Recap And Reviews Kdrama The Three Musketeers: Episode 1

Recap and reviews korean drama The Three Musketeers: Episode 1 -

Great summer fun! Three Musketeers entered his first episode (and the first season of three planned) yesterday and I am already addicted: The show has a fast narrative style, a gorgeous cheeky sense of humor (which often emerges in the refreshingly deadpan ), and a series of characters with heart.

And you know, to make despite my concerns Jung Yong-hwa that heart, I'm on board now full, in part due to an improvement in its performance act and partly because of the nature and way the character is written-young, serious and in need of a little brotherly bond. Fortunately, our three Musketeers- Lee Jin-wook, Yang Dong-Geun, Jung Hae-in -are up to the task. Especially Lee Jin-wook, is ironic and wise and all-around pretty wonderful.


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EPISODE 1: "First meeting"

We open in the "future" -it's in 1780 for the fourth year rule Joseon king Jeongjo. in today's Beijing, a Korean ambassador in Qing China (writer and philosopher Yeonam Park Ji-won) finds a book that draws his attention. Titled the memoirs of Park Dal-hyang , it is an old text which has gone unnoticed over the years, and Yeonam is banned.

He stays up all night it erwähnens to read it years allegedly ago by a general who over a hundred written lived. it makes him about Crown Prince Sohyeon, the son of King Injo wonder he died a mysterious death, the subject of speculation has been over the years, think with some setting that killed the king his own son, and other perhaps he was poisoned in. Anyway Yeonam muses: "When he became king, what would have happened to Joseon?" If the forward-thinking Sohyeon had led the nation could possibly Joseon Qing vied have, he thinks.

Yeonam colleague tells him that the book is just a novel that it was reporting no General Park Dal-hyang in history. But Yeonam is fascinated.

A narrator informs us that Yeonam has the feeling that the book is not fiction. The camera takes us on the battlefield tent where a grizzled General wrote his memoirs, and the narrative confirms that the man, in fact, there was as the contents of the book were quite shocking, he used a pseudonym.

Yeonam decides that this story of the courageous Park Dal-hyang retained value and sets to copy the book.

Now we begin our story proper in 1636, the fourteenth year of the reign Injo. Park Dal Hyang ( Jung Yong-hwa ) is currently a 22 year old, and it shows some sword moves out on a cliff before yelling into the wind: "Anyone goodbye I am! now leaving Hanyang! "

Dal-hyang leaves his remote hometown for the big city, where he will take the military service examination to win hoping office as a soldier. His father gives him a letter to the Minister of Taxes to take directly, as Dal-hyang will find its way smoothed by their "deep link": After all, Dad's brother-in-law cousin of the Minister is the uncle of nephew, and the Minister is sure Dal-hyang immediately and intimately embrace. Yep.

Fortunately his practical nut inserts money in Dal-hyang to support travel. Full youthful exuberance, he tells his mother that she be expected messages that test with flying colors through and out he goes on his old horse. (Mom: "It was born the same year as Dal-hyang It is fortunate that it has lived so long")

Of course, over just three days after the travel, Dal-hyang horse keels. He loses time waiting for the horse to recover, and more time then by blocked roads, and even more time to take a detour hungry tiger avoid until it is missing its audit in danger.

Dal-hyang finally arrives in the capital with a night spare and faces away from the Minister of Taxation of the door of a smirky servant immediately. The Minister of the city and there is no more space in the house, because the place to the gills with young men filled that have arrived to take the exam.

Weary and loss, Dal-hyang scours the crowded city for accommodation and find yourself aligned pickpockets. He manages only a handful to recover coins, most of which go toward a room at an inn to secure that calculates an exorbitant fee. Almost without money, starving, and ripped off the feeling, finally Dal-hyang realizes that all his father's rosy colored stories capital were preparing and that father had never been here before.

Then, in the middle of the night, he is awakened by a squad of roughnecks who come looking for one of his roommates. The men quickly beat him half to death, then flee just as quickly, before anyone has a chance to respond. Dal-hyang is completely taken by shock, while the other lodger suspected that this is a case of sabotage was-it is common to have the check to pay for certain rich nobles promising contender in missing beaten to cut down on the competition.

The rankles Dal-hyang sense of justice, and he grabs his sword and runs at night after the gang. He starts looking at their retreating backs, but he is about to lose it forever, thus making a quick decision: He runs into the street in the path of a trio of riders, forcing them to stop.

(Yesssss. We recognize this driver, but Dal-hyang has no idea who he was run into that for us it is more fun when he barks orders. ) he asks to borrow a horse, and when a mate refuses Dal-hyang hops just in the saddle behind him (to the amusement of the other two) and says: "they are the bastards who beat scientists, so they are not citizens take service exam. do not you think they should be caught? "

then, the three men will make their faces serious. Dal-hyang rants that it is unfair that poor talented men just as other people die, can pass the exam in front of them, and that they stop the gang before they do more damage. He says the men they left behind when they are afraid, but the leader is not a coward; to intervene decision, he is the first after the attackers ride.

The hired thugs are about to target their next victim, when they find their way through blocked the men on horseback. The leader (fine oh, we call 'em. It is certainly not you reveal corruption to say that this is the crown prince SOHYEON, right? The moment we saw Lee Jin-wook we all knew , right?) tells them who they work for to 'fess up. the men scatter, as his right hand, HEO Seung-PO ( Yang Dong-Geun ) to them as officers of the high Court identified.

Our guys split, with Dal-hyang even with the younger sidekick, AHN MIN SEO ( Jung Hae-in ) riding. He jumps out of the charging horse, climbing out of a second story and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the bully. It is quite clear that our good guys are the superior fighter, with Dal-hyang easily his own and the hard-looking Seung-po is to keep some neat tricks with a bamboo pole.

Prince Sohyeon is not so shabby, sent a whip like a boss swings, while baby-faced Min-seo manages some acrobatic maneuvers from his horse.

In no time at all ruffians are unconscious and police officers are called to collect them. It is so efficient that Dal-hyang wonders how the whole incident was managed so quickly to ask whether they are police officers. Seung-po says vaguely that they are "sort", are only laugh when Dal-hyang requires clarification.

Prince Sohyeon wishes Dal-hyang well on the exam, saying that with his skills, he is bound to happen, perhaps even in the first place. Then try the three riders with their aura of mystery intact, head off, although Dal-hyang she keeps asking for introductions, offering his name and asking them.

The trio exchange amused looks, and Sohyeon replies, "The Three Musketeers". go from them so that Dal-hyang confused. And then, when the trio ride, Min-seo asks why they are the only answers Three Musketeers and the Prince. "I do not suddenly white When producing slightly upwards, the words came straight How should I know what. they mean? "LOL.

The narrator tells us that this was their first encounter ", both felt as random and the inevitable."

The trio arrive at a rollicking gibang that Sohyeon and Seung-po first enter ... and is that a merger seriously playing Gugak version of Crayon pop "bar bar bar" in the background? That's funny. Youngest Musketeer Min-seo discovered a letter under his saddle fixed and realized Dal-hyang must have dropped. What he reads makes his eyes widen.

Sohyeon here is a meeting to take secretly and informed on the military situation in China. It is complete chaos in the Ming Dynasty, which had numerous areas stolen from his control. (Historical note: We are in the second Manchu invasion of Joseon, during the period of transition from the Ming Qing in China, although Ming would not fall for almost another decade.) The military in chaos, with commanders running their own lives save, so that defense completely abandoned.

I enjoy the baby-faced Min-seo is the serious musketeer while the gruff-looking Seung-po which one is always looking for entertainment, women and gambling. Min-seo shows Seung-po the letter he found and while we left to wonder what is so problematic about its contents exactly, has it decide the two bodyguards to look for him immediately.

Dal-hyang it makes to his rented room, where he cleans and wonders about the meaning of the Three Musketeers. It is only now that he realizes his letter is missing-and ah, it's not a letter from his father to his relatives that he is worried, but another letter.

Just then, an arrow flying in the wooden post next to his head. Tied to the shaft is a piece of paper.

Seung-po shows the letter to the princes and asks: "Is not that a kind of treacherous act?" Sohyeon reads, and a young woman's voice told its contents:

[1945010"] You know my feelings the same as you are not, right? Swear it. I will never marry another man, and if you do not come, I'll probably either die a spinster or shave my head and become a monk. I'm the day, we expect to meet again after you have passed the civil service exam. When you get to Hanyang and ask for my father's house, Kang Seok-ki, you are the way are shown. Yoon-seo. "

Seung-po insists that he is serious about this serious matter, although the prince sees that he grinning and fun at its costs. Seung-po she says must examine Dal-hyang, he already summoned.

bursts As if on cue, Dal-hyang in the room. Okay, Seung-po totally enjoying this and advises the prince a to do thorough research before stepping out. Dal-hyang is offended his personal letter was read to see, but it's something stern in Sohyeon voice that prevented him from ever more aggressive, and he dutifully takes a seat at the table.

Outside, the more serious min-seo blames Seung-po for this incident blowing up bigger than it needs to be. Seung-po says only that it is entertaining, chuckling that he wants to see Sohyeon wracked with a certain jealousy. Hm, this woman?

Sohyeon informs a confused Dal-hyang that this letter was seen as treasonous, identifying the writer as a daughter of the Minister of Rites. He asks if Dal-hyang has met with Yoon-seo, since the letter was written, insinuating that he might have Dal-hyang examined by the High Court, if he does not comply with the survey now.

So Dal -hyang admits that no, he has not seen her since she left his home town, where she had remained short five years ago. The letter was given to him when she left. He had thought to find them, after taking tomorrow's exam, after he had secured a position and was able to ask for her hand in marriage. Dal-hyang has no idea why he has to answer these questions, or what they have to do with treason-up Prince Sohyeon asks: "Are you saying that you do not know that the daughter of Lord Kang Seok-ki was already married? "

No, he certainly did not know. Dal-hyang is flat, and Sohyeon further illustrates that it has become the Crown Princess. So the letter from the simple love note comes to potentially dangerous proofs. In a brief review of their idyllic puppy love to Dal-hyang recalls, as he had promised, he would pass the exam in a few years and take them to see the palace.

Sohyeon is surprised that Dal-hyang with this kind of news so out of could be touch, but Dal-hyang, looking completely devastated, says that his village is so remote that they these things not hear. He wonders, dull, "Why did I work so hard trained?" Tears begin to fall, and is amazed Sohyeon taken over his emotional reaction. To his surprise, he finds himself in the role of consoler and ordered a round of drinks brought in, feel more sad for Dal-hyang.

later that night, the princess ( Seo Hyun-jin ) surprised by an unexpected visit from Sohyeon. He sits right down and cut to the chase, to ask if she knows a man named Park Dal-hyang. Your beaten reaction is confirmation enough.

Sohyeon it lays out for them and said that it is very unfortunate: The young man, without trained fail in the last five years has to Hanyang finally come to pass the exam and marry his beloved , and is so good that he could probably take the first place. And yet, because he does not know his mistress married someone else, now he is so desperate that he has given in the test, and seems to be willing to ruin his life. The prince's sad generally lose as a promising future.

The Princess (aka Yoon-seo) fumbles for excuses to play down trying to look like bad. She says she Dal-hyang met very briefly and was impressed with his skills and only gave him a few words of encouragement. It is a flimsy lie and Sohyeon sees right through it, then holds these scathing letter to. (I find Sohyeon reaction intriguing because he does not seem excited, and rather amused, in fact by all, and I want to know why WHY..)

stammers The Princess: "A-Are you doubt ? me now "smiling prince and simply says:" it's just that I Dal-hyang sincerity find so moving, I wanted to pass it along "He comes to go to wondering pause:" But. where the daring Yoon -seo has to go this letter? Do you throw away your own nature when you entered the palace? "

shaken the encounter leaves Yoon-seo, and she thinks that with Dal-hyang to their time back and the promise that they broke.

from out of town, Dal-hyang looks at the castle with his broken heart down and sighs that Yoon-seo lives there, and that he will never have reason her to see the face again. Then he thinks of the challenge again the prince had left him with the previous night: to prove his "innocence" (of treacherous thoughts) by passing the civil service exam.

Sohyeon had told him (with the deadpan sense of humor I love that on the doleful Dal-hyang not quite register): "If you pass this test and to leave for the country, I will have no choice as the means to take, that you are still harboring feelings for the Crown Princess. "Prove his loyalty to the nation, Sohyeon challenges. And if Dal-hyang continue to make excuses, well, they will have to report this, all to the Crown Prince himself, who is not known to be very tolerant.

The playing cronies together and add that Yoon-seo could endanger themselves because the prince has such a violent and jealous temperament. (Sohyeon interjects: "I would not say that he quite as violent ...") Seung-po in Chimes "Not only violent, but also a terrible persecutor of people just think of the. Crown Princess do hurt my heart, (staring Sohyeon.) for the fulfillment of such a terrible man "

And so, Dal-hyang ponders his dilemma. terminate, or pass primarily Yoon-seo to ensure safety. He finds Sohyeon ultimatum rather odd, but decides to go for it anyway, the three musketeers, the only ones who were in Hanyang to take his side in something, he will trust in this.

The narrator tells us: "In the beginning, Dal-hyang had decided to pass the exam to marry Yoon-seo But now he has decided to pass the exam Yoon-seo secure the blessings And.. primarily intended. "

the test is administered and Dal-hyang over the first two rounds and aces every part, growing admiration attracts with each display of skills whether with a bow and arrow or spear or musket. He is selected for the service, and then goes into the final round to try to win the highest award conferred by the King.

King Injo comes to preside over this round and decides which test will be the deciding factor. It takes the ability that the applicants had the most difficulty radiating five arrows at five targets while riding on horseback. One after another takes every man his train on the track, and it is then Dal-hyang's turn.

This is when the Crown Prince makes his entrance, connects his father and finally Dal-hyang knows who Sohyeon. It stunned him enough that he will begin his part, goaded, and he gallops on the course half distracted, staring all the time at the Prince.

Sohyeon gives him an encouraging smile, but Dal-hyang accumulates too late and fires his shot at the last second and it flies wild and lands at other contenders Horse. Ack!

The horse throws its rider and fees to a frenzy in the course knocking and just for the king platform headline crawl sending officials panicked. Dal-Hyang, which had fallen from his own horse, is to finally and registered with the chaos unfolding dismay.

Announcer: "The third day was the scorer Dal-hyang and the Three Musketeers, was a day whose clamorous failure was also recorded in the Annals of Injo However, compared to the events that every time. would they come to develop in the future, this was a small beginning. "

breaks out all over the manner in Sohyeon laughter as Dal-hyang indignantly bristles.


blast! That's what I wanted from this show, but was a little nervous too much expected of him, unseen. So I am very relieved to have it exactly what I expected, because what I wanted was a pretty big order: an action-packed, humorous, energetic, has acted well, beautifully shot story so much a solid fusion sageuk was when it was a legitimate adaptation of the Dumas novel, because it is too good to do as a starting material bad. (And the drama seems to adapt to heart to take, accompanied with the official character descriptions by a reminder of which Dumas character serves as analog, for example, Crown Prince Sohyeon the Athos character, Seung-po is Porthos, and Min-seo is Aramis)

This type of fusion is historically right up my alley. It is based on true facts and lies to tentpole events in history, but have fun playing with the interpretation. I enjoy when fiction rooms allowed to take creative liberties within the outlines of the story, but stops short of completely real history to contradict that I have much more difficult time to accept (like, say, Empress Ki ). Crown Prince Sohyeon story is one of those that will be opened in many dramas and has fueled much speculation, so it's fun to see how they merge it into the Three Musketeers story. I already love Lee Jin-wook and his dry humor so much that it to imagine pain as the prince finally meets his end. But we will not think that here! The drama is a safe space! La-la-la I can not hear youuuu.

I was worried for Jung Yong-hwa, because, well, I had watched all his dramas. I did like him much better in Mi-rae Choice as in his previous roles where I duller found him as dishwater, but I wanted more life out of him his Mi-rae role was nice , but still mild for everything. So I find it such a relief that he holds his own as D'Artagnan role naivety brings character and exuberance in an endearing way. I still see holes in his performance here and there, but as a whole it is done to channel a much more effective working power, and I found his moment of sorrow to move almost.

Yang Dong-Geun is as good as I'd expected him to be with this strip of devilishness who likes to for the entertainment factor shit-stirring. I see that a lot of fun to be, especially as he wants jabs at Prince I'll take that to enjoy. The maknae Musketeer's still a bit of a question mark, because it completely new to me and did not know much, but overall the four-way bromance is off to a flying start, and I want more of it already.

It is frightening to see a little, that we our action drivers in motion does not even have as Episode 1 was as much about setup, but since it was such an outstanding introduction to this world, I don 't care for the land. (Do not let me eat those words!) Was hard to choose who engage between us with land and attack us with characters, I'm so much happier, because once you have tapped me in these people's feelings, I am in the Show connected on an emotional level. And I'll pretty much follow all my heart.

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tags: featured, first episodes, young Hae-in Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jin-wook, Seo Hyun-jin, The three Musketeers, Yang Dong-Geun

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