Recap And Reviews Kdrama Joseon Gunman: Episode 9

Recap and reviews korean drama Joseon Gunman: Episode 9 - be

Secrets, held and also discovered and not too early for a moment, because often what he the voltage going into a plot to keep strong, does not the continued stressor, to keep the secret, but it wide open and dealing with the consequences of blowing , It is much more interesting, the "What's next?" to explore mystery as to deny the inevitable, so I always welcome a change in this direction. It's a good thing, because just when I began to wonder whether we were a bit we shot some developments have our bikes, on both emotional and action fronts to propel us forward.


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Yeon-ha is saved! On the other side they are directly in the goals of two snipers and is just barely miss tapped when Yoon-kang out of the way at the last second whirls.

He fires a quick shot off a gunman decreases, but more appear to block their exit and send a flood of shots on their way. with so many shooters on the back, Yoon-kang sends Yeon-ha before and promises to come outside. He turns to the attackers put on, ducking out of the firing line, while shots from all ring on property. Fortunately Yeon-ha it's just outside, but she has discovered by Choi henchman chasing after her.

Yoon-kang is engaged in a find brief shootout with Choi's small army of armed men before its opening to escape, and rides off on horseback. and not a second too soon, for Yeon-ha is to be almost caught when their pursuer with a ball goes in the back-Yoon- kang from has him and now galloping on it taken. He grabs his sister and swings them on horseback, and they flee to safety.

This time at least, Yoon-kang waits until they are to have reunification before stopping her siblings out of reach. He hugged close and confirmed Yeon-ha: "That's right, me your brother.." She cries that she'd never see him again fear and he promises: "I'll protect you now."

Yoon-kang takes it to a mountain temple, where they welcomed by Sang-chu and his older sister, who is a monk. Reminds Yoon-kang that he saved her brother's life, the monk favor of is happy again take Yeon-ha.

Yoon-kang tears Yeon-ha worn hands to see and apologizes for not coming sooner, but she assures him that she is just happy to see him again. It is now that they recorded his cropped hair, no longer bound in his topknot, and tears in her eyes jokes that her father had had an attack to see it.

It is a good thing, Yoon-kang is thinking of his assassin clothing in pure robe for the trip home to change because Choi Won-shin it in full arrives suspected mode. He is not charged Yoon-kang outright, but the accusation is implicit when Choi to save him tonight unfortunate shooting of Mr Lecherous, also known as Minister song, and wonders informed whether that traitor son Yoon-kang returned his sister ,

Yoon-kang acts surprised by the news, reminding him that the young man died. Choi replied that the body was never found to the Yoon-kang believed that if the young man, after all have survived, it is possible, he is chasing from his father's murderer. "But why are you telling me all this?" He asks. "Do you happen to suspect me about it?"

Choi says only that he wanted to fill about developments in Hanjo, then orders his henchman in Hanjo alibi to look tonight he was really with the alleged Businessman meeting in a neighboring town?

The court thrown into chaos in the murder of an official, and the news of a gunman on the loose, the population panicked. Gojong gives the order to open an investigation to catch the murderer, while giving instructions to his inner circle: He had Minister Song examined softly, so this unexpected death throws a wrench in his plans. He wants this new gunman found to get ahead of its official investigators him it seems that he is with the Sugu fraction unbound, they must find out who is behind him.

[1945010Herr] Kim grows angry to hear this latest complication because he had expressly warned Choi Won-shin, quiet to keep his gunman Army while suspicions were flying high. He warns Choi not his orders to obey again

The police inventory of the murder scene, and Jung-hoon reports his results. The servants heard the shots, but were distracted by the fire, something to see and escaped several slaves in chaos. The mention of a fire is particularly confusing because they see no real fire damage, so officer moon has Jung-hoon, to know the source of the smoke.

Soo-in looks forward to explosives lessons that Yoon-kang promised for preparing these smoke bombs you in return. Her father tried to tell her to stop, but Soo-in calls, say they only learn (and do not participate directly). And he can not completely refuse when she admits that it is a long time since she has been so interested to do anything at all.

Jung-hoon goes to Soo-in with his questions about the smoke ask if they could be prepared with powders. just created with such a device, Soo-in asks the premises to confirm personally inspect. Shown on the remnants of the smoke bomb, they can say that it is the same way that they made, and their brain swirls with the thought of Hanjo of involvement in the assassination of a minister.

Then Soo-in overheard a servant informing Jung-hoon of the slave girl who had seen the gunman to escape, and which arouse curiosity. So if Jung-hoon asked for confirmation, it is about the cause of the smoke are not sure, not willing to give voice to her suspicions.

So when she shows to meet Hanjo for explosives lesson, it addresses the issue careful to ask the smoke bombs. He reminds her that they agreed to keep it secret and says he used to them, threatening to revoke for good purposes, the teachings, if it considers pressing.

This makes them glower in protest, although the scowl on recognition rotates once it has established with the explosives expert who increased next to a woman in labor. Yoon-kang do not accept that the answer, saying that these reasons are given only by men excuses women to hold back. He orders the expert in no uncertain terms not repeat its "women are weak" and comments in teaching Soo-in on explosives.

cooperate surprised and gratified, Soo-in tells him that it made her happy to hear it, as he spoke to them, to which he says he was do not take their side. "I only have to tell the truth" Soo-in stated that they will work on it until it is better than a man, having their pride was provoked to prove themselves, and Yoon-kang wishes her good luck.

Gojong falls through its new office at work to watch, to observe how interpreters Jung conducts a strategy meeting with his team. Noticed a new face among them, Gojong Ho Kyung greeted warmly and asked about his family background, which makes tense and answer Ho Kyung nervous that he was born to a family of no name an illegitimate son is.

interpreter Jung attacks and said that Ho Kyung bonds cut to his father and advises not to press the king, and Ho Kyung apologizes profusely for Rudeness. Gojong takes this step in and says that in this new office, lineage does not matter if talent enough. The tension ebbs and conflict blows over. For now.

Minister Kim Ho-Kyung calls aside in the King's reason to ask for a visit. Ho Kyung asks his father caustically whether it is inside the fishing information or maybe he's just afraid that the news of their family tie is discovered. Ho Kyung assured him that he said nothing about it.

Minister Kim Kyung Ho warns against its plans a modern military with newly developed weapons and technology to build. Ho Kyung the train stops an obvious need to modernize, while his father claims that it is a dangerous movement. Minister Kim says that Joseon to big and powerful ideals are moved by one man, and added ominously that a politician must be able to distinguish when and when not to speak. Basically know your place and stop waves to make.

Soo-in visits with Hye-won and asks for the slave who escaped when Minister Song was assassinated. Hye-won is shocked to hear that the slave of her family was, and while it has an immediate idea who it was, she turns it up and simply says that they did not know it.

Back home, they checked that Yeon-ha was the escapee and calls bombers Sung-gil in their suspicions-was the gunman appearance in her home to also confirmed in connection with Yeon-a? Sung-gil not not reveal the truth, but Hye-won's sharp enough to read the situation closely.

So if Sung-gil reports this to Choi Won-shin, he is warned extra care to be Hye-won. You need not know the whole story.

The next day, Hye-won shows Yoon-kang to the premises and explains what the various pantries are for. Her father the organization it is particularly careful in the accounting records and correspondence and Yoon-kang takes mental note of the record library.

their serious mood noting Yoon-kang she nudges to share what bothers them. Hye-won answers that escape the slave with the gunman has its restless; we know that it was an emergency, but as far as Hye-won know it could have been much worse. "If I had known that this would happen," she says, "I would have been more insistent that we wake upon them."

Yoon-kang a cavalier attitude accepts and says that an insignificant slave life nothing is concerned about are. Hye-won argued that they can not take so easily their lives, and that the girl was an innocent, not deserve their fate.

She trusts that they also talk about their own history: ".. Starved, beaten, kidnapped, that's how I lived Can not that life to bear, I ran away" Then she collects and says that she did not want to reveal their shameful past.

Yoon-kang is bewildered by her approval, but thanks to her for the exchange: "There is nothing to be ashamed of shame can be felt by those who do wrong you.. have done nothing wrong, so there is no reason to be ashamed. In fact, you should be proud. you shook your destiny from on your own, and you have become an impressive woman. "

These words are, the ringing in her ear and strengthen their spirit. He adds that the runaway slaves understand and be fine, and that they need not worry.

Hye-won keeps his words the night by feel warmed. So when her father makes her painful past and says she must not remember things that she wants to forget, Hye-won says she now feels differently: "Because somebody, I wanted to forget the past has some feel proud. "

When she shows that Hanjo is this person, her father's face falls and he turns thoughtful. In addition, he receives a confirmation that Hanjo history not-You should also check that his alibi put death on the night of Minister songs available.

There is enough one and the same, and he sends Sung-gil to a certain place to be expected for Choi Won-shin to the conclusion that Hanjo and Yoon-kang are its signal: Being in the moment, Choi fan and Yoon unfurls -kang falls, Sung-gil is worry in step and the rest.

Then Choi Hanjo exclaims, under the pretext of a friendly excursion. Yoon-kang is aware this is a trap and Sang-chu whines that he is in his death walk, but Yoon-kang replies that he intends to use this opportunity to knit all doubt.

So the next day, the two men have drinks at a gibang what Choi Won-shin suggests a walk. He leads Yoon-kang on a path in the forest, in a clearing pause while Sung-gil at a distance with his rifle squatting, waiting the signal.

There is Yoon-kang, but the control of the conversation takes and said that he heard that that night he-one died several armed men Minister Song-house, of the slave and a cadre from others who tried to stop him, took were. Moreover, it has the rumor that Choi is even in charge of the latter group. And if that's true, well, it brings Choi own neck in danger.

Choi laughs as absurd gossip and accepts specifically its fragmentation and treated it conspicuous. He asks Yoon-kang, where he was that night, finally downright lie him on his whereabouts to call.

take Yoon-kang bristles impetus to Chois probing questions and asks angrily if he that he was insinuating the shooter. The tension rises and today. To shine at an impasse Choi opens its fan and takes a step back, clear exit signal for Sung-gil, who carefully takes aim.

Yoon-kang looks carefully, as if problems expected, ticking time yet, and it remains in clear view. Sung-gil finger tightens on the trigger ...

And then of Choi henchmen comes with an urgent message running up that an armed man appeared in their records Library is armed with a new model gun. Choi roles in the realization (uh, adoption), that he was wrong about Hanjo, and Yoon-kang grins his reaction one minute sneering as Hanjo is a criminal, the next back to treat him as an honored guest.

"I will not forget," Yoon-kang says gruffly, "the indignity suffered I today." Choi go to not only for him to dig for dirt, Yoon-kang points out that a relationship business can 't proceed without trust. The deal is off again.

Of course, the lure gunman was only Sang-chu in Yoon-kang dressed clothes that pulled the stunt despite looking like he wanted to pee his pants all the time. He makes sure to have again stolen a particular message, which carries Choi Won-shin name.

Je-mi catches him unawares in the yard and shouting the infamous gunman in the front yard to see. Sang-chu to bring us to their cries peace, while his mask slipped down, revealing his face Darts. He can not come up with a good explanation, only able to hold them to hiss quietly.

Je-mi, on the other hand, sighs: "Wow, this is so cool." It assumes that this Hanjo is a secret not even know and Sang-chu just goes along with their adoption, and swears them to secrecy. Ha, what a woman is admiration asks for an ego will do.

Yoon-kang says Kanemaru call off the investment and the gunpowder stores Choi back. He explains that he was treated aggressively, would that so continue relations with Choi also dishonor Yamamoto bring. Kanemaru true.

Choi Won-shin is furious fall on his plate holder for victims of the gunman and life begins to choke him out. He rushes to him, because it would protect the documents and not detect the intruder for, and probably strangle the man to death if not for Hye-won arrival. Choi creates a grip on his temper get to, only to receive word that Hanjo has carried out his threat to cut all business and withdraw its investment.

Soo-in shows up armed with food, the prickly relationship to smooth their lesson with the experts who he eats grudgingly. It is not enough to facilitate his crankiness completely, but he makes it clear mellow, as she calls him teacher.

But before the lesson can begin, royal investigators arrive on the scene and drag from the specialists, to everyone's amazement. He is now a suspect in murder Minister songs, and the shops of the powder are used against at Song house compared.

Soo-in race to find Hye-won house, only investigators there who question the identity over the runaway slaves. It is now that Soo-in listening that the girl's name was Yeon-ha, and Hye-won caught in their lie. She has everything to explain, but Soo-in bounced to make sense of things on their own.

your head swirling, Soo-in thinks back to recent events-their encounter with the gunman, Hanjo desire to explosives. She hurries Hanjo seen, and when she hears he is out, she asks to wait here until he comes back.

Je-mi it leaves in Hanjo office to wait, and when she is alone Soo-in to hurry to the other side, so that their way into the living rooms. Cautiously, she sneaks into his room and opens Hanjo wardrobe, for some kind of clue, looking through his drawers. What she finds is shocking that they probably expected, but also all the confirmation she needs. Your compass, because he died the day

, clutching to close the compass, she sobs: "It was really the young master."

A while later, Hanjo comes home and hears that Soo-in awaits him. He finds them in his office, barely cling to their version.

concerned, he asks what is going on, as well as royal investigators come to his door. The senior investigator instructed his men the suspect and grab them by understanding Yoon-kang Soo-in. It was reported stolen to have material to make explosives, and is undergoing interrogation.

Yoon-kang tries to block their way and prevent them, but the investigators hold him back when Soo-in is pulled away.


Soo-in knows who Yoon-kang is! Soo-in also know that Yeon-ha is alive, and that Hye-won lied about. Je-mi knows the gunman her boss's (albeit the wrong boss) and Yoon-kang knows his identity by a thread hangs up. All in all, this was a nice result of forward movement, which allows us to Yeon-ha-in-danger thread and goto main Revenge identity pack history.

I am relieved to have Soo-in, at last in the secret identity, not only because the plot is interesting, if it is on the side of the good guy, rather than completely in the dark, but also because it makes them narratively relevant. I probably have more patience for the character of Soo-in as many of you all, to the upset I have read relative, and I agree with the sentiments of the rule, although I keep in my hope also that it would come 'round again to be compelling and proactive as a character. I attribute this mostly to a write miscalculation that they held on the margins of history enough time to the romantic tension will fizzle make a bit-I feel the pining between the lines, but the more you the scenario of Hanjo pulling he is insisting the other type, forcing the more you Soo-in back only, and accept step that her beloved is dead.

But while I this revelation came earlier want to do, I do like the timing them with this latest examination again because she finds out he's Yoon -kang as investigators sniffing incident in the smoke bomb. I expect him to cover them, like a mofo I look forward to because of all the good fear that will delight. It is particularly effective because Yoon-kang actually killed a man, and a high-ranking government ministers that-not only is he the son of a wrongly accused criminal, he is a legitimate criminal. Ack!

And yet, I am also happy about the dilemma, because it puts a dark cast over Yoon-kang character, and I think the drama could really benefit from a little dark. I love our hero to be a badass hero and all-around righteous dude, but there is no reason why he can not be a conflict, burdened man along the way, too. Dramas sometimes (okay, often) to be afraid in the case, to paint their characters as unappealing, which is not the same as bland and benign, and yet this is often to smooth out the effects of all their character flaws and dents to keep their moral fibers unaffected. What can I say that I prefer to 'em a little dirty. I think we all power.

For example, there is a complexity to Hye-won, who more response, no less, and I make like that Soo-in began they lie. It makes Hye-won suddenly seem suspicious, although we know that their intentions were noble. But we see them caught between her loyalty to her father and her basic sense of justice, and I suspect complicated things going to get for them.

I loved the moment between her and Yoon-kang and how it moves through his encouragement was. In fact, it is a beautiful piece of conflict moments Yoon-kang had with Hye-won and Soo-in, parallel, because in both cases it is his real personality is in the forefront and offer them comfort. It is also strange dissonant for Hanjo to say such things, the confused likely to keep both ladies wearing on him, but that is what is so falls over his sincerity at the moment, what you talking about. I almost wish we would explore this tension a little longer, but on the other hand, I'm not going to ask in any case to keep Soo-in in the dark longer, so I take the truth discovery. Now that she knows, and Je-mi knows (Art), it is still too early to ask for a Scooby Gang? Come on, every hero a buddy and a cheeky posse

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tags: featured, Joseon Gunman, Lee Jun-ki, Nam Sang-mi

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