Recap And Reviews Kdrama Happy Romantic: Episode 1

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Happy Romantic: Episode 1 -

Yay, it's nice and funny! Huzzah. I was afraid that MBC new romantic comedy happy Romance may not live up to expectations, but the series is off to a good start, made with lovable characters, a brisk pace and a good balance of humor and heart our two lines. It is written and directed with a flair for comedy, and the tone was right on the money. All the great things that has excited me, what is to come.

The series premiered with 10.3% rating in the first place, while Entertainer came to 7.5%, and Master God noodles brought in 6.8 %.


a well-dressed man pulls into a ritzy nightclub and attracts sunglasses. It's dark, it is clear for looks. In Club struts woman in a sparkling dress down the hallway and wonders why the hunter Snow saved, "Because she was pretty"

When she thinks that, she stumbles in her heels and all around men come to her help. We then see that they are not a guest here, but a cocktail waitress. Just as she has to go past the man in sunglasses on, another server calls her name. This is our heroine, SHIM BO NUI ( Hwang Jung-eum ).

The man with sunglasses enters the Good Luck Casino and sitting with a little grin at one table, and casually placed below one million won chip. At the same time, Bo-nui turns into a uniform doorman and pulls on pink rubber gloves. Filthy rich and dirt poor. Check, check

When Bo-nui mops the floor, she wonders why the fairy godmother Cinderella was a pumpkin carriage. "? Because it was good," she decides that all crap, and the girls had a happy ending is because they were fated to be at the beginning of princesses.

She says that pretty women beat beautiful women and rich women beat them all. Bo-nui breaks in the sky for a little luck of their own and the screen is divided between her and the sunglasses to pray player. It cleans by counting cards at the blackjack table and do the math in his head, while Bo-nui the men's room and error that has to clean up a balding man for her boss.

She pauses to check their assets today and their mobile app tells her to beware, because they'll take their enemy in the east. Bo-nui has an enemy because she hopes to cross paths, and she mutters to herself that they receive interest plus expenses when they find this person. Perhaps the boss is looking?

A lot around the sunglasses player whose name has gathered JE SU-HO is ( Ryu Joon-yeol ), and at one point he gets up suddenly and declared that viewers keep its gains and only goes out.

A balding man chasing him for a handshake down a little luck would rub off on him, but Su-ho says none of it was luck, it was all brains. (It is contrary to its name, there is jesu Fortunately, if the word most often used to call someone a luckless jerk.)

from a distance, Bo-nui wonders if the man could be balding the boss, she is looking for and chasing after them with the car, her caretaker, full speed running down the hall. Su-ho turns to her and immediately does the calculation in his head, how fast it is towards them races and how many seconds he has to dart out of the way ...

But it does not it good as the car turns sideways, slamming right into him anyway, pouring all her mop bucket disgusting bathroom water alllllllll about him. She is shocked when he gets to offer immediately a hand like a gentleman, reaching him just past her outstretched hand to observe to bring his sunglasses. Wah waah.

Bo-nui apologizes and offers for its cleaning to pay, but Su-ho continues just down the road without a second look , It's a relief he did not Assy-only completely disinterested in her. It's morning by the time he is out of the casino, heading, and he rushes to a hotel with no time to stop for a shower.

A staffer welcomes Su-ho as "Director", and he interrupts two programmers on an error in their game are currently freaky, called Genius II (Cameo of comedians Park Sung Kwang, Heo Kyung- hwan). Su-ho waves them aside and fixes errors in no time at all, and then takes them for not being able to object to fix it.

His assistant says she did for three nights just in preparation for the big launch, but Su-ho is unfazed because he wants trouble, he needs no results. To him, saying, They were up three nights, their work is to be done to be bragging about an incompetent programmers. Eesh, he's obviously a hardass, but he says that his company name Zeze factory with pride as they should know better, but this effort is not enough to cut it here.

One of the programmers is impressed with Su-ho skills, while the other is bitter and angry, and do something about it over ...

Bo-nui grabs after their last shift at the casino that a job short term they turned took to try and keep track of their old boss down, a game addict who ran with their wages.

Su-ho finally gets a moment out of his soiled clothes to change, but how he remembers enthusiastically his assistants, how many reporters at the start of the game would be, he starts to mess with his head. He imagines to hear camera shutters and flashes again to be a child of five Genie, did math problems on television do, surrounded by lights and cameras.

There must've attacks caused panic, and he has now, as he is flooded with other memories, more violent: other children looking down at him, then teenagers to laugh and to torment him, and then drop someone in the water.

Su-ho sits in the shower, waiting for the panic attack to happen, and then, once he has settled Takes package of medicine. His assistant comes with by gone with clothing, but Su-ho has on her, so she called his best friend HAN Ryang-HA ( Jung Sang-hoon ), another pun name on hanryang , which means "playboy".

Ryang-ha says he sent Su-ho to a casino last night, so it should feel great right now, after his brain firing up. But it's not much comfort to Su-ho assistant who needs him for the big launch.

Bo-nui heads a park filled with small time players for the boss looking streets ~~ POS = TRUNC games, too play, which ran with their money. She comes to a man on a park bench with his face covered, mechanically recite a series of numbers. She scares the daylights out of him, and both Su-ho and Bo-nui are surprised to see each other.

It assumes it a lot of money at the casino lost and is down in the dumps about it, and if he refuses to take their money for dry cleaning, she pushes a talisman in his pocket before runs away, insisting that it makes them feel better to give him something. He tried to say that he is not superstitious junk believes in this, and watches her as she is the strangest woman he has ever met.

She turns back to tell him that he is the face of someone whose body has more than his mind, and advises him to work hard , Su-ho yawns and jumps to his feet, bubbling, "the body over the mind ...? What? I'm The Su-ho! Zeze Factory Je ... mega genius Je ... Je Su-ho ...! "But no one listening to him. Heh.

Bo-nui finally tracked her delinquent boss in the middle of trying to bottom, to sell his car for more money to play with, and takes the wheel to head home back. Su-ho assistant DAL NIM ( Lee Cho-hee ;? Is she called "moon" because they Spacey) is beyond relieved when he returns to the hotel, but it holds the second crisis under wraps and not tell him that the other programmers have left and intercepted the game just in time for the start doomed to fail.

panicked Dal-nim calls her friend Bo-nui and asks her help to come. Huh, it is to be a programmer on top of a cocktail waitress and caretakers? Bo-nui refuses calls Zeze the enemy who knows Dal-nim only too well. Nothing works, to persuade them to Dal-nim bursts to quadruple to pay the money; Bo-nui swings the car in an instant.

in the same hotel, world-class tennis star CHOI GUN-wook ( Lee Soo-Hyuk ) arrives at a press conference, accompanied by his sports agent HAN SEOL-HEE ( Lee Chung-ah ). He after a long time to return to Korea spent abroad and is filled with adoring fans.

Bo-nui finally her friend Dal-nim place at the hotel and immediately starts on a big bunny costume set. Wait, she's playing a mascot here? This was the emergency? Bo-nui says it is to protect, as Zeze bad Juju or something has.

Meanwhile, Su-ho cling in preparation for the launch, but when he peeks behind the curtain of a second on the audience he begins a distorted version of them, and all up and laugh to see him to listen.

He can feel another attack coming on and rushes to his dressing room, only to realize that he accidentally threw away his pills back into the park when he throw the talisman that Bo-nui gave him. Uh-oh.

Bo-nui does actually sit at the computer to fix the problem, although I still do not know why they specifically disguised as a rabbit, to do it. She has small mountains of salt the computer (to ward off evil, I suppose) surrounded, so it is clearly to do with their superstitions.

you get un-hacking to work the hack, and in the auditorium, Dal-nim biting her nails as Su-ho from the stage comes. He seems to have got his stage fright under control, and says he will demonstrate Genius II itself. He grabs his tablet up to start the game, and Dal-nim covers her eyes ...

But just lately, Bo-nui fixes the bug and the game starts, as it should , Phew. It is only after it has done that it looks at the live feed in the auditorium and recognizes Su-ho and puts them all together.

Su-ho continue with his presentation, when suddenly the screen changes to videos of Tiger, and the game disappears. Dal-nim flail and reporters rushing to the stage, and Su-ho friend Ryang-ha tries to grab them from blocking Photos. A ajusshi gets left on during the chaos.

Su-ho has managed so far to get in the presentation because he had earplugs in, and when he takes them out, the rush is too big and he faints right there on stage.

When he comes, is a giant rabbit on him staring at is. Bo-nui controls bunny to make sure that he's okay, and then to leave, but Su-ho runs after her and grabs her bunny tail (hee). He gets hilarious to try Handsy to leave them to stop with the hare, they think a corporate spy is.

I can not say seriously if he tried her, hug her or struggle, and in the scuffle she ends at the top covered up by him. At the end of Bo-nui him occurs to get away in the eggs, and Dal-nim runs with an ice pack on that she had thought of her head ... and provides them down there instead. LOL. Su-ho gasps that they have to seal the exits and catch the hare.

Out in the lobby, sports agent Seol-hee reporters gossiping about the great fainting incident in the next Auditorium eavesdropped on, and at the mention of Su-ho, she goes looking for him.

Bo-nui waiting at the bus stop with her giant bunny costume on both sides of it, and try what makes bulky miss wearing the bus. Luckily someone pulls her a ride-it's the ajusshi to offer, which was at the presentation Zeze and went out.

Bo-nui welcomed him happy and knows him as the 01-chicken ajusshi, and he blames them for not coming back after they finish their part-time job There. He thinks that she went to a nice salaried job, and it is quiet at that. They shrink back even further when her phone rings with a series of texts for their late rent payment to ask and keep on her credit card set.

After getting the whole story, Su-ho is not completely convinced that the rabbit was not going to help in the sabotage with his angry programmer and her friend Innocence, Dal-nim, prove true Bo-nui on to put speakerphone when she calls. Bo-nui asked when Dal-nim you go to pay today's work, and when to get Dal-nim tried to tell her that she was not doing something nefarious, Bo-nui asked whether The Su-ho throws her ago, a spy. Chicken Ajusshi turns to look at her name at the mention of Su-ho.

not realizing that she was eavesdroppers at each end, Bo-nui rambles about how Su-ho is probably one of those rich famous people who so lonely and stressed that they are violent, and muses that he would be a great shock to have its employees, it sabotage on the day of launch.

It cracks me that Su-ho not revealed, although he in anger stewing, and that it interferes with typing a note to Dal-nim on his cell phone, have Bo-nui come into the office. But Bo-nui refuses to say that it is no longer even go fart in the direction Zeze. Pfft, Su-ho looks are spoken in this manner so confused about.

Tennis Pro Gun-wook in a residential area to come and smiles lovingly as he building looks onto a small apartment which he remembers a family home to be when he was a child. His agent Seol-hee wonders why he wanted to come here, but he assures her that he will not cause any scandals and usher them, so that he can be alone for a meeting from.

Gun-wook of Mover goes out of the building hauling stuff and heads to take to the roof, as the view has changed over the years.

down Bo-nui is deducted from Chicken Ajusshi, and rushes to stop her landlady to move all their belongings on the street. The landlady says it's been months that they will pay their rent, but Bo-nui asks them for a chance because she has to live here ". I did not leave this place Someone will come back here."

The hostess finally caves and gives her a few more days, and Bo-nui thanks her. Gun-wook watches all this passively from the roof, but when he heard Bo-Nui names, he ignites to recognize, that is Bo-nui down there, and that she still lives here.

Gun-wook goes to see her, but she gets another alarming call this time it is the hospital, and they have more time to ask starts to pay their bills, but what they hear on the other end sends her running. At the time, Gun-wook gets down, it's gone.

The offices Zeze factory look like a high-tech playground, and the crew is shocked at startup time through Su-ho fainting to experience. He rushes in and tells everyone to back everything and things on lockdown, and do what it takes to find the programmer takes the sabotaging him.

Su-ho turns on the light in his office, and unsurprisingly, also his bed has a remote control that pulls it behind a hidden wall. Are you also Batman?

Bo-nui is gripped with fear as she runs to the hospital, which already runs with a memory of her in the same way is intercut in rain soaked. She gets to the hospital and takes a deep breath before looking at a space where doctors and nurses are rushing to try to get a girl to revive.

shed tears from Bo-Nui eyes as she begged softly, "Please, our Bo-ra Save Please see our. Bo-ra save. "She crouched in the corner just remains to say that over and over again, until the doctor finally comes out.

There is good news for now, as they were able Bo-ra to stabilize, who must be Bo-Nui little sister. Bo-nui thanked the doctor and promises to pay overdue hospital bills, but the doctor suggests gently her sister from supporting life.

It's been two years that she has been in a vegetative state, and he says that they do not continue to hope for a miracle, when the prognosis is poor. But Bo-nui will not give up hope, and says with tears on her face that Bo-ra wake; he will see.

When they returned to happy times with her parents and her little sister, Bo-nui said that you think parents was " favorite song "Sad Fate", and now wonders if that's why she had such an unhappy her daughter.

, it flashes back to the day when the rain was hospitalized in. the doctors were anxious to get Bo-ra in the surgery, waiting for her to sign the papers, and Bo-nui was destroyed to see their little sister, be carted away covered with blood.

When they sat outside to curb hospital, a fortune-teller looked at her and sighed that their fate sad that her parents had died when she was young, and that they keep on another funeral soon.

that was enough to convince her to seek the fortune teller for a reading, and although they looked at first somewhat cautiously, he saw that she always killed the things around them would have. Bo-nui said that was always true-any plant or animal that was dead stopped, and after a while it was so bad that she was an outsider at school.

He also saw that her parents had died a gift for her clutching, and a flashback, the consequences of their car accident shows wanted to go in hand for a concert Bo-nui with cards. So she followed the crazy advice to the soothsayer nine drops of blood shed on her sister favorite clothes, burn and bury them deep in the forest and do 108 prayers.

Then she ran back to the hospital, where the doctor said he tried his best, but Bo-ra's heart stopped during surgery. Suddenly, a nurse came running out to tell him that Bo-ra heartbeat had returned, and Bo-nui was convinced that the fortune-teller had saved her sister.

In the presence of Bo-nui going to ask back to the fortune teller and plead for him to do something, but he says, that it is surprising that Bo-ra which took a long time as it is. But Bo-nui refuses to give up her sister and says she can not live without it. Feel bad for them, the fortune teller little salt sprinkled on the table, try a solution and to find and discovered something that ties him.

He asks menacingly when it is ready to do something. She says yes, so he tells her, "catch a tiger." Bo-nui: "Is there any tigers in our country I do not believe there are ..." The fortune teller calls them stupid and clarifies: "One born in the year of the tiger man" He tells her the night with a man Zodiac whose spending is the Tiger, otherwise soil! ra dies.

Bo-nui can think that it too crazy to be true, but you also know that the fortune teller is until now always been on the top right, and can not help feeling that to hear it, does it , Yes, but ... sleep with a man your sister to save?

That night, Su-ho for a bike ride goes to clear his head, but all he can do is, , think about all the articles and comments on the Internet about his public failure. People seem happy to reduce it to the size and watch him fail.

Bo-nui has apparently spent the rest of her day so, getting hammered because she stumbles street with pink cheeks, stopping at every tree and lamppost as a man, ask in all seriousness, "What is your Character?" she is the sweetest's drunk.

she cries: "There are no tigers Where are all the Tiger?" Just then, Su-ho happened by on his bicycle, and she yelps in excitement when she sees him, approaches. She screams: "You!" And he comes to a screeching halt in front of her.

His eyes wide to see running straight for him ... only you zoom past him to the enormous stuffed bear have, which has been thrown to the curb. It is committed to meeting with the bear to have below, how old he is, and that's when Su-ho it recognizes from the casino and the park and thinks she's crazy.

He catches as it is about to fall, and she looks at him and says, "Why is talking the lamppost" He tried to move away from her walk, but now it is refusing to turn all Handsy and get to let him go.

literally holds his ankles and practically touches the sweatshirt off his back him while trying to keep it all the time to know ask: "What's your sign Are you a lamppost or a? Tiger? "He is so confused and do not know what to do.

When they both finally on the ground, he draws only answers to their question: "I was born in the Year of the Tiger '86, Year of the Tiger" ,

, which immediately gets her attention, and she clings him by the shoulders and stares with purpose. And from their perspective, it turns into a tiger and growls. LOL.

In a brief epilogue, we rewind to the fortune of the day that Bo-nui to read on their mobile phone, and not scroll down to the part you see that-it would take an unexpected nobleman who their problems would help solve.


to like more than just the characters and the setup , this was a very good cost was first episodes in history and so they give the characters the device, solid motivations and launch us into the main conflict immediately. It should not be hard, but so many dramas can not manage everything to do in the first hour, and it often takes at least two (sometimes four) episodes to get me to invest and bring the story seriously in transition. Admittedly, part of which is an inventory characterization which and we are used to a hard-working, courageous heroine candy and a genius hero to the cues. But I was pleasantly surprised that they were not only the lazy stock versions of these types of characters, and that Bo-nui was smart and capable, and the Su-ho was (1) an actual boy genius, not only drama country version of smart, and (2) not a donkey. Okay, he's likely to work a horrible boss, but he is also endearingly nerdy, confident, and bad in a fight.

Especially, I am glad that we get clear motivation for our characters, especially with Bo-nui whose overly superstitious ways useful when you realize how there with their guilt and their desire bound in to save her sister. The fashion comes together, makes me relieved that if role I not believe in luck, she comes to believe in it because it only destroy their hope, when all else is lost, and that , I can understand. I do not like that the fortune teller nourishes in her debt say they actually is so unhappy that they caused the death to them (this is not Mirror Witch !), But I can see how they must feel like they can make a difference, otherwise the fate of her sister completely out of their control. It makes illogical superstition sense.

Su-ho character background by comparing nearly as much is not (probably because it has been changed from the original webtoon character pretty much for the drama) but I warmed to him when I saw that it was actually really hampered by his panic attacks and fright, and that he cares very much to prove about himself because he pours all of himself into his work. This is attributable, and I especially like that it is interested in what Bo-nui thinks of him, although it (still) not mattering. Hwang Jung-eum playing by really feel the episode, which is no surprise, since it is so good, and although Ryu Joon-yeol was usually the straight man to his hilarious antics, he showed some moments of comic potential also I believe that they are going to make a great couple. By the end of the episode, no matter how absurd the setup, I was thrilled that they had caught a tiger. I think I'm going to enjoy watching him tame.

We will also try a new feature where we grade each episode of a show, because we had some inquiries from readers, add this our recaps. happy Romance will be the testing ground for this, so let us know how we go, if that's something you like and want us to do, to keep, and we are on other shows to try. We are a show against itself be content (so, if you consider what it tries to be), and to a general standard for good dramas (because its the best episode of a middling revenge Do not show earn automatically A-Seeking at you, Mr. Black ).

Impact Grade: A-

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