Recap And Reviews Kdrama Doctor Stranger: Episode 20 (Final)

Recap and reviews korean drama Doctor Stranger: Episode 20 (Final) -

What a indeed strange finale. We get a half filled to the brim with sheer absurdity, while the other serves as an epilogue the bitter pill chronicle Doctor Stranger as circling the drain of eternity. Referring back to, I am increasingly are convinced that Myungwoo never was a hospital at all-it is clearly an asylum for crazy people was.

Stranger ended its run primarily to 12.7% so that Delta with 9.5%, while the Trot Lovers brought up the rear with 7.2% upwards.


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Not surprisingly, is Prime Minister Jang not keen on the job, just because his whole plan is found was made. now faced with a wide awake President, his men, together with Hoon and Jae-hee, Jang claims arrogantly that he still get his chance to become president if the president dies ...

. .. What I think is what he plans, he ordered to pull Hoon and Jae-hee of his men. When none of his men move, nightshades says Prime Minister Jang that it is now to stop at the time. just stop .

, the President casts a prime minister Jang an incredible amount to offer: If he stops the whole madness, will forgive him and allowed to keep its position No one except them ever happened to know anything of all Prime Minister do Jang has .. is to follow his orders and be his yes-men. which, what ?

Fortunately Hoon recalls the same feeling as it reminds the President that Prime Minister Jang the person to try, you know, kill him . Jae-hee also tried to remind him that if he can go Prime Minister Jang now, he could try the same thing to do in the future.

But this debate can be heard for the president to rational, and he shushes the two doctors in state affairs to engage. "The reward for making false and is it properly punished ... that politics is not it?" Asks the president. IS IT ANYWAY? Is not it kind of Your job to try and change affect? What is wrong with you ?!

Although it has been a great opportunity, is that would never exist among healthy people, Prime Minister Jang still seems arrogant about it even if he agrees. He has only one condition, because it is to actually make: He wants Hoon and Jae-hee it passed

the best part.? The President is right. Even if Hoon and Jae-hee protest, the president is all, What could go wrong? Yes, what could possibly go wrong, these two people about a murderous psychopath in administration?

"You promised to save us!" Hoon cries to the president when he is dragged away. Impressive. IMPRESSIVE. I have dealt with a lot of crazy final in my life, but this ? This is a trip to Crazy Town on the shortest bus conceivable.

After the president in an ambulance, Prime Minister Jang says drove away night that they have a few things from hash. What neither of them notice is that Agent Cha lurking dressed near the hospital entrance as a bodyguard because you are what you in this world.

bear We find Hoon and Jae-hee held hostage in their own hospital, guarded by Secret Service agents who not near a other doctors allow. Hoon tries sense of making nonsensical, completely stunned by the President at his word back after he promised to rescue them.

He flashes back to when he told the President on Prime Minister Jang plans, and how well the president had then seemed. Jae-hee blames again to go plan itself for the election with Agent-Cha.

"If I could go back ... if only I could go back ... it would have not been developed," Jae-hee is. Hoon: "It is not over yet." Do not let me remind you

Prime Minister Jang its way slowly clapping in the room, and does not warn Jae-hee. each of their espionage maneuvers, thus Hoon to pull a bullet in the head put in the middle of a functioning hospital.

He goes into this tirade about need as give all these coincidences fate because he had meant for Hoon and his father to die and die for Jae-hee a long time ago because he was the one who the embassy doors to get them back in Budapest was closed.

But now that they are still alive, then he asks her if she really so much trust in humanity had but to trust the president to keep his word. You should have begged take him for mercy.

"They would still not spared us," Hoon notes dryly, to the Prime Minister Jang nods to be just as true. Before he has his men shall lead out, he reminds them to act accordingly, since they are in a hospital, saving lives. (Again, it turns out that no one can resist the compulsion to negate their own threats.)

Prime Minister Jang they can at the hospital entrance, as he drove away-just his car suddenly not to have. The driver is revealed to be a laugh Agent-Cha as he wants a gun at the prime minister ...

Pop! Pop! Pop! Hoon and Co. see how the car is lit by three shots, and by the time the security guards of the Prime Minister makes it to the car, Agent-Cha has disappeared magically.

But since balls in strangers are from lifesaving unicorn tears, Prime Minister Jang is obviously not dead, Hoon whereupon it to be prepared for surgery.

during night some shady orders receiving by the President, is looking for Chang-yi to the hospital for Hoon. A sympathetic Chi Gyu agrees to help her.

No other doctors or secret agents to, Jae-hee and Hoon are left Prime Minister Jang to take operation theater alone. They tried it by stopping a passionate argument outside, why should they not save the man who caused so much misery that killed Hoon father, and will try to kill her if he lives.

has to do all Hoon, she says, is to rely on the artificial ventilation device and let the Prime Minister die naturally. If Hoon says no, she brings as he can kill her father, why save it now does not save her, himself and his mother?

But Hoon is in his refusal, unyielding, because it would be a hit, in his father's face when he had to do as she says. His father died, so he could only pick up a scalpel to save lives, and now Prime Minister Jang is nothing but a sick patient, he has to cure.

Jae-hee printing Minister Jang gunshot wounds trying to remove, to place only for Hoon her hand over them. "Feel it," he urges them. "There is still beating."

Hollow eventually and reluctantly when Hoon forces them to realize that they can not ignore a heart that is still beating, at least until their surgery prep by the (very late) arrival interrupted by nightshades and the rest of the security guards. I think no one is concerned about sanitary conditions in the operating room.

Since the President is a maniac anyway and approved the death of the Prime Minister, Nightshade to Hoon's happening on the news that nobody holds him responsible if Prime Minister Jang had a "table of death" suffer wink nudge nudge wink

He gives the same choice Hoon Jae-hee did. Sunshine and Rainbow bow ~~ POS = HEADCOMP when Prime Minister Jang dies, and the ninth circle of hell, if he lives. Hoon still not surrender, because he is a doctor, damn.

"You have many terrible things done," he told the unconscious prime minister says fashion can look in his classic devil. "How can it be no one to tell me you save?" Regardless, he will try, even if he and Jae-hee will be working solo.

Even if the president gets the live feed to see OP starts as the complicated operation, the rest of the hospital is not aware that any surgery itself takes place. Naturally.

While Hoon balls easily fish that Prime Minister Jang chest cavity is from the blood pool, secretary # 2 worry that this could mean that Jang could sip , live. But Shade indicates that two Secretary # relieved if the operation is successful as a proof that he is on Hoon page. Or something.

After the Prime Minister Jang rolled away, are night Hoon and Jae-hee key to a car, he had prepared so that they can run on the next play. He is to leave the preparations for them the land, while they find a hiding place and promises that he would send Mom a safe place.

Soo-hyun finding Hoon closes when Chang-yi hits her help to figure out the (irrelevant?) Tidbit that Jae-hee did not come from Japan and that Hoon mother has disappeared. (By the way :. All physicians were comfortable part of a "New" nobody move ever or talked about up to this point)

She finds out by Chi-Gyu that Hoon last was off the spotted heading Hospital. We him and Jae-hee, see new digs, as they run on the car ...

... At least until Hoon is suddenly a bullet met. In earnest.

He tried to make it as nothing to run away, while Jae-hee pushing without him to go further, but it is a kind of the new bloodstain he distracted was before sports. Plus Agent Cha revealed as the shooter, as he lies in wait for them pulled his gun.

Hoon stands protectively in front of Jae-hee as Agent Cha finger pulls the trigger. But Jae-hee, always faster than a bullet, manages to throw in front Hoon before the gun goes off.

Soo-hyun and Chang-yi watch the events from a distance to deploy and call the police, the Jae-hee are juuuust enough time to climb over the railing in a reenactment of the sequence Budapest. Again, no one is kidding you. This is real.

Now I get why we had to change the sudden wardrobe because Hoon finds himself holding hands Jae-hee as she dangles unsure of the required water body.

you tried to get Hoon to release them (again), because it was shot somewhere near the heart (again), and there Agent Cha approaches him with a gun (again). Hoon tells her to go (again) not to leave, but this time Agent Cha all creeps next to them on the balcony, Is not that a familiar scene? Please, please, for the love of God do not treat us as we need to be reminded

Agent-Cha, the similarities with the Budapest scene draws before a substantial difference noting :. No one there to help them this time. He gives Hoon a chance to live if he can only go by Jae-hee hand, there will be revenge enough when Hoon with the memory alive of having killed them.

Hoon would rather Agent-Cha to kill him instead, but Agent-Cha asserts that is not a possibility, even as he the gun at Hoon head planes anyway and gives them until the count of three.

Jae-hee asks him to let go, to save, but Hoon refuses-be biggest regret was to leave from back then of her. "I said I'd go wherever you went. Do you see the river? No matter where it takes, do not worry. Because I will be with you."

He just smiles as Agent Cha to three counts. Although the gun appears to have been leveled at his head, sees Agent-Cha, Hoon Vaulting over the banister, so he and Jae-hee fall into the water below.

While Soo-hyun and Chang-yi watch on helplessly Agent-Cha is the gun on himself. "Long live the DPRK," he says with a shaky last breath and dies.

Since it would be too much sense for Soo-hyun and Chang make yi the riverbank in search of their friends, they go instead to the bridge it in an attempt to from which they fell to seek.

Of course, even to see them not so much as a bubble out of the water, even if an extremely strong ocean current runs under, our two lovers certainly grabbed in safety to wipe away.

a year later.

Prime Minister Jang is to be right now by those arrested completely independent for the crimes he should be locked up, a television event, the President watches with interest.

He apparently changed because of what Hoon said about people, their actual work to be done, and now believes that a politician should practice clean politics. Gee Golly Lord, this is sure to swell when you say now .

After. On the Chang-yi and chi-Gyu as a couple in the review, we find Soo-hyun a tight ship running in the operating room Later she remembers Hoon because they performed the same operation as it once was.

anesthesiologist Min-se and Doctor Geum are expecting their first child, graduated Chi Gyu has to be a playboy into a real doctor of being, and Doctor Moon (now chief of cardiothoracic surgery department) has grown a not-just-comic relief more goatee. He's on his way to celebrate the ceremony to his appointment as Myungwoo Hospital newest director.

Min-se notes that feeling as they ride the elevator together there, but any hope of serious dissipates not quite complete when Doctor moon makes a loud fart from her team. And then another.

Soo-hyun finds Doctor moon of happiness after the ceremony to cry, although his thoughts turn whether Hoon watched over him from beyond.

He some Hoon favorite snacks in the dressing leaves that still bears his name, and promises that he will live his own father and will make Myungwoo hospital people actually want to go.

Chang-yi connects Soo-hyun on the bridge, where they lost Hoon and Jae-hee, both they believe to be dead. "Hyung is in peace, right?" Chang-yi asks. Soo-hyun is a slight nod, and reaffirms that Hoon went with the woman he loved.

When asked why Chang-yi Hoon still calls "Hyung", a term of boys among other boys, she admits that it is the distance between them place, so they do not taste Hoon at the end.

them a commemorative flower into the water with a heavy sigh then falls.

As a nurse Min their last goodbyes says (she leaves to work the hospital where her husband is doing), Jae-joon pays an unexpected visit. Chairman Oh is now a permanent patient in his own hospital and Jae-joon has come to to excuse him , not to get one.

Jae-joon, the chairman, that he help in the states of a friend law firm, since it must be a doctor no more right. But he happened to a file on Korean hospitals and their malpractice suits, found that Myungwoo level is only 1/10 compared to all others.

He tried to give a pat Chairman Oh on the back for doing a good job these cases with respect to, but Chairman Oh does not seem keen on listening to what he has to say. give However, he asks the apology Jae-joon came to hear

Jae-joon :. "I wanted to Soo-hyun father to apologize. Because I was stupid, I hurt Soo-hyun deep. I do not know if I'll have the chance, but one day, I would like to forgive what I did." He goes standing outside the room Soo-hyun to find out. Did she hear him?

However, it is Chairman Oh, the out of bed rises Jae-joon to say that he forgives him only when his daughter Han Jae-joon. Considering all those pesky dual run around identities, then it's probably good for him, to be exact.

Soo-hyun and Jae-joon finally get a moment, and it switches to call him by his birth name, Lee Seung-hoon. (Since there is only this recap left, let us stay with Jae-joon but.)

She admits that she only thought about how he lied, without considering how much pain, he was going through, and says that she the one who needs forgiveness. But Jae-joon claims it from another person, they have to ask for forgiveness :. Hoon

The next day, Jae-joon Soo-hyun on a scenic drive takes when he tells her that he heard something incredible about Hoon and Jae-hee. Is he the only one who knows that they are alive?

Soo-hyun seems reluctant to follow him and regretting that she always pushed her feelings Hoon. Also claiming Jae-joon, that he never really thought much about who Hoon was deep inside. Both had misconceptions about Hoon, hooray, we move on.

But Jae-joon urging them to follow him, because someone, he wants to meet them. As if her question to know before they ask it yourself, Jae-joon assures her that yes, it is "this person".

In a rural health center, Jae-joon Soo-hyun Hoon leads to find perfectly alive, well and practice of medicine. Hoon sees them and welcomed them as if nothing had happened, her "Quack" calls as normal.

She storms at him with a pained expression as she told him how she thought that he could not all this time dead, he was told only her he was fine? Hoon laughs from their impotent rage when she meets him a few times with her handbag.

After a last-minute product placement, Jae-joon asks Hoon what happened after he fell into the water. "I had help," explained without explaining, as we cut to his mother and to do in a hospital Hoon.

night there Mom a stethoscope Hoon gave her as a gift. She smiles before together on a picture of her and Hoon look longingly turn.

As expected Jae-joon visit, Hoon gives him a gift, and it is ... another stethoscope? Man, I would not want Hoon as my Secret Santa.

Anyway, the gift is his way of saying, Jae-joon that doctoring suits him much better than lawyering. Soo-hyun ignored when she asks about Jae-hee to be told only by Jae-joon, (of all things magically know) that Jae-hee applied for asylum in China.

"You just now then? In China" Soo-hyun asks only be met with silence as falls Hoon face.

Soo-hyun and Jae-joon go on a hill, where they see Hoon wait on a dirt road far below. Hoon staring street expectantly down, as Jae-joon explains to Soo-hyun that he his connections Jae-hee to help gain political refugee status in China, and that it went through all until a few months ago.

But with their refugee status, Jae-hee could then seek political asylum back in Korea. (Do not try to make sense out of this, believe me.) Then Jae-joon explains that the reason why he returned to Korea, because today is the day Jae-hee is back to even.

as a black car drives towards Hoon, Soo-hyun asks Jae-joon, "You said you did not believe in fate, right? If you have not? "

" No, "Jae-joon replies. "I think now in fate."

Jae-hee gets out of the car and runs toward Hoon with a smile. She grabs him into a hug as Soo-hyun leaves out a sigh and slipped her hand into Jae-joon is.

sharing a moment while looking at as Jae-hee and Hoon holding each other tightly. Hoon finally everything can be to take in, as in Jae-hee hair his face hugs and smiles.


, it felt safe, like the show, I really use just enough stories had a concept, very only they -lose through the first half to make this final. The second half, while the stories in neat little bows "supporting characters to tie, felt mostly like we would run out of gas and were only the bare minimum to the unrealized and completely inexplicable happy ending.

If we put aside the last 3 minutes, this finale is a perfect encapsulation of all that observe the experience doctor stranger was made a frustrating and thankless task. We have an easier time showing severe logic forgive fails when it create, to give us something that we in return a tiny thing like that seems so simple in theory, but not something that can be forged at will, but never actually put into practice unless deserves . And this is something that payout.

Yes, payout, the hardest of terms which prescribes generally that a writer with their setups follow through. Easy, right? But this show failed so astronomically to deliver in payouts that it honestly confusing, not only because it's lazy writing in its purest form, but because it could not even attempt to deceive us otherwise, if any conflict was introduced in a self-negating vacuum.

I can not really wrap even my head around the whole conflict, the show would endeavor only introduce whatever happened next whatsoever to do what only happened completely pointless, because I can not imagine a narrator who would willingly and knowingly that do. Or write to us. Oh, the President had just found an elaborate cooked (ly ridiculous) plan to kill him his second-in-command? Why would he just forgive him! Better yet, he should ensure that a man remains in power. Better nor , it should be the lunatic give the two people he has made no secret about wanting to murder. What's the worst that could happen?

The rest of this final, as it turned out. What is more mystifying it is the beginning of the scene, as it was no attempt to peer into the President the reasons for its actions so over the region were as to be unintentionally hilarious from the human mind. Meanwhile, we expect that someone has to be crazy in this universe in a position of power and responsibility, but mean? That was just something special. Clearly, the presidential election was decided by whoever the best macaroni noodle art displayed, and Prime Minister Jang was just the idiot who use glue to forget.

We will never know why the show chose to focus its moving story of Hoon emotional journey away, only that it was one of his major missteps and a shame. He had so much promise as a North Korean refugee with a supernatural ability to diagnose breast disease, but was as a puppy dog ​​pining away for his old flame wasted. As I said flame was Jae-hee, a very big problem solved, the show never, since its potential was to be compelling deleted, as they spent X amount of episodes to disguise their identity because they ... ... how it felt?

Right. Well, the same thing by Jae-joon argument could be said, to wait until he plan did and lead its Coke Zero revenge plots, and for all these additional final bonus rounds of competition. See also: the President's decision, North Korea engagement, Soo-hyun meager existence, Doctor Moon bloating, Prime Minister Jang idiocy night of normality, Agent Cha resilience and Hoon wasted potential.

It does not necessarily make it easier to think of it, that this is just like someone with all the forethought of a finger painting mounted over, but sometimes drama country truths cut deeply. From someone who has been here too many times to count, and who qualified as a doctor in this show as the characters to be (read: not), here is a recipe for Fated To Love You . Take two and a comment in the morning leave


(1) New voicemail for :. Doctor Stranger

Doctor Stranger , in the last two months you have unforgettable-I do not think there are enough words to describe all the things you taught have me, but here goes: know that I'm doing this for me and all the others who made it to the other side when I say that I will be better off without you. The reason why I want to be alone from now on, is for my own sanity, and because you lost before your age. Since me (much) to say things, decided the offscreen has happened, I have decided to return the favor in kind by leaving you with this message.

you have any questionable medical and ethical judgment in other shows your genre such Good Doctor and Medical Top Team like a child's appearance (to save Dr. Jin , but I have it-it's hard to be to aim that brand crazy), and the baddie was nothing more than a petulant man-child. It has taught us that personal revenge that could be spanned decades represented by a metaphor Castle, the weeks laid claim to build, but would only take hours, or sometimes even minutes for them to be pushed aside, as good as forgotten. She gave us an insight into the living dead in the form of Zombie Cha and Inferius Jae-hee, and taught us that death is through water just the beginning. Or just that death is cheap. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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