Recap And Reviews Kdrama W-Two Worlds: Episode 3

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama W-Two Worlds: Episode 3 -

There is a Another fun episode of interdimensional hijinks, with even more embarrassment than the last time. Apparently no one taught our heroine the concept of conflict escalation, because every time you wanted to leave the manhwa world, you had to take the last exit above you made ... well, it with some pretty interesting (to say nothing of harebrained) her options can. And to think, it is only the third episode! Oh, the possibilities.



is drawn to in her father's world manhwa a second time, Yeon-joo takes Papas workshop over, only to discover that it all is packed his things and disappeared. His assistant Su-bong told her this shock vote that Dad fired them all and left so that the rest of the staff has gone home.

Su-bong says that no matter how he sees it, there is something strange going on: He said Yeon-joo that Kang Chul was dying, but then Chul was alive, and then fired her father they all. He points to his computer screen, shows a frame of Yeon-joo in webtoon, and says that this means it is ... they , and they went in manhwa stored Kang Chul, and came back.

Even as he says it all, Su-bong unconvinced provides: "The thing that makes no sense is, it does not make sense that it appeared in a way that makes sense! But then the thing that makes no sense, sense began to make ... "He looks to realize back and forth between the screen and Yeon-joo, that they just wears the same clothes.

speak slowly so as not to shatter his fragile mental state, Yeon-joo points out how much this dress cost, and asks Su-bong, whether he believes they would spend their own money on clothes like these, and who else would beat to be forgiven so much money, without moving a muscle.

Su-bong is trying to tell his damnedest not Kang Chul name, how to say it out loud would confirm that he has lost his mind. But in the end he whispers it, and Yeon-joo asks, "Now you believe me" He is so shocked that give his legs, and he falls to the floor, and when she runs over to help him, he screams and creeps away from her, as he has seen a ghost, ha.

After he has recovered, Su-bong chatters away like a geeky fanboy, asking how Yeon-joo goes in the manhwa, and whether he can go. You do not know how it is transported there, but she has learned a few things, like the fact that the world revolves around manhwa Kang Chul, and everything that is not skipped it is not directly involved.

She tells him that the time can be different, because that's Chul-centric. Su-bong not see how that's possible, but Yeon-joo reminds him that the serial manhwa has seven years exists in their world, but in history, it is 15 years been of Chul life.

Yeon -joo adds that on Chul returns to this world is also dependent, because something has to happen narratively significant to finish an episode, which is why they "had to do that ..." she breaks from, and Su-bong gasp, "the Kiss! you really kissed Kang Chul"

she screams defensively, that they come up with something had to surprise him and to end the episode, but Su-bong looks skeptical and says that's just an excuse: "Everyone knows that you're a Kang Chul-fan!" LOL. And then he follows it with detailed questions about how the kiss felt. Maybe someday you'll get to kiss him.

Yeon-joo is that they had to feel anything any time, and insists that Kang Chul isn 't just a manhwa character, he is a real person. Su-bong: "Is he cool?" They confirmed it, of course, and I swear they both simultaneously fainted. He asks about after Chul Wizard So-hee, although he seems to be most interested in the size of their breast. He wonders why he talking about these people as if they were real, but Yeon-joo, she says are real.

Su-bong now remembers that Dad he said the manhwa evening would end today, and suspected that he is going to try to kill again Kang Chul from. Alarmed, Yeon-joo starts for clues in Papas office to dig, to remember what he had said about killing Kang Chul on Hangang Bridge, when he had the chance.

Su-bong said that history from the 09's, so she digs through old notebooks Dad and finds a note in one of them scrawled: "Yeon-joo has left I'm alone now .... "

flashes on the day they moved back from this house to live with Mama to go. Inside Dad looked broken and tired and spent all his days drinking alone. He thought: "I am the only one left in this house I have no family now.."

He was so depressed that he could not see the point of continuing his work, and decided to kill his protagonist and the manhwa to end then and there. He got to work and pulled Kang Chul standing on the bridge in order to finish them all and pulled him jumping into the river below with a big splash.

But if Dad the next morning woke up and went to his desk to his publisher in the last issue turn to go, he was stunned to see that his own drawings had changed. His eyes wide with terror, he stared at the picture of Kang Chul hanging on the bridge for dear life, and he thought: "He is still alive, he hung with one hand on ... all night ...! "

he wondered if he thought just before in a drunken stupor Kang Chul dead of night stand, but he was at his desk again, thinking:" but it feels like a divine revelation to again be strong. "So he took up his pen and decided Kang Chul store.

As Yeon-joo closes the book (hur) on 09, we see how in 2010, the manhwa took on a new life, as Kang Chul history accelerated to young adulthood and the success of his venture. He was rich enough to buy a broadcast station, catching in the hope his family of the murderer.

Using Ajusshi (friend of his father, who visited him in prison), Chul launched a criminal investigation TV show called W , the abbreviation of "who and why", anxious this to answer questions about his family tragedy.

at the same time, manhwa Dad skyrocketed him to fame, and suddenly there was out of the door lines to get his autograph, and he was a frequent guest on the evening news. Dad was proud that he had finally succeeded and was sure Mom regret was to leave him now.

But continued the strange incidents -at times his drawings would change him as if Kang Chul do not like the direction of the story Has. Shortly before his eyes, a frame of Kang Chul go mad shifted so that he was suddenly facing father and smiled when his balloon was rewritten to ask, "Where do I go" Ahh! This is so freaky!

Dad wondered if it was the alcohol or whether he would go mad, and his paranoia grew from day to day. Suddenly the Close drawing of Kang Chul eyes was hanging on the wall felt like they were watching his every move, and Dad thought, "He lives That bastard is alive I-can feel it for certain as how he's alive..? ? "

in the present, Yeon-joo Dad notes in 2016 achieved that are filled in by force with research car wrecks and other ways to die. On the last page is a last word: "Monster" and this copy of Goya Saturn Devouring His Son . We see that as Dad the note on the back about devouring Kang Chul wrote before being swallowed up instead, he had traced everything back to that day when Kang Chul the bridge should have jumped and drowned ... except he did not do it ,

Yeon-joo returns to the hospital in the morning with a splitting headache and avoiding paths with their boss Professor Crazy Dog cross, as she sees him on the latest episode webtoon on his phone scowling. But it is plagued with the picture of this kiss, wherever she goes, because literally everyone is in the damned country to read on their phones this morning. Yeon-joo sighs to himself, that it's like a hidden camera scheme, that the whole country is turned in.

Su-bong calls to say that he can not always believe it's all true, and asks Yeon-Joo is, as the world went the second time to Kang Chul if he did not pull as the first time in. he argues that, if it rules as she gets out of his world, it should rules about how to get it. And the real secret, he points out, is why it?

At the other end, Yeon-joo's headache is getting worse, and suddenly faints and falls to her phone. Su-bong exclaims, but if we cut back to the bus stop, Yeon-Joo has disappeared. A woman takes her purse and phone abandoned and tells Su-bong, who yawns and runs to the bus stop Yeon-joo to collect things.

Add Kang Chul of the world, his assistant So-hee goes Chul mess at the clothing store to clean up and finds out from the manager, Yeon Chul-joo hit, kissed him, and then along the couple went away in the wardrobe for a long time. Ha. The manager wanted says the thing Chul to keep under wraps, was not the stuff, though, it was the fact that Yeon-joo disappeared.

So-hee does not understand, but not the store manager, as they claimed that Yeon-joo went but out in the locker room never came. So-hee want for yourself to see the wardrobe, and when she opens the door she finds Yeon-joo on the floor fainted.

Once they say Chul him called, he swirled his car to go back to the store. He holds her emergency calls and shoveling Yeon-joo in the arms to determine that it will take them directly to the hotel (where he lives), and hospitals should not be involved. He tells So-hee call the doctor at his place, and flashes her a smile, so they will do what he asks. Well, that's just infuriatingly nice. So-hee is understandably stunned.

When Chul Yeon-joo gets into his car, she opens her eyes for a brief moment and wonders why she is here again. He wonders the same thing, and murmurs her that she does not know.

Chul wearing unto his penthouse suite, where a detective waiting to speak with him about this strange suspects Oh Yeon-joo. Chul tried not suspect seen holding Yeon-joo, so her face is hidden by the detective, and says that there is no big deal if they can not find them. The detective insists that she wants, and pauses at Chul to look back, as he leads the mysterious woman in his room.

Bodyguard Do-Yoon agreed with him so Chul she puts to bed, and then only sticks his hand in the sky. Do-Yoon Chul stares hand for a long beat before they beat it in a high-five. Pfft, that was what you wanted?

Chul says that the key to his life finally in the hands, and then tilts the head in order to take a closer look. Chul: "Is this woman pretty Is that nice Why all say they pretty???" Do-Yoon is confused by his question.

It's nighttime when Yeon-joo peels their eyes open, and Chul sitting next to her and says the dizziness of medicine, the doctor gave her. He says it is not a serious illness and checks her forehead again.

asks drowsily, where they are, and when he says that it is his place, she asks if it's the penthouse on the 33rd floor. He is surprised again that she knows so much about him, and she says she knows a lot like the fact that his family died suddenly, and he goes from hotel to hotel without a home ever since.

he nudges them to tell him what she knows otherwise, and murmurs her that he under his pillow sleeps with a gun every night, even though it is illegal but he can not sleep without it. This is definitely not something that many people know, and Chul expression darkens when he asks how she knows that

Yeon-joo: ".. Because I saw 'age, what kind of drugs have you feed? Was there truth potion involved? She says that the scene that made her saddest was that an on Hangang Bridge: "I cried with you, then, to think that Kang Chul could actually kill themselves." She starts in her sleepy haze crying as she says this, and he struck by how much she really seems to know about him.

We see Chul body in the river sinks in the day that he died, except this time he opens his eyes underwater. It's a dream, and Chul is awake with a start, frightened. Hm, he begins the manhwa to remember how Dad pulled it originally?

Chul clutching his gun in his hand when he wakes up, and he looks at Yeon-joo about who is still asleep quickly. He gets around to go, but once the bedroom doors open, he comes face with the black hooded assassins to face to increase a weapon directly into Chul face.

Everything slowed down for a split second and Chul is to swing his body defensively capable and press the killer off Yeon-joo. When his bedroom doors close securely, he whirls and kicks the gun out of the hand of the killer and a fight follows.

Kang Chul is fast, but the killer seems stronger and manages to get him in a stranglehold. Chul trying to get a look at the killer's face, but he is hooded front and back, like a scary faceless ninja.

For some reason sees the killer a chance to escape, knocking Chul of the feet before dashing elevator. Determined not to let him get away, Chul crawling and running the elevator doors to catch before they close.

He succeeds because his hands pressed to get before it closed, and he puts his doors open with a triumphant, almost evil smile ... only to find the elevator empty. What the?

And in Papas motel room, he finally cracks and throws his computer on the floor of the drawing on the screen of the assassin aims his gun on-Chul and Dad begins on with something he attack his hands, how to get a madman. He thwacks the screen over and over with a fire extinguisher until the glass shatters.

Terrified, crawling away from him and Dad simply runs out of the room, all of which leave behind his drawing equipment. Oh, that seems like a bad idea ...

Chul guards walk back up in the aftermath of the attack and report embarrassed that she got a call from Yoon Do-number to take it down, but the call is not from not him. Chul accepts the Killer Weapon and slumps back in his chair beside Yeon-Joo, who slept peacefully through all this.

He looks up at the ceiling with a defiant look-at whomever upwards it is trying to kill him and thinks: "I will come to see you soon. wait for me. "

morning Yeon-joo wakes up confused about how they ended up in Kang Chul bedroom, and jumps when Do-Yoon comes to tell her that she congestion collapsed. It keeps the two-month time jump that she was awake for technically, and guesses that it could be the cause of fatigue.

Do-Yoon tells her Chul again to eat her lunch, and that there is a change of clothes in the bathroom. She takes a tour of the expansive bathroom in her robe, and her eyes to see errors of two pairs of spikes, hardly-underthings created for them. She takes the black bra top as it could go up in flames, and then Su-bong warning here to be remembered against her will called.

She runs back out of the bedroom and digs for Chul weapon and place it under his pillow, as she had said. Chul comes to the elevator and do not want Do-Yeon Yoon-joo left alone in there, although Do-Yoon thinks it is unreasonable to keep tabs on her while she's showering.

Meanwhile, Yeon-Joo is in the bathroom a decision with crisis: she holds a pistol in one hand and the black see-through bra in the other hand, looking back and forth between them to find out what is the lesser evil.

She wonders what on earth it has accepted to do, and then when she hears Chul and Do-Yoon open the door and go to the bathroom, it closes eyes, whirls around and opens her robe to flash it. HAHAHAHAHA. I think obtained laundering.

Both boys freeze in their tracks, though Kang Chul is characteristic cool as cucumber goddamn. Do-Yoon, on the other hand, looks like his eyeballs might pop out of his head. It secures slowly out of the room, if not look up and down in front of her. He swirls around So-hee, when it comes a second later, stuttering that Chul and Yeon-joo some alone time need to talk.

Yeon-joo finally appears one of her eyes open, and is humbled to see Chul just back and smiled at her as it is amusing, but crazy. He points out that it is again, and wonders what she wants to do with it this time. Scares and closes her robe with a "do not care", and before he can finish the sentence they wonder why she pulls a gun on him.

Chul hands immediately upwards, but as the fear, he shows curiosity as he tries to confuse the woman together, which appears without warning and disappears, beats him, kisses him, flash him, then pulls a gun at him. She says it would not make sense, they do not, but it has its reasons.

She warns him to stay back, but he just keeps closer walk, they go ahead and shoot a challenge. It ends to warn him to be careful, because it is dangerous, and he amused that prepares him worry while keeping him. When he gets right in her face, it shows the gun at the ceiling and pulls the trigger, but it just happened and nothing clicks.

Chul smiles and takes the gun from his hand and says he would not 't let them load it when they obviously knew that he kept his weapon there. He makes a passing the balls out of his pocket and loads the chamber and then spins around to show the loaded gun at her.

Yeon-joo asks why he does this, and he says Chul prefer without the cannons speak would. He has hundreds of questions for her, but says that he asked only one: How have they disappear the other day? He threatens her the police to pass, if she does not answer, and she pouts that he once called her his savior. He says that's true, but she's the one who broke their word and disappeared without him to give answers as he waited for her two months. He asks another way :? Why did she hit him and kiss him

Yeon-joo can see that he will not let go, and finally says that she had to kiss him disappear. This is not really the answer he had expected, and he again confirmed that it was to kiss the way they disappeared. She nods, yes, then he gets up and goes to her with a determined look on his face, and planted a kiss on her. Kyaaa!

This time it's Yeon-joo's turn to look like a wide-eyed statue, and Chul retires slowly and looks with this skeptical expression and asks why nothing has happened. It takes a few tries for Yeon-joo to find her voice, and she stutters, that it is not in and of themselves kissing that made them disappear, but the change of emotion by kissing.

He argues that he was not particularly enjoy their previous kiss, and she points out, however, that it surprised him and an emotional shift is the rule. He says it abundantly surprised looks now and her face is quite red, and she clasped her cheeks in embarrassment and screams that he has to feel the change, not you. He asks why, since this rule makes no sense to him, and she screams: "Because you're the main character" Uh-oh.

He obviously has questions about it, but she clams on to realize her panties. Yeon-joo says she is to report him because kissing at gunpoint has got sexual harassment of a way of being, and he argues that they harassed him sexually first, complete with personal injury. He refers to the cheek struck them, for emphasis.

In addition, he argues, he did it for science (LOL. He kissed her for science!), To prove a hypothesis. He now recognizes the pattern beneath their seemingly crazy antics as him beating undress or her clothes, all to shock in an effort to him. He admits that he expected a response like superpowers or teleporting, but not so.

She swears that she is not lying, but he says, although it's not a lie that does not make it true. He says she told him but none of the context of the phenomenon that it and pulls the gun at her again explains. He warns, the real reason to declare that they will disappear if his feelings to change, and starts counting.

Yeon-joo thinks it's an empty threat, but he fires a shot at a vase, to convince them that he is serious. On noise, Do-Yoon and So-hee run inside, and So-hee Chul says to stop when she sees how scared Yeon-Joo is. You will see that Chul is not going to go stir and quiet again. Out of the room

Chul says Yeon-joo could have saved his life, but it is also a threat to him. Yeon-Joo is close to tears, but she refuses to answer, saying that he would not shoot them know that he does not do the kind of person. But he says coolly that she does not know is not all about him, and pulls the trigger ...

He has in shoulder shoots and the ball goes clean through and ends up in the mirror behind her, shattering the glass. He shot her!

She is so stunned that she can not speak, but they do not fall down either. Trembling, Yeon-joo reached her shoulder to touch, and is even more shocked her hand purely there are no blood. Chul watching with great interest, and notes that they do not know their own strength. Your forces? And do you have?

Yeon-joo from the shock faints and Chul she runs into the arms catch before falling. He has Do-Yoon they carry back to bed, and So-hee jaw drops when Chul says casually that he meant a little wrong and scare shot. So-hee justifiably believes he gone mad, and Chul just scratches his head with the barrel of his gun, pretty much confirmed their fears. As they walk out, he goes on to confirm that the shot he landed fired in the mirror.

So-hee is convinced that something strange is going on, and Do-Yoon says Chul definitely is strange, but so is Yeon-joo. So-hee storms in Chul room and asks if he kept by the police to go Yeon-joo to her all gangsters, and says that she is in turning to do the right thing. Chul pulls the phone out of So-hee hands and says no cops because Yeon-joo of the key to his life, and he needs answers.

Yeon-joo wakes up and gets a clean bill of health from the nurse if Chul comes in and asks pleasant when she is angry. Angry?! As they took the last Pop Tart or something? She says that is "crazy" not the right word, after you have a person shot with a pistol, but he just smiles and says he knew she would not die anyway: "Why not you know? You are invincible, right? "

He says that never die, and again asks if she does not really know about , She asks how he knows, and he wants an answer to his question before telling them. He says they should recognize only open that Yeon-joo is not a normal person, and he suspects that it comes from another world. He puts forth the idea that she lives in another dimension, where it is a surgical resident at a hospital. He takes her hospital ID tag as proof of

He asks the crucial question :. "Where" But she does not answer. Chul says, that's okay, because he's got nothing but time. Now that he knows that she can not rely on their own, he can stay here as long as he wants until she gives him some answers. He tells her to stay with him here and promises to protect them from the police and the media.

He figures that it probably has many answers that will shock him, and encourages them to tell him the truth, so that it can himself home shock and back. He asks what kind of world she lives in, and where they saw things they know about him, but again they can not answer.

Chul, he says for a business trip leaves but will in a few days. He holds out his hand for a shake, with an apology for what he did earlier. She shakes his hand slightly with a sigh, but he holds on until she looks at him and tells her: ". I am sincerely sorry"

He gets up with Do-Yoon to leave, when suddenly Yeon -joo screws in bed and says, "I love you" Pwahaha. That would be so easy if Do-Yoon were the brand. He looks shocked while Chul is totally unmoved. Yeon-joo waiting and looking around for "To be continued" appear ... but it does not and rolls them back in bed.

This is only Chul recalls them to flash him earlier, and he asks if she saw her naked or something, when he thought that his heart would race. Embarrassed, she says, she thought it might work, and he giggles, their confusing calls. She agreed readily that it is, heh. _taboola.push ({mode: "Thumbnails-a 'container' taboola Down Item Thumbnails" placement "Below Article Thumbnails" target_type, "Mix"});

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