Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 15

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Gong Shim: Episode 15 -

A perfectly fine date unexpectedly take a turn for worse can. Or for the better, depending on how you look at it. Try as you might not want to embarrass yourself in front of the person you are interested, there is simply no way to control everything, especially the heart. And ... nature. Sometimes you have to just let it go, and the answer may surprise you.


The elevator doors open, and Jun-su looking to see upward Dan-tae inside. The two stare at each other with steely glances before Jun-su occurs. The atmosphere is tense in the elevator, but the two engage in small talk triggered yet civil. Jun-su steps on the ground, and Dan-tae calling for him, but Jun-su does not hear.

Later Dan-tae brings to drop the idea of ​​looking for his captors to his grandmother and asks them what they would think if he did. She wonders if he has had a change of heart, but Dan-tae withdrawn and stated that it was merely a hypothetical idea.

grandmother feels that his lonely battle must take a toll on him, reminding him that he can finish this search choose whenever he wants ,

With a serious expression, Jun-su urges to hear his uncle carefully to what he has to say about. He reveals his belief that Dan-tae is really Jun-Pyo, raises the uncle for a loop; DNA testing is underway, the results of which confirm that Jun-su believes to be true.

Jun-su: "If the results show the DNA test that Dan-tae is Jun-Pyo, you [Uncle], mother and I all resign our assets and this company. We have to leave this budget with empty hands ... We go on our knees and beg Jun-Pyo forgiveness. "

In utter disbelief, Uncle numbers there is a chance that Dan-tae is not Jun-pyo, and that they do away with Dan-tae interference. But Jun-su had enough with Uncle useless argument and recalls annoyed him not only to ruin Jun-Pyo life, but those of Jun-Pyo parents and grandmother. He warns uncle to remain calm and until they inform the DNA results out of trouble.

A short time later, Jun-su waiting to neighborhood Gong Shim is for his behavior show involvement of art to apologize. He expresses how sad he feels about her and Dan-tae; he really like both of them and does not want to lose their friendship to the point that they no longer speak to each other. He wants to return the three of them, as they were before, and says he'll do better.

That night, Jun-su goes home and crawling on his bed. Tears fall as he. On his friendship with Dan-tae, who eventually soured recalls in one of mistrust and secrets

Dan-tae up the end of their friendship and ponders, considers how Jun-su s changed. He visits his father still unconscious in hospital and opened: He is so close, to find the culprit, but his heart is probably less because of what this means for Jun-su.

Dan-tae expressed concern for his cousin, who will suffer because he has to protect his mother; he wonders aloud if Jun-su say everything is the right choice. On the way out, Dan-tae called Jun-su and asks to meet tomorrow; he needs to talk Jun-su personal. Jun-su says that he has to share a little, but he is leaving for a business trip to China tomorrow. They agree to meet in three days when Jun-su back.

Gong Shim waiting for Dan-tae outside the convenience store to relentlessly swatting mosquitoes. When he arrives, she asks if he is free to go with her to the amusement park tomorrow, but Dan-tae has to attend a reunion. She expected so much out he would have some kind of apology, but remains unimpressed. She asks if his next availability, but Dan-tae surprised by suggesting they go tomorrow. He rings his colleagues to cancel his participation, and Gong Shim says.

Out of nowhere proposes to beat Gong Shim Dan-tae hard in the face because of a mosquito, ha. He remembers her as he searches, he may blow and remarks dodge about how powerful their hand ,

At the airport the next morning, disappointed to hear the DNA results Jun-sus, for a while not to be ready. Meanwhile Gong Shim is hard at work, so that rolls and rolls of kimbap for the amusement park trip. A sudden pain in her stomach caused her grimace, but she ignored it and finally decide on an outfit: a bright turquoise striped shirt under a white dress.

Dan-tae goes through a few outfits before deciding on ... a tee is the same as Gong Shim, heh. He meets Gong Shim out there and they are shocked by their matching shirts. to change both volunteers in something else, so they are as a couple not mistaken, but when they go back and forth, Dan-tae noted Gong Shim looking rather uncomfortable. He suggests rescheduling, so that they can rest, but Gong Shim insists she is fine and chalks it. Mosquitoes lack of sleep

Meanwhile, Gong Mi and her mother are on a shopping day. While her mother wants a dress, Jun-su is mother the same memory, which Gong Mi panicked.

Gong mi mother overheard their conversation from the wardrobe, and find yourself in a bind. Jun-su mother exclaims that she has always wanted to meet Gong Mi mother, but little do they know, they have already taken and ... rang. Gong Mi mother lingers in the locker room, as long as it is able, before bursting from there to remain hidden a dress in front of her face. by her mother odd output humiliated Mis Gong and apologizes to follow her.

Gong Mi mother flees into the bathroom and pressed to have escaped relief without getting caught by Jun-su mother. She continues, as her first instinct was to run when Gong Mi falls face. Jun-su mother comes, and of course, they have heard everything.

She puts two and two together and concluded that Gong Mi Gong and Shim are sisters. tries to explain Gong Mi mother, but Jun-su mother is none of that with. She wants to talk Gong Mi alone.

Gong Mi petrified looks as Jun-su mother her toying with her family accused. Asks Gong Mi if she knew her son that the Star Group was heir when she met him for the first time. Gong hesitation Mis confirmed their suspicions: There's no way Gong Mi did not know, because as a secretary at the Star Group Gong Shim worked at the time.

Gong Mi is only able to stammer an apology. They tried to defend themselves by saying that they kept Jun-su status secret, because she thought that was what he wanted, but Jun-su mother refuses to believe, something out of her mouth. They criticized Gong Mi for the period after her mother take and deceive her all the time.

Gong Mi crying in her room, completely humiliated. Her mother apologized, but Gong Mi interjects and says the whole thing is to blame Gong Shim. Welp, looks like Gong Meanie back. She says if Gong Shim had not "acted strangely" and get fired, then mother would not struggled with Jun-su mother. PSH. They unleashed their anger by hurling books on her room.

Things are less stormy with Dan-tae and Gong shim having a quiet picnic. Dan-tae is so impressed with all the delicious food they packed. He is digging kimbap around in, but is disappointed to see that it is in her egg. He annoyed that they about his allergy forgotten, but it opens a different container, more kimbap sans unveiled egg!

He is touched by her gesture and looking intently at them, but Gong Shim turns, stating that this view is the reason why they call it cheesy. He goes to amuse them with "cute" terms varies. Dan-tae is the only one to devour the food, however, and he notices to break Gong Shim in cold sweat. She writes her wig - "like wearing a fur hat in the summer" - and assured him that she is doing well.

But when the two pedal on an amusement ride at her side Shim Gong clutches and grimaces in pain. Suddenly she loses consciousness and falls limply against Dan-tae. He yells and carries them quickly away from the ride as wild her name called out to keep her conscious.

is in the hospital Gong Shim to a room on wheels, and Dan-tae is there with her, comforting her is that everything will be fine, and he will not go anywhere. The doctor informed Dan-tae that her appendix burst, it will be as soon as possible to be operated. Post-surgery, Gong Shim is disappointed by Dan-tae of slowness in its tendency, and is heard despondent that she is not allowed to eat or drink until it reaches gas.

urges you Dan-tae to grab a bite, but he decides to her too quickly, making her smile. He scolded for staying quiet about their pain when he receives a call from someone on his contacts as saved "Star Goddess." Dan-tae leaves the call to accept and Gong Shim is immediately jealous, assuming Star Goddess is a female Star Group employees he is entranced.

Star Goddess turns out to be Dan-tae grandmother, heh who called to see why he does not take his cell phone. He upgraded to "the girl he loves," and she tells him of her to take good care. Dan-tae returns to Gong Shim rooms and offers to help her with whatever she needs, but there is only one thing they want: answers. She asks if Star Goddess is an employee of the company, and Dan-tae says she is, but says no more.

While he is out to grab some essentials, rings Phone Dan-tae is back, and Gong Shim noted there is another call from Star Goddess is. You it responds by declaring that it is Dan-tae girlfriend, but grandmother smiles at the other end and noted that it would suspended. The older voice confused Gong Shim, but facilitates their jealousy.

Dan-tae back and encourages them to remove her wig so that they can rest comfortably, but Gong Shim they will not be exposed bald spot and unwashed hair. He ignored her protests and decides to wash their hair with shampoo that does not require water. He massaged and foamed her hair, and even apply ointment on the bald spot, it will soon heal, so Gong Shim can be free from the wig.

Then he puts it sweet to bed. Dan-tae spends the night in the hospital room, sleeping beside her bed on the floor. Gong Shim beams at him and lovingly put his cheek. The next morning, Dan-tae clothes for work and Gong Shim fits happy his tie. She does not have gas not passed, so they stuck up there in the hospital, and laments the fact that as soon as she does, she will have to leave, that's the last thing she wants, as Dan-tae treatment was seaway ,

runs in Uncle Dan-tae in the bathroom, and clearly feels uncomfortable with his presence, since it is likely that he Jun-Pyo. He recalled that 26 years ago he had convinced young Jun-Pyo his identification to pass Necklace by exchange with its military ring. He realizes that if Dan-tae still has the ring will fall all the blame on him.

Meanwhile, Dan-tae heads on the quarters of the Guardian, where it is stored a bag. He opens his wooden box with various utensils from, when he was kidnapped, the uncle contains military ring, and there is now a closer look.

A colleague's uncle, the number for Dan-tae aunt, and he is able to identify them at the hospital where Dan-tae's father. It occurs to spy on them and report any updates man.

Jun-su's father is surprised to hear from his wife that Gong Mi and Gong Shim are sisters, because they do not look alike, but his wife said that he is missing the point: hidden Gong Mi, that of them fact.

He is worried that his wife heard, was beat by Jae Blessings / Gong Mi mother before all her beauty pageant friends. Meanwhile Jae Blessing tries Jun-su to call her mother, but go ignored their calls. Her husband did not like the way she is treated is and asks her to hand over the phone, so that he can give a piece of his mind, but Jun-su father takes and he falters, ha.

Jun-su and father make the Gong Mi from in a cafe and duke it out with words. The former threatens hurt to sue his wife, and this threatens to protest his daughter unjustified dismissal. But their enmity will disappear once an old Sommermelodie transports them back in their golden days of youth when they were at the concert of their favorite chanteuse. It turned out they were both early members of her fan club, and bind them on their mutual taste in music.

And then they both report to their wives that they straighten out the matter and made regret ... what actually does not happen, heh the other man.

Dan-tae paid Gong Shim, another visit to the hospital, and Gong Shim stands to greet excited about him, but the sound of flatulence while escaping, haha. Both heard but Gong Shim says her slippers must've squealed and Dan-tae plays along, and added that he heard nothing.

They are both at the nurse Gong Shim no gas not passed, so that they can remain and decide an extra night in the hospital to take a walk outside for fresh air. Dan-tae says he Gong Shim enjoys the company and blames himself for her illness, because they exhaust themselves, because of him., And was sick because he did not feel at her well

He inches closer and solemnly declares that he has a confession to make. Gong Shim swallows and stares at his lips as he confesses ... that he actually her fart heard earlier hahahaaa. Then farts, they again and his hand flies to his nose. It is undeniable, not the gas this time! My stomach growls, and now that she is able to eat, they decide to get some sandwiches PPL.

Back in the hospital room, Dan-tae shows her the picture, which was taken while they were on the amusement ride. It detects Dan-tae at the top of his lungs screamed and clung frail Gong Shim made The Exorcist undone with her eyes a la .

Dan-tae thinks she looks hilarious shows with whites in their eyes, but she finds his panicked face even funnier. She asks if he was so concerned for them, and he says he was concerned only smidge. Mhmm safely. He reenacts the face of it, to break it down to fit in a giggle.

The next morning, the two eventually leave the hospital together, and Dan-tae regrets that she could not stay longer, because she passed gas so soon.

Jun-sus back from his business trip and learns that the DNA results are just finished. It calls for Seok family reunion and collects them in the living room while waiting and wondering what the deal is. Uncle looking particularly concerned.

On the way home, calls Jun-su Dan-tae, to let him know that he is back and available to meet such promised. They decide to meet at home tonight in June-su.

Jun-su comes home and informed his family that he is a notice going to make shortly. He finally obtained the DNA results and looks through it with confused eyes. Meanwhile holds Dan-tae his missing child posters and solves Jun-su to say anything when they meet tonight.

Dan-tae:.. "I'll tell him that I am Jun-Pyo and that his mother is the suspect This will bring an end to all Jun-su must not to commit crimes for his mother. I think its the best way. "

He turns away, looking determined.


A date, a late-night meetings ER binding and farts galore! This was another fun episode that delivered on the cute and humorous front, but also to bring closer together Dan-tae and Gong Shim. It was time, Dan-tae Gong Shim took up their offer rather than rebuffing and even an excuse to give her to avoid hanging out with her. For once, he is so that their society to enjoy, to live a little and laugh a lot! And fortunately for him, Gong shim that makes it really easy for him. She is a great cook, give, and she is thoughtful. Oh, and not forgetting the fact that she passed gas in front of him. That pretty much seals the deal, right? Passing gas before your Crush / significant other is the key to a good relationship. Is not that how it goes? Gong shim may be embarrassed by their flatulence, but the fact that they can laugh about it together? That smells like true love.

I feel like Jun-su three-day business trip do not go out of the birth reveal to extend secrecy and allow for some play time for Dan-tae and Gong shim that is ... ok, but I feel there might like to have more to do for Jun-su been when just beginning to pop in and at the very end; he was used very little. Maybe it's just not much left to secret mine in the birth history, and that was a way to save the core for future episodes. I like Jun-su as a sign, and the insight into his dark side and tormented soul were always an interesting observation, because he has not in villainous territory still waved. I hope that it is never the case, but we'll see.

Gong Mi on the back-burner for quite some time, until this episode was perched, the "worst" possible, what actually could happen to her happened, and they of course, because there Gong Shim blamed. Typical Gong Meanie behavior. While I am glad that the silly-secret-that-item non-need-to-be-a-secret is out, with the way Jun-sus mother I attributed definitely Gong Mi of fraud for a characteristic disagree they inherited from her mother. It is always we rely on them mentality, to make a point that they / superior family in every respect (ie why Jun-su should not associate with Gong Shim), and that the Gong family the inherent problem. Conclusion: Jun-su mother is an elitist snob, and Gong Mi earned karma - but not the "you people" criticism - and still has to go a very long way.

Butterfly Tattoo uncle ring detail has not hit me at first as very important, but now that I think about it, the ring is a very important piece of the puzzle. Immediately mother the only person Dan-tae suspects is Jun-sus, because he experienced at the Arboretum. But the ring in his possession, a direct link between uncle to the kidnapping. Uncle fears about getting blamed for all this because this one ring are actually valid. After Dan-tae concludes that the ring belongs to him, it's over.

Now, as we approach the end of this series, I look forward to the birth secret fallout. The birth secret was always less interesting than the Dan-tae / Gong Shim antics, but because it is tied to the plot, I'm ready for some further developments, however predictable it may be. I'm still waiting for Gong Shim Dan-tae to his companion and help him solve his abduction mystery, and I hope Gong Shim strong vulnerability is forcing Dan-tae and open to her. And when passing gas in front of the person you are interested in, is the best way to speed up the relationship, then by all means!

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tags: Beautiful Gong Shim, episode 15, in Minah, namgoong min, Ohn Joo-wan

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