Is there finally finally some luck on the horizon for Mr. Black? I can not decide if happy times are a bad omen me, and I should feel afraid of what is around the corner in the final week, but you know what-I am going to enjoy it while it lasts, even if it only for one episode. Today we are, what victories we can get, but short-lived it may be.
After finally confess that he is ill, black holding his arms for Swan far from. She's already heard the bad news before coming here, and it is at a distance with tears in his eyes, over and over again shouted, "You said you love me"
you go running to him and yells that she waited so long, and that he everywhere henceforth be without them not able to go. He embraces them determine how they cry, and then she tells him that the prognosis for them is the same also: ". It could be a day, maybe a month"
Then to herself, she thinks "Why I have forgotten-that all men die someday?" she wonders what she regrets would have what she saved from itself. She decides then and there, like this moment to live, is their last, and says Black, "Love me".
She leans against him kiss and he kisses her back passionately.
In a hotel room, sitting at Black Swan feet for a while in her face just staring. In voice-over, he asks his father, "Please save me. I really want to live." He strokes her face sweet before to kiss her again, and when he leans on the bed, we blink at the beginning back their relationship and to be reminded of his confession because he would love them dead or alive.
Sun-jae a very different night will be with him when he grilled trudges home after day to the prosecutor. He calls for his father, but no one answers, and he feels that Dad left, and there is food on the table with a note for Mari to eat because Sun-jae about their concerns.
He crawls into bed, spilling tears over his predicament to think, his freedom for Mari to exchange (not exactly his idea, but that was how he was released). Teacher Baek the alarm rings in the ears to be the perfect scapegoat for their crimes on Mari.
Morning, Black and Swan linger soaking up some leisurely snugly in bed until Swan realizes how late it is for work. They tried to rush him by breakfast, as Black says he will be fast and leans in close ... Rawr?
She waves him away and says that going to after work will have to wait and Black teases "What's after work? I just wanted to say that we should hurry up and eat. What do we go to do after work, is not it? "Cheeky. She finally gets him by feeding him to bring eggs to silence. It's adorable.
Swan tense when they pull Baek house outside teacher, but black is done avoidy (thank goodness. We have it. Enough), and he leads the way.
Black are just bluntly to her father that they were together last night, and after the teacher Baek at Swan barking up to go, Black told him privately that he plans to marry swan, once a few things ends, he goes to. Only a few small things. How your death.
teacher Baek asks what is black do if he did not not give his consent to marry for her, but Black says he understood teacher Baek include the tacit consent to all this. I think they both know that Black does not have his consent in any way relevant shears and teacher Baek enjoys only black warning that he will be in the office a friendly visitor today.
Sun-jae is working time limits, and the first thing he does is a board meeting called to yell at someone who have elected him fired. For once his outburst, although not everyone scare into submission, and Black interrupts to talk Sun-jae private.
Sun-jae continue only his take anger out on Black, acts derogatory about the fact that Black took his place, while he (completely missing the irony that he before Black's whole life lasted five years, of course, was gone).
he practically declared foam at the mouth as he that he wants to kill Black, that the second time is always easier. He swears again that he was not the one to pull the trigger on Blacks father, but Black points out that knowing the truth and hides it, makes him no different from teacher Baek to keep in his eyes.
Black says Sun-jae can now stop with all the warnings: "We are already enemies Min Sun-jae, when I'm happy, you are angry, do not you, if you broke enraged and.? I'm happy. "Sun-jae supported, but he agrees, and adds that he would kill Black at the end.
After Sun-jae leaves, Blacks teammate him to the fact fill in the Sun-jae was released from prison because Mari is in place investigated , He has also drawn attention to an urgent message ...
At the same time, Swan is hearing about the newspaper article of the housekeeper who says Sung-min strike she's gone since reading. Swan's eyes widen as she distrbution the headline announcing the marriage between Sunwoo Construction Cha Ji-won and Sunwoo of Baek Eun-young is reading. Well, that's a terrible way to find out, are engaged.
Sung-min always in-law has a seat on the idea of the Black with his mortal enemy, and refuses to recognize the story as fact. Swan just ask him a way of healing Black to find the time for all apologetically she has been until now rude to him.
Also Sung-min is softened by the way Swan begs him black to save the life, but he pushes her hand away and says it's too late, and that they, as things were just on. He takes CT scans of Black brain and explains just how bad things are for him, and know that Black came here to take revenge, that he no longer had much time.
Sung-min admits that he wants to say Black spend peaceful place his remaining time constantly threaten, but if he thinks about it all wrong about Blacks family and how the bad guys live just big without consequence, he can not stand in the way of his revenge. His heart is in the right place, but he makes it worse by pointing out, the cruel fact that Swan's teacher Baek daughter who makes her cry only.
Black calls, so Swan runs out to VP Seo delete with him and Woo-jin, the one way to try to find out the name. He is not even allowed visitation by his son, but Black has an idea and usher them when it senses someone to follow them outside.
VP Seo is frightened, a man in a choir robe to reach than him in the prison. It's Sung-min, his old choir-boy-with-a-pastry-routine, and he sneaks to VP Seo to ask whether it bind any evidence Sun-jae or teacher Baek his crimes.
VP Seo to trust someone gently but Sung-min suggests Black to trust. He also points out that each has landed dead in this prison on Sun-jae or teacher Baek page, which is a pretty strong argument, I would say.
Mari says nothing during her interrogation, which infuriates the prosecutor. She refuses to meet with visitors and even refuses a lawyer, the impossible does it for Sun-jae to help her.
The Attorney General is concerned about the Sun-jae leaking the gambling VIP list if they deem Mari too long, although teachers Baek is not ready, it to let go so easily. They are outside interrupted by a commotion there fighting as henchmen in the hall, and behind them Sun-jae marched in looking like he wants to kill someone.
Sun-jae storms in the meeting and falls USB drives and empties a briefcase of money on the table and threatened to exactly what the attorney general expects and fuming at teacher Baek for its sideways attack on Mari.
Then the party gets really embarrassed when Black Swan and enter the room. Teacher Baek just enjoy the moment and says that the commitment story in the press was his way to give their relationship, his consent. And then he invites Black and Sun-jae for a drink, as it is the most normal thing in the world.
So are the three mortal enemies sitting around a table drinks and veiled share barbs and teacher Baek told with relish Sun-jae, the black is to be his son-in-law. He chuckles and says he will have two children soon, which is about as much as Black's can handle. He is going to his head to clear, and then Sun-jae asks if teachers Baek has gone mad. Assuming know one. Teacher Baek loves but because he thinks that he has finally bring the Free Card with this unholy union from prison.
Black captures teacher Baek henchman for him around the halls, he takes a moment to threaten him and very politely pointed out that killer has not lived 1.0 very long, so Killer 2.0 should with his back to see.
Then in the study, begins to dig Black Sun-jae henchman by the desk, and everyone gets to see how he stuck to the wall in black. No one seems to notice that Black used this as a distraction a tiny camera in the teacher Baek plant office.
Once alone, Sun-jae are demands that the teacher Baek on hand over incriminating evidence against him, the illegal gas company bid. It's like going to just hand that over? Teacher Baek asks only for the pen recorder in exchange.
Sun-jae again his whole song and dance, as if the truth comes out, teacher Baek with murder and other charges far worse than Sun-jae is popped is. But teacher Baek says he is safe because he's got money, while Sun-jae nothing without Sunwoo group.
teacher Baek real insurance is the marriage of Swan Black though, because it points out that each of them only when be investigated Schwarz brings charges against them. He wonders if Black would really accusing his father-in-law of murder and still be happy with Swan. Teacher Baek: "He will want to believe that you killed his father Why for my daughter.?." He laughs maniacally, like a loon breaks fit in a full-on giggle.
Black Swan and escape the cave for a coffee date, and she asks him to a private house, with rental split the middle as the hut to have down earlier on the beach in Thailand. They know that they do not go back, but you want something like that, and she wants to live together.
Black says that it sounds a lot like a proposal to him, and for a ring out his hand. Swan offers him to get one with their next paycheck, and he grins from ear to ear.
Ji-ryu calls with an update to Ji-soo practice, and he says that she is doing so well that he by could soon fly home. They are awfully snuggly over there in that hospital bed, and Ji-soo seems really happy with Ji-ryu at her side.
Her smile faded a little when she hears that Swan is with her brother, but she does not ask the Swan promise she made to forget (to abide by the black side). Ji-soo says she wants to see oppa really again, only once, and he assures her that things are going well and it will be seen again.
Sung-min and Black the hidden camera in the teacher Baek use office to spy him, and they get the video to see that he lording over Sun-jae (from him to the illegal gas tender documents five years Search in front). Sung-min hacks to get into teacher Baek computer access to its files.
Out in the kitchen Swan has brought a huge bag onions, and she tells Black to have some every morning because they for his health is good. He throws his arm around her and is sulking and said it would make his breath then for kisses smelly.
She says she does not mind because she likes onions, and Sung-min is jealous and squeezes in between them, to pry apart. He nags Swan Black heart rate of up to unhealthy levels get, and black matches, and then pulls them aside to his bedroom while Sung-min stutters. The housekeeper sighed enviously while watching them, and this time Sung-min flirting back and chasing it around the table.
Black surprised Swan from her to her new income house, and when he at shows, he promises them back to the beach hut in Thailand to take one day , His hand begins to tremble as he has his arms wrapped around it in a backhug but Swan takes it in buying and holding his hand in hers.
She makes him promise that he would catch chickens while selling mango juice, and insists that the tips of her are. Black insists he is strong enough to make their food, so Swan says he can do the cooking, and cleaning then. Though he deflected immediately when he remembers what they should do after work today.
Sun-jae finally gets to see Mari in the interrogation room of the prosecutor, and he tells her he'll have a lawyer here soon. But Mari says it prefers in here-she had with guilt lives, all while, and it makes them feel better penance this way to pay.
Sun-jae grabs her hands and asks her not to take the case for insisting that things were back on the road to go, when they were happy. But Mari intersects suddenly with: "I love you, you said it was okay if it was a lie I love you Now let me go...."
She pulls her hands out of his grasp, and a tear rolls down Sun-jae cheek. Mari asks if he needs to hear it again, and then says with an icy expression: "I love you. I love you I love you." She finally said the words, he wanted to hear, but he cries with a broken heart.
Black and Swan barbecue in their garden, and the sight of black on barbeque grill brings another childhood memory for Swan, of a younger man grilling food back while teacher Baek brought her stuffed elephant. Hm, this could mean that the teacher Baek is not her father?
The memory is not much to Swan now means and she is distracted when Schwarzbein outputs. He grimaces in pain and looked over at her, but Swan looks deliberately away and talks continue over the stars to give it a chance to recover. He seems grateful.
Gye-dong with an update Schwarz calls for about teacher Baek henchman following, and he says that the director Nam's probably already dead. Black does not seem surprised, and when he hangs up, he suffers another headache that goes unnoticed by Swan.
Sung-min waits for teacher Baek to step to copy off his computer files, including the incriminating video of Sun-jae. He takes the wrong moment, however, to start, because teachers Baek starts to go to the desk back, while the files are being transferred.
He's gone to see inches from the screen and Sung-min holding his breath ... but then a follower interrupts just the right moment, and files are copied over safely. But what Sung-min does not realize is that the teacher Baek sees a final flashing message on his screen that files have been copied. (What kind of program hacker sends friendly messages to the person who was hacked?)
teacher Baek assumes it was Sun-jae, and asks him to cough up the video he copied. But it is a message to Sun-jae, and he flips over the idea that it could be black, which is now of the video in possession. Teacher Baek figures it is now Sun-jae is the problem, and blames not black to kill him when he had the chance.
When he goes away, we see in flashback that the teacher Baek knew all along that Black his computer hacked. He had a jailer VP Seo observed and knew that Team Black was looking for evidence against Sun-jae, so he offered the video on a silver tray and Black took the bait. Teacher Baek ready straight out of Black and Sun-jae to fight each other to the death, giving him leave the last man.
Schwanen employees Panda messages bring her wedding to Black upwards, although they're careful to tread carefully when Woo-jin awake stirred from his nap. When the others scurry away, Swan approaches him, and he warns them to choose their words carefully as they should know what it's like to have an unrequited love.
He's a little confused when she says: "You like honey", but she says: "Winnie the Pooh said , a day without a friend is like a honey pot with honey. "Awwww. Woo-jin scoffs to be called a friend, but when she says that he can call at any time in the mid-afternoon a drink wants, he gives a little nod and a smile.
Ji-ryu and Ji-soo preparing to return home after their surgery, and Ji-ryu makes cutely her pinky-swear that they will not be disappointed, from where it takes its bandages and sees his Face. She laughs and says he was always nice, but he does not want to be thought of as pretty, and asks her to call him from now on the name. They met easily call him Ji-ryu-sshi.
Black Swan and meet head of Ji-soo to go, and Sung -min squeezes between them, that he might the arms can associate with Black and him to her. But the housekeeper only squeezes it away and takes Sung-min of .
While all this is going down in the parking garage, Sun-jae sneaking around in Blacks hall, dressed as he tried to be Mr. Black. Hm, black and dark blue are taken, so that you can be Mr. Gray, because you are shady. His henchman planted a camera has to get on the floor the lock code, so Sun-jae simply makes its way inside. He pulls out a gun with a silencer on it, but no home is.
Besides being the stairs, Black has a sudden headache and he says he forgot something, and ... Heads-up back to the apartment
Sun-jae proposes the computer to be unlocked so it runs a program on it to crack the password. As he does so, he sees a folder on the desktop of medical files Black and takes pictures of the CT scan.
This is as far as Sun-jae is before suddenly black runs in the apartment. He goes straight for the bathroom and vomits curious in the toilet and Sun-jae watches. But then comes Swan Black in skiing, and Sun-jae lies only two meters away from her drawn on the other side of the fireplace, gun. No one turn on the lights!
Swan goes to the bathroom, but Black closes the door so they can not see him, and he collapses on the ground clutching his head. Sun-jae just out of sight by the stay everything, but it can of course say that Black is very ill.
His henchman later confirmed what the CT show scanned black brain will soon implode and Sun- jae drinking alone in his house, this new turn of consideration.
Ji-soo bandages come out eventually, and everyone is waiting with bated breath, as she opens her eyes. The doctor asks if she can see, and she opens her eyes, then says: "Oppa ..."
Yet more Sunwoo group board meeting called to decide Sun-jae fate, but if Black comes for good Sun-jae fire and show everyone the video, Sun-jae surprised him by declaring that he stole the gas company bid and made the illegal business, and will be. in the police
Sun-jae puts a hand on the back porch on the way out, and whispers that it is so bad Black not get the chance has its video to show. Sun-jae radiates positive when he asks Black, how long he was left in the month, maybe a few months? Sun-jae figures that he would serve a light sentence because he is his crimes confessed, and then by the time out that he returned, Black already be dead.
Sun-jae a little satisfied smile is when he said: ". I won" But Black mocks back and asks when he got so stupid and informed Sun-jae that the teacher Baek passed intentionally to him via video.
Black says he was played and a look at teacher Baek pleasing face confirms this. Black Mirror Sun-jae gesture and puts a hand on his shoulder and whispers that he will not escape so easily this time.
storm into the room on cue detectives, but instead of going for Sun-jae they cross the area and stop in front of teacher Baek, and they arrest him for kidnapping Ji-soo. To Sun-jae feel too salty for itself rotates just in, Black places a foil for his presentation on, the video is not Sun-jae at all, and points out that Sun-jae was not really turn to go prison today, but he went on and confessed. Muahaha.
teacher Baek flail as he is handcuffed and escorted out, and Ji-soo comes with Ji-ryu. She is wearing sunglasses and says that she remembers when her voice kidnappers teacher Baek, and when he says that they can not even see it decreases her sunglasses and looked him straight in the eye.
Ji-soo says it remembers to at that face and says he was the one who pushed from the balcony in Thailand. OH. Sun-jae head whipped to that order, and Ji-soo gives him a pointed look as she nudges agree Sun-jae that he saw Teacher Baek as she presses. Well played.
Black, Ji-soo, and Ji-ryu are, how they led teacher Baek and Sun-jae hour police to get into the elevator, and they smile satisfied. Have they finally won?
sets Swan the table at home and surveys their work with a smile, but when the wind kicks and blows it candles, she gets a strange feeling. She steps outside and watched as a storm rolled in, and the sight of birds flying away to avoid the rain, brings back the memory of the tsunami it survives as a child, and the events just before it hit.
Black comes home to a dark house and he alarmed when he crouched Swan in the kitchen place, rocking back and forth in a catatonic state. She does not see him, and just screaming repeatedly, "Help me, help me."
We finally see the memory it that you put recovered in this state: Shortly before the tsunami she went to have murdered teacher Baek her mother. And at his feet, the body of another human being-that a swan on barbeque grill was reminded.
In the presence of swan comes to his senses and looks black, and then she says with tears in her eyes, "he killed them ... my mom and dad ... he killed them ... this person, Baek Eun-do ... BAEK EUN-dO killed them! "her cry is wide to a shudder, and black eyes in shock.
Well Poof. Teacher Baek is not her real father! It makes me a little annoying that we had to spend all the time with their sense of guilt about it. But I prefer it this way, because of my father-killed-your-father fear not really for me to do it to start (not as it would be if she loved as her father and never knew that he was an angry asshole). In this story, her parentage was a late discovery anyway and I always thought Swan reclaim her family went black to help with his vengeance, so there is no love lost there.
It would have been nice if this discovery had happened a little earlier, since a double murder charge would have helped in getting teachers Baek behind bars, but I think it was satisfactory below to see teacher Baek Black bring in his own clever Twist. I did not expect them to be stuck Sun-jae crimes teacher Baek, but whatever works. At this point I'm not really a matter of the allocation of the right crimes in the right perpetrator, because has been between the two of them, there are a lot of murder and manslaughter. Let them in custody receive first, and later sort the fees. As long as they both for the murder of Cha Chairman going down in the end who started this whole thing, I do not know that I do not care how the divvy the rest of the criminal record to (go except Mari-releasing should). [1945009[
The only thing that drives me crazy in this drama, is that we are dependent on evidence still with five years existed-the video of Sun-jae and the pin receiving teacher Baek-offering zero excitement at the present time and makes our good guys seem pretty slow. It's not like they have a new smart way to discover, to entangle the villains; they hunt for shots that are just there for the taking. I see that it works, to assume that the teacher Baek and Sun-jae would always keep something burdensome on each other for mutually assured destruction. But the downside is that it makes me wonder what the hell Team Black was to do for five years if they can not get the damn pin. I accept the fact that this drama will never be exciting (thanks to the director), but it would be nice if there were some major twists earlier in the story. _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});
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