Recap And Reviews Kdrama Second To Last Love: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Second To Last Love: Episode 1 -

What it does , mean age, and it is always too late for love? This is the primary subject of the latest weekend drama SBS Second To Last Love , these existential questions with a bright tone and addresses some fun, quirky humor. Include in compelling characters, and you have a show that, while they can fly the radars of many people promises that give us that come some wonderful laugh with our cathartic tears for the ride.

Note: This is only a first recap episode.


In the bustling city of Seoul, rides a woman in a taxi and talking to a friend on the phone. The subject is a person who kissed the man who betrayed her and broke up with her, and the woman in the taxi is frustrated and hangs up.

This is our heroine KANG MIN-Joo ( Kim Hee-ae ), and as it goes the last, dark leg of their journey home, she heard someone behind her come and grow scared , The person follows her, so she pulls her phone and pretends to call her husband, and she's so freaked that she stumbles and tumbles. The man keeps asking if she's okay, and Min-joo screams and kicks him right in the jewels behind her.

And then the wife of the guy comes, and things pretty complicated (and Haha, it is real-life couple Lee Eun- Hyung and Kang Jae-joon of comedy show people who are looking for Laughter ). Min-joo ends with them in the elevator to the top, repeatedly apologizing - and to make things even more uncomfortable, they are Min-joo neighbors, and they think now they , the weirdo.

In another town called Woori, a man in a sharp suit, which we'll come to know how GO SANG-shik ( Ji Jin-hee ) bikes to work cheerfully, but he his bicycle falls when he sees his friend BONG DEOK-GO to cross over the road to the light. a racy magazine cover The friend blinks at him to make him turn away prissily and Deok-go says Sang-Shik get the bike ditch and a car like a real adult.

At lunch with friends, Min-joo tells the story of their encounter with their neighbors the night before. The three women complain of getting older, but they accept their grace with aging (and who would not, if all three are so stunning!). Min-joo admits that she likes her life as it is, but sometimes they want something exciting would happen.

Sang-Shik and his subordinate CHA SOO-HYUK ( Kim Kwon ) Check bungee jumping site from that they have invested lately (and Sang-shik hilarious squeals and attacks a pole when Soo-Hyuk barely touched him, hee). Sang-Shik seems to be a pessimistic guy who plays everything safe while Soo-Hyuk a bit more of a risk taker is.

come to her office to find back that her department, environmental facilities, is merged with the local tourism department. Sang-Shik told that the beginning of a major storm entering his peaceful life.

Min-joo day also falling apart - it is a television producer, and it seems as if everything breaks down once. You will work in full damage-control mode, sent several problems at once handling ... especially through their teeth lying through and threatening reporters, ha.

Min-joo terrorized the director of a show whose main character has run away, him to blame for the terrible spectacle and disgusting kissing scenes of the actor. It is processed until she feels faint, but she recovers quickly and is called into her boss's office.

morality in Sang-Shik workplace is low with the announcement of the departmental Merge, and it does not help that someone, they call King Grumpy (for all complaints they submit on their website) turns out to be a woman. They heralded them as NA-CHUN WOO ( Moon Hee-Kyung ), the new deputy mayor. Well, crap.

In the meeting with Min-joo chief, Director Gook, they discuss a current plagiarism scandal involving one of their drama authors. Min-joo argued that they should mistake and apologize simply admit - even if the author claims that she never saw the show they allegedly copied, the entire concept and action, even down to the costumes, is the same.

Your partner JUNG-shik (the man she spoke last night on the phone) disagree, but Min-joo whispers only that this is how you get away with it, hee. Jung-Shik thinks they complain on the other side and let them exercise the burden of proof on them. Min-joo offers to go with them to meet and convince them to drop the charges, on one condition - they help their occupation Song Joong-ki in her next drama. HAHAHA, it is a fangirl. Join the club.

She says that getting older she taught that life is decided on the basis of your choice, if you do not know the results of your selection, until after you make them.

Sang-Shik meets with the new deputy mayor, Chun-woo, who allowed that he is a hard worker and has done well by increasing its budget, but you want more. He shows her his new Arboretum plans, but if it takes a look, she is greeted with the sleazy magazine Deok-go slipped into Sang-Shik of the folder. Heh, she flips through actually before giving it back.

Sang-Shik his new grumpy attitude takes off in his team so that they many problems difficult to call for not working and blame them for all of their department. He roars Soo-Hyuk and said that he would do no work, because he too busy so fixing all their faults.

Soo-Hyuk bravely fires back that Sang-Shik lives too cautious. He does not believe that it is a good alternative to make mistakes, commit never no risk. Surprised by Soo-Hyuk the vehemence Sang-Shik argues that it is their job to make sure no accidents happen. Then he ruined his own Volant by the sexy magazine and shocking all fall, pfft .

There is an argument among protesters goes outside the building, between a group who want to exterminate the wild cat population, and those who want to save. Ask Sang-Shik, to pick a side, but it is his duty to remain neutral, which only makes both sides more angry.

Min-joo finds a brand new mountain of problems on her desk, and her biggest problem is that their drama-Location exclude them when the protagonists missing. He's back now, and they need the situation so that it fires an email to the relevant city official from asking for it be reopened - who just happens to be Sang-Shik. But Sang-Shik is in a grouchy mood, and it does not help that Min-joo the right bad mood in their e-mail out randomly come to sound pretty rude.

He sends an equally snarky refusal back to open the position again, and Min-joo is horrified when she reads her e-mail again and see how it sounded. It sends back a contrite and apologetic message, but Sang-Shik is downright aggressive now in feel and has found a target for his frustration.

His angry response annoys Min-joo, and soon they are cranky emails back and forth lobbing, neither willing to back down. Sang-Shik threatens Min-joo for threatening him , she says him to do his work, and everything revolves very petty and childish. Min-joo finally calls Sang-Shik, but in the end only insults down the line shouting at each other, and Sang-Shik hanging on her.

Soo-Hyuk kicks the film crew from the place personally and Min-joo employee advises her to go to this release. Min-joo draws Woori town tourism pamphlet, and the beauty and tranquility of the place pretty good to her. She introduces herself, there, and it is charming, but you will soon find himself back in her stuffy stressful office.

Min-joo overheard as her partner Young-Shik his new intern asks their favorite drama. One of them mentioned a show called paradise of youth , which addressed Jung-Shik, but its mention makes both Jung-Shik and Min-joo falter. The intern recalled that the drama high ratings got but ended prematurely because of an incident, but Jung-Shik quickly changes the subject.


Min-joo wanted, more and more ill as the day goes on, and it is now growing dizzy again and spills her coffee. Your employees catch, but she swears that she is fine and stumbles along the way.

Over in Woori, the anti-wild-cat group leader lose his marbles, and begins to scream and wave to bottles he has made in gas bombs. Inside Soo-Hyuk apologized to Sang-Shik losing earlier for his temper, but they are run by people interrupted and cry of Crazy Cat Guy. snaps

Something in Sang-Shik and he approaches the man, grabbed his hands, so he did not throw the bombs. He makes him fall and jobs Soo-Hyuk all out, and keeps to fight while he demanded to see the mayor with Crazy Cat Guy.

The psycho falls the other gas bomb and start punching Sang-Shik and Soo-Hyuk grabs the fire extinguisher - but not to put out the fire. He lifts it Crazy Cat Guy knock out, but Sang-Shik screams, "NO !!" and oscillates around the man to protect, the impact takes itself.

Sang-Shik goes down hard, and when he is on the floor he sees old memories of another fire, and a window hanging and crying , someone to grasp the hand. Crazy Cat Guy is arrested, and Sang-Shik goes out.

Min-joo is unhappy about a script they are obtained from a new drama writers, but they calmed down a bit before they go in guns blazing. The author is a pretty woman, young and idealistic, and although Min-joo to be polite attempts criticized the script aggressive and makes her own people cringe and cry writers.

Min-joo suddenly and rushes to the toilet begins to heave to toss their cookies, and she has a knowledge and starts counting days. You can not be ... they can?

hits you after work to her friends and goes all gooshy about the puppy her boyfriend dog born today gave. Then she turns melancholy and told her friends that she thinks that she has begun menopause. They react with appropriate fear and support, then joke that they just an old fart now, hee. As the friends, laughing together and cry, asks Min-joo, when there will be no more love in her life - she has to elapse her last love, and do not know


Sang-Shik is rushed to the hospital and in his unconscious, experiencing that past fire over and over, while Soo-Hyuk looks guiltily. Meanwhile, Min-joo writhes in her bed screaming in pain, and finally she manages to call for help and is also sent to the hospital. It is placed next to a bed in Sang-Shik, both of them fainted.

In voiceover, Min-joo wonders whether she is now moving in the right tempo, while Sang-Shik wonders when things started to go wrong. He asks what his decisions have got it, and Min-joo calls into question why she is alone.

Min-joo overheard the doctors discussing whether they should "remove it", and her first thought, for her breasts or uterus. But it is only gallstones makes them so sick, thank God. She is rushed to surgery, barely aware of what happened, and thinking she dies, that's really not that be funny.

Sang-Shik is again like nothing happened at work soon, but the deputy mayor Chun-woo draws attention to the incident and embarrassed him. She even gives him an award for his bravery.

Min-joo is on the mend, and forwards them to check out the Drama shooting place on things. She finally gets the beautiful places in Woori to visit, they wanted to see, and relax in the warm sun. She is captured by a beautiful fountain and takes off her shoes to play in the water, do not see the sign, as people to stay to warn away.

Sang-Shik happening there, to lead a tour, and they realize the strange lady splashing around like a child. Sang-Shik sends it to another area and marched over Min-joo to meet the now by being drenched and like a loon pertussis. She stumbles over an unfinished part of the fountain and loses a button from her blouse, and she is quite confused when she is captured by Sang-Shik.

She noticed him staring at her, uh, button missing, and now they are both red. Sang-Shik begins to cry when he sees struck the stones Min-joo, and he calls to repair a minor wells and change all the water out, as if Min-joo spoiled it.

He takes them to get dried off and gives her a red coat, since they never their key found to tell her it is traveling alone, where single women by a special jacket. The two snipe each other all the time that it dries, Min-joo take offense at Sang-Shik of prissy attitude and grouching him of their thinking can do what they want. Sang-Shik not the towel to steal sheets with gunshot farewell warning Min-joo, ha.

bwahaha that "special shell" turns out, to be a giant, "Look at me!" Characters, complete with fluffy white pompoms, a Pororo applications and kitten ears. Min-joo almost immediately approached by a handsome young man on a motorcycle, we will officially meet later (but who played by Kwak Shi-Yang ). He just smiles and tells her to hop on, and he will give her a ride.

He tells her that the jacket actually is a souvenir are the Arboretum for children, and I will die here. Sang-Shik her totally ripped. She agrees to ride only on the main road, and tried to keep her hands demurely in itself, but ends up clutching the young man around the waist, as he guns the bike.

Sang-Shik and Soo-Hyuk come at the Drama shooting place again, to stop the process, angry that they are a tourism spot causes are ruined for the tourists. Min-joo shows, still in her coat Pororo (and with a flute trill sound cue me that cracks) and tells Sang-Shik with the utmost seriousness, that it is responsible for this shoot.

clearly Sang-Shik that this it was the woman so recently hateful emails with exchange, and he mocks in her face. When she realizes who he is , it loses a little confidence, but she still refuses the drama shoot cancel. She slips and calls him "ajusshi" which sends him into a rage, and he whips the Pororo her head cloak and threatens to report for filming without permission.

Min-joo produced defiantly her permission documents straight from Woori City Hall. She tells her team filming to start, leave Sang-Shik fuming.

He goes to City Hall back to the deputy mayor to complain, the granted permission. He wants to withdraw her permission to shoot the drama there, and when she asks if he has seen the show, as he says he does not see "such things."

Chun-woo points out that the ratings are very high, and its historic site could get a lot of attention for its in the show and bring in more tourists. She advises him some time to watch dramas, as they can be calm and move.

Things are not good to go to the drama set, though - have been raining in the male lead, but now the female lead pitching is jumping fits over the bungee platform. Min-joo goes to give her a pep talk, but it does not help until it asks if the actress again wants her career in the tank. The girl steels himself, and it is together.

But she loses her nerve again the moment when she looks down, but she says that it is able, it could be done if someone else goes first. Everyone on the platform is still, so it is up to Min-joo. It is suitable in the bungee jumping gear, but notes that it feels uncomfortable and asks another set. Oh no, it is the only, Sang-Hyuk noticed in poor condition was.

Sang-Shik comes back to the point and tells the team that it is not safe - the bungee jump from non safety regulations, has cleared. He shoo'd away by the Director, as if he has no idea what he is talking about.

top gets on the platform, Min-joo jump ready. She says that she's been through a lot in her life. "They will continue to be lonely, but love yourself to be despite alone. I promise myself that I will live well and be healthy." And then she jumps.

Everything is okay, and the cord keeps falling and it flies through the air. But then the strap breaks on her harness and Min-joo free fall toward the water, screaming in fear. The effects do not stun them and the entire cast and crew panic when they surface, the.

There is Sang-Shik, the defrosted the first and dive into the river and looked desperately for Min-joo. Finally, he sees her unconscious under the water's surface, and it floats to their rescue.


I loved the last scene, and his paintings to live life to the fullest, no matter what happens. Your life may not be what you expected, or even what you wanted, but you can always make the best of what you have and life more exciting. Of course, they go time for Min-joo not good, but she's tough as nails, and I adore them already.

I had not seen much in the way of promos for this drama, so I was honestly do not plan to watch it, but it took to change my mind just 10 minutes from this first episode. I like the bright, optimistic tone, the cute characters, and the wise, mature humor much. The issue of moving from one life stage to the next, and all the fear and humor that you experience on the journey, seems like a rich mine field to be explored, and I really hope the show much spends time to discuss what it means your youth and move into the next stage of life to leave. Min-joo and her friends already aging debate, both physically and mentally, and I think this is an area that the dramas have not paid much attention, which can really offer a lot of humor, as well as tears. The show has a surprisingly light and unexpectedly humorous tone, but it also seems ready to delve into some pretty serious questions about life. What influence our decisions on our lives have? How do people end up alone, as they age, and what is not aging to your life? Is it ever too late for love, or is it better to maintain the status quo and lead a life which is usually quite all right?

But my favorite thing about the show, hands down, our spunky heroine independent Min-joo. As someone who is single and ~ coughcough ~ closer in age to these characters than the characters in most Rome-coms, I think, to be, fun goes forty somethings navigate new love to see, especially since it balances the work and social responsibility. It's easy at this age could be to get in your life, and to give a suspicious eye on everything that threatens a comfortable status quo, at the same time to want for anything while, something new and interesting to happen, and I like that the show addresses right off the bat. Min-joo says bluntly that they dream about and would not change anything ... but a little excitement would either not go wrong. I can really relate to that feeling, so I make to get more about this woman want to know immediately.

I like the dichotomy between Sang-Shik and Min-joo, and how really and truly are against them in the personality. Sang-Shik is a straight, walk-the-line kind of guy, never taking risks and getting to work by the book (and so nice to his safe little bike) while Min-joo is a loose cannon, responding to their emotions and risk taking, also told if everyone just calm down and accept things as they are. Based on their already volatile outbursts both times they have met each other, I'm anticipating a lot to the fireworks go to walking, when they begin to be attracted to each other. Kim Hee-ae and Ji Jin-hee have great chemistry already, so I think that the antagonistic relationship is like crazy to kindle. And although I gleefully looking forward to their upcoming fights, I am also excited, they fight to stop watching and start loving. Sang-Shik may be a rule-following Goody-two-shoes, but he has got a hot temper with this perfectly pressed suit, and I can not wait, Min-joo unleash to see this side of him.

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tags: featured, first episodes, Ji Jin-hee Kim hee-ae, Kwak Shi-yang, penultimate Love

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