Recap And Reviews Kdrama Police Unit 38: Episode 2

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Police Unit 38: Episode 2 -

We decided to pick up 38 police unit recapitulates for, so here I am to help catch some do. We learn more about our resident con-man young-do in this episode, as well as why he Sung-il targeting and the other men he was Conning. There is more to Sung-il as well - it is more than just a weakling with a horrible job and it is a backbone there somewhere, deep down. There are a lot of new characters introduced, so we hope that I can keep everything straight!


betrayed by his savings, drowns Sung-il his concerns with his detective friend PARK DEOK-BAE ( Oh Man-seok ). Deok-bae is amused that Sung-il fell and teases him mercilessly for the fraud, then withdraws and says that it could happen to anyone.

He wonders if it might be the same type, more recently by Sung-il employees cheated ... maybe even someone they know. He has the man as a favor to his friend to catch, and begins by having the number Sung-il for his scammers.

Jung-do looks much more subdued when he visits his father to be the happening in prison and whom he had not seen in nine years. His father is completely unresponsive for Jung-do the caring issues, although the guard-friendly reports that his health is better.

Dad finally raises his eyes to Jung-do's difficult, then without saying a word to go. Jung-do calls him to ask why he did not speak, but he can not return to and leaving Jung-do with frustration tears.

Jung-do gets a call and meets with SA JAE SUNG ( Jung In-ki ), an undercover cop who is his father's close friend, although the presence of several more Undercover Cops in the park makes Jung-do nervous. Jae-sung asks Jung-do father, he guessed not to speak of heartache and asks what Jung-do is now that he is out of prison.

Jung-do vague, saying only that he has to bring something to an end, and Jae-sung does not warn him and his passenger to stay in touch "friends." Jung-do says his inmate friends are all he has, because he could not go to the army to be an ex-convict.


Jae-sung's goal and the cops go to the park to work, while Jae-sung takes to say a moment, Jung-do that he get so far because it focuses on catching his man. He hates criminals' lame excuses why they commit crimes, which is why he was able to put Jung-do himself in jail despite his friend's son to be.

watch as the villain is captured, and Jae-sung warns Jung-do that he'll go him not permit when he begins Jung-do to commit crimes again. He sounds like a father, as he says: "In your father's place, let me walk down the aisle, do not lead to jail."

Jung-do looks chastened suitably and bows respectfully - but as soon as he leaves, he calls Mi-Joo to ask them to get their hands on some cars for him. Bad boy.

Sung-il team is amused tired fend him begging a tax evader, to see who wants to cut its amount owed down. A former employee is like a big shot in the search, bragging that his tax accounting business goes well, although almost everyone looks angry to see him.

After heard that Sung-il, the rich tax dodgers Ma Jin-seok punched, he's here Sung-il for lunch and offer to take advice. He compares Sung-il to the worker ant that attacks the ant queen, trying to get the big payoff when he. Shortly after the people who could go to earn less money They are not as strong and fight can not go back, but their taxes add up.

Sung-il does not take the man to some how society should work, with the "worker ants", the heavy lifting to do anything while the "queen ants", the rich people are allowed what do they want, because they stimulate the economy. But he forgets all about that when he performed in a private dining room, to find waiting for them Ma Jin-seok. Sung-il sits down reluctantly, but it is even worse than Jin-seok slides him the key to a new car.

Sung-il remembers how Jin-seok his housekeeper paid to drink a full bottle of water, scornfully, that people easily manipulated with money can be. This is to obtain an obvious bribe to let Sung-il Jin-seok off the hook for his taxes.

Since both men watching at him expectantly, Sung-il begins to laugh. He asks his old colleagues when Jin-seok is supposed to be one of those Queen ants, he said. Sung-il says Jin-seok looks like he lays good eggs, wishes him luck with his egg-laying, and apologizes.

His former employee chases him, but Sung-il says, that's not right - he has no reason to eat with a man who has so much and does not pay his taxes. The other guy pushes him only stay a little while, get a car out of business, then let the whole thing go.

Sung-il looks like he thinks about it, but he asks who he's supposed to collect taxes from then. The poor people who have so little already? His old colleague says that is her fate, but Sung-il says quietly that is not to decide for him.

He gets a call from his cop buddy Deok-bae, who leads him in a room full of men who are well on ambiguous. Deok-bae she says this should get over quickly, but another man enters the room and things grow tense.

There is a brief struggle, then suddenly Sung-il, Deok-bae, and the two shady men in charge sitting together, companionably jjajangmyun to eat. The subordinate (Cameo of Kim Sung-oh ), looking hilarious beat-up and very contrite, says that the number Deok-bae gave him a burner phone under a foreigner name was registered.

, enter the address of the burner phone providers to look to Sung-il, when he is nervous, check to go alone. The leader, a bloody nose (other cameo of Park Sung-Woong ) contributes to the show, politely offering them a call to give, to tell them to cooperate.

Jung-do says Mi-Joo, that these cars are for "insurance", and they take a swanky from a drive. Mi-Joo commented that jail made Jung-do soft when he. On the future worries, but he says cryptically, that he is not without reason are out of prison

searches the address Sung-il happens to be at a meat market, and he has taken to a dirty basement where scary looking men with meat frighteningly sharp tools will be slaughtered. He tries to be their leader, that he investigate a detective a fraud case, but he has no one fool.

The men all laugh sloppy in his cover story, and the leader ordered him taken out. Sung-il shakes furiously from the men of him and says he has tried to be polite and pulling seniority on the circuit. The man apologizes and tells him respect taken, ha.

Sung-il she shakes off again, apparently to fight his temper and grabs the lapels of the leader. It's not just intimidating, but he behaves irregularly enough that people of it as a group away again, so he starts with a chair to chase and threaten them and insisted that he is a policeman. This should not be as funny as it is. Sung-il scares the men so badly (ha, the big only hiding his face in the corner), they passed the information he wants without more trouble.

He goes back to Deok-bae containing the information and Deok-bae is amused how brave Sung-il is to feel for his success. He says Sung-il on a detective named Park Doo-gil, who's currently on a case working with regard to people who buy and sell personal information.

He found a strange file in a detective agency, which belonged to a man Noh Joong-Shik named. the detective just know that Noh Joong-shik in prison, and he asked for the information that is collected and sent to him. Deok-bae now has the file, and Sung-il is shocked to see his name in among the list of people - and Ma Jin-seok is.

Jung-do advises its list of instructions from his prison acquaintance, and next is someone named Cho Sang-jin, former City Hall Financial instructor. He comes to be trying to help Jin-seok bribery Sung-il, and Jung-do watches harassed from across the street as Cho Sang-jin Park a bad driver in front of his office building before the jerk.

Jung-do a couple Kidswatches share Ramyun a bowl of instant, the older boy his little sister could eat the mass, while his fingers in the sparse change Bag. The next thing you know, the kids chowing on a table full of food, awww. Jung-do patted the boy on the head then a call does to someone to provide a list of the National Tax Service employees.

Jung-do goes shopping for a nice suit, slicks his hair and pulls a pair of glasses, effectively changing his whole appearance. On the way out, it seems to recognize a woman, but she shakes it off and continues.

Cho Sang-jin is obviously as much an ass of a chief, as he is a person, abusing his staff loudly and throw their work over the office. Apparently not cook his staff on the books to his satisfaction for a preferred client, even if they are, why they would get marked only for audit tries to explain any further trouble. Wow, he is not even trying to hide his illegal acts.

Cho Sang-jin with this female employees distressingly personal will, over the line well in the sexual harassment, but fortunately he cried with Jung meet -do who imitates a National Tax service employees. Sang-jin of the names quickly a text to a contact sends Jung-do gave him to ask, and nervous grows when Jung-do begins to name the names of his clients, whom he helps to avoid their taxes.

He gets an acknowledgment back that the name Jung-do were valid, and starts Jung-do to answer the questions. He says that this kind of thing happens all the time, and after a short lecture, Jung-do gives him this secret little smile and means that they are on the same page.

He starts playing at Sang-jin vanity him "sunbae-nim" call and ask for his help in his new job at the National Tax Service to excel. Sang-jin plays right into the hands to "help" agreement and ask for bank details. Back in his home base, Jung-do by using another burner phone again to call Sang-jin, and it is the phone that Detective Deok-bae has been waiting to use for him.

Deok-bae calls Sung-il with the good news - they have got his scam. He says Sung-il, that he is capable on the road with some men in the phone, and warns Sung-il not to get excited and go in alone.

Sung-il heads towards Jung-do place, but he gets more calls from his wife, who is not happy that he took the car. He throws his headphones and drives erratically, and all the time Jung-do is still on the phone, smoke blows his new sunbae-nim rock and play dumb about things like online banking, ha.

Jung-do finally hangs up and leaves the burner phone behind when he leaves the building with a small suitcase. He is so busy SMS in the lobby when Sung-il (Deok-bae instructions ignored waiting for him) pushes in him, and the two men recognize each other at the same time. While Sung-il his surprise is stuttering, Jung-do throws his bag on his face and runs it.

Sung-il manages to keep admirable, as Jung-do runs out of the building and down the road - until he hurdles a bank which then over to Sung-il. Jung-do stop laughing, but Sung-il appears back right and gives chase again. Jung-do takes in one of his "insurance" cars, but do not give Sung-il, and follows the car long enough to the license plate number from.

Deok-bae takes Sung-il and they follow Jung-do in a car, call an all-points-bulletin on its license number. Deok-bae drives like a badass and managed to Jung-do close in, but Jung-do takes over and switches to another of his torch cars. Fortunately, Sung-il recognizes him when he passes it in the other direction, and they whip to the prosecution continue.

Jung-do is a car that blocked him slowed and allows Deok-bae and slam into his rear bumper to catch up, trying to push him off the road. Jung-do does not give up, but he eventually his only way out lined by several police cars, straight - and just by Deok-bae and Sung-il.

Jung-do takes this opportunity and weapons of engine, and Deok-bae takes up the challenge and heads for him properly. accelerate the two cars as they grow closer and closer, not willing to lose this high-stakes game of chicken (although Sung-il bloody murder cries). But at the last second, it is Jung-do, which breaks out and plows right into a lamppost. Jung-do is fine, if a little banged-up, and the police capture him easily.

The woman who looked as if they Jung-do recognized calls Sung-hee, to tell her that she thinks she saw " him "and Sung hee freezes when she hears the name Yang Jung-do. Oooh ... he is the one who betrayed her, too?

Deok-bae lectures Jung-do when he him. In the police station of booking, and tells him that he Sung-il knock you off by accident Jung-do laughs mockingly when he realizes that he allegedly con , the other Baek Sung-il by the same taxation authority. When asked why, simply Jung-do says he cheated the men, because they are evil, and Deok-bae chuckles that he has to think that it makes a man good.

ask him why Ma Jin-seok is on the list of targets, since he does not like the others is a corrupt official. Jung-do repeated only that he evil, and notes that Sung-il, seems to know him. He realizes that Sung-il after Jin-seok must be for tax evasion, has some quick calculations, how much jail time he will do it, and begins to get an idea.

Jung-do asks Sung-il, how much Ma Jin-seok owes in taxes, and notes that Jin-seok not give up such a large amount light. Fed with his antics, says Sung-il only to lock him up, but Jung-do offers him Jin-seok to help catch: "I have an idea care to hear it.?"

Later Deok-bae and Sung-il soak in the spa, and Sung-il denies that he is considering Jung-do idea, although it is obvious. Deok-bae mentioned that he turn Jung-do over to a prosecutor in the morning, and it will then be too late.

The Baek Sung-il, the young-do to supposedly get a fraud on call, and he calls Commissioner Ahn Sung-il weaselly boss. Sung-hee keeps our Sung-il, when he returns to the office and try to convince him to go home early, but he pushes past her, only one can be seen in the building, as it can give the pages eye ,

Apparently someone reported that our Sung-il has taken bribes, although at least Sung-hee defended him, saying that he would not do, something like that. The other Sung-il comes to brag that it is true, and he took the call himself, but can say in front of our Sung-il something in his defense, he cried with Commissioner Ahn on the course to take.

Sung-il insists that he does not take bribes, and that he also knows who reported him - it was almost certain Ma Jin-seok. not even look at Commissioner Ahn his explanation and says he'll probably get into jail, and that he does not need to excuse him. He needs to apologize Jin-seok, who exactly has to practice his swing.

The situation is crystal clear from - when Sung-il apologizes to Jin-seok, will leave all this. Sung-il is amazed that Commissioner Ahn Jin-seok in the pocket, and Commissioner Ahn brings Sung-il's brother-in-law Min-Shik, the one who died six years ago. "He was too stubborn," Ahn says.

Commissioner Ahn flat-out says Sung-il at the end as soon Min-shik, and Sung-il asks if that's what he did to min-shik time. But he does not depend on the response around, and walks away while Jin-seok calls to Sung-il to say that he can play with them if he wants. I do not think he talks about golf.

Sung-il remembers that Min-Shik was beside himself, swore that he never took bribes. Sung-il had not been sure, and Min-Shik had so deceived saw that his friend did not trust him. He had for Sung-il asked for help, but Sung-il had turned her back.

Now Sung-il connects Sung-hee and his team on the field, where they miserably everything mark which has a poor man for taxes to confiscation, while the man asks her to help his family. Sung-il looks dejected and notices to Sung-hee, that the law is a tyrant: "It is for the strong is weak, and strong for the weak." After he leaves, Sung-hee is something of the man money young daughter.

Deok-bae calls Sung-il, to pick while on his way Young-do, him another chance offer offer of help to take Jung-do's , Sung-il thinks about, but Deok-bae just get Jung-do everything, the way to the car, transport it, and Sung-il never shows. By the way Jung-do wilting, it is clear that he hoped that Sung-il see.

Then the van door opens, and there he is. Sung-il asks if Jung-do want to take responsibility for his promise if he really can get this tax by Ma Jin-seok. Jung-do says that he can, with Sung-il help.


This drama is quite far to watch outside my personal drama wheelhouse - I m the usually shows not much in police Kaper type, so I was not expecting to like it as much as I do. Part of it is the power of Seo In-Gook, the one of those actors who get to see me just about anything, not going to lie about it. It can simultaneously make each character so frustrating you want to beat sense into him, and yet so likeable you just want to hug him, and his portrayal of Jung-do is no different. But there is also the rest of the cast, which pretty much a collection of some of my favorite character actors out there, and I can not wait until your teams start together and go to the Big Bad Guys. Police capers can not my thing, but underdog stories are definitely, and this is shaping up quite a big underdog to be history.

Jung-do is an interesting puzzle so far - while making no excuses a con-man to be, we begin to see that it is not cold-hearted or even really a bad guy. He even seems to have a personal code of honor, somehow a modern Robin Hood, and he obviously enjoys taking down this "evil" people. He does exactly what life has taught him that is to be taken taken or are. The small scene in which he seemed to buy the children food an indication of what his own childhood was like to give, and the way his father treated him well now with his view does not help in life. I do not know how (or whether) he founded his scamming ways before we met him, but clearly now it is in fact, enjoy it, that as far as he knows the men he for a ride deserve.

As for Sung-il, I can not imagine why his work life from him suck so bad that he is snapping at the slightest provocation - worked in an industry itself, where all your customers hate you, it's demoralizing, demeaning, and may be even the happiest people unhappy make this kind of energy all day, every day. So I really had mad respect when Sung-il denied that bribery taking. Even after what he endures on a daily basis, he is still convinced that just is right, and he is not willing to bend his beliefs. Although he lost his temper on this burner phone peddler, I laughed as I was impressed that Sung-il is not willing to be pushed around - at least not beyond a certain point. He's a nice guy and he has principles, and he would, if possible, to take definitely prefer the easy way, but it is also not want anyone to let him go treat bad when it gets tough. I'm very excited Sung-il join the inner badass to see how the show progresses. You know it's in there to be unleashed wait just simmering below the surface.

These two are such polar opposites - Sung-il with his anger, his face showing everything that he thinks, and his company to do strong commitment to what is right, and Jung-do with his Fast-and-loose morals and iron control over his expressions. They will make a fun team, because they are mutually need to fill in their gaps, while at the same time, I'm sure they are today absolutely to drive batcrap crazy. It will be great, these two out of hell, make watching an alliance, and it looks like their team always the most amazing group of outsiders will be. No doubt, they are a lot from each other and learn -. But but it shakes, I'm just looking forward to the epic I bromance on the horizon to see

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tags: featured Ma Dong-seok, police unit 38, Seo In-gook, Sooyoung

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