Okay, I love the serious episode. I swear, it's not even because our hero finally gets a facelift (although that is worth a round of applause in itself-Fare thee well, mop the shame!), But because the family stuff hits the right chords. It's an episode about fathers, and the kind of love that is so solid that sometimes a reminder is a shock to the system-a poignant, tear-filled, love shock.
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Episode 4: "Romeo and Juliet"
We wind a little to see that Dad on the children place and the roof hidden out of sight, just in time to try Dal-po to watch to stop in-ha day long battle of hiccups to overlie with that things go well with mom and she's completely abandon in order to journalism altogether. in-ha knows that Dal-po for she gave College, and says that she can not live out of his taxi driving income forever.
But Dal-po keeps them out of all their books burn, by declaring that he needs it now, because he is going to become a reporter. just so, to stop her hiccups, and the fireworks exploding in the distance.
When she give down with her suitcase head full of books, In-ha deals Dal-po their valuable information that they spent creating three years. she worries about Opa out that Dal-po is not stupid, but he is not worried because he keep his taxi driver plans job and just trial with interruptions, because he he is not hired positive. Ah, okay, that helps me to understand your mood a little better. He says there is a zero percent chance that a taxi driver hired as a reporter, and corrects him that their chances are equal: fifty-fifty, passed or failed. For her sake, he agrees.
At home, Grandpa helps them regain their books set, and In-ha is already on the edge of only the inevitable blowup with Dad fearing to break upon them their Treaty. Opa she says wisely that it force anyone to think someone your thoughts, parents and children.
rushes When Dad comes home, In-ha to greet him, but as it in a big breath it takes to blurt out (while behind Dal-po hidden, heh), Dad cuts in Dal- ask po for a chat. Exit In-ha and behind Opa, wondering why they are about their career from a conversation is left.
Outside Dal-po begins to try and weigh Dad on In-ha names (and when alone, he's back to him Ajusshi) to call. He says that her dream In-ha can not give up, and cited haltingly Opas advice about not being able to control your kids and all that. But Papa is not here to talk about journalism, he confesses that he once saw on the roof up, and Dal-po clamped immediately. This is a conversation about other thing.
Daddy is a straight shooter, as always, and asks Dal-po when feelings for In-ha, or if he has the wrong idea yet once. This time, Dal-po does not bother trying to deny it, and admits that he does. He says he is not there, when: ". Just that it's been a long time"
Dad be not raise his voice or any signs of anger show, and only explains honestly that In-ha is the only daughter, so to him, it is the most beautiful and precious girl in the world, and no one will ever be good enough for them. Dal-po cuts to say it himself-that it's hard missing, and that he knows he crossed. Ugh, I love them both, so this week hurts, no matter which way you look at it.
Dal-po assured Dad that he will not have been a single time greedy about his feelings and not be in the future. Dad keeps trying to interject, but Dal-po do not let him, and I'm dying to know what he would say if given a chance. Dal-po: "The thing you worry about worrying will not happen to me is this family in the first place I will not ever do anything that break.." He says that he clean up his feelings, and Dad thanks him.
When she returned home In-ha, running out of the bathroom mid brushing and spits them prepared speech to Dad while foaming at the mouth. Dad has this hilarious moment when he is on the search-ha, while his own words to hear to play back in his head, as they are protected in the world and has the most beautiful girl.
He pushes back bath in and called it embarrassing, and he is on that concentrated that when she asks in between if she can stay with journalism, he tells her everything will do it. I love that he does not even see Dal-po in the eye, he is so embarrassed by it.
Hyung supervisor takes when working images of his battered bumper and tells him some money from the other guy get something to fix. Hyung says only that bumpers are to be encountered, and asks again for the supervisor to get him a part-time job on the team to help to demolish a nearby factory. Oh, this is the factory Firefighter Dad died? The man asks if he has no fear, because the factory is rumored to have ghosts, and Hyung thinks only of himself, that even in ghost form, he would like to see him.
You are Dal-po a stack to begin with books, and expects it to him would take a month to study it. He scans the stack, and says that he will be carried out in a week, and reminds them of his crazy speed-reading and memorization skills. Dal-po-ha seems much more now guarded around, extracting gently when connecting arms, or to control himself and stared at her, shaking the thoughts away.
He sits down at his desk and begins to study, and wakes up at dawn to the apartment complex to go and read the papers neighbors and notes. He has to hide when Grandpa comes through, but does not notice when Grandpa comes out again to peer at him. As expected, he seems to have known all along that Dal-po is not a dummy, and he smiles hard to see at work in front of him Dal-po.
in-ha and Dal-po spend their days in the library (where it through the window just sit in the sun to keep it out of their eyes), and trainer to get him on his enunciation, which is so frustrating that she reaches her mouth stretching laterally just the right notes, heh.
Opa sneaks into Dal-po rooms late at night, while he slumped at his desk, and all his comic books opened, find their guts replaced with journalism books. Funny how most kids in high school do the opposite spend.
Opa pets to make it sweet and seems his mind about something good. The next morning, he is a man with a mission, and go to the bookstore to buy the latest hip-men's magazine. The bookstore clerk tried him, which is to tell the young'uns, and Gramps is like, Yes duh .
He calls Dal- po and pulls him to kick and scream in a beauty salon, where he whipped his magazine out and starts, quoted verbatim the "Dandy block haircut "in" ash brown "that he wants. Hahaha. I love it-we get a new face, and it's forced him Gramps.
Dal-po only winds and asks why she, as always, are not at the hairdresser, and Grandpa only shushes him. Next they go shopping, and again quoted Opa the F / W trends straight from his magazine, and calls for a "coal gray minimalist two-button suit." He waits in anticipation as Dal-po tries to, and we finally get the big reveal ...
okay, that was the worth waiting for four consequences. So beautiful. Even Grandpa shocked and he grins from ear to ear. "Who are you?" Dal-po so awkward feel to that Grandpa has to smile to persuade him, as he takes pictures for his resume, but he finally loosens
as they head towards the bus station, Dal-po maintains its reflection Search and asks: "father, are you okay Looks like this ... it feels like I'm not your son I?." But grandpa just laughs at him and says. "you are my son see, you see ! exactly like me "
Grandpa takes the opportunity Dal-po to say that he did not keep his account lying, and Dal-po sees him as Grandpa in alarm over finally admits:" I know that you hid yourself on my account, my son held his. "
Dal-po hurries after him on the bus and kneels his seat, full of concern and eyes filled with tears. Grandpa tells him that he knew together after only a year, but kept it hidden because he thought that In-ha father would kick him when he let on that he knew the truth.
Dal-po tears shed, and Grandpa says that he did it at first, because he for Dal-po felt bad "But now it's because of me, because I want to keep you by my side." Could it be something heartwarming? Great, now I'm crying.
Grandpa tells him hiding to stop from now on, and to live as impressive as it was meant. He knocks Dal-po on the head and tells him that he is now in order. can all Dal-po manage all the time to say: "Father ...", and he buries his face just crying Opas shoulder. Grandfather hugged him close: ".. I'm sorry, Dal-po Thank Dal-po"
When they come home, Dad takes it greet with a quizzical look on his face: "Who ..." HA, he actually has no idea that there Dal-po. Dad believe it still does not when Grandpa tells him it is his Hyung, but In-ha recognizes him immediately and with her chin on the ground running on.
Grandpa says Dal-po is smart and beautiful, because he takes after his father, and winks Dal-po playing together. Dad's double bottom, especially when he sees that his "precious beautiful" daughter stands wearing her hoodie backwards (the hood as a snack bag Genius to use!) As a complete slob examined alongside new Dal-po shiny ,
He yells at those ugly sweats lazy throw away, and she replies that Dad the one who bought it for her. "Yes, but I did not know that you would wear the Thousand Days!" She reminds him that he told her that she was more beautiful than Miss Korea, and Dad says he will have been drunk. I love these two.
Papas logic hilariously backward, and he argues that when looking like a slob holds, Dal-po will think he has a shot with her , (Right, because if she's pretty all the time, which is to stop it by squeezing them?) In-ha takes the whole ridiculous anyway, and says that Dal-po not even seen her as a woman, and it is not seen once as a man.
She means well, because they then not hiccup, and Dal-po heard from his room with a long face. Aw. But he did not hear the last part, where it turns back, one thing to get straight with Dad: Dal-po someone is not only, it can diminish, because no matter how much it worse, he is smart enough to do 1 month, what they could not in three years.
She says he's got everything-looks, brains and personality, but it is of course quick to add that it does. Dal-po takes the wrong comic book cover of his books and study again, and ask why it is here suddenly so hot in the blame to tell Dad crazy things In-ha goes to her room.
One month later. YGN the "blind" auditions for broadcast news reporter gets underway, and our future Rookie foursome gathered for the first time among the hopefuls. (Yoo-rae we met while passing at MSC audition, so it is natural, they also apply here would while chaebol Beom-jo well here is for the sole purpose to find Pinocchio, I'd bet.)
as the audition is reported as a special news feature, the staff on the MSC calls it to get a cheap trick reviews ... but then wonders what they can do, they maneuvered off. Mom hints In-ha in the group and takes her silent refusal.
As they wait for the camera test section, Dal-po In-ha asks his dream back to him to sell and return the necklace button because it was bad luck on her last audition. But she replies that it also led them in writing laps past and come together so far, and refuses to give it back.
you get called in their camera test in a group of five, and both Yoo-rae and Beom-jo are in their group. Yoo-rae detects In-ha as this weirdo she ran into while In-ha did not remember her at MSC.
The more troubling thing, the way Beom-jo looked over holding and smiling, and Dal-po is to be noted that first and find it uncomfortable. Has he found Pinocchio?
We go back to earlier in the morning when Beom-jo heads for his audition and chaebol Mama calls him and ensure worry about that he will not be able to find Pinocchio this way. He assures her that he will recognize in a heartbeat (since In-ha "Mom" photo texted by itself over the years).
Mama asks if he wants to check if they pass the written tests and will be among the last candidates, otherwise he does not need to bother trying a reporter to be. What? These two are so strange; it is a miracle that a mama's boy, as was also a working adult, although I think that a part remains to be seen.
He agreed to it In-ha at the bus stops at a red light and directions and recognizes them immediately. He opens his hood to try and get their attention, and Dal-po asks if it's someone they know, because he was staring at her again. She has no idea who he is, and if Beom-jo she winks, Dal-po she scootches behind like a watchdog.
Back in the audition, Dal-po not the way Beom-jo look like on the holding In-ha and steps in between. Beom-jo remains sunny and clueless, and the lineup is rearranged so that it will be available in next ha.
The judges come and YGN Reporter -turned-PD-turned-section chief Gyo-dong is among them. His bosses Director Lee (the same principles boss who argued back in the day to conclusions against jumping over Firefighter Dad) and editor Jo Gaul to shave him once in a while, although it's shape a victory that he even on a tightening tighten managed.
Dal-po recognize him at first sight, and murmurs: "of all the people ..." Gyo-dong not even with them looks at first, but once he finally does, flickering recognition crossed his face. Did he recognize Dal-po?
The camera test begins, and the five reporters showed a clip of an event, that they are to report on the fly. The fact that it is the same clip five times does the last person to give a big advantage over the first person, and Dal-po happens to be first. There is a clip of a bird, a cat attack and be killed, and Dal-po are the dry facts only version of events. Yoo-rae goes on and more color added, including some interpretation of the cat and bird behavior and saying that her.
reminds The third type changes dramatically with a sympathetic angle upwards, and says that the reason for the attack of the bird in the defense was its nest, and the mother bird died his young protect. In-ha's turn next, and everyone expects them to create the last man the report. But to her surprise, she returns to Dal-po dry facts version.
She looks disappointed and Gyo-dong asks why they chose it this way to report, and it says that it was the last thought report very good, but they could not repeat it because they can not lie. You wonder why they can not lie, and both Dal-po and Beom-jo chirp in unison: "Because we are reporters"
Dal-po speaks and says that they're supposed to report and the truth, based on the video clip, they can not know what thought the bird or a cat, or if it's a nest outside the screen that the attack motivated. In-ha finds her confidence and mixed to say that a reporter's job is confirmed only report facts. Director Lee expresses: "Even if it leads to a shipment accident?" They emptied and can be described as a small, "Yes ..."
Last up Beom- is jo, and he goes even further to say that he will not give an account of all, because he does not consider the clip positively and therefore not newsworthy. He says he agrees with In-ha, that a consignment of accidents is better than false report something.
The judges go through the applications for the camera test and express frustration over the blind part of the process (background, education). They heard that it (stalking someone idols) a taxi driver and even a saseng fan among the hopes and wonder if they were eliminated in the early rounds.
you cringe when Yoo-rae pressed against the glass wall behind them, Stalker, who is desperate to listen in. Editor Jo laughs that he in his rookie days reminded him of Gyo-dong back, and embarrassed Gyo-dong cough.
Dal-po and In-ha wait on pins and needles for the announcement to be made, and In-ha worry that they'll have brought Dal-po with their. He says that's better, because he wants to do it, if they do both, but they argued that at least should go on one of them, depending on which of them it is.
He turns with their terms, which means that they would be fine without him, and it captures against the wall, so they do not scurry away can. They tried to artificially resignation that they have been caught, but I can not process what she says, because it looks like he is kissing her but knows.
She falls to the ground and he pushes all the way down the wall to her and tells her that, at least for him, it does not work in this way-if they do not make it, he will fail. There is a long moment they just stare, and it finally looks away and wonders why it is so hot.
Beom-jo comes and pouts, they are looking to see comfortably and shouting as loudly as possible that the results of the test are camera upward. They are all run over on the screen, and of course the four characters we care about all have it in the finals.
Opa pleased to receive the news while Dad to see braced that In-ha and Dal-po can be rented at the same station and walk together every day to work. It's funny that it had so far not occurred to him, and he begins the children to work in the morning as a few always ready to imagine.
Dal-po ensures that In-ha eating breakfast and in-ha, a wedge of toast opens into the mouth, as she fixed Dal-po binding. Dad starts to stutter in protest when Dal-po says coyly that he finds such a difficult work Tie-binding, and leans in to a bite of her toast still hang out with him in the mouth.
Whoa. How do I never knew until now toast sexy? Thanks for the visual, Dad. He is so worked up that he throws a pillow on his own nightmare to beat only Opa upside. Pffft. Gramps gives him a pillow to hit back.
The last test at YGN is a survival Panel, and the director turns on a newscast their topic for discussion. Dal-po's in good spirits ... until he turns on the screen to face around and sees the report of the fire which tore apart 13 years ago his family. Gack, from all subjects.
There is a role of the reports of the various outlets, including shots of In-ha mother at MSC. Dal-po can barely conceal his anger, and swallows back his tears. Director Lee says it an old case, but one that is controversial, especially as it was presented in the media, and asks the group to discuss how they would report it today.
When they debate, Yoo-rae raises to ask her hand, what happens to the start Firefighter missing he's missing? Gyo-dong finally sees for the first time, and says that fireman Papas skeletal remains were discovered days just a few. Oh my God. This is how Dal-po his father is dead, experiences? Yikes. We go back a few days in demolishing the plant back to where Fireman Papas remains are dug up in the process. Hyung is available on site, and stops when he sees the final confirmation that his father has been dead all these years.
The debate begins, and Dal-po looks like he a panic attack, and loosens his tie just keep breathing. Yoo-rae argued that the press the story mistreated while Beom-jo counter that they only reported what the police determined to be true. Yoo-rae thinks that a good reporter should dig for the answers instead to rely on second-hand information.
In-ha says that the witness Pinocchio is the key to this tragedy, and it is because the reporters and police all thought that Pinocchio statement. They argued that they had no choice but to him but to believe, since there is no evidence so sure how. By a person who can not lie She says it is a tragedy that the firefighter died but calls it simply a case of bad luck.
Dal-po blood boils as she speaks, and he can not help seeing flashes of her mother, as they resemble each other behind their words, trust the talks , convinced that it is correct. He finally speaks to them directly asking whether she really thinks that no one responsible for and gives her an icy look.
He says that the people believe that Pinocchio and reporters to tell the truth, and Pinocchio and reporters should be known equally, that-that, as a truth accepted weight of her words. He exploded when he shouts that it is their fault for not careful with her words: "The carelessness destroyed a family, and they should be held responsible!."
She fights back and says that the Pinocchio witness only said what he believed to be true. Dal-po soothes and says coolly. "I see now why a Pinocchio can never be a reporter" Ouuuuch. He continues: "How dangerous is it for a person who can be the fact in mind that it might be wrong to be a reporter, how frightening it is to speak carelessly, without the weight of their own knowledge words I now that. "
In-ha her teeth biting and trying not to reveal how hurt she is, as she asks if he will tell her. He does not look away and says yes. The board captures and ask them directly if it is a Pinocchio, and she has to answer yes. She begins to cry and get up to run away, but can not manage to open the door. Beom-jo is to say that he is leaving, and opens the door with her foot. Alas, it is the task?
It is only after that Gyo-dong sets Dal-po's face when the quiz show kid scolded eight years before him. Director Lee asks if he has to leave an impression on him, and Gyo-dong says it is not that-he has taken against the boy.
Beom-jo only follows softly In-ha in the elevator, and then asks if she is angry because the guy they betray. She says no, because it was a debate and Dal-po is to have an opposite opinion totally free. It's just ... you know it's irrational, but they just wanted Dal-po to take their side, because it is Dal-po. That alone makes them angry with herself, and she wonders why she to be as follows.
He asks if she likes this Dal-po guy, and she says indignantly: "No, not all" * hiccup * eeee! It is more shocked than he is, and thinks she's crazy. She swears it is not true, but only holds hiccups.
Dal-po throws in the toilet and heads out some air, but falls to his knees in tears, crying for his father and his rap to say that this can not be done-Dal-po her uncle is, and he even has a girlfriend chest in agony.
in-ha is still hiccups when she gets in the lobby, and turbulence. She starts banging on her chest, and says: "It's not that it can not be, it can not be if it .....!"
If so, we have a drama on our hands. Actually, the turn, which I love even more than her burgeoning feelings for Dal-po is the new wedge driven between them. The debate scene is the first time that I went, Ooooh, now we have a conflict! and felt tension in the central romance (because try as he might, sweet ol 'Dad is not enough to make her love seem impossible Hell, he even has the imagination to help along). Dal-po hostility for In-ha mother was thirteen years rather dormant, and his feelings for In-ha was stronger than his hatred of Mama ... that is, until she stepped foot in a TV station and grub his old wounds, making them fresh and bloody.
I still can not believe that he will learn in this way about his father always. I can not lose Dal-po blame for its cool surely if he just found out that it all up, the reporters were gone wrong about his father at the end. I am for both brothers now just relieved that they know the truth about Firefighter Dad, and hope everyone will dig them in the truth, to lead them together. Previously appeared Dal-po older than his years and more like a protective uncle as a peer, but now he suddenly seems very young, and that's excitable and hotheaded days old puppies that Mom said he was. It makes him more of a loose cannon, but I like, not to mention the tension that builds with In-ha in his relationship with Gyo-dong, which I am sure that his boss will. []; _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});
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