Recap And Reviews Kdrama Dear my friends: Episode 5

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Dear my friends: Episode 5 -

Appearances are deceptive. You think you can know a person on their appearance and behavior-based, by what they say and how they act, but you can their motivations or anxiety not quite understand the show who they really are at their core , As Wan is the discovery that to her aunts is so much more than they imagined at first, so are we realizing viewers that these characters be likable than originally suspected.


Episode 5: "Do not be lonely, you have me at your side."

sit down at the police station, Hee-ja and Jung-ah profess solemnly to their hit-and-run, and told in custody, while the bulls look into it. Aw, Hee-ja asks sweet they can be assigned to the same cell, when they are sent to prison. While they wait, they seem square surrounded by the standard-drunk-and-disorderly and delinquent Hooligans also in custody.

The same senior officer, the Young-won to be convinced to go Hee-ja after suicide attempt shows the aunties CCTV footage of the accident site. Another car was responsible for the beating and the old man to kill. As with the aunts, hit her only crime a deer that had wandered into the street.

Wan only arrives, and outside a shop celebrate the aunts' freedom with the traditional tofu - and a couple of beers. they look happy and laughing again is such a relief.

How funny, as is the stress to think the aunts went through thanks to the deer, nor take their aunts accident seriously. Hee-ja prays that the deer had lived a long life, and that it is time to go, and every baby deer will be able to have a good life.

Jung-ah itself can do for running away from the scene of the accident and so not forgive to be innocent. She used to look at a good person, but now she has her doubts. She takes Seok-gyun penalty - keep the childish her hands over her head, as a penance -. angry because of him from her disrespectful behavior the last few days

Choong-nam counts methodically cash in different envelopes for her family and to set their spending. Your nephew abusing it so to be ready money to give her family when they ask, even if she's in debt. Although she admits that it bothers them too doles still carefully out of money.

She's on her way to have drinks with her professor friend and the other artists, but because they do not have their glasses they can not read the text message giving the instructions. She's out on the complicated directions, said over the phone, as it collides in a young couple. They are irritated that they only went to them, but she yells at them that they need to respect an older and see where they go.

Then she runs into an old man gently a cart full run recycling. Although it is a little more respect for him, she blames him to take the road, as it will help him Boxing bind its carton.

When they left the restaurant reached, the Professor and friends. He's already pretty drunk, and he thanks her happily for all of their patronage. He is ready to continue the party with some karaoke, and the men say they go into it to enjoy a drink while they find a taxi.

She sits down at her cluttered table where clearly some fun alcohol had times were. The waitress gives her the bill and said that the men before paying left. Choong-nam waves it off, because the guys will be back soon to get them, but then she gets a text message.

is handed over to the waitress because she forgot her glasses, drops her face when she hears that the professor apologized for the rest of their get-together will be canceled. Resigned to her fate, she asks how much the bill, gasping when she finds out that there is more than $ 0.

you come home to find her nephew decided that night even though he knew she hates to spend alone, at night. Carefully screw them even calling on the half a dozen locks on the door, the security company, their house a good watch to ensure the hold.

When she for the evening consists in a late-night snack prepping and her book opens for GED study, Wan tells us that Auntie Choong-nam life is full of contradictions. She looks at old people down, although it is a self. She prefers the company of young people, but is afraid to die alone in an empty house.

But if you understand a little more about their lives, it gives you a different perspective. She grew up in the countryside on, the youngest of twelve children, and supported by working in a textile factory when she was thirteen, then go to school at night. She moved on to be a bus driver, traveling across the country. She worked for ten years with her family on the market, and after careful savings of up could invest in real estate, which netted her a small fortune.

She did her best that money to use to their great support family, but it was impossible to keep all of them out of poverty. Most of her family died due to various causes, you leave behind to raise their children in their place. Many of the spouses and children who were left behind became seriously ill, enough to permanently assume the stay in an expensive hospital ward.

Choong-nam, along with their two nephews, visit regularly tend to them. Thanks to her family, Choong-nam had to organize forty funerals, but had no chance to plan her own wedding to each. is It adopts her family poor because they are ignorant -. This contempt for the elderly and the love of intellectuals

On the flip side, Wan beloved aunt Young-Won has lived a seemingly glamorous life, since she was young. Settled by an agency, when she was a college freshman, she never lacked for work or friends. Her femme fatale roles made them rich and famous. But is this the reality? Or just one more acceptance of what must be her life?

During a lunch break during the filming, Young-won happily signed autographs and taking pictures with fans. At another table, two women gossip about Young-won's many marriages and dating scandals. Finally, Young-Won turns and pleasantly tells them that she's just married twice and the scandals are just rumors - she lives alone. Hopefully they will put in their place.

time to start shooting, and it has to do after the start, take from being soaked with water. She takes a moment in the car to rest, where her manager tells her she should quit for the day. But she's a soldier and heads back out where their next scene, the mean plays mother-in-law struggles with the daughter-in-law. Despite how it may feel when the camera is running, forcing a smile and plays its role. Wan. "I love my aunt"

While a film break, Wan chats with Young-wan over the phone, they get caught on Hee-ja and Jung ah adventure. So as that she misses Yun-ha hesitant to hang up, Wan tells her auntie is over. She tried calling him, but he will not pick up. Just like the aunts that are more than what they seem to be, asks Wan how other people see them.

Yun-ha sees that Wan vocation, but ignored it. He's in a music store, and the CD he just wants out of his reach, thanks to his wheelchair. The shop assistant is helping him to get it, and as it, Yun-ha sister comes a week are strikingly high -. He ensures that the pretty saleswoman to say that they

In voice-over, Wan tells us that she loved him first and only did his sister

their best to win his heart, and she promised to stay together no matter what. But after the accident, she dropped him, heartless, without hesitation. Although it is technically true, says Wan that they feel lonely, if that's how someone summarizing.

Down at Grandma's Farm, Nan-hee helps grow plants, while her disabled brother tried some push-ups. Granny yells at him to find out how he is going to manage when it's gone - he was not getting his sister out free load can. Grandma and her husband intended to take with her when she died, but she says Nan-hee, that they should be buried in mountains opposite. Pfft. Nan-hee points out that no one would guess at them now done on looking at how much her father grandmother lives hell -. They seem like a happy, devoted couple

Seung -jae invited him all the "welcome home" for a join party, and as Suk-gyun says Jung-ah about he can not help but still wonder whether or not Hee-ja and Seung-jae slept together when they were younger. You just release him and told him to eat his breakfast and to work a hurry, so he will not be fired. But Suk-gyun just laughs and tells her one of the other guards fired instead of him.

This means that their trip canceled once again, and pouts them as Suk-gyun you ask about HEE continue yes and Seung-jae. He compromises to tell her to eat with a spoon when they slept together, or use their fingers when they did not. She hesitates a second, then takes her spoon, too Suk-gyun of giggling satisfaction.

In the church, Hee-ja, asks Seung-jae, what he knows about what happened that night, and he looks very serious when he tells her that he knows she hit a deer .... She asks him if he's habit is still annoy women, but he is just glad she has admitted that she did not remember him. Maybe, but that Seung-jae them before, died more than fifty years in her heart knows.

He wonders if it is because he has not met for 50 years of the church in front of her before she moved away, as it would promised. He explains that he was going to show, but his mother had a stroke, so he sent her to let know a friend that he had been delayed. But this friend was the one who finally her husband always who decided Hee-ja to court, instead of passing the message along Seung-jae.

Later, Seung-jae and Choong-nam are on what he playfully calls her "date" - it's really just the two of them for ingredients for his party shop. Choong-nam flattered by his attention, but she's no fool, to wonder if it's because she's single just that he thinks it a pushover. No, it's because he is comfortable with it. Oh, they are pretty cute as they go along by the market.

When he for the party PREPS, Choong-nam looks around, with special note of all the photos of his dead wife. He wonders why she never married, teasingly asking if it's because she could never forget him, her first love. It denies it obese, but by the way she acts around him, he was totally.

He drives home in his convertible, and it is endearing, how happy she is. It makes him feel so young to drive a car that, no matter how old admit his body gets, he still feels young at heart. Wan tells us that at this moment, Choong-nam was fluttering her heart feel that they recognize making, despite how her life so far, had her heart not completely given up on the hope for love.

Nan-hee visited Young-won at her home, and it feels like a grudging visit at its end, because it is full of attitude while waiting, Young-won to pour her tea. She's here on a mission, though - why is Young-winning two-timing on her with Sook-hee

It's because Sook-hee cancer final stage has. Young-Won admits that she had not for years seen Sook-hee, but Sook-hee was the one who called her, wanted one last time to see before she died her old friend. Stubborn Nan-hee refuses to accept that as an excuse angry out that Young-Won is her best friend, and she promised, would never be seen again Sook-hee.

Silent Young-won off her shawl, revealing the scar on her neck. It's from when she had thyroid cancer. They took over their cancer from once they moved overseas, and Sook-hee, she flew to join. Nan-hee tries to keep their hard persona as "so what?" A stuttering, but Young-won unveiled quiet more scars explains the spread of cancer.

She takes her wig, her short hair showing off. There is another month of chemo treatment to go. Sook-hee was the only one who was there to take care of her. Wan and Granny know about their cancer, but she said not to say anything to Nan-hee, guessing accurately that it would be difficult to bring for her compassion for her friend with her anger at Sook-hee consistent.

Nan-hee speechless until it finally breaks into a rage that Young-won for living with a married man punished. It's just an irrational reaction when she tried her tears to hide for her boyfriend, and Young won her friend anger accepted tired and stated that there were good reasons that they had Sook-hee to see.

When she is working late at the office, Wan says her mother that they Seung-jae party will not go. No further meetings for them, remember? They tried calling Yun-ha, but he does not answer. Dong-jin delivers a cup of coffee and a reassuring pat on the back when she tried to call Yun-ha again.

Nan-hee goes home slowly, her eyes still full of tears when they reveal of Young roles -Won of. She wonders why Young-won not tell her about the cancer, especially when she was that sick.

The next day at Seung-jae Party, Young-Won in fully happy-go-lucky shape, greeting merry all and tease Choong-nam, they like a fresh wed help party hosts looks. Hee-ja only agreed to go Seung-jae party, after finding out that Gi-ja be there, too, and it's just so that they can defend her husband the choice to sleep in the closet. It was his way of penance to pay for an affair to have had.

They are all relieved that they be friends again, but Hee-ja is now to find out determines who was that her husband died blabbed the cabinet. Choong-nam hiccups they make the first suspect (and do not believe has not Hee-ja noticed how much she is the woman of the house were to act), but it turns out, Suk-gyun was the blabbermouth. Hee-ja, the story is just about the rumor they were sleeping and Seung-jae determined set.

Everyone is willing to take the party to Gi-jas colatec as a way to the new gap is growing between her and Hee-ja, but Hee-ja stubbornly refuses still upset to appease that Gi-ja would spread rumors.

as they ride in the club, Young- has won enthusiastic as chummy Choong-nam and Seung-jae look. Annoys Choong-nam about getting married, but Choong-nam insisted stubbornly that after all the work she has done in her life, to be independent, so someone will not be bound again. Even so, when she gets a text by Seung-jae to tell her how much fun he had at the party and that he hopes to see them again soon, she can not hide her little smile of joy.

Gi-ja living organizing partner when the aunts (minus Hee-ja) arrive. Choong-nam and Granny look less than thrilled to be there, but the other women are willing to enjoy the music and dance.

Just then Nan-hee receives a message and goes outside Hee-ja begging them to join - finally she decided to come all this way. Moreover, it would help Gi-ja. Just because they are widows who need not worry about money problems, does not mean that their friends do not have to work hard to make a living.

Gi-ja steps outside, ask if HEE- yes it is to fight it. Pffft. Instead try Hee-ja too quiet to pass an envelope of cash.

There is a gift of friendship, and although Gi-ja at first tried to deny it, she was touched by Hee-ja generosity. Oh, these old ladies and their filial pride. Although it considers to be a colatec insistence is too loud and crowded for you, Hee-ja, it decides to take a chance. She stands in the doorway, watching her friends laughing and dancing to music.

Wan busy working when they get an email from Yun-ha looks. There is a video of him with his date riding - pretty saleswoman. He disclosed that it has to a place he're going in three years not given. Wan looks shocked when she realizes where he is.

three years ago on this day retrospect when Yun-ha Wan says to meet him, and added that the urban legend has it that when someone proposes the cathedral at 6:00, they will stay together forever. He joyfully yells: "Let's get married!" As he runs through the streets.

laugh, Wan begins to run. The two lovebirds rushing breathlessly into the cathedral to meet before the bells 06:00. As Wan arrives on the square outside the church, she sees Yun-ha upward run from the opposite side -. And slammed by a truck get

The sudden shock causes them to crush on the floor, and she watches, stunned, while people gather around Yun -ha, his legs bent in an impossible angle, as he is caught under the wheel of the truck. The cathedral bells six beat.

In the present, Yun-ha says Wan in his video message, that although it was difficult for him, he wanted to come at six o'clock in the cathedral again to pray for their eternal friendship. He adds that he will always love her -. Friend

She swallows down her beer, then goes into the fridge to get as she cries another. Meanwhile, back in his studio, Yun-ha pulls a pair on the cathedral square to kiss as he sees smiling together on the pictures of him and Wan.

Nan-hee busy in the restaurant do their accounts late night when her mysterious musician arrives, asking if the restaurant still open.

sitting down with a glass of wine, Choong-nam calls Seung-jae asks him why he can not join for a drink. She reminds him that he said that they should get together soon, but he tells her that a group was text. She puts on him, embarrassed, as she behaves. He calls Hee-ja to wish her a good night, though, what confuses them. This is definitely not a group call -. Just Sayin '

Choong-nam is trying to get everyone to come for a drink, but they were all occupied or gave excuses, with the exception of Young-Won , Aw, their friendship is sweet. She tells of the breakdown with the professor-Young won, which made her pay for their drinks. Young-Won wonders why she still hangs out with them, and Choong-nam, she says not old people do not like -. They all die at the end of

She says Young-won to stop time with Wan, Wan for sake, because they just end up watching all die aunts. get Choong-nam steps outside some fresh air, despite the pouring rain, waiting for Young-won, to join them, and is surprised Dong-jin rush past her to see.

He's there for Wan, who is in a bent corner, soaked from the rain and her tears. Still crying, they get rid of him or her to help the memories, she asks of Yun-ha. While the aunts secretly observe, Dong-jin kisses her gently.


Ooooh, Dong-jin, what are you doing? Are not you married yet? Why would confuse us so and give Choong-nam more gossip fodder? Then again, I should I take to the Council of Wan hear and not blithely someone from the short appetizers I judge to know about them until I get the whole story ... buuuuuut I still totally judging him, especially knowing how much Nan-hee lose their minds as soon as they find out.

While Wan romance with Yun-ha beautiful and tragic was (apparently the truck of Fate knows no geographical limitation, and although I happen expected, it was still shocking enough to make me loud) gasping for air to make, I actually found his video message to be hopeful rather than a brush-off, as it originally appeared. At first glance, I saw to say the video: "Hey, look at me - I've moved on I can spend the time with another woman and go to the place of our accident, the place where I would suggest you and. . in peace they "But I realize the more I think about it, the more that he give Wan a gift - his friendship. She was the one who ran away, things broke off, but he told her that he harbors no ill will. He is not foolish hold on to the hope that somehow Wan will return him. Instead, he will go on with his life, in the hope - as a caring friend -. That Wan is also

In addition, there is a man in this drama which hasn 't his wife cheated? Just wait - it is Suk-gyun, and I will have finally grudgingly like him start. I just feel so terrible for the aunts, who have had to deal with the shame and sorrow of their fraud husbands - and abuse also. Not only Soon-Young (despite her finally to make a move to get away from him, I have a that history the feeling is not over yet), but Nan-hee and grandma, too.

everything Considering I feel like I have to be more suspicious Seung-jae and his playboy ways, but damn it, I'm apparently weak for its charms. I am prepared for sorrow, I'm not sure how a love triangle in this drama play, but I can not help loving him with Choong-nam. Despite their firm commitment to the independence, her goofy little smile when she is with him so faithfully for anyone who ever has a crush was, whether you are in your twenties or your seventies. For someone who has worked for others to create their lives, so hard, it's so wrong, they want someone who will just be considerate to her, as she was better than others?

Then again, that's what friends are, is not it? Without a doubt my favorite thing is about this drama the prolonged, deep friendships between women. Husbands come and go and the children move away, but friendships are forever. I love the research, it is important that women maintain their close relations and maintain a family-like community, regardless of whether they have their own family to do. Although they sometimes walls or lie to each other put to protect their friendships are always in the forefront of their compounds.

I am now laughing at me because course Friendship is the most important - after all, it is in the very title itself, "Dear my friends" is like a love letter to all close relations. to start, the stronger grow only through the channels of time and resources of the accident.

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tags: love My friends, in Go You- Shim, Go Hyun-Jung Kim Hye-ja, Na Mun-hee, Shin Gu, Yoon Yeo-jung

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