Recap And Reviews Kdrama High School: Love On: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama High School: Love On: Episode 1 -

What a fascinating little show. High School: Love On feels like a strange experiment for KBS, bent not only with his quirky genre, but also format. To tell the truth, I was this show expected because for months fully covered either chaos or on the track, KBS kept his mind about changing where they-it plan was talk of a regular prime-time -Show to be, then a weekend tags show, and at its current slot from Friday evening finally settling, one episode per week, for twenty episodes.

It is strange, and I think the time window and Marketing were treated badly enough to pass the show a underwatched run. And it looks like the little show can end that have ignored, although I hope it is not because I think it deserves a better fate. The drama is interesting and atmospheric and a bit strange in a good way. I went in not knowing what to expect and came away surprised quite pleasant. On top of a quirky supernatural premise, it has lovable characters and a seriously beautiful cinematography with a deft directorial touch that lingers beautiful small moments.

(I this show recap because of the time unable to continue planning puzzles, but I at least wanted the show to bring recap your attention with the first episode. Because it is worth a look!)


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EPISODE 1: Fate - Irresistible and Out of the Blue

We open in spring 2016 at a university campus, a student. -our hero bumps into a girl in front of a building, and she falls at his feet their books. he returns most of them, but before he can, the final hand, she is gone, without a word.

her face is from him and it's something to try pretty much in the manner in which he runs after her to catch up purposely kept from us and hiding. But he loses the curve.

he looks at the book, entitled a hand to You (on the cover has a note in pencil was handwritten "to dummy"). He heaves a heavy sigh of disappointment.


a sudden downpour sends him to run cover, this is where a girl appears beside him, hiding her face under one roof. It recognizes the golden key necklace she wears, and his fingers instinctively touch the silver chain around his neck, in the form of a castle.

"You ..." he starts to say surprised. But the girl with the hidden face again goes away.

He thinks: ".. In the time of my life, if you were my every moment, we found And now at this moment, I hope it's you"

Then we jump backwards by two years until the spring of 2014

we continue with our hero named SHIN WOO-hyun (through endless member played Nam Woo-hyun ), a 18-year-old in his second year of high school. When he rides his scooter wearing a grocery delivery, another teenager occurs directly in the path. to respond with a few seconds, like crazy Woo-hyun runners try to stop.

Suddenly to crawl all movement sloooooows, then stops altogether. Time freezes for all-with the exception of a girl perched on the roof of a building, looking curious. In a flash, they are materialized from the boy to meet, a few meters drags him back, then poofs out of the way. She still has no name, but it is the one described as "angels" (played by Kim Sae-ron ).


time again and Woo-hyun staggers from his scooter, a little bruised but not seriously injured. The other man scarcely recognize its existence, much less, it says thank you. He's Hwang Sung-yeol (played by infinite of Lee Sung-yeol ), a cold and indifferent nature, the exact opposite of good-natured, well-liked Woo-hyun.

On his way in the morning to school, Woo-hyun comes across a man who collapses on the sidewalk and jumps into action, perform CPR. While a small amount around him gathered materializes our angels at the scene, their ubiquitous big book tightly in his hand, and looks at the collapsed man:


the soul of man appears from his body, and the angels confirmed in her book that he is the one scheduled to die today. The man gapes in confusion, wondering who she is, and she explains that it is a guide for humans- Angel is what it is called in Korean, but in the West we would generally say Reaper .

Our Reaper Angel leads the soul of man, unseen away in the human world. So if Woo-hyun realizes that he is late and darts in from a run, he zooms through them. The Angels feel the power slam into her and thinks: ". After that the human encounter, happen very strange things started"

Woo-hyun CPR on prisoner was video and bring him admiration from girls at school, although he does not get bloated on the flattery. (He's the guy who so cool that it does not matter whether people think him, he's cool, what honestly makes him cool.)

class is interrupted by the sudden arrival of a haughty mother, the asks for Woo-hyun and then kicks him in the face. Her daughter Jin-young is offended, like her mother accused Woo-hyun of toying with her daughter's feelings and to lure them away from their studies; Jin-Young was cutting classes Academy to follow him around, and Mama is not ruined with their future over a boy.

Jin-Young is running in humiliation from, but Woo-hyun collected remarkable and give an inch as his Mom humble roots offended. Mom storms out, and the teacher draws Woo-hyun from the class for a discussion. On the way, however, noted Woo-hyun up slightly and pauses.

Our Angel Lounge in an electronics store, swooning on the wall above the game drama (it is Wonderful Season , a bit in the KBS cross-promotion), invisible to the human Shopper , A reaper sunbae materialized in the store next to her and asks why she really like drama so if they all tell the same story over and over again.

But our angel says that drama gives her an idea of ​​what may feel human emotions Watch: how to "what pain, what joy is, as it feels like why people love them separate in spite of knowledge, or why they live know that they die, no matter. "

you say you sunbae reaper flatly so interested in the life of man be to stop and do their job only. She waves him away, lost in Lee Seo-jin and Kim Hee-sun the big romantic moment, and is very upset when she 'away death is called by her big book o. There they signaled to their next death call, and the name is listed Jin-Young, the high school students.

Jin-Young is on the edge of the roof of the school, that's where Woo-hyun finds it is considering the jump. To their surprise, it will jump to the ledge and suggests that they jump together; it is an effective use of reverse psychology, because we see that it is not quite ready to do it.

Then out of nowhere, the sky goes dark and lightning. The angel looks in her book, the haywire-now go take the side has begun with Jin-young death, her name flickers back and forth with Woo-hyun. The angel shook the defective book and lose their grip on them, they sail on the ground to send down.

They appear in a flash on a hood to catch the book. Up on the roof, Woo-hyun takes to push the moment Jin-young in the name of security, but in the process loses its own balance.

Woo-hyun falls over the bar and goes toward the ground racing, just heading for the Angels. Instinctively she reacts and throws a protective barrier that keeps body in the air Woo-hyun, hovering over her body.

Then blazes the force field, and the death book disappears.

Both Woo-hyun and the angels are knocked cold and in the end the hospital. He is surprised to find yourself healing while she is totally confused when he starts to her-how in conversation he can see them? Then she realizes that her body is actually physical shape now and screams as she feels her face and arms

But then it is hit with a more alarming thought .: her book. Where did it go? It looks like wildly for their "Black Notebook" and slumps when she realizes it's gone.

Woo-hyun asks for the name of the angel and the address that they can not deliver. She has appeared in the sky and say it to him, that is, where it came from, but predictably, he does not believe that they, rather than assuming that the accident confused. It is not a completely foreign adoption of Engels where strange behavior, such as crying her heart to feel, and presses her ear to his chest to see if his does. "Have I really become man?" Asked she asks him.

The angel lightens sunbae to see near, the soul of a dead ushering away and fills it to their situation. To Woo-hyun confused the human eye sees it like she's thin air talking, his assumption promotion that she suffers from the accident. She asks her sunbae find a way to return to normal for them and says, indicating Woo-hyun, "Anyway, I think the answer lies with this type."

Woo-hyun takes them to clarify their situation in the police station. Pressed for a name, the angel casts glances around the room and spots some magazines lying around, which provide them with a mishmash of a name: Bi Yi-seul. But since Bi Yi-seul like a real name does not sound, decides the officer that the only way it makes sense is if she thinks Lee Seul-bi held, and the angel's exactly how this is quite what she meant , It is so sweet.

Woo-hyun is relieved that the amnesia girl her memory is always back and takes the leave as his cue. Besides, if he tries to go "Seul-bi", grabs him by the arm and gives it its greatest sad puppy eyes. Do not leave me!

Prior to making its output, in storms Bitchy Mom with the teacher in the wake of the announcement that she is here brought against Woo-hyun for bullying and driving in file her daughter to suicide attempt. Good God, this woman is a piece of work. It is even well armed the teacher in to collect records Woo-hyun school violence, falsified likely given the way the teacher can not meet Woo-hyun eye.

There is Seul-bi, the pipes in indignation, the "Bad Ajumma" to say that Woo-hyun her daughter actually saved and they witnessed , is a hilarious side effect of their past Reaper that Seul-bi speaks to anyone in banmal, and the effect is properly disconcerting to the people.

Woo-hyun do not want the extra headache, however, and deposits Seul-bi being left with instructions from this. She is working on himself in an indignant monologue when an idea hits them.

On the other hand seems to understand the guide officer what's going on and is on Woo-hyun page, indicating that he believes the teacher, a false report presented. On the other hand, as a solution to the potential lawsuit, now Woo-hyun is to transfer to a new school.

Bad Ajumma flips when she gets in her expensive car and finds it completely with things like "Liar!" Blemished "You'll be in trouble!" And "you're ugly." Hahaha. It's so childish, but so suitable for the pint-sized angels.

to take nowhere else with it brings, Woo-hyun, a paint-smeared Seul-bi to ddukkobkki Restaurant Omas, where she has to study how someone before eating tries to it from. Your immediate reaction is disgust at the spice, and the question of how old she is, she muses, "I have never bothered to count." Granny tells her to stay as long as she needs him, she called Woo-hyun savior.

Woo-hyun father sends him a birthday gift from the States, so I think he is not an orphan. But it seems like strained his relationship with his parents; his annual birthday shoes it does not always fit and there is an awkward silence when Seul-bi asks about his mother. He gives only the shoes to Seul-bi, the accepted happily.

When he gets up to go to bed, followed Seul-bi with her pillow to sleep with the intention of using it because "that's how it happens in the drama. "He calls it a dangerous line of thinking and asks what happens in the next scene, and Seul-bi thinks for a moment:" .. it gets dark "Haha

When Woo -hyun has placed in sleep, we see that he is wearing the gold key necklace from the opening scene, which had been supported by the mysterious girl. Maybe it has to do with his mother, as he says out loud, "I wonder where Mom lives."

Seul-bi-venture down to the restaurant and sample the drinks in the case. (Your responses are adorable.) So it can be seen it Woo-hyun step outside to meet with Jin-Young, who called him to apologize Actions for her mother. He suggests they do not see each other again to avoid further difficulties, but lovesick Jin-Young fountain with tears and promises to make things right. She grabs him in a back-hug and suggests that when it comes, it will make sure that her mother to stop, no matter what. The intentions are good, but why it feels so much like extortion?

But the scene turns in a comedic direction when Woo-hyun Spots Seul-bi lurking nearby. She pretends she was not eavesdropping and begins some random exercises, so Woo-hyun watches her curiously, only half paying attention to Jin-Young's dramatic appeal. Then he waves Seul-bi closer and uses them as his excuse to get rid of this Jin-Young Drama, call her his girlfriend.

They go away (aw, Seul-bi is wearing the shoes he gave her), and when he starts to explain about the girlfriend lies, she says to him, it's okay, it has been seen before in many dramas. I love that our little angel of death is a drama addict.

Seul-bi asks if transfer schools is a bad thing, and discourages its response that it is. He says that it is not bad, it's just that it takes away your memories ", and there are some memories I would like to delete."

Seul-bi sighs that it's all very confusing and people are too complicated. He noted: "You talk about how you're not human." Then, when they seek to break that heaven, Seul-bi wonder if they go back to get when they will get to go back. She waves her hands to the sky and shouts: "Look, I'm over here" Woo-hyun Chimes in the words: "I'm here, too!"

The reaper sunbae drops Seul-bi to say that she would have to remain human until he can find a solution. It is worth remembering a scary thought that they could put in their human lives and eventually die, and she asks him to find a way.

Reaper Sunbae is dispassionate and no-nonsense, and has nothing of Seul-bi whimsy. So if they practiced beans with chopsticks picking up and says that human food is pretty good, it moves the beans with his supernatural powers and reminds them strictly that it is not human. The air loses its mood a bit and excused it to him, even though she is not quite sure what she apologized for.

When Reaper Sunbae gets up to leave, Woo-hyun enters into the room and it bursts, "you have to avoid this guy!" means it that the reaper should avoid Woo-hyun (because they had this encounter with him), but Woo-hyun looks around in confusion. He wonders if she is still sick from the accident, and she asks what it means to be sick.

Woo-hyun gets a job and heads to the supply. It turns out to be the home of Sung-yeol, our sullen teenager who happens to be the son of the friendly policemen. His dislike of his stepmother's blatant and unapologetic, and he ignored it tried to be a mother (hence order food instead of eating their dinner). For what it Stepmom is a little snippy seems self worth, but I will. The benefit of the doubt for trying while Sung-yeol just staring and called it fake

Ah, well, it is not without reason, because he Stepmom calls for a homewrecker be and snaps that she has no place him on the correct behavior to teaching. Sung-yeol is convinced that his parents would never, if not broken down for them, but judging from their reaction which I'm guessing probably not have Sung-yeol the whole story. transfer

Jin-Young-Bitchy Mom is not by interference, and forcing more pressure on Woo-hyun Schools applies. They presented grandmother with a bill for an enormous sum in car repairs and threatens to get Woo-hyun sold and Seul-bi thrown in jail.

Woo-hyun vapors fainted, but today it is the grandmother who is on to Bitchy Mom and thunders that it would pay the damn money so Woo -hyun remain at his school, Bitchy Mom threatens to drive them out of their lives if they messed with them more. Aw yes, go granny!

Woo-hyun draws Seul-bi aside furiously to confirm whether they destroyed the car willfully. They are there to say that they wanted to help him, but he replies that it is not able to be someone to help. "I do not know you more," he says. "Get lost."

He tried to storm away, but she calls him back pleadingly and said that he is the only person in the world that she knows. He says that nothing is right away since he met her and orders not to follow, then angry runs her.

Seul-bi walking along aimlessly, and we see Reaper Sunbae along a parallel strip of sidewalk, watching from a distance. Oh, he's in love with her? There are certainly a repressed emotion some emanates kind of him, for sure. But his black notebook signaled a job for him, and he has to go to another death to visit.

Seul-bi wanders into a bookstore and needs to get a idea because it begins by bookshelves with a sense of urgency seek. You do not find what she is looking for and is careless with the books, they fall to the ground when she rejects what attracts the announcement of another browser Sung-yeol.

Woo-hyun looks Seul-bi of tattered dress at home (the one she originally wore as reapers) and throws it in the trash. He smokes a time in his room, then goes out for a brooding motorcycle ride through the city.

Seul-bi chasing her black notebook takes to the dustbin of them, and she does not complain for not listening Sunbae Council on Reaper to trust people. As she searches, she finds a discarded cuddly toy and hugs her sympathetically, in the same boat as them.

It starts to rain, and it. Duck for cover outside a convenience store Inside the window, she sees a boy eating a bowl of Ramyun and it looks hungry. The Young-Sung-yeol again noted their interest but ignores them and sends them always pathetic looks his way. When he leaves, she writhes dejectedly down and says, "So this is something that feels like a betrayal."

She says Woo-hyun, because they saved his life, and he left her, and she bursts "Jerk!" as Sung-yeol leaves the store. It clarifies that it does not talk about him, but not close the top sidling and coverage under his roof to his amazement.

moving the screen on one side, then the other, to observe how Seul-bi to stay under dances under his protection. This is adorable.

Finally, he pulls them away and goes away, and she yells: "You're just like Shin Woo-hyun"

He then returns and softly the umbrella pushes at her, then goes away. Instant happy again, she thanked him and breaks her comparison. Under the guise of the screen, looks Seul-bi to surprise and learns rain.

Seul-bi proceeds without knowing where to go. "I want to just live and die?" She worries. She wonders how she might return to her old life in a position, and then looks at the passing cars with a serious look on her face. "I want to go back," she says. Oh no, you're not thinking what I think you think you are?

She decides, "I'll be back" and steps in the street, on the way of an oncoming truck. It honked at her and flashes the lights in warning, but it is clear there retained their mounting anxiety.


Plot-wise, High School: Love On is not entirely new -It bits of many other stories and feels like a mixture of Dead like Me (quirky reaper) and My friend borrows is a Gumiho (heroine wants to be human) and The Little Mermaid (heroine outside their world stranded). But I like the way it operates these elements together, and the real story is much more fresh (in my opinion) as stranded Reaper plot as the "high school angel" description we'd been given earlier.

Broadly speaking, what this show is me most is the feeling of it. Yes, the story has my interest, and ultimately without a good story is a drama, regardless of atmospheric sink, so I would never leave completely aside. But the direction is so clear and striking and interesting that what we get is a very visually striking end product. It is difficult to grasp concepts such inchoate wonder , but the direction that manages to do, how to Seul-bi wonders in the rain. We are able to see things from their perspective as a foreign non-human soul among us with her to see the world a little off-kilter perspective. I love the deadpan comedic beats, as they just face over ordinary human things and Woo-hyun is completely left wondering ask if they seriously or brain-damaged.

This kind of drama would be without the right to not work type of lead and Kim Sae-ron here is just charming. She certainly looks very young (she is only 14), but the supernatural bent has a way that the work with the preparation of characters for all we know she's a reaper-guide has been for centuries. Your child's appearance (and childlike wonder) with that to be in contradiction, and in fact, I hope that the drama it plays more, making them more of a anachronous old soul.

Woo-hyun and Sung-yeol are still in development, but I feel optimistic about their characters and performances. If you throw to play rival two idols from the same group in a drama, you run the risk of security with people from the adoption, turning that this is a vanity project of some sort. So it's a relief that now, I'm seeing these guys like the characters, without pushing on that, "Oh, it behaves like an idol acts" hang-up. Woo-hyun is established to be the sympathetic definitely, but I hope that Sung-yeol is well developed and leads you on an interesting counterweight. Because frankly I'm tired of the straight-up arrogant jerk had types; I want more depth.

is a special highlight for me, in the opening sequence drama that future-two years in the set is a snippet, but it indicates as much, and creates from a situation much explosiveness to wrestle that is not even fully furnished in the drama. That is, we see that Woo-hyun and Seul-bi have separated for some reason, and that he intended looking for her, and that something happens between now and then to (1) make them fall in love, and ( 2) with this love interfere. It is concise and powerful all can be equal, because we get the conflict to the point and now watching the 2014 procedure with this extra layer of pathos. Quite a nice touch.

I am sad that KBS Drama planned this way did it because I find myself both want more than one episode a week and carefully following a show for 20 weeks. It's one thing when you get your drama in a concentrated dose of crack, but when you get it so that drag for so many months, you run the risk of killing your own momentum. It's why I can not recapitulate committing the show, but hopefully it will pick up following and earn some love.

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