Recap And Reviews Kdrama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 9

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Uncontrollable Fond: Episode 9 -

Secrets are hard to keep if-so-secret-not really, but if the truth is too painful to talk loud, perhaps to keep quiet, is ultimately a better option. But even in the face of pain, there are a lot of happiness out of life are squeezed, if you just know where to look for them. But what's a guy to do when everyone's attention and charm in the world can not get him what he wants?


Before Joon-young call , Eul thinks about his mother to say how he feels about it. He said he is in love with her madly in, and she had confused. It is now to realize that his confessions and claims his feelings were not a joke, and she thinks of things back, he said, to understand now that he meant every word.

She calls him and says haltingly that she, this time only to trust him, will be decided. First, he looks like he could cry, but then he gets excited and he tells her to say that on his face again. He rushes to her, but when he has to walk towards them, his vision is suddenly blurry.

After a few seconds triggers, and he goes with a big smile on Eul, and packs them into a grateful hug. Eul is surprised, but Joon-young she only asks to stay for a minute, as he flashes more blurry vision through.

Ji-tae finally shows at Unni restaurant until after Eul of abandoned and left, but he says he actually came to see Unni. He gives her a generous check and said that the money is to pay for future meals for Eul. He will not come back here, nor did he ever plan again Eul to see.

Joon-young keeps for a long time on Eul, shifts his vision of the and. Meanwhile wakes Ji-tae mother in hospital her husband at her bedside kneeling to see, worried sick about them. Joon-Young's mother is also monitored by tormented conflicting feelings towards her son.

If Eul indicating that it has been more than a minute, Joon-young asks for another minute. Augh, he is so scared, and just hold on to their lives, but they need not she wanted to see his despair.

Ji-tae's Jung-eun to see, and crushed them in a desperate kiss. It is obvious he unmoved, but tried to force his feelings for her, because he can not have, he wants.

Finally Joon-young clears vision, and he jokes cheekily that he would like to stay up all night. Eul pushes him away and he just grins and asks her again to say what she said over the phone. It clarifies that it by the confidence she did not want to really going to trust him (Joon-Young's smile widens, hee), but that she needs to trust him, because her income depends on it. I do not think he bought it, honey.

Joon-young just nods and says she's really pretty, so Eul makes a muddy face with him. He is too fond of, saying only that makes them even more beautiful, and asks for a kiss, but Eul threatens weak to kill him, hee. They mock-grumpily decreases, but Joon-young calls to her that he can see her tomorrow ... and the next day ... and the next day ...

Eul is made more nervous when she leaves because she stumbles and falls, HA. Joon-young laughs after her, looking happier than we have ever seen him. This guy is toast.

He's all business on the next day, when Eul comes to film some more material for his documentary on the set of his latest drama. Gook-young has to promise the grinding reporter that he will arrange interviews with Joon-young and Yuna for them after the shooting, to get them settled down, and they begin their scene.

A rogue drone flying over the set, and whacks Eul in the back of the head, knocking it. Joon-young retains its reasonable distance, but later during the interview he keeps staring intently Eul. Yuna accepts when Joon-young disinclined appear to answer questions.

When he pushed vague keeps things to talk, say that they are professionals, but deserve privacy from the spotlight to have. He does not understand the obsession with about his love life gossiping, and why the person he loves, hated and threatened. He at Eul looked directly when he brings his confusion and disappointment expressed.

He says he will not say anything else on this subject, and adds that he do no interviews will no longer thereafter. He leaves, but suddenly begin reporter asking Eul questions about their relationship wth Joon-young, and one of them suspects that it is really Yuna used as a shield. Uh-oh.

Interestingly, it is Yuna, the Advocates, and Eul says that they really like someone else. Joon-young is not their style, to say that they. A fan of another top star, but it does not seem like she is someone deceives

Joon-young their surprises, by slipping into her car, and immediately grouches that it is some other guy fan, calling him a total player. PFFT , then he is so jealous. Eul is concerned, they are caught, and Joon-young is all caught, because I really am your type? Because you love me you back?

Eul calls Gook-young and tattles that Joon-young in their car is so Joon-young her phone packed away before they can tell where they are. He says that everything that happens from now on it is their fault, and stomps out of her car. Once he is clear away that he, awww for them a glass with sausages in the seat left.

Ji-tae mother sits with her brother Hyun-gil in an unnecessarily lavish meal down, a police chief, although they touched a morsel. He complains that her husband, told him, but she replies that she just sent Hyun-gil money a month ago.

Apparently Hyun-gil son got drunk and beat someone, but Choi refused him to get the hook, and wronged brother mom feels. Mama says when it became known she could get in trouble in a lot, but he thinks he is entitled to the aid, because he family.

Hyun-gil mentioned Joon-young mother and how they used to be close to what bothers Ji-tae mom. He says that he feels bad because she wore Joon-young, but he sent her away on request Ji-tae of the mother. Confused, Ji-tae mother slips an envelope of money to him trying to go and, but he starts loudly about bad Choi moan, someone else's son, while his own son raised in front of him.

Stuck and no choice but Ji-tae Mom calling someone a large sum of money to Hyun-gil to have transferred, to arrange. She falters when she sees Ji-tae wait for them outside the restaurant, and he picks up the phone and breaks mad money transfer.

Back in her apartment, Ji-tae Mom asks how much he knows. He says he knows everything, even Joon-young's son Choi. He urges his mother gently Choi, to tell the truth, even Hyun-gil ongoing threats to her.

She is her husband scared her will leave, and tells Ji-tae that she liked Choi before Joon-young mother, Young-ok did. She is the one who stood by his side, as he was the man he is now certain that Young-ok had restrained him, if she had stayed together.

Ji-tae is true, which is why he thinks his father will forgive her if she confesses everything. But his mother recalls Choi dreaming of Young-ok, and she believes that if he finds out that she had his child, he will want to be with her and his son. Horrified Ji-tae says he is to his son, even if they have no blood relationship.

Ji-tae his father calls him to say he loves him, and Choi versa joking mood. Ji-tae invites him for a drink and they arrange to meet soon, and Ji-tae almost break when Choi casually calls him "son".

It was his plan to his father tell you everything today, and he promised 'd his mother that her husband would not leave. She was not convinced - his biological father left for another woman, and she believes Choi will also leave. She had asked for three months, accidentally let slip that, Joon-young will be dead in three months.

Joon-young and Eul her interview on, where she asks to tell her an article him on his bucket list. He says he wants to hear, "You're just my style" of the person who just asked him the question. Eul deadpans, "I know that from'll edit."

asks again, and this time he says that he wants to hear, "I love you" from the woman who stood before him. Eul tells him to knock jokes, but Joon-young is not even joking a little, and Eul sighs in frustration.

He asks if she's hair washing, and when she spits back that she did it, he takes it as proof that she likes him. You can not win with this guy. Eul says she showers not, actually, and has not bathed in a week, and they even threatened to fart in front of him, ha

Gook-young interrupts Joon-young to take. His photo shoot and invites Eul along, but it is passed back to Seoul. She says that Joon-young looks strange, and he shoots a snooty look and stomps off, leaving in his chair behind another glass sausages. Cute.

At the photo shoot Yuna suggests she and Joon-young date for real, and if he does not answer, it asks what is his relationship with Eul. She calls Eul too low class for a top star like him, and angry grows, asking what Eul that she has not.

She throws Joon-young make them feel bad, but he reminds her that she is the one who agreed to this fake relationship. He makes his gratitude to her to express to him and to help Eul, but that only makes Yuna angry. She storms out and stumbles over a power cable hidden in the sand. It is mounted behind Joon-young to the light, and fell upside down.

How Eul back to Seoul, Gook-young jumps in front of her car to go, leaves and tells her that Joon- was injured young. He asks Eul with Joon-young to go to the hospital, and she jumps into the car to leave the order is. She's worried sick on the drive, and asks the driver if Joon-young was seriously injured.

He says he was that his life may be in danger, and Eul is too afraid to even Joon-young behind the driver mask voice recognize. It grows angry when he holds coffee for one cup and yells at him to keep going, because she has something she has to tell Joon-young.

He says it will take only a few minutes, so Eul jumps out of the car and goes to drive themselves. She screams when the driver does not respond, and he is from and finally takes off his glasses, a small bandage and Joon-young sparkling eyes revealed.

He asks if she was so concerned for him that she wanted to confess her love, and deserve a kick in the shins. Yes, he deserves that. Eul takes down the street and Joon-young trails after her, contrite now and said that it is not really was a lie, because he got a Bonk on the head.

He saw she wails to ask why she did not like him when they presented worry them. Eul trips on a rock (dang that girl above all else) and Joon-young, the mask to blow on her scraped hand decreases. But his bare face reveals an even worse gash on his cheek, and the sight melts away Eul anger.

Out of nowhere, Eul leans forward and kisses Joon-young, on the corner of his mouth under his scratch. He struck silent, and Eul admits: ".? Well, you're my style are Okay And yes, I like you Are you happy now.?" She looked at him fusses for a date to plan, if he's hurt them, and he keeps they. complaints with another kiss A really, really good.

Sometime later aegyos Haru her father to take her to a k-pop festival, he visited, but they distracted by something and asks to stop the car her driver. It is Jik, walking to school, some carrying in his jacket - and it is meowing. She is surprised that he is in high school, but he says that he never said otherwise, he asks if she has no money.

get his kitten something to eat, and he says that someone abandoned it. He asks politely after seeing it while he goes to school, also her calling "noona", but she refuses. Jik turns his puppydog eyes on Haru and pouts that pretty people are usually nice, and it works. Well played, sir ... well played.

Gook-young tries the same Joon-young is injured, you may want to come to his mother quickly trick, but it is not a soft touch as Eul. He must physically be protracted and takes it in a chic clothing store where Joon-young waits. tries to leave Mom, but Joon-young stops her, and Gook-young literally hangs on her leg from her to keep moving, heh.

As it turns out, awards for mothers of Hallyu stars are today given the k-pop festival, and he plans to go to his mother. He buys of any outfit in their size, and told the saleswomen Mom ignored when they tried to refuse.

Joon-young shows that many important people to be here today, including Assemblyman Choi. He asks only that one time to be proud of her son, and Mom is too shocked to contradict.

Ajusshi will also attend the ceremony, and it cleans in tuxedo Joon-young sent really good at. His daughter plays a reporter and ask him a few words to say about Joon-Young's mother, but he can not think of anything to say about it helps her son a star to make.

Ajusshi wonders where Mom is - it is outside huddled, afraid for the ceremony to go and may run in Choi. Joon-young is watching from his car, unsure what to do.

Eul the recordings of the cameras goes on it is installed in Joon-young home, and wonders what he says, all the times that he looks at the camera and speaks , You plug in the audio but you still can not hear, and wonders what is wrong with the recording.


Joon-young told her not to come today to the ceremony, but her colleague says that when the PD of the documentary, they have to go to film the festival. So she goes to clean the toilet, as well as they can, and does a pretty good job with what little she has.

Jik calls asking when they'll be home, and she says she an unexpected shoot tonight got is. Na-ri phone wrests to remember that it is Memorial Day, and Eul her father stops cold, shocked that they completely forgot. Jik takes the phone back and says that Dad will understand and Na-ri admits that he's right ... first livelihood comes.

Eul is so surprised that they can not even be able to respond, and they assume that they hung. Jik keeps his phone checked to hear in hopes of Ji-tae, who comes to their commemoration ever. But he does not call, and Jik can not call him, because he has changed his number.

Ji-tae was actually a bottle of wine in a suit on the doorstep, but he does not go. It leaves only the wine on the stairs, and go.

Choi, his wife and Haru are on their way to the festival, and Mama asks nervous when Joon-young to be there. Both Haru and her father said that he did not, and Mom's frustration. When she tries to get to the place, Mom to send immediately Haru home, but Haru whines that they at least see for the first time, Joon-young wants. Oops.

The kitten jumps out of her purse, where she had hidden it, and Haru chasing after it. The red carpet Mama asks her husband why she lied about Joon-young and Choi says he thought she would send home Haru, and convinced Mom to let her stay.

Eul holds an impromptu memorial for her father, apologized for forgetting about him. Haru kitten jumps up and knocks on the Soju, then starts on the french fries chowing. Haru is the kitten to get and offers Eul for the destroyed food to pay.

Eul insulted and knocks Haru upside down and said that she should have apologized. Choi is looking for his daughter, and Eul recognize him with horror. Choi is perfectly polite, though Haru is that they Eul hit for no reason.

Eul asks if Choi you recognize and Haru laments that this is the gold digger who tried to get their claws into their precious Joon-young. Choi she shushes and takes in the ruined food and Eul says flatly him ". Today is the commemoration of my father"

He seems really sad and offers to give her more money for it, then even more if they do not take it. A voice behind them firmly says, "you should first apologize", and Joon-young steps up to the group.

He pulls the money from Choi's hand and throws it angrily on the ground. He repeated that he should apologize to Eul, and he and Choi lock eyes in a power struggle.


I have the feeling that all birth are secrets are blown sky high because the players start getting closer and closer to circle each other. Great secrets like that can not be kept forever, and everyone knows absolutely everything for the most part, they just do not know that everyone else knows. The only true mystery is, Joon-Young's disease, and now Ji-tae know about it. I'm curious to see what he does with this information when he learns that Eul falls for Joon-young. Will he spill the beans to try to protect them? Or will he keep it to themselves and let them be as long as happy as they can?

One thing that I know is really appreciated about this drama as the characters of emotions shows to be so true-to-life, chaotic and complicated and unclear, even to their owners. Ji-tae's father is a good example - he obviously still carries a torch for Joon-Young's mother. But at the same time, I believe that he loves his wife and would do anything to make them good, even to sacrifice themselves. Love does not lift itself out, and it is quite possible to truly love a person, while still keeping feelings for an old love. Joon-young mother is another wonderful example of conflicting emotions as she struggles with her son a lot and hate his choices in life, and make it just the two be confused. It ends the treatment of Joon-young, as if she hates him , which is clearly not the case, but they can not their anger in their decisions from the actual man separate her son has become. So it is only attacks and hopes again to get her son the way that he used to, which is impossible. I just hope that it solves their feelings before it's too late for both of them.

Ji-tae, is also a bunch of emotional contradictions. His situation moved me the most, because he has no control over how he ended up in such a confusing and traumatic place, but he is stuck trying everything to work out alone. He loves his father desperately, and yet he can not fully open with him, knowing that at least once he decided to use his position to a terrible thing to do. He loves Eul, but he can not be honest with her because, like his father wrong her, and I respect that he is trying to do the right thing and stay away, and let them live their own lives. He is even willing to marry a woman he does not love, and it does not even like, knowing that she is the reason he is primarily in this predicament. I'm not quite sure, but I think he believes that if he marries Jung-eun and honors the deal with the devil that his father made, it is at least the whole situation to do something crazy style sense. I also think that he sees his father happy enough with the woman who was not his first choice, and hopes that he can find the same luck. It is difficult to see because Ji-tae, a good man, and he deserves better, but it is because he is a good person, that he put through all this.

In fact, Joon-young is the only person on this show who knows and understands his feelings clear and decisive impact on them. Also Eul was confusing her feelings for Ji-tae for love (I think she interested in him, and feels much gratitude to him for them and Jik care, but you can not it really love, if they do not even do know who he is), so that when the true love she felt she had trouble recognizing it for what it is. But Joon-young has no problem knowing what he wants, and go with single-minded purpose = after her, and I love him for it. When they switch tactics gently every time Eul moved him the goalposts on him is hilarious, and he manages to keep her off-balance, what their downfall turned out to be again. There is no way she could resist way for long on that cheeky grin and his teasing. It's sweet that his desire to go on a date if he really a doctor is needed is what tipped in their own confession, because she could him only stupid decisions can not be to keep her to like him now. Easier to just give in and actually like it, and those kisses looked very, very good value.

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tags: featured, in Joo-Eun, Im Joo-hwan, Kim Woo-bin, Suzy uncontrollable Fond

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