Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Mind: Episode 5

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Mind: Episode 5 -

When a number of secrets race to its explosive conclusion, a new set appeared to take its place. Our lines have to quickly decide who they can trust, and who their real enemies. It is an hour of bitter pills, slippery slopes and uphill battles as the truth begins to dawn to brave enough to see it.


A teenage Young-oh opens anxious the door to his classroom. he is immediately attacked by his classmates and they forcibly take him begin to rub his face with some sort of white paste. Assuming he is attacked, he fights back, grabs a nearby broom and begins mercilessly beating one of his attackers.

When he looking to spin for more attackers, he noticed the cake, balloons and party hats keep his classmates for the first time, and recognizes his terrible mistake.

has been referred Later that day, has after Young-oh from school, his father comes to meet him at the school gates. Without wasting breath, he starts in his own defense and stated that he was not the one who started the fighting. ambushed his classmates, him. from behind so it was impossible for him to read their faces and understand the situation How could he know? Unsympathetic, his father from now responds to that one thing, Young-oh always the fear, has to be from.

He advises not to leave his son on his own feelings, because that will surely lead him astray. Instead, he should always act like other people do. Only laugh when they laugh and cry only when they cry

Young-oh attempts as his do father asked to go to a movie theater, where he from people surrounded laughing at the comedic antics on the screen. He does his best, like the rest of them to try and smile, but if all he can muster up is a failed facsimile of a grin, he turns his attention to his dishearteningly popcorn.

We then go to see him, as an adult, when he sees a tragedy with Min-Jae. He seems surprised when he noticed sniffed all the people around him, and at least try to take on a somber mood to fit.

Back in the day, Jin-sung arrests Young-oh for the mysterious series of killings of Hyunsung, spits his Miranda rights. They handcuffed to him when he tried to push past her and back to its operation. With time running away from him, he explains desperate that the only person to explain with knowledge of the key evidence, the death of Chief direction Shin and the motorcyclist lying on his operating table dying as they speak.

, it is not convinced. These two deaths occurred on Young-oh the operating table, after all. She could do nothing to prevent those, but she refuses to go through and make a third pass.

He then grabs her by the neck to choke her, but Jin-sung remains clear head while she explains. Young-oh is in violation of a specific action psychotropic control; therefore they can immediately arrest him without a warrant. She holds the event that includes its drug, taken from his locker to rest their case.

Back in the operating room, the remaining OR staff panic when Young-oh does not arrive. From the time Young-oh drags Jin-sung to the operating room by her wrists connected, determines this crucial patient / rescue tools, but he returns to find that everything has taken in order-his father. Young-oh looks puzzled, as the impact of his father betrayal courses through him.

At the police station, watching detectives from the unit violence from behind one-way glass, as Jin-sung begins her interrogation Young-oh. When a detective asks if they are going to simply accept Jin-sung in their team, their team leader remarked nonchalantly that this is a test to see if she has what it takes.

Offended in custody and again deprived of his surgery, Young-oh asks Jin-sung if he's stupid enough not thinking boldly about a commit, but two murders on his own operating table; and if so, how is his personal medications, connect it to this alleged crime? She answers with her own questions as why his father would ask her to arrest his own son if he was not involved. And if his medicine offers no evidence for his misdeeds, at least it gives her some time to get a confession out of him while they wait for the lab results to determine what they are. She knows she does things out of order, and she does not care.

The laboratory works fast Apparently, because a minute later another policeman she acquires the results to let them know arrived. The lab results say, but not for the reason Jin-sung expected: The contents of the vials were vitamins. She tells pointedly Young-oh, he's probably surprised by the results because he had known they were just vitamins, it would never come to her all the way to the police station. Obviously his mind is guilty, but why?

Young-oh gets up to leave, frustrated with their rashness and total obtuseness, and tells her that the person who took the extra time, was not it, but his father Dr. Lee. He tells her that she should have considered the reasons why his father turned him in before the arrest him, rather than jumping to obvious conclusions just because they are comfortable and it held previously suspected support.

When Young-oh is gone, the team leader of the Violent Crimes Unit unethical and reckless behavior to object-Jin takes sung for her. Falsely accused an innocent person is an abuse of their authority, and also should Young-oh is the real criminal in the end, it is to escape him a chance or manipulate possible evidence after failing to pin given him any physical evidence before detention him , He tells her there to smarten together and get.

Young-oh races back to find the hospital with the intention of the surgery records for Dr. Shim. When Min-jae reached his attention for a greeting get, it pushes it violently against the wall, before recognizing them. They exchange looks of shock, then without a word, he rushes to his father in the elevator trap.

Young-oh demands to know what his father is up to, why stop him from performing the surgery Dr. Shim? He argues that he could have made it perfect. Dr. Lee rejects his claim, his increasingly erratic behavior on citing: Join the staff, violence and leaving in the middle of the operation, as indicators as to why he had not done it again.

Young-oh not surprised to hear that his father his little spies has been watching him, he finally caught there, Dr. Kim, when she went to him for her daughter operation at night to report. He wonders why it is his own father who doubted him most and permanently disabled him.

Dr. Lee scoffs at Young-oh of the pitiful attempt blame him. Without him nothing Young-oh would have been but an abandoned baby. He was the one who transforms Young-oh in a human.

Even now the reason Young-oh has returned to Korea and come to Hyunsung Hospital is because he needs his father. What happened today Dr. Lee greatest fear come to life: Young-oh getting caught for miscellaneous. Young-oh the water in the eyes, deeply affected by this disclosure.

The Forest Director Kang meets with his father to invest in a new company selling beds to apply. His father grows incensed by the request and shows his hunting rifle to his son and said he should have been born. He wonders if his son ever arrogant because it allows him to run the hospital. Why else would he think that he can get money to start an unprofitable company?

Trying to ease the tension, assures Assistant Manager Chae chairman stated that his son works have hard and his efforts to improve the company's image in the public.

goes after her father, says his older brother director Kang to earn the money to leave him, and just stay out of trouble. He mentioned the scandalous rumors about the death of the Chief Director Shin disseminated, and warns him to get a grip on these rumors, otherwise their shares of the company at risk. Like father, like son, he cocks his gun and points it at his little brother to the warning to seal, then laughs before followed by his father.

At the hospital Min-jae battles sexism and elitism, as they faced for the omission of her name from her academic work their professor and listing another doctor who not thereby had to do instead.

are the professor to ignore something for overlooking their half-hearted apology, and moans about delusional female doctors the policy of the hospital and think they can advance to management positions. Moreover, he adds, as someone the medical school is probably never a professor to be appointed, they should give it up just yet of a third-rate.

grudgingly she reminds him that he promised; three years he promised her. He shrugs and quips Oops, sorry .

In the hallway, Min-jae runs into Young-oh with tears in his eyes and he slowly, tenderly, reads the distress on her face then her in a soothing embrace draws. She asks why he did not want the reason for her tears to know. After a moment of reflection, he replies calmly to him that it is important to address their grief. She seems satisfied with his answer, and looks at him lovingly. He promises a better man for it to be.

Shi-hyun accidentally their intimate moment interrupts, so that the couple suddenly separate. It gives them the hairy eyeball, but keeps her thoughts to herself. If Young-oh pressed to hear her thoughts, she rolls her eyes and replies, "Genius or not, before a beautiful woman, you like that as an ordinary person are." He smiles to himself when she away and muses hastens "the same as an ordinary person."

In a better mood, his father Dr. Shim Young-oh-needs to be primary physician. Dr. Lee scoffs at his boldness and refuses. Young-oh argues that she is the only one who can prove his innocence, so he has the most incentive to give her the best care. He adds, is pointedly not that after all what his father wants most well? Supported in a corner, admits Dr. Lee.

Director Kang comes from Young-oh, to see, to inquire about the conference is no longer currently existing mortality, and to obtain his failure his part of the promise upright. Young-oh insured Director Kang, all treated with for tomorrow JCI accreditation in time.

Suk-Joo comes to make, which is currently in a coma and on the state of Dr. Shim. Young-oh, responds cryptically that they probably will not have much time.

Young-oh goes to Dr. Shim check then starts closing all to ensure that they alone are the windows and doors. He then takes a large glass and slams it to the ground, while Dr. Shim observed. He sneaks around and whispers in her ear. "It's time now to get up Dr. Shim Eun-ha. I know everything. Did you sleep well?" Afraid she opens her eyes.

Back at their job, Jin-sung wrote tickets on the street to accelerate. Sergeant Park comes by to see her and falls some food on her lap to amuse them. Talk business for a bit until Jin-sung asks with a lump in her throat, why these things it is capable ,. He sighs and tells her she made to sleep.

On the other streets steals a man's purse of a woman and tried to make his escape by motorcycle. It makes it just a few feet before colliding with a nearby wall. He tumbles off his bicycle and Jin-sung come to arrest him. After removing his helmet she is perplexed before the dead motorcyclist of the hearing-impaired son to find them.

Young-oh continue to press for answers Dr. Shim their research related to, but her voice trembling as she explained that when she tells him, "He will" kill them. First Young-oh promises no matter what to help. If the generate the answers, he fails needs, it accesses constraint; threatening the entire station to say that she is now awake. He encourages them to consider their decision carefully.

We see him from her room then step but stay close, when he looks at his watch. Like clockwork, the alarms for Dr. Shim Ton and after a brief effort to revive her by Suk-Joo, Young-oh saunters back into the room again, which turns off Vitals Monitor, and speaks them dead.

His clinical, detached attitude as he so succinctly as possible Dr. Shim brings the autopsy deserved it in the room the gapes disgusted enveloped by everyone.

, it is not all as it seems to be very alive Dr. Shim is transported from the hospital and returned to their loved ones. We cut to trust the conversation between Young-oh and Dr. Shim, where he gave her the choice of him or be suspended. Terrified, she confessed that if they were to utter a single word, what they know within the walls of the hospital, they would be killed.

prepared for this outcome, Young-oh offered an alternative:. Adenosine, a medication that will orchestrate two minutes cardiac arrest and fooled into thinking effectively monitor the vital organs, she's dead, you will be her Juliet moment and then be brought safely from the hospital.

on a rainy city Overlooking meets Young-oh with Dr. Kim and accuses her of the murder of the motorcyclist and Chief Director Shin. The cause of death is a modified cell having a new immune system-one that a single time in the science-a new medical treatment has not been reported that has been applied in more than one person in the same way.

Therefore, the practitioner of the two must be the same person, and that was none other than Chief Director Shin. This is killed him exactly the reason Dr. Kim.

Arguably, Young-oh adds that the two most important people int he is operating room, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. So by his logic, if he did not, then there is only one other person who could have.

Outside howling ambulance sirens, and Dr. Kim abruptly leaves Young-oh, to intercept a number of incoming patients. She is desperately looking for an injured child between five and ten aged who were her heart to donate her daughter capable. Otherwise, to find one that calls them to the emergency responders and patients to Suk-Joo to calm pulls back.

At the hospital they tried to explain, but Suk-Joo cuts her off and tells her that he understands. Asks tearfully to succeed him in the rescue of her daughter.

is at the police station, Jin-sung of motorcyclist son for a hot meal, but her gesture is discarded. losing their patience, it throws him to be silent, because why else would he steal a purse, when a police car there in front of him? They go outside for some air, where Sergeant Park joins her. He tells her that it is probable that the boy is out on parole, since it is his first offense.

For tonight they can solve it to his parents ... but her heart ache, as they remember, he is in the world all alone. Tormented, Jin-sung asks:

"The person who did wrong is someone else, but why he should be punished?"

Through the window Jin-sung sees the boy wolfing down hungrily the food they bought for him.

The next morning, Jin-sung is in the house of the boy essentials such as underwear and towels replenish. She finds the house in complete disarray; Garbage and dishes stacked in every corner high. written written on the walls of his father sweet reminder notes to eat well and take care of themselves.

Sighing heavily, she gets straightened up to work and do the dishes. A little later she is to fix a flickering light bulb on a chair. A noise from behind asked to rotate them, and she loses her balance in the process, be fished by Young-oh.

He tells her to stay calm and do not cry, because none of them is excited to see the other. Asks embarrassed if it's okay to cry if she is really happy to see him. Contrite, she tells him that she is sad him for stopping and has reflected on their actions. Confused, he accepted.

While Jin-sung come back to housework, Young-oh starts through drawers and cupboards looking for something rummaged identify because the hospital no medical records of his treatment of the motorcyclist primary physician. Jin-sung stops him, saying that he had nothing to find, even she had thought through this possibility, but came up empty.

not willing to take their word, he continues to search. Meanwhile, Jin-sung wonders aloud Report what kind of father his son to the police would. It points out that evidence around the house as a kind of father-son relationship that is usual. She does not understand the relationship Young-oh with Dr. Lee.

Your comment sparks something in Young-oh, and he noted the evidence for the first time. First, it is as if he so unlike his interest is in the love relationship, but then he had the paper scrolls the rules to reveal seems.

Am Hyunsung Hospital, Suk-Joo sees mixed feelings as Assistant Manager Chae degradation of the Chief Director Shin Office monitored. He wonders aloud whether it is right to move on just as quickly after such a great loss. Assistant Manager Chae commands him to, the regenerative medical treatment research to focus a success if he wants storage Chief Director Shin honor.

alone boss director Shin Office, Suk-Joo looks wistfully at one last time. Just before he is about to leave, starts to beep the fax machine start as sheets to print.

He reminds Jin-sung him the death directly to Upper Director Shins to say that they're supposed to get the motorcyclist original treatment records from the insurance company, there is no record in Hyunsung were there. What he finds prompting him to make a call to your own doctor, but we do not hear who it is.

Young-oh wastes no time and applies to reveal his discoveries with director Kang. He notes that the murderer must be someone with enough power, the motorcyclists to steal the heart, prescribe diabetes medication Chief Director Shin, intimidate Dr. Shim, and plant a staff in an operating room. The two men exchange glances to know and a plan concoct everything at the JCI accreditation session and thus clearly disclose Young-oh all suspicions. But we still do not hear who the perpetrators.

Later Young-oh meets to ask who he wants to protect, especially with his father, himself? His son? Confused by his survey, asks Dr. Lee what he means. With a grin, Young-oh promises his father that now, it is safe.

We blink of the first episode to the scene back when the motorcyclist in Assemblyman Kim blurted speech and began attacking assemblyman. But now we can see that in fact he strove Assistant Manager Chae, who was standing behind the assemblyman.

on the prescription sheets we see Assistant Manager Chae as the motorcyclists primary physician are listed, and begin the pieces to come together as Suk-Joo, comes to find him fresh in hand faxed records.

[1945010aufderJCIKonferenz], director Kang explains to the audience that the last two in the hospital mysterious deaths were not medical errors but in fact, murders. developed murders by someone in this hospital, in fact. The tension mounts as director Kang a good look in the room full of doctors of the hospital accepts and proclaims: "The culprit is none other than Dr. Lee Young-oh."

Young-oh after they achieved to speak only the podium, flashing; confused by the prosecution. He asks what speaks in the world Director Kang, and with what evidence he accused him. Obviously things do not go as planned. Young-oh-steel for a second betrayal but not preparing for a third.

Suddenly Min-jae gets up and declares that it will be the one to prove that Young-oh is the culprit. After all, he is a dangerous person who can not be allowed, with antisocial personality disorder-or in other words, in the hospital to stay someone a psychopath.


of Assistant Manager Chae reveal the as the offender actually is not that surprising. I think if she had perhaps done a series before it would have been more impactful and shocking. At this point we have around often enough been kind to the Ferris wheel to exclude Dr. Lee, Suk-Joo, and also Young-oh. Assistant Manager Chae was the only one not given as a suspect, which made him the most likely culprit. He was also the only one who is not busy with another personal or professional drama that relieves him of committing murder. He was calm just kind of along for the ride with his suspicious smile. Show all Finger Dr. Lee decided basically him, he early on, which would be far too easy. So, I am grateful to keep things fresh for Min-jae betrayal Twist. However, as Young-oh, it was believed his father for the great part of the mystery, it gave us some very interesting exchange. I will say that the whole "do not get caught" chorus was a little getting old, so it's exciting to get pushed out into the open by Min-jae to see. It will be interesting to see the status quo change irreversibly.

Regarding Assistant Manager Chae, I expect more concrete to get flashbacks of his currently nebulous motivations, but I'm interested to see more of flashbacks of Dr. Lee sight. The omission of the first episode, the majority of the flashbacks are provided by Young-oh perspective when his father, a domineering force in those available. But now that we know who the killer is, we need to use the act at arm's length not hold Dr. Lee; we can dig a little deeper.

There is one thing that I do not understand: Dr. Lee reported Young-oh on the premise Jin-sung that he is in possession of psychotropic drugs, knowing full well that it was only vitamins. Which means that Young-oh would never posted anything. He did it clearly Young-oh to get out of the surgery because he was so adamant on making and could not be otherwise convinced and protect substantially Young-oh of himself. But what I will not get it if Dr. Lee is so determined to hide Young-oh state of the world, why is he to tell the police about it? Was it just so desperate to him out of the way to prevent another death, that he had no choice, or it was an attempt to get him out of the hospital for good?

Min-jae a few more layers to her character, but mostly all end. Up to this point it has not been woven into the central plot, they seemed mostly only tangentially, or a vehicle side of Young-oh we otherwise not allowed to see to see. I think now we are to believe they betrayed Young-oh promote their ambitions, but I think we are only beginning to unravel only their motivations.

I like that the director Kang a mark sheet is always, and not only that a plot device he is to fulfill the drama of chaebol rate. His interaction with his older brother really was thick with tension in a way that was not obvious with his father. His father wishes clear Director Kang would disappear only on his own, but his older brother does not seem satisfied. It will be interesting to see how the inner family dynamics Director Kang influence decision making in the future.

Jin-sung got some much needed downtime on their last problematic behavior in this episode to reflect. With her out of the way the secret of irregular heart lesion was to change in the situation. There was no time spent on her make starry eyes or longing glances at Suk-Joo, that's a relief. It's not that I do not like them because they are along really nice, but no matter how many scenes there is never changed the nature of their relationship. I expect that this is the intention, but after a while it's a bit repetitive. Better, these signs of the time to spend, so they can experience real growth.

I like the calm, contemplative Jin-sung. I think she was too easy to drain the hook for their wrongdoing, but if they can with means in the hospital back I think I can overlook it. I like that the son of the motorcyclist has not been forgotten in the abyss of the abandoned plot threads, but I'm worried what. With the boy who will do much of their emotional story anchoring at its overall character development I wish we could give more depth, perhaps a deeper reason why she acts the way she does it; not just the same old archetypal naive cop routine.

Initially during their showdown in the locker room, Young-oh grabs Jin-sung neck, but nothing is ever said or done about it. Should not that attack a police officer to be considered? It's fine if the act requires Young-oh, without leaving recharged, but I'm worried about the general embellishment of his often violent behavior. He reaches almost talk Min-jae later in the episode, but no one wants it or judge him. There is only one type grouped together with all its other whacky and enigmatic behavior. Is this some kind of genius free pass? _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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