Recap And Reviews Kdrama Wanted: Episode 6

Recap And Reviews Korean Drama Wanted: Episode 6 -

There is always a full-on war, as the production and police units to every trick washed the kidnappers and, as so often, it is the worst bring in some and hopefully the best in others. How to get things personally, it is important that both teams remain strategically if they hope to achieve their goals. The renewed focus on the tragedies of their pasts pushes Hye-in, and Seung-in to discover how they might be linked. As usual, keep the secrets come out, as it has to conceal any little seems.


The episode rewinds a little unlocked to enter a bedroom as Hye-in a door that she goes looking. They discovered a dresser with a false bottom of a stock of DVD recordings hidden with "Sleeping Hye-in" and "shower", carry along with some of their intimate.

Just then someone asks: "What are you doing here?" She turns Manager Kwon stood in the doorway of seeing what turns out to be his room. Realizing their manager is a perverse Stalker, Hye-in suggests they leave his room to talk, but he locks the door.

sitting next to her on his bed, Manager Kwon explains that he loves her and the day before spent all her stalker to question. Suddenly Hye-in doubled over in pain, complained that her stomach from the surprise hurts to ask for their medicine. Manager Kwon falls for her act, so Hye-in to make her escape alone.

There was call Seung after this encounter with Manager Kwon that Hye-in entered her car speaker, not knowing about the accident. After he set of the unknown man in her backseat drugged, Hye-in wakes up with a gasp in her hands and feet tied, clearly see the nodes the work of Jo Nam-Cheol. She manages to stand up and try to focus on their surroundings. Hye-in found in a makeshift office and provides a digital clock / calendar on the wall that reads 15:00

a bandage on his forehead Sport, Seung-in also awakened. Recalling the accident, he sits on and realizes that he is in the hospital. Mi-ok running to his side and lets him know that Young-Gwan everything is in order. She then admitted that Jo Nam-Cheol escaped prison, so to pull Seung in his IV and leave the hospital. He goes straight to the police station, where he bombards with questions Captain Jung.

Seung-in at his desk sits his phone to check and after plugging in, sees the missed calls from Hye-in. He tried to call, but there is no answer. Seung-in manager calls Kwon, and if that does not work, he calls Dong-wook, who tells him that he can not reach Hye-in either. Jung-ho never went home, so that no one has before, as the night seen or spoken to her. Just then, Bo-yeon comes in and a shake of the head makes Dong-wook know that they can not reach, Hye-in either.

Seung-in attempts Hye-in house, but if no one answers, he can be, he remembers an earlier interview with Hye-in, when she told him, and Mi-ok about the hidden camera in. they found in her house, which is tuned in their car. If Seung-in asked if her husband suspected she said she did at first, but then in the sense of their manager came. Seung-in runs up and opens the door to Manager Kwon room, which is actually in Hye-in at home. Seung-in finds the intrusive shots manager Kwon Hye-in made scattered all over the floor.

Writer Yeon goes into the conference room of the production team as Dong-wook at Bo-yeon roars back trace of Hye-in to lose. Writer Yeon makes a dig at the Dong-wook, that he does not Hye-in seem to manage. Bo-yeon then checks Hye-in e-mail account for the next mission, but found nothing. Seung-in has the production team she stepped to fill Stalker activities, Dong-wook to think what that manager Kwon have kidnapped Hye-in to Manager Kwon. Seung-in warns them that they can not be sure of anything. Seung-in thinks that if the hijackers was not the case take Hye-in, they will receive the next mission soon.

When searching for Hye -in in full swing, Detective Park and colleagues Detective Dong-joon captain Jung called the Manager Kwon left to report, after a couple of things from get his room, but the CCTV he does not have not used Hye-in car.

to find continued to avoid detection Manager Kwon sitting at a computer cafe and write an email to Hye-in promising Hyun-woo, then they realize that they need him more than anyone.

Captain Jung Seung-updated in that it looks as if Manager Kwon is on the run. A detective interrupts with the news that Hye-in was found car. Seung-in analyzes the state of the car and sees a parked car with a camera nearby. see After receiving the black box recording, he has to prove that Jo Nam-Cheol an unconscious Hye-in from their car.

While at the UCN studio preparing an announcement about Hye-in disappearance Dong-wook receives a mysterious phone call from Hye-in number. We see him at an external meeting next drive and pull alongside Jo Nam-Cheol on. Within Jo Nam-Cheol Auto, told the criminal Dong-wook, that he wants to go on the air to explain that he earlier murder rented commit seven years.

Jo Nam-Cheol Dong-wook said that the people who are so committed him his murder-for-hire was covered up. Jo Nam-Cheol believes that they are now trying to kill him and was behind the accident which allowed to escape him. Jo Nam-Cheol argued that go on television to reveal what he knows is his best chance to stay alive.

Dong-wook agrees Jo Nam-Cheol request of, if he can prove Hye-in everything is fine. Jo Nam-Cheol refuses, but Dong-wook reminds him that the police are looking for them. Jo Nam-Cheol has the upper hand when he says Dong-wook, who is Hye-in hidden well and with someone who will make sure she was dead before the police can find them. We then see KIM YANG HEE, Jo Nam-Cheol girlfriend on a ball cap and mask before it goes away.

Seung-in retrieves the prison to ask the occupant, who was closest to Jo Nam-Cheol. The guard gives him the name of a gangster, PARK Gwang-YEONG. Seung-in muscles its way into a private room in a club where Park Gwang-Yeong's Party. The gangster sends his friends to answer away Seung-in questions. Seung-in experiences that Park Gwang-Yeong not recently heard of Jo Nam-Cheol, said to him before he left the prison. Jo Nam-Cheol asked In Hyung-soon-number is, asked the Park Gwang-Yeong available, without knowing, he planned to kill the man.

As the interview continues, Seung-in discovered that Jo Nam-Cheol and Park Gwang-Yeong prison simultaneously entered seven years earlier. At that time, Jo Nam-Cheol gave Park a large amount of money in exchange for prison a favor Gwang-Yeong: the disposal of a body at Incheon hidden waste plant. Jo Nam-Cheol went to jail before he could finish the job, fearing the person who had hired him.

Later meet Seung-in and Mi-ok, to review the cases. Stresses Mi-ok, that Hye-in finding the top priority is to protect Hyun-woo. It suggests that other cases should wait, but Seung-in thinks they all could relate. to examine Detective Kim case, Mi-ok is true then so Seung-in focus on looking for Hye-in.

Dong-wook escorted Jo Nam-Cheol in a UCN dressing room for a meeting with Jung-ho, Joon-gu and Writer Yeon. Jung-ho promises Jo Nam-Cheol get to help a reduced rate when Hye-in location betrayed. Jo Nam-Cheol refuses to do so until after Jung-ho delivers its promise. Jung-ho gets the attention of Dong-wook and Joon-gu, when he makes a menacing vows Jo Nam-Cheol: "Do you know what I hate the most, if someone damage what belongs to me if someone steals what me?. Even if you succeed in the show when Hye-in returns hurt, I'll kill myself. "

Jung-ho belongs. interrupts a newscast Jo Nam-Cheol to give the 7:00 slot. Jo Nam-Cheol then insists that all stay with him until air time, but Dong-wook said, they have to leave to prepare his show. Jo Nam-Cheol relents long Writer Yeon remains Dong-wook insists that he needs. Joon-gu volunteers to remain hostage to save the team tasking Hye-in.

While coffee for the team get Bo-yeon moved to leave after receiving a message and bumps in a cafe employees who have been so far in the background. He reminds her to take with her and then grabbed her by the wrist, asking if Bo-yeon everything is in order. Unsettled, she stammers a reply to find his behavior strange.

Dong-wook noticed Writer Yeon mention about Seung-in, so he grabs her phone. Although he saved it is only held by again hostage, Dong-wook has become Writer Yeon nerves significantly. They argue and Writer Yeon accused Dong-wook of life of people with record ratings set. The anchor of the interrupted newscast Chimes also the fact that they are no different from criminals. Bo-yeon interrupts the party to announce the final mission, was sent only to Hye-in e-mail account. The fourth mission is: Her ex-husband did not die in a car accident. Find out how he died.

When she falls asleep, Hye-in experienced a nightmare about Hyun-woo kidnapping. It wakes her, and she thinks of Hyun-woo, when suddenly a knock on the door and there is a woman's voice calling her name. Hye-in asks who she is, and asks for help, but the woman leaves, convinced that the prisoner is alive.

Seung-in attempts sense of the various notes in his notebook when Young-Gwan takes to make messages jotted that Kim Yang-hee has Jo Nam-Cheol disappeared girlfriend. Seung-in orders her phone and credit card records. Dong-joon calls Detective Park of cyber investigations nothing to report was found on Jo Nam-Cheol computer or e-mail that suggests a hiding.

Seung-in discovered that while no record of any calls or emails between Kim Yang-hee and Jo Nam-Cheol, that is, they their visits their plans in the prison. Seung-in noticed a cluster of recent charges on Kim Yang-hee, the credit card in Incheon, and Young-Gwan volunteers to go there, to Kim Yang-hee to check movements. In a move that echoes his mentor calls Seung-In Young-Gwan stay back and take easily to his injuries, though as his partner, Young-Gwan insists he's fine.

When Bo-yeon searches the Internet, pray they find who killed Hye-in first husband, Ham Tae-young a suspicious object on the accident. The time for Jo Nam-Cheol Show is approaching, so Dong-wook takes his seat in the control room next to Writer Yeon. It's definitely him the cold shoulder, and they have another irritable exchanges. Dong-wook tries Joon-gu to call but if there is no answer, he can get Jo Nam-Cheol.

Dong-wook enters the locker room and is met by the smell of blood. He slowly enters the room, noticing blood on the floor, and scares when he discovers a dead Jo Nam-Cheol. Panicked Dong-wook scans the room, calling for Joon-gu. He approaches a partially open door with concern to find his friend on the floor with his eyes closed. We then see a man holding a gear in black and wearing gloves walking down. It's the cafe staff that Bo-yeon encountered in earlier.

The attempt to free her hands, a disheveled and parched looking Hye-in hears another knock on the door. It is Kim Yang-hee asks Hye-in, if it is all right. Hye-in claims bleeding to be poor, Kim Yang-hee increasing concern. Hye-in finds out that she was kidnapped to force UCN, Kim Yang-hee friend a chance to say, to allow his story on television. Kim Yang-hee tells Hye-in, that the plan you had set free as soon as her boyfriend appeared on television, but she is afraid something has gone wrong. It is after 19.00 and her boyfriend has not gone on the air.

Hye-in convinced Kim Yang-hee, to enter the office, so that they can speak. Keep a knife, is Kim Yang-hee to Hye-in, which promises to help. Kim Yang-hee insists her boyfriend was framed seven years earlier and sent to jail. He said he was framed again and was desperate because nobody believed before him 7 years. Hye-in asks if the friend Jo Nam-Cheol, and the girl nods.

Kim Yang-hee keeps talking, a secret place to mention only the two of them knew where Jo Nam-Cheol they leave a letter. As she walks the station should not have agreed to help him, Hye-in goes back and takes a piece of glass speculates. Hye-in keeps Kim Yang-hee to talk while she cuts through her ropes, dropped her hand with blood. Hye-in asks to make a phone call Jo Nam-Cheol help.

Hye-Ins Plea works because Kim Yang-hee pulling her cell phone. Hye-in reciting a number and soon she speaks with Seung-in. Hye-in asks Jo Nam-Cheol-show, but Seung-in tells her to stay in the conversation and informs them that he is in Incheon. if during question Hye-in knows where it is, a ship's horn sounds in the background.

Seung-in asks if her location is where they found the abused boys Han-sol, and when Hye-in answers, "Yes, it is," Kim Yang-hee pulls the phone away. Seung-in asks again as he and Young-Gwan drive to the place where Han-sol was discovered.

Hye-in has managed to free her hands and throws something, so let Kim Yang-hee that you drop the knife. Hye-in unties her feet and rushes to the door, but pulled back from Kim Yang-hee. The young woman gets her knife and approaches Hye-threateningly in as Seung-in bursts pulled through the door, pistol. Hye-in asks if they have evidence that Hyun-woo is alive, but Seung-in shakes his head. Search

Seung-in and Hye-in to the content of what to be into a transport container. Given that the missions to Jo Nam-Cheol associated container provides Hye-in for evidence. She has a bag of clothes, personal items found filled that Seung-in is believed that belonged to Jo Nam-Cheol of murder victims, kept as trophies or perhaps as insurance.

ranked as the detective through the personal belongings, falls an engraved ring on the floor. Seung-in then finds a similarly engraved bracelet. Meanwhile discovered Hye-in, a pair of airline tickets, dated 09, bears the name of her and her first husband. As Hye-in struggles to understand how her husband of Jo Nam-Cheol have been killed, she remembers Mi-ok earlier observation that the kidnappers certain persons targeted well before the show began.

Back to UCN, Bo -yeon feeling the pressure when she noticed the time. It specifies a call to Detective Lee Myung-Chul, the lead researcher on the Ham Tae-young car accident investigation seven years earlier.

On Set Writer Yeon asks Dong-wook about Joon-gu state. Joon-gu was not seriously injured, but remains in shock and is still not awake. Writer and Yeon Dong-wook then discuss their problems to be solved with the fourth mission. Writer Yeon research has not even turned up a single rumor about the accident that Hye-in killed husband, and Bo-yeon talk with the detective was a dead end as well. Dong-wook thinks Hye-in need to know something, that her husband could explain the death.

The show goes on the air with a ragged looking Hye-in. Jung-ho watches alone at home and leans in as Hye-in promises to explain their alarming appearance. First, she shares that she has not received the promised proof that Hyun-woo is alive and refuses to continue with the show until that evidence is provided.

Elsewhere someone is watching the reality show of a battered TV. declared in the control room, Writer Yeon that this strategy to work, otherwise no point there is the show on. Dong-wook is confident that the kidnappers to make a train.

Even before the camera, Hye-in gave her phone that plays a video of Hyun-woo. When prompted, the boy sings a song for his mother in a halting voice. The kidnappers then tells Hye-in, he kept his promise and has her show to the audience. Hyun-woo Crying, she in the camera turns her cell phone as Hyun-woo his sad song continues.

not change as Seung-in, Young-Gwan and Mi-ok watch the broadcast on the police station, Mi-ok observed the kidnappers his voice. Can more be seen, Seung-Jo moved in Nam-Cheol the scene to investigate. Mi-ok stops him and asked him to rest. She is worried about him, comparing his behavior to her dead boyfriend, Detective Kim. Seung-in right to remain friendly.

Now that Hye-in has evidence Hyun-woo is alive, continue the mission. The mission appears on the screen as Hye-in stated that her first husband come in their first year of marriage in a car accident. Soon after the wedding, she again. The latest mission requires Hye-in to reveal that her husband's death was not the result of the accident.

Hye-in brother-in-law watched the show in his company office. He takes his cell phone and makes a call a meeting of the SG Group PR and legal team to order within the next hour.

Hye-in details in the hands of Jo Nam-Cheol their abduction. She explains to confirm its request for a special live show that he was hired seven years ago to assassinate a detective. The circumstances were covered by prosecutors, although Lee Myung-soon, he said was made by the same person to prove Jo Nam-Cheol allegations. The show brought new attention to this old case and Jo Nam-Cheol, fearing for his life, chose the identity of the real person behind the murder to reveal.

Dong wook aired shocking images of Jo Nam-Cheol the body against objections Writer yeon. She is concerned, they are the audience to keep the interest of future episodes after that so shocking, but Dong-wook he argues just can not be able anything to worry one day at a time. He reminds her he is thinking of three things: complete each mission, receive twenty percent in ratings, and for a happy ending goal. Writer Yeon accuses him of not concern who have experienced for the danger they and Joon-gu, as long as he gets good shots. Dong-wook really disturbed, but comes back to work.

Again someone is watching the show on a battered TV as Hye-in the news of Jo Nam-cheols' murder breaks. A photo of the interior of the container is posted, showing where Hye-in was held hostage. She reveals that she discovered an important clue: the airplane tickets. Keep them on, it shows that no one knew of its existence, except for her husband and herself.

Reluctantly Hye in-reveals then that they that five weeks pregnant time. Her husband wanted to leave his life behind him, so that they could raise their child in France. Ham Tae-young had become lonely and empty and wanted to spare his child from a similar fate. Considering that the cards were not found after the accident, Hye-in wonder why they were found in Jo Nam-Cheol the storage unit. noted

to see

continued the show, Mi-ok: "Location first mission, Jo Nam-Cheol and Hye-in are all interconnected Leaving that body was in a similar position to Sunbae Detective Kim also planned. . What is the one thing that connects all this? "Mi-ok thinks they should look next at the unknown body that the gangster Park Gwang-Yeong care.

Hye-in admits that her husband's death was not an accident and promises to discover the truth, but it is honest that it needs more time. Behind Hye-in, a photo of the engraved ring and bracelet is found in the storage unit when she asks the audience for information.

Mi-ok visits Ji -Eun in prison. Looking at the girl, Mi-ok you say, she thinks Ji-eun was really abducted in the hands of Park Se-Young. Asks Se-jung to the person who rented the park, but Ji-eun holds her silence. Worried, Mi-ok asks how Ji-eun in prison is the administration and when her mother visited. Ji-eun finally speaks reply that it does not matter.

Mi-ok continue to ask on this topic over Ji-eun family life as their father was treated for depression and alcoholism before dying. Mi-ok wonders if Ji-eun and her mother were abused and the girl starts to cry. Mi-ok attempts to make a connection between Ji-eun and abused Han-sol, but the girl insists her father was nothing like that and insisted that he was the only one who believed her. Mi-ok invites Ji-eun, to tell her what happened.

A man sleeping on a cot, and as he turns, we see that it is the shady café staff. Meanwhile shows Seung-in a photo of Jo Nam-Cheol of the suspected killers to Bo-yeon, the gasps when she recognizes the employees from the cafe across the street. Young-Gwan shows the photo with the cafe owner who transfers the employee of CV. The man is on the NA SOO-hyun list.

A door slides on a reporter Jang can be in Joon-gu hospital room, a case of juice stock. Joon-gu's still unconscious, so Reporter Jang helps itself, Joon-gu telephone and takes back the juice, when he goes. It sits on one ear with an earphone close to Joon-gu to hear messages, disturbed by what he hears.

The past, Dong-wook takes Hye-in in their wardrobe and is asking how she feels show. She assures him that she's okay. Dong-wook wants Hye-in check in every hour with him, no matter what, and she agrees. Da Dong-wook is leaving, Hye-in asks him if he believes that they have succeeded with the show, tell themselves they had to do what she did for Hyun-woo's sake. Dong-wook reminds them they were not charged with the search for evidence in order, as revealed enough that Hye-in could murdered husband to.

looking beaten, Hye- in Dong-wook says: "If I stop lawyer tried Ha Dong-min - I agreed to give it to SG Group . If I knew that I expose it today, I would not have that agreement made. I would have protected him until the end. "Dong-wook she recalled that Hyun-woo was to save the lives of the priority, and she did what she had to do. Hye-in looks in gratitude and Dong-wook leaves them alone.

We find Hyun-woo through a dark building runs a phone handle in his hand. He hides in a metal locker as Na Soo-hyun is looking for him. He holds his breath until Na Soo-hyun goes and then comes out of hiding to continue his flight. He then runs up a staircase and find a set of glass doors, but they are locked. He crouches in a room to make a call.

Hye-in is in the locker room, his eyes closed, as her phone rings with a call from an unknown number. You will answer the call and listen to Hyun-woo voice.


Finally, we learn the reason sketchy for Manager Kwon behavior that raises the find how does Hye-in itself surrounded by such questionable people: question? First it was Park Se-Young, who kidnapped Hyun-woo, and now manager Kwon, who himself has proved the worst of all her stalker. I can not say I was surprised that he was discovered to be so disturbed, but it was disgusting to imagine how he will feed his access his obsession. With him still on the loose, I'm sure we have not seen the last of him.

Obviously both teams show signs of stress as they find near the middle of the show, and himself in danger So has accelerated this process only. Writer Yeon suffers particularly from the consequences of being Jo Nam-Cheol hostage and passes them fear at the Dong-wook. Dong-wook is to keep the production team on the right track, because he remains focused on its three objectives: the missions, the ratings, and always Hyun-woo again alive. It does not go too far in front of him and is concerned with each crisis as it comes. His only outlet seems cool losing its when Bo-yeon not find Hye-in, which happens so often that he gets off steam periodically.

have In an interesting twist, Bo-yeon and Writer Yeon changed places with Bo-yeon it proves pressurized and Writer Yeon angry prudence can be cool with Dong-wook. Despite Writer Yeon allegations proved Dong-wook his humanity in his exchange with Hye-in, as they reveal that they give to SG Group, agreed Hyun-woo to stop Dr. Ha revealed the secret to his fatherhood. Dong-wook know better than anyone else that they made the best decision they could at the time. guess A look back and second self is a waste of energy, especially when Hyun-woo is still at risk.

Hye-in agreement with SG group reminds me of the Biblical story of the judgment of Solomon. Her love for her son is so great that it is ready to lose him, to save him. Let us hope that in the end, Hyun-woo is rescued with his mother and be united again, because he will need their love and support of such a traumatic experience to recover. I wonder whether Jung-ho to be present in Hyun-woo's life will go on. He was uncharacteristically focused on Hye-in to be good when it threatens Jo Nam-Cheol. If the pressure of the case, causing cracks, showing that he really interested Hye-in that? Time will tell, because I am sure that things get worse before it gets better.

Mi-ok, Seung-in and Young-Gwan are always the family unit which had a mirror and they Seung-in with Detective Kim. Mi-ok really cares for Seung-in, and she is not afraid to use their influence to stop him, run into the ground, but it has for him respect and trust his instincts. She also uses its heat to Ji-eun reach, she believes, is used in a sick game. It is the same warmth that we see in Seung-in how he deals with his cases. It is reassuring to know that she's back, because it brings today the best in all of them.

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