Recap And Reviews Kdrama Beautiful Mind: Episode 14 (Final)

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Beautiful Mind: Episode 14 (Final) -

The travel for today's final was a little shorter than expected, and sometimes bumpy, but filled with many tears, laughter and so much hope for a better future. Some threads are not bound in the cleanest of sheets, but I think the end focused on what really mattered-and even if there were some confusing patches, it all came together in a satisfactory manner.

The final episode RECAP

we rewind a little bit of where we left off in the last episode, as Young-oh prepared for his potentially fatal operation. His father holds him in the hallway in front of the process to discuss, citing all the reasons that knows Young-oh already.

Dr. Lee says that as a fellow doctor, he can not allow this operation, nor can he, like his father, but he loses confidence, as he says this. Young-oh shoots him a withering look at the word "father", and Dr. Lee removed his hand, which he had given to his son on the shoulder. Young-oh says he finally understands, like his father, he felt the day to Young-oh against each Council operated. They exchange a meaningful look, as it may very well be their last, and then Young-oh leaves to put his fate.

At Research, Gi-ho is in her hospital bed on Jin-sung, to check, but she's not there. He asks Nurse Jang, where his patient, and it is that Jin-sung, a CT scan is always that easy Gi-ho fools. What follows is an adorable and heartwarming series of scenes in which some of the recurring hospital staff (including the Power Rangers) Gi-ho on a wild goose chase lead him to occupy the operation for a period of Jin-sung.

Then we return to the operating theater where Young-oh placed next to Jin-sung, who is now unconscious.

Suk-Joo asks Young-oh, he sure to do this, and confirmed Young-oh, saying that during the operation is illegal and dangerous, it has a high survival percentage for the recipient , Which of these makes its preferred type of surgery. He adds that he bought them some time, and due to Suk-Joo to do their operation for the courage.

We flash back to learn what exactly Young-oh the Power Rangers had asked when he called each of them by name in the previous episode; he requested that she Assistant Manager Chae hold long enough staffed to start the operation.

Dr. Yoo plays his part Assistant Manager Chae employed to hold up in the space Gi-ho bursts Assistant Manager Chae saying that Suk-Joo and Jin-sung are in the operating room.

In an adjacent operating room, Shi hyun and the Power Rangers begin extracting pulmonary Young-oh 's for transplantation.

frustrated with his plans for Jin-sung shouts Assistant Manager at Chae Gi-ho Suk-Joo Jin-sung to bring to him. Gi-ho runs around the various operating rooms looking to stop the rogue process. When he finds the right space, Dr. Oh chases him out, wanted to know what he is doing to become dirty in operation and operational environment.

When Gi-ho returns alone, Assistant Manager Chae has no choice but to wait until the process is terminated is his former protégé to confront. They meet outside and Assistant Manager Chae told Suk-Joo that he certainly regret it just made the decision.


does its job, convened to that promise Power Rangers that if anyone ever asks, she knew nothing and are no way in the illegal operation involved that took place. Take a moment to discuss why Young-oh would willingly donate his lungs when the chance of survival is so low. Especially for someone who usually does not care about other people or their feelings. They conclude that it must be for love.

Speaking of Young-oh, he wakes up from the anesthetic before Jin-sung is doing and looks tenderly as they lay side by side.

In his office director Kang meets with Assistant Manager Chae Jin-sung to discuss practice. was "robbed" of their first lung have regenerative operation, draw using to eliminate their enemies strictly ethical means.

Hyunsung the Ethics Committee and Dr. Lee discuss the situation and agree Suk-Joo and Young-oh to end though, as one of them indicates survived donor and recipient.

The next day, Young-oh limping out of his room and into the hallway, where residents Yang holds him, and sweet orders him to rest in his room. Young-oh tried him out-doctor, saying that its functionality is based on some studies, after lung surgery light exercise suggested to stimulate a day. So he must exercise.

read him easily Resident Yang says Jin-sung needs absolute peace and can not have any visitors, so should he stop panting and groaning its way to her and concentrate on his own health to see. Caught in the act, Young-oh asks coyly, like Jin-sung does. Suk-Joo appears near, to assure him that their condition is stable.

The two surgeons discuss their impending termination. Young-oh expresses his regret that Suk-Joo was pulled into his sentence, considering the importance of the regenerative cell research to him. He had given up so much in the pursuit of this research. But for Suk-Joo, help Young-oh, does not mean he has given up. He believes everything they have done so far in order will help the success of its research. He also notes, in order to save the lives of people must be taken risks; no different from the risk-Young Oh took for Jin-sung.

Young-oh nurse calls Jang to confirm until now that Jin-sung can receive visitors. Immediately he can lift up to see his power, but instead, Jin-sung brother barges in and throws him into a hug. Young-oh crumpled in pain over and tried to tell him to leave, but Jin-sung brother does not seem that there is something not to notice, then begins chattering about how totally awesome is Young-oh.

He wonders a the Young-oh in dating is. The fact that he did not give Jin-sung something ordinary like a ring or a car, but it was a part of his body . Young-oh tried to go back to visit Jin-sung, but her brother gets in the way and stops him.

Power Rangers talk about depressing Young-oh dismissal, and before one of them suggests that they pay a visit Young-oh. When the others murmur approvingly, Dr. blames They for such companionship. Finally, Young-oh is not their friend . Admonish, they agree only reluctantly with him.

Later Dr. the halls of the hospital feeling is so guilty for his friend not to say Young-oh, to visit and take it elegantly on lonely to honor friendless Young-oh with his presence. He opens the door to a hilarious scene where the other Power Rangers are gathered to Young-oh in his bed and tried to take a selfie. Why so cute?

Drained of all fanfare, Young-oh asks Dr. So to get a sign that prohibits even more visitors.

Dr. Lee reflects on recent events: the conversation with his son in their house after the show of his terrible misdiagnosis, and their conversation at the recent mortality conference. He also remembers their exchanges before the operating room just before the lung transplantation, where Young-oh said he finally understood his father's feelings.

He then goes his son a visit, first ask how he feels. They move up to the rooftop to continue their conversation where Dr. Lee told his son that the Ethics Committee will vote tomorrow on his dismissal. He and Suk-Joo have a chance to explain himself, believes on the plate, but Dr. Lee, that this time their actions have gone too far and, like doctors, they have to take responsibility.

Young-oh calm and tells his father that he expected as much. Dr. Lee expresses surprise that Young-oh his dismissal accepted so easily, responds to the Young-oh, it's because he no longer needs to prove to his father that he is not a monster but a normal human being.

Dr. Lee's expression is soft, but tired as he asks Young-oh, what he meant when he said he understood him now. Young-oh replied that the fear that someone dear to lose, and the understanding that there is nothing that they do as physicians-which could fear and helplessness is what he understands now. He says that these feelings were probably summoned when Dr. Lee Young-oh saw face. Its existence was a constant reminder of Dr. Lee's biggest failure and deepest pain.

Young-oh: "I thought I was feared, but it was her I feared you were the greatest seducers in our relationship, but also the greatest sacrifice. . I have not the courage to forgive you, but I want to try and understand. So please, be free now, as I am. "

When he gets up to leave, Young-oh stretches to hold his father's hand for a second, and if it is out of sight, tears fall from Dr. Lee's eyes.

Min-jae stops by to congratulate her successful surgery Jin-sung and Jin-sung softly staring, visibly uncomfortable. Despite Jin-sung secrecy, Min-jae continued to say how curious she was to meet Jin-sung, namely they had tried with little success, Jin-sung was Young's oh so easy to change . Jin-sung denies anything to do-everything they did was stay beside him.

Min-jae is also news Young-oh deliver. She thinks Jin-sung must be worried about his condition waiting to hear, but that only confuses Jin-sung, he had donated his lungs to their no idea.

Min-jae breaks down all that happened during Jin -Sung was unconscious, and emphasizes how far Young-oh went to save her life. In addition, Jin-sung conveys distress, the Young-oh can be fired for her.

Director Kang and Assistant Manager Chae Young-oh investigate actions from the Office of the Director. Director Kang wonders how someone who has antisocial personality disorder as Young-oh risk his life, someone could save another because people act with this disease usually only for their own benefit.

As director Kang things can go over your head, says Assistant Manager Chae not to disturb him, since it already is by him a short moment. Director Kang turns questioning over to Assistant Manager Chae, asking why he shows Suk-Joo as little mercy as he was one of his favorites. Assistant Manager Chae replied that Suk-Joo pushed him to the edge and therefore he must push Suk-Joo over the edge. He says that once Suk-Joo Rock Bottom true, only then he will achieve.

The ethics committee begins its examination of Suk-Joo and Young-oh stated that their condition on their operation and on the question of why they did it, Suk-Joo patients began rapidly deteriorating. If she tries to wait for a donor, it would have been too late.

One of the committee members asked whether this means that the two men assume all costs; Young-oh speaks except one detail to take over.

Young-oh stated that Suk-Joo was initially against the operation. He cites Suk-Joo practice schedule as evidence. He then shows the CCTV footage of him Suk-Joo in the supply chamber stamping to support his claim that he Suk-Joo forced to do in the lung transplant.

Young-oh used its own state and inability to empathize with others as further evidence for his assertion. He goes on to say that anyone would have made the same decision as Suk-Joo, when placed in its position; after all, Suk-Joo is an exemplary doctor. Suk-Joo gets up and tries to contradict Young-oh, but the committee is already convinced.

ask whether Young-oh is willing to take full responsibility for the operation, and he confirmed it. He adds, however, that he he did not think anything wrong. In fact, there are some countries where lung transplants a living donor are allowed. He says that it is to decide whether they can save a dying person in front of them the responsibility of doctors, and that's why he does not regret his actions. He proudly and willingly accepted his resignation.

Suk-Joo tries again to stop Young-oh take from the event for a chance in the fully explain the situation. Steps Dr. Lee to stop it up and said that they had heard enough, and the two are subsequently notify its final decision.

According ignored Suk-Joo faced Young-oh asking why Young-oh, has taken responsibility for their joint decision. Did he Suk-Joo would feel grateful? Young-oh rejects the term and says pointedly Suk-Joo, that there is something else that Suk-Joo has to take responsibility for: his research.

Finally Young-oh reunited with Jin-sung, who know asked why he did what he without her say did. He answers only that he had what she needed, and he gave it to her. He elaborates and says he selfish, it decided to do after the things to think about carefully.

Young-oh:.. "You have nothing to feel sorry I am different from ordinary people as I saw you I thought I had changed a lot, but I did it has not. I was wrong. it's a wonder how that will not happen. I can fight from time to time with you or leave you feeling lonely and discouraged ... because I did not change, but in those moments, I do not know how to comfort you. So please, please do not forget. with each breath, please remember how I feel about you and what you mean to me. "

asks you exactly which means that them to him, and he responds with a quick kiss. Coy, he says that she is recovering faster than expected, as they stable breathing. They share a laugh, but her eyes flitting around awkwardly until Young-oh she kisses again.

Back in the auditorium, the ethics committee ultimately decides Young-oh, but Dr. Lee asks her to reconsider, quit. He argues that Young-oh has to save his best of his patients, to put his own life at risk.

He goes on that to tell whether the problem is the fact that Young-oh can not empathize because of his disease with his patients, he, his father, should be the one who is punished. Dr. Lee admits finally his sin, by noting that the disorder came about because of his many years of abuse, and his desire to conceal his surgical error.

Dr. Lee adds, despite all that Young-oh has become a much better doctor than him. He has the responsibility for the lung transplant and the subsequent penalty to take, then bends to the committee.

Director Kang announced the news of Dr. Lee resignation to Assistant Manager Chae, the alarmed by the development. Director Kang warns Assistant Manager Chae not to mess up the marketing of its medical research in light of the Young-oh and Suk-Joo little stunt yesterday. He promises Assistant Manager Chae hospital director position, if all goes well.

Assistant Manager Chae finds Suk-Joo in his office, and is much more pleasant when he tried to discuss the next steps. Assistant Manager Chae Recalls its change in tone, and Suk-Joo responds that their research was not a mistake. The problem was an easy solvable problem that occurred during its clinical trials, because the heart failure patients are to suffer no side effects for the free tests, only the heart valve patient. This means murdered Assistant Manager Chae chief director Shin of a simple error. Assistant Manager Chae insists that it to protect their research, but Suk-Joo, he tells her fault in a crime done, and that is something that he can never forgive. He advises Assistant Manager Chae reveal everything, and then they can start.

Gi-ho comes in Suk-Joo pack to see their research. Suk-Joo told Gi-ho, what he discovered and says that he wants to be the kind of doctor who can admit his mistakes, he can not continue as if their research without error on.

Later Gi-ho comes as Suk-Joo continues in his office packing, looking bleary eyes. He tells Suk-Joo that this research is his life, and he can not let Suk-Joo ruining it. He begins with a scalpel Suk-Joo attack, swear him a hero for the benefit of their research to make.

Suk-Joo keeps him in time for the safety of Gi-ho off to capture and draw. It seems that Young-oh is responsible Suk-Joo to store. He comes into the office Suk-Joo to say that he assumed someone thereof might try to hurt him, but had never expected to be his close collaborator. Young-oh then asks Suk-Joo, what will he do now. Shaken, but a clear head, Suk-Joo swears responsibility for his actions to take, did just as Young-oh.

Director Kang Assistant Manager Chae goes and tells him that he has a plan, but he then drove him to the prosecutor and he suggests turning. It offers the services of their family lawyer to fight Assistant Manager Chae order, but stated that he went too far when he killed chief director Shin.

Solange Suk-Joo evidence for Assistant Manager Chae has misdeeds in his possession, they can not win the case. Assistant Manager Chae tried Director Kang threaten and insisted that he will not go down alone, but director Kang points out that Assistant Manager Chae can not afford to lose its support, because then he will be truly alone. Director Kang drives away then, Assistant Manager Chae leave the responsibility for his actions.

Young-oh place in his office of his father and says quietly that he he has heard, not fired, but also that Dr. Lee retires. When his father says nothing, Young-oh asks if he should take the gesture as a way of apologizing for his disturbing childhood.

Dr. Lee rejected the notion outright, and Young-oh starts to leave. Dr. Lee looks from his boxing and says that Young-oh is the best doctor he knows and he wants to leave a legacy to Hyunsung.

Touched, Young-oh the water in his eyes, and he asks his father what he intends to do from now on. Dr. Lee smiles and replies that he wants to relax, just like Young-oh told him.

Sometime in the future, Min-jae now hosts a television program that appears around the topic of love to be centered. Dr. So laments the injustice in favor of Min-jae overlooked, and his colleagues Power Rangers comfort him. Dr. Yoo tried to kiss Min-jae and asks in a research paper to work together, now find their fame their given newfound worthy. Min-jae immediately turns it down, then apologized.

Elsewhere Suk-Joo runs in Dr. Lee in a park and joins him for a chat. Dr. Lee says Suk-Joo that he has heard developed a way to make their research to use effects with no side. If Suk-Joo asks how he learned smiles Dr. Lee and says that Young-oh told him.

Dr. Lee says then Suk-Joo that he at such a young age, because she is so brave proud of him. Suk-Joo smiles and says that his bravery cost him a fortune, since most of its revenue for research just goes. But in return, he is very happy.

Back at the hospital, Young-oh meets with a patient and tells him that he has a tumor that eventually lead to loss of hearing. This is devastating news for the cellist, who then asks whether an operation to cure him.

Young-oh looks from his clipboard on the patient to say blankly that his hearing can not be saved. The patient explodes at Young-oh, wanted to know how Young-oh can be as quiet as he loses everything.

Young-oh tells him: "I can not feel your pain I have a disability that is me not being able to empathize with others is why I plan to stand by your side to I'm not a... blind eye to turn your pain or feel exhausted. Every time you need me, I'll always be up to the moment you extend my hand to the hospital to leave with a healthy body. "


Later, Young-oh prepares work, and when he put on his jacket, it can be over and clutches his chest in pain murmur, "My goodness, this woman." Oh, that's so morbid and sweet.

He calls Jin-sung and suspects that it is some really steep stairs; he can say, because it has its lungs. She does not believe him and scolds him for trying to trick them. She asks if he can feel where it is headed. He says that not a matter of intuition, but logic. She disagrees, and says it is called consistency. They meet at opposite ends of a street and walk toward each other in the middle, as Young-oh says in voiceover:

Young-oh: "I can not be your may feel heart; I can not even sympathize with you, the only choice I can do is to love you "


as most of the audience, it's very difficult for me to distil exactly how I feel about the drama as a whole. The consequence reducing left a bad taste in the mouth, and so I went into this episode with resentment of what could have been, and relief for what was.

Overall, I think the writers wrapped things as best they could, and focused on what really matters what the regenerative research things winding down, Suk-Joo return to the good side, punishment Assistant Manager Chae is, and more importantly, the emotional core of our history: the relationship between father and son. That's not to say that wind-down was not without fault, there were many-it is rather that the story, respects the characters enough their character to keep growth intact by not dealing with them from the role crazy things. Everything was purposeful and meaningful (except Gi-ho-the kind of lazy way it was a tragic victim will not leave.)

On the other hand it's sad, because in the last few episodes I could feel Scripture loses its sharpness and clarity. Lines were repeated from character to character, and the dialogue was mostly exposition except Young-oh is very winning and lovely little speeches. There are a number of scenes, things could have made much clearer with only a line here and there, but a part of the dialogue felt like a vague, jumbled mess. One example is Jin-sung practice. We have heard over and over again, by several people as illegal and dangerous the operation, but it would have been nice if Young-oh fallen in line with the fact that they were to Jin-sung. Later it became obvious, but it would have been nice, except that iron from a little better from the get-go. Also, I'm not sure I like the fact that they were on the substance of Jin-sung's loss of agency palliation and solely on the illegality of it focused. Everything is not necessarily good, even if it ends well.

Assistant Manager Chae really turned out a rather dull villain. Perhaps his backstory episode of stroke cut, his character depth needed it really so disappointing. If, however, in favor of more Dr. Lee and Young-oh, it was sacrificed definitely worth.

Suk-Joo was really much less interesting without chief director Shin. This relationship brought so much life and love to the character of Suk-Joo, who generally was quite reserved. I forgot how much I missed that up to this episode kept when they talk about him. I wish they would have driven, how much direction Chef Shin's death affected Suk-Joo fours at home a little more. They played with him a lot, but then made Dr. Kim's daughter's death the catalyst. I absolutely that, but it's kind of lost steam somewhere towards the end. His connection to his mentor's death would have rounded out nicely. His alleged shift to the dark side was so half-heartedly, I know it was for his eventual return of the Jedi, done so, but it seemed a little warm somehow. Seems like a shame.

The fact that it plays only ignored the subject of Young-oh the parentage with the theme of nature obviously take good vs. nurture argument, where the show was an explanation for the latter. Although I really wanted to know, I suppose it's not exactly relevant, this character is the identity for the building, which is quite unusual. Finally, strengthened the unity of the family of Dr. Lee and Young-oh through their relationship not muddling with the external element. I loved Dr. Lee Smiling in the epilogue, when he mentioned "his child." I will smile to remember for a while.

I liked the reversal of so Young-oh, to be the one to put the emotional comfort to his father available. Some of the topics discussed and in this drama conceptions of parents and their children or husbands and wives were so poignant and painful, and rarely seen elsewhere. I was thrilled with how the show the way in which we explored hurt, love and heal today.

I am also pleased that Dr. Lee and Young-oh on a good note to end, and that their relationship is clearly on the road to recovery. Yes, Jin-sung and Young-oh are very nice (although it only a little shrill felt their relationship forward to see as quickly as much, but whatever, it's cool) were, but Dad and Young-oh in this Drama everything for me. Also the fact that we were able to see their history, full play is the most important thing, at least for me.

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