino sell shares at a large casino group from the United States to get the money he needs to build that long on luxury -Resort spoken.

to know that this Daejung the means shares in the price will skyrocket, includes Chairman Go Its Minions as many shares as possible to buy before the deal goes with the group Vegas.

It turns out that Young-dal was these lists of VIP Casino members and the composition of which at the Dong-soo desire won over ten billion lost , Dong-soo has actually a good plan coming Daejung share prices plummet cause, so that the Chairman Yoon will not get the money he needs for his luxury resort from which to convince the lost large sum of money, a class action file a lawsuit.

The reason they can, because they act the casino max betting limit by paying people like Young-dal, a soldier undermine ants on their behalf, so that if they paid five soldiers, they could five Bet times, the maximum limit. Even if such a wrong action on their part seems to be the reason why the action would work, because this practice Daejung knew happened, and allows so to break contact for the law limits.

Although Shin-hye doubts that these people would join in a class action and make their loss publicly, Dong-soo is sure she is, going to the money they lost trying to do, to regain. And if the message is the public, the Vegas business transaction is back, Daejung stocks will lose all value.

When Dong-soo and Young-dal start working to convince people that they need to connect to the plan, Yang-ha receives news of the class action against brewing Daejung. The stock prices are already falling.

This is also bad news for the president go that bought at full price all stocks before they collapsed, which means that he has just lost much money. He takes a golf club to his desk in anger and goes into town.

Chairman Yoon team is called in an emergency meeting to discuss their grim options. Now that their expensive shares sold is not an option, agrees Chairman Yoon a credit he will not be involved this resort enter now.

But Yang-ha turns his attention to find the source of the complaint, he must know someone behind his. He commands director Hyun find out who

News Chairman Yoon loans examined reaches Team Young-dal, although he. In a pleasant surprise The man Daejung searches of borrowing money is nothing but Elder Ahn, an incredibly rich usurer who prefer prison time would serve as wage fines. Ah, so it explains.

Young-dal face breaks into a smile as he puts two and two together, especially when he remembers Elder Ahn promise that he would his become face-down card.

Jung-hee bribes littlest bro Byung-Soo make good grades by a smartphone promising him. Soothes, Byung-Soo decides to tell her that he just saw Young-dal walking near her home, causing his sister run for him to look.

You will walk Young-dal away, and his name calls with tears in his eyes. He turns around, almost reluctant to her face, but unable to stop himself.

She smiles, and they have a long, silent moment just another take on proportion.

informed just as director Hyun Yang-ha which is Dong-soo behind the action, he finds out that Dong-soo is currently playing in the VIP area.

Yang-ha find storms in the area Dong-soo quiet play at the table, and at the sight of Yang-ha the older man has a cold grin. "It's been a while, Yoon Yang-ha-sshi. Thanks to you, I have had a lot of time on the naive and stupid life to reflect I have done."


I love all these open smoldering conflict because Triangle to give us never less surprises and payouts even forgets how it the stage for bigger and better things presupposes. Instead provide a conflict over the course of twenty-four episodes of the drawing and in the last hour payment, we received several conflicts constantly evolving and changing to be faithful during a key issue and stores the expressions of feeling like they are coming from left field even if we Dong-soo transferring detective vigilantes with the back to prison and back.

I also like how lessons in this drama are quite delivered instantly, what forces to treat our characters look a problem because they learn from the consequences. Dong-soo is a good example, because so disappointed, as we revealed in him his cards path too early might feel that was exactly how we were meant to feel about him. Dong-soo move was not championed: He did something stupid and paid dearly, and now knows he does not make the same mistake again going to make forward. Whether he stays learned fully and truly of Yang-ha cruelty to be seen.

It feels like every time we shows with characters get their heads against the same wall over bashing and over again, and so rare that we get a real character drama that gives us the possibility of extremely fallible to explore human nature. Maybe that's what happens from geniuses populated in a drama landscape, and perhaps that's why these signs to watch (more or less) average intelligence make normal and sometimes stupid mistakes remain so strangely compelling. Best of all, it seems to only get better.

And I'm glad, Young-dal fixed, has left the chairman Go station, because it means that he eventually can commit fully ally Dong-soo to be, instead of trying an underling desperate for some greedy losers approval vying to be. It's why I enjoyed also disclose Elder Ahn secret wealth because it was for the Young-dal he be pleasing reward for the kind of person is and not for the fraudster, he always tries to be. Just like Dong-soo, he has given a golden opportunity to learn from his mistakes, and I can only hope that he needs it.

Unless Yang-ha goes, I'm still sorting out how to feel about him. His compassion trick worked really at the beginning of the hour when it seemed as if he spoke from his heart, or at least a close approximation of a. And while it is easy to see why he would peg Jung-hee as good listener and decide to show her his vulnerable side, he makes it certainly difficult to keep in his corner rooting when he such a Tool. I have a feeling that, during his life lesson in the foreseeable future can not come, it's be damned pretty hard hit. After everything he set his own flesh and blood through, and all the suffering, it is still safe to keep them committed to its number of eventually come.

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tags: featured, the Shi-wan, Jaejoong, Lee Beom-soo, triangle

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